Copper rider read a summary of school knowledge. Bronze Horseman

Copper rider read a summary of school knowledge. Bronze Horseman
Copper rider read a summary of school knowledge. Bronze Horseman

Peter the First - an outstanding ruler, a genius of his time, who managed to realize the original idea: to expand the borders to strengthen the fleet and build a new capital in such a terrain that no one else would dare to dream of. In the poem, it appears in two images: alive and dreaming and monument storing the image of a powerful king.

Evgeny - A young man, in the status of a poor military, who dreamed of a good life with his beloved girl. Because of what happened, the tragedy lost the reason.

The poem "Copper Horseman" is a majestic and tragic. After the solemn day, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin shows the other side of this magnificence - the price of the victims brought and hidden under the waters of Neva and history. And yet the masterpiece created by the powerful mind of Peter makes it harm and accept how the dense is that beauty and greatness requires victims.

Introduction. Oh yeah

"Nature here we are destined to cut into Europe."

His poem A. S. Pushkin begins with a dream. With the dream of the great Russian emperor, who became a symbol for Russia, the change and revival of greatness. Standing on the banks of the Neva, seeing only deserted, shaky shore, and a dark forest, Peter saw a dream, a new city in the new empire. The foundation of the new capital will be laid on the grand victories over the Swedes and above the Northern Nature. With the last struggle will be unclean and long, but still the dream of the Great Peter will be stronger. "Window to Europe" - this is how Petersburg will be called when the king will expand the borders of Russia, strengthening its power by the sea fleet.

"I love you, Peter Creation, I love your strict, slim view, the Neva is the current flow, the coastal granite."

Yes, the beautiful Petersburg was entirely the creation of Peter, his intent, his brainchild. It took a hundred years, and he was his beauty, bridges, gardens, the palaces eclipsed by Sister Moscow, becoming the capital. Pushkin suggests that the evening view of the city, deserted streets inspires him to write, compose, gives birth to the memories of the fun days and pride in the celebration and unshakfulness of Russia.

Ode the city is only an entry into the main narration. The author warns that his story will be sad.

Part one. Flood.

Petrograd is overshadowed by the November Nobody. Stormilo, and Neva was restless. Against the background of these incathions, Eugene appears - a young man and the main character. Evgeny Military, he serves. And this evening, along with the unfortunate, excitement is besieged. What did he think about? He was poor, it was difficult for him to produce and "independence and honor". Also, the young man pondered that there are people who drive more in life. Then his thoughts flow into a more pleasant role of hearts: Favorite Paras Girl, marriage your home, kids - under these sweet thoughts and sounds of the rain, he falls asleep.

The nightstry was intensified, the self-removal neva came out of the shores and his unrestrained stream she was treated and penetrated each house, taking away the property of the rich and belongings of the poor.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the biography A.S. Pushkin of the National Russian Poet and Prosaik, whose works are read almost two centuries.

For the wake-up elements, the Russian king is observed. He is sad and confused, watching the sizes of the catastrophe and already providing its consequences. His generals are already in action, saving everything that is possible. Evgeny Steelly, fear paralyzed him, around him water and fragments, and somewhere there is a dilapidated house and his pacol.

Part two. Madness

Water Care The author compares with the return of robbers with waste prey. She has not yet subsided her "voices", and our Eugene is already in a hurry on the other side. In this, the carrier helps him, which fearlessly struggles with stormy waves, rows, relying on his experience.

Evgeny sees terrible destruction.

"All in front of him is risen;
What is reset, which is demolished;
Domoki trees, others
Completely collapsed, other
Waves shifted; circle
As if in the battlefield,
Bodies are lying. "

What he sees ahead - as a "sealed letter", which I want to open up and at the same time scares the unknown. Only Iva .... The witness of the terrible tragedy told the distraught from Evgenia's grief about how he lost his packet.

