Satyric image of the official and landowners in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls

Satyric image of the official and landowners in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls

The gallery of the "dead souls" in the poem Gogol continue images of officials of the city of N. The author paints them as a single faceless mass, mired in bribes and corruption: "But let the devils come to you with one day, so that you don't want to take, so And he himself fuss. " These features are brightly manifested in the seventh chapter, in which Chichikov comes to make a bought in the civilian chamber. Colorite the image of an official of Ivan Antonovich "Kuvshina Sky", but, above all, in this chapter created a generalized image of the Russian officials of the middle hand.
Sobesevich gives officials to the evil, but very accurate characteristic: "The fraudster on a fraudster is sitting and a fraudster will chase." Officials are idle, fraud, steal, offend the weak and tremble in front of strong.
It is noteworthy that with the news of the appointment of a new Governor's General (Tenth Chapter), the inspector of the medical advantage of medical advantage of feverishly thinks about the patients who have died in a significant amount from the hot, against which the proper measures have not been taken. The Chairman of the Chamber pale from the thought that he made a bumping into the dead peasant souls. And the prosecutor generally came home and suddenly died. What sins were behind his soul, that he was so frightened?
Gogol shows us that the life of officials is empty and meaningless. They are simply humidifiers, who wondered an invaluable life on the accommodation and fraud.

In the "dead souls" the theme of serfdom is woker with the topic of bureaucracy, bureaucratic arbitrariness and lawlessness. The guardians of order in the poem are largely related to landowners. This Gogol draws the attention of readers already in the first chapter of the "Dead Souls". Arguing about thin and thick gentlemen, the author of the poem comes to the conclusion: "Finally, fat, served by God and the sovereign, deserving universal respect, leaves the service ... and is done by the landlord, the glorious Russian Barine, Boshosol, and lives, and lives well ..." This is evil Satira on robbers officials and on the "grocery" Russian bar.
Both the owners of the estates and provincial officials are at the lowest stage of culture and enlightenment. Manilov, as I remember, for two years already, the same book is disclosed on the fourteenth page. Officials "were also more or less enlightened: who read Karamzin, who" Moscow Vedomosti ", who even did not read anything at all."
The landowners and officials do not burden themselves with concerns about state affairs. Those others are alien to civil debt. Those and others live idle.
In notes to the first thing "dead shower" Gogol wrote: "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe city. Embed to the highest waste. Void. Gossip, which passed the limits ... All this arose from idleness and adopted an expression of funny to the highest degree ... "
When making the purchase of fortress peasants, witnesses took. "Now send to the prosecutor," says Sobesevich, "he is idle and, right, sitting at home: everything makes the striving gold, the first Hapuga in the world. Inspector of the Medical Administration, he is also idle and, right, at home, if you didn't go somewhere to play the card ... "
In the society of officials flourishes "meanness, completely disinterested, pure meanness." The ladies quarrel, their husbands quarrel: "Duele, of course, did not happen between them, because everyone had civil officials, but she tried to attack one another, where it was possible that, as you know, it sometimes happens heavier every duel."
The ruler of the city is unanimous only in the desire to live widely at the expense of "sums gently beloved by them of the Fatherland." Officials are robbed and the state, and petitioners. Casnokratism, bribery, robbery of the population - phenomena everyday and completely natural. The policeman "stands only to blink, passing by the fish row or cellar", like balmets and excellent wines appear on his desk. No request is considered without a bribe. Chairman of the Chamber warns Chichikova: "... You do not give anything to anyone with anyone ... my friends do not have to pay." The exception is only for buddies (but chicters still did not disrupt the unsolicited law and gave the bribe to Ivan Antonovich).
Police keeps the city in constant fear. When in society began to talk about the possible rebellion of Chichikov's men, the policeman noticed that "In the disgusting of him (Bunta), there is the power of Captitipa Correspondence that Captain-Correspondent, at least and not driving, but they only went to his place alone, but One carriage chase the peasants to the very place of their residence. "
In the actions and views of officials, there is no significant difference in their lifestyle. Gogol creates a group portrait of people interconnected by a circular place.
When Scam Chichikova revealed, the officials were confused, and everyone "suddenly found ... sins." Hence, their indecision: whether the chicter is a person who needs to be delayed and grabbed as a unwarted, or he is such a person who can grab himself and delay them all as unfamile. " The tragic position in which the "owners of the city" was created as a result of their criminal activity. Gogol laughs, dies evil and mercilessly. People clotheled by the authorities help a fraudster in his dirty, criminal frauds and fear him.
Arbitration and lawlessness do not only create the authorities of the provincial city, but also the highest officials, the government itself. "Tag about Captain Copeikin" Gogol touched on this, very dangerous, theme.
The hero and the disabled person of the Patriotic War of 1812, Captain Kopeikin goes to the capital to ask for help. It is striking the luxury of St. Petersburg, the magnificence of the chambers and cold indifference to the manor of the disabled person. The persistent legitimate requests of the Captain Aid did not have success. An angry nobleman sent him from St. Petersburg.
The way of a soulless dignitarily derived in the "Tale of Captain Kopeikin", Gogol completes the characteristics of the world of officials. All of them, ranging from Ivan Antonovich "Kuvshtshina", a small official of the provincial city, and ending with no one, disclose the same pattern: on guard of legitimacy there are scammers, soulless people.
A meaningful ending "Tale ..." Captain Kopeikin did not accept cruelty and insult. In Ryazan forests, "the gang of robbers, and the Ataman was this whip, my sir, not who else ...", like Captain Kopeikin.
"Tag about Captain Kopeikin" Gogol reminded the sanctifiers about the anger of the oppressed people, about the possibility of an open speech against the authorities.
"Ah," you will say, reading about the life of the city of Nn, "don't we ourselves know that there is a lot of despicable and stupid in life!" Why does the author show us this once again? " However, I think Gogol wanted to show this "desposed and stupid" not in order to irritate the reader. He wanted to correct a person, make life better. And he believed that, only reflecting, as in the mirror, all social and human vices, you can fight with them. I believe that the brilliant poem "Dead Souls" is the best confirmation of this.

