I.S. Shmelev "Unprecedented lunch" Analysis of the work

I.S. Shmelev "Unprecedented lunch" Analysis of the work

In the story I.S. Shmelev "Unprecedented lunch" skillfully combines the descriptive side of the plot, designed to capture the folk traditions of the festive feast, and the analytical line, during which the author raises the most important problems associated with the national character and self-awareness.

The story opens with a description of hectic cooking. On the one hand, I.S. At the same time, the bumblebee emphasizes the traditional Russian hospitality: dinner is prepared for the Englishman. And on the other hand, it hurts the writer to see the slavement worship in front of a foreigner, even if he did not even deserve such respects to himself.

However, I.S. Shmelev will not bother to praise for Russian crafts. So in the story is the guiver of the guarantee, which was so skillful in his business that "Galka Out of the Ryabik." The writer emphasizes that the gift was tasty to cook the guarantee of God: all the favorite heroes I.S. Shmeleva live with God's help and in God are relieved. With an extraordinary talent, the guarantees sharply contrasts its appearance: the guarantee comes to the house of the customer in a silent jacket without buttons and pea pantals. Not once emphasizes I.S. Bumblebees and an invalid nature of the guarantee that clearly prevents his career. No wonder they call him the "Caerznik of the Self", for this it and from the palace. Translating the names of the Chair, the guarantee to prepare a real English dinner issues a refined menu, which can be successful to stretch for a week, casually mentioned that the ambassadors fed. It is felt that the scandalous guarantee sincerely loves his job. He gradually opens his cooking tricks in the story - professional secrets: "Hare pie ... Yes, without a hare I'll get up: the pate of the rippled demand is not distinguished." For the embodiment of culinary art, the guarantees have no trifles. Everything must be in perfect order. Even firewood without a bitch. All the best. During the work, he overcomes a guarantee special inspiration. Everyone says that at these moments it is better not to contact him. The answer to the reasons for all the quad of the cook is easy to find: it requires respect for his work and talent.

When waiting, the dinner is remembered about the competition of Englishman Kings with a carpenter Martyn in the swim from the Crimean bridge to Vorobyovka, described in detail in the story "Martyn and King". The Englishman in it looks like a cheater and a dexter, absolutely not worthy of such an exquisite lunch.

The techniques of reception certainly want everything to be at the highest level. Even cigars for the holiday are seized, because "the British without cigars cannot". On the feast comes out important, smashed guests. The Englishman also looks a solid man: he is in a suntuk, with him - a stick with a dog head. Showering him a valid reception, they still laugh when he instead of "juniper" says "Myshelika" or something similar to "Mouse Tree".

King is very pleased with the treat, but after lunch, it suddenly becomes bad. Everyone thinks that he was poisoned, but soon it turns out that the guarantee put the Castorca Peak-Peak sauce from mischiefs, although the irrefutable evidence did not find it. In the final it becomes clear that someone has fallen into the sauce in the sauce. So the mysterious Russian soul manifests itself in fact. On the one hand, there is a desire to let dust in the eyes, and on the other hand, the abdominal need to pump King for the farewell for the fact that he earned his cunning and grieving in Russia two hundred thousand: he reinforced everyone who could have got on and in Russian squeezed kichliness, and on an incentive openness.

I.S. Schmelev acts in this story not only as a brilliant life-being, but also as a subtle psychologist, an expert of human nature.

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In the story I.S. Shmelev "Unprecedented lunch" skillfully combines the descriptive side of the plot, designed to capture the folk traditions of the festive feast, and the analytical line, during which the author raises the most important problems associated with the national character and self-awareness.

The story opens with a description of hectic cooking. On the one hand, I.S. At the same time, the bumblebee emphasizes the traditional Russian hospitality: dinner is prepared for the Englishman. And on the other hand, it hurts the writer to see the slavement worship in front of a foreigner, even if he did not even deserve such respects to himself.

