The image of the Russian peasant in the works of I.S. Turgenev and N.A.

The image of the Russian peasant in the works of I.S. Turgenev and N.A.

In literary works, we find the image of people, their lifestyle, feelings. By the XVII-XVIII centuries, two classes were developed in Russia: peasants and nobles - with completely unlike culture, mentality and even tongue. That is why in the works of one Russian writers the image of the peasants, and others do not. For example, Griboedov, Zhukovsky and some other wizards did not touch the topic of the peasantry in their works.

However, wings, Pushkin, Gogol, Goncharov, Turgenev, Nekrasov, Yesenin and others created a whole gallery

Immortal images of peasants. Their peasants are very different people, but there are many in common in the views of writers on the peasant. All of them were unanimous in the fact that the peasants are workers, creative and talented people, idleness leads to the moral decomposition of the person.

That is the meaning of Basny I. A. Krylova "Dragonfly and ant". In an allegorical form, the Basinista expressed his gaze on the moral ideal of the leasured worker (ant), the motto of which: to work without giving hands in summer to provide himself with cold winter, and on a slacker (dragonfly). In winter, when Dragonfly came to an ant as a request for help,

He refused the "jump", although it probably had the opportunity to help her.

On the same topic, already much later, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote a fairy tale "On how the peasant of two generals was punished." However, Saltykov-Shchedrin solved this problem differently than wings: loans-generals, hitting an uninhabited island, could not feed themselves, and the peasant, the man voluntarily not only provided the generals with everything necessary, but also related rope and himself connected. Indeed, in both works, the conflict is the same: between the worker and Tunyader, but it is solved in different ways. The Hero of the Baszy Krylova does not help himself, and a man from the fairy tale of Saltykov-Shchedrin voluntarily deprives himself of freedom and does everything possible for generals unable to work.

In the work of A. S. Pushkin, there are not many descriptions of the peasant life and character, but he could not not capture very significant details in his works. For example, in the description of the peasant war in the "Captain daughter", Pushkin showed that the children of peasants who left agriculture engaged in dealing and theft, such a conclusion can be made from Chumakov's song about the "Founder of the Peasant Son", which "stole" and " He held the robbery, "and then he was hanged. In the fate of the hero of the songs of the Distribution, they find out their fate, feel their doom. Why? Because they left the sake of the sake of bloodshed, and the violence of Pushkin does not accept.

The peasants have Russian writers have a rich inner world: they know how to love. In the same product, Pushkin shows the image of a serf Savelich, which, although the slave on the position is endowed with self-esteem. He is ready to give life for his young Barin, who was raised. This image is echoing with two images of Nekrasov: with a savelie, rich in Svyatarvsky, and with Yakov faithful, the cold approximate. Savely loved his grandson to a demo, looked after him and, who was the indirect cause of his death, went into the forest, and then into the monastery. Yakov faithful loves his nephew as much as Saveli loves a demo, and loves his Barin, as Savelich loves Greeneva. However, if Savelych did not have to sacrifice the life for the sake of Petrushi, then Yakov, torn by the conflict between his favorite people, committed suicide.

Another important detail has Pushkin in Dubrovsky. We are talking about the contradictions between the villages: "They (the peasants of Troekharov) were vained by wealth and glorifying their Mr. and in turn allowed themselves much in relation to their neighbors, hoping for his strong patronage." Whether this topic was not the topic in Yesenin in Anna Snagina, when rich inhabitants of Radow and the poor peasants of the villages of Kriushi were confused among themselves: "They are in the axes, we have a skin." As a result, the death of the headman. This death is condemned by Yesenin. The theme of the murder of the manager of the manager was still in Nekrasov: Savely and other peasants who lived the Germans of Fogel. However, in contrast to Yesenin, Nekrasov does not condemn this murder.

The concept of the peasant heroite appeared in the art of Gogol in the artistic literature: Mikheev Karentechnik, Milushkin's brick, Maxim Thagenikov, and others. After Gogol, Nekrasov was also pronounced the topic of heroish (Savely). Heroes and peasants are in Goncharov. It is interesting to compare the hero of Gogol Carpenter Stepan Cork and a buspenter onions from the work of Goncharov "Oblomov". The Gogol Master is "that bogatyr that would be good in the guard," he was distinguished by the "soberness of approximate," and the worker from O6lovka was famous that he made the porch, which, although it was staggering from the moment of construction, stood sixteen.

