Official statistics of those who died in the Second World War. Human losses in World War II

Official statistics of those who died in the Second World War. Human losses in World War II
Official statistics of those who died in the Second World War. Human losses in World War II

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Counting of the USSR loss in the Great Patriotic War remains one of the scientific tasks unresolved. Official statistics - 26.6 million dead, including 8.7 million servicemen - undertakes losses among those who were at the front. Contrary to common ideas, the main proportion of the dead was precisely military personnel (up to 13.6 million), and not the civilian population of the Soviet Union.

There is a lot of literature on this problem, and maybe someone has the impression that it is quite investigated. Yes, indeed, there are many literature, but there are a lot of questions and doubts. Too many unclear, controversial and clearly unreliable. Even the accuracy of the current official data of human losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War (about 27 million people) causes serious doubts.

History of calculation and official state recognition of losses

The official digit of demographic losses of the Soviet Union changed repeatedly. In February 1946, a number of 7 million losses was published in the Bolshevik magazine. In March 1946, Stalin, in an interview with the Pravda newspaper, stated that the USSR lost 7 million people during the war: "As a result of the German invasion, the Soviet Union was irrevocably lost in battles with the Germans, as well as thanks to the German occupation and the hijack of Soviet people to the German cautious seven million people. The report "Military Economics of the USSR during the Patriotic War", published in 1947, did not indicate the Chairman of the USSR of the USSR of Voznesensky human losses.

In 1959, the first post-war census of the USSR is held. In 1961, Krushchev in a letter to Prime Minister Sweden reported on 20 million dead: "Do we can sit back and wait for the repetition of 1941, when German militarists unleashed the war against the Soviet Union, which took two tens of millions of Soviet people?". In 1965, Brezhnev on the 20th anniversary of Victory declared more than 20 million dead.

In 1988-1993 The team of military historians under the leadership of Colonel-General G. F. Krivosheev conducted a statistical study of archival documents and other materials containing information about human losses in the army and on fleet, border and internal troops of the NKVD. The result of the work was the figure of 86,68,400 losses of the Soviet structures of the USSR during the war.

From March 1989, on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the State Commission for Studying the Number of Human Loss of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War was worked. The commission included representatives of the State Committee, the Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Defense, the Chief Archival Department at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Committee of War Veterans, the Union of the Red Cross Societies and the Red Crescent. The Commission did not calculate the loss, but assessed the difference between the estimated population of the USSR at the end of the war and the estimated population, which would live in the USSR, if there were no war. The Commission for the first time announced his digit of demographic losses of 26.6 million people at a ceremonial meeting of the USSR Supreme Soviet on May 8, 1990.

On May 5, 2008, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree "On the publication of fundamental Multi-Labor Labor" The Great Patriotic Domestic 1941-1945 "". On October 23, 2009, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation signed an order "On the Interdepartmental Commission on Counting Losses during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". The Commission included representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rosstat, Rosarhiva. In December 2011, the representative of the Commission voiced the general demographic loss of the country for military period 26.6 million people, of these, the loss of existing armed forces 8668400 people.


According to the Ministry of Defense of Russia permanent losses During the fighting on the Soviet-German front from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 amounted to 8,860,400 Soviet soldiers. The source served as declassified in 1993 data and data obtained during the search engines of the memory Watch and in historical archives.

According to the 1993 declassified data:killed, died from wounds and diseases, sky losses - 6 885 100 person, including

  • Killed - 5,226,800 people.
  • Died from the injuries - 1 102,800 people.
  • Died from various causes and accidents, shot - 555,500 people.

Head of the Department of the Russian Federation for perpetuating the memory of those killed in the defense of the fatherland, Major General A. Kirilli on May 5, 2010, RIA Novosti reported that the numbers of military losses were 8 668 400 will be reported to the country's management, so that they are voiced on May 9, on the day of the 65th anniversary of the victory.

According to G. F. Krivosheev, during the Great Patriotic War, everything was missing and 3,396,400 servicemen were captured (about 1,62,600 were attributed to unrecorded combat losses of the first months of the war, when the fighting part did not provide any of these losses reports), that is, everything

  • unaccounted battle losses in captivity and unaccounted battle losses - 4,559,000;
  • 1,836,000 servicemen returned from captivity, they did not return (died, emigrated) - 1 783 300, (that is, the total prisoners - 3,619,200, which is more than with missing);
  • previously considered missing and were intended to be secondary from liberated territories - 939 700.

Thus, official permanent losses (Died 6,885 100, according to the declassified data of 1993, and not returned from captivity 1,783,300) amounted to 8,668,400 servicemen. But of them you need to subtract 939,700 re-designed, considered missing. We get 7,728,700.

Error indicated, in particular, Leonid Radzikhovsky. The correct calculation consists of the following: figure 1 783 300 - this is the number of not returned from captivity and missing (and not only not returned from captivity). Then official permanent losses (Died 6,885 100, according to the 1993 declassified data, and did not return from captivity and missing 1,783,300) amounted to 8 668 400 servicemen.

According to M. V. Filmism, during the Great Patriotic War, 4,559,000 Soviet soldiers and 500 thousand military-ridic, designed to mobilize, but not enrolled in the lists of troops were missing. From this figure, the calculation gives the same result: if 1,836,000 returned from the captivity and 939,700 are reused from those who are unreserved, they disappeared and did not return from captivity 1,783,300 military personnel. Thus, official permanent losses (6,885 100 killed, according to the 1993 declassified data, and they were missing and did not return from captivity 1,783,300) constitute 8 668 400 servicemen.

