What is the difference between a bachelor from a specialist and master, from graduate school and from the younger specialist? Undergraduate or specialty: what is better.

What is the difference between a bachelor from a specialist and master, from graduate school and from the younger specialist? Undergraduate or specialty: what is better.

Students of Russian universities most often learn from undergraduate programs or specialists. What are the features of both forms of training?

What is undergraduate?

Bachelor. In Russia - a 4-year-old form of training in the university. The man who received a bachelor's degree can subsequently continue their studies in the magistracy, the duration of which is usually 2 years. In addition, he is entitled to try to protect even the dissertation - although in practice it is very difficult to do without passage in graduate school. In which, in turn, in the general case can be coming only after graduate.

In accordance with Russian legislation, a graduate of the undergraduate in employment has the right to apply for posts that require higher education from candidates.

Bachelor's abroad has its own characteristics. For example, in some universities, a bachelor's training period may be more than 4 years, sometimes less. It depends mainly on the content of school training, as well as on the specifics of a specific curriculum.

At the same time, in Western countries, a 4-year term of study on bachelor is considered typical. The exception can be medical specialties. For them, students in Europe and the United States learn 5-6 years. One way or another, undergraduate abroad is, as in Russia, a full-fledged form of higher education, regardless of the number of years of study in high school. As in the Russian Federation, the owner of the bachelor's diploma abroad can continue training in the magistracy.

The fact that the Russian and Western versions of the undergraduate as a form of higher education are generally similar, in Europe and the United States simplifies the recognition of a diploma issued by the university of the Russian Federation as a document that confirms the person gained by human qualifications. And vice versa, a graduate of the Western university, studied for bachelor, may claim to recognize his diploma in Russia. In addition, the process of transitting the student of the Russian university studying on the undergraduate program, in Western, and vice versa, is significantly facilitated.

What is the specialty?

Specialist - This, in turn, is a 5-year-old training program at the university. This form of higher education received the greatest prevalence in Russia, earlier - in the USSR. In foreign countries, it is not too popular. At the end of the appropriate training course, a graduate is issued a diploma of a specialist. This document makes it possible to further study both in the magistracy and in graduate school. The owner of a specialist diploma, like a bachelor, has the right to work in positions that require a candidate for higher education.

Around 2010, the specialty was considered the main form of training in universities, but after began to be actively replaced by undergraduate. However, he did not lose their relevance: many educational institutions continue to prepare specialists, and students - to give preference to the appropriate form of learning. The question is that it is better to choose a person who graduated from school is a bachelor's or specialty, it causes very active discussions in society.


The main difference between the undergraduate from the specialist is the duration of training. In the first case, it is about 4 years, in the second - 5 years. The second significant difference between the undergraduate and the specialty is able to go to graduate school after receiving a diploma. Bachelor In order to be able to enter it, you must first pass on a master's training, specialist - optional.

Having determined what the difference between the undergraduate and the specialty, fix its key criteria in the table.

The modern higher education system in Russia provides for the opportunity to get the same specialty, having received diplomas of different qualifications. Just a few years ago, universities and institutes issued exclusively specialists. Now you can go to learn to bachelor or choose a specialty. It is important to figure out what fundamental differences between different systems: this will help not be mistaken when entering the university.

Bachelor and specialties

What is a specialty, explain there is no need. This system exists in our country since the Soviet Union. After graduating from school, the applicant enters the university, where he learns, as a rule, five years. In medical universities, the term of study was (and constituted) 6 years, but at the end of training in any case, the title "Specialist" is assigned. At the same time, after the expert, it is possible to continue learning in graduate school to get a degree of candidate of science.

In 1999, the Russian government decided to join the Lisbon Convention. Now, on the basis of full secondary education, the applicant enters the university, it is studying for 4 years and receives a bachelor's degree. Not all universities have managed to go to the updated system, therefore, in our country, applicants have the opportunity to choose which system to get higher education. In addition, even those universities that are produced by bachelors still have not moved to the European system completely. In particular, many educational disciplines continue to be taught in the same way as it was before moving to a new system. In addition, the Student Knowledge Assessment System remained unchanged: in Europe and America there is a routine system.

It is worth remembering that undergraduate is the first step of the two-level training system. The second and not mandatory level is the magistracy. The magistracy can be refused to get a job after receiving the degree of bachelor, or to proceed to continue education in any university after a while after the end of the first stage.

