Works of foreign writers for children. Foreign children's literature

Works of foreign writers for children. Foreign children's literature
Works of foreign writers for children. Foreign children's literature

Series about Harry Potter, Joan Rowling

About what
The 12-year-old orphan named Harry finds out that it turns out, the wizard and that his parents did not die in a car accident, as he thought, and were killed. Now the killer dreams to get to Harry himself.

Why read
If you looked at movies, I did not read the book not, you are wrong. Movies are removed about magic, dragons and special effects. These books are about love, about what is worth protecting friends from danger, about how difficult to constantly be a good person. These books learn how beautiful people are different. Any, even the weakest child is capable of miracles. And this is the greatest book about death and that there are things and more involvement.

Winnie Pooh, Alan Miln


About what
The adventures of the boy named Christopher Robin, his teddy bear Winnie Pooh and their friends.

Why read
If only because this book is a kindness itself. Heroes constantly solve some problems, but here, unlike the rest of the classical children's literature, there are absolutely no negative characters. There are no enemies to win. There is only love. And friends. And in the end, they turn out to be the most valuable of what you can get in life. The book teaches never to lose friends.

Series about Mumi Trolls, Tuva Jansson


About what
Description of the intricate relations of residents of Mumina-Dalen.

Why read
All characters are charming and so diverse that at least one of them is easy to know yourself. The book teaches that with two different people it is impossible to contact the same one. It is necessary not to be lazy and look for an approach to everyone. And also the fact that the fear can be overcome, to strengthen friendship, love to strengthen and there is absolutely nothing impossible if you are not alone.

"Peppi Longs", Astrid Lindgren


About what
The girl lives alone with his favorite beasts, and adults constantly try to prevent her.

Why read
First, the heroine is a girl. And if you grow a girl, then surely tortured to look for her books in which girls are the main ones. Moreover, the girl is excellent - courageous, clever, kind, honest and with a sense of humor. The book teaches the most important thing: Never, under any circumstances, what would be done with you, no matter how hard it was against you, no matter how hard it is - not to give up.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", Mark Twain


About what
The adventure is not the most obedient boy.

Why read
Yes, you yourself know why. This is a wonderful book, the translation is excellent, the adventures of exciting, charismatic heroes. In general, classic. But there is another argument. When the child is restless, does not listen and constantly falls because of this in trouble, from the abundance of the soldier, he begins to gradually get used to the fact that he is a bad child, bad. This book is just that, even if you do not listen to the elders, you are still good. And for those who grow you, is generally the best. And you are also capable of noble and even great deeds. And also if something happens to you, adults will be very saddened, because you are the most expensive that they have. You probably forgot today to remind this to your child.

"Chronicles of Narnia", Clive Lewis


About what
Huge epic about children who fall into a parallel magic world and should fight evil to save this world.

Book of love, suffering, overcoming, impossibility of choice and even a little about God. About what it costs - every day to defeat evil in itself, and why it is worth doing at all. The book teaches how much more difficult to be a noble person than ignorable and why it still needs to choose this difficult path.

"Wonderful Journey Niels with wild geese", Selma Lagerlef


About what
For rudeness, the wizard reduces the boy Niels to the size of the gnome. Nils goes on a journey with his Gusen Martin - he needs to find a wizard to increase it to the size of the boy.

Why read
The book is especially good for children who have no brothers and sisters. So much more difficult to explain why you need to share, give up and in general something to sacrifice. The book teaches how it all is easy to do if you do in love. And in general, this book is a good example of what you have to go for the sake of those who love.

"Charlie and Chocolate Factory", Roald Dal


About what
Charlie's boy, good, honest, but from a very poor family falls on a chocolate factory, which is led by a crazy genius, who has big problems with family.

Why read
There is a lot of magic around, and eventually defeats the most honest and noble hero. But actually this is a book that children's resentment does not heal. The fact that the child grows in the gloomy type, which remembers everything that parents did with him when he was nine. Only closest people can truly injure us. The child does not think so, and it is useful for you to think about it. But the child believes that the most valuable in life is when you love. No matter how. The main thing - love.

"Adventures of Oliver Twist", Charles Dickens


About what
On the adventures of the orphans who escaped from the work house.

Why read
The book is telling adults: to suffer and testing the mountain, the child is not necessary to be an orphan. And even your "yes-ya-all-all-there is a native child may be bad and may not be enough love. And she teaches the fact that you yourself choose how to be a person, with whom to be friends, how to do and where to go, and the fact that you are just a child - nothing means. The book teaches the fact that you still have your own boy (or girl).

"Kill the crossbar", Harper Lee


About what
About the life of a brother and sisters, whom the Father's widowed raised in America 30s, in parallel, trying to save from the death penalty of a black guy, falsely accused of rape of a white girl.