Additional data

Civilian population

A group of researchers under the leadership of G. F. Krivosheeva appreciated the loss of the civilian population of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War of approximately 13.7 million people.

Final number 13 684 692 people. It consists of the following components:

  • it was exterminated in the occupied territory and died as a result of hostilities (from bombardments, art-rods, etc.) - 7,420,379 people.
  • died due to a humanitarian catastrophe (hunger, infectious diseases, lack of medical care, etc.) - 4,100,000 people.
  • died for compulsory works in Germany - 2 164 313 people. (another 451 100 people. For various reasons, they did not return and became emigrants).

According to S. Maxudov, about 7 million people were killed in the occupied territories and in blockade Leningrad in the blockaded Leningrad. In blockade Leningrad, 3 million Jews, Holocaust victims), and about 7 million more people died as a result of increased mortality at non-occupied territories.

The general losses of the USSR (together with the civilian population) amounted to 40-41 million people. These estimates are confirmed in comparison of the population censuses of 1939 and 1959, since there is reason to believe that in 1939 there was a very significant disadvantage of men of calling contingents.

In general, the Red Army during the Second World War lost the dead who disappeared, died of 13 million 534 thousand 398 fighters and commanders.

Finally, we note another new trend in the study of the demographic results of the Second World War. Before the collapse of the USSR, there was no need to assess human losses for individual republics or nationalities. And only on the outcome of the twentieth century L. Rybakovsky tried to calculate the approximate magnitude of human losses of the RSFSR in its then borders. According to him, it amounted to about 13 million people - a little less than half of the total losses of the USSR.

Nationality dead military personnel The number of losses (thousand people) % to the total number
irrevocable losses
Russians 5 756.0 66.402
Ukrainians 1 377.4 15.890
Belorus 252.9 2.917
Tatara 187.7 2.165
Jews 142.5 1.644
Kazakh 125.5 1.448
Uzbeks 117.9 1.360
Armenians 83.7 0.966
Georgians 79.5 0.917
Mordva 63.3 0.730
Chuvashi. 63.3 0.730
Yakuta 37.9 0.437
Azerbaijanis 58.4 0.673
Moldovans 53.9 0.621
Bashkira 31.7 0.366
Kyrgyz 26.6 0.307
Udmurt 23.2 0.268
Tajiks 22.9 0.264
Turkmen 21.3 0.246
Estonians 21.2 0.245
Mariyza 20.9 0.241
Buryats 13.0 0.150
Komi. 11.6 0.134
Latvian 11.6 0.134
Lithuanians 11.6 0.134
Natopans Dagestan 11.1 0.128
Ossetians 10.7 0.123
Poles 10.1 0.117
Karelia 9.5 0.110
Kalmyki. 4.0 0.046
Kabardians and Balkarians 3.4 0.039
Greek 2.4 0.028
Chechens and Ingushi 2.3 0.026
Finns 1.6 0.018
Bulgarians 1.1 0.013
Czechs and Slovaks 0.4 0.005
Chinese 0.4 0.005
Assyrians 0,2 0,002
Yugoslav 0.1 0.001

Russian and Ukrainians suffered the greatest losses on the fields of battlefields. There were many killed Jews. But the fate of the Belarusian people turned out to be the most tragic. In the first months of war, the entire territory of Belarus was occupied by the Germans. During the war, the Belarusian SSR lost up to 30% of its population. In the occupied territory of the BSSR Hitlerians, 2.2 million people were destroyed. (The data of the latest research on Belarus, such: the fascists destroyed civilians - 1,409,225 people, destroyed prisoners in the German death camps - 810,091 people, vigorously to German slavery - 377,776 people). It is also known that in the percentage ratio - the number of dead soldiers / number of the population, Georgia suffered great damage among the Soviet republics. Of the 700 thousand inhabitants of Georgia, designed to the front, almost 300 thousand are not returned.

Losses of the Wehrmacht and SS troops

To date, there are no sufficiently reliable figures of the loss of the German army obtained by direct statistical counting. This is explained by the lack of significant initial statistical materials on German losses for various reasons. A more or less clear picture relative to the number of prisoners of war vermochet on the Soviet-German front. According to Russian sources, 3,172,300 soldiers of the Wehrmacht were captured by the Soviet troops, of which 238,8443 Germans were in the NKVD camps. According to the estimates of German historians, in the Soviet camps of prisoners of war only by German servicemen were about 3.1 million.

Discrepancy of about 0.7 million people. This discrepancy explains the differences in the assessment of the number of those who died in captivity of the Germans: 356,700 Germans died in the Soviet capture, 3,56,700 Germans were killed in the Soviet captivity, and according to the evaluation of German researchers about 1.1 million people. It seems that a more reliable is the Russian figure of those who died in captivity of the Germans, and the missing 0.7 million missing and not returned from the captivity of Germans actually died not to captivity, but on the battlefield.

There is another statistics of losses - the statistics of burials soldiers of the Wehrmacht. According to annex to the FRG law "On the preservation of burial places", the total number of German soldiers located in fixed burials on the territory of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries is 3 million 226 thousand people. (Only USSR - 2,330,000 burials). This figure can be accepted as an initial for the calculation of the demographic loss of the Wehrmacht, however, it needs to be adjusted.