"... morning ray
Due to tired, pale clouds
Glittered above the quiet capital
And I have not found traces
Trouble yesterday's; Bugger
Already covered was evil.
In order, everything entered the former.
Already on the streets free
With its ingenustitude cold
Went people. "

And only Eugene could not return to her former life. In his confirmation, he continues to howl the storm and brown water. He became a vagabond, eternal skewer. I slept on the pavement, he fed on the alignment. Eugene became the ghost of that storm, the bad weather in the overnight destroyed his life. Stray in unconscious on the streets of St. Petersburg, he returns where it overtakes his disaster. Two bronze lions and he is a monument to the Creator of this harsh North city - a copper rider.

On a moment in his mind, everything clarifies, he remembers that day and a storm, and a flood, and a copper rider with a handful hand. Again wild fantastic paintings bold his mind. In all guilty, he is a great Peter ... He even threatens him. But even in his insane visions, the autocrat remains a formidable master, and the ghost of the copper rider is haunting the poor man everywhere. Once he will overtake him, who dreamed to doubt the greatness of the plan and despite to treat his brainchild.

"Domishko Old.
Above water
He stayed like a black bush.
His last spring
Barked in Barka. He was empty
And all destroyed. At the threshold
Found my madness
And then the core corpse of him
Buried the sake of God. "

Analysis of the work: Who is to blame?

The image of Eugene is complex and controversial, although it can be understood, because the protagonist lost his beloved girl, Parash. In his huge misfortune, he is looking for a guilty - and gradually in the inflammation consciousness pops up the image of Peter the Great, whose sculpture worries the gaze of the sufferer. Alas, little, Intow Evgeny goes crazy. He wants to hide from the imaginary persecution of the copper rider, and, in the end, the young man dies. Alas, he could not accept the hardest destiny, with a loss of his beloved. But who is to blame for this? Really king? Not! Or after all, the unrivament of Evgeny himself, who allowed despair so to take possession of them? For these questions, a thoughtful reader will be able to answer himself and not judge the strictly important hero of the poem, which fell to such a heavy grief.

The action begins with a symbolic picture: On the banks of the Neva, Peter is a great and dreams that a new European city will rise here in a few years that it will be the capital of the Russian Empire. It takes a hundred years, and now this city is the creation of Peter - the symbol of Russia. The summary of the "copper rider" allows you to learn the compressed story of the poems, helps to plunge into the atmosphere of the autumn city. On the yard it is November. On the streets there is a young man named Eugene. He is a small official who is afraid of noble people and shy his position. Eugene goes and dreams of his prosperous life, he thinks that he missed his beloved Girl to a parse, which was not seen for several days. This thought creates calm dreams of family and happiness. The young man comes home and under the "sound" of these thoughts falls asleep. The next day brings a terrible message: a terrible storm broke out in the city, and a strong flood has taken the lives of many people. Natural strength did not regret anyone: a violent wind, a sweep of Neva - all this scarecrow Evgenia. He sits back to the "bronze idol". This is a monument he notes that on the opposite shore, where his beloved Paras lived, there is nothing.

He laying his head goes there and discovers that the element did not spare his, a poor small official, he sees that yesterday's dreams will not be destined to come true. Evgeny, not understanding what he does, without disassembling where his legs lead, go there, to his "bronze idol". The copper rider is proudly towers on it seems that it is no longer harming with nature ... The young man accuses Peter the Great in all his troubles, he puts him in a reproach that he built this city, erect him on the Lust Neva. But here there is an insight: a young man seems to wake up and looks with fear on a copper rider. He runs, runs unclear from all his legs where, it is not known why. He hears the knock of the hooves and the screaming of the horses, he turns around and sees that the "bronze idol" rushes behind him.

Summary "Copper Horseman" - Tale A.S. Pushkin - helps learn the plot, assess the sequence of actions. Despite the whole grinding gamut of the events described, this work is symbolic for the city on the Neva. No wonder the lines "Write, Grad Petrov ..." forever became epigraph to the city. The work elevates Peter the Great and the story with which poor Eugene could not accept ...


In joining the poem, the "copper rider" Pushkin draws the image of Peter I, which is in a deserted place where only lonely Chukhon's huts black is going to lay down the Great City: "The flooring to threaten the Swede ... Nature here is destined to cut the window here. This idea was executed - and in front of the new Russian capital, the old, Moscow.

Pushkin confesses in love for Peter Creativity. But in the life of St. Petersburg there were heavy, tragic pages. One of them was the terrible flood of autumn of 1824, which gave the topic for the Pushkin Poem.