Writing on literature on the topic: Images of officials in the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Other writings:

  1. In the comedy "Auditor" and in the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol turned to important social topics. They are talking about the life of whole classes - county officials, a local nobility. In the field of view of the author "All Rus". Places where events occur are summarized and typed: Read more ......
  2. The kingdom of officials is embraced by the same dead sleep as the estate. Intenuing about the habits of urban residents, Gogol makes a remark, allowing the symbolic meaning of the name - "Dead Souls" - and to the city: "Everyone ... There are already all sorts of acquaintances for a long time and knew only as read more ......
  3. In the poem, Gogol reveals many diseases of Russian society. One of the main moral and social agers, in his opinion, was serfdom. Showing various characters, the author highlights them in general: they are all "dead souls". From the depleting fruitless dream of Manilov before read more ......
  4. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, with all my heart, having loving Russia, could not stay aside, seeing that she was mired in a swamp of corrupt officialhood, and therefore creates two works that show the entire reality of the country's condition. One of these works is the comedy "Auditor", in which Gogol Read more ......
  5. On the plot, prompted by Pushkin, Gogol writes a work, where, according to him, "it would be no longer one thing that should be laughed." Soon Gogol understands that the thing that is created, is not suitable for any definition of the literary genre. Following the example of Pushkin - Read more ......
  6. In the famous appeal to the "Bird-Troika", Gogol did not forget the master to whom the Troika owes its existence: "Not cunning, it seems, a road projectile, not iron captured with a screw, but for a row, alive, with one ax and shells equipped and gathered you Yaroslavsky Thistle man. " There is read more ......
  7. The image of the people in the poem "Dead Souls". The poem "Dead Souls" in the work of N. V. Gogol occupies a special place. GOGOL GLOBAL PLACE - Show all of Russia in the context, all its defects and disadvantages. The most part of the population of Russia was the peasants. In Read more ......
  8. At the beginning of work on the poem N. V. Gogol wrote V. A. Zhukovsky: "What a huge, what original plot! What a variety of bunch! All Russia will appear in it. " So Gogol himself determined the volume of his work - all Russia. And the writer managed to show in Read more ......
Images of officials in the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Landowners. The generally accepted idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition I is concluded in the following: Chichikov's visits to the landowners are described by a strictly defined plan. The landowners (ranging from Manilov and the end of a plush) are located according to the degree of strengthening the features of spiritual cloaking in each subsequent character. However, according to Yu. V. Mann, it is impossible to reduce the composition of the composition I volume to "Unified Prolyip". Indeed, it is difficult to prove that the nozzles, for example, "worse" Manilov or Sobesevich "harmful" boxes. Perhaps Gogol placed the landowners in contrast: against the background of the dreamability and, so to speak, the "ideality" of Manilov brighter appears to be a blooming box: one is ascended into the world of completely meaningless dreams, the other is so mired in a little economy that even chikhikov, not suppressing, calls her " Dubyo-Colo. In the same way, it is opposed further to the unrestrained rust of the nostrils, always falling in some story, why he is called Gogol "Historical Man", and Sobashievich, a calculating owner, nimble fist.