  1. Firstly, this figure also takes into account the burial of the Germans, and a large number of soldiers of other nationalities fought as part of the Wehrmacht: Austrians died (from them 270 thousand people), Sudechievsky Germans and Elsassians (230 thousand people died) and representatives of other nationalities and states (357 thousand people died). Of the total number of dead soldiers of the Wehrmacht of non-German nationality, the Soviet-German front share accounts for 75-80%, i.e. 0.6-0.7 million people.
  2. Secondly, this figure refers to the beginning of the 90s of the last century. For the past since then, the search for German burials in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern European countries continued. And the reports that appeared on this topic were not informative. For example, the Russian Association of Military Memorials, established in 1992, reported that over 10 years of its existence handed over the German Union for the care of military burials about the burials of 400 thousand of the Wehrmacht soldier. However, whether these are newly detected burials or they are already taken into account in the figure of 3 million 226 thousand. Unclear. Unfortunately, the generalized statistics of the newly discovered burials failed to find a soldier of the Wehrmacht. It can be not recommended that the number of soldiers of the Wehrmacht revealed over the past 10 years of burials is within 0.2-0.4 million people.
  3. Thirdly, many burials of the dead soldiers of the Wehrmacht on the Soviet Earth disappeared or deliberately destroyed. Approximately in such disappeared and nameless graves could be buried 0.4-0.6 million Soldiers of Wehrmacht.
  4. In fourth, these data are not included in the burial of German soldiers killed in battles with Soviet troops in Germany and Western European countries. According to R. Overmans, only over the past three spring months of war, about 1 million people died. (The minimum estimate of 700 thousand) as a whole, in the German Earth and in Western European countries in battles with the Red Army, approximately 1.2-1.5 million of the Wehrmacht soldier died.
  5. Finally, in the fifths, the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were among the buried, died "natural" death (0.1-0.2 million people)

Approximate procedure for calculating general human losses in Germany

  1. The population in 1939 - 70.2 million people.
  2. The population in 1946 - 65.93 million people.
  3. Natural mortality of 2.8 million people.
  4. Natural increase (fertility) 3.5 million people.
  5. Emigration influx of 7.25 million people.
  6. Total loss ((70.2 - 65.93 - 2.8) + 3.5 + 7.25 \u003d 12.22) 12.15 million people.


Recall that disputes about the number of dead are conducted to this day.

During the war, almost 27 million USSR citizens died (the exact number of 26.6 million). In this quantity included:

  • killed and those who died from the injuries of military personnel;
  • dead from diseases;
  • executed through the execution (according to the results of various denunciations);
  • missing and captured;
  • representatives of the civilian population, as in the occupied territories of the USSR, in other areas of the country in which, due to the hostilities in the state, there was an increased mortality from hunger and diseases.

These are also attributed to those who, during the war, emigrated from the USSR and did not return to their homeland after the victory. The overwhelming number of dead was men (about 20 million). Modern researchers argue that by the end of the war from men born in 1923. (i.e. those in 1941 were 18 years old and could call them in the army) about 3% remained alive. By 1945, women in the USSR were twice as many than men (data for people aged 20 to 29 years).

In addition to the deceased, human losses include a sharp drop in fertility. So, according to official estimates, if the birth rate in the state remained at least at the same level, the population of the Union by the end of 1945 should be 35-6 million people more than in reality. Despite numerous studies and calculations, the exact amount of died during the war is unlikely to ever be called.

Our planet knew a lot of bloody battles and battles. The whole of our history consisted of various international conflicts. But only human and material losses in World War II forced humanity to think about the importance of everyone's life. Only after her people began to understand how easy it was to unleash the bloody slaughter and how hard to stop it. This war showed all the peoples of the Earth, how important is the world.

The value of studying the history of the twentieth century

The younger generation sometimes does not understand what the story is distinguished for the years who passed after their ending, many times corresponded, so young people are not so interested in those distant events. Often, these people really do not even know who participated in those events and what losses in the Second World War suffered humanity. But the history of his country can not be forgotten. If today to watch American films about the second world war, you may think that only thanks to the US Army became a possible victory over Nazi Germany. That is why it is necessary to convey to our younger generation the role of the Soviet Union in these sad events. In fact, the greatest losses in World War II suffered precisely the people of the USSR.

Backgrounds of the Bloody War

This armed conflict between the two global military-political coalitions, which became the biggest slaughterhouse in the history of mankind, began 1. 09. 1939 (in contrast to the Great Patriotic War, which lasted from 22. 06. 1941 to 8. 05. 1945 G.). He ended only 2. 09. 1945 in this way, this war lasted 6 long years. The reasons for the emergence of this conflict are several. These include: a deep global crisis in the economy, the aggressive policy of some states, the negative consequences of the Versailles-Washington system currently operating at the time.

Participants of the international conflict

In this conflict, 62 countries were involved in one degree or another. And this is despite the fact that at that time there were only 73 sovereign states on Earth. Brutal battles were held on three continents. Sea battles were carried out in the four oceans (Atlantic, Indian, quiet and northern ice). The number of opposing countries varied several times over the time of war. Some states participated in active hostilities, while others simply helped their coalition allies (equipment, equipment, food).