"Copper Horseman", part of the first - summary

Stood cold November. Neva in St. Petersburg rushed like a patient, in the rain and gusts of the wind. Young, the poor official Eugene came from home, lean in bed and before bedtime he dreamed of his beloved Pairsha. Eugene thought how soon he would marry her how they would give birth to children and live to the coffin hand in hand.

However, the next morning has come a terrible day. The winds drove the disturbed neva reversed, and she first began to flood the islands, and then rushed to the city. Everywhere bricted, roof wreckage, goods from destroyed shops and even coffins with a blurred cemetery. People in despair did not know what to do. Then the rules of the king Alexander I was.

... on the balcony,
Heat, Smart, he came out
And Milns: "From God's elements
Do not coperate the kings. " He sat down
And in the Duma sorrowful eyes
On evil disaster looked.
Stood stained with lakes,
And in them wide rivers
Streets poured. Palace
It seemed sad island.

And on the central square, at the building, whose staircase was decorated with two stone lions, was remarkable pale Eugene. The Old House, where his Paras lived with the old woman, was located at the Bay himself. Eugene did not know that with them now. He saw a solid water around him, from which the non-chosen monument to Peter I is the famous copper rider with a simple hand.

Illustration to Pushkin's poem "Copper Horseman". Artist A. Benois

"Copper rider", part two - summary

But the Neva began to be lifted and enter the shores, leaving everywhere disgraced fragments, like a robbing gang, rushing home, drops on the way. As soon as the water slept a little, Eugene found the carrier with a boat. Risching life, he fell among the dangerous waves, to the place where Paras lived, but did not recognize him. Everywhere lay the bodies of drunks, like fallen soldiers on the battlefield. Paras houses were not at all. Eugene walked around for a long time, talking himself with him, and then walked, hitting himself in his forehead.

A few days later, the traces of a terrible misfortune were already removed from the St. Petersburg streets. The people went again, no matter how it happened, on everyday affairs. But the rejected mind of Eugene did not resist severe grief. For a week, he wandered around the city, like a tramp, not noticing people and roads, spent the night on the pier, fed with miserable leans served in the window.

Waking up once under the open sky, he suddenly remembered the entire experienced horror from the noise of rain. Evgeny rushed to the eyes look and suddenly turned out to be on the very square, at home with stone lions. Before his eyes also stood a copper rider.

Evgeny shuddered. Looking at Peter's face, he felt hate to the ruler, which

... over the abyss
At the height, the Scum
Russia raised on piles ...

Eugene occurred to the head that a cruel peter, erected in the midst of the Nevsky Swamps to disasters a city, is the main culprit of his trouble. Here he suddenly seemed that the face of the copper rider was grown by anger. Eugene rushed to run. Misfortively mounted in the back of a heavy hopot hoofs, as if the copper monument came down from a pedestal and jumping behind him. This chase drawn in his inflamed brain all night.

Since then, at the sight of the copper rider, Evgeny, in confusion, pressed his hand to the heart, as if humming his flour, filmed the card and went aside, without raising his eyes. At such moments, he even stronger his powerlessness against the fatal fate. The washed packet house was found on the shore of the long-range desert island, where his water was brought. Next to the house once found the dead body of insane Eugene.

The poem "Copper rider" - a story about the tragic fate of a simple inhabitant of St. Petersburg, who has lost his favorite girl during the flood, and with her - all dreams and hopes for future life.

In the "Copper Horseman" Pushkin raises the theme of a "little man" and the topic of the role of Peter I in the fate of Russia. The main conflict of the work is the confrontation of the person and power. For general familiarization with the work, we suggest read the online "Copper Horseman" brief content, performed by an experienced teacher of literature.

main characters

Evgeny - A poor official who dreams of a family, a calm measured life. It goes crazy, no power to accept the death of his beloved girl during flooding.

Peter I. - The image of the monument to the king in the imagination of Evgenia.

Other characters

Parasha - Beloved Eugene, who dies during a flood in St. Petersburg.



