Druckerman French children spit food. Pamela Druckerman - French kids don't spit food. Secrets of parenting from Paris. Dictionary of French educational terms

Druckerman French children spit food.  Pamela Druckerman - French kids don't spit food.  Secrets of parenting from Paris.  Dictionary of French educational terms
Druckerman French children spit food. Pamela Druckerman - French kids don't spit food. Secrets of parenting from Paris. Dictionary of French educational terms
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Elena Kovalchuk,

Child upbringing is a delicate matter that requires an individual approach to each child. In each country, different requirements apply to parents raising a baby: for example, in our country, a slap on the bottom and a raised tone are not considered a criminal offense. In other countries, everything is different.

And for the next days, too. Two birds with one stone. Besides life, food is also included for us. Ideal when totally overpriced at the supermarket. Also very nice because the little French family is great, with whom we also enjoy spending time outside the kindergarten.

Walk the area together or take excursions to secret beaches. Many are even family friendly and in great locations. Of course, what you have to do for your temporary home is very individual. Work in kindergarten for me an absolute blow of luck and temporarily just as easily achievable.

Nowadays, everyone decides for himself which method of education to apply to his child. But still, there are several, time-tested and time-tested, recommendations that will definitely come in handy for many parents.

Pamela Druckerman's book "French Children Don't Spit Food" different countries very good experience. After its release, the whole world began to envy the French, whose children, thanks to a special upbringing method, sleep peacefully at night literally from the cradle, eat everything without the slightest whims and are self-confident "to the core."

Often it comes little work in the home or on farms. Most of them are even organic. You also have the ability to quickly establish contact with local residents... At the same time, you are also exchanging with other travelers. Like ducks, the little ones echo me. We're driving to the harbor around the corner. Watch the incoming ships. The sun is reflected in crystal clean water... Maxi is here.

Depression and anxiety disorders in childhood and adolescence

The fact that most of them only speak French is not a problem for him. Meanwhile, he spits out the first pieces. Mixed with German children's songs that he sings over and over. And maybe in the future. Mental disorders or manifest mental illness can already occur in childhood and adolescence. Even babies are already suffering from depression. According to a survey by the Robert Koch Institute, about 20 percent of all children under the age of 18 in Germany show mental health problems - and this trend is growing.

But if you ask a French mother what technique she applies to her children and what secrets she uses, she is likely to be confused. Because all French mothers, without exception, believe that in fact there are no secrets. They just act intuitively, guided by common sense, "watching" the child. And the word "educate" only makes them associate with prohibitions and punishments.

What makes a child depressed?

The reasons for this are usually pregnancy, fertility or early childhood, therefore these main stages of development are considered in the child's life in a homeopathic history, especially carefully and analyzed. First, there is a certain genetic predisposition: a child with a depressed mother or a mentally ill father has a higher risk of becoming self-depressed. Because of the symbiosis between mother and child during birth "Everything that the mother mentally experiences during childbirth can also be mistaken for a child without loss."

However, when you read French Children Don't Spit Food, you won't come across anything supernatural or unfamiliar. Everything that is there is heard, the author only concretizes this in several theses with illustrative examples.

For example, the French very clearly divide the time into adults and children, which allows parents to spend the evening the way they want. French child, after reading bedtime stories or watching a cartoon, he goes to bed without hysterics, and the parents, having poured themselves a glass of burgundy they deserved for the day, calmly go about their business. It is not necessary that the child is already sound asleep in the bedroom at this time. He can engage in personal affairs in which his parents do not interfere, respecting his right to personal space. But the child, in turn, will never enter the parent's bedroom. This division of personal time applies not only to the evening, but also to weekends and vacations. Thus, French parents show that the world does not revolve only around their children, while fostering respect for themselves and those around them.

