The main themes and motives in the story "Signal" V. M

The main themes and motives in the story "Signal" V. M

Semyon Ivanov was appointed the new watchman of the railway. He had previously served as an officer's orderly, and when the war was over, he still could not find a job. They were satisfied with his service, because when Semyon once ran into his former boss, he, according to old memory, helped the former orderly get a job as a watchman. So Ivanov began to live in the booth. Nearby there was a little arable land, a vegetable garden, and the work was not difficult. The watchman learned the rules by heart and all his possessions were in perfect order.

A couple of months later, Semyon began to get acquainted with his neighbors. One was a very old man, he sat in the booth all the time and did not go on rounds. And the second turned out to be taciturn, and his wife also did not want to make friends with the newcomers.

But they got to know each other. The neighbor's name was Vasily. Often the guards met on the round, smoked in silence, and then dragged on a simple conversation.

Vasily considered people to be guilty of all troubles and of their own misfortunes. And Semyon was glad that he had. He said that everything that happens comes from God. Vasily did not agree, it was not in his spirit to endure silently. Neighbors quarreled, dispersed, and then met again and had conversations.

Once Vasily quarreled with a drunk road master from outside the garden. He did not restrain himself and in the end they fought, and the master himself harbored a grudge. He reported to the head of the station on the dishonesty of the watchman, as a result, the inspection arrived. Semyon had nothing - he had prepared in advance, but Vasily was reprimanded for the complaint filed from outside the garden. The chief hit the watchman in the face and left, but he harbored anger.

Once Semyon went into the forest for branches for homemade pipes, the sale of which brought some money. The sound of bangs was heard from the railroad embankment. The watchman crept up to the man, thinking that he was stealing nuts. But it was Vasily. He forged the rail with a crowbar and threw it aside.

Semyon got scared - the train must pass soon and an accident is inevitable. He rushed after Vasily, lamenting that he would not take sin on his soul, but the neighbor went into the forest.

Semyon ran to his booth for a crowbar, straighten the rail, but realized that he would not be in time. The approach of the train was already heard, but there was nothing to give a danger signal, there was no red flag.

Then the watchman took out a paper handkerchief and a knife, crossed himself, and stabbed himself in the hand. He put the handkerchief soaked in blood on a stick and began to wave it.

Semyon was badly injured, fell unconscious on the rails. Someone's hand raised the flag and began to wave. The train stopped. Vasily stood next to the lying Semyon, clutching a flag in his hands. Confessing what he had done, he demanded to be arrested.

This is how internal anger leads to destructive thoughts and actions.

You can use this text for reader's diary

Garshin. All works

  • Attalea princeps
  • Signal
  • Four days

Signal. Picture to the story

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Place of work: MOU Pervomayskaya secondary school, Agapovsky district, Chelyabinsk region

Position: teacher of Russian language and literature

Subject: literature


Topic and lesson number in topic: extracurricular reading"The theme of revenge in V. Garshin's story" Signal "

Basic textbook: V.Ya. Korovin "Literature in 2 parts" 6kl. "Education", 2010

8.The purpose of the lesson:

Organization of work on the development of speech

Show and convey the ways of working, research, analysis of the work

9. Tasks:


1. Introduce students to the learning process.

2. Continue work on literary concepts topic and idea, ways of expression copyright relationship to the character of the work


1. To create an atmosphere of openness, benevolence, co-creation in communication, to form the ability to defend one's position.

2. Development of creative imagination and imagination, creative thinking


1. Enable emotional sphere child, appeal to his feelings, awaken everyone's interest in studying this work

2. To bring the children to the realization that revenge or refusal of revenge is a choice that anyone can face, to comprehend the concepts of “revenge, retribution”.

  1. Lesson type Workshop of moral orientations

    Forms of student work: Group, individual.

    Necessary Technical equipment: computer, media projector, screen, presentation.