The deserted banks of the Neva once stood Peter I, reflecting on the time when the city will be founded here:

"Nature here is destined
To cut the window to Europe. "

After a hundred years in place, where there was nothing before, except for the "darkness of forests" and marsh trees, "ascended magnificent, proudly" young city. "Young hail" eclipsed by the beauty, wealth and power of Moscow. The author is recognized in love for the city, "Peter Creativity", and believes that the ruler created by the will, he will stand "non-all-round as Russia", and the defeated element of the Finnish waves will forget about his own greatness and will not disturb the "perpetual sleep of Peter" .

The narrator proceeds to the story of a serious time, the memory of which is still fresh.

Part one

Late in the evening of November, the hero named Eugene returned from guests home.

"Our hero
Lives in Kolomna; somewhere serves
Signs noble and not fuss
Nor about honoring relatives
Neither about forgotten old.

Heavy thoughts about poverty, about their lives, in which the "independence and honor" have to be deserved, do not give him to fall asleep. In addition, due to bad weather, the water in the Neva rose and, most likely, the bridges were already washed away, "now Evgeny will not be able to see a favorite parash girl who lives" at the bay himself ", on another bank. Eugene marked about life with a pair, about their joint future and, finally, fell asleep.

The coming day was terrible:

"Neva swollen and roared,
And suddenly, how the beast is worse
I rushed to the city. "

Square turned into a lake, and in them "the streets were poured onto the wide rivers." Water destroyed the house and carried away people, wreckage of dwellings, bridges, - everything that was found on the way.

At Marble Lion, near one of the new rich houses of the city, Eugene's common chaos was motionless. He did not see and did not hear the wind, neither the rain hitting the face - he worried about the fate of his beloved. The young man in despair kept staring there, where, "like the mountain, the waves rose from the outrageous depths, the storm was rushed, wreckings were rushed," where the Parsol lived with his mother. The hero seemed to him, he sees a unpacked fence, and their dilapidated shack.

Eugene sat, unable to move away. Around everywhere there was water, and in front of him - the back of the "idol on the bronze horse" turned to him. The monument to Peter I touched over the raging Neva.

Part two

Finally the water began to subsoine. Evgeny, "Soul, in hope, fear and longing", hiring a carrier, floats to your beloved. Going to the shore, the hero runs to the house where Parash lived, he does not believe his eyes, walks again and again around the place where the girl lived, and he did not find her at home - he was afraid of the Neva. "Flight of the gloomy concern," Evgeny speaks loudly with himself, and then laughs.

The next day came, the Neva calmed down, the city returned to her former life. Residents went to the service, trade resumed.

Only Eugene could not transfer the death of his beloved, his "confused mind" could not stand the shock. Busy with gloomy thoughts, he wandered around the city without returning home. So the week first passed, then a month. The young man slept, where he will have to be fed. It happened, the children threw the stones after him, His stealing of Kucher, when he, without disassembling the road, almost got under the wheels of the wagon. Internal alarm has eaten it.

"And so he is his unfortunate age
Moved nor a beast neither
Neither one nor a resident of the world
Neither the ghost is dead ... "

One day at the end of the summer, spending night near the Nevsky Pier, Evgeny was swept away by the upcoming bad weather. It was raining, I've gotten the wind, Burlila Neva. Remembering the ending horror of the flood, the hero began to wander through the streets. With fear, he suddenly stopped - he found himself near the house where he was saved from the raging river in the night of the death of Parasch. On the porch of a big new house, everyone also sat the sculpture of Lviv, and Peter snorted near the bronze horse. Eugene found out the place where the "Flood played", and Lviv, and the "whose will of the fatal under the sea was founded." It was Petra who considers his grief to be the culprit.

Hiring his teeth, squeezing his fingers, despiled from the filling malice, he looked into Peter's eyes and whispered with a threat: "You can! .." And suddenly rushed away: the hero seemed that the female of the king broke out anger and the rider began to turn in his direction. Along the night, Evgeny fled from the imaginary persecution of Peter - wherever he folded, everywhere he was heard by the horses of Horse hoofs of the revived "copper rider".

Since then, always when Eugene turned out to be near the monument, he humbly lowered his eyes, removed the card and pressed his hand to the heart, "as if humming his flour."

