What does the red church candle mean a value. What do the colors of magical candles mean

What does the red church candle mean a value. What do the colors of magical candles mean
What does the red church candle mean a value. What do the colors of magical candles mean

Color plays a large role both in healing and magical rites. When selecting candles for rituals, it is very important to pay attention to their color, as well as on the color of another attribute, food.

Therefore, before proceeding to some kind of magical rite, it is necessary to know exactly the magic meaning of this or another color of the candle.

Brief values \u200b\u200bof candles in their color

List of multicolored candles and their purpose:

But before using multi-colored candles in their rituals, you need to study their value in more detail.


In magic, white is a symbol of light, vitality and clarity. It is used in rituals when a new source is needed or a sharp burst of energy and enthusiasm.

In addition, the magic attribute is used in protective magic to win over darkness, as well as during meditation. White color personifies spiritual experience and communication with a mentor, angels and inner Ya.

They are allowed to light on any day of the week..

White candles are the personification of purification, health, spirituality, honesty, divine power, peace and peace. They are also often used during meditation or prayer. Sometimes used while working with the seventh chakra.


This color is considered to be the color of Mars - the planets and the god of war. The value of red candles symbolizes force, action, energy, health and certainty, determination and courage, potency and sexuality, change and longevity, as well as classes that are associated with risk for life, for example, service in the armed forces. In rituals, it is used as a focus, which attracts the power of the gods and calls their righteous angles against stagnation and injustice.

As this color is very powerful., Candles need to be lit in order to achieve some important goal, and only if you have good intentions. Especially effective are red candles, if they ignite them on Tuesday.

Red-colored candles are distinguished by a rather wide range of action. They are often used to attract passion and love in life. In addition, they are used to restore physical strength and health. This color is associated with fire, so it can be used in cases where it is necessary to make power to move towards the goal, for example, to raise the career ladder. Red corresponds to the first chakra.


Orange is considered to be the color of the sun, creative activity, fertility, and also helps continue the genus. It personifies high self-esteem, growth, self-confidence and abundance. If I was threatened as a result of systematic pressure or criticism from others, rituals with orange candles are carried out in magic. This tint is able to help in working with people and in art. Besides, orange is considered a shade of joy, successful integration of literally all aspects of the individual. Orange candles are recommended to light on Sundays.

Using orange in their magical rites, you can purchase control over the specific situation or change it. In addition, such candles are recommended to be used in rituals that are associated with sex and with pleasure. Orange corresponds to the second chakra.


Yellow color is directly connected to Mercury. Inventive and skillful Mercury became not only a patron of travelers and trade, but also by the patron of thieves and fraudsters.

For this reason yellow candles favor active activities and communication of any kind, able to strengthen memory, improve mental abilities, help to overcome the spiritual and creative crisis, are aimed at learning new knowledge. If you have a goal to conquer and put the trust of another person or succeed in a business or intellectual sphere, ignite yellow candles. They will also help successfully pass tests or pass some exams.

Yellow is able to heal, especially this concerns the cases when a person needs an operation or we are talking about loss of reason. Yellow color will bring good luck in the following areas:

  • Business.
  • Medicine.
  • Technics.
  • Mass information.

Yellow candles can also be used in rituals to find high-paying work. They are recommended to light on Wednesdays. Yellow will give the power to the mind, will speed up learning and improve memory. It is also worth noting that the yellow candles can help in clairvoyance during fortune. The color of the Sun will help concentrate and strengthen the imagination when organizing some ritual. Yellow corresponds to the third chakra.

Green and turquoise

Green is considered to be the color of Venus - the goddess of love. It is indispensable with love affairs and in relationships, romantic or affiliate. It is also used in rites that are connected with the world of nature, gardening, herbs and wooded magic. Green color is considered to be the color of harmony and the world, especially if it concerns your inner world.

In rituals, often green candles are applied in order to increase well-cost, increase income or capital. This color is very useful when spells that are aimed at calling good luck or an increase in magical abilities. Green candles are recommended to burn on Fridays.

Turquoise is considered a tint of the Egyptian goddess of wisdom, dance and music Horter. The magic mirror of this goddess reflected in itself the true essence of all who at least once looked at him. The rituals in which turquoise tint is used, contribute to the establishment of harmony between the mind and heart, thoughts and feelings, experience and wisdom. Turquoise pays attention to a variety of life spheres. This tint causes altruism and compassion, increases healing abilities, is able to help preserve objectivity with some difficult choice or make the right decision, and also makes it possible to penetrate another dimension.