Antihytler coalition

Initially, there were 3 states in this coalition: Poland, France, United Kingdom. This is due to the fact that it was after the attack on these countries, Germany began to conduct active fighting on the territory of these countries. In 1941, countries such as the USSR, USA, China were drawn in the war. Next to the coalition, Australia, Norway, Canada, Nepal, Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Belgium, New Zealand, Denmark, Luxembourg, Albania, South Africa, San Marino, Turkey, joined the coalition. In varying degrees of coalition allies and such countries as Guatemala, Peru, Costa Rica, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Panama, Mexico, Argentina, Honduras, Chile, Paraguay, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela, Uruguay, Nicaragua , Haiti, Salvador, Bolivia. Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Liberia, Mongolia joined them to them. During the war years, the states who ceased to be allies of Germany joined the anti-Hitler coalition. This is Iran (since 1941), Iraq and Italy (since 1943), Bulgaria and Romania (since 1944), Finland and Hungary (since 1945).

On the side of the Nazi block there were states such as Germany, Japan, Slovakia, Croatia, Iraq and Iran (until 1941), Finland, Bulgaria, Romania (until 1944), Italy (until 1943), Hungary (up to 1945), Thailand (Siam), Manzhou. At some occupied territories, this coalition created puppet states, which practically did not have any influence on the global arena of battles. These include: Italian Social Republic, Vichi France, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Philippina, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. On the side of the Nazi block, various collaboration troops were often fighting, created from among residents of opposing countries. The largest of them were Ron, Roa, SS Division, created from foreigners (Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, Estonian, Norwegian-Danish, 2 Belgian, Netherlands, Latvian, Bosnian, Albanian and French). On the side of this block, voluntary armies of such neutral countries, like Spain, Portugal and Sweden, were fighting.

Consequences of war

Despite the fact that over the long years of World War II, several times changed the alignment on the world stage, it was the total victory of the anti-Hitler coalition. Following this, the largest international United Nations (Across-UN) was established. The result of victory in this war was the condemnation of the fascist ideology and the ban of Nazism during the Nürberg process. After the end of this world conflict, the role of France and Great Britain in world politics has significantly decreased, and the United States and the USSR have become real superpowers, sharing new spheres of influence. Two camps of countries with diametrically opposing socio-political systems (capitalist and socialist) were created. After the Second World War throughout the planet, the period of decolonization of empires began.

Theater of combat operation

Germany, the Second World War for which was an attempt to become the only superpower, a fighting was carried out at once in five directions:

  • Western European: Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom, France.
  • Mediterranean: Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania, Italy, Cyprus, Malta, Libya, Egypt, North Africa, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq.
  • Eastern European: USSR, Poland, Norway, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, Yugoslavia, Barents, Baltic and Black Sea.
  • African: Ethiopia, Somalia, Madagascar, Kenya, Sudan, Equatorial Africa.
  • Pacific (in the Commonwealth with Japan): China, Korea, South Sakhalin, Far East, Mongolia, Kuril Islands, Aleutian Islands, Hong Kong, Indochina, Burma, Malaya, Sarawak, Singapore, Holland Ost India, Brunei, New Guinea, Sabah, Papua, Guam, Solomon Islands, Hawaii, Philippines, Midway, Mariana and other numerous Pacific Islands.

Start and end of war

They began to calculate since the invasion of the German troops into the territory of Poland. Hitler for a long time prepared the ground to attack this state. 31. 08. 1939 The German press reported the seizure of Polish military radio stations in Gleivice (although it was a provocation of saboteurs), and already at 4 am 1. 09. 1939. Schleswig-Holstein combat ship began to fire strengthening In Westerplatte (Poland). Together with the troops of Slovakia, Germany began to occupy other people's territories. France and the United Kingdom demanded from Hitler withdrawal of troops from Poland, but he refused. Already 3. 09. 1939 France, Australia, England, New Zealand declared war in Germany. Then Canada joined them, Newfoundland, South African Union, Nepal. So began to quickly gain momentum Bloody World War II. The USSR, although he introduced an urgent universal military duty, to 22. 06. 1941 and did not declare the war in Germany.

In the spring of 1940, Hitler's troops began occupying Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Next went to France. In June 1940, Italy began to fight on the side of Hitler. In the spring of 1941 quickly captured Greece and Yugoslavia. 22. 06. 1941 she attacked the USSR. On the side of Germany, Romania, Finland, Hungary, Italy spoke in these hostilities. At all Soviet-German fronts, up to 70% of all existing Nazi divisions fought. The defeat of the enemy in the battle for Moscow, the notorious plan of Hitler is "Blitzkrieg" (lightning war). Due to this, in 1941, the creation of an antihytler coalition began. 7. 12. 1941. Already after the attack of Japan, Pearl Harbor joined this war and the United States. The army of this country has fought for a long time with its enemies only in the Pacific Ocean. The so-called the second front of the United Kingdom and the United States promised to open in the summer of 1942, but despite the most severe fighting on the territory of the Soviet Union, the anti-Hitler coalition partners were not too in a hurry to enter into combat operations in Western Europe. This is due to the fact that the United States and England waited for a complete weakening of the USSR. Only when it became apparent that not only its territory, but also the countries of Eastern Europe began to be released with a rapid pace, but also to open the second front. This happened 6. 06. 1944 (2 years after the promised date). From that moment on, the Anglo-American coalition sought to be the first to free Europe from the German troops. Despite all the allied efforts, the Soviet army was the first to take Reikhstag, where he was watered, but even the unconditional surrender of Germany did not stop the Second World War. For some time, hostilities were walking in Czechoslovakia. Also in the Pacific, military actions almost did not stop. Only after the bombardment of the atomic bombs of Hiroshima cities (6. 08. 1945) and Nagasaki (9. 08. 1945), implemented by the Americans, the Japanese emperor understood all the meaninglessness of further resistance. As a result of this attack, about 300 thousand peaceful people died. This bloody international conflict ended only 2. 09. 1945. It was on this day that Japan signed the act of surrender.