As for Plushkina, he is placed at the end of the landlord of the gallery, not because it turned out to be all worse ("Standing in humanity"). It is not by chance that Gogol emphasizes a plush biography (except for him endowed with a biography of chikhiki). Once Plushkin was different, there were some mental movements in it (other landowners have nothing like that). Even now, when mentioning the old school comrade on Plushkin's face, "suddenly some warm ray slipped, it was not a feeling, but some pale reflection of feelings." And, maybe, according to the plan of Gogol, from all the heroes of the I Tom "Dead Souls" were to come to the revival of Plushkin and Chichikov (about which it was ahead).

Officials. In the preserved notes of Gogol, the poems have such a record: "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe city. Embed to the highest degree of emptiness ... Dead insensitiousness of life. "

This idea found a complete embodiment in the "dead souls". The inner death of the landowners, manifested in the first chapters of the work, correlates with the "dead insensitiousness of life" in the provincial city. Of course, there is more external movement, bustle, visits, gossip. But essentially, all this is only a ghostly existence. Gogol's idea of \u200b\u200bemptiness finds an expression already in the description of the city: deserted unlit, infinitely wide streets, colorless monotonous houses, fences, a gloomy garden with skinny trees ...

Gogol creates a collective image of officials. Separate figures (governor, polytzmeyster, prosecutor, etc.) are given as an illustration of a massive phenomenon: they only put forward on a short time, and then disappear in the crowd to them like. The subject of Satira Gogol was not a person (at least so colorful, as ladies are simply a pleasant and pleasant in all respects), and social defects, more precisely speaking, the social environment that becomes the main object of his satire. That confusion, which was noted when it was about the landowners, it turns out to be the world and the world of provincial officials. Especially relief, this is manifested in the story and the sudden death of the prosecutor: "... then only with condolences they learned that the deceased was, for sure, the soul, although he never showed it by his modesty." These lines are very important for the proper understanding of the meaning of the name of the poem. The action of the "auditor" occurs in the distant district city. In the "Dead Souls" we are talking about the city of the province. From here is not so far from the capital.

    In the autumn of 1835, Gogol is accepted for the work on the poem "Dead Souls", the plot of which was suggested by Pushkin. Gogol has long dreamed of writing a novel about Russia, and was very grateful to Pushkin for the idea. "I want to show this novel though with one ...

    Poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (1835-1841) belongs to the unusable works of art that lead to large-scale artistic generalizations, raise the indigenous problems of human life. In the death of the shower of characters (landlords, officials, ...

    N. V. Gogol, as before him, M. Yu. Lermontov, for example, always worried about the problems of spirituality and morality - and society as a whole, and a separate personality. In his works, the writer sought to show the society "the depth of his real abomination." Ironizing, ...

    Over the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol worked about seven years. In the center of the plot of the poem - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Externally, this man is pleasant, but in fact it is a terrible, calculating chaser. I am striking his hypocrisy, the cruelty, which he manifests while reaching ...