Blue and blue

Blue color is most often used in rituals aimed at obtaining protection and wisdom, used in meditation. This color is aimed at good health and healing, is the personification of inspiration and spiritual potential. Blue can bring in the house harmony, calm and tolerance, and also helps to lose weight. Blue corresponds to the sixth chakra.

The blue is considered a shade of the Mother Goddess, wise rulers, so it is used as a protective color with rituals. In addition, Blue brings peace of mind into the house, makes it possible to cope with the crisis situation. Blue candles are recommended to light on Thursday.

Blue color matches the fifth chakra.

Purple and pink

Purple is a touch of Jupiter, who act as a wise teacher, as well as the keeper of secret knowledge. Purple symbolizes mental and spiritual nature, unconscious wisdom. He is able to associate you with another measurement, bring happiness to everyone who works not only for the sake of the scourge.

With purple candles you can work in such cases:

  • When meditating.
  • When working with past lives.
  • With fortune telling using a magic crystal.
  • With astral travel.

Such candles also protrude for mental protection and can protect from nightmares. Violet candles apply in all rites that concern investigations, secrets, secrets, expulsion of all the bad and healing of the Spirit.

Pink is considered a shade of Venus. It symbolizes family relationships, love, friendship, children, in love, trust. This is especially true of the period after betrayal or unsuccessful relationships. Pink candles are used for rituals to restore self-esteem and healing from the mental wound. They are also able to save you from the former troubles that are related to childhood or family. Pink candles are recommended to light on Fridays.

The black

Black is the color of Saturn, as well as the kings of the underworld:

  • Roman pluto.
  • Greek Aida.

Black, as a rule, is considered a symbol of death and regeneration. In this, another residents of ancient Egypt believed when the bottom of the soil covered the fertile Il, every year a new life.

And why is black candles in magic? In magic, black is the color of the end, which carries the seeds of the new beginning. Black candles are applied in order to expulse the entire negative, breaking of the exhausted relationships, oblivion of the former chants. This color helps worry misfortune, used in parting rituals, mental protection and damage. Many do not like black candles, as they cause an association with black magic. And if there are many associations during rituals for you, black candles are recommended to replace on dark blue, dark purple or brown.

All rites and rituals in magic with the use of multicolored candles are very strong, they are able to change your life not only for the better, but also harm if you do not know the meaning of this or that color.

ATTENTION, only today!

Many magical rituals use red candles. The combination of fire and red color is a very powerful tool, as the red reinforces that energy that is enclosed in the burning flame. Want to change your life for the better? Then refer to the magic of red candles.

Power of red

Red color has always been the color of the burning of passions, flame love, mad energy, physical strength, pure enthusiasm, azart, health and courage. That is why red candles have such a wide range of exposure.

Red candles are used in rituals aimed at passion, love and marriage. They can also be used to restore health (especially with problems with a circulatory system, heart and veins) and physical strength. Their energy supports the courage, the power of the will, strengthens magnetism. Also red candles provide protection against physical and mental attacks. And also helps to cope with the attacks of laziness.

With red candles, you should contact carefully because they have too strong energy. Especially they are strong and, therefore, effective if they are lit on Tuesdays.

Red candle from negative

In everyday life, red candles may be indispensable assistants. They are easy to use and do not require special efforts. For example, if you are very tired or your thoughts come about about the upcoming hard matter, you can just sit in a cozy chair or on a sofa, to light the red candle and sit quietly near her, allowing your thoughts leather leisurely and just like that. After some time, the strength, including the power of the Spirit, must be returned to you.

Candles are used in magic in a variety of rituals and rituals. At the same time, their shade plays a significant role, because the result of mystical act will depend on the value of the candle color. Therefore, if you prepared to conjure, we advise you to carefully read this material.

To master the magic of candles, you will not need special preparation or training. It is available for almost every person. The main feature of such magic - for the rite you will need to stock up with several candles, and also have pure thoughts and infinitely believe in a positive result.

Fortunately, to date, stores are replete with a very wide selection of candle products. In general, what candle you buy is the usual one, which we use if the light is turned off, or purchased in the esoteric store - does not matter.

But it is extremely important that the candle is completely new. After all, if it was already lit (even for a short period of time), she managed to fill in a certain amount of information and it can reduce the entire effect of the rite. In addition, the previously used candles give vibration streams into space and no longer help you in the exercise of your desires.

An important nuance. Candle magic will work exclusively if the rite is completely transparent and clean.

In general, it is perfect - to make candles for a magical rite own. Handmade candles are filled with the energy of the one who creates them and it helps to create real wonders. Therefore, if you have a sculptor depository - be sure to use this and blind a few candles with your own hands. Thanks to this, you can attract a very powerful stream of energy that will give you the confidence that it is absolutely any dream to realize in life.

