"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" as an example of ancient Russian literature. The tale of Peter and Fevronia

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" as an example of ancient Russian literature. The tale of Peter and Fevronia

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on the subject: The touching legend of Peter and Fevronia is one of the pearls Old Russian literature»

(G.P. Fedotov)

Morality is one in all ages and for

all people. Reading about obsolete in detail,

we can find a lot for ourselves.

D.S. Likhachev

Kirchevskaya Polina Grade 7 MBUOO Secondary School No. 6


Gimranova Larisa Askharovna

teacher of Russian language and literature MBUOO SOSH №6

2015 g.


    Table of contents


    Chapter 1.

2. The history of the creation of the story.

    Chapter 2.

1. "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" as a reflection of the spiritual values ​​underlying the traditions of the Russian family.

2. Images of Fevronia and Peter.


    Appendix (required illustrative material)


In 2008, on July 8, a wonderful Public Holiday- All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This beautiful summer day was not chosen for the holiday by chance - for about 780 years, Orthodox Christians have been honoring on July 8 the memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom - the patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity.

She laid the foundation for this holiday a touching story earthly love between the prince of Murom and the daughter of a dart frog, which was told by the Pskov Priest Yermolai-Erasmus in the story "About Peter and Feronia of Murom".

The personality of Ermolai-Erasmus - the author of the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

Ermolai-Erasmus (Ermolai Pregreshny) is an outstanding Russian thinker, writer and publicist. In the 40-60s. In the 16th century, he was first a priest in Pskov, then served as the archpriest of the Kremlin Cathedral of the Savior on Bor, and later took monastic vows under the name of Erasmus. Currently known big number works signed by his name (before monasticism - the name of Ermolai, after the tonsure - "Ermolai, in the foreign church Erasmus", in addition, he called himself "sinful"). Yermolai-Erasmus showed the greatest creative activity during the years of his Moscow residence, since he was attracted by Metropolitan Macarius to participate in the creation of various kinds of works of theological nature, including the lives for the Great Mena of the Chetikh.

Most famous essay Ermolaya-Erasma became "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom», written on the basis of local ideas, legends and traditions, has become one of the most outstanding literary and artistic works of Ancient Russia.

The history of the creation of the story.

This work was commissioned for the Great Chetya-Menaion (collection of the lives of all the saints of the Orthodox Church)Saint Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow.It was written after the canonization of Peter and Fevronia at the Moscow Church Cathedral in 1547.It is known that Metropolitan Macarius did not include the Life ordered by him in the collection due to the fact thatproductiondoes not represent a canonical living.In order to fully, colorfully and vividly reveal the images of the heroes,authoruses elements of several genres at once: historicalstories, fairy tales, lives,describes earthly love and family values people, and not a monastic feat in the name of God.Literary critics define the genre of a work aslife story with elements of folk-fairy character. The first reader of the story was Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Many versions of this story have survived, in which this story is set forth in many versions. The story of Peter and Fevronia, which DS Likhachev called "the pearl of ancient Russian literature", is devoted to many modern poems and songs. For example, the song famous poet Ilya Reznik's "Anthem of the Family" and the poem of the poetess Ekaterina Avdeeva "Peter and Fevronia".Why was the story so loved by readers in Russia? What is interesting for the modern reader?

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" as a reflection of the spiritual values ​​underlying the traditions of the Russian family.