Lesson structure:

    introduction The masters









Workshop progress

    Master's introduction

Today we have unusual lesson, and the Workshop. It may not be very easy for us to work, but I hope it will be interesting. And I propose to take the words of N. Zabolotsky as the motto of our Workshop:

Don't let your soul get lazy

So that the water in the mortar is not pounded.

The soul is obliged to work

Day and night.


I would like to start today's Workshop with the question: “Have you ever thought about the word“ revenge ”? I suggest you think about it. (The word is written on the board)

    Self-construction. (Individual solution to the issue)

Find associations associated with it. What words are attracted to him? (revenge, vengeance, vengeance, retribution, resentment, quarrel, conflict, envy) Slide 2

I will ask you to make a sentence by including this word in them.

I feel in the word revenge….

In the word revenge, I hear ... ...

Hearing the word revenge I represent ..

Revenge means ..

We listen to the work.

What does revenge look like?

Revenge is like (forest fire, tornado, boomerang, whirlpool) Slide 3

Let's check our understanding of the word with the interpretation given in the Ozhegov dictionary.

Revenge is the deliberate infliction of harm in order to repay an insult, an offense.

Retribution is retribution, punishment for the evil done.

Are these words synonymous?

How do you see the difference between these words?

Slide 4

We have repeatedly said that writers and poets often pay attention to what we do not notice in Everyday life: they, like no one else, were given a special gift - the ability to peer, listen, penetrate secret reasons actions, highlight what remains unnoticed by others. Today we have to get acquainted with the story of Vsevolod Garshin "Signal"

Write down the theme of our workshop "The theme of revenge in the story of V. Garshin" Signal ".

Slideshow 5,6,7,8

(portrait of V. Garshin, curriculum vitae)

Before listening to the story, consider the following questions:

Why is the story so named?

What is the position of the writer?

Express your attitude towards her.

What is the theme of this story?

Listening to the story.Reading the story to the words "Semyon did not run to the booth ..."

Slide 9.10

Read discussionDiscuss the issues with those sitting next to you. All comers answer.

4 . "Socioconstruction" ... Both you and I have questions for the heroes. Let's set them up and unite in groups.

The first group - questions for Semyon

The second group is for Vasily.

The third group - questions to the author.

Group assignments:

    1. Each one poses a question.

      Questions are advertised in the group and discussed.

      The most successful one is chosen.

      The group thinks over the answer to the question.

Sample questions and answers:

What character traits of Vasily and Semyon are not similar, and what are inherent in both?

(In the story, Semyon appears as a man, one of whose main features is humility life circumstances, "Talan-destiny" ("nothing, you can live"). The narrative about the time when Semyon "served as a batman" makes it possible to understand that gradually in Semyon's character a sense of responsibility comes to the fore. We can say that at the end of the story, at climax, Semyon is acting contrary to his life principle("Who knows what fate ..."), going against external circumstances.

An additional question to the analysis of Semyon's image: - How does Semyon's inner monologue convey the state of a character who has realized the danger of an impending catastrophe? Additional questions to the analysis of the image of Vasily: - How do you assess such a character trait as resistance to life circumstances? How did this quality manifest itself in Vasily's character?- Semyon says about Vasily: "Potion, not a man." What in the characters of Semyon and Vasily does this remark help to understand?“There is no beast more predatory than man,” says Vasily. What does he mean? Does this characteristic apply to all people? Can you name Vasily bad man?) The images of the main characters are different. What is the reason for such a sharp difference? (The difference is explained different worldview characters.)

Vasily spoils the paths for which he was obliged to watch. What preceded this? Why is he doing this?

(Vasily is an impulsive person, easily excitable, acting under the influence of emotions. He was overwhelmed by resentment, a desire to strike back, to take revenge on the head of the distance.)Did Vasily want the passengers to suffer?

( Vasily did not think about the fate of the passengers. He is driven only by the desire to take revenge on his offenders. He utters a phrase that is very significant for understanding his mood at that moment:

5 ."Socialization". Opinion exchange.