The shade of ritual candles is also very important. Each of the shades is distinguished by different characteristics, so when you choose candles for the rite, be sure to consider, for what purpose they are needed and what events you dream to attract in your life.

Why do you need to pay special attention to the color of the candle?

The shade of the candle should be seamless, based on the specifics of the planned rite.

Specific colors attract individual types of energy, so the color can, both enhance and reduce the impact of the ritual performed.

And in order not to make a mistake, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the value and characteristics of each of the colors in the magic of the candles.

Candle magic: characteristics of colors with their properties

Consider, for what purpose you need to use a candle of something else:

  • White candle - correlated with cleansing, health, insaneness by truthfulness, divine force, peace and tranquility. You can light it in meditative practices and with prayer. It also applies when they work with the 7th Energy Center. White candles are also used as altar.
  • Ruby-red. This shade, as a rule, finds use in love magic, helps to affect the feelings of people (both positive and in bad sense). This indicates that applying a candle of this color you can create a sense of love and anger, hatred and jealousy.
  • Red - it is distinguished by an extensive spectrum of exposure. With the help of a red candle, love and passion is really involved in life. She also helps to restore health and gives physical power. The red shade corresponds to the fire element and can be used to help a person achieve his goal (for example, to advance through the career). Related with the 1st chakra.
  • Pink candle - symbol of femininity, attractiveness, romantic and friendly relationships. Pink candle will help attract gentle and clean love, and also contributes to building a serious relationship if you suffer from self-satisfaction.
  • Orange candle - helps to control the situation and change it. Associated with force, attractiveness, power. Also, the spectrum of the candle is all associated with the sexual life and everyone that gives man a pleasure. Orange color is associated with the 2nd chakra.
  • Yellow candle - with its help you can increase creative energy, imagination, as well as filling a person with vital force and activity. Related with joy and attractiveness. Increases learning information, improve memory. A yellow candle to apply well in clairvoyance or at fortune. With its help you will concentrate better on something, your fantasy will grow. The correspondence of the yellow candle is the 3rd chakra.
  • Light brown candle - it is used in monetary magic. Thanks to her, you will receive financial benefits and benefits.
  • Brown - allows you to successfully solve court cases, and also treats pets. Also using a brown candle can be sought for missing items.
  • Olive - attracts money, good luck in gambling, business, promising work. The difference between olive and green - the first has a softer and long-term exposure.
  • Green light - also attracts good luck in gambling, business, good work, good harvest. More green color correlates with harmony, rejuvenation, healing of the physical shell, marriage union, mercy. Communication with the 4th Energy Center.
  • The candle of the sea wave is helps to heal in the emotional plan, consoles, protects.
  • Blue - associated with spirituality, meditation, prayer, peace, calmness and protection in the dwelling. Helps to take exams. Blue color is associated with fifth chakra.
  • Blue candle is shown in the use of rituals who give a man wisdom and protection, in meditative practices. Promotes healing, improves well-being. Discloses spiritual potential, fills inspiration. It will help to achieve peace and harmony to the dwelling. And also contributes to weight loss. Her correspondence is the sixth chakra.
  • Dark blue - can be used when they are treated for help to light forces. Dark-blue candles will help with fractures, improve the process of splicing bones.
  • Purple candle - will help with clairvoyance and fortune. Also, the purple candle can be lit when spiritual contacts are performed. Related to the 7th Energy Center.
  • Purple candle. Purple is a highly thunder. It is used when the spells are removed, dark forces are expelled, as well as when severe diseases are treated. The shade will help with clairvoyance, progress, spiritual sessions and contact with the other world. In addition, correlates with the authorities, domination, submission, management, control. Located with the 7th Energy Center.
  • Gray candle - contributes to the gentle sense of the dark forces, successfully copes with different negative impacts. Also, the gray candle can be used in the process of reflection over complex tasks. It is associated with charm, charm.
  • Black candle - it is often used in cases when you need to absorb and destroy negative energy. She binds evil strength and protects. It will help to get rid of the evil eye and damage. Often, black candles are used as altar (along with white) to normalize the energy balance.

Influence of the moon phases on magical rituals

In many ways, how successful the magic ritual will depend on the moon phase. Before holding any rite, it is necessary to carefully examine the lunar calendar.