Why read
One of the greatest novels in the history of American literature. The book on how to keep this child in itself, which was much better than that adult, which looks at you from the mirror. That child was brave, he defended the weak, he often told the truth and saw all adults through. He lived on his own very strict rules, and they were all based on nobility. He was polite, smiled sincere and knew how to forgive. He knew how to rejoice much more often than you, the present, was happy. He was not afraid to risk and knew how to overcome his own fear. For him, a lot was more important than life. He knew how to do small. He loved. He was loved. And every day for him was special. He even missed you better than you.

What happened to him? Return it. He is in you there, inside. In general, this is, of course, a rather adult book, although about children.

Modern children and adolescents are available the widest circle of translated literature. A peculiar culture, features of the national nature of peoples, social realities and types of creative approach to life, transforming reality in unique art paintings - all this can discover a child who reads a book translated from another language. The framework and boundaries of reality are expanding, the world appears more diverse, rich, mysterious and entrust.
The proper place in children's reading is allocated to the legends and myths of various times and peoples. Ancient Greek, Olympic mythological cycle is especially important. For children of the younger and middle school age, a lot of entertaining and instructive concludes legends about the exploits of Hercules, Argonauts. More elders attract the urgent conflict positions, the confrontation of the contradictory characters and titanic passions of the "Illiad" and "Odyssey". In the legends and myths of the ancient Greece, young readers are first found with a symbolic image system that have become the nominal names of the heroes, which entered the constantly used World Culture Foundation. Without prior acquaintance with the "primary sources" of ancient picture, in the future, it may be difficult to perceive many works of Russian and foreign literature, descending to immortal paints and images of ancient Greek art.
English and English-speaking American literature in the children's and youth reading belongs to the most important place. In translations and negotiating Russian children are available works by British folklore, songs, ballads, fairy tales. The richest library of English fiction for children also exists in numerous qualitative translations into Russian. Books and heroes D. Defo, D. Swift, V. Scott, R.L. Stevenson, Ch. Dickens, A. Konan-Doyle, L. Carolla, A.A. Milna, O. Wilde and many others from early childhood accompany our children along with national literary works.
Daniel Defo (approx. 1660-1731). The name of the defense became known to the whole world thanks to the hero of his work Robinzon Cruzo. The defense is rightfully considered one of the creators of the English realistic novel. The story told by him due to this caused numerous imitation at one time. The name of his work is very long and fancy. Roman Russian children usually comes in adapted form under the abbreviated name. Especially known "Robinson Cruzo" in the retelling of K.I. Chukovsky. This novel without a doubt is one of the favorite works for numerous generations of young readers. The indescribable aroma of long-range travel, the romance of adventures, discoveries, creative labor, the persistent upset of his human face among the vicissitudes of fate - the basis of the educational and artistic strength of the book, all this continues to attract new and new readers to the hero.
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) did not count on the reader-child, creating his satirical novel "Travel to various remote countries of Light Lemuel Gullyvier, first a surgeon, and then captain of several ships." The addressee of his books is the simple people of England, with humor, the mockery of sarcasm, perceiving dirty political intrigues, the hint of aristocrats, the infertility of far from the life of the science-like disputes. The children's reading in a modified, adapted form included two first stories, telling about the adventures of Gullivier in the country of Liliput and the country of giants. In children's publications, Gullivier travel, the main interest focuses on the adventure side of the plot, the unusual situations in which the hero is. If defo is able to conquer the young imagination with the unusualness of life-like, then the charm of the book of Swift in the ability to make a reason for reflections on the irreversive moral values \u200b\u200bon which the world is based on.
Among the numerous English-language works of the history-co-adventure genre, the novels of Walter Scott (1771 - 1832) belongs to the novels. We had a particularly popular Roman "Avengo" at one time, telling the history of the valiant knight of the glorious King Richard Lion's heart.
Exotic countries and peoples are devoted to and written a little later, entering the children's reading of the work of the Englishman Thomas Main Reed (1818-1883), who traveled all of Europe and America, who conducted complete adventures and tests of the life of the wanderer, and his senior contemporary, the first great novelist of the United States James Phenimor Cooper (1789-1851). The scenes of the novels of Main Reed "Rider without a head" are connected with American realities, the most popular among children of middle school age, Cooper "tracker, or on the shores of Ontario," one of the many works of the writer, telling about the colonization and conquering Europeans of North America. Favorite Heroes of Cooper and Main Reed Brew, frank, confess the cult of noble and calm power. Their life is full of surprises, numerous enemies do not stop intrigue, goats, all new and new dangers and tests expect characters after just overcome. Fascinating the plot, mysteriousness of conflicts, the unpredictability of the interchanges is maintained on the whole reading, are the right key of success with a teenager reader.
Among the adventure books of the English writer Robert Lewis Stevenson (1850-1894), the best is the Roman "Treasure Island". His main thing and essentially the only positive hero is a teenager Jim. It is his view of the world, where passions are raging, Ambitions are fighting, fate and circumstances laugh at people, makes it possible to revive romance from too pragmatic world.
The romantic adventure line in the development of English and English-speaking American literature in a different historical stage was transformed into a deeply peculiar work of R. Kipling, who told the children about the exotic and beautiful world of Indian jungle, D. London, who introduced the gold kits, travelers, adventurists degraded by the contradictions of the world of the stroke XIX -XX centuries.
With the realistic image of ordinary life, where they also boil passion, people should make a choice and far from always good easily finds ways to human hearts introduces G. Bilecher-Stow in the novel "Huts' Uncle Tom". This book in vital paintings opened its fellow citizens all the horror of the existence of black slaves.
