Draw something to rule. Why do you need to draw and adults and children

Draw something to rule. Why do you need to draw and adults and children

Parents teach our first children's naive drawings. Mortification, we are yesterday's authors of ridiculous doodles, feel the desire to display the fabulous beauty of the world, the small part of which we managed to comprehend, without using such technical means as video and camera, asking how to learn how to draw certain objects.

The most affordable painting technique for an amateur artist is pencil drawings. At the same time, the drawing process is a kind of brain stimulant. And the art therapy itself is recognized as an effective prophylactic and rehabilitation means for removing stress and overcoming emotional devastation.

To create a first full-fledged pattern from nature, a sheet of paper, pure elasty and a simple pencil. Start training drawing is best with incarnation of small, static items. For example, you can choose some household appliance or something from the kitchen utensils.

At the first stage, a rough sketch of the displayed object, an angle or pose is created. Using the outline you record the first impression, what is striving to pass in the picture. To create a full-fledged image of the subject in your imagination, it is necessary to look good from all sides, paying attention to the form, the material from which it is made, as well as the shadow discarded them.

After that, the composition of the drawing is determined. Simply put, you decide, in which place on the improvised canvas - a sheet of paper will be displayed the subject, from which angle it will be written, and on what scale. Having finished the sketch, the artist begins to draw the details. At the final stage, the imposition of shadows should be performed.

Basic Pencil drawing techniques

How to quickly learn to draw a pencil? To do this, you will have to master the special technique of pencil drawings. Most often, when creating pencil drawings, such technicians are used as a decisive and hatching. Beginners are easiest to learn the decisive. It should be noted that in art schools the focus on the training of hatching techniques, counting the decisiveness less complete.


How to learn to draw a pencil using hatching? It is performed by consistently applying a pencil on the painted surface of short shallow parallel lines, having them at a short distance. At the same time, ending with the line, it is important to tear off a pencil from paper, and not to lead its pointed tip with a zigzag at the beginning of the next line, leaving the visible trace. The pattern of the drawing is strictly strictly in the same selected direction.

The hatching helps to achieve a change in the saturation of the drawing tone. For this, the artist changes the frequency of the strokes and the direction of hatching, choosing between vertical, horizontal and diagonal strokes. To increase the depth of color resort to the application of crossbar of different orientation. If necessary, to transfer the surface relief, you can use strokes from indirect lines - arcuate or broken.

The hatching is ideal for displaying tones and shadows, surface textures. However, it is considered relatively difficult for beginners, and its development requires a lot of time. Therefore, first, it is preferable to master the decisive technique. It is used and then when you need to hide hatching errors.


How to learn to draw a pencil with a decisive? It allows you to achieve large image naturalness, as smooth gradation is tone. Rastuchevka is carried out as follows: Initial strokes are applied to the drawing area, which are then rubbing or its substitutes - cotton chopsticks, a cloth from suede, a piece of paper. Some have a drawing drawing, using fingers, but this practice can lead to the appearance of fat spots, which will not add her aesthetics.

If you decide to use the decisive, the preliminary hatch must be made cross-broken strokes. Towers are triturated in one direction - from top to bottom. The main thing is to achieve a visible homogeneity of the decisive. If necessary, those sites that came out lighter will re-subjoint with a pencil, and darker areas brighten up the eraser.

Basic drawing rules

The main principle is a movement from a simple to complex, from the total to the details. How to learn to draw a pencil correctly? So, to achieve good results in drawing, you will have to be patient. Before you begin to get decent drawings, you need to draw the simplest objects to draw many times. And in order to understand how to learn to draw "an adult", you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of drawing. When creating a picture to use to take into account the fundamental drawing rules, namely:

  1. Perspective - objects that are closer to the observer, seem more those that are far away.
  2. Location - The item displayed at the bottom of the sheet is perceived closer than the rest.
  3. Size - a larger object is perceived closer than small.
  4. Halfing - if part of the subject is on the opposite side of the light source, it must be darked.
  5. Shadow - to create an illusion of volume on the opposite side of the light source draw a shadow dropped from the subject.
  6. Contour - borders of rounded items need to be drawn more thoroughly. It will give them depth and volume.
  7. Horizon - With it, the artist creates the illusion of finding objects in the figure at different removal from the viewer.
  8. Density - long-range objects in the figure are not as detailed as neighbor and are performed in brighter colors.

