God loves you. Does God love sinners

God loves you. Does God love sinners
God loves you. Does God love sinners

Question: There is an opinion among Christians that God does not like a sinner, but only pours out his anger. Please explain on the basis of the Bible: Does God love sinner?

Luther said that some will read two or three books and imagine that they now know everything that knows the Holy Spirit. And now there are "Experts", which, having heard about the theory of economy of God's actions, decided that everything was clear with God's love: "God does not make anything, which means that it cannot be vain to love candidates for hellish peckelo. He has everything silent to the smallest detail and he can't spend on his loss. " This look seems logically impeccable, but it does not correspond to biblical teachings.

We must understand that the biblical teaching in some of its parts is not absolutely complete and coordinated. It remains white spots. There are things from us hidden, and they belong to the Lord, open belong to us (Dev.29: 29). David did not rummaged to urazumen inaccessible to understand the action of God, but humbled his inappropriate feelings (Psalm 130: 1-2). Indeed, "we partly know I. partly prophesy "(1 Cor.13: 9). Only in heaven we will know 100% Bible and much over it. In the meantime, agree that the Bible does not explain the origin of sin in the Angelic world, the relationship of God's sovereignty and human freedom, the mechanism of the award, the meaning of the eternal coexistence of Paradise and Hell, etc.

Genuine wisdom is not to paint white spots of unknown to good color, but in believing everything written in the Word of God and explain exactly as much as it allows.

Now, after preliminary comments, I will go directly to the answer to the question, does God love the sinner?

If there were only one verse from 1 John in the Bible: 8 "God is love," it would be enough to apply to sinners. In fact, poems telling about God's love for them is much larger. Jesus Christ taught in the Nagorno sermon: "... love your enemies, bless you curse you, who hate you and pray for those who are offending you and drive you."

Why followers of Christ should take over the difficult feat of love for enemies? The answer was God's character, who should imitate: "... Let's be the sons of your heavenly father's sons of your heaven, for he commands the sun to be ascended over evil and kind and sends rain on the righteous and unjust. For if you love those who love you, what is your reward? Are you not doing and sootari? And if you welcome only your brothers, what do you do? Does the pagans do not come? So, be perfect, as your Heavenly Father perfect "(Matt. 5: 44-48). It is quite obvious that not one person is offended by the mercy of God and therefore we have no right to refuse our mercy even enemies.

The apostle Peter convinces: "... the Lord of the Lord [execution] of the promise, as some hesitate that he is slow; But long-suffering us, not wanting to die, but that everyone came to repentance "(2pes.3: 9). And here is clearly visible the interest of God in the salvation of sinners. Without love, God would not tolerate their lawlessness.

The Apostle Paul spoke to the Liconians's idolaters that God "... did not cease to testify to himself by blessings, feeding it from the sky rains and the times of fruit and fuzzy and fulfilling our hearts and the fun of our hearts" (Acts 14: 15-17). Paul explained to the arrival of the Athenians that they were alive, thanks to God: "... I live them and we live and we exist, like some of your poems said:" We are His and Rod "(Acts.17: 26-28). And if God supports the life of sinners, then he loves them!

In the message to Timothy, it is said that God "... wants all people to save and achieve the knowledge of truth" (1: 2: 4). As well as: "For we have been worried about the same and we turn to the god of Zhivago, who is the Savior of all people, but the Napa Troop" (1Tim.4: 10).

A deep understanding of the love of God to sinful mankind gave Paul's foundation to say to the depraved king Agrippe: "Would I pray to God so that you never know, much, not only you, but everyone who listens to me today, have become like me, except for these ultras "(Acts26: 29). If the weak man wished salvation to sinful dignitaries and their servants, did God wanted more than him?

But the greatest proof of God's love for sinners was revealed through Jesus Christ. Christ said: "Seek me, I saw my father." This means that Christ most fully on earthly conditions expressed the attitude of the Heavenly Father to sinners. His love for them showed himself in patience to their intrigues, ready to join the dialogue with them, in chitters, in sincere sorrow and crying about their fierce. Even to his traitor, Jude, the Savior showed love, washing his legs and calling him a friend. The Goligofsky Cross began to the world of God's love for the world: "For God was loved so much, that he gave the son of his only society, so that every believer did not die, but had eternal life. For God did not send his son to the world to judge the world, but that the world was saved through it "(Ioan.3: 16,17).

It was from the cross that all times and all nations sounded: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do!" The prayer was ascended for those who mocked Christ, who scored nails in his arms and legs who crowned his head with a ternger crown. A certain Italian artist painted, as nails, the hands of the Savior's hands, pass the Tree and pierce the hands of the Heavenly Father, who were hundreds behind the cross. Calvary Son, was also Calvary Father.

That's why we have a muster talk to every person "God loves you!" God's love is surprisingly wide, deep and wasteful! Other she can not! She loudly turns loudly: "Contact me, and you will be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is no other" (Is.45: 22).

However, this problem has another side. Scripture indicates that the wrath of God is also in unbelievers. Love and anger at the same time? Can it be? Look at the example of Christ, and you will become everything clearly: "And, lezing on them with anger, mourning about the fierce of the hearts of them, says to the man: to last your hand. He stretched out, and his hand was healthy, like another "(Mar.3: 5). Christ loved and was angry at the same time. He testified about his love sorrowing of the fierce of enemies, and his condemned look about his anger. Christ loved and pegged into his students when they did not allow children to come to him for the blessing.