A significant part of Cameuel Lenghorn Clemens, known under the pseudonym Mark Twain (1835-1910), is characterized by the initial orientation for children's perception. The writer himself called the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by a high childhood. Actually, the adventure motive in the work of Twain is presented quite realistic, and the adventures of Tom, Geclberry Finn do not go beyond the fully possible in the conditions in which they lived. The true dignity of the work of Twain is that he was able to fill the conflicts to moral and psychological content, reliably show household realities, social types of their time. And all this is painted by the perception of living, well-disiming in the motives and passions of people of people, a sincere fantasist, poet and gasts, who knows how to be friends, to love, fight. The cheerfulness of Tom and his friends always retains hope, gives joy, says light. Subsequent works of the "Children's Cycle" M. Twin, "Prince and Beggar", "The Adventures of Geclberry Finn", are becoming increasingly perfect and complex in plot-composite and stylistic terms.
It was quite mastered among the Russian children of funny Bear Winnie Pooh, his owner, the boy Christopher Robin and everything, all, all the heroes of the American writer Alan Alexander Milna (1882-1956). His work was translated into Russian B. Nodokhika in 1960 and since then it has been firmly established in a number of books, the most beloved preschoolers and younger schoolchildren.
A strange, as if a deformed world creates in his fairy tales Lewis Carroll (alias, Charles Latuja Dodgeson, 1832-1898). He was not a professional writer and his stories about Alice in Wonderland, "Alice in the Watercalcale" composed initially orally for specific children. Professor of mathematics by profession, Carroll and in the literature as it seems to prove the abstraction of a lot in the world, the relativity of the Great and Small, emphasize the neighborhood of terrible and funny.
In recent years, the most attention of the publishers in our country attracted the trilogy of John Ronalda Ruel Tolkien (1892-1973) "The Lord of the Rings" ("Keepers", "two solid", "the return of the sovereign"). He tried to continue the tradition of Carroll in his own way. This was also facilitated by classes of mathematical linguistics, and the birth of heroes in direct communication with children. For a long time ago, Tolkien's book was already recharged and revived and because they acquired a huge commercial popularity of the genre of the so-called "fantasy", the plots of Tolkien became the basis of the corresponding bright, sophisticated technical terms of species films appealing to even less difficult, although Studently manifested by human emotions than a literary source.
French children's literature is widely represented in translations into Russian.
And this acquaintance begins for most of our little readers from Charles Persian fairy tales (1628-1703).
They are written fairy tales "Sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella", "Blue beard", "Red Hap", "Cat in Boots", "Boy with a finger". Diligence, generosity, the resourcefulness of representatives of the simple people of Perso tried to approve as values \u200b\u200bof their circle. The poetization of these qualities makes his fairy tales important and for a modern child.
Firmly retain the place in the children's reading of the book of Jules Verne (1828-1905). The success of his novel "Five weeks in a balloon" (1863) surpassed all expectations. And therefore, the geological - "Travel to the Center for the Earth" (1864) comes to replace the air fantasy (1864), after it publishes Roman "Travel and Adventures of Captain Gatteras" (1864-1865), "From the ground to the moon" (1865). At the end of the novel "Children of Captain Granta", the writer united previously written and all subsequent works of a common series called "Unusual Travels". The main advantage of his books is associated with the created characters of people seeking to know all the secrets of the Earth, overcome evil, social diseases. This aspect becomes especially important for the writer since the creation of the famous novel "Twenty Thousand Lea under water." The image of Captain Nemo was originally conceived as the nature of the rebel, Protestant, a fighter with injustice, tyranny and oppression. From other novels entering "extraordinary travels" and popular to this day, it should be noted "around the world for 80 days" (1872), "Mysterious Island" (1874). New for his time was true and approval of thought about the absolute equality of people before the court of morality. Only this distinguishes in his works of people of various nationalities, social status: they are the best or worse parties of one humanity.
Among the French artists of the 20th century, who wrote about children and for children, the most famous from us Antoine-Marie-Roger de Saint-Eki-Peri (1900-1944), the author of the fairy tale "Little Prince". By genre is a philosophical fairy tale. Her hero is a resident of the asteroid planet, unexpectedly appearing in front of the pilot, the crazy in the sands of the Sahara. The pilot calls him a little prince. The tale admires all new and new generations of readers. Many phrases of it became aphorisms.
German children's literature is connected for young readers of our country primarily with the names of great storytellers: Brothers Grimm, Hoffman, Gauf.
Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm (1786-1859) Grimm lived in the era of the origin and the heyday of romanticism, as an important direction of world culture of the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Most of the fabulous plots were collected by the brothers Grimm, professors-philologists, during their numerous expeditions on rural Germany, recorded from the words of the teachers, peasants, citizens. In the treated brothers, they became an important part of children's reading in many countries of the world. These are fairy tales "Brave Tailor", "Porch pot", "Grandmother of Metelitsa", "Brother and Sister", "Smart Elsa". Simplicity, transparency of the plot action and the depth of moral and ethical content is perhaps the main distinctive features of the fairy tales of Grimm. Their "Bremen Musicians" continue their journey through times and countries.
He was influenced by romanticism and Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hofman (1776-1822). The disorder of dreams and reality is not only a sign of romantic worldview, they also characterized the spiritual state of the Hoffman himself, who led the boring life of the official, and dreamed of traveling and free ministry of beauty, fantasy. These contradictions reflected his fabulous stories: "Sandy man", "Nutcracker", "Alien Child", "Golden Pot", "Chrumb of Tsakhs on Nickname CynNober". In the children's reading, the "Nutcracker" fixed the most firmly. This is one of the most life-affirming and fun fairy tales of the Hoffman, although the heroes of this Christmas history have to go through a long row of hard trials before they gain happiness.
Wilhelm Gauf (1802-1827) tried on the basis of fabulous traditions of various peoples to create a completely special type of literary fairy tale, fantastic-allegorical novel, united in cycles. His fairy tales: "Little Muk", "Khalif Stork", "Dwarf Nose". The Fairy Tale "Dwarf Nose" For young children is interesting to the mysteriously fantastic history of the transformations of the boy Jacob in the protein, ugly hunchback, returning to a normal human appearance. It affects the feelings of the child and the sinking "bloody" romance associated with the acts of evil wizard.
The best fairy tale of the third volume is the "Cold Heart" - illustrates everything significant than he enriched the genre this early deceased writer. Domestic narration is organically combined with a magical element. The hero passes the complex way of moral search, losses and gains. The classically simple and traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale lies in the approval of good, justice, generosity embodied in the image of a glass man in contrast to cruelty, borestolubia, the heartlessness of Michel-Giant and his handicrafts.