The relevance of images

In the artistic space of one of the most famous works of Gogol, landowners and persons standing in power are related. Lies, bribery and desire of the Nazi characterize each of the images of officials in the "dead souls". Surprisingly, with what easy and ease, the author paints the disgusting portraits in essence, and so masterfully, that for a minute you do not doubt the authenticity of each nature. On the example of officials in the "Dead Soul" poem, the most actual problems of the Russian Empire of the mid-19th century were shown. In addition to serfdom, which slowed down natural progress, the real problem was an extensive official apparatus, which allocated huge amounts. People, in the hands of which the power was concentrated, worked only for the accumulation of own capital and improve their welfare, robbing and treasury, and ordinary people. Many writers of the pores were addressed to the topic of exposure of officials: Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Dostoevsky.

Officials in "Dead Souls"

In the "dead souls" there are no separately prescribed images of civil servants, but nevertheless, life and characters are shown very accurately. Images of officials of the city of N appear from the first pages of the work. Chichikov, who decided to give a visit to each of the powerful world of this, gradually introduces the reader with the governor, vice-governor, the prosecutor, Chairman of the Chamber, the Politzmeister, the postmaster and many others. Chichotes stolen everything, as a result of which the sowing to arrange each important person to themselves, and all this is shown for granted. In the official world reigned pomp, bordering the vulgarity, inappropriate pathos and farce. So, the house of the governor during ordinary lunch was lit as if for the ball, the decoration was blinded, and the ladies were dressed in their best dresses.

Officials in the county city were two types: the first were thin and everywhere were in the ladies, trying to charm their bad French and sall compliments. Officials of the second type, according to the author, reminded Chikchikov himself: not thick and not thin, with round row faces and lumpy hair, they mowed around, trying to find an interesting or profitable job for themselves. At the same time, everyone tried to attack each other, to make some meanness, usually it happened because of the ladies, but no one was going to shoot on such trifles. But on dinners, they did the form that nothing happens, discussed the "Moscow news", dogs, Karamzin, delicious dishes and grew on officials of other departments.

When the prosecutor's characteristic, Gogol connects high and low: "There was neither a tolsta, nor finely, had an abo on her neck, and even rumored that he was presented to the star; However, there was a big kindly and even embroidered sometimes on the yoke ... "Notice, nothing is said here for which this person received a reward - the Order of St. Anne is issued" loving truth, piety and loyalty ", and also awarded for military merit. But after all, no battles or special episodes, where it would be about piety and loyalty, not mentioned at all. The main thing is that the prosecutor is engaged in needlework, and not by his official duties. Sobesevich about the prosecutor responds unflattering: the prosecutor, they say, the man is idle, so it sits at home, but it works for him a streaming, famous Hapuga. There is nothing to talk about - what an order can be, if a person, absolutely not disassembled in the question, is trying to decide it until an authorized face embroiders on the yoke.

Similarly used in the description of the postmaster, a serious and silent person, a low, but stale and philosopher. Only in this case, various qualitative characteristics are combined in one row: "low", "but philosopher". That is, here growth becomes allegory to the mental abilities of this person.

The reaction to the experiences and reforms is also shown very ironically: from new appointments and the number of papers, civil servants lose weight ("and the chairman lost, and the inspector of the medical council lost weight, and the prosecutor has lost weight, and some Semen Ivanovich ... and he lost weight"), but were And those who courageously kept themselves in the same form. And the meetings, according to Gogol, were managed only when you can bother or dine, but in this, of course, not officials are to blame, but the mentality of the people.

Gogol in the "Dead Souls" of officials is depicting only for lunches, playing Vist or other card games. Only once the reader sees officials in the workplace, when Chichiki arrived to make a member of the peasants. In the department, Pavlu Ivanovich explicitly hints that there will be no cases without a bribe, and there is nothing to solve the issue without a certain amount and there is nothing to say. This confirms the polytzmeister to whom "it's only to blink, passing by the fishing series or cellar," and his baldes and good wines appear. No request is considered without a bribe.

