Review of the story "Sunny Blow" (Bunin I. A.)

Review of the story "Sunny Blow" (Bunin I. A.)

The cycle of the stories "Dark Alleys" Bunin wrote from 1937 to 1944. Heavy it was time for Russia, which was worried about Stalin's era, led the liberation war with Hitler's Germany, and for the writer himself living in France, who had a fascist occupation. And it's surprising that it was then that the lungs and bright things were born, which included in this cycle.

For the first time, "Dark Alleys" were printed in the United States. Bunin himself considered this work with his supreme achievement. All stories included in the cycle, fictional, but brings them closer single motive Memories of youth and love.

Youth and love, it seems to me, always beside. Maybe therefore I liked one of the stories, which wears such a soft and at the same time poetic name - "Natalie". It was written by the fourth of April 1941.

This is characteristic of the "Dark Alley". The narrative is leading from the first person. The narrator remembers the past, about the experience, and this is the past, autonated with young, strong feelings, draws truly starfish, merges with smells, sounds, paints of nature. Before the eyes of the reader, like on the screen, the history of love unfolds, and this love is perceived as part of a large, harmonious world. Everything is so expressive that the author seems to reproduce the life situations known to him.

The story has three main characters: the author himself (his name is only twice mentioned in the work), his cousin Sonya and Natalie - Sonina gymnasium girlfriend. Other characters Often unnamed, devoid of "biographies", they are only part of the background, which takes place. I would call one more, the most important, the hero, whose name, however, is not written anywhere with large letters - this is Love. She lives on the pages of the work, starting from the first rows and ending with the latter.

The story consists of seven small chapters, approximately equal to each other in volume. Tie action occurs already in the first chapter. And young heroes, and everything surrounding seemed to live with the expectation of love. AND clean soul and the body, the student of Meshchersky, who finally decided that it was time to "look for love without romance; And Sonya, a young girl with blue eyes, for which the time to get married, give birth to children, that is, to carry out the eternal role of a woman on Earth - to be a wife and mother. And even Natalie, who does not appear in the first chapter, also lives the expectation of the first love. Sony's words, addressed to the hero: "Natalie, in which you tomorrow will fall in love with a coffin," fall into the prepared soil. The grain was thrown into the soul of a young student, and the conditions of the grace: a lone house, park, pond, evening shadows on the balcony. What would he not exist?

Two love stories in subsequent chapters develop almost simultaneously. Two love: unexpectedly wokeered body attraction young man to the girl's pretty cousin, hugs, kisses, almost permissiveness and attraction of the soul - Natalie. "As I now live in this duality - in secret dates with Sonya and near Natalie, one thought about which covers me with such a pure love delight," the narrator reflects. He is tormented by the question: "For what God punished me, for which two love was given at once, such different and so passionate ...".

Reading the story, I thought about whether it was possible to love two at once? And would I forgive your beloved when he saw him in the embrace of another? Bunin, I think, teaches us to forgive. The wise writer deeply knew life and understood that different was often intertwined in it human feelings. In the description of the hot dates of Sony and Meshchersky there is no vulgarity, there are gusts of youth, passion, there is an excitement, admiration for the body of a friend, and no matter what it will end, will still remain in the memory of heroes. In the description of other love, other motives are the tenderness, adorations, admiration. I wonder what love is stronger and stronger? And again we teaches the wisdom of life Bunin. Love for Sona forgotten five days after parting, and the long-term separation from Natalie only squeezed the unfulfilled high feeling, giving the heroes with genuine, although short happiness.

It is difficult to determine what is the culmination of the story. I think it's still the fifth chapter. It is a small amount of volume - only one page, but it is here that two elements merged: the elements of nature - a storm, raging the walls of the house - and the elements of the feelings: just confered to the love of each other Meshchersky and Natalie, and now the Sony's kisses and flashed with A candle in his hand, who saw them Natalie. How it turns out to be easily lost just acquired happiness.

The action unfolding in the story has its own temporary framework. In the first-fifth chapter, this is a few days of one summer, the sixth briefly speaks about the marriage of Natalie, which took place in a year, and another year later, the heroes (Meshchersky and Natalie) saw each other on the ball in a noble meeting. After a year and a half, they met again in the house of Natali after her husband's death and, saying goodbye, "exchanged only a few words and again did not look at each other in the eyes." Two more years passed, when happiness finally came to heroes. The seventh chapter is a description of their meeting, and at the end of the chapter one short line: "In December, she died at the Lake Geneva in premature birth."