Who is from the Russian poets said: "then the heart does not learn to love, which is tired hating." God is able to and to the deepest, holy love and the deepest, sacred hatred. And with this you need to reckon. Augustine blissful correctly said that it was nowhere to go from God, if we run away from His love, we will refer to his anger. Choosing for us. Saint Paul wrote: "Nevertheless, from God, Jesus Christ reconciled us and giving us a ministry of reconciliation, because God in Christ reconciled the world with him, without imposing [people] of their crimes, and gave us the word of reconciliation. So we are the Messengers on behalf of Christ, and as if God himself extensions through us; On behalf of Christ, please: reconcile with God. For he did not know the sin, he did for us [the sacrifice for] a sin so that we are in it righteous before God "(2kor.5: 18-21). Paul urged sinners to choose God's love, and not God's wrath. If a person still chooses anger, then it will be only his fault.

I want to complete my answer to the expressive quote from the "confession" of Augustine of Blessed. It shows how in perfect God's character harmoniously dwells various qualities that we must recognize, glorify and preach, not understanding how they interact:

"What are you, my God? What, if not the Lord God? "Who is the Lord besides the Lord? And who is God, except for our God? " The highest, benevolent, powerful, almighty, merciful and fair; the most distant and closest, most beautiful and strongest, real and incomprehensible; The unchanged, changing everything, eternally young and forever old, you update everything and become proud, and they do not know; Always in action, forever alone, you collect and do not need, you carry, fill and cover; Come on, nourish and improve; Looking for, although you have everything. You love and do not worry; jealous and not disturbing; repent and do not be sad; There are angry and remain calm; Change your works, and do not change the Council; Pick what you find, and never lose; Never need and enjoy the profit; You never have a stingy and require Lyhava. You are given with an excess, so that you are in debt, but do anyone have anything that is not yours? You pay debts, but you should not do anyone; Give debts, without losing anything. What to say more, my Lord, my life, my holy joy? And what can I say at all, speaking about you? But grief are silent about you, for and speaking numbings. "

Let each reader ask himself this question: "Do God love me?" And I will ask myself like this: "For what God should love me? And in general, should God love me? "The love of God for a person in a Christian religion is an immutable dogma. And in Islam, God is justice. He is the creator of all things on earth and in heaven. He belongs to everything that is on earth, in heaven and between them. "This is he - the only owner of all things, Lord of the Earth and 7 Heaven, Lord of the worlds, he who made cry and laugh, he who killed and revived, he created spouses - her husband and wife, he enriched and endowed him Lord Sirius "(Quran, Sura number 53" Star ").

In the Holy Quran, the Lord says to people: "On the sons of Israel! Remember the mercy of my, which I had and correctly observe my covenant, then I will observe the covenant with you. I'm afraid and believe in the fact that I sent in confirmation of the truth that with you. Do not be the first unbelievers in it. And do not buy for my signs an insignificant price and be afraid of me "(Quran, Sura number 2" Cow ", verse 38) So where is about love?

God-fearing is the keyword that connects us to the Creator. The word that we have long excluded from our usual lexicon by virtue of historical circumstances. And now I dare to ask the reader such a question. The destruction of churches, temples, mosques, monasteries Communists in the 30s of the twentieth century known to all as the proven fact of vandalism, everyone knows about it, and some even remember. Does anyone remember those people who did it? Ask your older relatives, do they remember those who crammed the centuries naughty temples and mosques? So what happened to them?

According to the stories of my grandmother in our village, too, destroyed the mosque, and the people who did it paid for their acts a very high price. Do you think they died? No, much worse. One of them, 27 years of his life, lay in bed without any adequate diagnosis, the doctors simply diluted with their hands. Nor alive, nor dead. Another communist spoke himself, and all the descendants of it here are already 4 generations of bitter drunkards and because of alcohol early lay down in the grave. A woman who climbed on the minaret of that mosque, subsequently went crazy, although there were no visible prerequisites. So lived her days as a vegetable, not remembering themselves, nor native, nor loved ones.

Only the 4th Communist after some time after these events came to his senses and began to beg for forgiveness from the Lord, but God punished him with loneliness - no wife, nor a child. He died in the nursing home. These people were atheists, did not recognize anyone, they forgot about God-fearing. And this is a terrible payback. So did the Lord loved these people, because they repented deeply? And in fact, for what he should love them? For repentance? But the mosque did not. And repentance cleans the soul, but the mosques do not build ...

About God-fearing We, as people believers, must always remember and everywhere. Both in wealth, and in poverty, and in illness, and even more so, in health. Everything that the Lord gives us, he gives only a test. As a person orders the gifts of the Lord, depends only on the person himself. One will be divided with the near benefits that the Lord gave him. And the other will declare: "This is all I myself earned, all reached. And so I should not anyone! " Is it?