Possible Causes of Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents

Disruption or even lack of communication after birth can be difficult for the baby to cause mental damage. In any case, it means a bad start in life. Some people endure a lack of nest warmth for the rest of their lives in the first weeks, months, or years - despite psychotherapy. Inadvertent pregnancy Psychological stress during pregnancy Fear or shock Maternal alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy Postpartum depression Depression in the family Traumatic experience of childbirth without any links Experience of separation in childhood or adolescence Serious illnesses in the family Death of one or both parents Emotional neglect Abuse or Violence Excessive expectations on the part of the parents Bullying in school curiosity.

How do you know if a child suffers from depression?

In the first years of life, depressed children are generally apathetic and indifferent.

The French also teach children to be patient. This does not mean that they, for example, starve the child, bringing up willpower. It's just that in their opinion, the baby is quite capable of withstanding half an hour without a cookie, if there is lunch soon. Snacks are unacceptable for the French. Perhaps not everyone will like this rule, unlike the previous one, many adhere to free feeding, "at the first call." And this applies to both infants and older children. But the French are educated that way.

Kindergarten children take pictures, do not participate in the general game. Sleep disorders with nighttime restlessness and recurrent nightmares are typical. Children are often developmentally delayed, eat poorly, are noticeably anxious and very affectionate. In addition to the quiet, passive children, there are also very restless, wild ones. In relations with others, they are little able to compromise, argue a lot and act destructively. Eating and sleep disorders are also important indicators of mental distress at school age.

Often these children complain of recurrent headache and abdominal pain of unknown origin. The game provides important clues for a child's mental health. For example, Kai von Klitzing, professor of child and adolescent psychiatry, found that role-playing game children with depression are often poor - happy ending no. In addition, these children are talking at home, no one wants to play with them, even if they are not. They feel unloved and misunderstood.

In their opinion, if you indulge the child in everything, then desires and whims will grow like a snowball. And patience is like a muscle that must be trained all the time. And such an approach, according to the French, will make your life much calmer, for there is no point in growing up for a child around whom the universe revolves.

Actually, the French allow children to live their lives literally from the cradle: they allow them to make mistakes and correct them, without reproaching their parents. In their opinion, children from an early age have the right to make their own personal choice. They believe that overprotection is pure harm that never brings positive results. And also the French are against accelerating the development of the child. This does not mean that their children do absolutely nothing at a young age, but they are 100% firmly convinced that a child should go through all stages of development at a natural pace, and not be constantly busy in circles, sports sections and developing schools. Many people disagree with such arguments, for example, the Americans, with whom a parallel is always drawn in the book. And how to do the right thing in reality - the decision is individual for everyone.

The older children become, the more obvious the physical and psychological symptoms of depression are. WITH school age children are increasingly thinking about their own state of mind, they start thinking about it. Their despondency is becoming more and more aware of them, they clearly feel that they are different from their classmates, that something is wrong with them. While some are quiet and withdrawn, others react with hyperactivity and clownish behavior to compensate for their sadness. Common to both groups is a depressed mood: they have no real joy in life.

Suicidal thoughts or attempts become more specific as they get older, i.e. for adolescents between 15 and 19 years old. Estimates show that at least one in ten depressed teens tries to take their own life... Depression is especially difficult to detect and diagnose during puberty. Either way, the mood barometer rises and falls in this challenging phase of life. Teenage adolescents often quarrel with themselves and with the world, secretly dissatisfied and disoriented.

In short, Druckerman's book will be of interest to both families who already have children and those who are still planning to become parents. And all because the author describes not only the rules of behavior with children, but also the way of life of the French in general, their relationship to each other and to life, the distribution of roles in the family, talks about the notorious harmony of the French and their famous love for delicious food. “Live so as to get pleasure from it” - in fact, this is the most important rule of the French.

In addition, they dislike looking at cards, retreating into their own world, and giving up good intentions for help from worried parents. Typical signs of depression at this age are serious eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia, as well as persistent sleep disturbances, but also latent sadness, depression, and hopelessness. Self-titled, auto-aggressive tendencies are more common, especially among girls between the ages of 12 and 15. These include cracks expressing cigarettes on bare skin, snagging on the stove, biting or beating, and tearing off the skin at the fingertips.