However, I.S. Shmelev will not bother to praise for Russian crafts. So in the story is the guiver of the guarantee, which was so skillful in his business that "Galka Out of the Ryabik." The writer emphasizes that the gift was tasty to cook the guarantee of God: all the favorite heroes I.S. Shmeleva live with God's help and in God are relieved. With an extraordinary talent, the guarantees sharply contrasts its appearance: the guarantee comes to the house of the customer in a silent jacket without buttons and pea pantals. Not once emphasizes I.S. Bumblebees and an invalid nature of the guarantee that clearly prevents his career. No wonder they call him the "Caerznik of the Self", for this it and from the palace. Translating the names of the Chair, the guarantee to prepare a real English dinner issues a refined menu, which can be successful to stretch for a week, casually mentioned that the ambassadors fed. It is felt that the scandalous guarantee sincerely loves his job. He gradually opens his cooking tricks in the story - professional secrets: "Hare pie ... Yes, without a hare I'll get up: the pate of the rippled demand is not distinguished." For the embodiment of culinary art, the guarantees have no trifles. Everything must be in perfect order. Even firewood without a bitch. All the best. During the work, he overcomes a guarantee special inspiration. Everyone says that at these moments it is better not to contact him. The answer to the reasons for all the quad of the cook is easy to find: it requires respect for his work and talent.

When waiting, the dinner is remembered about the competition of Englishman Kings with a carpenter Martyn in the swim from the Crimean bridge to Vorobyovka, described in detail in the story "Martyn and King". The Englishman in it looks like a cheater and a dexter, absolutely not worthy of such an exquisite lunch.

The techniques of reception certainly want everything to be at the highest level. Even cigars for the holiday are seized, because "the British without cigars cannot". On the feast comes out important, smashed guests. The Englishman also looks a solid man: he is in a suntuk, with him - a stick with a dog head. Showering him a valid reception, it is still laughing at him when he instead of the "juniper" says "Miji-Clear" or something similar to "Mouse Tree".

King is very pleased with the treat, but after lunch, it suddenly becomes bad. Everyone thinks that he was poisoned, but soon it turns out that the guarantee put the Castorca Peak-Peak sauce from mischiefs, although the irrefutable evidence did not find it. In the final it becomes clear that someone has fallen into the sauce in the sauce. So the mysterious Russian soul manifests itself in fact. On the one hand, there is a desire to let dust in the eyes, and on the other hand, the abdominal need to pump King for the farewell for the fact that he earned his cunning and grieving in Russia two hundred thousand: he reinforced everyone who could have got on and in Russian squeezed kichliness, and on an incentive openness.

"Unprecedented lunch"

In the story I.S. Shmelev "Unprecedented lunch" skillfully combines the descriptive side of the plot, designed to capture the folk traditions of the festive feast, and the analytical line, during which the author raises the most important problems associated with the national character and self-awareness.

The story opens with a description of hectic cooking. On the one hand, I.S. At the same time, the bumblebee emphasizes the traditional Russian hospitality: dinner is prepared for the Englishman. And on the other hand, it hurts the writer to see the slavement worship in front of a foreigner, even if he did not even deserve such respects to himself.

However, I.S. Shmelev will not bother to praise for Russian crafts. So in the story is the guiver of the guarantee, which was so skillful in his business that "Galka Out of the Ryabik." The writer emphasizes that the gift was tasty to cook the guarantee of God: all the favorite heroes I.S. Shmeleva live with God's help and in God are relieved. With an extraordinary talent, the guarantees sharply contrasts its appearance: the guarantee comes to the house of the customer in a silent jacket without buttons and pea pantals. Not once emphasizes I.S. Bumblebees and an invalid nature of the guarantee that clearly prevents his career. No wonder they call him the "Caerznik of the Self", for this it and from the palace. Translating the names of the Chair, the guarantee to prepare a real English dinner issues a refined menu, which can be successful to stretch for a week, casually mentioned that the ambassadors fed. It is felt that the scandalous guarantee sincerely loves his job. He gradually opens his cooking tricks in the story - professional secrets: "Hare pie ... Yes, without a hare I'll get up: the pate of the rippled demand is not distinguished." For the embodiment of culinary art, the guarantees have no trifles. Everything must be in perfect order. Even firewood without a bitch. All the best. During the work, he overcomes a guarantee special inspiration. Everyone says that at these moments it is better not to contact him. The answer to the reasons for all the quad of the cook is easy to find: it requires respect for his work and talent.