The plot of this work is based on the story of the marriage of a prince and a simple girl. Prince Peter saves his brother's wife from a serpent visiting a woman in the guise of her husband. After killing the snake with a sword found under mysterious circumstances, Peter splashed himself with the blood of the snake, causing his body to become covered with scabs. The youth, sent by Peter to find a doctor, ended up in the Ryazan village of Laskovo, where he met a girl who amazed him with her wisdom. Fevronia agrees to heal the prince if he marries her. Peter gives her this promise, but, having barely been healed, refuses to marry: "Well, how is it possible for the prince to take the daughter of a dart frog to be his wife!" he exclaims. However, the disease again afflicts Peter and, only after being healed a second time, he fulfills his promise. The young princess of an ignorant family aroused the displeasure of the boyar's wives, and they demanded that Fevronia be expelled. She agrees to leave if she is allowed to take with her whatever she wishes. The delighted boyars do not mind. But the wise Fevronia takes her husband with her, who prefers the duty of a spouse to princely power. The strife that struck the boyars after the departure of the princely couple, prompting them to call the prince and princess back. For the rest of their lives, Peter and Fevronia lived in love and harmony, ruled in the city of Murom as a child-loving father and mother, they loved everyone alone, only they did not like pride and robbery. When old age came, they accepted monasticism with the names David and Euphrosyne and began to thresh God in order to die in one hour, since they could not imagine life without each other. Bequeathed to the laity to bury them in one coffin. God heard their prayers and they died on the same day and hour, on July 8, 1228, each in his own cell, in different monasteries. The inhabitants of the city violated the will of the saints and put them in different coffins. The next morning they found their bodies in a common stone coffin. Twice they carried the dead to different coffins and monasteries, but their bodies miraculously ended up in one stone coffin again. Death itself could not separate them, how much they loved each other. After that, they were buried together, at the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Images of Fevronia and Peter.

The characterization of Peter and Fevronia surprises them with endless humility, calmness and serenity.

Wise Fevronia

Possessing a huge inner strength, the chaste and perspicacious Fevronia is very stingy in her outward manifestation. She conquered her passions and was ready for anything, even for the feat of self-denial. Her love became outwardly invincible, because inwardly it submitted to the mind. Fevronia's wisdom lies not only in her extraordinary mind, but in feeling and will. And there is no conflict between them. Hence such a heartfelt "silence" in her image. Therefore, it is not surprising that Fevronia possessed a life-giving power, so great that she even revived felled trees, which after that became even larger and greener. Possessing strong spirit, she was able to unravel the thoughts of travelers. In her love and wisdom, she even surpassed her ideal faithful Peter. The love of Peter and Fevronia found its response in the hearts of millions of people who will definitely pray to these holy images.

Brave Peter

Characterizing Prince Peter, one can see his unprecedented heroism and courage in the victory over the insidious devilish Serpent. It is immediately obvious that he is a deeply religious person, otherwise he would not have been able to defeat such an insidious tempter. However, he still once deceived Fevronia when he made a promise that after his recovery he would marry her. He never did it until he was covered with fetid scabs again. The lesson taught by Fevronya, the prince quickly learned and then began to listen to her in everything. Soon they got married and began to live like true Christian families in love, fidelity and harmony. Prince Peter never indulged his wife. He was truly pious, it was not for nothing that the boyars and the people loved him. The characteristic of Peter and Fevronia is unique in its own way. These were really people from God. And more than once you are surprised at how strong their mutual understanding and love were. After all, they perfectly complemented each other, which is why they became saints.


Thousands of believers come to the city of Murom to bow to their relics and pray for a successful marriage and the birth of children. The fame of the Murom miracle workers spread throughout the country. In many cities of Russia you can find monuments to Peter and Fevronia: in Murom, Irkutsk, in Rostov-on-Don, Biysk, Samara, Kemerovo, Arkhangelsk.

The story "About Peter and Fevronia of Murom" by Yermolai-Erasmus contains invaluable lessons in morality, gives an example of harmonious relationships, teaches how, overcoming difficulties, to maintain love and fidelity in marriage, helps spouses to realize their full responsibility before God and people for the preservation of the family.

The triumph of faith, wisdom, kindness and love - this is the main idea of ​​the story . With their lives, Peter and Fevronia showed what a person should be like, what his life should be, how many beautiful moral qualities, which are passed from century to century, from generation to generation, should be in a person.


    The Tale of Peter and Fevronia / Prepared. texts and issled. R. P. Dmitrieva, otv. ed. A. M. Panchenko. L., 1979.339 p.

    Plyukhanova M. B. Plots and symbols of the Moscow kingdom. SPb., 1995.S. 203-232.

    Ermolai-Erasmus. The story of Peter and Fevronia. Per. and note. O. V. Gladkova // Word of Ancient Rus. M., 2000.S. 415-428.

    V. V. Kuskov

    Gladkova O. V. A story from the life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom // History of Old Russian Literature. Analytical guide. M., 2008.S.Likhachev D.S. Great heritage. Classical works Literature of Ancient Russia The Story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

1 Old Russian literature. "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". The instructive nature of Old Russian literature; wisdom, continuity of spirit, religiosity, loyalty, sacrifice; family values ​​(love, devotion, loyalty of the main characters)

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" appeared basically no later than the second quarter of the 15th century, but received its final form at the beginning of the 16th century under the pen of Ermolai Erasmus and is closely related to folklore.