Drawing simple objects

Some of the easiest objects for transferring the drawing are buildings and transport. How to learn to draw the simplest house, knows most of those who graduated from an early art school. The contours of the construction almost always form straight lines. Simple combination of two geometric shapes - a rectangle and a triangle - already creates a primitive sketch of a classic one-story building.

To obtain a car drawing, you need to perform a simple algorithm: apply outdoor contours of the machine, separating their symmetry line. The case is then palp. After that, the wheels should be displayed. The next step is the drawing of the details of the near part of the car. The final draws mirrors, glazing and doors. A more complex drawing level is the creation of animal patterns. Draw animals from nature is hard enough, as they are never static, and strive to change the pose.

Before the start of drawing large animals, such as a horse, determine its individual features - the characteristic form of the muzzle, the thickness of the mane, the development of the musculature of the legs.

Creating a drawing of a person

After animals, you can move to drawing portraits of people. But how to learn to draw people with a pencil? For the beginning, the composition is determined. The drawing of a person begins with the head contour, then the outlines of the rest of the body parts are applied from top to bottom. In order for the resulting image of a particular person to be recognizable, it is necessary to pay the most attention to the person drawing. And to draw it correctly, we should act in stages.

First, determine how it will be located on the sheet. In the center of the canvas, apply the axis of symmetry. Draw out the face outline in the form of an inverted chicken egg. Then you should carefully recreate the face form, starting with the chin and moving up to the most wide part of the cheekbone area. Forming their contour, the artist continues to move up to a narrow, temporal area. The resulting lines are aligned, adjusting the eraser.

Having received an oval, it is separated by three layers with thin longitudinal lines. The first, coming near the chin, is a nasal tip marker. Nose must be drawn from the tip. This item may have a different form. The most common round or square shapes. But how to learn to draw your mouth? The mouth contours are drawn from the central bending of the upper lip.

Then follows the step image of the eye. In the figures of a person, they play a major role, as they attract the viewer's view. That is why the eyes are painted with special care. First indicate eyebrow lines, focusing on the nose. From the form of eyebrows, the type of character of a person who seeks to convey the artist. Displaying the eye contours you need to thoroughly draw their shape. Then the pupil is drawn, the eyelids are fixed and eyelashes are drawn.


For inexperienced artists, it is easier to move to the image of people through the drawing of manga. How to learn such a style? Create drawings of characters of Japanese cartoon films is relatively easier than writing portraits from nature. In the manga, the focus is on the image of the head, eye and hero chapels.

Drawing manga passes according to the following scheme: an oval head contour is applied. It is divided by a smooth line in half and two parallel lines, spent across oval, share a character's head into three parts. Points of eyes, nose and mouth are marked. The eyes of manga are large and drawn, starting with an arc of the upper eyelid. Eyes are widely located. When drawing the pupil, the artist should pay high attention to creating glare.

The nose manga is disproportionately small, usually indicated by a check mark. Also inaccessibly depicted lips - two parallel lines. Hair is depicted in the form of drop-down triangles who run a little on big eyes.

The main thing is to draw a lot and often so that this lesson has become a pleasant leisure.

Question " How much do you need to draw every day in order to learn how to draw well", As well as its variations, torment very many visitors to the search engines and the last, as always ready to answer, tell and help, but they cannot do the main thing - draw instead of an inappropriate.

Why we complicate your life.

I think that for the one who is interested in our today's main issue, approval: "You need to draw every day," this is an indisputable fact! And now let's think about a second, why so, who said that this is a fact, it can just have an incorrect impression in my head, what do you think?