Victims of world conflict

The first large-scale losses in World War II suffered the Polish people. The army of this country was not able to withstand a stronger enemy represented by German troops. This war had an unprecedented impact on all humanity. About 80% of all people living on Earth at the time (more than 1.7 billion people) were drawn into the war. Military actions occurred in the territory of more than 40 states. For 6 years of this world conflict, about 110 million people were mobilized into the armed forces of all armies. According to the latest data, human losses amount to about 50 million people. At the same time, only 27 million people were killed on the fronts. The rest of the victims were peaceful citizens. Most human lives lost such countries as the USSR (27 million), Germany (13 million), Poland (6 million), Japan (2.5 million), China (5 million). The human losses of other warring countries amounted to: Yugoslavia (1.7 million), Italy (0.5 million), Romania (0.5 million), United Kingdom (0.4 million), Greece (0.4 million. ), Hungary (0.43 million), France (0.6 million), USA (0.3 million), New Zealand, Australia (40 thousand), Belgium (88 thousand), Africa (10 thousand .), Canada (40 thousand). In fascist concentration camps, more than 11 million people were destroyed.

Losses from international conflict

Just amazing which losses brought humanity to the Second World War. History indicates 4 trillion dollars, which went to military spending. In fought states, material costs amounted to about 70% of national income. For several years, the industry of many countries has been completely reoriented to the release of military equipment. Thus, the USA, USSR, the United Kingdom and Germany during the war years produced more than 600 thousand combat and transport aircraft. The weapon of the Second World War in 6 years has become even more efficient and deadly. The most brilliant minds of warring countries were occupied only by his improvement. Many new weapons made invent the second world. Tanks of Germany and the Soviet Union throughout the war were constantly upgraded. At the same time, all the more advanced machines for the destruction of the enemy were created. Their number was calculated by thousands. So, only armored vehicles, tanks, self-propelled guns produced more than 280 thousand from the conveyors of military factories, more than 1 million different artillery guns took place; about 5 million machine guns; 53 million machines, carbines and rifles. The colossal destruction and destruction of several thousand cities and other settlements brought with them the Second World War. The history of mankind without her could go on a completely different scenario. Because of it, all countries were thrown back in their development for many years ago. The elimination of the consequences of this international military conflict have gone colossal agents and forces of millions of people.

Losses of the USSR

A very expensive price had to pay for faster the Second World War. The losses of the USSR amounted to about 27 million people. (according to the latest estimates of 1990). Unfortunately, it is hardly possible to get accurate data, but this figure most corresponds to the truth. There are several different estimates of the loss of the USSR. Thus, according to the latest methods, about 6.3 million are considered killed or those who died from the received wounds; 0.5 million dead from diseases convicted to the execution killed in the incidents; 4.5 million missing and prisoners. The general demographic losses of the Soviet Union make up more than 26.6 million people. In addition to the huge number of those who died in this conflict, the USSR suffered enormous material losses. According to estimates, they amounted to more than 2600 billion rubles. During the Second World War, hundreds of cities were partially or completely destroyed. From the face of the Earth, more than 70 thousand villages were erased. 32 thousand large industrial enterprises were completely destroyed. Almost completely destroyed agriculture of the European part of the USSR. For the restoration of the country to a pre-war level, several years of incredible effort and enormous costs took place.

The Second World War in which the four fifters of the population was drawn in the whole world, became the bloody in the history of mankind. According to the fault of the imperialists, for six years, the mass destruction of people in various parts of the globe has passed.

More than 110 million people were mobilized into the Armed Forces. Many tens of millions were killed, injured, remained disabled. The loss of civilians has sharply increased. They accounted for almost half of the total losses, while in the First World War - 5 percent.

To accurately establish the number of dead military personnel and civilians for a number of countries is extremely difficult, since in many of these there are no statistical data of the losses of the population for the war as a whole or this data do not reflect the actual position. In addition, the fascists sought to hide their atrocities in every way, and after the war, their ideological lawyers were deliberately perverted by human losses of individual countries. All this was the cause of significant discrepancies in assessing the number of dead. The most authoritative studies show that during the Second World War, more than 50 million people died.

In addition to direct human losses, many fought states suffered large indirect losses. Mobilization of a significant part of the male population into armed forces, forced involvement of women into a system of socially organized labor, material and domestic difficulties, etc. Digitically changed the reproduction regime of population, reduced fertility rates and increased mortality.

The largest direct and indirect losses of the population suffered European states. About 40 million people died here, that is, much more than on other continents, combined. During the war years, in almost all European countries, the conditions for the existence and development of population deteriorated for a long time.

In 1938, the population of European countries amounted to 390.6 million people, and in 1945 - 380.9 million. If it were not for the war, with previous fertility and mortality rates, it would increase by about 12 million people over the years. . The war seriously deformed the age, sexual and family-marital structure of the population of the continent. Quality has decreased significantly, and in many countries and the level of general education and training.

