Crossing the two-month holiday. Holiday Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

Crossing the two-month holiday. Holiday Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord
Crossing the two-month holiday. Holiday Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

One of the 12 main holidays christian church - It is celebrated on September 27 for a new style. In the people, he got the name of the Exaltation, Stall Day. And, of course, there is vintage customs And belief related to this day.
Holiday Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord Installed in memory of two significant for christian faith Events: Finding the Cross of the Lord equal to the Apostles Tsaritsa Elena Constantinople in the 4th century and deliverance on the same day, but three centuries later shrines from the Persian captivity. Holy Tsarina Elena marked the place associated with earthly life The Savior, the foundation of more than 80 temples, erected in Bethlehem - the place of the Nativity of Christ, on Mount Eleonskaya, from where the Lord raised to heaven, in Ghefsimania, where the Savior prayed to his sufferings and where it was buried God's Mother After Assumption. In Constantinople, St. Elena brought a part of Life-giving tree and nails. Equal to the Apostles Emperor Konstantin commanded the majestic and extensive temple in honor of the resurrection of Christ, which included the Merrian and Calvary coffin. The temple was built about 10 years. Holy Elena did not live to consecrate the temple; She died in 327. The temple was consecrated on September 13, 335. The next day, September 14, it was established to celebrate the upstream and life-giving cross.

Tsarina Elena Part of the Cross of the Lord brought her son to his son, King Konstantin, and left another part in Jerusalem. This precious remainder of the Cross of Christ is still kept in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

One of folk titles Exaltation - Stall Day (from Greek. - Cross). The peasants worshiped the cross as a symbol of salvation, the symbol of God and eternal life. He was considered reliable protection from evil, unclean and witchcraft. "The angels of the glory and demons of the ulcer" - so testified the church about the life-giving cross.
The rustic residents to protect their farm from the unclean, painted the coals of the crosses on the doors, windows of housing, barn and hhells.

All sores tried to attach to the cross on this day. According to the biblical legend, a seriously ill woman was healed with the help of a life-giving cross, and the deceased was resurrected. The people said: "On the elimination of the life-giving cross and the dead will raise!"
The day of the valve was made in strict post. In memory of the criticism of the Savior. "Who is in the upstream of the 7 sins to say goodbye to that, who does not honor the exaltation, will apply on that 7 sins."

* Do not start any important thing on this day - everything will go wrong. In the upstream, it is really impossible to do anything. This rule has always been respected, and it is followed today.

* Easually deliver to the upstream. For this you need to take three church candles, Install them on one dish. Now you need to spire with cruciform movements every angle of your home. At the same time you need to read any prayers that you know. But best, if you read ours "Father" or Psalm 90.

According to the old folk legend, the battle between "honor" and "dishonest" occurs on the emission. Climb on this day, says the legend, one to another two strength is erected: True, both Kryvda, "Holy" and "Uncipient." Shawls, pegs, shakes the mother of cheese earth. But erected from the depths of her holy Lord Cross, The whole universe shines, like the sun, from his raw, unfinished rays. And melts, like wax from fire, all evil, unclean, all of the Crimder before this radiant cross and wins all the righteous, everything is clean ... "And so to the conclusion of the centuries," says final word This legend, testifying to the unshakable faith of the people in the truth triumph.

Exaltimony - The arrival of cabbagers, cabbage, Cabesthenian evenings (which last two weeks). Indeed, from this pore begins at the village women, one of the most important autumn work - cabbage cabbage, her billet for the winter.
From the upstream begin to chop cappist.
On the upstream of the first lady - cabbage.
Shoot, Baba, about cabbage on the day up. A good man has an erected day and cake with cabbage (Voronezh.).
Do not wait for health, cut the turnip, pieces of cabbage (Vyat.).
Do not wait for the movement - cut the turnip, do not wait for the cover - sequins of cabbage (Ural.).
Healthy cabbage at the porch's good wellhead.
Guests were treated with cakes with cabbage.

