Pierre Duhov Relationship to others. Writing the life path of Pierre Baughzova in the novel of the war and the world of Tolstoy

Pierre Duhov Relationship to others. Writing the life path of Pierre Baughzova in the novel of the war and the world of Tolstoy
Pierre Duhov Relationship to others. Writing the life path of Pierre Baughzova in the novel of the war and the world of Tolstoy

Favorite hero

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy describes in detail the way of looking for Pierre Lesukov in the novel "War and Peace". Pierre Duhov - one of the main heroes of the work. It refers to the favorite heroes of the author and therefore is described in more detail. The reader is given the opportunity to trace how the man's life experience is formed from the young naive young man. We are witnessing mistakes and delusions of the hero, his painful searches of the meaning of life, gradually change its worldview. Tolstoy does not idealize Pierre. He honestly displays his positive features and weakness of character. Thanks to this, the young man seems closer and clearer. He seem to come to life on the pages of the work.

Many pages in the novel of Pierre's spiritual quest. Pierre Duchevov is an extramarital son of rich Petersburg Veelmazby, one of the main applicants for a million inheritance. Recently arrived from abroad, where he received an education, Pierre cannot decide on the choice of further life path. An unexpected inheritance and high-grade title greatly complicates the position of the young man and gives him a lot of trouble.

Strange appearance

The remarkable appearance of the hero is a smile and bewilderment. Before us is "a massive, a thick young man with a cut-off head, in glasses, in light palsions on the then fashion ...". He does not know how to communicate with the ladies, to behave in a secular society, be polite and tactful. His incomplete appearance and the lack of good manners compensate for a kind smile and naive guilty look: "Smart and together timid, observant and natural." For a massive figure, a clean, honest and noble soul is broken.

Pierre's delusion

Fun of secular youth

Having arrived in the capital, the main character enters the company of frivolous golden young people, which thoughtlessly indulge in empty entertainment and fun. Noisy feasts, hooligan trunks, drunkenness, debauchery occupy all the free time of Pierre, but do not bring satisfaction. Only in communication with the only friend Andrei Bolkonsky, he becomes sincere and opens the soul. The eldest friend is trying to protect the gullible young man from the fatal mistakes, but Pierre stubbornly goes his own way.

Rocky love

One of the main delusions in the life of the hero is the passion for Elen's empty and depraved beauty. Gulling Pierre - Easy mining for members of the Alcoholic family of Prince Kuragin. It is unarmed against the seductive tricks of a secular beauty and the head of the unceremonious prince. Pierre in doubts, forced to make an offer and become a spouse of the first beauty of St. Petersburg. Pretty soon he understands that for his wife and her father he is only a cash bag. Disappointed in love, Pierre breaks relationships with his wife.

Hobbating Freemasonry

The ideological quests of Pierre Lesukov continue in the spiritual sphere. He is fond of the ideas of the Masonic fraternity. The desire to create good, work for the benefit of society, to self-improvement make the hero go along the false path. He is trying to alleviate the fate of his fortress peasants, begins to build free schools and hospitals. But it is waiting for disappointment again. Money is plundered, the brothers of the Masons pursue their mercenary goals. Pierre turns out to be in life deadlock. No family, no love, no worthy classes, no goal in life.

Heroic Porry

The condition of the gloomy apathy is replaced by a noble patriotic impulse. The Patriotic War of 1812 pushed out all the personal problems of the hero on the background. His honest and noble nature worries the fate of the Fatherland. Without the opportunity to get up in the ranks of the defenders of their country, it invests in the formation and uniform of the regiment. During the Borodino battle, it is in the most thick of events, trying to provide military assistance to the military. Hate to invaders pushes Pierre on a crime. He decides to kill the chief culprit of the wrong emperor Napoleon. The heroic impulse of a young man ended with a sudden arrest and long months of captivity.

Life experience

One of the most important stages of the life of Pierre Zuhova is the time spent in captivity. Defeated the usual comfort, the full life, freedom of movement, Pierre does not feel unhappy. He enjoys the satisfaction of natural human needs, "it takes peace and satisfaction with himself, to which in vain sought before." Once at the power of the enemy, he does not solve the complex philosophical questions of being, does not think about the change of his wife, does not understand the goat others. Pierre lives a simple and understandable life, which he taught him Plato Karataev. The worldview of this person turned out to be close and understandable to our hero. Communication with Plato Karataev made Pierre wiser and more experienced, suggested the right road in further life. He learned "not mind, but all the creature his life, the life that a person is created for happiness, that happiness is in him very."

Real life

Freed from captivity, Pierre Duhov feels like another person. He does not suffer doubts, he knows well in people and now knows what he needs for a happy life. Insecure in itself, the confused person becomes strong and wise. Pierre is engaged in restoring the house and makes the proposal of Natasha Rostova. He clearly understands that it was her who truly loved his whole life and it will be happy with her and calm.