When waiting, the dinner is remembered about the competition of Englishman Kings with a carpenter Martyn in the swim from the Crimean bridge to Vorobyovka, described in detail in the story "Martyn and King". The Englishman in it looks like a cheater and a dexter, absolutely not worthy of such an exquisite lunch.

The techniques of reception certainly want everything to be at the highest level. Even cigars for the holiday are seized, because "the British without cigars cannot". On the feast comes out important, smashed guests. The Englishman also looks a solid man: he is in a suntuk, with him - a stick with a dog head. Showering him a valid reception, it is still laughing at him when he is instead of the "juniper" says "Miji-Chalk" or something similar to the "Mouse Tree".

King is very pleased with the treat, but after lunch, it suddenly becomes bad. Everyone thinks that he was poisoned, but soon it turns out that the guarantee put the Castorca Peak-Peak sauce from mischiefs, although the irrefutable evidence did not find it. In the final it becomes clear that someone has fallen into the sauce in the sauce. So the mysterious Russian soul manifests itself in practice. On the one hand, there is a desire to let dust in the eyes, and on the other hand, the abdominal need to pump King for the farewell for the fact that he earned his cunning and grieving in Russia two hundred thousand: he reinforced everyone who could have got on and in Russian squeezed kichliness, and on an incentive openness.

I.S. Schmelev acts in this story not only as a brilliant life-being, but also as a subtle psychologist, an expert of human nature.

"Unprecedented lunch"

We have a lot of turmoil in our house: an unprecedented dinner is preparing, for the Englishman, - for the guarantee from Mitreva, the restaurant ran. I ask Gorkina: "Is that why, unprecedented? Is he an important Englishman? At the king, it looks like: eh?" And he is angry, says: "I still say something - in the king ... I scored money from the fools, and he is respectful!" - "What kind of fools, why?" - "And well, you ... dad will also hear."

Vasil Vasich himself ran after the guarantee, only hardly grabs fresh: Sunday; The guarantee is perhaps without the rear legs. In the office - Father with Firsanov. As a parade, we have lunch - always Firsanov. The war was celebrated when the splashelev praised, "the firsmen was also. He sits on the sofa; In the mouth of a cigar, - jumps under the lip, - and I look at her, no matter how the Bengnebards would not catch fire. Sleeping blue smoke; Father does not like, and the alarouse is harmful, but Firsanov poisoned, he could not without a cigar. I sit next to him and even hear through the cigar, as the chefs smell like, - such a spirit from him, confectionery. English dinner of Firsanov is not taken, can only serve; I would take, perhaps, Labunova, from Count Sheremetyeva, and he, in sin, asked to the reverend. Father asks if the guarantee will cope.

He will cope with it, and you yourself know what kind of person ... Self Kaverznik, for the same and from the palace. And all sorts of sauce will be, such a gift from God. At Prince Dolgorukova lived - and that - heated, Ge-non-Ral Governor! His prince at twenty-four hours from Moscow throw out threatened, yes ... very, a scoundrel, piers knows how well, no, no and sends him for the guarantee, two gendarme take it. And in order to make him a rowan two bottles, otherwise it is not for nothing ... at least in Siberia, says what. As he ruled the year at Sudak-Pasha ... on the hook, Sudak Pasha in captivity lived. Kolata what a guarantee presented.

He, with ... with ... They say, the cats fried him.

Cats are not cats, but daws over the tankman. Such a gift from God.

Father says that the merchants respect the Englishman, for a farewell, and his face is not suitable in the dirt, it is necessary for the Russian honor; Go to myself, will tell about Moscow.

And I was taught to ride, and I taught to swim, I was still a boy. Famous person, it is necessary, Gubonin in "Moscow" his fodder. Kumanin on the French manner, all sorts of salads were, and I want to surprise him, in a surprise, I am true English to treat.

It is built on the door of the vortex head of Vasil Vasilich, the eye is having fun shooting, the swollen face is red, - I really managed to refuel.

He led, with, - whisper says oblique, as if what kind of secret, - freshly captured-with ...- and joyfully shakes Kohll.

What are you happy? - Says father.- Recoded? Let's guarantee.

It turns out a red laid guarantee. On it, a rustling jacket without buttons, pea pantalons, lungs; Kalosha on Bosu's leg; In the hairy fist, the carriage with a bent visor similar to the coil. Eyes green, daring; Lucky, high, - a lively robber, Gorkine him all like that.