Prayer life-giving cross

Overlapping a crotch sign and say a prayer to an honest cross:

God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight from his face hate him; Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts wax from the face of fire, so will die demi from the face loving God, and marked with a cross sign, and in the fun of the verbols: rejoice, the presenter and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, in Hell Szhedshago, and Imppensually for the power of diatling, and we are asleep to you, the cross is honest all sacuost. About the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord, helping Mi with sacred by the Devolution of the Virgin, and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Or briefly:

Fence me, Lord, the power of honestly and life-giving your cross, and save me from all slander.

Psalm 90.

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TMA transient, from shaking, and demonstigo. Falls from the country of Thousand, and the darkness is on holiday to you, it will not come close to you; Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the rewarding sinners of the prurishes. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not approach your tele ways, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all the ways of yours. In your hands, will be honored, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg; On aspid and Vasilisk, coming, and emery of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call to me, and I will hear him: I am in grief with him, Izmu I will, and I will glue it, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, and I will declare my salvation.

Poems to Orthodox church holiday Exaltation of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord, day September 27, 2017. Congratulate your favorite and loved ones with the great holiday of the world and the joy of the soul - with an exaltation.

Exalted 2017 what is this holiday

With the Prayer Gospel of the Temple, we will read
Let's satisfy the souls with joy, humility, good.
Save my God's slaves from evil,
And give us happiness and heavenly good
On the holiday of the exaltation of the life-giving cross,
We are almost prayer holy Holy Christ.
Exaltation of the honest and life-giving cross,
It comes this holiday on the outcome of September,
All Christians together, we are united on this day
And as the story says - we are invincible.
Pray for the Lord, for family and love,
So that the devil did not fit and show us pain,
Discover the Holy Gospel and "Our Father" read
Sorry for all sins, Lord forgive.
The Son of God asked the Cross,
Did not believe that people did not recognize wonders
But the miracle and Christ was accomplished,
They believed the apostles in the Messenger of Heaven.
Today, the day of the exposure to the cross of the life-giving,
Good and love from people receiving.
With prayer sacred to the temple go,
And the soul of earthly from sin to defense.
The Lord will save from sin,
On the day of the exaltation of happiness will bring
And the Cross of Christ we will suffer together
With prayer in lips without unnecessary words.
With joy, love and just kindness,
We will spend the whole holiday just with you,
Keep the Lord from the malice, hatred and anger,
When you're near God, I feel safe for me.
We are holy honorable church signs
And, all prayers to the sky ascended
We will reclaim the holiday important without a doubt -
Exalted the Lord Cross!

Today time to repent in the tricks!
And heaven ask for forgive sins!
Prayer reward in the repairs
Forbidden all moral debts!

God forbid you only faith and humility!
God forbid you more knowledge and strength!
Ask very sincere farewell,
To the Lord you sincerely forgive!

With the holiday of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

In this holiday for all Orthodox
Let a grace fall from heaven!
You swear in our main sins
And God forgive you will bring you!

On the day of the Exaltation I congratulate everyone!
Let smirier fill the hearts!
And for all Orthodox wish
Only faith, love without end!

Pray sincere now!
Thank you for everything!
Be happy only from now!
Let you be big in fate lucky!

Beautiful Poems Congratulations on the Exaltation of the Cross 2017

Estimation of the cross of life-giving
We note the whole world on this day!
And sincerely from the heart of the present
Pray for benefit on earth!

Let the smirch of the souls fill everything!
Let faith preserve earthly rest!
Let the dreams of the cherished will be fulfilled,
Today on this very day holy!

Praise to pay the sky with gratitude,
May God save you from losses!
And enjoy in this holiday sweetness
From Orthodox, sincere ideas!
Bell chime broadcast! ..
Orthodox people seek the temple ...
This day, humble foreshadows
And promises a blessing to you!

On the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
Wish I want the soul of good!
Pray many times today
Ringerie sincerely time!