  • The growing moon - suitable for those rites, which are designed to increase something (money, strength, energy, love), for creative actions;
  • Decreasing moon - suitable for rites to destroy something and deliverance from unnecessary (obstacles, misfortunes, difficulties, illness, and also - are caused by different troubles);
  • At the time of full moon - you can resort to any rituals;
  • At the course of New Moon - we are taken away and expulsion.

Now you know the candles of which shade should choose for their magical actions.

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In this article:

Candle magic is a simple magic art that belongs to natural magic. This art is built on small rituals and several ritual artifacts.

Each of us has ever performed the simplest candlestone rituals, for example, blown candles on its birthday cake. Yes, it is also magic! After all, at the same time we made a desire by sending it to space, asking for help and supporting the highest strength. And how much we believed in the actions produced, influenced the final result and its presence.

In rituals, you can use different candles, size and form do not matter if not specified in advance. However, try not to use non-standard candles, for example, very large, multi-colored, non-standard form. The perfect option is church candles. The optimal option is candles for household needs.

Only new candles are used in magic, that is, unused. In no case cannot be used in rituals to use candles with which the room was lit or they stood on a Christmas table during a romantic dinner. Magic needs clean materials, without the presence of any information that vibrates and negates the effectiveness of any ritual.

If you can or know how to make candles yourself, do it. Many magicians trust only themselves, impregnating candles with their vibrations that are obtained stronger in action and the final result.

Candles in rituals

Once you buy or make a candle, lubricate or "dressed" it before ignition. "Dressup" allows the MAGA to establish a mental connection with a candle. Physical contacts produced in the process of "dressing" charge the candle with your vibrations, and also concentrate your desire in it, which is the cause of the ritual in the wax or with wax.

In the process of "Dressup", imagine that your candle is a mental magnet with two poles - southern and northern. Stit candle with oil, starting on top and to the middle, that is, from the North Pole to the equator. After soda the candle from the southern North to the equator - or below the middle. Putting candles should be natural oils that were obtained in the usual process.

The simplest shape of the candle magic

Candle magic in the simplest form looks like this: there is a desire to be written on a clean sheet of paper, visualizing it and contributing to achieving circumstances, roll up the sheet with a tube and put the candle to the flame that need to be directed by paper. When the paper starts to burn, imagine a target again in all details. When Paper Dnogrite Leave the candle to burn to the end.

Color Candet

In some rituals, the color of the candle is important. So, in rituals for cleansing and recovering a person who cannot attend next to you, an additional candle is used, symbolizing a person. To choose the right candle, you need to know the date of birth of a person or the sign of his zodiac.

Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to its color: Aries - Red, Taurus - Green, twins - yellow, Cancer - Silver, Lero - Orange, Virgo - Yellow, Weighs - Pink, Scorpions - Red, Silver - Purple, Capricorn - Black, Aquarius - All Colors, fish - pinkish-lilac.

Red color symbolizes physical strength, love, passion, health, energy, enthusiasm, courage. Red candles are used in rituals directly related to love and sexual deposition.

Orange candles are the sun in summer ripping, power and power, energy and enthusiasm, authority and good luck, attractiveness, friendship, weight loss. If you need to attract anything into your life, the orange candles will help this, which also fulfill wishes.

The color of the candles for each ritual has a particular value.

Pink is responsible for honor, glory, honor, morality, respect, romantic and sensual love, friendship. Pink candles symbolize femininity and softness, loyalty and reconciliation, understanding, prophecy, upbringing, harmony, affection. Pink candles help heal the soul.

Purple candles remove spells, fortune-telling, predictions, symbolize - ambition and business development, domination and strength, success. Purple - this is also wisdom, the third eye, hidden knowledge, meditation.

Golden candles attract victory, happiness, cosmic energy, masculinity, strength.

Yellow candles concentrate willpower and imagination in the ritual. Especially popular in rituals for divination, predictions, clairvoyance. Yellow is creativity, energy, attractiveness, intelligence, acceleration of learning, memory improvement.

Brown contributes to balancing communication with nature and the world around, attracts money, overcomes the financial crisis. Used in home magic, healing, magic of animals.

Blue color is aimed at healing, calm, meditation, forgiveness. Symbolizes harmony, inner light, truth, good luck, protection.

Blue color is associated with health, patience, consent, calm. Blue candles help in meditation and piety, bringing peace and calm.

For the ritual you can buy candles, but better if it is a candle you made yourself

Indigo is the color of the inertia, stopping situations or people, immersing in the state of deep meditation.

Green is nature and material benefit. Green candles are used in rituals aimed at fertility and success, good luck, finance, career, employment and achieving personal goals.

Silver - neutrality and stability, relieves negative, develops physical abilities.