Love and death were near. Repeatedly criticism wrote about the tragicity of the Bunin's views, which connected these two opposite concepts. That's how he himself explained this motive: "Do you still not know that love and death are connected inextricably? Every time I experienced a love catastrophe - and their, these love catastrophes, was a lot in my life ... I was close to suicide ... "

In the story "Natalie" the author creates portraits of his heroes. We know about Meshchersky from him. Waiting for girls to the morning tea, he thinks: "Now they will come ..., they will see me, my Georgian beauty and red space." Sonya we see the eyes of the narrator: her full knees, smooth tan of hands, blue-purple smiling eyes, brown thick and soft hair, full of chest. In this description, the author often uses verbs: glistening, shine, molded that even more emphasizes the charm of her young body.

And on the appearance of Natalie, we learn for the first time from Sony's mouth: "... an adorable head, the so-called" golden "hair and black eyes. And not even eyes, and the Black Suns, expressing in Persidski ... "Then we see it throughout the entire narrative by the eyes of a storytellor: here it flashed" Seeing the Golden Brightness of Hair and Black Eyes ", on the ball -" in a fleeing high hairstyle, in Balno White dress and slender golden shoes "; Then we see "the inonical harness of her black dress ..., the clean young beauty of the face, eyelashes and eyes", and then - she "in something long, dark, silky shiny". Young girl, lady, widow, lover pass in front of us in these descriptions. Time flows, but the beauty, soul, love remains unchanged in Natalie.

In the cycle of stories "Dark Alleys", Bunin creates a mosaic picture that helps to present the overall state of the world. Reading the story, I thought about our time, in which spiritual values \u200b\u200breally destroyed, their replacement and frivolous pleasures occur. In such an atmosphere, it is important to keep the soul, these to man nature is beautiful feelings.

I. A. Bunin is the brightest representative Writers of the stroke of centuries. Bunin - fatalist, its works are characterized by pathos tragidity and skepticism. His creativity throws up with the concept of modernists about tragidity human passion, and the Bunin has an appeal to the fore eternal themes Love, death and nature.
The opinion of the Bunin has long been and firmly approved the opinion as one of the greatest stylists in Russian literature. In his work, the elusive artistic accuracy and freedom, and figurative memory, and knowledge appeared brightly. people's Language, and amazing pictorialness, and verbal sensuality. All these features are inherent in not only poetry, but also prose.
From autumn 1924 to autumn 1925, the bunin creates a cycle of works, which, being externally related to each other, are combined with deep internal communications determined by the author's approach to the topic underlying. This theme is love, interpreted as a strong, often fatal shock in a person's life, as a "sunshine", leaving a deep indelible mark in human soul. Five works devoted to this topic - "Mitina Love", " Sunstroke"," Ida "," Mordovsky Sarafan "," Correnet Elagina "is like five images of the varieties of a love feeling, five examples of the striking impact of love on the mind, will, a man's heart.
The story "Sunshine" was written in 1925 in the seaside Alps. Bunin told about the origin of this story, the city of Kuznetsova, who recorded in his diary: "They said yesterday about Scripture and how stories are born. I.A. (Ivana Alekseevich) It begins with nature, some painting flashed in the brain, often a ripping. So the sun blow appeared from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe exit to the deck after lunch, out of the light of darkness summer night on the Volga. And the end came later. "
Turn to the plot of the work. The young officer, the Lieutenant, having met a young woman on the Volga steamer, invites her to go on the town's pier, by whom they pass. Young people stop in the hotel, and their rapprochement occurs here. In the morning, not calling himself, the woman leaves with the next steamer. Lieutenant remaining alone, aware of what this inexpressible happiness was for him this, it would seem, a random mime meeting and how tragic that he would never see a woman again, who brought him this happiness.