In modern society, there is such a phrase, even the saying: "It turned out to be at the right time in the right place." And as a particular person turned out to be there (notice - it was!)? The Lord brought this person to where it is necessary. And why? Do you think, because God loves this particular person? No, the Lord chose this person for the test, for example, wealth. By the way, a very serious test. "They are those who bought the closest life for the future, and will not be facilitated by the punishment, and they will not help them. And if they believed and were God-fearing, then the reward from Allah is better - if they knew! Yes! Who betrayed his face Allah, and it creates good, he is his award from his gentlemen, and there is no fear over them and they will not be sad. " (Quran, Sura №2 "Cow", Poems №86, 103, 112)

As our Lord defines - who is God-fearing, and who is not? "Not in that piety, in order for you to pay your faces towards the East and the West, and a piety - who believed in Allah, and on the last day, and in the angels, and in Scripture, and the prophets, and gave property, despite the love of him , close, and orphans, and the poor, and travelers, and asking, and on slaves, and put a prayer, and gave purification - and performing their covenants when they conclude a contract, and patient in misfortunes and distress and during trouble, this is Those who were true, these are they are a gog fellow "(Koran, Sura number 2" Cow ", verse number 177). It seems that everything is very simple. Nothing complicated, and everything is fulfilled.

So why not being done? Why are our orphans who grow in orphanages do not see prospects in the future? Because in childhood they were not allowed, so there is no confidence in the bottom of tomorrow. Why are so many pensioners? Because we do not give them to become rich. We are selected from their small pension for utilities, bread, milk and medicine. But the prices for this all are not at all equivalent to their pensions. This from these Nishchensky pensions make up the fabulous wages of top managers of Russian energy companies and housing and communal services.

Why there are such questions in the media: "Given the beggars and beggars! Give them money or not? " And in the same media, essays and telecasts are printed and shown about what kind of mafia is begging. Not ashamed? Spent a bunch of money to remove the video record. So who is more wicked? Why increase your own sin? Give them to them without asking questions! Do not millions distribute? Be God-fearing, because the Lord sees everything! Not your thing is how the beggar will spend 10 rubles. Even if he buys an apartment in Moscow - Relieve him! Tell me: "Thank God! Helped a man. " About the travelers and just the poor I'll keep silent. It is easier for us to fall on the state and the government ... And it is even better to create a talk show on TV and releasing the television screen: "Here are the beggars - drinking!" By the way, not all begging, and even more drinking, far from beggars.

To hope for the love of the Lord to Himself, it is necessary to earn it. After all, even on the love of a loved one, you can count on, only by loving him. To fall in love with the opposite sex, we go to some extent, on self-sacrifice: We spend money on clothes and ribbons, on the beauty salon, manicure-pedicure, flowers, candy, restaurants, and so on. And what do we do for the love of the Lord? Where is our self-sacrifice for the sake of Divine love? And in general, you should not count only on the love of the Lord, because they still have to answer for sins.

And you know what? We are responsible for your sins here on this earth and in this life. Do not count on what it happens sometime later, "after death, on that light." Lord patient and merciful. He is forgiving and gracious. And the mercy of him is that we are in favor of our debts in front of the Lord. And this is only for our sinful souls to appear before the Creator, as clean as possible. After all, after death, the soul does not have the right to ask for forgiveness for sins, delivered intentionally or inadvertently. For pride we are responsible for subsequent humiliation. For murder - a terrible violent death. For greed - poverty. For theft - loss in 100 times the size. For lies - false accusation to your address. Behind the adultery - a loving family. For injustice towards the neighbor - an unfair attitude towards himself. For envy - our own dreams and desires will never fulfill, because we wish others, forgetting about your. Our laziness, gluttony and despondency can permanently ruin health. Joyless picture, isn't it?

"Who will give Allah a good loan, so he increased him many times? Allah squeezes and generously gives, and you will be returned to him! (Quran, Sura №2 "Cow", verse №245) To take, first need to give. Be generous, and not only in the money. Give them to those who surround your disinterested help and our sincere participation, your good advice and your good word. His smile, in the end! Do not skit! And be God-fearing. After all, God-fearing is the source of the grace of the Lord. "And we painted you with a cloud and gave the mann and quail for you. You are fighting the benefits that we ended up! We didn't cause injustice, and they hurt themselves! " (Quran, Sura №2 "Cow", verse number 57)

So, does God love us? Loves, of course. Therefore, he gave us free will. That is freedom ...

M.il to you, dear visitors to the Orthodox island "Family and Vera"!

TOak man can know exactly if his Lord loves him?

D.why did God create a man if he knew that part of people would fall into hell?

C.so it means to know God?

E.if a person is urged to God and everything must conquer the Creator, what does this mean?

Oleg Stenyaev responds by Archier:

"There are words in Scripture: "Will the woman will forget his breast child, so as not to spare his son's son? But if she had forgotten, I would not forget you " (IS.49,15).

About how often the Lord showed his love towards each of us, we will only learn in eternity. But now we can say that without his care and love we could not live the day.

St. John Zlatoust teaches us: (Interpretation on the 113rd Psalm).

About God's love in Scripture said: "For God so loved the world, which gave the son of his only beast, so that any believer in him, did not die, but had eternal life." (In.3.16). Here we see that God loved the world who needed a victim. This means that the Lord loved each of us, despite our sinfulness.

So, for our part, God did everything for us, everything is necessary for us to have hope for eternal life. That hope that says: "For we are saved in the hope ..." (Rome.8.24), and more: "And hope does not comply, because the love of God poured into the hearts of our Holy Spirit given to us"(Rome.5,5).