In general, in the work of Goncharov in the peasant village everything is quiet and sleepy. It is very difficult and useful only morning, and then the lunch is coming, universal afternoon sleep, tea, classes something, game for harmony, on a balalaica at the gate. Accidents in the crushing no happens. Only the peasant widow of Marina Kulkova, who gave birth to "four babies", was disturbed. Her fate is similar to the hard life of Matrena Korchagin, the heroine of the poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia," which "that year, then children."

Turgenev, like other writers, speaks about the talency of the peasant, about his creative nature. In the story of "singers" Yakov Turks and a row in the eight of the beer compete in singing, and then the author shows a messy picture of drunkenness. The same topic will sound in "Who in Russia to live well" Nekrasova: it works like a naked "to death, he drinks to death ...".

Completely other motives sound in the story "Burmister" Turgenev. He develops the image of the despot manager. This phenomenon will condemn and Nekrasov: he will call the sin of Gleb-Old Town, who sold free other peasants, the most serious.

Russian writers were unanimous in the fact that most of the peasants have talent, dignity, creative beginning, hard work. However, among them there are such people who cannot be called highly moral. The spiritual fall of these people mainly occurred from idleness and from material benefits, surrounded by the misfortunes of others.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov wrote a lot about the life of the peasants and simply. He did not bypassed the rustic children, wrote for them and about them. Small heroes perform in Nekrasov's works as well-established personality: bold, inquisitive, clever. At the same time, they are simple and open.

The writer knew the life of fortress: at any time of the year, hard work from morning to evening, boric disassembly and punishment, oppression and humiliation. Carefree childhood took place very quickly.

The poem "peasant children" is special. In this work the author managed to reflect validity and naturalness. Used one of my favorite techniques - movement in time. For familiarizing with a bright character, Little Vlas, a summer pore writer transfers the reader to winter strules, and after again returns to the summer village.

The idea of \u200b\u200bpoem

A case pushed this poem to writing this poem. This work is biographically, there is no fiction in it.

Only from starting work, the writer had a thought to name his work "Children's Comedy". But in the process of work, when from the humorous story, the verse turned into a lyrol-epic poem, the name had to change.

Everything happened in the summer of 1861, when a successful writer came to his village to relax and resemble the hunt. The hunt was a real passion of Nikolai Alekseevich, who had given him from his father.

In their place, where a little kolya grew was a huge dog. So in this campaign of the writer accompanied the fingal dog. The hunter with a dog long wandered over the swamps and the tired came out, most likely, to the house of Gavril Yakovlevich Zakharov, which stood on the shod. The hunter made the halt in the barn and fell asleep on the Seine.

The presence of the hunter was discovered by village children who feared to approach close, but from curiosity could not pass by.

This meeting inspired a memories of his own childhood on Nikolai Alekseevich. After all, despite your noble origin, and the prohibitions of the Father are not working with the village children, he was very friendly with the peasants. I went with them into the forest, bought in the river, participated in fist battles.

Yes, and now the grown Nekrasov was very tied to his native land and her people. In his arguments about the fate of ordinary people, he often thought about the future and about children who live in this future.

After this meeting with the Rustic Tourists, he was inspired by writing a verse, which turned into a whole poem, calling his work simply - "peasant children."

Work on the creation of the poem lasted only two days. After the author, there are only a few small additions.

This is one of the works of the writer, where the human grief does not shine through the edge.

On the contrary, the poem is impregnated with pacification and happiness, albeit alone.

The poet does not draw illusions regarding the future of children, but also does not waste verse too sad predictions.

Story line

The acquaintance of the main characters is happening by chance, while the awakened hunter enjoys unity with nature, it will be multiploous, in the form of bird soures.