Officials in "Tale of Captain Copeikin"

The most cruel turns out to be a story about Captain Copeikin. The disabled of war in search of truth and help rides from the Russian depths to the capital to ask the audience at the king. Hope Kopeikin is divided into terrible reality: while the city and villages are dirty and misunderstand the money, the capital is priking. Meeting with the king and high-ranking persons are constantly transferred. Completely desperately, Captain Kopeykin makes his ways to a receiving high-ranking official, demanding that his question immediately set for consideration, otherwise he, Copekin, will not leave anywhere. The official assures the veteran that now the assistant will take the last to the emperor himself, and for a second the reader believes in a happy outcome - rejoices with Kopeykin, traveling in a Briton, hopes and believes in the best. However, the story ends disappointing: after this, no one has met Kopeykina anymore. This episode is actually frightening, because human life turns out to be insignificant trifle, from the loss of which the whole system does not suffer.

When Scam Chichikova revealed, they did not hurry to arrest Pavel Ivanovich, because he could not understand that he had to delay, whether such that he himself would delay and guilty would do. The characteristic of officials in the "Dead Souls" can serve as the words of the author himself that these people who sit calmly aside, accumulate the capital and arrange their lives at the expense of others. Mottry, bureaucracy, bribery, courage and meanness - this is what characterized people who were in power in Russia of the XIX century.

Test on the work

The answer was left the guest

The city governor is one of the secondary characters in the "Dead Souls" poem. Like other officials of the city N, the governor comes delighted with Charming Scherist Chichikov, invites him to his evening and introduces his wife and daughter. The silly governor, like all the other officials, understands too late who are chicter. Chichik's chase safely leaves the city with ready-made documents for the "Dead Souls".

Vice-Governor "... with the Vice-Governor and Chairman of the Chamber, who were still a statistical advisers ..." "... And the Vice-Governor, is it not true what a dear man? .." (Manilan about him) "... very, very worthy Man, - answered chikchik ... "" ... He is still a vice-governor - it is Gogh and Magog! ... "(Sobashevich says that the vice-governor and the governor - Robbers)

The prosecutor is one of the officials of the city N in the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol. The main features of the appearance of the prosecutor are his thick eyebrows and a blinking eye. According to the companion, among all officials, the prosecutor is one decent person, but also the same "pig". When Scam Chichikova is revealed, the prosecutor is experiencing so much that he suddenly dies.

Epolemaster is one of the officials of the city N in the poem "Dead Souls". This article presents a quotation image and characteristic of the postmaster in the poem "Dead Souls": Description of the appearance and character of the hero
Chairman of the Chamber is one of the officials of the city N in the poem "Dead Souls". Ivan Grigorievich is a pretty cute, kind, but stupid man. Chichiki easily deceives the chairman, and other officials. The stupid Chairman of the Chamber does not suspect Chichikov's scam and even himself helps to arrange documents for the "Dead Souls".

Policheister Alexey Ivanovich is one of the officials of the provincial city N in the poem "Dead Souls". Sometimes this character is mistakenly called "Politzmeister". But, according to the text of the "dead souls", the position of the hero is called "police officer". This article presents a quotation image and a police officer characteristic in the "Dead Soul" poem: a description of the appearance and character of the hero.
Inspector of the Medical Administration "... He came even to testify the honors to the inspector of the medical board ..." "... Inspector of the Medical Administration, he is also idle and, right, at home, if you didn't go to play the card somewhere ..." (Sobemich about him) "... Inspector medical councils suddenly pale; He introduced himself to God knows that: do not understand the word "dead souls" patients who died in a significant amount in Lazareta and in other places from the patient of the hot, against which the appropriate measures were not taken, and that chikhiki is not placed ... "

The city chapter "... then was [...] on a snack after a dinner, this urban glaze, which also cost lunch ..." "Nozdrev [...] read in the note of Governing, which can happen to happen more than a newcomer ..." (Gingerbread hopes to live)

The gendarme colonel "... The gendarme colonel said that he is a scientist man ..." (Colonel about Chikchiki)

Managing official factories "... then was [...] from the head over the official factories .."
Urban architect "... he was even witnessed to the reverence of [...] urban architect