The original role in the array of various nations translated into Russian belongs to Italian writers.
The Hero of Roman Raffaello Jovanoli (1883-1915) "Spartak" brings with them the spirit of heroes. Being a professional historian, the writer managed to create memorable portraits of real historical persons - Sullah, Julia Caesar, Cicero, Crassa, in the work plasticly reconstructed the fascinating people of our time atmosphere of life of ancient Rome.
Merit to the small readers of our country of the Italian writer Collodi (Carlo Lorentzini, 1826-1890). After all, this is his book "Adventures Pinocchio" inspired A. Tolstoy to create a fabulous story "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio."

Several interesting children's writers left the North European countries, Scandinavia, where the original tradition of creativity for children and children have developed.
First of all, of course, the Great Danish Fairy Tale of Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) should be called. He, like no other, managed to embody the folklorn-Pushkin principle in his work - "The fairy tale is a lie - yes there is a hint of a good young lesson in it." The moral and philosophical and socio-didactic principle in his fairy tales germinate through absolutely accessible to children the plots and conflicts.
Andersen's fairy tales retain charm for people, and when they break up with childhood. They attract unobtrusive, folk source with wisdom, the versatility of embodied emotions. The Andersen never ever comes down to the embodiment of a single all-consuming feeling. His fabulous works are painted in tones of life, where joy, sadness, lyrical sadness, laughter of different shades, from fun to sarcastic, disappointment, hope is replacing each other, adjacent, passing the bitter-sweet taste of genuine being.
The sympathy of the writer is always on the side of people of ordinary, with a noble heart and clean impulses. This appears in fairy tales and narrator. He is in no hurry to show emotions, it does not hurry with the estimates, but for an externally calm story, the non-optimist hardness of the moral principles is felt, from which neither loved heroes, nor the narrator can cause to refuse.
Some of his fairy tales contained indirect assessments of concrete contradictions of the era ("Princess on the pea", "New Dress of the King", "Sveynbow"). But over time, there is no active-political importance to no, while the moral and ethical potential did not become less: "The gilding will be all erased - pork skin remains." The heroes of his fairy tales are not only "revived" toys ("Resistant Tin Soldier", "Cinema and Pedoye"), Obligated Animals ("Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina"), plants ("Chamomile", "Spruce"), but also The most common household items: Corkscale needle, bottle fragment, collar, old street lamp, water drop, matches, old house. By defending the right to life and love in serious tests, the favorite heroes of the storyter turn out to be particularly happy ("Snow Queen", "Thumbelina", "Wild Swans").
Original reasons prompted Selm Utility with Lagerlef (1858-1940) to the creation of the book "Wonderful Journey Niels Holgerson with wild geese in Sweden." She received an order for a book for children about Sweden, but unexpectedly she had a fabulous plot, there were characters, interesting and without communication with the historical and ethnographic, country-friendly aspect of the book.
Fascinating artistic worlds and memorable characters also created Tuva Yanon in the books about life in the valley of trolls, Astrid Lindgren in the fabulous story "Peppi Long Stocking", in the trilogy about the baby and Karlsone, who lives on the roof.