The hero could not survive the loss and come to himself. The dead "madman" Eugene found in the spring at the threshold of the Old shacks, which the flood was listed on a deserted island near the seaside. Here, on the island, and buried him.


Talking the history of Eugene, the author leads us to the conclusion that the contradictions between the authorities and young people do not disappear and are not allowed - they are always tragically interrelated. Pushkin for the first time in Russian literature showed intractability between the state interests and the interests of a simple person. That is why the images of the main characters in the image of the author are ambiguous: we see Peter - the converter and Peter-self-adjustment, Eugene - a small official and a rebellion, who outdated the actions of the king himself.

After reading the recovery of the "copper rider", the reader is ready for the perception of unique Pushkin images and the language of the poem.

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On the shore of the desert waves
He stood, the Duma of the Great full,
And in the distance looked. Before it is wide

The river was carried; poor man
She sought alone.
On mossy, fake shores

Circle noisy. And he thought:

Here on new waves
All flags will visit us -
And stamp on the square. "
It took a hundred years - and the young hail,

Full countries of the Beauty and Divo,
From the darkness of forests, from the molding lot

Bred magnificently, proudly;
Where before Finnish fisherman,

Sad stepsoko nature
One at low shores
Throw in unknown water
Your old nemid, now there
By busy shores,
Grounds slender crowd

Palaces and towers; ships

Crowd from all ends of the earth
To the rich marigions seek:
In granite dressed novel;
Bridges hung over waters;

Dark green gardens
Its covered islands,
And before the youngest capital

Earl old Moscow,
As before the new queen

Porphyron widow.
Love you, Peter Creation,
I love your strict, slim view.

Neva Purchase flow
Coastal granite
Your fence is a cast iron,
Your thoughtful nights

Transparent Surak, shineless,
When I'm in my room
I write, I read without a lamp,
And clear sleeping bulk

Deserted streets, and light
Admiralty needle,
And not launching darkness night
On golden skies,
One dawn change another
Hurry up, giving night half an hour.
I love the winter of your cruel

Remote air and frost,
Sanok running along the Neva is wide

Girls bright roses
And shine, and noise, and balls of balls,
And at the hour of the porushka idle -
Hiss of foam beds

And the punch is a blue flame;
I love warlike liveliness

Rosy Marse fields

Infantry Rate and Horse

Monotonous beautifulness;
In their slender zyblel

Loskashy Banners of victorious,

Shiny caps of these copper
Pursuant to battle;

I love, Military Capital,
Your stronghold smoke and thunder,
When full of queen
Gives a son to the royal house,
Or victory over the enemy
Russia tries again,
Or hacking your blue ice,
Neva carries it to the seas
And, if there are days, snakes.
Wheel, hail of Petrov, and stand

Non-gas, like Russia,

Yes dying with you
And defeated elements;
Emoxy and captivity vintage
Let the Finnish waves forget

And in vicious malice will not

Anxious the eternal sleep of Peter!
There was a terrible time:
About her fresh memories ...
About her friends my, for you

I'll start my narrative.
Peacon will be my story.

Part 1

In St. Petersburg, autumn, Neva "rushed like a patient in his bed restless", a young man, Eugene, returns from guests home. He "lives in Kolomna, somewhere serves, he dies noble and does not fuss about the late birth, or about the forgotten stainer."

Having arrived home, Eugene undresses, falls, but for a long time it cannot fall asleep. He thinks that it is poor to "deliver and independence and honor";

What could God add to him

Mind and money; That is

Such idle lucky
The mind is unnatone, sloths,
Which life is easy!
What serves only two years ...
He also thought that the weather

He was thrown; that river
All arrived; that hardly
With the Neva Bridges no longer removed
And that he will be with a pair

Two days, three separated.

Finally he falls asleep. In the morning he sees that the flood begins:

Neva swollen and roared
Boiler buboc and sebble -
And suddenly, how the beast is worse
The city rushed. Before neo

All ran; everything around
Suddenly empty - waters suddenly

Flowed into underground basements
Channels were hung to lattices,
And Petropol popped like Titon,
The water belt is immersed.