U, Garan ... - Rocks Benbankards of Firsanov, - do not know about the order, do not greet? You called you into the house, and you are purely from the hectrian market.

Well, hello ...- reluctantly says the guarantee. "But I don't need a duck ..." And he turns sideways.

Not needed - I would not call, - says father. - Can you be English?

Why not me! - The guy speaks through the lip. - Sudak Pasha did not prepare. How can you be the front or simple?

Parade. British Watch, famous man.

U-y ... the most English? "Moisten a guarantee and begins to wind up, as if he wants to throw a galosh.

No, first aist, after Talk! - Says Father, frowning.

What is it like? - The guarantee is shaken. Dortko. - You do not want - I can go! - And again turns sideways.

That's why you were driven out of the palace ...- His Firsanov threatens, - for your Caverza! And you break - Labunov Take.

Call Labunov. Break only ... la-bu but-wa! - And he leaves.

Here, with ... with ...! - Says Father and drops knuckles-scores.

Dresvalt to report, with ...- Wasil Vasilich is encouraged. - I didn't go-s, now it will cost ... not with you, not fresh.

Is it really English? - hearses for oblique. - When do you please?

Dared? Tomorrow it is necessary.

Can. Love raging. Soup from the tails is the first pleasure to them. I will not find the fish of the fish - the Somovans will take, under a synderer with cinema, respect the cinen trees. Rosetiv, understandable, on a sherry with cinema, Zarekov. Turkey, again under cinema ... it is possible and a lamp of fillet, under garlic, madnoal sauce, with wild honey on broken cream, bustry bars. Well, puddings are understandable, with the milking ... yes, the ambassadors fed! Snacks there, vodka juniper, porter, understandable ...

This is hard to equip it.

Dresvolt, I will say, with ...- the head of oblique, - is bitterly silent, with interceptive-s!

For their cheese ... rubbers are grated, - liver, on cognac. Hare pie ... Yes, without a hare, I'll get around: the pate of the rippled need is not to be distinguished. Want - for yourself in my summer, and then I can in Ogotny? .. ourselves. Only full to be willing me, girlfriend and copper dishes, clean the kitchen ... Out of the laid, two bottles of holes. After dinner, the hurry! - And, the wretched head, goes away.

Oh, with ... with ..., - says father.

And in the palace, as they suffered ...- says Firsanov, - the main cook has not worked out of him. Because of the pies only tolerated ... expelled.

Dosvalt say, "Skit," Mr. Entaltsev, a congratulations to King, is being built. And I can, he says, for the conclusion, for a conversation, he knows how in their own ... Bakhrushin was sitting in a surtuk, talking to King. Asks to dine, for a conversation.

Won that. It would be nice, however ...- says, thinking about, father, - Kumanin's governess spoke, the director from Bromleus. Though can King in our opinion, and it would be necessary. Yes, just as if not got drunk ... And he does not have a decent one. Well, you can give him a furout.

Now dressed goes, after the aunt, the thousands of rubles got him. And now only Portwine drinks. Well, pour him a glass, but do not put the cups.

Let the evening go, see. You get a bit ... together with a Tetkin Trecen, I do not care, I know you!

And no, no, Speak only treated, on the occasion of the aunt.

In the kitchen, the guarantee is noise. Marnushka even made an image and geranku, sits - hurt in the front, without a pier, sighs-whispers: "Unclean power, anhyna!" I show her, in consolation, pictures in remembrance, as the soul is walking in ottomania. She sighs, pushing his finger into the picture: "Won, he is burning in hell ... a lively guarantee! And red, and the eye is green, anger ... the same dropsy!" In the kitchen, they say that is a hectic hell. Cook squeezes in Chad, jump out on the courtyard, like shruging, the napes rub all: the rolling of the guarantee is too much. They thunder the pots, the stove sohes, - no matter how the fire has done. Kosy looks into the kitchen window and departs on tiptoe, raising his hands: "Oh, what a wiser gets out!" I requested the ice basket, firewood, so that without a bitch, birch ... Such Leester registered - half in the Ogotny did not take out, and drove to Andreev, to Tverskaya. Lemons, Sindere, wild honey sticks, the peppers of the most caustic, tails, beaches ... It did not look at Ryabchikov - "With a shot, do not suit!". On some kind of gingerbread pineapple pineapple koki ... Cook squeezed: "Melch colitis, and Lucin tells to pinch!" - Firwood is dissatisfied. In the kitchen Log in - God Save! The janitor wore firewood ... "To look scary," he says, "drinks a knife, and the fire and ice!" Everyone says: "He is so eaten, but as in business - and do not bind to it better, stops the knife." I do not "come to the kitchen."