Again in the village. I go hunting
I am writing my verses - it lives easily.
Yesterday, tired walking on the swamp,
I wandered in the barn and fell asleep deep.
Woke up: in wide shed slits
Merry sun rays look.
Vorts a dove; Over the roof flew,
Shouting young races;
The other bird flies and another -
According to the shadows, I learned the crows just;
Chu! some kind of whisper ... but the rim
Along the gap attentive eyes!
All gray, brown, blue eyes -
Mixed, as in the field of flowers.
They have so much peace, freedom and affection,
In them so much holy kindness!
I love expressing baby eyes,
I always know him.
I measure: touched the soul of the dying ...
Chu! Whisper again!

A poet with trepidation and love is a meeting of the meeting with the kids, does not want to sap them and quietly listens to their leptu.
Meanwhile, the guys begins to discuss the hunter. They have big doubts, is it a barin? After all, the bars do not wear beards, but this beard. Yes, someone noticed that:

And it can be seen Barin: how to drive from the swamp,
So next to Gavrila ...

For sure, not a barin! Although he has a clock, a gold chain, a rifle, a big dog. Probably, after all Barin!

While the baby looks at and discusses the Barin, the poet himself breaks away from the storyline and is postponed first into his memories and friendship with the same uneducated, but open and honest peasants in their childhood. He recalls all sorts of pranks, which accommodate committed.

Remembers the road that passed under his house. Who only did not go.

We also had a big road:
Working title people again
On it no number.
Digger ditch VOLOGANYAN,
Louffalker, tailor, woolobit,
And then in the monastery of the city
Under the holiday praying rolls.

Here the walkers sat relaxed. And curious children could get their first lessons. There was no other training from the peasants, and this chat was becoming a natural school of life for them.

Under our dense vintage elms
On holiday pulled tired people.
Guys comprising: Stories will begin
About Kiev, about Turku, about wonderful animals.
Other poured, so only keep
Start with a wolf, reach Kazan "
Chukhna will be opposed, Mordwo, Chereve,
And the fairy tale will sweat, and the parable will lead.

Here they received the first labor skills.

Worker will deploy, laid out the shells -
Planned, cutting, bolts, knives:
"Look, thien!" And children and glads,
How to saw, like Ludie - they show all.
Passer will fall asleep under its booms,
Guys for business - saw and strict!
Extract the saw - do not fulfill and per day!
Brewery break - and run away with fright.
It happened, here all days flew, -
What is a new passerby, then a new story ...

The poet so plunged into the memories that the reader becomes clear how nicely everything is nice and close everything that he tells.

That just does not remember the hunter. He sails on the memories of his childhood, like a stormy river. Here are hiking for mushrooms, and swimming in the river, and interesting finds, in the form of a hedgehog or snake.

Who catches leeches
On the lava, where the uterus is kolotit linen,
Who nurses sister, two-year-old iron,
Who drags on the rear bucket
And he, toned under the throat,
Mysterly something draws in the sand;
That in the puddle was hammered, and this with the updated:
Split a glorious wreath,
All white, yellow, pale lilac
Yes occasionally a red flower.
Those are sleeping on the seat, they are danced to print.
Here the girl catches his horse -
Caught, jumped up and rides on it.
And she, under the sunny heat born
And in the apron from the field home brought,
Afraid of a humble horse horses? ..

The poet gradually introduces the reader to the concerns and anxieties of the life of rustic workers. But the desired beautiful summer picture shows her cluster, so to speak, an elegant side. In this part of the work of Nikolai Alekseevich describes in detail the process of growing bread.

- Pretty, Vanyusha! you walked a lot
It's time for work, native! -
But even labor will turn first
To Vanya, the elegant side:
He sees how the Father Field fertilizes,
How in loose land throws grain,
How the field then green begins,
As a spike grows, pours grain;
The finished harvest will cut sickles,
In the sheath will be tied up, in Riga will be brought
Dried, crop-chipsets,
The mill is bold and bread baked.
Jumps a fresh loaf
And in the Field of Okhotny, the Father runs.
Li Peztsi: "Frames, postmen!"

The brightest character

Many readers, unfamiliar with the work of Nekrasov, consider an excerpt from the poem "Frost, a red nose" pore a peasant with marigolds with a separate work.

Of course, it is no coincidence. After all, this part of the poem has its own introduction, the main part and the end, in the form of the author's reasoning.