This is a story about the love of Prince Peter and the peasant girl Fevronia - strong and invincible love, "to the grave."

The first appearance in the story of the girl Fevronia is captured in a visually distinct image. She was found in a simple peasant hut by the messenger of the Murom prince Peter, who fell ill from the poisonous blood of the snake he had killed. In a poor peasant dress, Fevronia sat at a loom and was engaged in a "quiet" business - weaving linen, and a hare was jumping in front of her, as if symbolizing merging with nature. Her questions and answers, her quiet and wise conversation clearly show that she is smart. Fevronia amazes the envoys with her prophetic answers and promises to help the prince. Knowledgeable in medicinal drugs, she heals the prince.

The life-giving power of Fevronia's love is so great that the poles stuck into the ground, with her blessing, blossom, turning into trees. Bread crumbs in her palm turn to grains sacred incense... She is so strong in spirit that she unravels the thoughts of the people she met. In the power of her love, in wisdom, as if prompted by this love, Fevronia turns out to be above her ideal husband- Prince Peter.

Death itself cannot separate them. When Peter and Fevronia felt the approach of death, they should ask God to let them die at the same time, and prepared a common coffin for themselves. After that, they accepted monasticism in various monasteries.

2 M. Gorky. The story "Childhood" - the autobiographical nature of the story

The work of M. Gorky "Childhood" belongs to the genre of an autobiographical story. Remembering his childhood, the first years of growing up, the death of his father, moving to the Kashirins' house, rethinking a lot in a new way, M. Gorky creates the story "Childhood". story of life little boy Alyosha. The story is told in the first person, on behalf of the main participant in the events. This makes it possible for the writer to show the depicted events more reliably, to convey thoughts, feelings, attitude to the life of the character. Alyosha remembers his grandmother as “my dearest heart, the most understandable and dear person- it is her selfless love to the world enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for difficult life», In the text of the story, the hero confesses his dislike for his grandfather. The task of the writer is not just to convey the events of which he became a participant little hero, but also to evaluate them already from the standpoint of an adult who has learned a lot and a person's life. It is this feature that is characteristic of the autobiographical novel genre.

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

The hagiographic "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" that has come down to us is a work of a writer and publicist of the 16th century. Ermolai-Erasmus. Biographical information about this writer is very scarce. In the middle of the XVI century. he came to Moscow from Pskov and became the archpriest of the palace cathedral in Moscow, and by the beginning of the 60s. took monastic vows (under the name of Erasmus) and, possibly, left the capital. The most significant publicistic work of Erasmus was the treatise "Ruler and Land Measurement for Benevolent Kings". Along with publicistic monuments, Ermolai-Erasmus created hagiographic ones - "The Tale of the Ryazan Bishop Vasily" (later included in the "Life of the Murom Prince Constantine") and "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia", apparently based on the life story of the 15th century.

The existence of the story about Peter and Fevronia, compiled before the end of the 15th century, is proved by the fact that church service XV century, dedicated to the Murom prince Peter, who defeated the snake, and his wise wife Fevronia, with whom Peter was buried in a single coffin. Obviously, the main plot of the story took shape even before Ermolai-Erasmus.

This plot is as follows. The wife of the wise king Paul got into the habit of flying a serpent, which took the form of her husband. Against the serpent is Paul's brother Peter, who overcomes him; but from the blood of the serpent splashing on Peter, he falls ill - his body is covered with scabs. Peter is healed by the wise peasant girl Fevronia; as a reward, she demands a prince as her husband.

The plot of the story has something in common with many works of Russian and world folklore; it was also reflected in the written sources of the Middle Ages. In the famous Western European (Celtic, French) legend about Tristan and Isolde, the story also begins with the victory of the hero (Tristan) over the serpent (dragon); he is healed by the heroine (Isolde).