We all read mostly children's books of domestic writers. However, there is a huge number of known literature for children from foreign authors. At the same time, such books are distinguished by the fact that in different countries their traditions and their favorite main characters who are unusual and curious for children of our country are different.

You can download free and without registration Foreign children's books on our literary site in formats suitable for any electronic literature readers: PDF, RTF, EPUB, FB2, TXT. We have a huge collection of books from modern writers and authors of past years. You can also read online any work.

Fairy tales were in the life of each of us. After an exciting story about the adventures of different animals, children and adults, about their travels to distant countries sleep much more sweet and firmly. From now on, we start to love books, study pictures, learn to read.

Foreign children's literature is intended for different ages. Books for the smallest contain bright and large illustrations. The literature for older children contains more scientific information, cognitive and instructive.

Any book for children has a very deep meaning, which lays out an opinion about what good and evil, how to choose friends, how to learn the world and what is life as a whole. The child coming into this world, begins to learn to live here, and books are excellent teachers in this difficult business.

Many writers from other countries create creations who are very familiar with the children of our country. Foreign children's literature is known as the authors as Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Astrid Lindgren, Charles Perro. These are eternal stories about Peppi Long stocking, Bremen Musicians, Princess on the pea. We all love these fairy tales and read our children. At the same time, in each story, the main characters fall into amazing situations, find new friends, meet enemies. Moral always alone - good wins evil. At the same time, negative characters are given a chance for correction. This is the best way to show the children that the world is difficult, but at the same time you need to be a good person.

On our site you will find and you can download free well-known foreign children's books in different reading formats on any electronic device. You can also read online. We picked up the ratings of the best books that were most loved by readers from around the world.


For parents

A little about reading overseas children's literature

(Used excerpts from the book "Children's literature" edited by E.O. Putilova)

Foreign children's literature - an unusually interesting reading. She introduces a little reader with a different world, lifestyle, national character characteristics, nature. For a Russian-speaking reader, it exists in magnificent translations and retreats, and we would lose a lot if these foreign works would not reach us. Children's books of writers of different countries open a wide panorama of world culture, make it a citizen of the world.

Children's literature, as well as literature in general, belongs to the field of art of the word. This defines its aesthetic function. It is associated with a special kind of emotions that arise when reading literary works. Children are able to experience aesthetic pleasure from read to no less adult. The child is glad to dive into the fantasy world of fairy tales and adventures, compets the heroes, feels poetic rhythm, rejoices the sound and verbal game. Good understand the children humor and joke.

English children's literature is one of the richest and most interesting in the world. It may seem strange that in a country that is traditionally perceived by us as the birthplace of restrained, polite and judicial people who adhere to strict rules, the literature is born mischievous, illogical. But, maybe, just this English primacy and gave rise to the feeling of protest - the literature of a cheerful and naughty, in which the world is often turned inside out ... Nonsen's literature. The word "nonsense" means "nonsense", "the absence of meaning", but in the very meaninglessness of this nonsense, a certain meaning is laid. After all, nonsense reveals all the inconsistencies of things around us and inside us, thereby opening the way to true harmony.

There are books that are better to read on time when the seeds from the read can get to the fertile soil of childhood and play an important role in the development and becoming a child as a person and as a person. For you, dear parents, we will list some English works to remind you of their existence, and ask you not to deprive yourself and your children to read or reread them.

Alan Miln, "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all"

Rudyard Kipling, "Jungle Book" (story about Mowgli), "Tales just so" (interesting history-myths about animals)

Kenneth Graham, "Wind in Iwah" (exciting adventures of three friends: clock, rats and toads)

James Barry, "Peter Pan" (a book about a boy who did not want to grow)

Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland" (Funny fairy tale, full of fun and witty jokes, verbal games, phraseologism)

A.Miln "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all"

Alan Miln graduated from Cambridge University with solid intent to become a writer. But hardly we would remember the writer now, if it were not his son Christopher Robin. It was for him that Milnes began to compose poems, he told him funny stories, whose heroes became the little Christopher and his favorite toys - Bear Winnie the Pooh, the Donkey IA and others. In the books of Milna, surprisingly truthfully reflected the inner world of the child, his view on things, his problems, discoveries, games, sorrow and joy. Books appeared one after the other in a short period of time, coincided with the children's years Christopher Robin: the collection of poems "when we were small", 1924; Winnie Pooh, 1926; Collection of poems "Now we are already six", 1927; "House on the Poohovaya Ustroke" (continued a story about Winnie Poose), 1928.