Speaking about the love of God, it must be remembered that the Lord loved us unfortunately, solely to his mercy for the sake of. Saving us, he simply showed one of his properties (qualities), namely, mercy.

It is said: "He saved us not on the affairs of righteousness, which we would create, but by their mercy, the banner of the revival and updates to the Holy Spirit" (Tit.3.5). If a "He saved us not on the affairs of righteousness, which we would create"This means that he loved us even when we were dead by our crimes. That is, God accepted us, as some prodigal children in the embrace of learners with such as we came to him from the country of distant. This means that the Lord is ready to accept any person with all his problems and sins, that is, such as he, a sinner, is actually. God will accept and will not stop him and helps to correct, transformed, to preemn.

Here I want to quit the words of St. John Zlataustago, the words are so amazing, such as striking and accurate. St. John Zlatoust taught about the love of God: "God loves us more than the father, mother or a friend can love, or even another, and even more than we ourselves love themselves, because he has been providing more about our salvation than even about his own glory, evidence of what serves The fact that he sent to the world for suffering and death (human flesh) of his only soccer son is only in order to open the path of salvation and eternal life. ".

- Why did God create a man if he knew that part of people would fall into hell?

- God is perfect love. It is said: "…God is love"(1in.4.8). Love is - good. Consequently, the Lord God is a source of good for all of his creation. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreation itself is to bear good to all the coaches. St. Fathers teach that the Divine Love itself is a movement. And, as you know, love is a mutual process. Therefore, we learn the love of God, as in an increase in the knowledge of God. To know God - means to love him, that is, in all try to fulfill the will of the beloved. Love - means to know him. It is said: "Who says:" I knew him, "but the commandments does not keep him, the liar, and there is no truth in it; And who observes his word, in that truly love of God "(1in.2.4-5).

So, we are called, as well as Adam, keep and cultivate the "paradise" of our relationship with the Lord God. Therefore, when Scripture says that a person justifies only faith, it is necessary to keep in mind that faith, which is said: "Vera is the exercise of expected and confidence in the invisible" (Heb.11.1). As you can see, here: faith is, first of all, implementation and only then confidence. This means that on our side in love for God, in which we believed should be a movement, that is, the action. Therefore, the one who answered the call of God, he grabbed eternal love, and who rejected this appeal, he turned out to be removed from good, goodness and love (eternal life in God and with God).

Therefore, we must say straight: God created everything for the good, but not everything turned out to be able to perceive it. However, in Scripture it is said: "When everything conquers him, then the Son himself will submit to the conquer all to him, God will be all in everything" (1 Cor.15.28).

If a person is urged to God and everything must conquer the Creator, it means that not only a person, but the whole world will change. Otherwise why and why save? Ap. Paul writes: "I tell you the mystery: not all of us will die, but I will change everything" (1 Cor.15.51). St. Feofan The Navnik wrote: "There will be the sky Novo and the Earth Nova, says the Lord. What for all we, believers, "expect a new sky and a new land" (2Pet.3.13)? Here is the first true news! It will open in all of the glory already in the death of the world, when everything will be rereading fire; But the preparation for her started from the first days of the existence of the sky and the Earth and acts from that time invisible, of course, for the sensual, but simmally for the faith.

Why God loves every his creation and what the villains will be dissatisfied with the terrible court - Sergey Khudiyev reflects.

God loves all his creation

In response to one of my last articles, I got a question that seems to me very important - and I will try to answer him. Does God love the villains? Or, how this question looks more formulated by a person who puts it:

"You claim:" God loves all people - sober and drunks, respectable fathers of families and harlons with husbandloods, doctors - and hired killers, they are all of his creations, and he wishes to all of them temporary and eternal good. There is no man so terrible so that God does not love him. This person would not exist if God had not loved him. "

Please, tell me, please, as what you have said consistent with the words from PS. 10: 5, where about God says that "the wicked and loving violence hates his soul"?

And further. Hitler, in your opinion, is a terrible person? And half the sweat? And Stalin with Lenin in addition, a one-stroke of the feather who spoke to death thousands of people? And Satanists who commit ritual sacrifices? And sexual perverts and seductors of children? And modern politicians, which to meet their ambitions and the desire to reside in power, make decisions as a result of which are not affected by anything obey? And religious leaders, modern Saddukes and Pharisees, hypocritically speaking one who think others, and those who come in third (or are you not familiar to you?)?

Does them love too? "

So, does God love bad people? Definitely, yes, God loves all his creation. Everything that exists is supported in being exclusively by the power of his love - no one and nothing can exist next instant if it were not for God's love. Each next breath who makes a person - even a man is the bad - there is a gift of God's love. "For we live and move and we exist" (Acts 17:28).

Creation is a matter of love, and the atonement has a case of love - Christ dies for evil, vicious, hostile to God and each other sinners. As the apostle says:

"For and we were no longer miserable, unfortunately, lost, there were slaves of lusts and various pleasures, they lived in malice and envy, they were vile, hated each other. When was the grace and humans of the Savior of our, God, he saved us not on the affairs of righteousness, which we would create, but by their mercy, the banana of the Renaissance and the updates of the Holy Spirit, who poured on us abundantly through Jesus Christ, our Savior "(tit . 3: 3-6).