Get acquainted with the aphorisms, which of them could you use to evaluate Vasily's actions? Slide 11.12

Do you think the work is finished or you have been offered an unfinished version? Come up with an ending.

What will the main characters do? How can the story end?

6. "Advertising"... The suggested ending is read out. Discussion

The teacher gives the students the opportunity to state all the assumptions without reasoning, summarizes them and makes a summary note on the board. The difference in student assumptions will reveal internal inconsistency central characters and might look like this:

1) be sure to do something to save passengers;
2) submit to "talan-fate".

1) will watch the train wreck, and then hide from the police;
2) will try to somehow correct the situation.

7. "Break". Reading the author's ending

Whose actions - Semyon or Vasily - turned out to be more predictable at the climax and why?

Who ultimately protects people from harm?

What do you think influenced the return of Vasily, blinded by resentment?(Do the teacher draws the students' attention to all the links in the chain of Vasily's actions: resentment - revenge - a sudden realization of what he did - preventing a train crash - recognition.)

8 ."Correction". Draw a conclusion from the lesson, continuing the unfinished phrase: "Despite the difference in the characters of the main characters of the story, their attitude, at the decisive moment they act so that ...".

Answer the question in writing: “What new, in your opinion, does the story of V. Garshin“ Signal ”bring to the understanding of such a complex phenomenon as revenge?

Write what feelings the passengers could experience when they learned about the danger that threatened them, how they could assess the situation in which they unwittingly found themselves.

So why does the work have such a title? What is the position of the writer?

“Revenge is one of the most difficult feelings, contradictory phenomena in life. human society", v conflict situations“Revenge does not contribute to their resolution, but, on the contrary, prolongs the conflict, worsening its consequences,” “revenge or refusal to take revenge is a choice that anyone can face.)Revenge arises from resentment, humiliation, violence. By taking revenge on the offender, a person destroys himself, as in response he receives revenge and a new insult. This is a vicious circle that boomerangs back to the avenger.

    Reflection. Let's express our attitude to the position of the author

Let's write a cinquain "Revenge" Slide 14,15

Homework: Slide 16

1. Write down what you think is symbolic meaning story titles.

2. Write a story based on life experiences "Revenge"


1.V. Garshin story "Signal"

2.D. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Multimedia resources:

1. (Electronic dictionaries;http: //

2. "


4.http: // Text = maelstrom , tornado , fire , boomerang

5.http: //

Table 1.


The name of the ESM used

(indicating the serial number from Table 2)

Teacher activity

(indicating actions with ESM, for example, a demonstration)

Student activities


(in min.)


(. http:// yandex. ru/ yandsearch? text= whirlpool, tornado, fire, boomerang) Slide 3

(Electronic dictionaries;http: // Slide 4

(portrait of V. Garshin, biographical note "

(. http:// kratko. shadr. ru/ garshin/ signal/) Slide 9.10



Dictionary entry




(=) Slide 11.12



The gap

(Illustration Slide13




Appendix to the lesson outline


(Lesson topic)

Table 2.


END OF FORM ___________________________

Semyon Ivanovich Ivanov - the main character from the story "Signal" by Garshin. He is a former soldier, orderly. Semyon Ivanovich becomes a "watchman on railroad". He lives, "a sick and broken man", together with his wife Arina in a booth with "half a dozen arable land." In Semyon's worldview, the eternal peasant gravitation for the land is combined with an awareness of the responsibility of his new "iron" position. His philosophy: “so whoever will give some talan-destiny, so it is”.

Another of his distance neighbors is a “young man,” “thin and wiry,” Vasily Stepanovich Spiridov. He is convinced: “It’s not the talan-fate that is eating you and me for the century, but the people.<...>If you blame all filthiness on God, and sit and endure yourself, then, brother, it is not a man to be, but a cattle. "

Having quarreled with his superiors, Vasily left the service and went to Moscow to seek "justice for himself." Obviously to no avail: a few days later he returns and unscrews the rail shortly before the passenger train arrives. Semyon notices this and tries to prevent the crash: he moistens a handkerchief with his own blood and with such a red flag goes out to meet the train. He loses consciousness from severe bleeding, and then the flag is picked up by Vasily, who watched from afar what was happening. The train is stopped. The last phrase of the story - the words of Vasily: "Knit me, I turned the rail off."