"How much do you need to draw every day ...", here I knew some error here, we not only ask how many times we need to learn how to draw "then" or "it", and in advance set the condition that complicates us the achievement of the goal - "Every day," but also give yourself an incorrect promise, "Why do we do it.

First about the first. Most likely it comes out of the general belief that in order to master any skill you need to practice it every day, because everyone sees how artists are drawing for hours every day draw, Kuznets every day aged, and athletes are engaged in sports every day.

It seems that everything is true, but this image of thinking is dangerous. Many this is manifested in elementary discomfort from the fact that you are now every day "obliged" to draw and if you miss one day, then all the life is over, you did not cope, etc.

Let's frankly, such questions are asked not those who like to draw, but those who want to have the same result as those who can do it, they do not want to draw. And here the second problem follows.

Why those who want to learn how to draw mistakes at the beginning of the road.

Good comics, beautiful art and fanart, butter paintings, watercolor and everything else - this is exactly what we want to see truly, and not learn to draw. This is already our logical speculation that "if I want to also learn how to draw" and perceive it as "discomfort", "necessity", "duty" and it seems to me that it is here that the bookmark of the wrong foundation begins in those who are later Will suffer search engines such questions.

Not all talents are manifested in our childhood. Sometimes adults do not notice them, sometimes they are afraid to develop, sometimes we are afraid of something. In general, as a result, choose the profession as they say, hopefully. And the talent is sleeping sleep, and then once! - And wakes up. Sometimes amazing things happen. Anna Moses artist took up a brush at 67 years old and put his paintings in galleries around the world.

Why are adults begin to draw?

Probably most often because they remember the forgotten beloved child's hobby. As soon as it appears at least some more or less free time - here and remember. Exit to the decret, dismissal from work, retirement ... Even a divorce or simple cold can be a push to creativity. Return to a long-to-love, but forgotten lesson - as a meeting with a friend of childhood - it is not necessary to be important and something to portray yourself - everything is already so good.

Why paint an adult person?

What to expect from yourself if you are an amateur? Is it worth continuing, do you need to learn, why don't you draw an adult person - unprofessional?

To rest and switch.

Sit down half an hour to paint - and - where am I? That's just ... But there was no tension and fatigue. If you need to distract and "recharge", there is a reliable way - the sketchbook. Drawing, we stop solving problems, or rather, we convey to the authority to deal with our wise subconscious. It brings better drawing with a dream - to spend with a problem, and the decision comes by itself.

To overcome the complex life stage.

Drawing is a good way to "paint" your personal problems, forget about them at least for a while. That was what Winston Churchill did. In 1915, he left the Cabinet of Ministers and was in a step from depression. To distract, he tried to draw a landscape. Since then, painting has become his passionate passion - in 1915, Churchill was 41 years old.

To enjoy.

We are sometimes too docked on the result. We argue so "why do I learn, because I will not be exhibited and selling my work." Well, firstly, how to know, and secondly - unless we can afford sometimes do not do what we need, but what we just like?

To become more successful.

Drawing people are more observant and confident - this is a well-known fact, they are faster on the main thing, they know how to snatch from the flow of information the most significant, they are less concerned about the opinion of others. And the surrounding with them is more interesting. Drawing can give a new impetus to the main work or a negotiable given to the unbarrible gave.

To look at the world with other eyes.

Adults are too rational. We studied well at school, we know a lot, as a result in 90% of cases we use our rational left hemisphere, and our imagination is sleeping at this time. But the same catastrophe, we become boring, bored with us! From us will not wait for any surprises. If you draw - just like that, for yourself, for pleasure, you can "include" and right hemisphere. After all, it is very interesting to see where it will lead you

Victoria Sobolevskaya

Many newbies do not know where to start learning to study. The Internet is full of open materials that are confused. Also, people tend to have fear of failure and doubt in their talent. Today, I based on my own experience, I will tell you how to learn to draw from scratch.

First of all, I must say that it is never too late to try to draw, there are many successful and talented artists who first took the brush in their hands already in adulthood. Of course, children are easier to teach something, including painting. But, if in your childhood, acquaintance with painting was limited to the lessons in the third grade, it was not trouble! You can start in your 20, 30 or 50 years.