God loves the dead souls in hell, God loves Satan and demons. God does not feed Hate to any of his creations.

Absolutely all the created immersed in the ocean of his love and could not exist otherwise.

At the same time, Scripture says that God hates villains and will mad them. What does it mean? The same reality looks love and anger - depending on where we look at it.

Now he recalls with gratitude that he was imprisoned

I somehow spoke with one person who chose a slippery path in his youth and became a professional criminal. This ended, predictable, by the fact that the commanding swords were redeemed before him, and the guards took him to the judge, and the judge will plunge him into the dungeon - which, undoubtedly, was extremely heavy and painful experience, wrath of God and anger, human, who came to his lawlessness. But in prison, he heard the preaching of the Gospel, repented of his former life and came out to the will of a completely different person.

Now he is grateful recalls that he was put in prison and those saved from further increase in evil. He understands that it is the love of God, looking for his salvation, arranged his arrest. "Before my sufferings, I was mistaken; And now your word is stored ... Fully me, I suffered, in order to learn your charters "(Ps. 118: 67, 71).

From the point of view of an embittered criminal concluded in custody, he undergoes rage and anger, and serious punishment; From the point of view of the criminal repentant, who learned to look at things from the point of view of his genuine good, and this was also the affair of the saving love of God.

But that if the criminal was not repented, but would have heed in a stubborn hatred of God and people, and certainly did not see the case of love in his conclusion? Alas, it also happens. Would his punishment of love for him of divine fishery? Yes, of course - in any case, the fishe would restrain his increase in evil and would fix other people.

The fact that the side of God (and the person who got on the side of God) looks like a case of love and grace, from the villain looks like manifestation of hatred and anger - even recently he, proud and satisfied with himself, spent time in expensive restaurants with gorgeous women - And now goes along the prison corridor, taking back.

God's court will be a matter of love

Somehow I worked in an organization, one of whose employees constantly quit, criticized, humiliated others and created an unbearable atmosphere. Long, he was tolerated too long - and then fired that it was necessary to do much earlier. But he himself did not see himself as a person, extremely abused by kindness, peaceful and patience of others - he saw himself a fair and pious man victims of the villain for the truth.

What is actually a manifestation of love and long-suffering, an embittered sinner sees like hatred, rage and anger.

Of course, any human court is immersing - I just use this analogy to show that love in relation to the villain can manifest itself in what he will suffer, and that he himself can refuse to see in this manifestation of love.

The terrible court of God will be a matter of love - and saved souls, angels, and everyone who sees it from God's side, that's what they see him. In Psalms, the court is an incredibly joyful event. "Tell the peoples: the Lord reigns! Therefore, the firm universe, not shake. He will judge the peoples of truth. Yes, heaven are having fun and the earth triumphs; yes noise sea and what fills it; Yes, the field is rejoiced and everything that is on it, and even adhere to all the trees of the dubbing pretend of the Lord; For goes, for it goes to judge the land. He will judge the universe of the truth, and peoples - according to the truth of their "(Ps. 95: 10-13).

From the side of the embittered, unknown sinners, everything will look completely different: "And the kings of the earth, and the venomes, and the rich, and the thousands teams, and strong, and every slave, and every free disappeared into the caves and in the gorge of the mountains, and speak the mountains and stones: Fall on us and cover us from face sitting on the throne and from the anger of the lamb; for came the great day anger of him, and who can resist? " (Rev. 6: 15-17).

God's love will put the limit of the inexistent evil, will give the last mercy to those who do not give themselves another grace, will give them so much good as they are able to accept. Because existence is good, the knowledge of truth is good, to be stopped in the path of increase in evil - this is good. The fact that the evil themselves will perceive it as a painful punishment will be the result not at all that God hates and want to torment - this is by no means so, and the fact that the sin has so much agreed by their perception of reality.

But they usually do not consider themselves at the villains

From the fact that God loves villains, it does not follow that the villains will be satisfied - they will just be unhappy. Such is the tragedy and the monstrous stupidity of sin.

But the villains have another feature - usually they do not consider themselves at the villains; than in the worst spiritual state a person is, the harder it is to notice that something is wrong with him.

Villains are always others, and when we unpleasantly scratching the idea that God can love villains, then this is because we do not relate to those.

The Bible says that in vain - we are all sinners, guilty, spoiled and deeply rebellious. But God invariably loves us and is looking for saving - that is, to restore us in a relationship with him and change us so that we become paradise, and not hellish creatures.

To do this, admit that bad people are not only they. These are we, too, and we should come to terms, repent, impose your hope for Christ and trust the Holy Spirit to deeply change our lives.

Causes of the suffering of sequity Larisa Aleksandrovna

Do God loves us?

Do God loves us?

This chapter transmits our live dialogues with readers of our books during meetings with them in the publishing house "Amrit-Rus".

One reader somehow asked:

How to understand the phrase from the Bible: "Who I love, be punished"?

- Let us turn to what is closest and clear to us. When loving parents punish their child for some unwanted action for them, it does not mean that they are his do not like. Any parent loves his child and wants his behavior to be consistent with generally accepted human standards.

Therefore, their punishment is not a desire to hurt him, and the desire to instruct the child to the right way, to teach him to behave adequately in society and the family. Parents want her son or daughter to see the consequences of their actions and, observing public norms of behavior, could be born into this society and exist normally in it.