In the evening, Gorkin with a speed is sitting under the shed on the boards, something everyone whisper. I ask again why the lunch is unprecedented, and Gorkin is only: "Daddy's dad, not our deal with you." Scorch says: "They are not dinner, and on the necks ... we won the Turks, and they hurt us!" I ask: "Who is the neck?" And Gorkin is angry: "There is nothing to ventive." And suddenly the guarantee runs out of the kitchen! And - right under the well. Screams oblique: "Download, weave!" Fuck the cap, pulls out a bottle and, out of the neck, - Bul-Bul-Boule. The guards of the guards are terrible - blood, on the apron - the knife is huge, dangles. Sits on the boards, scary. "The pepper with this eyes turned ... Capricious devils. Each person eats and praises, and enthi ... Everything is not for them. It was hidden in the palaces of the ambassadors of these! He did not look at you, but ... mice, with ... with ... ... such a fucking, I, the first person! " Scoring will respect the guarantee:

And this is what, pay attention ... Why did they prevent us from? We won the Turks, and they ...

Darmotes, nothing more! - shouts by a terrible voice of the guarantee and again boulevard. - Sudak lived ... The checkbox served them, Lo-fallen! With them how to get used? .. Lo-Pai! And that - to the tavern for the tail! ..

And he is honor-respect, both! - Says Kosoya. - I got out of our eyes. Pankratych knows how Martyn deceived ... His Martyn wrigglened, on the Moscow-River they swam. The gentlemen were spoiled, he got a hundred thousand, he taught ride! Without his mind, it is not his mind ... Ten years of that Cossacks were lured by Hodynka, one hundred rubles a mortgage: please feel, you can boring a griven with earth, on the whole go? And our bows. "Would you like to boring?" - "I do not wish. I do not want to beat the face to beat ... You have a bit face, and I have a fault." Trick turned out to be. Palceseyster begged, Kozlov: "Mr. King, whitewashing housing, show the deck!" The Cossacks were given to him: "We put the griven on the cloudy, the muzzles do not damage, prove it!" Did not, can not. "I," says, a scientist learned. " Appeared. One hundred rubles for a day I expelled! Barin Aleksandrov Sreda burned, spinning with him, all the roads opened to him. And Mr. Entaltsev, our drunkard ... I also spent the wholest. They ended out, and King's hundred thousand scored, and honor - respect to him. There is a daddy's dad ...- tells me Vasil Vasylich, Pyryzheny Eye, - and you do not tell what Kosy spoke ... We are talking about themselves.

Why a hell of such a kick in the belly? - Screams as a guarantee, and Gorkine is affectionately: "Not with noise, not Shumi, Garana." - Not noise ... I would know - I would not take it back ... From respect only to the customer. Three peppers, a hell! "The whole hunt I have lost. Thienutes mine, how ...

Bulcks from the bottle and goes to noise into the kitchen. Cooks that peeking out in the window are hidden. The gate shows Mr. Entallase, in Caccished jacket, in a hat and with a cane: goes, waving. On him, even a collar is starchy, and it was rapid about him, only the nose swelled even more and cried and the gray bags under the eyes were shrouded below.

It's easy to risen, "Smasha says," Sit, Mr. Entaltsev.

A, cutie ...- Entallase and Treplet me on the cheek, are fallen dad, Valeryan Dmitry, they say, at an invitation, for conversation.

I am talking, "says oblique," don't worry, your affair is on a mase; Write, the sleeper you and the velvet vest, in the flower, picked up.

I will see if I still will go. Cigars, most importantly, do not forget, the British without cigars can not. It happened, smoked - a witch thing!

So frozen.