Benefits and shortcomings of undergraduate

After the end of the undergraduate, the student receives European education and can continue his studies in any university outside Russia. In addition, the magistracy can be completed at another specialty. However, many employers who are accustomed to the work of specialists believe that bachelors are not enough high-quality education. Perhaps they are right: the word "bachelor" occurred from the Latin "ability to". In addition, it is not easy to enter the magistracy: few low-cost places. In addition, to enroll in graduate school after receiving the bachelor's degree, it is not possible: you need a master's degree.

Advantages and disadvantages of the specialist

It is believed that experts receive better preparation and are more valuable personnel, rather than bachelors. In addition, after five years of study, there is an opportunity to withstand exams in graduate school and get a degree of candidate of science.

However, a specialist in a magistracy on a budgetary basis cannot do: this will be considered the second higher education. The exception is only those students who entered the university before the introduction of a two-level system, that is, until 1999. In addition, if a specialist decides to leave abroad, he will have to go through a difficult procedure for confirmation of a diploma.

What is a magistracy?

The magistracy allows you to continue learning and master another profession or deepen your knowledge in the main specialty. Master's masters are deeply mastered the theoretical and practical aspects of the specialty, they receive high-quality training both to research and teaching activities. At the end of training, the undergraduate is obliged to defend a master's thesis that is written under the leadership of the doctor of science. It is worth noting that masters have the right to teach in universities, which distinguishes them from bachelors.

Thus, in Russia at the moment there was a unique situation. Applicants can choose which system they will prefer to receive higher education. By making a choice, it is worth considering our own goals. If you intend to work or continue learning abroad, the perfect option is undergraduate. If you are planning to stay in Russia or enter the graduate school and engage in scientific activities, then your choice is a specialty.

Since 2009, in Russia, a two-level higher education system "Bachelor's (4 years) - Magistracy (2 years)" is officially operating, which corresponds to the principles of the Bologna system common in Europe and North America. However, even recently, a higher education in Russia (and the Soviet Union) was built on a very different system: all universities prepared students on specialist programs for 5-6 years, after which students could study in a magistracy or graduate school. But the specifics of the educational space of our country is such that many universities continue to prepare specialists and today, so the current system of education can be called a "three-stage". Let's see what the difference between the "old" and "new" systems.

Benefits of the magistracy and undergraduate

Duplex System "Bachelor's Mistore" has a number of advantages. The main thing is the opportunity after 4 years of studying in the undergraduate more clearly outline your interests and needs and based on this to choose a narrower specialty of the Master, and in some cases even get two different specialties, which is an important advantage in the labor market. In addition, you can go to the magistracy to another university - the reception conditions for all are the same.

Another advantage is to simplify the recognition of bachelor's diplomas and magistracy abroad. A scheme is very common when a person ends undergraduate in Russia, and in the magistracy enters the foreign university (in this case, the truth is, for the second stage of learning has to pay).

Disadvantages of magistracy and undergraduate

First, it is still a low demand for undergraduate graduates in the labor market. Employers are in no hurry to take the work of bachelors, believing that they are significantly inferior to specialists. Such a point of view is not deprived of meaning: although the state does not get tired of repeating that undergraduate is a full-fledged higher education, in fact, to fit the 5-year program at 4 years old, it is almost never happening and the training of bachelors is lagging behind specialists.

The problem could be solved if all the bachelors wishing to continue education could enter the magistracy for free. But this is impossible, since the new two-level system significantly reduced the number of free places in the magistracy - and this is second. There are budget places, but the competition is several times more than on free places in Bachelor, especially for prestigious specialties in famous universities. Learn for money comes out quite consistent - the cost of paid magistracy in Moscow varies from 50 thousand to 300 thousand per year. The exit from the position here can be the opportunity to work for several years between the undergraduate and the magistracy (this is permitted by law) and accumulate money to the second level of higher education.

Advantages and disadvantages of the specialist

The main advantage of the specialist remains its high prestige in the eyes of employers and full preparation (specialists learn at least 5 years, and sometimes 6). Also, the specialty is more convenient to those who plan to engage in scientific work and study in graduate school, - a specialist can immediately come on this form of training, while the bachelor must first graduate with the magistracy.