Unexpected, sometimes a mimic meeting "His" and "her", sometimes, as in the story "Sunny blow", not even named by name, a stormy explosion of love feelings and consequences, often the fatal and tragic, this explosion is such scene base Most foreign works Bunina dedicated to the topic of love. The author reveals with the utmost power of the depth of love experiences of the heroes, which, remaining often ordinary in all other areas of life, it is in love that reveal the uncomfortableness of their natures. A mimoletic meeting of two simple, apparently nothing wonderful people ("And what's special in it?" The lieutenant asks himself in bewilderment, and the author about him says that "his face is a common officer face") gives rise to each of them a feeling of such a huge happiness that both are forced to admit that "never Nothing like this has not experienced any other. "
In my opinion it is no coincidence that the whole story permeates the atmosphere of unbearably burning summer sun. At night, the lovers come in "in the big, but scary silent, hotly anticipated for the day of the sun number", the other day the woman leaves "at ten o'clock in the morning, sun-roast, happy." Overcoming, the lieutenant is circling "on a small roasting and launched garden", he sits "near the open window, which was rushing with heat," feels, "immeasurable happiness, great joy even in that," and when, finally, is fully aware of the loss For him everything turns out to be filled, "hot, fiery and joyful, but here as if aimless sun."
The lieutenant and the young woman broke up pretty easily, not yet suspecting that in their lives, the most important thing in it was included in it, it was included in order to easily elude. A young woman leaves for her city where her husband and three year old daughter are waiting for her, and leaves the story forever, but one of the most extraordinary artistic finds of the story is that the tragic experiences of the lieutenant after her departure are not a refutable testimony that she is experiencing The same flour. And this flour torments the lieutenant with increasing force. He, as if on the steps, rises in the Calvary of the torment, becoming unbearable.
The feeling of lieutenant reaches an extraordinary moral height, he seems to have a second vision. The fact that previously did not stop his attention seemed to be ordinary, it was now ugly, unnatural. It becomes scary at the sight of a portrait of someone military exhibited on the showcase. With amazement, he looks like a monsotonicity of two-storey white merchant houses, lined up like soldiers along the street.
"Sunny blow" at Bunin ends the picture of the tragic loneliness, the despair of a person, who turned out before the abyssful lucky happiness and is confirmed by the last phrase: "Lieutenant was sitting under a canopy on the deck, feeling at the age of ten years."
It seems to me that in the framework in which this story is written, the topic of love gets a surprisingly strong, bright and conquering embodiment.

"Mr. San Francisco" I.A. Bunin Start 20 century, time, very saturated for Russia such events as revolutions, war. Already then the bunin was called one of best masters Words in Russia. He writes such works as "Dream Changa", " Easy breath "," Grammar love. " In 1915, Bunin writes, perhaps, one of the most striking works of "Mr. San Francisco". Initially, the story was called "Death to Capri". His plan Bunin connected with the story of the German writer Thomas Mann "Death in Venice", but even more with the memories of the unexpected death of one American who came to Capri. However, as Ivan Alekseevich himself recognized, "and" San Francisco ", and all so many," he invented, living in the estate of his cousin in the Yelets ecky of the Oryol province. + The story begins on the ship "Atlantis". The main hero is Mr. San Francisco. Bunin does not give him a name. This is explained by the fact that no one has not remembered him that such as he, a lot. Mr rides "in the old light for two years, with his wife and daughter, the only for the sake of entertainment." He has a melted route, money, desire. He feels in all respects and behaves his lord. But is it really? Not. For his fifty-eight years, he never learned to live, love, feel, enjoy life, so he tries, nor visits all cultural and entertainment events, so he does not receive any pleasure. Here he is "nice, but boring, exactly snow lit museums or cold, smelling churches, in which the same thing is everywhere: a magnificent entrance, closed with a heavy leather curtain, and inside - a huge emptiness, silence ...". So the lord himself: outside Elegance, is well-groomed, beautiful, and inside is empty, silent. For him there is no family, joys or troubles, a beloved woman. There are no surprises or surprises in his life, he has everything measured, written by day, clock and seconds. And he pretends to be happy. Very symbolic that love couple, which they paid to portray, playing in love for good money, then on one, then on another ship. Throughout the story, you can trace that Bunin uses mainly black, white, red, golden color in the description of the life of rich people. This is not by chance. After all, precisely in such colors dressed royal people. For example, a red mantle with embroidered gold lilies and black and white ermine. + Mr. San Francisco is one of the many passengers of the large ship "Atlantis", a "huge hotel with all amenities, - with a night bar, with oriental baths, with its own newspaper," on top of which all cream of society have fun and have fun and fun including Mr. San Francisco himself. All this takes place in the midst of the ocean, symbolizing an infinitely current life, unpredictable in its turns. He "was terrible, but they did not think about him," the tank was thrown at the tank with a furious malice of siren, but few of the dinners heard Sirena, "the sounds of an excellent orchestra were drowned." Siren is a symbol of world chaos, "music" - calm harmony. Mr arrives in Naples, and Nature itself begins to interfere with his plans: the sun "deceived", sowed rain, something terrible happened everywhere. But nothing hesizer Mr. and he goes to Capri and his family. And there, as it should be, everyone costs him as with Mr. It will be seamless in the most exquisite hotel, "put the most beautiful and skillful maid", "the most prominent of Laces". He gets all the same, but it is still capable of paying. And so he dies, dies, just starting to "live". But death does not fit into the image of a rich hotel. "Do not be in the church of the German, quickly and cleverly managed to at the hotel to lean this terrible incident, instantly, the rear strokes, they would die for their feet and for the head of the lord from San Francisco where far away - and not a single soul from the guests would not know that He did. " Mr. dies in the "smallest, most bad, cheese and cold" room. The story ends at the same place where it began, "Atlantis." Here, everything is still having fun, dance and have fun, only there is no our lord from San Francisco, he returns home not in the first grade, now he is hidden from human eyes in the womb - in the hold, he lies in the cleaned coffin. + There is a vision of a devil who observing "ship, multi-tiered, multi-tube, created pride of a new person with an old heart."