Not frozen, but ... benevolent. King, it happened, I gave the boots, but - two hundred thousand from us lucky! I meet the man - give the fourth, until tomorrow ... money in a bank, a bank on the castle, a holiday. Cherish! Well, not a squaleget? .. Damn with him, I will go to the feast, I will give pleasure for chic.

Gorkine twists his head and waves: "A, sin with you!" - And goes to himself in the camork.

They go to dinner - Kashina, Copov, Boutins-Lesniki, Bolchovetin-Prasol, - In Long Sirtures, Important. Baryni, in noisy dresses, in hats, with golden long chains in moving, are seated in the living room. Firsanov looks over the main table, littered with silver and crystals. From the corridor, I can see how the enthallas sits under the ficus and rubs his hands, and then he will start his fingers over his fingers and hurt, poking. Looks at itself a surpetuk, a blue velvet vest in floweries. Laughing, ask him: "From living or from the dead?" These are such shops. He squeezes the rolled mustache and tries to laugh, "It's a shame as if:" It's not time to go, brothers, drink? Isn't it time to eat? " They say - it's time, yes King here it was late. On the parade shouts oblique: "King was brought, adjust!" Father says: "Pantelemanon, or if they brought ... Prior." King enters, in an important source and gray pants, bald, dry, tall, in reddish tanks, puts a stick with a dog head, and he leads to a dining room to eat. The enthallats shakes with King, King laughs: "A, Ma-Shaykin!" Father encourages: "Talk, not Roby." Waiters Judy, with plates. Entaltsev smocks: "Ambre with a clove!" - And he says: "Alon!" - It must be English word. They say: "Nallem!" And King says, very good: "Let's drink." Firsanov asks: "The most English cheese, with cinema-s!" They pour king juniper, which is called in English - "Gin". Entaltsev sticks to King: "Say - Junijhek!" They say: "And well, recall!" King says: "Miji-shallow!" Laughing: Mouse Trees. Entaltsev walks with two bottles, singing "Arrogo": "I want to check you out, I will push it, I will write off ..." Skit behind the doors whispers: "There will be no talk now, there will be no conversation from him." Black Kashin, the godfather, shouts to the Entaltsev: "Varya, Putar him according to them!" Entaltsev says quickly, familiar: "An-Ki-lane-ki-divers-friend - Tiber-Faber-Tiber-Pooh", and he himself cries. King is bursting to him: "Gaulau", and the enthallas in vain: "Zendel-Ventel Goat challenged, king money took away!" Ride, shout: "Strive!" King takes Ethartsev for the nose: "Ti Zulik, Ma-Shaykin!" Enhatsev speaks into his nose: "All the birth words knows, we trained it with Vaska Alexandrov ... Say:" Damn! "King arranges his lips to whistle, and speaks" Tchart ". Then he says:" TRA-PA! "Firsanov asks" to try out the most which the British respect, calling "Spi-de-us," - all the ambassadors eat, the cook praises. "They say:" And well, what's the thing "Sleep-I will not-give"? "King tries to the fork something thick, red, goes away and picks up the spirit. Says, choker:" U-y ... Casserie ... Pi-peak ... Our sauce! "Drinks Junivelovka and gaining" pi- ki-peak ". Take others, say:" U, angry, do not exfoliate. "And King eats with pleasure, scrolls:" Not the whole mock peak our peak! "The enthallas also imposes a" peak peak "too Food! Pravit - Loses: "honey ... okay well ... Under it, you will drink the sea!" - the vest strokes. The father will take him away. King imposes a "Pi-Peak", says: "Ma-Shaykin", - Good .