But why start?

Drawing is a creative and fairly laborious process, so do not wait for masterpieces on the second lesson, but type patience.

First step - Sriska with pictures, photos, video tutorials. Yes, this is not exactly what they are engaged in art schools, and yes, the foundations of the academic pattern you will not study, as it is practically unrealistic without the help of professional teachers, and it is not necessary. Your hand is completely unusual for a pencil, you still do not know the proportions and forms of objects. Sriwanking various objects with photos will help you fill your hand and understand the construction of items.

To successfully go through this stage, you need to forget what you draw. If you are in the picture of the chair, do not think about what you draw a chair, but simply copy the lines, shadows. Thus, your right hemisphere will turn on, which you are now much more necessary than the left. And also, do not try to finish the picture in the "one sitting", take breaks in your work. When your drawings have become more or less "edible", you can go to drawing the software where you draw in parallel with the video.

Second phase - Sketches from nature. You are not yet ready for large-scale work with kind, but start doing outline, draw everything that you see around. Pay attention to the proportions of the object and its location in space. Yes, you still do not really work, but look at your first work. You will definitely see progress! In parallel with sketches, continue drawing from pictures, photos and video lessons. In principle, here it is the beginning, nothing complicated, only work and patience.

Now we will understand 6 major errorswho often admit newbies.

  1. Buying too expensive materials. So the psychology is arranged that on paper for 3000 rubles you are supposedly obliged to do something worthwhile and the right to make a mistake you do not have. Such a completely natural installation generates fear of drawing, so we do not buy the entire range of an artistic store.
  2. Painful perception of criticism. Most likely, you will post your work in Soc. Networks, where a million evil critics will find, but do not take it to the heart of a draw word. Pay attention only to constructive criticism in the case, and insults and unpleasant statements about your work will pass past the ears.
  3. The desire to argue is immense. Yes, I understand that you already want to draw the types of your native village or a portrait of your beloved brother, but do not hurry. Taketing for too difficult things for you, you will only be upset and disappointed in your capabilities. Everything has its time.
  4. Reading books on drawing. It seems that bad can contain books? If you just started learning to draw, then you have no knowledge of the knowledge base so that all these books on color-perception or anatomy helps you. These books are designed for students of artistic academies, and not for beginners.
  5. Rare or irregular drawing. Here everything is the same as in sports, in 10 minutes a day you will not achieve anything, draw at least 1-2 hours a day. And if you consider drawing for a week or a month, then lose the form, and you feel what naughty fingers have become.
  6. Fear of new materials. At the initial stages of drawing, your main material will be a simple pencil, but do not be afraid to draw with handles, paints, markers, etc. If it is possible to work with any new material, do not miss it.

Create, work and everything will definitely.

The development of children depends on a number of aspects. At the same time, parents ask questions - why the child draw? How to start? Is it necessary to focus on this hobby? The importance of topics is determined by the fact that we are talking about children. Finding answers to questions, the parents are easier to understand how to treat it and to strive for.

What is the benefit?

Drawing is that the child begins to do the first, so he is trying through his own personality. Therefore, the question, from what age you need to draw, always arises, and the answer to it than before, the better. In the first drawings, it makes sense, as this is the work of the brain of the baby and its ability.

The child, without having a developed small motor, acquires the ability to own hands and hold the pencil in them, while watching the result of his creativity. The first strokes are harotical, but gradually everything is aligned and acquires meaning. When the baby becomes older, then according to his drawings, parents easily determine the mood and desire.

Teach the crumb to this process is not as difficult as it may seem. Little man, around himself notices a lot of new and unusual. And when he draws, in this process, such knowledge and discoveries come in order, acquire the form, size. It is - this is the goal. Scientists, psychologists work on a children's pattern and give them definitions and concepts. There are steps of evolution of children's drawing:

  • Image in the form of schemes.
  • The appearance of forms and lines.
  • Comparison with source of information.
  • Spatial image.