However, the plot coincidence of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" with "Tristan and Isolde" further emphasizes the differences between them in the interpretation of the heroes. "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia", unlike the legend of Tristan and Isolde, is not a story about love, not about the all-conquering passion of heroes, but about a faithful married life, and the main motive of this story is the mind of the heroine of the story, her skill " pereklyukat "(outwit) their interlocutors - a feature that brings Fevronia closer to the chronicle Olga from" The Tale of Bygone Years. "

Fevronia appears in the story after the sick Peter, seeking a cure, sends "to seek doctors" throughout the Ryazan land. The princely youth (servant), during this search, finds himself in the village of Laskovo and sees a girl at a loom; a hare jumps in front of her. When the boy asked where the rest of the inhabitants of the house were, she replied that her parents went to "borrow (borrow) posters", and her brother went "through his legs to navi to see (look death in the eyes)." The boy cannot figure out these mysterious words, but the girl explains to him that the parents went to mourn the deceased: when they die, they will cry for them in the same way, which means they are crying on loan; her brother is a beekeeper, who extracts honey from the trees and looks at his feet so as not to break loose and die. Convinced of the wisdom of Fevronia (this is the name of the girl), the youth asks her to heal his prince. Fevronia agrees, but on the condition that Peter will take her as his wife.

How is this condition to be understood? The reader who perceived the story only as a living, and in Fevronia saw above all the saint, could see here a manifestation of her wisdom - she knew in advance that Peter was destined for her husband. But people raised on folk tales, where such a condition is often encountered, they could perceive this motive differently - in a purely everyday sense. Living in her village Laskovo, Fevronia could hardly even see Peter before he turned to her for a cure. The reader, naturally, gets the impression that it was not love that attracted Peter Fevronius (in the legend of Tristan and Isolde, a magic love drink is mentioned), but only a desire not to miss his happiness.

Fevronia discovers the same intelligence and ability to “perelukat” the interlocutor during negotiations with Peter. At first, the prince tried to "tempt" Fevronia: he sent her a piece of flax and demanded that she weave from it "a shit (shirt) and ports and ubrusets." But Fevronia responds with absurdity to absurdity; she agrees to fulfill Peter's request on condition that the prince prepares a loom for her from a splinter. Naturally, Peter cannot do this and therefore refuses his demand. After being cured, Peter tries to break his promise to marry a peasant woman. But Fevronia prudently ordered to lubricate all his ulcers, except for one, and Peter's treachery leads to the fact that "from that scab, many scabs spread on his body"; for the final recovery, Peter has to fulfill his promise.

Peter marries Fevronia, but the boyars of the Murom land do not want their princess to have a peasant woman. She agrees to leave Murom, but on the condition that she will be allowed to take with her what she asks. The boyars agree and the princess asks: "only my husband, Prince Peter".

Together with Peter and Fevronia, some of their confidants are sailing from Murom on the ship. Among them is a certain married man who, incited by the demon, "looked up (looked) at the saint with a thought." Then Fevronia advised him to scoop up and drink water from one side of the ship, then the other. "Is there water equal to that, or is it one and the same?" she asked him. He replied that the water is the same. “And there is one feminine nature. Why don't you leave your wife behind, thinking of someone else! " - explained Fevronia.

Like the story of Peter's marriage to Fevronia, they can be perceived in different ways: both as an indication of the heroine's wisdom, and as evidence of her peculiar cunning. Fevronia foresees that the stupid boyars will not understand what the princess will ask of them, and thus "switches" them. Likewise, her answer to an immodest fellow traveler on the ship is not openly instructive, but playful.

The expulsion of Peter and Fevronia did not last long: the rebellious boyars were unable to retain power, and Peter and Fevronia were again called to Murom.

The final scene of the story is deeply poetic. In old age, the heroes take monastic vows together and want to die together as well. Peter is the first to feel the approach of death and calls Fevronia "otiti" together. Fevronia embroiders "air" - the fabric for the holy cup. She asks her husband to wait. But Peter cannot wait. Then she sews only the face of the saint, sticks the needle into the fabric, “screw it on with the thread, it’s shiashe (embroidered) with it,” and dies with her husband.

After the death of Peter and Fevronia, they are trying to bury them separately, but miraculously, both heroes find themselves in a single coffin.