Happy outcome

In the finals of the novel, we see the favorite Hero L. N. Tolstoy's exemplary family man, a passionate man who found himself. He is engaged in public activities, meets with interesting people. His mind, decency, honesty and kindness is now in demand and useful to society. Favorite and devoted wife, healthy children, close friends, interesting work - constituting a happy and filled with the meaning of the life of Pierre Probrelov. In writing on the topic "The Way of Question of Pierre Dzuhova", a detailed analysis of the moral and spiritual searches of an honest and noble person, which by trial and errors finds its meaning of existence. The hero finally reached "calm, consent with himself."

Test on the work

A person with a kinderful face and a smile, one whose image is remembered for a long time. Which of the heroes of the novel Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and the World" are inherent in such features? Of course, Pierre Bezuhov, a positive hero, an outstanding person who lived in an interesting, difficult, but saturated life.

First meeting with Pierre Bezukhov

For the first time, the reader of "War and Peace" meets with Pierre Bezukhov, Anna Pavlovna Sherler. Immediately striking that he is not at all as those surrounding, and, without fitting into a falsity, a secular society, as if White Voronene. Not surprising, because Pierre is sincere, straight, not accepting a lie and tries to avoid her.

"... Soon after a small princess entered a massive, a thick young man with a cut-off head, in glasses, light pantals on the mode, with a high jabin and in a brown fruce. This thick young man was the illegal son of the famous Ekaterininskoy Velmazbi, Crafa Bezuhova, who was now in Moscow ... "- so describes the meeting of this hero with Anna Pavlovna, who, who saw such a unwanted guest, was upset to such an extent that anxiety and fear appeared on the face.

It would seem why? It turns out that the hostess of the house scared the observant, a natural look of Pierre, so distinguished him from all those present in this living room.

Noteworthy is the fact that we meet with Bezukhov, it is on the first pages of a large four-volume novel that can talk about the importance of this hero for Leo Nikolayevich, who prepared him hard, but wonderful fate.

Petra past

From the novel, the supervisory reader can find out that Pierre Duhov, who almost did not know his father, was brought up abroad from ten years and came to Russia already young men, in twenty years.

Folding Step

The naivety and inexperience of Pierre Zuhova started it in a dead end. Once before a young man, a question arose: to marry, and since Pierre after the death of his father, Kirilla Zuhova, became a graph and a rich heir, this was not awarded to take advantage of Helen Kuragin, for which the love of money was above all.

Even an inner voice when "some incomprehensible horror covered it with one thought about this terrible step" could not convince the young graph to change the decision. Unfortunately, only after the wedding of Luges realized that, having tied himself to a marriage with such a cunning and mercenary girl, as Elena, made a reckless and rawful act, who influenced his further fate. This difficult period of life is described by the author in dark colors.

"... He was silent ... and with the view absurdly painted his finger in the nose. His face was sad and gloomy. " For six years, it lasted this dictated marriage, when helen not only showed his bad character, but also changed Pierre with Dolokhov, which prompted the hero to fight with a controversial in duel. The result of the fight was the wound of the opponent. However, here the good feelings of Pierre took the top: seeing that she was injured, he "barely holding his sobs, ran to him."

Thus, realizing that his wife is a depraved woman, and it is now unbearable to live with her now, Pierre ripped relations with Helen and left for St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, at that time, the hero of the novel lost faith in God. But then, Pierre disappointed in his life could not even imagine that behind the mountains of complex and sometimes unbearable circumstances, in the future, it expects real family happiness!

New plans Pierre Probrova

Helping them, he again acquires confidence, despite the "bare feet, dirty torn clothes, confused hair ..." Even the look of Pierre is changing, because he knows for what he lives.

Changes in fate

Pierre again converges with his wife, but for a short time. Their relationship is then breaking finally, and Luzukhov goes to Moscow, after which it goes to war, in the Russian army. Helen, changing the Orthodox faith to Catholic, wants to divorce her husband, but a sudden premature concent does not allow its plans.

Pierre in war

The war has become for an inexperienced Pierre's a harsh test. Despite the fact that he provided financial support to the regiment created by him, and also conceived the attempt on Napoleon, the insidious and the inhuman actions of which caused a disgust in the Bezukhov, he could not prove himself as a brave and brave defender of his homeland.

Without having shooting skills, not knowing the truly military affair, Pierre came pronounced the enemy, and this is not surprising.

Being in the terrible conditions, the hero of the novel passed a harsh school of life.

But here a chance appeared to take a look at it in a new way, to make a reassessment of values, but contributed to this that he was the same twenty as he, by the name of the map, who, however, unlike the Count Pierre, was a simple peasant, and his actions differed sharply From those to which Duchov got used to live. Communicating with this person is not his circle, Pierre understands that he was in many ways wrong, and it should be not looking for a sense in a higher society, but in communicating with nature and the simple people.

Approaching happiness ...

Although Pierre Duhov experienced a lot in his life, including the bitter consequences of an unsuccessful marriage, in his soul he really wanted to love and be loved. And secret feelings for one girl lived in his soul. Anyone who is familiar with the novel "War and Peace" knows about whom. Of course, about Natasha Rostova, with which Pierre met even when she was a thirteen-year-old girl.