When the crumb rises along such a staircase, then his thinking becomes conscious and full. Valid all parents to draw with a child. The fact is that before you depict something on paper, you have to think, see or submit. Analyze, to understand what forms will have, after which it all collects all this. It happens in the head of the children everything is gradually.

Visit lesson

In the school period, Cad will begin clauses on, but often moms and dads of children are sent for additional sections in preschool age. What is useful such a decision? The presence of a question is understandable, since not all parents approve this action, because the masterpieces can be created at home. With a teacher, it will be easy to understand that a child has a talent, although this section is useful not only to artists. Because it is proved, isotherapy will bring fruit, but it should be understood what tasks before that cost:

  • Ability to put a brush. If this is done from an early age, then there will still be problems with a neat letter. People in childhood drawing a lot, write beautifully.
  • Small motility. Well-developed, allows crumbs early to start talking.
  • Memory development. Teachers know what to teach, and children perform a task - a picture of memory.
  • Expihability from early childhood. At home, the baby may not behave like a teacher.
  • Manifestation of abilities. Each baby shows his personal talents for which the teacher makes conclusions and gives advice to parents.
  • Ability to distinguish colors. Children learn not only to understand the standard shades of color, but also halftones and shadows.
  • Interest in creativity. It is difficult to develop in an adult child, all this requires training from preschool age. Brain turns into operation, namely the right hemisphere is creative thinking. Development occurs gradually, which leads to the emergence of a versatile person.

In order for a child to send a talent or abilities to a professional on occupations. It is necessary that the baby had a desire for such activities. The parents should not have many demands for the baby otherwise nothing will achieve anything. In preschool age, it is important not to acquire the result and masterpieces, but to perform the tasks.

How to understand talent?

According to statistics, the bulk of all children like to draw, and shows quite good results. But mom and dad should be objective and simple drawings not to issue for something supernatural and manifestation of special talent. Each child is expressing through their masterpieces, so something special and individual is obtained. Going to school of arts, all the kids will have to perform a task, and this is not so simple. And to promote in this area, it is necessary to have perseverance, hard work and diligence.

If we are already talking about a schoolchild, then you need to try and combine the main classes with additional and at the same time not to lose interest in art. Therefore, with such a decision, parents should not hurry, and better pay attention to the child and the presence of desire for drawing.

How to understand that the kid has a real talent and start stimulating? It is believed that there is no difficulty in this and you can understand at home using a simple test. You will have to give a child two identical black and white drawings and ask them to paint. If the baby becomes diligently trying, passing the mood in colors, then it says a lot, if it is easy to color, then this is his occupation and no more.

What do professional artists use?

Often parents are wondering what is better to draw? Tools for fine arts have enough. All of them have features of applying paper, one simple, and others will have to learn how to work. What is allowed to draw children:

  • Finger paint. This method is suitable for kids, because you do not need to use a brush and other tools. They are created on the basis of fully safe components and will not harm the child, they are thick and pleasant to the touch. No crocha refuses to fool my fingers on the leaflet, getting a picture.
  • Drawing with a pencil. This is the easiest way, it does not dock hands, clothes and used everywhere. It remains only to choose the faithful shape of the tool for convenience.
  • Feltolsters. This color palette, in addition to this, the width of the nozzle makes it possible to portray any masterpiece.
  • Sand. This is a modern direction in art, there are many schools for learning. The child makes a drawing on the backlit glass, the unique paintings are obtained.
  • Paints. For preschoolers, the gouache is suitable, but more experienced talents can use oil.
  • Plasticine. This process is used in preschool institutions, as the kids like it. In addition to easy interest, it is actively, a small motor is developed, and the brushes with fingers are prepared for writing.

There are no restrictions for creativity, and something new and special is constantly appearing. Children of talented, you need to start developing their abilities as early as possible. Mom or dad for this much does not require a small amount of attention, and interest will develop yourself. Well visit sections not only at school age, but also in a more young one.