Review of the story of the Bunin "Cold Autumn" from the "Dark Alleys" cycle. This cycle Ivan Bunin wrote in emigration when he was seventy years old. Despite the fact that Bunin spent a long time in emigration, the writer did not lose the severity of the Russian language. It can be seen on this cycle of stories. All stories are devoted to love, only in each of them the author showed different verge of love. In this cycle there is love, like a carnical attraction and how elevated feeling. Compositional story "Cold Autumn" is divided into two parts. Before and after the death of a beloved main caroid. The trait that shares the story and the life of the heroine into two parts was carried out very clearly and clearly. The heroine so talks about his past that the reader seems to be that all events occur in currently. This illusion arises due to the fact that the author describes everything in such small details that a one-piece picture occurs in front of the reader, having a form, color and sound. The story "Cold Autumn", in my opinion, can be called historic, although the story in this story is changed. In the first part of the story, the event develops rapidly, reaching the climax of the story. The fifteenth of June killed the Kronprint, in Petrov Day at dinner he was announced by the bride main heroine, And nineteenth of July, Germany declared war ... In my opinion, the author would not have fallen in this place in this place. He is declared the bride and immediately in the head of the reader draws an idyll happy family lifeBut the next phrase is declared war. And all dreams and hopes rushing in one moment. The author focuses on a farewell evening. He was called on the front. In September, he comes to say goodbye before leaving. This evening is pronounced phrase by the father of the bride: - Amazingly early and cold fall! This phrase is pronounced as a statement of fact. At the end of the story, the heroine will say that the cold autumn, that autumn evening - All that was in her life. This evening is described in very detailed, each action of heroes is described. On this evening, the main characters went to walk to the garden, and this walk is the culmination of the story and the life of the heroine. Before walking in the hallway, the marriage of the main character remembers the poems of Feta: what cold autumn! Puts his shawl and hood ... But this poem is not the hero. The beginning of the poem, he remembers a little later. Look - between the stuffing pines as if the fire rebels ... The characters of the story under the word fire imply the moon's sunrise, but we are clear to the readers of this day, it is clear that the fire symbolizes the world and personal catastrophe. World catastrophe is World WarAnd for Russia, the crash continues and after the war. In the seventeenth year there is a revolution.