Also, God loves a man as his creation, and wishes to see his children with no idle "lucky", but by highly developed, highly born members of their world.

Therefore, he makes the souls pass through suffering, difficulty and testing. A person can only reveal in difficult situations. They are exposed and his vices and his dignity. But the shortcomings in the person are detected with the purpose of their elimination and turning into dignity. All souls on Earth begin their evolution, passing through the vices and sins. But one day they will rise to the heights of the divine worlds and turn into high-dimensional and ultra-industrial personalities.

And in order to have such a transformation from the ugly duckling in a wonderful swan, God sends a person to a difficulty, testing and punishment so that he understood, in which direction he should go.

God is important that the person becomes high conscious, learned to understand the pain of others, to compare them. There is not a single person on Earth, whose high consciousness would have appeared by itself. The man acquired her, struggling with difficulties and adversities. Just suffering himself, he learned to compare another. Therefore, all souls that are improved in good, pass through suffering.

But if in the suffering soul begins to acquire qualities, disagreeable to God: avenue, malice, dishonesty, greed, etc., - that soul is transmitted to the negative system.

Difficulties, testing and punishment help souls acquire experience, knowledge of life, and also contribute to the increase in spiritual baggage.

In addition, suffering qualitatively shared the souls. Some souls, having passed the suffering themselves, begin to sympathize with others, help them. And thus there is a purification and an increase in the human energy production. And others, on the contrary, begin to hate others, revenge them for their suffering and enter the path of involution.

Each difficulty is a kind of task that a person must decide in this life. The more tasks he will master, the greater experience will acquire, and therefore, it will become more perfect - and therefore faster will fall into the hierarchy of God.

So everything is connected with the development of the soul.

Question: How can you interpret the suffering of a person in a new way?

- In addition to the listed tasks, which are invested in the process of suffering, there are still their energy essence. The suffering is associated with a set in the matrix of the soul of certain types of energies and with the construction on the basis of individual human qualities.

Passing the life situations in their actions and passing them through their feelings, a person is developing certain qualities of the soul. If he solves the situation correctly, then gaining the necessary energies in the cell of the matrix. And if the situations are solved incorrectly, then in the matrix the necessary energy does not flow and the qualities are not built.

For example, according to its program, a person must work sympathy for poor and sick members of society, love for man, kindness, pity. And he is selfishly engaged in the appointment of itself and the data does not work.

Therefore, in the next life, they send critical situations in which he must fight for his life and the life of loved ones. He passes through terrible events, suffering, and only after that it is borrowing such qualities as compassion, love for man, pity, dedication and even - sacrifice, when for the sake of his beloved man, he is ready to sacrifice his life.

That is, when a person does not want to produce divine qualities by goodwill, it is forced to do it, spending it through all sorts of life shocks.

Suffering help to build in cells of the matrix on the positive energies of the quality of love, mercy, nobility, responsibility, etc.

And the individual who does not help and does not compare other people who live only in their own pleasure, in satiety, peace, contentment, is developing such negative qualities as: worn, cruelty, indifference, greed, heartlessness. And with such qualities of the soul, the individual can only get into the negative system, but not to God.

Question: Is it possible to earn suffering for yourself a good act?

- In modern life, many people try to live decently. They do not violate laws, make good deeds, try to help those who need, conscientiously perform their production and family responsibilities. But if a person does not think about the consequences of his actions, it is sooner or later he will earn a punishment for himself, even making good actions.

After all, good can sometimes turn around evil. For example, when the Father, wanting to alleviate the fate of the Son, decides for him school challenges, he prevents the development of his soul quality - hard work, that is, contributes to its degradation. And so that this does not happen, the father must explain to him what the child does not understand, but that he solve everything himself.

Or parents often do the goodness of the soul give their children money, not wanting to restrict them in the means. And the children are secretly smoking them, they use drugs, they begin to chase the temptations. As a result, good parents turns evil for their children. They degrade. And parents receive punishment in the same life. They have to suffer deeply when their children turn into drug addicts or alcoholics.

In this case, a person himself can see the consequences of its "good" actions. He begins to realize that in addition to the very act, there are also consequences, and they sometimes have a negative result.

Question: What other reasons may suffer decent people?

- Of course, there are a lot of good people on Earth who try to live correctly, in God's laws. For their lives, they are impairing insignificant karma. Therefore, their subsequent life proceeds relatively calmly, without much shocks.

They make little mistakes, because their soul reached a high level of perfection.

But such people are difficult to live in the surrounding society. It is impossible to create a fully ideal life for them, since society remains even quite low in its relationship, morality, spiritual ties. Therefore, such decent people will suffer from the imperfection of society, from what they see around themselves.

Question: Many people suffer from not from situations, but from the defects of their bodies. They are born blind or with already sick bodies. Their souls suffer from their flaws. What are these suffering related?

- Indeed, in every city there are people blind from birth, disabled people, children with Daun's disease, etc. It would be possible to assume that this is caused by a bad environment or directly some violations in the body of future parents. But it's not always the case.

Higher teachers tell us that nothing accidental happens, in everything they hide their laws. And if the physical body receives from the birth of some defect, then this is or punishment, or the test given by the soul of a person for one life.