Art is used not only for the development of talent, but also the treatment of people, as well as correction of some deviations. And it has its name - art therapy. Everything is mostly used psychologists to distinguish the condition of the child, start exposure in the form of treatment. This procedure also distinguishes species, one of which is isotherapy, it is today the most studied and efficient. Used in work in many specialists.

Not all moms and dads understand why the child may require such treatment? All these are psychological concepts and imparting corrections to the child's condition. The drawing helps the baby in some problems:

  • Get rid of negative emotions.
  • Remove nervous tension.
  • Get rid of fears and understand where they appeared from.

Psychotherapist uses a drawing method, helps the child to recreate any complex picture, lose it and draw conclusions. Often the doctor pulls the problem with the crumbs, who are worried, but subconsciously. Often parents may not understand what is happening with the baby, and the doctors "pull out" from it all the problems and help them fight. Schoolchildren isotherapy helps become liberated, increase self-esteem, get rid of aggression in behavior, etc. For some children, this is a problem that does not allow them to fully develop in society.

Classes themselves are under different areas. The specialist uses paints, pencils, plasticine, etc. But it is better to trust his child only a professional having years of practice by shoulders. Because the child's psyche is thin and break it easily. When Chad makes his masterpieces on a sheet of paper, the doctor holds an assessment and understands that not so. After that, an individual treatment program or state correction is being developed.

Why do you need to draw? This question found a number of answers: identifying abilities and talent, fascinating occupation, treatment procedure, etc. It is better to engage in art as early as possible every child talented and it helps it true, to form a person.

Summing up

It is clear that there is a use in drawing, so each child must have paint and album in its arsenal. This is done every day and then interest and benefit only grow. Drawing it:

  • A good way to develop shallow motility, which helps to influence speech and cook a brush to the letter. Always this direction is the priority in the development of each child.
  • Mental development. The vocabulary of the kid expands, it is a coherent and understandable. In the process of creativity, both hemispheres of the brain are working.
  • Emotional expression and control. Evaluating the work of the child can be accurately understood by color expression, in which mood is the child arrives. Psychologists work well with the art of crumbs and determine whether the child is happy and there are problems.
  • The ability to develop talent, artistic skills and a feeling of harmony.
  • Combining multiple sciences, without which the formation of a person cannot be full. But the most important thing is that art helps the child to know the world around him.
  • Development of logical thinking. Since there is a preliminary analysis, what I want to portray, understand how to correctly create proportions and compares.
  • Ability to organize. It is required to prepare everything, only after getting to work, so the child is preparing for school and independence.

A child should have their own box to create masterpieces in which it will always find the necessary accessories. Gradually, kids understand that their art attracts, begin to carefully and carefully treat their work and accessories.

Parents are always "locomotive" for each child. Therefore, any undertaking must be supported and encouraged. Each drawing of mom or dad carefully consider, quoted that they see and praise there. Also a good way to stimulate drawing lessons, it is to place work on a prominent place in the house. Always in the mother's folder in which she will keep talented endeavors of his child, and show them to relatives.

So that the desire does not disappear, you will have to try and create all the conditions for this process. The very first, it is coloring, selected by age. If a child is from 2 to 3 years old, they should be large and understandable. For example, apple, orange, cat. It is not necessary to give immediately all the colors of the paints, a pencil, a felt-meter, so that attention did not disgregate. These are the initial deposits, after which the crumb can overcome serious drawings with small details and a variety of topics.

After three years are relevant drawings helping to learn the surrounding world - animals, flowers, birds, trees, etc. And then, for 6 years, the child is already interested in creating versatile drawings, where there are backgrounds, basic characters and subjects. On sale a diverse range of goods for creativity, you should not be limited, so kids are fond of and become talented.

Drawing develops in each child a lot - fantasy, thinking, talentedness, etc. And it is clear that as soon as the kid acquires the ability to sit and keep a brush for drawing, he must begin to create his original paintings. No restrictions in desire, but on the contrary, stimulation and encouragement. If something with the drawings does not happen, mom can show a doctor and get some explanations of the state of their baby.