The story "Signal" by Garshin entered the circle of textbook reading by teenagers, but its interpretation by Soviet literary scholars was rather simplistic. To the usual and insignificant phrase that in "Signal" Garshin calls for "heroism, for self-sacrifice for the good of the people" was added the consideration that "Semyon is shown as a supporter of meek humility and is opposed to a person who passionately hates his owners. modern life... At the same time, the supporter of the struggle comes to a crime, and the preacher of humility - to the feat of self-sacrifice. " Garshin is accused of following the "reactionary Tolstoy's" theory "of" non-resistance to evil by violence. "

However, the content of the story testifies to somewhat different goals of the author: Vasily's conflicts with his superiors are often caused by his character, his rather free attitude to his own duties. And his crime is incomparable with the insult inflicted on him. It seems that here Garshin follows not so much the "Tolstoyism" not so much loved by the ideologists of Bolshevism and their inherent "Tolstoyism", but expresses a conviction generally characteristic of Russian writers of the 2nd half of the XIX Q: any radicalism is destructive, it carries only evil and has no moral justification.

For the sake of affirming this idea, Garshin gives such a symbolic, in many respects literary finale in The Signal (was it really necessary for Semyon to wet the handkerchief with blood ?! ... Where there is radicalism, there is crime, there is the blood of innocent victims, the writer says. Decades later, the flag red from Semyon's blood in Vasily's hand fatally began to express the meaning of the bloody radicalism of the 20th century. - Bolshevism, and in itself the feat of Semyon revealed its heavy resemblance to the usual "feat" Soviet era: as a rule, this is the self-sacrifice of some because of the crime of others (and not opposition to the elements, etc.).

In the story "Signal" (1887) there is no love story, but the noted motive manifests itself in him even more sharply. The heroes of the story do not paint pictures, do not discuss philosophical problems and cannot determine the fate of humanity. They are small people living with small interests: a cabbage patch, salary, oppression of the authorities - their interests do not go further. But in their conversations about these subjects, Semyon and Vasily raise the same question as Gelfreich, who created his picture about Ilya Muromets.
In his youth, Semyon was in the war, served as an orderly, and he could not accomplish any outstanding feats that could determine the outcome of the battle. But for Garshin, Semyon is a man of a great soul, and his feat lies in the fact that he did not become embittered with life and people, although he had every reason for this.
True, in his attitude to life, passivity and fatalism are clearly noticeable. These are the features that annoy his interlocutor Vasily. “It’s not talented fate,” objected Vasily to Semyon, “you and I are seized by the age, but people. There is no beast in the world that is more predatory and angrier than man". Vasily's position is the position of a person who does not want to submit to fate and therefore enters into a struggle with people and circumstances. But for Garshin, the laws of struggle have their own harsh dialectics: a person who is embittered, who has lost faith in people, even in his just anger against the culprits of evil, can cause the death of innocent people. Here Semyon and Vasily switch places. Semyon actively fights against evil, rescuing a train with people who are unaware of the danger that threatens them, and Vasily recognizes his righteousness and unrighteousness of the path on which he embarked. But Semyon's activity is of a special kind. It is based on self-sacrifice, and if he raises a red flag, then this flag is soaked in his own blood.
For Garshin, morality has always been simple, but the question of why this simple morality cannot be realized in people's lives was infinitely difficult. In each of his stories, Garshin posed the question of truth and untruth, about the various manifestations and forms of modern evil with painful acuteness, and therefore his small stories were filled with large and deep content.
Gleb Uspensky rightly wrote: “... in his small stories and fairy tales, sometimes in several pages, the entire content of our life, in the conditions of which both Garshin and all his readers had to live, is positively exhausted.
Saying - "all the content of our life", I do not use here some magnificent and thoughtless phrase, - no, it is everything that our life gave the most important to his mind and heart (ours does not mean only Russian, but the life of people of our time in general), everything has been experienced to the last detail, felt by him with the most burning feeling, and that is precisely why it could be expressed only in two, and even such small, books. " The same idea was expressed by another contemporary of Garshin - PF Yakubovich.
Both the revolutionary poet and the prominent prose writer-essayist-sociologist essentially recognized a fact that was unusual both for the literature of the 1980s and for the preceding Russian literature. The short stories reflected the main content of the era.
Later, thanks to Korolenko, Chekhov, Bunin, this thought will cease to be perceived as a paradox. Garshin managed to open up new opportunities for the small genre. He combined the strict objectivity of the narrative with lyrical emotion and a clearly formulated author's point of view.