Reasons for the punishment of a person with higher, for example blindness, several:

1) karmic causes. The man in the past deliberately or by negligence deprived of the other and according to the laws of causal relationship in this life receives retribution. He himself will fully fully fracture the gravity of the evil they have had.

2) a man can punish a tenderness of an insensible, indifferent to the suffering of others. Such an individual does not touch anyone else's grief, nor other tragedies or problems. He is indifferent to him that there is a bad one near someone. This is such a stittle, selfish soul. But it is not yet lost for a positive system, and to awaken human feelings, compassion, responsiveness, such a soul is forced to suffer, hanging her blindness.

3) The lazy soul can be punished with blindness in order to develop some qualities in it, such as musical abilities, clairvoyance or clarity, intuition, touch, sense of smell, etc.

For example, one young man, being blind, effort will developed the third eye in itself and learned to freely navigate in the surrounding space without a stick for the blind.

4) as for bodies with limited physical abilities Here, too, the reasons for which the person is forced to suffer may be a different one.

This may be punishment for debauchery, for injury caused to someone in the past embodiment, for alcoholism or drug addiction and much more.

If such a person in the past was given a beautiful, healthy body, so that he would be free and happily developed, and he could not appreciate it and began to drink, to use drugs, unwind, then as a punishment now he is given an ugly body. And all the energies that he found the highest and planet, having a healthy body, he will now work in a defective body through suffering and thus compensates for the energy debts of the past.

The reasons for the breakdown of the soul into the body with limited physical abilities are much, but everything is given individually.

Question: What is a sin from the point of view of higher teachers and how does it affect the future of man?

- if we say simplistic, in the old way, then sin is a violation of moral and moral installations adopted by society for a certain period of time.

From a cosmic point of view, sin means retreat from the program, Which higher teachers make up for a person for one life.

If he passes all situations of life correctly, in accordance with the requirements of the program, the concept of sin becomes unacceptable for this individual. The righteous, who is guided in his behavior by the highest moral norms, fulfills its program as correct as possible. It is the norms of morality that helps him make the right actions in various situations. Consequently, the highest norms of behavior allow a person to avoid sinfulness and thereby help to fulfill the personal program of life correctly.

If a person is guided in his actions by low moral standards, it makes many mistakes that contribute to the non-fulfillment of the program and tie karmic bonds passing into a subsequent life.

But the concept of sin also has an energy side. Therefore, S. energy point of view sin is the production of the soullessness of the energywhich could come from it with the correct execution of the program, and the energies of lower frequencies.

If, for example, the child is offered to be climbing in the room, and he does not do this, he himself, without conscious, violates the generally accepted rules for development in the family. The child is lazy and does not listen to parents, making misdeed. Both are considered to be sin. If a man is lazy and disobedient - he wrong Performs your program.

With the right passing of his life program, he must submit to his parent and fulfill its instructions. In this case, the soul is gaining the energy in the matrix that are required, namely, the quality of obedience and hard work. And all this is formed due to the simple correct action.

When a person is lazy, his soul does not receive the required energies and development does not occur.

It is important here to catch the connection between the concept of "sin", the action and receipt or, on the contrary, the non-treatment of the soul of energy, which contributes to its improvement.

All prohibitions in human behavior are aimed at ensuring that the person knows that prohibitable leads to the development of low energies that are not skipped into the matrix of the soul, and they are delayed by temporary shells, they are unagrunced and removed after death along with them.

Why can not be drunk, drink drugs, steal, kill, discard? Because these actions lead to the development of a man of defective or negative energies that do not build a soul in the divine direction.

All prohibitions are associated with the construction of a man's soul matrix. And the very concept of "sin" was originally simplified as a ban on committing some actions. But in fact, sinfulness expresses complex processes that bind societies, human actions and subtle constructions that occur in its shells and the matrix of the soul.

As for the influence of sin on the future of the individual, it reflects the karma well. Everything that the person in real life is incorrect will be repeated in the following embodiment, while a person does not learn to solve the situation of life correctly, that is, it will not build the necessary qualities in itself according to a given program.

Question: Can repentance in their sins rid a person from suffering?

- Repentance is cleansing, awareness of their mistakes, some incorrect actions.

Many people are in something, and after some time, again, they make the same misdeed. That is, repentance was not so much insincere as unconscious. With such repentance, when a person is repeated first, and after some time it makes the same, he does not improve his future, but worsens.

If he sincerely repents and no longer repeats his misconduct, then a part of Karma is removed from it, and the person in the future gets rid of the part of suffering.

But much depends on the severity of sin. If a person killed someone or struck irreparable harm to the health of another person, no matter how it rinsed, and in the future it will definitely incur a similar punishment.

If everyone to forgive each killer, the killers will become more and more, because they will know that they will be formed that they are unpunished. But according to the laws of causal relations, heavy sins are not forgiven, but forced to work out in the future through similar situations. At the same time, the Higher Executioner is sacrificed, that is, they force a person to feel what he made another.

However, with sincere repentance, a person is given some relaxation.

As for small misconduct, they say goodbye to a person if he realized and sincerely repent of what they committed them.

Only then repentance completely relieves a person from suffering when he will strive to live righteously always. In this case, the highest takes into account his desire for the better and make it a program of subsequent life without these suffering. It is a promotion for the efforts he showed, struggling with his temptations in this life. The highest take into account everything.