Related souls - this would be one phrase to characterize these heroes of the novel, who, having passed the difficult path, having survived the tests and losses, still created a strong family. The Pierre returned from captivity married Natasha, the one that became a true friend, the advice, support, with whom it was possible to share and joy and grief. The contrast with the last life was obvious, but Pierre had to go through the way of testing with Helen to assess the real happiness with Natalia Rostova and be grateful for this Creator.

Durable family bonds

The life of Pierre flashed with new colors, shone joy, gained stability and durable world. He married Natalia Rostova, he realized how wonderful to have such a sacrificial, good spouse. They had four children were born - three daughters and one son - for which Natasha became a good mother. On such a positive note, the novel ends. "She felt that her connection with her husband was not the poetic feelings that attracted him to her, but kept something else, uncertain, but hard, as the connection of her own soul with her body" - this is what exact definition is given to Natalia, Which was ready to take part in every minute of the spouse, all his own left without a residue. And it is wonderful that Pierre, binning so much grief in a past life, finally gained real family happiness.

One of the main heroes of the epic "warrior and the world" - Pierre Duhov. The characteristic characteristic of the product is revealed through his actions. And also through thoughts, spiritual quest for the main characters. The image of Pierre Zuhovahova allowed Tolstoy to convey to the reader an understanding of the meaning of the era of the time, the whole life of a person.

Acquaintance reader with Pierre

The image of Pierre Baughzova briefly describe and understand very difficult. The reader must go with the hero all of his

Acquaintance with Pierre is attributed to the novel by 1805. He appears in a secular reception at Anna Pavlovna Sherler, Moscow high-ranking ladies. By that time, the young man did not imagine anything interesting for the secular public. He was an illegitimate son of one of the Moscow facilities. Got a good education abroad, but returned to Russia, I did not find myself use. Celebrated lifestyle, couments, idleness, dubious companies led to the fact that Pierre was expelled from the capital. With this life luggage, he appears in Moscow. In turn, the highest light also does not attract a young man. He does not share the petty interests, egoism, hypocrisy of his representatives. "Life is something deeper, significant, but unknown to him," Pierre Duhov reflects. "War and World" Lion Tolstoy help to understand this to the reader.

Moscow life

The change in the place of residence did not affect the image of Pierre Nukhov. From nature, he is a very soft person, easily falls under someone else's influence, doubts about the correctness of actions constantly pursue him. It is imperceptible for herself it turns out to be captive in idle with its temptations, feirs and rags.

After the death of Craf Bezukhova, Pierre becomes the heir to the title and the entire state of his father. The attitude of society to the young man changes dramatically. Eminent Moscow Welject, in pursuit of the state of a young graph gives him his daughter-beautiful helen for him. This marriage did not foretell a happy family life. Very soon, Pierre understands insidiousness, the falsity of his wife, her breaking becomes apparent to him. Thoughts about defrosting honor do not give him peace. In a state of rage, he commits an act that could be fatal. Fortunately, Duel with Doolohov ended with the injury of the offender, and the life of Pierre was out of danger.

Piece of Pierre Progness

After the tragic events, the young graph is increasingly thinking about how he spends the days of his life. Everything is confused, disgusting and meaningless. He understands that all secular rules and norms of behavior are negligible compared to something great, mysterious, unknown to him. But Pierre does not have enough spirit and knowledge to open it great, find the true purpose of human life. Meditsa did not leave a young man, making his life unbearable. A brief description of Pierre Zuhova gives the right to say that it was a deep, thinking person.

Hobbating Freemasonry

After parting with Helen and giving it a large proportion of the state, Pierre decides to return to the capital. On the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg, during a short stop, he meets a person who talks about the existence of the fraternity of Mason. Only they know the true path, the laws of being are subject to them. For the explosion of the soul and the consciousness of Pierre, this meeting, as he believed was salvation.

Having arrived in the capital, he, without thinking, takes a rite and becomes a member of the Masonic lodge. Rules of another world, his symbolism, the views on life are fascinated by Pierre. He unconditionally believes everything that he hears at meetings, although much of his new life seems to him gloomy and incomprehensible. The way of looking for Pierre Proghovah continues. The soul still rushes and does not find peace.

How to facilitate the life of the people

New experiences and search for the meaning of Being lead Pierre Dunyov to understand that the life of a separate person cannot be happy, then when there are many disadvantaged people, deprived of any right of people.

He decides to take action aimed at improving the life of peasants in their estates. Many do not understand Pierre. Even among the peasants, for which all this was stood, there is a misunderstanding, the rejection of a new way of life. It discourages the Bezukhov, he is depressed, disappointed.

Disappointment was final when Pierre Duhov (the characteristic of which describes it as a soft, gullible person) realized that he was brutally deceived by the managers, means and efforts were beaten in the wind.