V.M. Garshin * Signal * the main idea URGENT! PLEASE!


In the story "Signal" (1887) there is no love story, but the noted motive manifests itself in it even more sharply. The heroes of the story do not paint pictures, do not discuss philosophical problems and cannot determine the fate of mankind. They are small people living with small interests: a cabbage patch, salary, oppression of the authorities - their interests do not go further. But in their conversations about these subjects, Semyon and Vasily raise the same question as Gelfreich, who created his picture about Ilya Muromets. In his youth, Semyon was in the war, served as an orderly, and he could not accomplish any outstanding feats that could determine the outcome of the battle. But for Garshin, Semyon is a man of a great soul, and his feat lies in the fact that he did not become embittered with life and people, although he had every reason for this. True, in his attitude to life, passivity and fatalism are clearly noticeable. These are the features that annoy his interlocutor Vasily. “It’s not talented fate,” objected Vasily to Semyon, “you and I are seized by the age, but people. There is no beast in the world that is more predatory and wicked than man. " Vasily's position is the position of a person who does not want to submit to fate and therefore enters into a struggle with people and circumstances. But for Garshin, the laws of struggle have their own harsh dialectics: a person who is embittered, who has lost faith in people, even in his just anger against the culprits of evil, can cause the death of innocent people. Here Semyon and Vasily switch places. Semyon actively fights against evil, rescuing a train with people who are unaware of the danger that threatens them, and Vasily recognizes his righteousness and unrighteousness of the path on which he embarked. But Semyon's activity is of a special kind. It is based on self-sacrifice, and if he raises a red flag, then this flag is soaked in his own blood. For Garshin, morality has always been simple, but the question of why this simple morality cannot be realized in people's lives was infinitely difficult. In each of his stories, Garshin posed the question of truth and untruth, about the various manifestations and forms of modern evil with painful acuteness, and therefore his small stories were filled with large and deep content. Gleb Uspensky rightly wrote: “... in his small stories and fairy tales, sometimes in several pages, the entire content of our life, in the conditions of which both Garshin and all his readers had to live, is positively exhausted. Saying - "all the content of our life", I do not use here some magnificent and thoughtless phrase, - no, it is everything that our life gave the most important to his mind and heart (ours does not mean only Russian, but the life of people of our time in general), everything has been experienced to the last detail, felt by him with the most burning feeling, and that is precisely why it could be expressed only in two, and even such small, books. " The same idea was expressed by another contemporary of Garshin - PF Yakubovich. Both the revolutionary poet and the prominent prose writer-essayist-sociologist essentially recognized a fact that was unusual both for the literature of the 1980s and for the preceding Russian literature. The short stories reflected the main content of the era. Later, thanks to Korolenko, Chekhov, Bunin, this thought will cease to be perceived as a paradox. Garshin managed to open up new opportunities for the small genre. He combined the strict objectivity of the narrative with lyrical emotion and a clearly formulated author's point of view.