Move to dinner, in the hall. Served soup from tailings, "Hare Pie". Pick up, this never ate. King says: "This one ... as wat, soft grain," and asks another piece. Kosy looks with me behind the door, everything is riveted. It smells from him vodka, the eyes stopped, scary. Everyone goes into the dining room, to eat. They carry the Somovin with a red sauce, then turkey under cinema ... Entaltseva has no glasses, but he is made from his neighbors. Wish: "Well, talk!" Entaltsev gets up with a glass and starts - in English: "Gau-laau ... Miki-Wiki ... I'll do it ..." - as the most real Englishman. Spit whispers: "Look you, as different." Everyone laughs, King says: "Ti ... Ma-Shaykin!" They carry "pudding with a flame", the most important thing is on silver dishes of turrets, ruddy, in pupils, from the stern and on the sides, blue lights are winding. King shouts joyful: "Bravo, our pudding, cheers!" Skit suddenly screams, runs up in the hall and begins to dance, like drunk. Fire spilled from the dish, the waiter stumbled. Nothing, put out oblique, returned to me, says: "Everything burns in me, I will go on." In the hall shouting that the fire must be poured. Champagne! Clap cork. Stretch to king choking. Pass in the living room, coffee. King falls apart in chairs, litter the "royal" cigar. All are separated by cigars. Take "for memory" and non-smoking. Enhatsev fuss in pockets. Steel clouds smoke. Drain coffee with some kind of "keckers", on pineapple. King is delighted with: "Ma ... Shaykin!" - So, very good. We are trying on the door: not at all gingerbread, but a cake with jam and almond. Passing the godfather, notes me, raises and says: "We go, the Song of the British, the master you". Brings and put in front of King. King clicks on me with his teeth, takes out a silver patch from the wallet and says: "On Costinters, on tea ... Buy Sugari-sweets ... Space Song Little ... Bau-Bau." I am ashamed, but everyone is asked, and the Father Meld to sing. I start "ah, I got, a bird, stand," I look into the bug on the stomach at King and I see how he ... no longer see the junction, and the big hand is thring in his vest, and as if something heels there. I remember, "release to fly, unleash the network ..." - and suddenly the vest rises, and the gray knees go somewhere ... They say: "Something with him, look at what!" King stands at the door, bends and chasing, rubbed belly. Requests: "Drive me ... shy ... very soon ... won't bearing." Father manits him, runs, swing the doors in Songy. King goes, grabbing the stomach. In the Gogot Living Room, everyone will give, say: "This is treated in English! "In the Seine, terrible noise, as if they beat into the floor legs. Scream:" Does not let, the door on the hook! "King will be touched up, to another place. Father accounts to oblique:" What a locker, scammer? "-" Well, no urine! " - Says oblique, pale, it is unlike the enthalsers running, swinging: "Cuts the knives!" - Shouts in the Senah: "Do I haven't poisoned, God forbid?" - They say around: "Self!" - "No , it's not from fire, but ... the peak is this ... he ate how much! And our Barin turned around ... SPI of it. "

Kosoy waiters lead to the workshop: quite, they say, turned. Do not cholera Lee, on cunning, they say, three yesterday passed away. King, green, put on the sofa in the dining room. Care asks. They say: "Do not let the raw water, give him vodka with salt." Do entaleseva, laid on the pillows to the floor. Dracks of Dr. Inozetsev. Both grind and moan. Sent for Dr. Wedge, Erast Erassch. Father is confused: three more people. Wedge - in the city hospital, near. It comes, inspects, making a vomit to give and milk more, compress ... It is possible that they poisoned, says.

Guests are moving away. Wedge Meld to call the chef as a guarantee, but the guarantee without rear legs. Truth his ears are carpenters, lead to a feeling. He might and miracle: "re-looked ... wild honey ... three sticks ..." This is in the "peak peak". Martushka comes from the kitchen, shouts: "What is there, he, a robber ... Castor was in a corner, the riding boots Barina lubricate, in her sauce and surveyed, from mischiefs, the cook was told!" Wedge says: "Well, it's nothing, just useful ... Yes, with pepper, now I had a quick action." Tell show sauce. The frightened Firsanov reports: "What was - all Vasil Vasili licked, really liked."

And it was a laughter! So everyone said after, in the saying: "Look, do not eat much," Kings "would not have happened." The next morning is asked as a guarantee, and he does not remember. "What am I, the enemy, that, myself, myself! This is an old woman to me with anger attack, poured!" They ask cook, and they frightened, bite - they did not see anything, and the old woman grew up, as Gerasim, the Seeds left. They ask Marta, and she - at least to raise icons, all the holy life is: "What am I, bad, what kind of people?"

So nothing was realized.

Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev - Unprecedented lunchreading text

See also Shmelev Ivan Sergeevich - Prose (stories, poems, novels ...):

Unfortunate Bowl
Sades from Lyapunovka and the surrounding area love to led guests to the Lyapoo ...

I looked forward to summer, watching his approach in good ...