Anxiety events occurring in France, while the minds occupied the minds of the whole senior. Breeding the consciousness of young people and old people. For many young people, the image of the Great Emperor became an ideal. Pierre Lyuhov admired his successes, victories, he was idle of Napoleon's personality. I did not understand people who were solved to resist the talented commander, the Great Revolution. There was a moment in the life of Piera, when he was ready to swear Napoleon and to defend the conquest of the revolution. But this was not destined to happen. Feats, achievements in the fame of the French revolution remained only with dreams.

And the events of 1812 will destroy all the ideals. The adoration of Napoleon's personality will change in Pierre's soul with contempt and hatred. There will be an insurmountable desire to kill Tirana, aventing all the troubles that he brought to his native land. The idea of \u200b\u200breprisals with Napoleon Pierre was just obsessed, he believed that it was predatory, the mission of his life.

battle of Borodino

The Patriotic War of 1812 broke the current suggestion, becoming a real test for the country and its citizens. This tragic event was directly touched and Pierre. Aimed life in wealth, the convenience was without refueling left the graph for the sake of serving the Fatherland.

It is in the war Pierre Duhov, whose characteristic has not yet been flattering, begins to look at a different way to life, to understand what was unknown. Rapid with soldiers, representatives of a simple people, helps to overestimate life.

A special role was played by the Great Borodino battle. Pierre Duhov, being in the same building with soldiers, saw their real patriotism without falsehood and the need, readiness without praying for the sake of the sake of giving life.

Destruction, blood, and the associated experiences give rise to the spiritual reincarnation of the hero. Suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, Pierre begins to find answers to questions that have suffered so many years. Everything becomes extremely clear and easy. He begins to live not formally, and with all his heart, experiencing an unfamiliar feeling, the explanation that can not be given at this moment.


Further events unfold in such a way that the tests that fell to the share of Pierre must harden, finally form his views.

Once in captivity, he is experiencing the interrogation procedure, after which it remains alive, but in his eyes the execution of several Russian soldiers is committed, together with him who fell to the French. The spectacle of execution does not leave Pierre's imagination, bringing it to the verge of madness.

And only a meeting and conversations with Plato Karataev again awaken in his soul a harmonious start. Being in a close barley, experiencing physical pain and suffering, the hero begins to sense himself truly the life path of Pierre Probrelov helps to understand what to be on earth is a great happiness.

However, the hero will not have to revise his place more than once and look for its place in it.

Fate disposes so that Plato Karataev, who gave Pierre's understanding of life, was killed by the French, as he fell ill and could not move. The death of Karataev brings the hero new suffering. Pierre himself was released from captivity by partisans.


Freed from captivity, Pierre one after another receives news from relatives, which he knew anything for a long time. He becomes aware of the death of his wife Helen. The best friend, Andrei Bolkonsky, is seriously injured.

The death of Karataev, the alarming news from the relatives again excite the soul of the hero. He begins to think that all the misfortunes happened by his fault. He is the cause of the death of people relatives to him.

And suddenly, Pierre catches himself to think that the image of Natasi Rostova unexpectedly comes in difficult minutes of mental experiences. She instills peace of mind, gives strength and confidence.

Natasha Rostov

With subsequent meetings, he understands that he had a feeling of feeling for this sincere, intelligent, rich spiritually woman. Natasha flashes a response feeling to Pierre. In 1813, they got married.

Rostov is capable of sincere love, she is ready to live in the interests of her husband, to understand, feel it - this is the main advantage of a woman. Tolstoy showed family as a way to preserve a person. Family is a small model of the world. The state of the society depends on the health of this cell.

Life goes on

The hero acquired an understanding of life, happiness, harmony inside himself. But the path to this was very difficult. The work of the internal development of the soul all his life accompanied the hero, and she gave their results.

But life does not stop, and Pierre Duhov, whose characteristic, as a man of seeker, is given here, again ready for movement forward. In 1820, he informs his wife that he intends to become a member of the secret society.

Young hero lived and studied abroad, returning to his homeland to twenty years. The boy suffered from the fact that there was an illegitimate child of noble origin.

The life path of Pierre Dzuhova in the novel "War and Peace" is the search for the meaning of human being, the formation of a consciously mature member of society.

Petersburg adventures

The first entry into the light of a young graph took place on the evening Anna Sherler, from the description of which the epic work of the lion of Tolstoy begins. The angular guy, having a similarity with the bear, was not the deft in the courtieth ethics, allowed himself behavior, somewhat unacceptable in relation to nobles.

After ten years of strict upbringing, deprived of parental love, the guy falls into the Nepi Prince Kuragin Society. A rampant life begins without restrictions of governers, prejudice and control.

Alcohol pours river, the children of rich representatives are walking in a noisy company. Rarely there are cases of lack of money, few people dare complain to the hussar.

Pierre young, has not yet come awareness of his own personality, there is no craving for any lesson. The road eats time, the days seem saturated and cheerful. But one day the company in a drunken ugar tied the guard to the back of the trained bear. The beast was released in the Neva and laughed, looking at the desiccation of order.

The patience of society came to the end, hooligan instigators were kept in the rank, and the cool young man was sent to his father.