So repentance in sins must be associated with the subsequent behavior of a person. And depending on how he led after the confession of mistakes, they can or punish his diseases, failures, complex situations in life, or remove part of suffering from it.

Question: Does suffering in the future on earth?

- We will only talk about representatives of the fifth race, making their past debts and relocated cellular cells in the matrix of the soul. They cannot go to the sixth race until they build themselves in a certain way. Therefore, we give forecasts only for them. While the soul has not yet reached the required level of improvement, it cannot be delighted with suffering.

And here immediately arises the question - why?

Development turns the blind soul into a moan. In the meantime, because of his blindness, a person takes evil for good, entertainment - for the path of development, animal instincts - for love, and the desire for luxury and benefits - for the main goals in life. He is not able to separate the illusion of reality, so his own well-being spreads to all of humanity, and personal failures are on the whole world. That is, a person has such a tendency to believe that if he is good and enough money, it is just as good and enough for everyone else. And when he is bad, he says: "How bad we all live!"

And this is the adoption of the illusion of his own feelings for reality. This is a spiritual blindness, the inability to see further his own well-being or his own misfortune. And this suggests that such a soul must be studied a lot. She herself is not able to overlook.

The mechanisms of awakening it from hibernation are difficulties of life, tests, extreme situations. But they are all accompanied by negative emotions. Who does not want to develop and understand it in the subtleties of this existence, those account for violently to make it do, conducting them through misfortunes and suffering.

But a person will ask - how to understand? I will give an example of human aspirations for most young shower. How do they now spend their free time? Go to discos, concerts and films that are not taught, but entertain, there is a time to spend time with friends, etc. that At the same time, it would be possible to use for our own development: learn to play a musical instrument, something to make something to study any sciences, to achieve success in sports, art, just learn to make the necessary for home and family. And once free time is not used on what is preferably higher, then all who spend time on empty entertainment, they will be forced to learn in the next life through difficult situations and difficulties.

Therefore, another five hundred years on earth will continue war, cataclysms, misfortunes and suffering. But the causes of these suffering lies in the imperfection of the soul of man and its reluctance to voluntarily improve themselves in positive qualities. It will be better to lie on the sofa and look at the ceiling than cracked it in it or repairs the door.

A person gives options for development, and he takes the achievement of wealth for the purpose of life, pleasure - for the path of spiritual improvement, a quiet life - for the crown of the best achievements of man.

It confuses material and spiritual, indifference and courageous resistance of the soul, donkey stubbornness and the power of the will of the elevated spirit. So all the life of a modern person passes in the mixture of bad and good, what is given from God and from the evil.

And only because he thinks not as much as the highest, chooses not the path of development, is carried out through suffering and frequent deprivation, through all kinds of shocks.

The joy and well-being, full of prosperity in life do not contribute to the young shower the development of thinking and those soul qualities that are required by the positive system. They produce qualities, pleasing negative hierarchs: frivolity, laziness, weakness, etc. And this is all the main reason why complex situations and misfortune are given. Only thanks to them, a person begins to think about life.

But when the individual reaches a certain degree of development and will develop such quality as consciousness in itself, he will be able to use it for personal progress and will be able to correctly evaluate what is happening.

In this case, its development will not go through suffering, but through his own awareness Life when logical thinking is turned on, the ability to compare, make the right conclusions, the ability to see your mistakes and to correct them yourself.

The path of development in the sixth race on Earth will go through the high identity of the person, its self-criticality and the best top qualities that have worked out in the past, fifth race.

Question: Are there any suffering to the worlds of God?

- God, embodied by an ordinary person, was the many worlds in development. He fully learned suffering and flour. But he did not just suffered, but reflected on what they give him what qualities helped to develop in it. God came to the conclusion that only suffering can awaken and send a person to a positive way.

So the Creator decided to leave them in the low worlds as method of orientation and choosing a positive direction. In all the worlds of God located below his hierarchy, suffering exist.

But they (suffering) apply only to a certain level of development, namely to the first level of the divine hierarchy, and above are not raised. There are no suffering in the hierarchySince the energy worlds of the situation are built differently than in the low worlds, and the very development of the soul goes through other processes. In the spiritual worlds - everything is different than on earth.

And here is a question - how to achieve a level that allows the soul to get rid of suffering?

Of such paths that save a person from suffering, two:

1) While a person is embodied in the earthly world, he must know that the path of the righteous relieves him from suffering in the future embodiment and guarantees a good life.

2) To get rid of suffering, it is necessary to go to the highest world as soon as possible, in the hierarchy of God. And this can only be done through its own development. The faster the soul will be improved, the faster it will get rid of suffering.

But the path of knowledge of the new remains there. In the meantime, the soul comprehends the unknown, it is able to make mistakes and put yourself in the strip of unpleasant sensations. So while the person knows a new one, and it is forever, she cannot be in sensations of complete joy and bliss. These sensations appear in her as a reward for the achieved, but for a short period of time.

Personality begins to see someone knows more than her, someone succeeded in some superpowers, and the spirit of eternal aspiration to the highest will force her to experience dissatisfaction with the achieved and move on and on.

Thus, in the highest worlds of God, the suffering is completely disappeared, but there is a feeling of dissatisfaction and the desire for the eternal search of the new one.

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