Let you smile luck!
Let God protect everywhere!
This day can not be otherwise
After all, the Lord helped us helped!
September twenty seventh,
We will celebrate the holiday we are a big cross.
Congratulations all the people, of course,
Promise to be honest.
Victories of various to you
Happiness sincere and big.
So that health was - the main thing now
And luck also did not leave us!
Today you do not swear
Sacred Driver Drink!
Forest the previous shrine
The righteous people rejoiced.
This day we remember and today;
Life-free cross applies us
To remind the ancient loyal,
Strengthen us with faith saint
Cut sorrow and suffering
And fill the heart with warmth!
The eradication of the Lord is all evil, feeding us passion,
Love and happiness to bring, so that people smiled,
So that all the enemies were silenced, and so as not to do.
The prayer of the devil beat, good will triumph
And smoking together - God will save, whisper of Alliluya,
The life-giving cross will go and will be the people happy
The Esity of the Lord is all evil, Udichomir is passion.
Exaltation of the honest and life-giving cross,
Holiday Heavenly, Holy Day,
All Christians will go to the temples
In the threats, the prayer will be ascended.
Nice land, we are proud of you
God beloved, Creator dear,
The sun will rise, happiness will go,
Holiday Exaltation of Love will bring.

Short SMS-greetings with the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

The life-giving cross of the Lord
Holy Exaltation today.
God's cross always helps in life
From the troubles and from diseases it saves us!

With the upstream of you, I congratulate
I wish you from the whole soul salvation.
With love for God on Earth live,
Do not save evil, but only welcome!
Christianity - our faith,
Her symbol is a holy cross!
Let all the act of yours
You will be rewarded. All soul

I wish my health
More often to remember
Live to you without ceasing
Good things to achieve!
You congratulate you
From the heart now I want.
Let the Lord always help
Let all be on the shoulder.

Do not lose faith in the heart,
After all, she will always save.
Sincere let prayer let
Relief will bring.

Ask for the holiday glorious
Reliable trouble
And hear soul
You answer your question.
Today is our sacred holiday
And hear bell ringing,
After all, this day is so wonderful
There was a cross sacred acquired!
And with this day beautiful, light
We congratulate Christians
Love you wish you health
Well-being to all of you!
With the upstream, I congratulate you,
Let the Lord covers you the path.
May his cross from the troubles always saves
And does not give somewhere not to turn there.

Let the Hope always burn in the soul
Let the faith store you and wraps.
And life will be forever serene,
The love of relatives and close strength adds to you.
People will not forget through years
Wonders of the Heavenly Father
Appearance on the land of the Lord
And the coming of Christ himself.
Exaltation of the cross honest
Return of the life-giving cross,
And one on earth such
Cross from Son, Spirit and Father.
Let the Lord heals you
And the prayer lights up
Never leaves a moment
Never forget.
On the day of the Cross's Exaltation,
Let the soul revealed
Life-giving, honest,
And just for the saint's people.
Happy holiday my dear,
With the clue of the Holy Cross,
Orthodox brothers are relatives,
We glorify Christ today.
The Spirit will go: cleanliness and love,
In the temple, enter and cries,
Know, the Lord will be near to you,
And will send your life on the way.

Beautiful poems on the elimination of the Cross of the Lord

The life-giving cross returned
And faith revived again,
Sins and passions tightly fell asleep
And love broke out in the soul.
The beaten mind was healed,
Christ is resurrected every year
Traditions we revived
And the people go to the temple, goes.
I am with the erection of the cross
I congratulate you all.
Faith strong and deep
I wish you in my heart.

Let it help to win
Misfortunes and misfortunes.
Power Powerful Cross
You will give happiness.
Today, the elimination of the Cross of the Lord
We in the temple of God gathered,
In front of the cross will tend
And let's say a friend "Pray".

"Praise the Savior Native!":
All mankind shouts,
Thanks for the flour and suffering,
Saved everyone, the feat is great!
Life-giving cross of the Lord
The blessing was given to us.
Let witchcraft today in fashion.
We believe: God has become stronger.

We wish all the strength of the Spirit,
We wish you cheerful hearts.
Let the faith be easier to fluff.
Who resisted - that well done.
The Lord Cross erected was
On the day this is significant!
I want God to love you,
Everything will be wonderful!
Life-giving cross of the Lord
Blessing carries us.
Whoever believes, that is free,
His Lord will always save.
I wish you the power of the Spirit
Today, on holiday, per day any
And faith not for showing
Let God be always with you!