Fight for inheritance

Arriving in Moscow, Pierre learns that Cyril Duchov is sick. The old Velmes had many children, all illegitimate without the right to inheritance. Anticipating the cruel struggle for the wealth left by him after his death, his father asks Emperor Alexander I to recognize Pierre's legitimate son and heir.

The intrigues associated with the height of capital and real estate begin. Inheritient prince Vasily Kuragin, planning to marry a young graph on her daughter, enters the fight for the inheritance of beans.

Having lost his father, the young man falls into depression. Loneliness makes him clicked, he does not please the wealth and title of the graph, filled with unexpectedly. Demonstrating the care of an inexperienced heir, Prince Kuragin arranges him a prestigious place in the diplomatic corps.

Love and marriage

Helen was a beauty, seductive, able to build eyes. The girl knew what men like and how to attract attention. Catch the non-historical young man in its networks did not make much difficulty.

Pierre was enjoyed, the nymph seemed to him so fantastic, inaccessible, secretly desirable. He wanted to possess it so much that there was no strength to voice my feelings. Developing a passion and confusion in the soul of Cavaller, Prince Kuragin with the effort was organized and announced the engagement of Bezuhov with his daughter.

Their marriage became disappointment for a man. In vain, he was looking for signs of female wisdom on his elected. They were absolutely nothing to talk about. The wife did not know anything of what the spouse was interested. On the contrary, all what he wanted or what Helen dreamed of, was petty, not worthy of attention.

Relief of relationships and return to Petersburg

The relationship of the Countess Bezuhova with Dolokhov became known to everyone, lovers did not hide it, spent a lot of time. The count causes Dolokhov on a duel, offended by a painful situation. Wounding the opponent, a man remained completely unharmed.

I finally understood my life with a chasty modest, but with a woman, cynical and depraved, the count goes to the capital. The hatred tormented his heart, the empty of pain filled the soul. The collapse of the hopes for a calm family life, Pierre Pierre in despondency, existence lost all means.

An unsuccessful marriage brought the count with misfortune, he turned away from his religious views, becoming a member of the Masonic society. He really wanted to be needed to someone, turn his life into a stream of virtuous actions, become a flawless member of society.

Bezukhov embarks on improving the life of the peasants, but he does not work out, it's more difficult to imagine the desired order in estates than it seemed to him. Those estate, the Count becomes the head of the St. Petersburg Masonic Society.

Before the war

Reunion with Helen took place in 1809 under pressure test. The wife loved the secular life, circled on the balas of the head of men. Pierre is accustomed to consider it with his punishment by the Lord and patiently carrying her burden.

A couple of times the efforts of lovers of their wife, he was raising in public service. From this it became completely disgusting and shame. The hero suffers, rethinks life and changes internally.

The only pleasure Pierre was friendship with Natasha Rostova, but after her engagement with the prince Bolkonsky had to abandon his friendship visits. Fate made a new zigzag.

Disappointing once again in his human purpose, Lyuhov behaves a messy lifestyle. Transferred shocks radically change the appearance of the hero. He returns to Moscow, where there is noisy companies, champagne and night fun to drown out spiritual pain.

War changes worldview

Bezukhov goes to the front volunteer when the French army approached Moscow. Borodino battle has become a significant date in Pierre's life. The sea of \u200b\u200bblood, the field eliminated by the bodies of the soldiers, the patriot of the bellows will never forget.

Four weeks of captivity have become a turning point for the hero. Everything that used to seemed important to look insignificant in the conditions of enemy aggression. Now the count knew how to build his life.

Family and Children

After liberation from the captivity, it became known about the death of Helen. Remaining a widower, Duhov resumed friendship with Natasha, who in Mount worried Andrei Bolkonsky's death. It was another Pierre, the war cleared his soul.

In 1813, he is wary with Natasha Rostova in the hope of gaining his happiness. Three daughters and son made a meaning of the life of the hero, who could not hurt her craving for general good and virtue.

Lion Tolstoy loves his hero, which reminds of something author. For example, with his aversion to war, true humanism and a friendly attitude towards the whole world.

The life of Pierre is the way of discoveries and disappointments, the path is crisis and in many ways dramatic. Pierre - Natura emotional. It is distinguished by the mind, inclined to dreamy philosophizing, scattering, weakness of will, lack of initiative, exceptional kindness. The main feature of the hero is the selection of calm, consent with himself, the search for a life that would harmonize with the needs of the heart and brings moral satisfaction.

At the beginning of the novel, Pierre is a fat, a massive young man with a smart, timid and observant look, distinguishing him from the rest of the living room visitors. Recently, having arrived from abroad, this illegal son of Count Uzuhova stands out in the Great Salon of its naturalness, sincerity and simplicity. It is soft, suppliance, easily affects someone else's influence. For example, he leads a messy, rampant life, participating in the couments and the inconsistency of secular youth, although perfectly understands the emptiness and a worthlessness of such a pastime.