Story " Clean Monday"Included in the collection I.A. Bunin "Dark Alleys". The writer said that he sought to portray this collection in the stories dark alleys love. " In general, love and death are two main topics in the work of I.A. Bunin.
"Clean Monday" is also devoted to the topic of love. It describes unlit, mysterious and mysterious manifestations of this beautiful feeling. It should be noted that it is this story that the Bunin himself on the slope of the years considered the best of them written.
The genre of this work is a story. In dictionary literary terms Given next definition Status: " small form Epic prosaic literature" By genre, the story is very close to the story. The main difference is that one episode of heroes is presented in the story. In this episode, the character of the character is fully and multifaceted. The skill of I.A. Bunin is that he highlights the identity of the hero and his life story just two to three pages of text.
The plot of the story "Clean Monday" is based on the unfortunate love of the main character who determined all his life. Distinctive trait many works I.A. Bunina - lack happy love. Even the most prosperous story often ends with this writer tragically.
The narrative is conducted on the first person, so the feelings and experiences of the narrator are deeply revealed. We immerse yourself in his sincere world, in his strong, all-consuming feeling. The strength of love Hero is visible even in how he describes the appearance of his beloved: "The gun on her upper lip was in more clear, the amber Schomka looked slightly, the black of the district was completely merged with the pupil - I could not take the enthusiastic eyes from her face."
The main character It is very hard to experience the tragic finale of his relationship with the heroine. The following passage is confirmed by the following passage: "I have been dispersed for a long time in the most dirty kabaks, everything is getting dropping more and more. ... then I began to recover - indifferent, hopelessly." Judging by these two quotations, the hero is very sensitive and emotional personCaught on a deep feeling. Bunin avoids direct assessments, but allows you to judge this as the condition of the hero, on skillfully selected external details, light hints.
In this story, the author antiquity opposes modernity. The text is mentioned by the names of the temples, monasteries, icons, leads quotes from prayers. Along with this, Bunin speaks of the most famous restaurants of the beginning of the 20th century, about the books of modern authors. So, for example, the heroine can not fully read the "fiery angel". Here the irony and skepticism of the author appears in relation to the new literary directions. Modernity, according to Bunin, is not endowed with the spirituality of antiquity.
On the heroine of the story, we look at the eyes of a story in love with her. Already at the very beginning, the work before us arises her portrait: "She had some kind of Indian, Persian's beauty: a dark-amber face, magnificent and somewhat sinistering hair, gently shiny, like black sable fur, black like velvety coal , eyes. " The tires of the main character gives the description of the rolling soul of the heroine, its search for the meaning of life, excitement and doubt. As a result, in front of us, the image of the "spiritual wander" is revealed.
The climax of the story is the decision of the beloved Hero to go to the monastery. This unexpected turn of the plot allows you to understand the indecent soul of the heroine.
Highly great importance He has a title story. On the one hand, it is very specifically: Clean Monday is the first day of the Great Post, when the heroine announces his decision to get away from worldly life. On this day, the attitude of two lovers ended and the hero's life ended. On the other hand, the name of the story is symbolic. It is believed that in a clean Monday there is a cleansing of the soul from all overnight, sinful. Moreover, not only the heroine is changing in the story, who has chosen monastic hermit. Her act encourages the hero to self-analysis, forces and change it, to be cleaned.
"Clean Monday" was written by the author during the years of his Paris emigration. However, Russian reality stems literally in each line. This is evidenced by landscape sketches: "Evening there was a peaceful, sunny, with the fucking on the trees, on the brick-bloody walls of the monastery chatted in silence, the daws, similar to the monastery, the chimes then and the matter sadly played on the bell tower. Scripped in silence in the snow, we entered the gate, ... The sun was just a village, it was still very light, a long time was drawn on the golden enamel of sunset with a gray coral of a bitch in more than, and mysteriously warm around with calm lights the restless lamps scattered above the graves. "
It could only piercely write a deep Russian man who storing the image of the Motherland in his healing heart.
"Clean Monday" written 60 years ago. For the history of the country - a whole epoch ... What attracts us, modern readers, in this story? If you read thoughtfully, you can find answers to the eternal philosophical questions: how to love and be loved, what is the meaning of life that is true values? Bunin was indifferent to everyday weekdays. He is unshakable focused on the elevated and beautiful, expressed in a specific human fate. According to P. B. Struve, "... the main feature of the renovation of the riot is an unusually bright and powerful fusion of tranquing lyrical with a gift of visual and epic."