Slopahin Cherry Garden Image briefly. Characteristics Hero Lopakhin, Cherry Garden, Czechs

Slopahin Cherry Garden Image briefly. Characteristics Hero Lopakhin, Cherry Garden, Czechs

Lopakhin Yermolai Alekseevich is one of the main characters of the play "Cherry Garden", a merchant, a descendant of serfs who worked at the father and grandfather Ranevskaya. The father of the leopard was unequrugated and rude, often beat him. Ranevskaya was good to the boy, defended him. He says he loves her more than his own, since she did a lot for him. About himself he says that at least from the men and slept, but did not become educated. But Lopakhin has acquired a solid state and is now rich. He sincerely helps Ranevskaya with Gaevs to save the estate, but they will value the cherry garden so much that in the end they remain with anything. His plan: Smash the garden to the plots and take the dackets to pay existing debt for the estate.

For Ranevskaya, this garden, like the personification of the motherland and the noblest past. She says that this is the best garden in the province, it is impossible to chop it. Lopahin does not experience nostalgic feelings for the garden and acts from the point of view of practicality. In Ranevskaya notes frivolism and idleness. He himself works daily from 5 am and to deep night. Lopahin by nature predator, which notices in it Petya Trofimov. This is a contradictory character. On the one hand, hardworking, purposeful and non-nell, on the other - he is rude and worm. At the end of the play, it was he who redeems the estate of Ranevskaya and does not hide his joy about this. After all, he is a "simple man", "son and grandson of slaves," but now the owner of such estates. The author himself refers his hero to the number "notepad". So, for example, he wanted to meet Ranevskaya, but awarded the train, I wanted to help her preserve the estate, but I bought it myself, promised to make an offer

One of the central characters of the play A.P.hekhov is an enterprising outcoming from the bottom. Externally, it seems that the actions are not developing around it, it stands aside from the problem of the work. In fact, everything is completely different. The image and characteristic of the blades in the "Cherry Garden" play is a brilliant example of the skillful possession of the brilliant author in the word. Short strokes, minor actions, he dismisses a new class of society from the shadow.

The appearance and origin of the character

Ermolai Alekseevich - a leaving of the poor peasant family. The cruel father beat his son with a stick, did not provide it necessary. Yermolay ran through the snow barefoot, did not study anywhere. The fortress grandfather and father were "in slavery" Ranevskaya's parents. Yermolaj loves to call himself a "man." Under this word, he implies a whole class of fortress peasants working on the owners. The men were not allowed to house, even in those rooms where the owners were rare. From the words of the Son it becomes clear that the Father by profession, by the nature of the classes - a trader in the shop. Perhaps the father's trading veil and turned into the business entrepreneurity. At some moments it seems that the lopahin is not proud of, but sichs by its origin. But here, probably mixed feelings. Yermolai Alekseevich was pleased with himself: he managed to acquire the estate, about which his ancestors could not dream.

The young merchant is neat outward. Strange, but the author does not speak about the age of the blades. One can only assume it somewhere between 30 and 40. He was 15 years old when Ranevskaya was young and thin. What emphasizes the classic in the appearance of the character:

  • Tender fingers;
  • White vest;
  • Yellow shoes.

Modest details, but easily presented image.

Character of Hero

Lopahin is shown from different sides. Its character allows you to choose the brightest features:

  • Diligence: gets up at 5 am and works until late evening.
  • Mind: A man without education seeks success in the accumulation of state.
  • Modesty: Does not refuse to Menietic origin.
  • Self-critical: Yermolay knows his weaknesses, is not afraid to voice them surrounding: Bolon, idiot, bad handwriting.

Yermolai Lopahin is very busy. He does not miss any opportunity to increase its capital.

Lopakhin may be silent, so Gaev calls him a fist. A man does not pay attention to such replicas in his address, perhaps, Gaev is not that person, whose words are worth listening. Trofimov compares the Yermola with a predator. In the plot of the plays, predatory nature is manifested very bright. Lopahin "swallowed" a cherry garden, not noticing how much grief he brought others. And it should be noted that some of them is close to him.

Beliefs and authorities

Yermolai Alekseevich is not afraid of labor on earth. Agriculture gives him a good income: sows poppy and gets 40 thousand. He admires nature, but surprisingly only the one that brings profit. Blooming poppy - beautiful picture. Huge forests, immense fields, the deepest horizons make the brain of the blades work with a tripled force. It represents people giants that must master all the natural gifts. And the cherry garden does not admire the merchant. He sees only areas for cottages. The gentle soul of a man is not frustrated by the thought of the death of the garden. Great in the garden is just that he is big. Size commensurate with possible income. Delicious fragrant berries - uninteresting. They will be born 2 times a year, what to do with them. They are unprofitable to trade.