Large and clumsy, he does not fit with an elegant salon decor, confuses and shocks others. But he also inspires fear. Anna Pavlovna is afraid of the young man's eyes: smart, timid, observant, natural. Such is Pierre, the illegitimate son of Russian Velmazby. In the salon Sherler, he is accepted only just in case, and suddenly count Cyril officially recognizes the Son. Much at the beginning it seems to us in Pierre strange: brought up in Paris - and does not know how to behave in society. And only later we will understand that immediacy, sincerity, the terrain is the essential features of Pierre. Nothing will never make him change himself, live according to a common, average form, to lead senseless conversations.

It is already noticeable here that Pierre does not fit into the fake Society of Lestiets and careerists, which defining the feature of which is a all-permissive lie. For this reason, the appearance of Pierre in most of those present causes concern, and its sincerity and rectinence - candid fear. Let us remember how Pierre away from anyone who was not the right aunt, spoke with the French abbot and became interested in the conversation so that it was clearly threatened to break the system of secular relationship, who was familiar to the sherever's home than and revived the dead, fake atmosphere.

One smart and timid look, Pierre frightened the hostess of the salon and her guests with their false norms of behavior. Pierre has the same good and sincere smile, his special harmless softness is striking. But Tolstoy himself does not consider his hero the weak and fierce, as it may seem at first glance: "Pierre was one of those people who, despite his external, so-called weakness of character, are not looking for an attorney for their grief."

In Pierre, the spiritual struggle with sensual, the inner, moral essence of the hero contradicts the image of his life. On the one hand, he is full of noble, freedom-loving thoughts, the origins of which go back to the Epoch of Enlightenment and the French Revolution. Pierre - a fan of Rousseau, Montesquiece, fascinated by him by the ideas of universal equality and re-education of a person, on the other hand, Pierre participates in the company in the company Anatola Kuragin, and here it is manifested by a ragled-boric start, the incarnation of which was once his father, Ekaterininsky Welject, Count of Lyuhov.

The naivety and the gullibility of Pierre, the inability to understand people make him commit a number of vital mistakes, of which the most serious is the marriage on the stupid and cynical beauty of Helen Kuragin. This rapid act Pierre deprives himself any hope for possible personal happiness.

This is one of the important milestones in the life of the hero. But Pierre is increasingly aware that he does not have a real family that his immoral wife's wife. It grows discontent, but not by others, but by himself. This is exactly what happens with genuine moral people. For their unelicness, they consider it possible to execute only themselves. The explosion occurs at dinner in honor of Bagration. Pierre calls on Duel Shahov, who insulted him. After all that happened to him, especially after the duel, Pierre seems meaningless of his whole life. He is experiencing a mental crisis: it is strong discontent with him and the associated desire to change his life to build it on new, good beginnings.

Bezukhov sharply breaks with Helen, learning how strong her love for his money was. The beans himself is indifferent to money and luxury, so calmly agrees with the requirements of a cunning wife to give her most of his state. Pierre is intenseless and ready for everything, just to get rid of the lies, who surrounded his insidious beauty. Despite its carelessness and youth, Pierre is sharply feels the border between innocent jokes and dangerous games, which can cripple someone's life, so he frankly indignantly in a conversation with Scounding Anatola after Natasha's unsuccessful abduction.

Bursting with his wife, Pierre, along the way to Petersburg, in Torzhok, waiting at the station of horses, asks himself difficult (eternal) questions: What is bad? What well? What should I love to hate? Why live and what am I? What is life that death? What power manages to all? Here he meets Masona Basdayev. At the time of the sincere discord, which was worried about Pierre, Basdayev seems to him just that man as he needs, Pierre is offering the way of moral cultivation, and he takes this way, because he needs to improve his life now.

Tolstoy makes the hero go through a heavy path of losses, mistakes, delusions and quest. Brospopriceing with Masons, Pierre is trying to find the meaning of life in religious truth. Freemasonry gave the hero to faith in the fact that the world should have the kingdom of good and truth, and the Higher happiness of a person is to strive for their achievement. He passionately wants to "reap the vicious human genus." In the teachings of Pierre Masons attract the ideas of "equality, fraternity and love," therefore, first of all, he decides to alleviate the fate of serfs. In moral cleansing for Pierre, as for Tolstoy in a certain period, was the truth of Freemasonry, and, enthusiastic, he at first did not notice what was a lie. It seems to him that he finally found the goal and meaning of life: "And only now, when I ... try ... live for others, only now I understood all the happiness of life." This conclusion helps Pierre to find a real path in its further quest.

With its new ideas about life, Pierre is divided with Andrei Bolkonsky. Pierre is trying to transform the Order of Masons, draws up a project in which it calls for activities, practical assistance to neighbor, to the spread of moral ideas in the name of the good of humanity around the world ... However, the masons strongly reject the Pierre project, and it is finally convinced of the foundation of his suspicions about that Many of them were looking for a means of expanding their secular relationships that Masons are of these insignificant people - they were interested in the problems of good, love, truth, the benefits of humanity, and the uniforms and the crosses they sought in life. Pierre cannot satisfy mysterious, mystical rites and sublime conversations about good and evil. Soon the disappointment and in the Freemasonry comes, since the Republican ideas of Piera were not divided by his "brothers", and, moreover, Pierre sees that henced among Masons there are hypocrisy, hypocrisy, careerism. All this leads Pierre to rupture with masons.