Once upon a time in the cold winter time,
I came out of the forest; There was a strong frost.
I look, rises slowly to the mountain
Horse, WHO brushwash.
And, sincerely, in calm chinn,
The horse leads under the coat of a peasant
In large boots, in the serve sheepskin,
In large mittens ... and myself with marigolds!
- Great, career! - "Go yourself by!"
- I hurt you Grozen, how I will see!
Where did the firewood from? - "From the forest, internally;
Father, you hear, rubit, and I take. "
(In the forest, the woodcaroscope was distributed.)
- And what, the father has a big family?
"Family is big, yes two people
Total men something: My father yes I ... "
- So won it! And how to call you? - "Vlas".
- And why are you a year old? - "Sixth passed ...
Well, dead! " - shouted the baby bass,
Round under the booze and faster walked.
On this picture so the sun shone,
The child was so sculptively small
As if all this cardboard was,
As if I got into the children's theater!
But the boy was a boy alive, real,
And woodcuts, and a trust, and a peg's horse,
And snow, to the windows of the village lying,
And the winter sun Cold Fire -
Everything, all real Russian was ...

The narrator was surprised and discouraged by seen. The boy was so tiny, to perform perfectly adult, and the male work, that it crashed into memory and eventually found his reflection in his work.

Surprisingly the reader, he does not crush and does not pour tears about the difficult childhood kid. The poet admires a little man, trying to show it from all sides.

A tiny assistant, aware of his importance, immediately declares that he has once, he fulfills an important mission - with his father supplies seven firewood. He proudly puts himself next to his father - men, something: my father yes I. An intelligent baby knows how many years he can do with a horse, and most importantly, he is not afraid of work.

Return to the storyline

Returning from his memories, Nekrasov draws their attention to the Troops, continuing to secretly attack his shelter. He mentally wishes them to see his land always attractive as now.

Play the same, children! Grow on the will!
You and the Red Childhood is given,
To love this scarce field forever,
So that you always seemed cute to you.
Keep your age-old inheritance
Love your Labor Bread -
And let the charm of childhood poetry
Conducts you in the depths of the land of native! ..

The narrator decided to please and entertain the baby. He begins to give different commands to his ps. A dog with zeal performs all owner orders. Children are no longer hiding, they happily perceive the idea that Barin arranged.

Such communication likes to all participants: Hunter, Children, PSU. There is no longer distrust and stress described at the beginning of the acquaintance.

But the summer rain hurried. Barefoot babe rushed to the village. And the poet remains only to admire this living picture.

The value of the poem "Peasant Children"

It must be said that the poem was written by the abolition of serfdom. At this time, very lively, the government level was discussed about learning peasant children. Actively came to talk about the organization of schools on the village.

The writers also did not stand aside. One after another published publications in life, utensils, life and education, or rather, the absence of education among the people. Some authors did not owe information about rural life, but also actively offered their own eye view. Such limited ideas about the peasant gelace of Nekrasov with ease stopped.

It is not surprising that in this wave "peasant children" became very popular. The poem was printed in the fall of 1861.

The educational process in the villages was very poorly moved. Often, the progressive intelligentsia took into their own hands some region and supervised him for his funds.

So Novator was Nikolai Alekseevich. He built school for his money, bought textbooks, hired teachers. He was largely helped by the priest Ivan Grigorievich Zykov. So the children got the opportunity to primary education. True, first the formation was optional. Parents themselves decided how much the child to learn, and how much to help in the house. Given this circumstance, the educational process in Tsarist Russia moved very slowly.

Nekrasov is a real national minister. His life is an example of a selfless devotion to a simple Russian people.

"Peasant children" are one of the works of Nekrasov, which can be called his business card. It is studied in grade 5. We offer to familiarize yourself with a brief analysis of "peasant children" according to plan.

Brief analysis

History of creation - The work was created in July 1861, first was published on the pages of the magazine "Time" in the same 1861

Subject poem - The life of peasants and their children.