Panic and confusion begins in the city. Everything turns out to be in the water: "Product of stuffing trade, belongings of poor poverty, thunderstorms demolished bridges, a coffin from a blurred cemetery float through the streets! .."

The authorities are powerless to what happened:

... at that terrible year

The deceased king still Russia

CO fame rules. On the balcony

Heat, smumes came out
And Milns: "From God's elements

Do not coperate the kings. " He sat down
And in the Duma sorrowful eyes
On evil disaster looked.

Evgeny saves: "On Petrova Square - where the house in the corner is a new one, where above the elevated porch with a piping paw, as the living, there are two lions watching, on a beast of marble riding, without a hat, squeezing with a cross, sitting the immovable, terribly pale Eugene. .. "He is afraid for his beloved, as:

Almost at the bay -
Fence made up yes Iva
And the old house: there is
Widow and daughter, his parasha
His dream ... or in a dream
Does he sees it? Il our whole
And life is nothing like a blank sleep,
Mock of God above the Earth?
And he seemed to be Okoldan,
As if the mramor was chained,
Can not go! In short
Water and nothing else!
And turned back to him
In non-optimile embroidery

Above the perturbation of Nevyu

Sits with a speed of hand

Giant on a bronze horse. "

Part 2

After a while, the flood ends:

Water sold, and bridge

Opened. And Evgeny Mo.

Hurry, silence, soul,
In hope, fear and longing

By barely humbled river.

Eugene finds a boat and carrier - "And the carrier carelessly be for the griver is willingly through the waves of terrible lucky." Finally -

He reached the shore. Unhappy

Familiar street beet
In place are familiar. Stuck
Can not find out. The view is terrible!
All in front of him are risen;
What is reset, which is demolished;
Domiki trembled; Others
Completely collapsed; other

Waves shifted; circle
As if in the battlefield,
Bodies are lying ...

Eugene runs to the house of the Beloved:

What is it? He stopped.
Went back and grogied.
Looks ... goes ... still looks.
Here is the place where their house is worth;
Here Iva. There were gates here,
Demolished them, visible. Where is the house?
And full of glooming care,
Everything goes, he walks around,
Pushes loudly with himself -
And suddenly, hit in the forehead.
Caught ...

The night comes, then the morning, the effects of floods begin to disappear:

In order for the former, everything entered
Already on the streets are free
With its insecurity of cold,
Went people. Official people
Leaving your night shelter
The service was walking. Torgash brave
He is sad, opened

Neva robbed basement,
Getting your loss important
In the neighbor to indispensable. From the courtyards

Twisted boats. Count tails
Poet, loved by heaven,
I sang immortal poems

The misfortune of Nevsky Beast ...

Ho Evgeny did not recover from shocks:

... rebellious noise

Neva and winds distributed

In his ears. Terrible doom

Silently full, he wandered.
He was tormented by some kind of sleep.
Week passed, month - he
I did not return home to my home.
His deserted corner
I gave a wonder how the time came out,
Host a poor poet.
Evgeny for his good
He came. He is soon light
Became alien. All day walked on foot,
And I slept not the pier; Food
In the window submitted by the piece;
Outdoor clothes on it
Running and trel. Evil children
Threw stones after him ...

And so he is his unfortunate age

Moved nor a beast neither
None neither
Neither the ghost is dead ... since he slept

Nevsky Pier. Days of summer

Known to autumn. Dyshal.

Rainy wind. Gloomy shaft

Splashed on the pier, make a rope

And mow about smooth steps
Like a journey at the door
He is not inclusive judges.
The poor woke up. Gloomily was;

Rain Capal, the wind fell sadly,
And with him away, in the darkness of the night

Echoed the clock ...
Jumped Yevgeny; remembered various

He is a past horror; hurried

He got up; went to wander and suddenly
Stopped - and around

Quietly began to led apologies
With fear wild on face.
He found himself under the columns

Big house. On the porch
With pipped paw like alive,

Stood lions watchdogs,
And right in the dark embroidery,
Over the rainstream rock
Moid with a speed of hand
Sat on a bronze horse.
Evgeny shuddered. Claimed

It is scary thoughts. He found out

And place where the flood played
Where the waves are predatory crowded,