He is typical in the rustling of passion to give in to similar instant hobbies, taking them for the true and correct. And then, when the true essence of things is manifested when hopes are crumbling, Pierre also actively flows into despair, challenge, like a small child who was offended. He wants to find a field of activity to embody fair and humane ideas into a specific useful case. Therefore, little friction begins, as Andrei, engage in the improvement of its fortress. All measures taken by him are imbued with sympathy to the oppressed peasantry. Pierre cares about the fact that the punishment applied only letters, and not bodily, so that the peasants are not burdened by the unbearable work, and in each estate, hospitals, shelters and schools were established. But all the good intentions of Pierre remained intent. Why, wanting to help the peasants, he could not do this? The answer is simple. Imagine good undertakings to life was prevented by the young humane landowner his naivety, lack of practical experience, ignorance of real reality. Stupid, but the cunning minimal right easily drank around the finger of the smart and intelligent barin, creating the appearance of accurate execution of its orders.

Having experienced a strong need for high noble activity, feeling in itself rich forces, Pierre Never sees the purpose and meaning of life. To find a way out of this state of disagreement with himself and the surrounding world helps the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, the total patriotism of which captured it. His life only from the side seemed calm and serene. "Why? Why? What is happening in the world?" - These questions did not cease to disturb the troubles. This incessant inner work prepared his spiritual revival in the days of the Patriotic War of 1812.

There was a great importance for Pierre's contact with the people and on the Borodino field. The scenery of the Borodino field before the start of the battle (bright sun, fog, distant forests, golden fields and armor, smoke smokes) correlated with the mood and thoughts of Pierre, causing some risenness, the feeling of the beauty of the spectacle, the greatness of what is happening. His eyes of Tolstoy transfers his understanding of the events deciding in the folkish, historical life. The soldier's shocked by the behavior, Pierre himself manifests the courage and readiness for self-sacrifice. At the same time, it is impossible not to note the naiveness of the hero: the decision made by him to kill Napoleon.

"Soldier to be, just a soldier! .. Enter this common life to all the creature, to imbued with what makes them such," this is what the desire was possessed by Pierre after Borodino battle. Not being a combat officer as Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre expressed his love for Fatherland in his own way: he formed a regiment to his funds and took him to ensure, and himself remained in Moscow to kill Napoleon as the main culprit of folk disasters. It was here that in the capital engaged in the French, a selfless kindness of Pierre was fully revealed.

In relation to Pierre to ordinary people and to nature, the author's criterion of the beautiful in man once again is manifested. Seeing helpless people in the power of the scoring French soldiers, he cannot be just a witness to numerous human dramas, which unfold before his eyes. Without thinking about his own security, Pierre defends a woman, standing for an obsessed, saves the child's burning house. Representatives of the cultural and civilized nation itself are increasing in his eyes, violence and arbitrariness are curved, executed people accused of arson, whom they did not commit. These terrible and painful impressions are exacerbated by the situation of captivity.

But the most terrible for the hero is not hunger and non-free, but the wreck of faith in the fair device of the world, in man and God. The decisive for Pierre becomes his meeting with a soldier, a former peasant Plato Karataev, who, according to Tolstoy, personifies the masses. This meeting meant for the hero of the introduction to the people, folk wisdom, even closer rapprochement with ordinary people. Round gentle soldier makes a real miracle, forcing Pierre again and happily look at the world, believe in good, love, justice. Communication with Karataev causes a feeling of peace and coziness into the hero. Its tempered soul warms under the influence of the heartiness and participation of a simple Russian person. Plato Karatayev has some kind of a special gift of love, a sense of blood with all people. His wisdom, striking Pierre, is that he lives in complete agreement with all the earth, as if dissolving in it.

In captivity, Pierre acquires that calm and contentment of himself, to which he switched in vain before. Here he learned not by the mind, but all the creature his life, the life that a person is created for happiness, that happiness in it is the very, in satisfying natural human needs ... Advisions to the People's Treight, to the public ability to live help the inner liberation of Pierre, always seeking solutions Question about the meaning of life: He was looking for this in Philanthropy, in Freemasonry, in the scattering of secular life, in wine, in the heroic feat of self-sacrifice, in romantic love for Natasha; He was looking for this by thought, and all these searches and attempts were all deceived him. And finally, with the help of Karataev, this question is allowed. The most essential in Karataev is loyalty and immutability. Loyalty to itself, its only and constant spiritual truth. For a while, this follows Pierre.

In the characteristics of the spiritual state of the hero at this time, the Tolstoy develops its ideas about the internal happiness of the man, which is in full spiritual freedom, peace of mind and peace, independent of external circumstances. However, having experienced the influence of the Philosophy of Karataeva, Pierre, returning from captivity, did not become a karataevant, non-persquence. Under the very essence of your character, he was not able to take a life without searching.