Milan poems looked unusual against the background of English children's poetry. At that time, the books were abounded in the main fairy, and the attitude towards the child was condescending, as a person who did not form a mentally, respectively, the poems were primitive. In verses of Milna, the world will be seen through the eyes of a child (most of his poems are written on the first person), which is not at all a primitive creature or "underdeveloped adults".

For example, in the poem "loneliness" hero dreams of a house - "enchanted place", free from countless adult prohibitions. This house is his inner world, closed from others, is the world of his dreams and secrets. In the poem "in the dark", the author shows how this world is precious for a child who is ready to fulfill all the requirements of adults, just to get rid of them and finally "think about what you want to think" and "laugh at what you want to laugh " Jane in the poem "Good little girl" is annoyed by the permanent care of the parents and the boring issue. It is a shame that she is suspected of bad behavior everywhere, even in a zoo. The girl seems that parents can not wait for her to ask rather, whether she behaved well. In the poem "went with me", the hero is trying to involve adults in his life, show them all the wonderful things he saw, but adults will disappear from him, because too busy (the poem is written 80 years ago!).

In fairy tales about Winnie Puha, the main character is not invented, but a real child with a special logic, a special world, a special language. All this is comprehended by the author not in the form of a dry treatise, but in a fun literary game. Christopher Robin acts here is already an ideal hero, since he is the only child, and all other forest inhabitants are revived by his imagination and embody some kind of features. Being thus liberated from some traits of his character, Christopher Robin in this fairy tale is the smartest, strong and brave resident of his fictional world. And Winnie the Pooh embodies the creative energy of the child and has a different way of understanding things other than the logical. And his poems ("shushek", "grip", etc.), and his behavior is based mainly on intuition.

In the books of Milna, a child, playing roles and engaged in "Lurence", acquires his own "I". Some of the Pooh songs are permeated with the feeling of how cool is to be a flock. Feeling yourself the only and unique is the natural state of the child who gives him comfort. Therefore, it is so difficult for him to understand another person who does not like him. It is also difficult to understand how someone can be unhappy when he is happy, it is difficult for him to understand and predict the behavior of another person. So, in the characters a fairy tale about Winnie Pooh, various types of children's characters and different features are shown. For example, children's fears are embodied in the book in such mythical creatures, such as miscurrent, yagulya, bjaca and beech. None of these characters really exist, and no one like them does not appear in the forest. However, in the consciousness of the Piglet, they are real, and when the Piglet next to Christopher Robin, he is not afraid of anything as a child next to his parents.

In his fairy tale, Miln represents an interesting speech portrait of a preschooler, shows how the child draws up with the language, as it masters how the world is mastered around. The world, which opens a child, is full of miracles, but still wonderful makes it possible to tell about these wonders. As the patch said, what a lot about in such stunning things, like sweats and floods, if you do not even talk about them.

Milna's fairy tale is a homely literary game, fascinating and for adults, and for children. There is no negative pole in his books. Heroes have their drawbacks, but none cannot be called "negative" and evil does not invade the life of the forest. In the world of Winnie Poha, natural disasters are found, mythical fears appear, but all dangers are easily overcome thanks to friendship, optimism, ingenuity, kindness of heroes. Milnes leaves his heroes within the framework of (such necessary for children) toy, home world, giving children a sense of security.

And, speaking of the book of Milna, it is impossible not to say about who taught to talk in Russian English teddy bear Winnie Pooh. This is a wonderful writer, a storyteller and translator, Boris Vladimirovich Nodokh. This is he introduced the Russian children with the heroes of famous English fairy tales ("Alice in Wonderland", Mary Poppins, Peter Pan and others) and wrote a lot of funny poems, wonderful children's plays, for one of which ("Lukukoka at Lukomorya" ) Opera and fairy tales have been created. According to his scenarios, not one dozen films, including cartoons, the main of which, of course, became the cartoon about Winnie Poose.

The French poet and critic Charles Perra (1628-1703) has gained the world glory to the collection of "Tales of my mother goose or history and fairy tales of the old time with teachings" (1697). The book included fairy tales, now known to children around the world: "Red Hap", "Cinderella" and "Cat in boots". The collection came out at the same time two publications - in Paris and the Hague (Holland).

As opposed to supporters of Classicism, Charles Perrot decided to enrich the literature with plots with the motives of the National Folklore.