The main conviction of the merchant is the significance of money. The more he spins among them, the less sees decent people. Everyone seems to him dishonest, envious and evil. It is impossible to say that the money was made to a stamped man. He gives a debt, the classic does not specify the terms of the debt, but not everyone wants to use the merchant generosity. Peter Trofimov prefers to remain poor, but not a debtor of the merchant. Ranevskaya easily asks for loan.

Lopakhin and the hosts of the Cherry Garden

Ermolay knows Ranevskaya since childhood. He belongs to her with tenderness. From the replica Hero, the viewer learns that the owner of the estate did a lot of good for the merchant. Love for a woman as a native man, sister, girlfriend. Relationships are confidential. Yermolay wants Ranevskaya to believe him is still. Interesting phrase:

"Sleep yourself calmly, there is a way out ...",

But when the solution with the garden is accepted, from the blades former owners did not receive any proposals.

According to some literary critov, Yermolai Alekseevich loves Ranevskaya more than his native. A bright feeling, a desire to help pass through the entire plot, but others believe that for a merchant the love of love Andreevna ends with the fate of the Cherry Garden. He himself helps what kept deep in the shower.

Lopahin and receptional daughter Ranevskaya

Family reception girl sincerely loves Yermola. She hopes that Lopahin is a good sincere person. In a conversation with the love of Andreevna Yermolai, it does not refuse marriage: "I'm not away ...". But for more than 2 years, their imaginary connection sounds only in the air. The merchant will keep wage, silent in her presence or jokes. In the last acts of the play, the mother asks the blades to offer a hand and make an offer, to finish with this problem. In the set of words of the monologue of the Ermolaya, many contradictions:

  • I do not understand - to admit;
  • There is still time - at least now;
  • Konchim - Basta;
  • Without you - I will not make suggestions.

The reader understands that Yermolai is not ready. He hopes to resolve everything by itself. Why throw yourself a marriage oss now when there is another joyful event? The acquisition of the Cherry Garden opens up new opportunities for a merchant, and love to stop his life. The merchant has no time for feelings, especially since the love has no real value.

The success of the entire play depends on the executor of the role of Lopakhina. This is the opinion of the author. The classic in the center of action puts not real garden owners, but a future owner. The play becomes the starting point of the new life of every hero. Lopakhin - Cause of change. His sober look, practicality, business grip attract spectators.

Lopahin is a merchant and represents the face of a new era, which is to be filled with Russia, destroy the former estates. The landowners are replaced by capitalists who, in turn, came out of the simple people, but received significant opportunities.

In fact, the story is not Nova and Chekhov did not heronize the figure of the rich blades, which can communicate on equal footing with people who actually owned His ancestors. Yermolai Alekseevich himself has a rather high degree of accurate reflection and does not feed the illusions to himself. He himself calls himself a simple man, and this makes sense, just as his ancestors got up climbing and went down to the night and worked, he also worries incessantly, simply changed conditions and now such people can led the capital.

In essence, Lapakhin is an illustration of how a more or less decent person will behave, which is allowed to certain possibilities. He leads itself in many ways ruthlessly and does not have the refinement of nature, high ideals and the mounds of the mind. At the same time, it is he describes a cherry garden reverent.

Although such a description is just beautiful words and easy movement of the soul, it really doesn't feel deep, he cannot understand deep feelings that have his owners to the garden. Yes, Lopakhina likes the garden, but most like money, and you like the opportunity to earn and work at all. Therefore, it easily with the garden breaks up and even more.

Chekhov skillfully presents some predatory, and, let's say, "the voracious" nature of the blades, who having achieved its (buying a garden) can no longer controllers. He enters and even cutting down the garden to the departure of the owners - probably it is to demonstrate their own power to hurt the Ranevskaya, but mostly Gaeva.

Of course, Yermolai is not negative in the literal character, but if you look at the landowners, it does not have special internal advantages. Lopahin knows about it and not sadness, because he can buy a garden, which can not landowners who do not fall asleep over the books, but not particularly awake for this harsh and simple new world, which foresaw Chekhov.

Essay about Lopakhina

Guy a man - talks about himself a whip. This image is collective and represents in some extent the rule of the new time.

Lopahin is really the ruler of the coming era, he managed to earn, thanks to new conditions. Such hardworking people become merchants and delta, the capital is narrowed. They are in the highest society, but do not claim high culture and high ideals, fall asleep over the books, but they work a lot.

For a shovel, the cherry garden (who, by the way, personifies Russia) does not carry any symbolic ideal or shrine, it is only a favorable space in order to make summer cottages and receive money for rent. After a very little time after Czechs write their own play, such men as a lopahin will be huge throughout the country, sites for summer residents, and indeed, as they say, "will be willing and shared." The blades are not particularly required in reality the comfort and grace of higher society, they are practical people.