In the soul of the Bezukhova, there is a fracture, which means making a lively view of the world of Plato Karataev. Discover Karataeva, Pierre in the epilogue of the Roman is already going on. His dispute with Nikolai Rostov proves that the problem of the moral renewal of society is worth the problem. Active virtue, according to Pierre, can bring the country out of crisis. It is necessary to unite honest people. Happy family life (married with Natasha Rostova) will not lead the Pierre from public interest.

The feeling of complete harmony for such a smart and inquisitive person, like Pierre, is impossible without participating in specific useful activities aimed at achieving a high goal - the very harmony that cannot exist in the country where the people are in the position of slave. Therefore, Pierre is naturally coming to the Decembrism, entering into a secret society to fight with all what prevents living, degrading the honor and dignity of man. This struggle becomes the meaning of his life, but does not make it a fanatik, which for the sake of idea deliberately refuses the joy of being. With indignation, says Pierre about the reaction that has come in Russia, about Arakheevshchina, theft. At the same time, he understands the strength of the people, believes in it. With all this, the hero strongly opposes violence. In other words, for Pierre, the way of moral self-improvement remains decisive in the reorganization of society.

Intense intellectual search, ability for disinterested deeds, high spiritual impulses, nobility and devotion in love (relationship with Natasha), true patriotism, the desire to make society more just and humane, truthfulness and naturalness, the desire for self-improvement make Pierre one of the best people of his time .

We see in the final of the novel by a happy man who has a good family, a faithful and loyal wife who loves and love. Thus, it is Pierre Duhov that reaches spiritual harmony in the "war and the world" with the world. He goes to the end of a difficult way to search for the meaning of life and finds him, becoming an advanced, progressive man of his era.

I want to once again note the ability of Tolstoy to portray my hero as it is, without embellishment, a natural person who is characteristic of constantly changing. The internal changes occurring in the soul of Pierre Duzness, deep, and this is reflected in its appearance. At the first acquaintance, Pierre - "Massive, a fat young man, a soup observant look." In a completely different way, Pierre looks after marriage, in Kuragin's society: "He was silent ... and with the view absurdly painted his finger into the nose. His face was sad and gloomy. " And when Piear seemed that he found the meaning of activities aimed at improving the life of the peasants, he "spoke with an animation of joy."

And just freeing from the depressing lies of a secular farce, hitting the complex military conditions and being in an environment of ordinary Russian peasants, Pierre feels the taste of life, gains peace of mind, which again changes his appearance. Despite the barefoot legs, dirty torn clothes, tangled hair, filled with lies, the expression of his eyes was solid, calm and lively, and never had such a look earlier.

The Pierre Tolstoy Pierra shows that, whatever different ways, the best of representatives of the highest society in search of the meaning of life, they come to the same outcome: the meaning of life is in unity with his native people, in love for this people.

It was in captivity of Duhov, it comes to conviction: "Man is created for happiness." But people around Pierre suffer, and in Epilogue Tolstoy shows Pierre intensely thinking how to protect good and truth.

So, having passed a hard path, executed errors, delusions in reality of Russian history, Pierre finds himself, retains its natural essence, does not affect society. Throughout the novel, the Tolstoy Hero is in constant search, spiritual experiences and doubts that eventually lead him to true vocation.

And if he at first, the feelings of Bezuhov are constantly fighting with each other, he thinks contradictory, then he is finally dismissed from all apparent and artificial, finds a true face and calling, clearly knows what he needs from life. We see how beautiful the real, genuine love of Pierre to Natasha, he becomes the beautiful father of the family, is actively engaged in public activities, it benefits people and is not afraid of new cases.


The novel "War and the World" of Lev Tolstoy introduced us to many heroes, each of which is a bright person, has individual features. One of the most attractive heroes of the novel is Pierre Duhov. His image is in the center of "War and Peace", because the pierre figure is significant for the author himself and plays a huge role in his work. It is known that the fate of this hero was the basis of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole novel.

After reading the novel, we understand that Pierre Duhov is one of the favorite heroes of Tolstoy. During the narrative, the image of this hero undergo significant changes, its development, which is a consequence of his spiritual quest, finding the meaning of life, some of its higher, irreversive ideals. Lion Tolstoy focuses on the sincerity, childhood gullibility, kindness and purity of the thoughts of their hero. And we cannot help but notice these qualities, not to evaluate them, despite the fact that first Pierre is represented by us lost, weakly accrazer, with nothing that is not distinguished by a young man.

Fifteen years of life Pierre are held in our eyes. Many temptations, defeat mistresses were on his path, but a lot and accomplishments, victories, overcoming. Pierre's Life Path is the incessant search for a worthy place in life, the opportunity to benefit people. Not external circumstances, and the internal need to self-improvement, it becomes better - this is a guiding star of Pierre.

The problems raised by Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" have universal importance. His novel, according to Gorky, - "Documentary presentation of all the quest, which in the 19th century a strong personality, in order to find a place and case in the history of Russia" ...