Composition - Analyzed poem built a monologue-reasoning of a lyrical hero about the fate of peasant children. At the beginning of the poem, the author submits an introductory episode that allows you to understand what pushed the lyrical hero to reflections. The introduction is built in the form of a polylog. In meaning, the work is divided into several parts. The monologue of the lyrical character consists of a stanza with a different number of poems.

Genre - Poem.

Poetic size - four-stranded amphibery, rhymes Cross avav

Metaphor"Merry sun rays look", "Touching the soul of the dying", "I felt mushroom raids with them", "Kandra from the soul whipped", "those honest thoughts that have no will", "charm of childhood poetry."

Epitts – « gray, Brown, blue eyes, "Holy Soul", "thick, vintage elm", "deafening barking".

Comparison"Mixed, as in the field of flowers", "Light heads over the deserted river that white mushrooms on the flute of forest", "and the legs are long as if you are stiff."

History of creation

The history of the work of the work is closely related to the child N. Nekrasov. Everyone knows that he has grown in the estate of the landlord. The Barsky Son was not ashamed to play with the peasant children, on the contrary, he really liked such a fun society. Nikolai Alekseevich took part in all the fun guys, so he described them so brightly in the poem.

As an adult, the poet loved to go beyond the city on fishing or hunting. In early July 1861, Nikolai Alekseevich wrote "peasant children." Over the work, he worked about two weeks. The first publication dates back to 1861. Portrait of the lyrical hero of the poem of autobiographical. The poet really wore a beard at that time.


In the analyzed work of Nekrasov, develops its favorite topic: the life of peasants and their children. This problem was distributed in the literature of his era. The main role in the poem is played by the prefabricated image of children and a lyrical hero. Peasant childhood is fed from the point of view of the lyrical hero. He knows about all the guys fun, although he is Barin himself.

The poem begins a short story of the lyrical hero that he came to the village again, where the poems hunting and composes poems. After the hunt, Barin fell asleep in Saraj, and when he woke up, he noticed that children's eyes were peeled into the gaps. The man did not give a look that he saw the guys, listened to their whisper.

Children were considering a man with interest, noting every detail of his appearance. They were funny that the hero with a beard, because the children knew: the "bar" worn mustache. At the header, the children saw the clock and began to guess their price. Everything for peasant children was a wonder. The children were afraid by a man, apparently, have once watched, as the "bar" cost with peasants. Suspected a little, the children hurried to retire, because they noticed that the hunter woke up.

After the polylog, a monologue is served a lyrical hero about peasant children. He admits that he envies their carefree childhood free from sciences. With pleasure, he watches how the guys play and help adults. Any business seems to be fun to this public. The lyrical hero remembers how once he played with the children of the peasants. The nostalgic mood will not lose his soul for a long time.

Soon the man begins to consider the "other side of the medal." He perfectly understands that without science, these children are doomed to hard work and poor life. He confirms his thoughts from life. Once again, the lyrical hero watched the 6-year-old boy saws with the father of firewood, because there were no men in their family.

The poem ends optimistic. The lyrical hero shows the guys that he can do his dog. Children are glad to watch these "pieces", but they still do not dare to come to Barina.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem can be formulated like this: the childhood of the peasant children is happy, full of vivid impressions, but without sciences they are awaiting an unemployed fate in the future.


The composition of the work is original. It is built in the form of a monologue-reasoning of the lyrical hero about the fate of peasant children. At the beginning of the poem, the author submits an introductory episode that allows you to understand what pushed the lyrical hero to reflections. Entry is written in the form of a polylog. In the sense, the work is divided into several parts: the story about how children are watching the asleep of Barin, thinking about the positive sides of the fate of the peasants, thinking about its negative manifestations, the ending. The monologue of the lyrical hero is divided into stains with a different number of poems.


The genre of the work is a poem, because it has a plot and lyrical indents. The poetic size is four-stranded amphibery. N. Nekrasov uses the cross-rhyme avav, some lines are not rhyme. The verse is both male and female rhymes.