Each Tale of Charles Perra shook in fiction, and the real world is reflected in the fabulous one, then another with its own side. In the "Red Cap" recreated idyll of rural life. The heroine of fairy tales is in the naive faith that everything in the world is created for serene existence. The girl does not go anywhere looking for trouble - playing, collects nuts, catches butterflies, tears flowers, trustingly explains the wolf, where and why he lives, where her grandmother lives - "Here in the village behind the mill, in the first house with the edge." Of course, any serious interpretation of this fairy tale would be an extreme degradation of its subtle meaning, but the truth about the predatory encroachments of evil creatures on the life and well-being of naive people is guessed under the humble narrative. Contrary to usually completing a fairy tale by a safe end, Charles Perc finished the story of Solovo: "... an evil wolf rushed to the red hat and ate her." Correction when transferring this end to a safe: the wovers killed the wolf, destroyed him the stomach, and from there a red hat and her grandmother, lively and disadvantaged, - should be considered an unreasonable violation of the author's plan.

"The Fairy Tale" Cat in Boots "- about the wonderful and soon enrichment of the younger son of Melnik - attracts intricacy, which is stated about how the mind and resourcefulness took over the sadness of sad life circumstances.

With the fairy tales of Charles Perro about Sleeping Beauty, about the blue beard, about a boy with a finger and other, more complex on the figurative system, children are usually found in the first school years.

The first volume of the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers, Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm (1786-1859) appeared in 1812, the second - in 1815 - M and the third - in 1822. All over the world, this meeting is recognized as a wonderful artistic creation, equally obliged to the genius of the German people and the genius of two fiery figures of the era of European romanticism. The study of the German Middle Ages: history, culture, mythology, rights, language, literature and folklore - brought brothers Grimm to the idea to collect and publish the fairy tale of their people. Preparing the publication of fairy tales, the brothers Grimm realized that they were dealt not only with excellent material, the knowledge of which is necessarily for people of science, but with the invaluable artistic inheritance of the people.

Along with the original, unique fairy tales, the collection of the Grimm brothers included fabulous stories, famous for international folklore. Not the "red hat" of the post in everything repeated French, only the end of the fairy tale is different: Having a sleeping wolf, the hunter wanted to shoot him, but thought it was better to take scissors and cut her belly.

In the fairy tale "Miracle Bird" it is easy to see the similarity with the fairy tale of Charles Perro about the blue beard, and in the tale of "Shipovichki" - similarities with a fairy tale about sleeping beauty. Russian reader without difficulty seek the proximity of the fairy tale about Snow White to the plot that has received wide fame in the processing of A.S. Pushkin, "" Tale of a dead princess and about seven heroes, "and in the" Bird-found "fairy tale will meet familiar plot motifs of the Russian fairy tale about Vasilis Wollywood and the Sea Tsar.

Tales accessible to preschoolers include: "Solominka, Corner and Bob", "Sweet Porridge", "Hare and Hedgehog", "Bremen street musicians."

In 1835-1837, Hans-Christian Andersen published three collection of fairy tales. They included: the famous "Fire", "Princess Pa Morochina", "New Dress of the King", "Thumbelina" and other now famous works by the world.

After the three collections released, Andersen wrote many other fairy tales. Gradually, the fairy tale became the main genre in the work of the writer, and he himself realized his real vocation - he became almost exclusively the Creator of fairy tales. Its compilations, who came from 1843, a writer called "new fairy tales" - from now on, they directly addressed to adults. However, after that, he did not miss the children. Indeed, both "Persistent Tin Soldier" (1838), and "Ugly Duckling (1843), and" Solovy "(1843), and" Corkscale Needle "(1845-1846), and" Snow Queen "(1843-1846) and All other fairy tales are full of the intensiveness that is so attracted by a child, but they have a lot of them in general, until the time eluding the meaning of the children, which is the roads of Andersen as a writer, who worked for adults.

From the numerous fairy tales of the writer, teachers selected those that are most accessible to children of preschool age. These are fairy tales: "Five of one pod", "Princess on the pea", "Ugly duckling", "Thumbelina".

The fairy tale of "Ugly Duckling" encompasses the story, which comes to memory every time, when an example of a false assessment of a person according to his appearance is necessary. Unrecognizable, pursued and the ugly chick-eyed chick-bird courtyard, turned into a swan - the most beautiful creature between the beautiful creatures of nature. The story of Zadsky Duckling entered the saying. In this fairy tale, many personal, Andersenovsky - after all, and in the life of the writer himself there was a long strip of general non-recognition. Only years later, the world leaned before his artistic genius.

English writer A. Miln (1882 - 1956) entered the history of preschool children's literature as the author of the fairy tale on the plush bear Winnie the Pooh and a number of poems. Mile were written by other works for children, but the greatest success fell on the named fairy tale and poems.

The tale of Winnie the Pooh was published in 1926. We have become famous in 1960 in the retelling B. Nodoka. The heroes of Milna's fairy tales are also loved by children, like Pyratino, Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, Hare from cartoons "Well, wait!". "Winnie Pooh" therefore fell to the taste of children that the writer does not come off from the soil of those creative principles that were comprehended by him through the observations of the spiritual growth of their own son. Christopher Robin's hero lives in the imaginary world of his toys - their adventures made up the basis of the plot: Winnie the Pooh climbs on a tree behind honey of wild bees, Winnie the Pooh visits the rabbit and so fading that he cannot get out of the hole; Winnie the Pooh, along with the piglet, goes on the hunt and his own traces takes for traces of beech; The gray donkey IA-IA loses the tail - Winnie the Pooh finds it at Owl and returns the IA-IA; Winnie the Pooh comes across the Western, which was arranged for the capture of oscillations, the Piglet takes it for the one for whom they with the Pow did a pit, etc.