Half of human losses in Europe falls on the USSR. They amounted to over 20 million people, a significant part of them are a civilian population who died in the Hitler's death camps, as a result of fascist repression, diseases and hunger, from raids by enemy aviation. The losses of the USSR significantly exceed the human losses of his Western allies. The country has lost a large part of the population of the most able-bodied and productive ages, who have employment experience and vocational training. Large losses of the Soviet Union were determined primarily by the fact that he accepted the main blow to Hitler's Germany and one for a long time confronted the fascist block in Europe. They are explained by particularly brutal policies of the mass extermination of Soviet people, which the aggressor was conducted.

A severe demographic situation has developed after World War II in Poland and Yugoslavia, which have lost a significant part of their population: Poland - 6 million, Yugoslavia - 1.7 million people.

The fascist guidance aimed at changing the demographic process in Europe, and later in the world. For this, the mass physical destruction of the conquered peoples was envisaged, as well as a violent birth restriction. Along with this, the Nazis sought to stimulate the increase in the number of "chosen" nations to gain themselves at the captured territories. However, the war led to great losses of German itself - over 13 million people killed, injured, prisoners who disappeared. Fascist Italy lost 500 thousand people.

The loss of population of countries such as France (600 thousand) and the United Kingdom (370 thousand), less loss of a number of other war participants, but also they have had a negative impact on their post-war development.

Considerable human losses during the war of the war suffered the peoples of Asia. The number of those killed and wounded in China amounted to over 5 million people. Japan lost 2.5 million people - mostly servicemen. Of the 350 thousand civilians who died in Japan, a large part is over 270 thousand people - victims of atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities.

Compared to Europe and Asia, other continents suffered significantly smaller human losses. In general, they amounted to 400 thousand people. The United States lost about 300 thousand people dead, Australia and New Zealand - over 40 thousand, Africa - 10 thousand people (206).

Large differences in human losses in relation to individual countries, groups of states, the region's regions are due, on the one hand, the nature and degree of their participation directly in the armed struggle, and on the other - the classological and political goals, which at the same time have pursued fought countries. The latter determined their different attitude towards the prisoners of war and the civilian population of the enemy, as well as to the fate of the population of the Allied states and the world as a whole.

Many hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war and millions of civilians were destroyed in the territories occupied by the German-fascist and Japanese invaders. With a special cessation, the Nazis used the policies of the physical destruction of Soviet people carefully developed by them. The fascists carried out a massive hijacking of the civilian population to Germany, where it fell either on labor works or to concentration camps. Shots, poisoning in gas chambers, beating, torture, monstrous medical experiments, coercion to unbearable work - all this led to the mass destruction of people. So, out of 18 million citizens of Europe, which found themselves in the Hitler's concentration camps, over 11 million people were destroyed.

The aggressors themselves, although their armed forces were defeated and forced to unconditionally surrender, suffered relatively smaller losses, which was evidence of a humane attitude towards the prisoners of war and the peaceful population of defeated countries by the winners, primarily the USSR.

The war had a great influence not only on the natural reproduction of the population in all countries of the world, but also on its interstate and internal migration. Already the arrival of the fascists to power and the preparation of aggression, which began the preparation of the population from Germany and other European countries to African countries, North and Latin America. The offensive of the fascist armies led to the movement of the population in almost all European countries. In addition, the Nazis resorted to the massive export of workforce from occupied areas to Germany. The internal migration caused by war, accompanied by tremendous deprivation and burden, contributed to the increase in mortality and decline in fertility. Similar processes occurred in Asia.

Thus, the Second World War made major changes in the structure of population worldwide. For a number of countries, including the socialist, the demographic consequences of the war became one of the most adverse factors.

World War II confirmed the conclusions of Marxism-Leninism about the tremendous impact of the economic factor on the emergence of wars, ways of their maintenance, their moves and results. In World War II, the very bloody and fierce, the relationship and interdependence of economic, scientific, social, moral and political and actually military factors increased. The results of the actions of the armed forces along with other factors were determined by the degree of economic support. The volume and qualitative structure of the material needs of the armed forces have sharply expanded, the importance of the timing of the main military-economic events has increased. With particular force, the influence of the social system of states on the military economy was manifested, its ability to ensure the needs of the front.

One of the important lessons of the Second World War is the strengthening of its reverse effect on the economy. The degree of subordination of the national economy needs of war has sharply increased. Almost weight of the sector of the economy to one degree or another worked on it. Credit and financial system of states, cash circulation, internal and foreign trade were subjected to deep perestroika.

By the number of human and material losses, the second World War II has no equal in history in the nearest and distant consequences. She was much surpassed the first world war on human victims spent by material resources, the volume of production of military equipment, the intensity of economic efforts and the burden that had to endure most of its participants.

The experience of World War II reminds that not only the war itself and its consequences, but also preparation for it, the arms race lead to a serious exacerbation of the problems of population, to undermining the economy. Only a durable democratic world creates the necessary conditions for the development of economic and demographic processes in directions that are in the interests of public progress.

The newspaper "Tomorrow" specifies the results of the Second World War, for us - domestic. As usual, it stops in a controversy with historical falsifications.