The Holiday of the Exaltive Cross of the Lord is established in the memory of the acquisition and erection of the Cross of Christ. Konstantin Great significant Roman ruler who saved Christians from persecutions. Konstantin with God's help won in three battles, and saw a great sign in heaven, the cross of the cross and it was written on it "sim win." Konstantin wasveling to find the cross on which crucified Jesus. Piecely mother Konstantin went to find out. As a result, the search was found: the coffin of the Lord, a few crosses, a board with a signature "Jesus Nazoria, Tsar Judaisky" and four nails. Patriarch Macarium cured a sick woman and revived the deceased, brings the cross to them. So in Constantinople part of the life-giving cross was delivered. By order of the ruler of Constantine in Jerusalem, a cathedral was erected in honor of the resurrection of Christ. The upstream of the honest life-giving cross began to celebrate the twenty-seventh of September. Date, note the upstream of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord - September 27.

Exaltation of the honest and life-giving cross,
Holiday Heavenly, Holy Day,
All Christians will go to the temples
In the threats, the prayer will be ascended.
Nice land, we are proud of you
God beloved, Creator dear,
The sun will rise, happiness will go,
Holiday Exaltation of Love will bring.

With the holiday, the upstream of the life-giving cross,
Today there will be a happy Christian family,
Love and honesty, happiness - joy and love,
Jesus Christ will come and will be here with you.
Restored faith, returned the cross there,
Where the truth and freedom he will always live,
Get up of Christians, pray for good,
And you will have health and help from outside.

The eradication of the Lord is all evil, feeding us passion,
Love and happiness to bring, so that people smiled,
So that all the enemies were silenced, and so as not to do.
The prayer of the devil beat, good will triumph
And smoking together - God will save, whisper of Alliluya,
The life-giving cross will go and will be the people happy
The Esity of the Lord is all evil, Udichomir is passion.

Happy Holiday of the Cross of the Lord,
The service will be held on this day.
Cross returned to people in Jerusalem,
People were guided by the Orthodox Forces.
Glory to you God, Glory Jesus Son,
There are many in the world, many reasons,
So that you remembered that you were the medium of us,
How are you in Calvary all nations saved.

Today is the Holiday Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord,
We are to the temple procession gathered
Let's open the heart, the soul is now free,
And on the knees in the temple before the Lord pray.
Praise Christ, the Savior Native,
For joy, happiness in your home,
I congratulate you on all my heart
Love your families and faithful.

People will not forget through years
Wonders of the Heavenly Father
Appearance on the land of the Lord
And the coming of Christ himself.
Exaltation of the cross honest
Return of the life-giving cross,
And one on earth such
Cross from Son, Spirit and Father.

The life-giving cross the Lord returned
Blessed people for happiness on earth,
And the Holy Spirit in the soul was reborn,
Erected joy on the Holy Side.
He strengthened the heart and strength of the Spirit,
Restored love and joy on earth,
Stopped, retreated the destroy
Because of what we lived in the Mol.

Let the Lord heals you
And the prayer lights up
Never leaves a moment
Never forget.
On the day of the Cross,
Let the soul revealed
Life-giving, honest,
And just for the saint's people.

Life is not just a test - it's happiness and love,
For someone, punishment, and someone in the heart pain.
God gave the will to man, sent Christ from Heaven,
And filled in the life of the milestone, I believed in miracles.
And then it was crucified, earth cried blood,
All hope was lost, shouted the soul people.
And the savior of life returning - happiness, joy people gave
Here he is a cross-graded, His Christ sent us.

Congratulations on the Day of Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross,
Let the heavens be sprinkled, the god of you will touches
Love, luck, joy will fill emptiness,
The remains of the vigor will disappear in the wind.
The prayer is miraculous from the malice,
And feel beautiful, divine life,
Without passion of despondency, with spiritual purity,
Thank the Savior, for the fact that you are alive.

Happy holiday my dear,
With the clue of the Holy Cross,
Orthodox brothers are relatives,
We glorify Christ today.
The Spirit will go: cleanliness and love,
In the temple, enter and cries,
Know, the Lord will be near to you,
And will send your life on the way.

The life-giving cross returned
And faith revived again,
Sins and passions tightly fell asleep
And love broke out in the soul.
The beaten mind was healed,
Christ is resurrected every year
Traditions we revived
And the people go to the temple, goes.