What are the disadvantages of the specialist? The first is the complexity of the recognition of a specialist diploma abroad, where there is no such form of training. The problem is solved, but it will have to spend more effort. The second is the impossibility of learning in budget places in the magistracy, since according to the law for a specialist, it will be the second higher education with all the consequences that arise from here - the training and lack of delay from the army.

Conflict of the transition from the specialist in the magistracy and undergraduate

Thus, it is impossible to definitely determine what is better - a specialty or undergraduate with a magistracy, it is impossible. In Russia, today acts both the first and second system, but entering the university cannot choose which of these forms to study.

Initially, it was planned that a specialty will give way to a two-level system with time, but after the introduction of the principles of the Bologna system, it turned out that for a number of specialties (first of all, it is impossible to prepare a full-fledged graduate in 4 years. Therefore, many technical specialties still study under the Specialist Program, while the majority of humanitarian and natural-scientific specialties switched to "Bachelor's Magistracy".

This state of affairs creates a conflict situation. The undergraduate was designed to fully replace the specialty, but today it turns out that they exist in parallel, creating confusion in the educational market and the labor market. Moreover, the undergraduate in most universities did not become a new, more modern form of training (for example, a little where a 100-point performance evaluation system was introduced; with the exception of several leading universities, in the undergraduate, studying in the old manner - getting from 2 to 5 points). In this way, most often, undergraduate is the same specialty, but without one year of study.

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What is a specialty

Specialist - This is a traditional type of higher education for Russia. Students on the specialist program are studying at the university for 5 years, and after that they receive a degree of "graduate specialist".

In 2003, Russia signed the Bologna Declaration and began the transition to the European Higher Education system. So in Russian universities a two-level higher education system appeared: undergraduate plus magistracy.

Than undergraduate different from magistracy

Bachelor. - This is the first level of higher education, it lasts 4 years. During your studies, you will receive basic knowledge in its specialty and the degree of "bachelor". Bachelor is considered to be finished with higher education.

Master - This is the second level of higher education, which lasts 2 years. Unlike undergraduate, the magistracy makes it possible to choose a narrow specialization. For example, if you have a bachelor's management diploma, you can make a magistracy for management in trade or tourism.

Pluses of undergraduate and magistracy

The diploma is recognized abroad.If you received a bachelor's degree in Russia, and you want to continue to learn abroad, a foreign university will confirm your diploma. With a bachelor's or master's diploma, it is easier to get a job abroad than with a specialist diploma.

Easily change profession. The undergraduate and magistracy programs are built in such a way that you can study for 4 years, and then enroll in the Magistracy on Management. As a result, you will have two specialties. In addition, the master can be found in another university.

Delay from the army. If a student arrives at the magistracy in the year of the end of the undergraduate, he will receive 2 years delayed from the army. A specialist when entering the master does not give such a delay.

Minuses of undergraduate and magistracy

Distrust of employers.Some employers are wary of bachelor because they learn for 1-2 years less specialists. Therefore, specialists are more likely to work.

Paid graduate.Not all the bachelor who studied on the budget will be able to finish the magistracy for free. On the magistracy there are budget places, but they are much smaller than on the undergraduate. If you do not have enough money for the magistracy, you can take a break in learning, work and accumulate to the second diploma.

Pros and cons of the specialist

Appreciate employers.Employers willingly take the work of specialists, because they learn from a narrow profile, and bachelors get the knowledge of a common profile.

It is easier to enroll in graduate school.If you are going to do science or go to graduate school, choose a specialty. You will be able to become a graduate student immediately after the specialist, and Bachelor will have to first finish the magistracy.

Takes longer.The specialist is studying for 1-2 years longer bachelor. If you feel sorry for this time and you want to start working faster, choose the undergraduate.

It is difficult to confirm the diploma abroad.Abroad there is no specialist, so it will be more difficult for you to confirm a specialist diploma for study or work abroad.

What kind of training to choose

It is impossible to say unequivocally, it is better to choose: a specialty or undergraduate with a magistracy. To make it easier to determine and saw the difference between them, we have collected the pros and cons of each form of training in the table.