Professor, Academician of Raen G. A. Kumanowov and the Special Commission of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and the Office of the History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, using previously closed statistical data in 1990 established that human victims in the USSR Armed Forces, as well as the border and internal troops of the country during the Great Patriotic Wars amounted to 8,668,400 people, which only 18,900 people exceeds the number of losses of the Armed Forces of Germany and its allies, fighting against the USSR. That is, the losses in the war of military personnel of Germany and the Allies and the USSR were almost the same. The famous historian Yu. V. Emelyanov considers the specified number of losses.

Member of the Great Patriotic War doctor of historical sciences B. G. Solovyov and Candidate of Sciences V. V. Sukhodeev (2001) write: "During the years of the Great Patriotic War (including a campaign in the Far East against Japan in 1945), general irrevocable demographic losses ( killed, they were missing, they were captured and did not return from it, died from wounds, diseases and as a result of accidents) of the Soviet Armed Forces together with border and inner troops amounted to 8 million 668 thousand 400 people ... our irrevocable losses on the years of war look as follows: 1941 (for six months of war) - 27.8%; 1942 - 28.2%; 1943 - 20.5%; 1944 - 15.6%; 1945 - 7.5 percent of the total loss. Consequently, according to the above historians, our losses for the first one and a half years of the war amounted to 57.6 percent, and for the remaining 2.5 years - 42.4 percent. "

They also support the results of serious research work carried out by a group of military and civilian specialists, including the work of the General Staff, published in 1993 in the work entitled: "The selection of secrecy is removed. Losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR in wars, combat actions and military conflicts "and in the publications of the army general M. A. Gareev.

I draw the attention of the reader to the fact that the specified data are not a personal opinion of the boys and uncle loved to the West, and a scientific study conducted by a group of scientists with a deep analysis and a scrupulous calculation of irrevocable losses of the Soviet Army during the Great Patriotic War.

"In war with the fascist block, we suffered huge losses. They perceives them with great sorrow. They hit the fate of millions of families with a hard impact. But these were victims brought in the name of the salvation of the Motherland, the life of the coming generations. And dirty speculations that unfolded in recent years around losses, intentional, the gloating blowing of their scale is deeply immoral. They continue after the publication of previously closed materials. Under the false mask of philanthropy, well-thought-out calculations by any ways to defile the Soviet past, a great feat, held by the people, "the above scientists wrote.

Our losses were justified. At that time, they understood even some Americans. "So, in the greeting received from the United States in June 1943, it was emphasized:" Many young Americans remained alive thanks to those sacrifices that were committed by defenders of Stalingrad. Each Red Armyman who defends his Soviet land, killing Nazis, thereby saves life and American soldiers. We will remember this when calculating our debt to the Soviet ally. "

On the irrevocable loss of Soviet servicemen in the amount of 8 million. 668 thousand 400 people Indicates Scientist O. A. Platonov. The specified number of losses included the irrevocable losses of the Red Army, the Navy, the border troops, internal troops and state security bodies.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, G. A. Kumanoyv, in his book "Feat and the Forgery", wrote that the Eastern Front accounts for 73% of the human fascist losses of the German fascist troops during the 2nd World War. Germany and its allies on the Soviet-German front lost 75% of their aviation, 74% of their artillery and 75% of their tanks and assault implements.

And this is despite the fact that they did not pass through the hundreds of thousands on the eastern front, as in Western, and fiercely fought, fearing in captivity of the crime committed on the Soviet land.

About our losses of 8.6 million people, including those who died from accidents, diseases and those who died in German captivity, writes and a wonderful researcher Yu. Mukhin. This amount of 8 million 668 thousand 400 people of irrevocable losses of the Red Army During the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 is recognized by most Russian scientists, historians and researchers. But, in my opinion, the losses of Soviet servicemen are significantly overestimated.

German losses by most Russian scientists, historians and researchers are indicated in the amount of 8 million 649 thousand 500 people.

G. A. Kumanoyv draws attention to a huge number of Soviet losses of military personnel in German camps for prisoners of war and writes the following: "While 580 thousand of 548 people died in captivity of the German fascist troops, and the rest returned home From 4 million 559 thousand Soviet soldiers captured, only 1 million 836 thousand people returned to their homeland. From 2.5 to 3.5 million died in German-fascist camps. " It may surprise the number of dead prisoners of the Germans, but it is necessary to take into account, people always die, and among the prisoners of the Germans there were many frostbed and depleted as, for example, under Stalingrad, as well as wounded.

V. V. Sukhodeev writes that 1 million 894 thousand returned from German captivity. 65 people, and in German concentration camps killed 2 million 665 thousand 935 Soviet soldiers and officers. Due to the destruction by the Germans of Soviet prisoners of war, the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War had irrevocable losses approximately equal to the losses of the Armed Forces of Germany and its allies who fought from the USSR.

Directly in battles with the Germans armed and the armies of their allies, the Soviet Armed Forces lost from 06.22.1941 to 09.05.1945 by 2 million 655 thousand 935 Soviet soldiers and officers less. This is explained by the fact that 2 million 665 thousand 935 Soviet prisoners of war died in German captivity.

If the Soviet side in the Soviet captivity was killed 2 million 094 thousand 287 (in addition to the deceased 580 thousand 548) of the prisoners of war of the fascist bloc, the losses of Germany with its allies would exceed the loss of the Soviet Army by 2 million 094 thousand 287 people.