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" was closely associated with folklore, and it echoes with " stray plots»World literature. Of the Russian fairy tales, the story most of all resembles the fairy tales "Seven-year-old" and "Sheared girl", which also tells about the marriage of a noble man to a peasant girl, who proves her wisdom by solving difficult problems; there is also a motive for the expulsion of the heroine, who takes with her what is most dear to her - her husband. But in Russian fairy tales (preserved only in the records of modern times) there is no motive for the illness and cure of a noble husband. It is obvious, however, that this motive was also present in the folklore plot used by Yermolai-Erasmus.

The pearl of ancient Russian literature


in the name of love

Saints Peter and Fevronia

For the Russian Church, Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom have great importance primarily as symbol of special spiritual path, where the comprehension of God is inextricably linked with the relationship of two people.

  • Man and woman are created for each other, their connection itself embodies the Divine plan. But this connection is impossible if a person does not see in another person a unique personality created in the image of God.

Epigraph to the lesson

  • Love is longsuffering, merciful, Love does not envy, love is not exalted, is not proud, ... does not seek its own, does not get irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in the truth, but rejoices at the truth, covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love will never end…

Apostle Paul

  • Why are Peter and Fevronia especially revered by the Orthodox Church?
  • Why are they canonized?
  • What is their feat?
  • How are Peter and Fevronia close to us? What lesson do they teach us?
  • What are the qualities of the saints
  • everyone who wants to build
  • your relationship with loved ones
  • human?

Lesson steps

1.What village did the servant go to in search of a doctor?

2. Where was Agrik's sword? What is its purpose?

3. What condition did Fevronia set before the prince's treatment?

4. Why did the boyars dislike the girl?

5. Why did you order not to anoint all the scabs?

Hawkeye (answer questions)

6.What was in Fevronia's palm after lunch?

7. What did the boyars Fevronia offer instead of her husband?

8. Why did the boyars kill each other?

9.Whose daughter was Fevronia?

10. What did Fevronia embroider before her death?

  • What is interesting about the story?
  • What does it resemble?
  • Life-work about saints, statesmen and religious figures whose life and deeds are regarded as exemplary.
  • Definition compositional elements story.
  • Fairy Life

  • The beginning is the cause of Love for God
  • The tale of the wise virgin life according to the commandments
  • Serpent-temptor wonders of the heroine
  • Magic sword she's a saint
  • Riddles he is a reverend
  • Challenge quests unusual death
  • Good triumphs over evil posthumous miracles

  • 1.What do the riddles of Fevronia testify to? What does the author deliberately want to emphasize in it?
  • What other examples can you give to confirm the wisdom of the heroine?
  • Did she know that the prince would deceive her for the first time?

  • Read the riddles of Fevronia in the story.
  • Find the answer to the first riddle. On the second, on the third.
  • - For what purpose does the author use them here? (to characterize the wise virgin. Together with the prince's messenger, the reader admires the girl's mind, the beauty of her mysterious speech, the depth of thought).

  • 1 What was the reason for the acquaintance of Peter and Fevronia ?.
  • 2.How did the young people live after marriage?
  • 3. How do you understand the expression “godly and righteous”?
  • 4. Relations with the boyars and their wives.
  • 5 What choice does Peter make between wife and throne? How does this characterize him?
  • 5 Why does Peter choose a wife? Is his act correct, in your opinion?
  • 6. Does this act torment him? Why?
  • 7. Why was he asked to return?
  • 8. How did you reign after your return? What did you dislike in the social order?
  • 9. What example did you set in your government?


What helps Peter and Fevronia to overcome all the troubles? (Living according to the laws of God).

... Where does the inexhaustible strength of mutual love between Peter and Fevronia find its highest expression? (They die in the same day and hour and are not separated after death).

... What miracle has been performed repeatedly since their deaths? (They ended up in the same coffin).

Can we say that Peter and Fevronia defended their feelings during life and even death?

Fevronia - the ideal of a woman?

Do you like Fevronia? Yes or no, why?