Means of expressiveness

To disclose the theme and implement the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, the author used means of expressiveness. Prevail in the text metaphor: Lucky Sun Luchi Looks, "Touching the Soul Light," "I was fed with them mushroom raids," "Kandra from the soul jumped", "those honest thoughts that no will", "charm of childhood poetry." Pictures are complemented epithets- "" Sounds are wonderful "," Sleepy Handra "," Ryannye Chetch "," critic wild ", satire" non-denominated and hurt "," Skies argue in the shine ", comparisons- "gray, brown, blue eyes", "Holy Soul", "thick, vintage elm", "deafening barking", hyperboles : "Extract the saw - not to fulfill and per day."

Test by poem

Rating Analysis

Average rating: 4.3. Total ratings received: 87.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is one of the few poets -Klassikov who created works on the existence of ordinary people. One of these creations is the charming poem "peasant children", which states that one day a hunter came to the village Sarayushka, who was forgotten from fatigue. And the traveler detect the children living in a small village. They are surprised to look at it and discussed loudly. The poem immediately depicts his childhood, who passed with the peasant guys, and also represents how they supported adults. And although they worked willingly, but the work took them and unbearable flour, ranging from powerlessness in front of the heat and Lyutyi frosts.

The poem teaches us to understand that, despite the fact that poor people worked before exhaustion, this work brought them not only torment, but also joy. The main thought is a valid attitude towards the work of ordinary people, because they also have the opportunity to enjoy life, only they need a lot and long work.

Brief content of peasant children Nekrasov

Reading the original lines of this amazing poetic work, we find ourselves in a small barn, where the tired hunter wandered and recruited. He fell asleep firmly, as she hunted a long time, and did not hear how several couples of inventive children's eyes look at him, which could not understand anywhere, a man lies lively or silent. Finally he woke up, and immediately he heard the iridescent singing of birds. He managed to distinguish the crow and the ridge. And suddenly, a stranger's glance came across tiny shrinking eyes. These were kids who looked at a stranger with great interest. They quietly talked to each other, and threw their eyes to the ammunition of a man, then on his dog. When the rate noticed that the stranger watches them, then some of them ran away. And late in the evening, it was already known that a rich gentleman arrived in the settlement.

Settling in the village for the summer, Barin enjoys beautiful places and joined the time with children. The author doubts their lives, which is filled with various games. And, of course, it is amazing that all classes of rural children are very different from leisure of urban children.

We see how a little boy with pleasure bathes in the river, another nurse with her sister. Naughty girl jumps on the horse. At the same time, the guys help adults. So Vanya, tries his strength in collecting bread crops, and then with a majestic look goes home. They have no time to hurt and think about empty things. The days fly for them instantly and happily. And all the most informative they will learn from the elders. But Nekrasov marks the other side of their fate. These children have no future. They play, work with pleasure, but none of them receive education, and, accordingly, will not be worthy and revered people in society.

The poem Nikolai Alekseevich put a bright moment, which describes the work of children. Once it's cold in winter, the poet, apparently hunting, meets a small child who helps the Father to carry firewood. It happens in such frosty days! And he is forced to help, as in their family there is only two men. Necrisis again returns us to the beginning of the poem. A rested hunter began to show children as smart to his dog. But then the thunderstorm began, and the kids ran up at home, and the narrator went further to hunt.

Picture or drawing peasant children

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Each image of a child, each children's fate, to which Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov turned, warms the author's hot love. "I love expression for children, I always know," says the poet. In these eyes, he saw "so much peace, freedom and affection", which involuntarily soul "concerns the lunization." However, it is not good intonation in those verses where he turns to children.

In the sixties of the XIX century, the works of Nekrasov appear one after another, where he gives a whole gallery of people from the people who are visiting the diversity and wealth of feelings. Many among them and children's images, which are particularly pretty, the author says with heart warmth and tenderness.

Live and multi-voiced gallery of the images of peasant children was created by Nekrasov in the "peasant children." According to the strength of the artistic image of small heroes, this work is unsurpassed in Russian classical poetry of the XIX century.

So flashed from the shed slit, which wandered after hunting the tired poet, the older of children's "attentive eyes." And he saw in them "so much peace, freedom and affection", "so much holy kindness". In love with the native nature, Nekrasov compares children "from the flocks of Sparrow," and the eyes of the childs - with a multi-tie field ("all gray, brown, blue eyes - Mixed, as in the field of flowers").