Of course, for this world, people like leoping, simple and active, but when they become the main driving force and replace the elite, then the country from the cherry garden turns into vulgar sections for summer residents. Of course, happiness of Gaeva is also a vulgar, his boss is not good anywhere, however, the proletarian happiness of the blades does not look a healthy alternative.

After all, what happiness for the blades? We see at the end of the play, when he loses control, begins to shive and does not even give the Ranevskaya and the rest to leave the manor calmly, he begins to chop the garden with the former owners, in order to speak, poke the nose. Previously, the ancestors of the Lopakhina worked in this garden on their owners, and now he is the king of the world, who just reached his hump.

Yes, Lopahin is hardworking, but, in fact, he only reaches only rough strength. More or less normal education and some moral foundations, he received precisely thanks to the landlords and the Ranevskaya family in particular. By the way, with representatives of the highest class, he continues to behave taking into account herself, although it is only for him to get the desired, the former manners disappear and Lopahin becomes a simple and rude predator, which sees only the practical side of existence.

Of course, Chekhov sees a negative figure in the blades, he sees the natural course of the world in it, just as the seasons replace each other, so when the landowners become rampant, more practical and harsh blades come to shift. B is a change of epoch, which he exactly saw and described Chekhov in his own creation.

3 option

In the center of the plays of A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden" - Sale of a launched noble manor. The hosts, in the past, a rich noble family, - people who are not adapted to new living conditions. A representative of the new social force, which comes to replace the nobility at the beginning of the 20th century, - Bourgeoisie - is one of the heroes of the play - the merchant Lopakhin.

Lopakhin Yermolai Alekseevich - grandson and son of serfs, honest, hardworking, energetic person. The bulk of his state was earned by his own work. He is small, never studied anywhere. But he has a business grip, mind. Lopahin is entirely absorbed by some kind of business, he always lacks time, he is constantly in the roadway. Without work, it cannot. He only among the heroes of the play constantly looks at the clock and is interested in time. Lopahin does not regret to lend money to Ranenevskaya and Simeon-food, offers them Pet Trofimov. He is reasonable, but good, decent man.

Lopahin is not at all the nobles of the Ranevskaya and Gaev. On the contrary, he is experiencing a sense of sympathy, really wants to help. Lopahin does not want to destroy the cherry garden, but gives a practical advice: break the garden to the sections for cottages and renting for a reasonable fee. But for them, noble intellectuals, it sounds like an insult. The cherry garden for them is the personification of the noblest past. Lopahin cannot understand why all his impulses do not find a response. He is for them - the last chance. He is annoyed by their delay. For him, the garden is the subject of purchase and sale, favorable accommodation of capital.

The blades are not given personal happiness. His relationship with Varai is complex. She wants to get out of the blades of marry, seeing a suitable batch in it. But he slows the proposal to her, although he understands that he is waiting for it. He does not love her, he is bored with her. Lopahin is experiencing warm feelings to Ranevskaya. He remembers how she was good, defending in childhood from his father's beatings. Looks at her money, wants to help. But the love of Andreevna does not accept the feelings of the blades seriously.

As a result, it was the owner of the garden that turns out to the garden owner. He is happy, and confused at the same time. He is the owner of the estate, in which his grandfather and father were serfs. The acquisition of estates is a testimony of his life success, self-affirmation. He is shocked by the tears of Ranevskaya. In the last desperate words of the blades, which he addresses her, feeling an understanding of the inability to live as you want.

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How is the image of a bladler interpreted? Why doesn't Gaev love him?


Lopakhin is a representative of the bourgeoisie coming to replace the nobility. Chekhov wrote Stanislavsky: "Lopakhin, True, a merchant, but a decent person in every sense, he must be completely decent, intelligent, without focus."

The vulgarity of life comes on him from all sides, he acquires the features of the merchant, begins to establish its origin and unclear.


"God is merciful! My father was serfdom from your grandfather and father ... "

"... my dad was a man, an idiot, I did not understand anything, I did not taught me, but only beat Spyhan, and all the stick. In essence, and I am the same boy and idiot. Nothing studied, the handwriting is bad, I write so that from people conscientious like a pig. "


Why Petya talks about the "predatory beast" and "gentle soul"? How to understand it?


This character is not alien sentimentality. It is sensitive to poetry in the broad sense of the word, he, as he says Petya Trofimov, "Thin, tender fingers, like an artist ... a thin gentle soul."

Lopahin is sincerely ready to help Ranenevskaya, he is almost in love with her. In the end, he buys a cherry garden, i.e. Contrary to his desires.