D.S. Likhachev noted:

“The life-giving power of Fevronia's love is so great that the poles, stuck in the ground, bloom into the trees with her blessing. Crumbs of bread in her palm turn into grains of sacred incense. She is so strong in spirit that she unravels the thoughts of the people she met. In the strength of her love, in the wisdom, as if prompted by this love, Fevronia turns out to be higher than even her ideal husband, Prince Peter. "

  • In Russian Orthodox tradition Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom are playing special role... Their life is the story of a relationship between a man and a woman who managed to overcome all the difficulties of a long and difficult earthly journey, revealing the ideal of a Christian family. Those joys and problems that they had to face eight centuries ago are relevant to this day - they lie outside of time. Just like the holy spouses reveal to us exactly those spiritual and spiritual qualities of a person that are necessary for everyone who tries to build their relationship with a loved one. It is no coincidence that it is on the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia, July 8, that the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity will be celebrated for the first time.

July 8 Orthodox Church honors Saints Peter and Fevronia, and it is this day that is considered the day of lovers in Orthodoxy. And chamomile has become a symbol of this holiday. Many people make a pilgrimage to Murom: both those who have just decided to get married and those who have just come to thank these saints for their patronage. family life or ask for their prayer before the Lord for the gift of family harmony and happiness.

Lesson conclusions

In a world where everything and everyone is chaotic, marriage is a place where two people, thanks to the fact that they love each other, become one, a place where strife ends, where the realization of a single life begins. And this is the greatest miracle of human relations: two suddenly become one person, two faces suddenly, because they fell in love and accepted each other to the end, completely, turn out to be something more than a two, than just two people - they turn out to be unity.

Let's remember this!

At the beginning of the 16th century, even during the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia Macarius instructs his monastery assistants-scribes to search all Russian cities and villages for stories about righteous people who became famous for their pious life. One of such ancient beautiful and romantic stories was "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". An analysis of the actions of the main characters suggests that these were the righteous who became the spiritual symbol of the Christian family. And so with consent Church Cathedral in 1547 they were canonized. The priest Ermolai was entrusted with writing a detailed essay about the life and love of Peter and Fevronia.

Peter and Fevronia. Plot summary

In the city of Murom, Prince Pavel ruled. And suddenly the Serpent in the guise of Paul began to fly to his wife for fornication. She immediately told her husband about it. He immediately asked her that at the next meeting with the Serpent she flatteringly found out from him what he expected his death from. The humble wife did so. Seduced by her beauty and gentle speeches, the Serpent gave her the secret of his death, which consisted in the fact that Peter would kill him with the help of the Agrikov sword. Alarmed by this news, Paul calls his brother Peter to him and tells him everything. And he was ready to fight the enemy, although he did not know where to get the Agricov sword.

Agriculture sword

At the same time, it is impossible not to mention the fact that this sword was forged by Agric, the son of the cruel tyrant Herod, known from the biblical texts. This mighty sword had supernatural properties and emitted a bluish glow in the darkness. He easily dealt with any military armor. By the way, he was also called a sword-kladenets - a weapon epic heroes... But how did he get into Ancient Russia? There is reason to assert that the Templars, participating in the excavations, most likely found the main Christian relics: the Grail, the shroud, later called the Turin shroud, and the Agrik sword. It was him that they presented to the fearless commander of Vladimir - Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky - as a special reward when he decided to return to Russia. But with the outbreak of internecine wars, the prince was killed. And the sword began to pass from one hand to another. In the end, he was hidden within the walls of the monastery of the glorious city of Murom.

Continuation of the plot

So, after a while, to Peter, who is praying in the church of the monastery, the youth points to the treasure in which Agrikov's sword was kept. He took the weapon and went to his brother. Prince Peter almost immediately realized that the Serpent was sitting at the wife of his brother Paul in his witchcraft guise. Then he dealt him a fatal blow, and he died instantly, splashing him with his blood, after which the prince became very ill and covered with scabs. Not a single doctor undertook to treat Peter. But once there was such a village healer by nature, a wise maiden named Fevronya, who healed the prince and became his faithful wife. After the death of his brother Paul, Peter took the throne. But the insidious boyars decided to expel the commoner, their wives did not like her. And Fevronya was ready to leave the city, but only with her husband, who decided to go with her. The boyars were at first very happy to let them go, but after a while, after internecine strife and murders for the throne, they decided to return the married princely couple. And after that everyone healed happily and happily.