Only the criminal murder by the Germans of our prisoners of war leaded almost to equal irrevocable losses of military personnel of the German and Soviet armies during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

So what is the army better fought? Of course, the Soviet Red Army. With approximate equality of the prisoners, it destroyed more than 2 million more soldiers and opponent officers. And this despite the fact that our troops took the largest in Europe in Europe and took the very capital of Germany - the city of Berlin.

Our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers brilliantly led the fighting and showed the highest degree of nobility, sparing German prisoners of war. They had complete moral right for committed crimes to captivity not to take, shooting in place. But the Russian soldier never showed cruelty towards the defeated enemy.

The main reception of the Liberals-revisionists in the description of the loss is to write any figure and let the Russians prove its failure, and during this time they will come up with a new fake. And how to prove? After all, the true accusers of Liberalov revisionists for television are not allowed.

By the way, they shout without tired that all people who returned and hijacked people in Germany were judged and sent to correctional labor camps. This is also another lie. Yu. V. Emelyanov based on the data of the historian V. Zemskova writes that by March 1, 1946, 2,427,906 Soviet people who returned from Germany were sent to the place of residence, 801 152 - to the service in the army, and 608 095 - in the working battalions of the People's Commissariat Defense. Of the total number of those who returned 272,867 people (6.5%) were transferred to the NKVD. This, as a rule, were those who committed criminal offenses, including those who participated in battles against Soviet troops, such as "Vlasovsky".

After 1945, 148 thousand "Vlasovtsev" arrived at the special settlement. On the occasion of victory, they were freed from criminal responsibility for treason to their homeland, limiting reference. In 1951-1952, 93.5 thousand people were liberated from their number.

Most of Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians who served in the German army by ordinary and younger commander were released at home until the end of 1945.

V. V. Sukhodeyev writes that only 6% of the former prisoners of war, who collaborated with the fascists, were returned to the current army, was returned to the operating army, arrest and sending to the penalty battalions. But, as can be seen, and they forgave many of them.

But the United States with his 5 column inside Russia, the most humane and fair Soviet power in the world presented the most brutal and unfair power, and the most kind, humble, courageous and freedom-loving Russian people presented the people of slaves. Yes, so presented that the Russians themselves believed.

For a long time, it's time for us to reset the eye from the eye and see Soviet Russia in all the brilliance of its great victories and achievements.

The other day, the Parliamentary hearings "Patriotic education of Russian citizens:" Immortal Regiment "took place in the Duma. They were attended by deputies, senators, representatives of the legislative and higher executive bodies of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, ministries of education and science, defense, foreign affairs, cultures, members of public associations, organizations of foreign compatriots ... It was not true, those who are the share itself I came up with journalists from Tomsk TV-2, no one even remembered them. And, in general, it was really necessary to remember. "Immortal Regiment", in which, by definition, no staff schedule was envisaged, no commanders and depudents were already fully transformed into the "box" of the parade calculation, and his main task today is to learn how to keep in foot and keep equation in the ranks.

"What are the people, a nation? This is, first of all, respect for victories, - opening hearings, the chairman of the parliamentary committee Vyacheslav Nikonov belonged to his participants. - Today, when a new war is going, which someone calls "hybrid", our victory becomes one of the main goals for attacks on historical memory. There are waves of falsification of history, which should make us believe that it is not us, and someone else won the other, and still make us apologize ... "For some reason, Nikonov is seriously sure that it is they who long before their birth, wanted great The victory for which, and someone trying to make them apologize. But not on such attacked! And the degraded note of the unnecessary nationwide misfortune, the phantom pain is already the third generation of descendants of the soldier of the Great Patriotic War, stopped vigorous, thoughtless shouting: "We can repeat!"

Indeed - can we?

It was on these hearings that a terrible figure was named between the case, for some reason not seen, who did not make it in horror to stop on the run to understand that we were still told. Why was it done right now, I do not know.

At the hearings, the co-chairman of the "immortal regiment of Russia" Deputy State Duma Nikolay Zeztsov presented the report "Documentary Fundamental Fundamental Project" Establishment of Fate to Missing Defenders of the Fatherland ", under which studies of the population decline were conducted, which changed the loss of losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.

- The total settlement of the USSR population in 1941-1945 - more than 52 million 812 thousand people, "the Zemtsov said, referring to the declassified data of the USSR. - Of these, irretrievable losses as a result of the action of war factors - more than 19 million military personnel and about 23 million civilians. The total natural mortality of military personnel and civilians during this period could be more than 10 million 833 thousand people (including 5 million 760 thousand - dead children under the age of four). The irrevocable loss of the USSR population as a result of the action of war factors amounted to almost 42 million people.

We can ... repeat?!

Back in the 60s of the last century, the girl then the poet Vadim Kovka wrote a short poem in four lines: " If only in my parade / walk three elderly people with disabilities, / means how much they were injured? / And killed? "

Now these elderly people with disabilities due to natural reasons are noticeable less and less. But the argument of the loss was completely correct, it was enough to multiply the number of parade.

Stalin, based on inaccessible to a normal person's considerations, personally determined the losses of the USSR in 7 million people - a little less than the loss of Germany. Khrushchev - 20 million. Under Gorbachev, a book prepared by the Ministry of Defense was published Edited by General Krivosheev "Griff Secrecy", in which the authors called and justified this very figure - 27 million. Now it turns out: she was not true.