Black is expelled of spirits, treats severe diseases, absorbs and destroys negative energy, eliminates obstacles. Black candles are most effective in expelling rituals.

White - purity, truth, sincerity, wisdom. White enlightens and cleans.

The value of the Candle Flame Behavior during the rite

  • The candle was easily lit, her flame is calm and confident - you have chosen the right place for holding a ritual, and everything will contribute to your magic. The problem ignition of the candle is the weakening of your magic by external forces that will be any way to interfere with your work and the result you want to achieve.
  • If during the ritual the flame of the candle was weak and small, it seems to go out, it means there are different interference and obstacles to the favorable development of the situation.
  • The pegless or dancing flame testifies to the munch of the situation with which you work. You will not be able to influence factors or things that will continue to disperse passion and glow the situation.
  • In the rite of two candles, symbolizing two people, one candle can burn much stronger and brighter than another, which indicates the stronger impact and power of one person over the other. If both candles have a flame jump, it means that people are very not indifferent to each other - it can be like passion and love and hatred with anger.
  • The flame of the candle can have an unusual color - blue, red or green. What does it mean? Look at the meaning of the colors mentioned above.

Candles people have long been covered with housing, but this is not limited to the benefits of simple candles. With the help of the candle, you can find mutual love, increase wealth or protect yourself from enemies.

At first glance it may seem that the color, material and size of the candle - the case is secondary. But it is not. Practices know: for different purposes, their own, defined type of candle is required. For example, the candles of the same color attract money, and the other - awakens the passion between the spouses. The first is better to light up the desktop, the second - in the bedroom.

The best raw material for the ritual candle is wax. This natural material associated with the living force. In combination with fire, it gives a reliable result when you fortunate on the candle, and even during rituals it is properly. Wax candle made by hand will be stronger than purchased.

Yellow.Such a candle is working with the energy of the house, attracts well-being and drives the negative under the roof. It is believed that it is favorably affecting the mood, improving the inner state of the person. It can be lit simultaneously with incense or aromatic oils to strengthen their effect. An excellent addition will be correctly selected aromatic sticks that attract love or wealth.

Red.This color is considered simultaneously the color of blood and passion. It is used in the attractions to delay the attraction, but the red candle can serve for protection. It will strengthen the body, will give strength to fight circumstances, protect the owner from energy strikes. Walking with a grilled red candle house, you will save it from negative. About how such a rite of protection is performed, the psychics of Fedorenko regained more details.

Orange. Fortune color. To burn such a candle to a responsible event, be it a performance in public, a date or a deal that should be certainly in your favor.

Green. D.enesh color. Lighting the green candle in the house, you give to understand the universe that I would like to correct the financial situation. Green candle can protect the wallet to not stole him, and money in it was not translated. To do this, circle a wallet clockwise with a burning candle, as if outlining around him a circle. In addition, green is a color of health. To improve well-being, stop becoming sick, remove anxiety or repay the headache, the green candle can be lit in the room where you sleep, and leave for a short period of time.

Blue.The color of intuition. Helps learn the truth. It attracts the desired changes. You can combine this candle on the other. For example, if you want to find your calling and earn more than now, try to light blue and green candles.

Blue. White with blue. A bluish candle at the same time allows you to find yourself and calm the inner demons. It is also well lit for reconciliation. Blue color relieves anxiety and adjusts to a contemplative way.

Purple. Mystical color. If blue enhances the sixth sense, and the red strengthens physical strength, together they release your inner energy.

Gold(or other shiny candles). As a rule, they are manufactured to burn on holidays and create a festive atmosphere. But such a candle can be attracted to variety and in gray weekdays. Lighting these candles, make desires and visualize dreams. You can try it yourself. Get a golden candle, wait for a quiet time when no one will distract you, burn the candle and try to present the desired paint. Imagine how you can get it that for this you do, what will your triumph will be when you gain the desired one.

The black.Sometimes you can see such, pretty sinister candles. They are often used to guide damage. They pull the energy from their owner, fueling it. Supporting the negative, it is important to remember that he always returns, brings an opposite strike to the one who conceived evil.

Universal ritual with colored candle

With each candle, you can work differently, but there is a general method that is suitable for any candle. Write the desired on paper and burn it into a candle flame. Candle color pick, based on your desire: if it is associated with wealth, remember the value of the green candle, and if with personal happiness, look for red or pink.

Candle color in fortune

Many fortune-telling are associated with candles and water. The connection of opposing elements helps to open the veil of the secrets over the future. So that the fortune telling goes in the right direction, the candle can also be chosen at the desired color. This is how recommends to make a fortune telling on a candle and water.

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