Main interchange

And when the time came, Peter and Fevronya took monastic vows and received Euphrosyne at the same time. They even prayed to God that He would send them death in one day, and even prepared a double coffin with a partition. And so it happened - they died on the same day, but the priests were afraid of the wrath of God and did not bury them together. Having placed their deceased bodies in different churches, in the morning they found them together in their special coffin. This was repeated twice. And then it was decided to bury them together, never again separating them.

Now the holy beloved Peter and Fevronia are always together. Summary this story revealed only a small part of their righteous life. These miracle workers became the patrons of marriage and love. Now any believer has the opportunity to pray over the holy relics in the Holy Trinity Monastery in the city of Murom.

Wise Fevronia

The characterization of Peter and Fevronia surprises them with endless humility, calmness and serenity. Possessing tremendous inner strength, the chaste and perspicacious Fevronia is very stingy in her external manifestation. She conquered her passions and was ready for anything, even for the feat of self-denial. Her love became outwardly invincible, because inwardly it submitted to the mind. Fevronia's wisdom lies not only in her extraordinary mind, but in feeling and will. And there is no conflict between them. Hence such a heartfelt "silence" in her image. Therefore, it is not surprising that Fevronia possessed a life-giving power, so great that she even revived felled trees, which after that became even larger and greener. Possessing a strong spirit, she was able to unravel the thoughts of travelers. In her love and wisdom, she even surpassed her ideal faithful Peter. The love of Peter and Fevronia found its response in the hearts of millions of people who will definitely pray to these holy images.

Brave Peter

Characterizing Prince Peter, one can see his unprecedented heroism and courage in the victory over the insidious devilish Serpent. It is immediately obvious that he is a deeply religious person, otherwise he would not have been able to defeat such an insidious tempter. However, he still once deceived Fevronia when he made a promise that after his recovery he would marry her. He never did it until he was covered with fetid scabs again. The lesson taught by Fevronya, the prince quickly learned and then began to listen to her in everything. Soon they got married and began to live like true Christian families in love, fidelity and harmony. Prince Peter never indulged his wife. He was truly pious, it was not for nothing that the boyars and the people loved him.

The characteristic of Peter and Fevronia is unique in its own way. These were really people from God. And more than once you are surprised at how strong their mutual understanding and love were. After all, they perfectly complemented each other, and therefore became the image of an ideal married couple.

Genres of Old Russian literature

In addition to this famous story, there were other examples of Old Russian literature. In general, the ancient Russian scribes, mastering the general Slavic literature, were mainly engaged in Greek translations and then turned to the creation of their original works performed in different genres: life, chronicle, lesson, military story. It is impossible to indicate exactly when the first records of different historical legends, but vivid examples Old Russian literature appeared already in the middle of the XI century. It was then that the Russian chronicles were created, representing a detailed record of some very much in Russia. A special place is occupied by the stories of Old Russian literature - this is something intermediate between the novel and the short story. But now these are mostly stories - short narratives about an event. Thus, contemporaries especially appreciate folklore and Old Russian literature.

Monuments of Old Russian Literature

One of the first known ancient chroniclers was the Monk Nestor (his holy relics rest in the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra) with his chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" dated from the 11th century. Behind him Grand Duke Kiev Vladimir Monomakh wrote the book "Instructions" (XII century). Gradually, such works began to appear as "The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky", the author of which, most likely, was the scribe of the Vladimir Metropolitan Kirill at the turn of the late 12th and early 13th centuries. Then another monument of Old Russian literature was created, dated beginning of XII century, entitled "The Lay of Igor's Campaign", where the author's name remained unknown. I would certainly like to note the great work about the Mamayev massacre "Zadonshchina", created at the turn of the late 14th and early 15th centuries, presumably the author was the Ryazan priest Sophrony.

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". Analysis

Gradually, the list of Old Russian literature expanded. It also included "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". Analysis of this works of XVI century calls it a hymn of conjugal love and fidelity. And it will be right. Here he is - an example of a real Christian family. and devotion is demonstrated by "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". Analysis artistic features works suggests that it combines two folklore plot... One of them tells about the insidious Serpent-seducer, and the other - about the wise maiden. It is distinguished by simplicity and clarity of presentation, the gradual slowness of the development of events and, most importantly, the calmness of the narrator in the innocence of description. actors... That is why it is easily perceived and read, which means that it teaches us to love truly, humbly and selflessly, as did its main characters - Peter and Fevronya.