Lopahin is very dependent on time. He constantly looks at the clock, drives himself and others: "It's time," "Sweep". He depends so much from the time that he does not dare to follow his feelings: he wants to see Ranevskaya, talking to her - and leaves, putting off the conversation. In his life there is their "ghosts", ambiguity, uncertainty, such as its relationship with Varai. With bitterness, Lopakhin is recognized as Petya: "And how many, brother, in Russia, people who exist unknown for what". Lopahin seized the cherry garden, but feels the fragility of his position, the rooted breaking of life is preformed. Thus, the "predatory beast" and "gentle soul" coexist in the shovel.


What quality will win in the blades?




What features of the blades are attractive?


Why did Gaev and Ranevskaya refuse to offer a leopard?


Lopahin pragmatik, man of business. Already in the first action, he joyfully announces: "There is a way out ... Here is my project. Attention please! Your estate is only twenty versts from the city, the railway passed near the river, and if the cherry garden and the land on the river were divided into the country sites and then leased under the cottages, then you will have the smallest twenty-five thousand in the year of income. "

True, this "output" is in a different, material plane - the plane of use and benefits, but not a beauty, so the owners of the garden it seems to be "vulgar".


The meaning of the complex and controversial image of Lopakhina is to show new "owners of life." In the replicas of the blades there are judgments that are not typical for his image. Most likely, the thoughts about the Motherland, about the awkward, unhappy life - this is the voice of the author.


Why does the lopahin do not make offers Vare?

What future is Russia talking about?

Why does he not call the life of "stupid", "awkward"?

What is the originality of the speech of the blades?

How does his attitude towards Ranenevskaya and Gaev?


1. D.N. Murin. Russian literature of the second half of the XIX century. Methodical recommendations in the form of the Pockery Planning. Grade 10. M.: Smio Press, 2002.

2. E.S. Corner. Russian literature of the XIX century. M.: Saga; Forum, 2004.

3. Encyclopedia for children. T. 9. Russian literature. Ch. I. From the epic and chronicles to the classics of the XIX century. M.: Avanta +, 1999.

One of the central images in the play "Cherry Garden" is a merchant leopain. Despite the fact that the action unfolds around the estate of the Andreevna Ranevskaya and her cherry garden, the blades can be confidently called the character's landlord. His fate is closely connected with the Ranevskaya family, because his father served the love of Andreevna, being still serf. Yermolai himself managed to get out of the "men", becoming a merchant and independently, without the help of his parents, having had a fortune. Energy, diligence and hardworking of the blades deserve undoubted respect.

However, Yermolay himself cannot break away from its origin, sincerely consider itself a nervous and ordinary man, illiterate and stupid. He says that nothing does not make sense in the books and has a bad handwriting. But the reader perceives the blades as a diligent worker, because the hero does not represent his life without work. A merchant knows how to earn money, knows the price of time, but it is not a nitrate Hapuga - just as easily he is ready to part with his money, if it can help someone. Lopahin sincerely worries for the Ranevskaya and her garden, helping to find a way out of the situation.

Among the many characters, the work of Ermolai Lopakhin is the only one who not only speaks and is experiencing about the garden, but also trying to do something. It is born by several real ideas of the rescue of the site, but due to the inactivity of the owners themselves, they all fail. Thus, in the image of the blades, the positive things are closely intertwined, it seems to exclude each other, but so harmoniously existing features in it: a business grip and sincere humanity, a desire to help a close person.

Other characters respond about Ermola completely differently. Ranevskaya warmth refers to an old friend, hardly did not grow in her eyes, but perceives him as a person of another circle, although she is interested in a merchant. The opposite attitude is diametrically observed by her brother, Gaeva: He calls the blades of Ham and a fist. The merchant itself this characteristic is absolutely not disturbing - the attitude of Andreevna love is much more important.

Considerable importance in the work has the history of the blades and var. Their relationships lead to the wedding, but Ermolai never marry a girl. It happens because of the incomprehension of characters: Varya honors the merchant to be practical, unable to love the Delian. However, after analyzing the images of these heroes, it is possible to make the opposite conclusion - cooking more dry, is limited to homemade hassle, the lopahin is a man of a broad soul and a thin organization. Absolute misunderstanding of each other and lead to the collapse of love relationships.

In the soul, Yermola also lives another, unspoken, but noticeable reader feeling - his bright and tremendous love for Ranevskaya. He is ready for anything at her request - even marry another. However, the landowner itself refers to the blades slightly condescendingly, as to the child she once washed. And when the merchant is finally aware of the insistency of the fact that he so long and cherished inside, it happens a fracture. Lopakhin buys the estate, awareness of his own power and importance drunk him. Being a completely unlumous man, Yermolay understands that, having bought a garden, he will not be able to take possession of the feelings of Ranenevskaya, and his dream will be lost finally and irrevocably. After the sale of the estate, the family travels around, the Ranevskaya itself leaves in Paris, and he remains very alone.