Not yet all the poems of Milna, written for children, translated into Russian. From the translated widespread poems about Chustrom Robin:

My Robin does not go,

Like people

And rushing scrapping,

Gallop -

Thin lyricism marked the poem "by the window - about the movement of raindrops on the glass:

Every drop gave me a name:

It is Johnny, this is Jimmy.

Droplets with uneven movement run down down - then they are delayed, then hurry. Which one is before doniz? The poet should look at the world through the eyes of a child. MILH, POET AND PROZAYAK, EVERYTHING REMAINED TO THIS CREATIVE PRINCIPLE.

Swedish writer, laureate of many international awards for children's books, Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (born in 1907) won the glory of Andersen of our Days. With his success, the writer is obliged to the heartfelt knowledge of children, their aspirations, the peculiarities of their spiritual development. Lindgren understood the feast of the game of imagination in the spiritual life of the child. Children's imagination nourishes not only the traditional folk tale. Food fiction gives a real world in which a modern child lives. So it was in the past - traditional fabulous fiction was also generated by reality. The storyteller writer, respectively, should always proceed from the reality of today's world. Lindgren, this, in particular, was expressed in the fact that her works, as one Swedish critic noticed accurately, belong to the category of "semi-pages" (here and then cited by the book L.Yu. Boreda Tales of Scandinavia - L., 1974). These are live realistic stories about the modern child, connected with fiction.

The most famous writer's books are the trilogy about the baby Karlsone. The fabulous stories about the baby and Carlson were made up of books "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof (1955)," Carlson again flew "(1962) and" Carlson Thai appears again "(1968).

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story fairy tales came out of the thought, expressed by the writer in such words: "There would be nothing great and remarkable in our world, without accomplishing it at first in the fantasy of some person." Fantasy Hero of his own tales - kid - Lindgren surrounded poetry, seeing the most valuable property in the game, need for the formation of a full-fledged personality.

Carlson flew to the kid into one of the clear spring evenings, when the stars first lit up in the sky. He appeared to divide the loneliness of the baby. As a fabulous character, Carlson carried out the dream of a baby about a comradist in the arrogance, pianos, unusual adventures. Father, mother, sister and brother did not immediately understand what was going on in the soul of the baby, and, understood, decided to keep secret - "promised to each other that they would not tell a single living soul about an amazing comrade, whom the baby found himself." Carlson is a living embodiment of what the child lacks the child's attention to the attention of adults, and what is accompanied by the game of his imagination, which is not obeying the boredom of ordinary daily activities. In Carlson, children's dreams about the possibility of flying through the air above the city, walk along the roof, to play without fear break the toy, hide everywhere - in bed, in the closet, turn into a ghost, scare rogues, to joke without fear of being incorrectly understood, and so on Merry satellite of the kid lives a constant desire to surprise with unusual behavior, but it is not aimless, as it opposes the boredom of ordinary human affairs and actions. "The best specialist in steam vehicles" Contrary to the ban, the father and the elder brother launches the car - and the game becomes a real interesting game. Even the vehicle breakdown leads Carlson delight: "What a crash! How cool!" Karlson soothes from the grief of the baby calm the usual replica for him: "These are trifles, the matter is ...".

Children's imagination, kid emphasizes Carlson with extregnated features: he drinks water from the aquarium, builds a tower of cubes with meat temps at the top instead of the dome; He boasts at any case - it turns out that "the world's best painter in the world," then the "best magician in the world", then the "best in the world of nannika", etc.

The traits of Carlson, a thick man who has said about herself that he is "a man in the heal of forces", which is not averse to to save, to cultivate, spend a rocker, take advantage of the arms of comrade - these are the human defects that the main advantage of Carlson - he comes to help the baby, Eliminates boredom from his life, makes his life interesting, as a result of which the boy becomes cheerful and active. Together with Carlson, the kid scares the throat rolls and fillets, punishes the careless parents who left the Susanna's little girl with one house, laughs over Betan, the sister of the baby, and her next hobby.

The fabulous lead Lindgren are at the heart of their deep pedagogical. This property of her artistic skill does not prevent the writer to remain a cheerful storyteller, sometimes lyric, even sentimental.

In addition to the trilogy about Carlson and the baby Lindgren created a large number of other fabulous stories. Among them "The Adventures of Peppi Longs (1945 - 1948)," Mio, My Mio! "(1954), but the trilogy about Carlsone and the baby remains the best in the work of the Swedish writer.