Children are depicted in the work in games, fun, in everyday everyday worries and affairs. "As a result, it turns out unusually bright, alive, striking by the truth, truly, the classic picture of the life and life of a rustic squad, a picture that all Soviet schoolboy knows perfectly," the famous researcher of Creativity Nekrasov V. Evgeniev-Maximov writes about the "peasant children".

In the poem "Peasant children" heard a genuine feeling of the poet to their heroes.

Chu! Some kind of whisper ... but the rim

Along the gap attentive eyes!

All gray, brown, blue eyes -

Mixed, as in the field of flowers.

They have so much peace, freedom and affection,

In them so much holy kindness!

I love expressing baby eyes,

I always know him.

At times, the author paints an idyllic picture of rustic life. This is a lot of autobiographic work. Nekrasov, remembering his own childhood, associated with the peasant dewn, becoming an adult, embellishes a little.

I made fungal raids with them:

Russed the leaves, shakeped the stumps,

Tried to notify the fungal place,

And in the morning I could not find anything.

"Looking, savosya, what a ring!"

We both got off, and at once and to hug

Snake! I jumped: stool painful!

Savosya laughs: "Skipped!"

But then Nikolai Alekseevich seems to be unwritten, describing the early concerns of peasant children:

Put, peasant child free

Grows, do not study anything

But he will grow, if God is pleased,

And bending nothing bothers him.

Put, he knows the forest paths,

Riding riding, not afraid of water,

But mercilessly eat his midges,

But he is early acquaintances ...

And almost a solemn episode sounds, which has become the shittomaty in our literature about the "peasant with marigolds". In the poem "Schoolboy", the poet is nice that the peasant children are open to the teaching, but whether they can use it if the peasants benefit learning?! No, they are busy exhausting hard labor, hence the attitude to the sciences in the bulk of the peasants is quite "cool". But the "first swallows" appeared, who understand the benefit of science, this is happily aware of the poet.

Legs bosi, dirty body

And barely covered breasts ...

Not shame! What is the case?

These are many glorious way.

How good, noble,

Strong loving soul

In the midst of stupid, cold

And pompous!

In the works of Nekrasov, children appear sinless souls to suffer and suffer from the imperfection of society, from the "world order" that adults installed. But if they are observed in a natural setting - these are mischievous, fun, light souls that do not know the estate borders. And the poet frankly admires them. He is close to the unwitched world of peasant children. Nekrasov feels his guilt for misfortunes and the plight of poor children, he would like to change the order of things but not yet to do it; The poet with anger rejects blunt humility, which is produced over time in the souls of people. With this he will never reconcile. From his "far" Nekrasov appeals to us with wise deal:

Play the same, children! Grow on the will!

That you and the Red Childhood is given.

To love this scarce field forever,

So that you always seemed cute to you.

Keep your age-old inheritance

Love your Labor Bread -

And let the charm of childhood poetry

Conducts you in the depths of the land of the native!

The images of the peasant schoolboy boy and Lomonosov are caused by the word poet imbued with a deep faith in the people, a hot patriotic feeling:

Not bad nature,

The edge did not die

What takes out of the people

So many glorious things and know

So many good, noble,

Strong loving soul ...

Along with the "Railway" and "Schoolboy" addressed to the young reader, Nekrasov creates in the 1860-1870s and a special cycle of "poems dedicated to Russian children." This includes the poems "Uncle Yakov", "Bees", "General Toptygin", "Grandfather Mazay and Hares", "Nightingale", "on the eve of a bright holiday." They also became works that loved children. The focus of the poet here is no longer the images of children, but the pictures of peasant life.

What unites these poems? Why did Nekrasov dedicated to children exactly these works? After all, with his knowledge, they were published in collections for children and many passages from his "adults" poems, the poem "uncompressed band", etc.

Nekrasov comes to the idea that advanced, civilian content in poetry for children is not exhausted only by ideological-thematic orientation. For the embodiment of this content, special forms of expression are needed. The richest opportunity to express their feelings the poet found in folklore. Sources of Nekrasov poems for children become wise parables, folk stories, jokes, sayings, additives, songs, all that children especially love that is always irresistible on them.