Diploma of Higher Education




Training period

5-6 years old

4 years

2 years

Ability to learn for free

many budget seats

many budget seats

few budget seats

Attitude of employers




Recognition of a diploma abroad

with difficulty recognize

easily recognize

easily recognize

The question of whether the diploma of the bachelor is considered to be the highest education, worries many applicants. At the same time, despite the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation unequivocally gives a positive response to this question, in fact, at the beginning of labor activity, many bachelors may face refuses of personnel specialists who consider bachelor's degree in incomplete higher education. Within the framework of the article, we consider how the bachelor differs from a specialist and master in Russia.

W. Table of contents:

Bachelor in Russian and world legislation

Traditionally, in the Soviet and post-Soviet educational system, there was only one degree of higher education - a specialist. Even after the end of the existence of the USSR, a so-like system was used until 1996, when the concept of undergraduate was introduced.
Subsequently, with the adoption by the Russian Federation of the main provisions of the Bologna Education system, since 2003, a master's degree and appropriate higher education was also introduced.

In the Western states, only two degrees of general higher education are used at almost everywhere - undergraduate and magistracy. In this case, it is declared and applied in practice the basic principle separation of these learning options. Thus, the Bachelor's education aims to provide learning practical professional skills for subsequent employment, while the formation of a master, first of all, pursues the goals of the subsequent scientific activity of the graduate. In Russia, this separation is not so strictly pronounced and interpreted in practice according to other principles.

Now the issues of higher education, including the bachelor diploma, are considered by the provisions of the Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012. In particular, the formation of a bachelor in accordance with the provisions of this law is definitely considered the highest and entails all relevant legal consequences. The main one of these consequences is the direct employment opportunity for vacancies requiring higher education.


Due to the fact that the legislation definitely determines the undergraduate as a higher education, refusal to employment on the basis of an incomplete higher education with a bachelor's diploma is entirely illegal. Under incomplete or unfinished higher education, it is understood only the lack of a diploma at a confirmed fact of the passage of at least one training course of the Higher Educational Institution.

Differences between the formation of a specialist, bachelor and master

One of the main differences between Bachelor, Specialist and Master is a learning date. So, the minimum deadlines are set to obtain each of the corresponding degrees of higher education. Namely:

  • Bachelor - 4 years of study;
  • Specialist - 5 years of study;
  • Master - any previous degree and at least a year of study.

Important fact

These restrictions relate to the minimum duration of the educational program. In some cases, bachelors can last more than four years. The same applies to specialists and masters. Most often, the increased duration of training is applied in the medical sector.

At the same time there are other differences. In particular, the presence of a bachelor's degree does not provide for the right to subsequently enter the graduate school. Nevertheless, the presence of a bachelor's diploma gives full right for admission to a magistracy without training at a specialist. Moreover, the bachelor has the right to enter the magistracy and in any other university on the similar specialty, including several years after the end of study and receive a diploma.

Important fact

The degree of a specialist in Russia every year becomes an increasingly limited education program. In particular, its preservation at the legislative level is envisaged only for strategically important directions for the national and state security. At the same time, an increasing number of universities in practice are ceased to prepare specialists in most directions.

Another essential difference between bachelor and a master's specialist is the lack of the need for writing and protection of the thesis. Bachelor and specialists perform only thesis. At the same time, confirming the effective passage of the graduate study of the master's dissertation. The difference between thesis from the thesis should be expressed in strictly pronounced practical utility of such work and the disclosure of new issues previously not considered by science.

Employment with a bachelor's diploma - possible problems

In practice, some employers in Russia, as mentioned above, practicing the refusal to adhere to the work of bachelors due to the unfinished higher education. It is believed that four-year bachelor's training does not give the necessary set of practical skills in comparison with the degree of specialist and master. Nevertheless, such practice is illegal. Bachelor in Russia is considered to be higher education, absolutely full and finished. Thus, if the rejection of admission to work is provided by the lack of higher education in the presence of a bachelor's diploma - this refusal may be challenged in court.


The ability to challenge the refusal to work in the above situation is present solely if there was only a mention of the presence of higher education in the vacancy, and only when the failure of such education appeared in the formulation of refusal.

In addition, individual employers can uniquely indicate in the vacancy requirements, the presence of a master's or specialist. This practice is absolutely legal and on the basis of such requirements the employer cannot be liable. In fact, to date, the misleading about the "inferiority" of the bachelor education is becoming less common, but there is a place in personnel professionals in some cases.