Maurice Meterlink "Blind": Pieces plot and its meaning. Plots, Images and Symbols of Early Drama Meterlinka "Blind

Maurice Meterlink
Maurice Meterlink "Blind": Pieces plot and its meaning. Plots, Images and Symbols of Early Drama Meterlinka "Blind

Maurice Meterlink


A priest.

The first is elbowed.

The second is elborn.

Third elbow.

The oldest blind.

Fifth blind.

Sixth blind.

Three blind old women immersed in prayer.

The oldest blind.

Young blind.

Sleeping persistent.

Old old, primitive northern forest under a high starry sky. In the middle, shrouded in a night darkness, sits a decrepid priest in a wide black raincoat. He threw back his head, leaned against a high dubbed oak and froze in dead immobility. From the person does not come off wax yellowness, the blue lips are semorabry. Dumb stopped eyes are no longer watching apparently Eternity, they seemed to bloody from innumerable, unforgettable torments and tears. Straight and rare strands of strict gray hair fall on his face, and his face is lighter and still most of all that surrounds him in a sensible silence of the sullen forest. Standing hands he folded on his knees. On the right, six blind old people are sitting on stones, stumps and dry leaves. On the left, separated from the old people with a tree with naked roots and fragments of the rock, sit face for six women, blindly blind. Three of them with deaf voices all the time pray and hide. The fourth is extremely old. The fifth in the pose, testifying to the quiet obstruction, keeps the sleeping child on his knees. The sixth is strikingly young; Framed hair closes the mill. On women, like on the old men, wide, dark and monotonous clothes. Almost all of them, putting his elbows on her knees and closing her face with their hands, waiting for something; They must have long been overwhelmed from unnecessary gestures and do not turn their heads to unclear disturbing sounds, which are heard on this island. High cemetery trees - tees walking Willow, Cypress - extend their reliable canopy over them. Not far from the priest in the night darkness, high asphoderels bloom. On stage is extremely dark, despite moonlightWhich in some way trying at least for a moment break through the foliage and cut the darkness.

The first is elbowed. He has not returned yet?

The second is elborn. You woke me up!

The first is elbowed. I also slept.

Third elbow. And I.

The first is elbowed. He has not returned yet?

The second is elborn. Do not hear draws.

Third elbow. It's time to return to the shelter.

The first is elbowed. You need to know where we are.

The second is elborn. After his care walked.

The first is elbowed. You need to know where we are.

The oldest blind. Who knows where we are?

The oldest blind. We walked for a very long time; We must be far from the shelter.

The first is elbowed. BUT! Women in front of us?

The oldest blind. We sit against you.

The first is elbowed. Wait, I will come to you now. (Rises and goes up.) Where are you? .. Serve voice to hear where you are!

The oldest blind. Here. We sit on the stones.

First elbow(It goes ahead and stumps on the trunk of the tree and the fragments of the rock). Something separates us ...

The second is elborn. It is better not to touch!

Third elbow. Where are you sitting? .. Do you want to go to us?

The oldest blind. We do not dare to climb!

Third elbow. Why did he disconnect us?

The first is elbowed. I hear women pray.

The second is elborn. Yes, it pray three old women.

The first is elbowed. Now not the time to pray!

The second is elborn. You pour later in the bedroom.

Three old women continue to pray.

Third elbow. I want to know who sits with me nearby.

The second is elborn. I think I'm with you.

Feel the items around themselves.

Third elbow. We cannot touch each other!

The first is elbowed. However, we close apart from each other. (It continues to feel the objects and hurts the fifth blind stick, the deep moat.) Next to us the one who does not hear!

The second is elborn. I will not hear everyone; We recently had six.

The first is elbowed. I'm starting to pay a report. Ask for women; You need to know what to do. I hear how three old women pray, - are they together?

The oldest blind. They sit next to me on the stone.

The first is elbowed. I'm sitting on fallen leaves!

Third elbow. And where is the beautiful blind?

The oldest blind. She is next to those who pray.

The second is elborn. And where is the fastened with the child?

Young blind. He sleeps, do not wake him!

The first is elbowed. Oh, how are you far from us! And I thought you were opposite me.

Third elbow. We learned almost everything you need; Let's chat now waiting for his arrival.

The oldest blind. He ordered us to wait for him silently.

Third elbow. We are not in the church.

The oldest blind. You do not know where we are.

Third elbow. I'm scared when I'm silent.

The second is elborn. Do not know where the priest gone?

Third elbow. It seems to me that he left us for a long time.

The first is elbowed. He is angles. It seems to be blind too. He does not want to admit to the fear of this, no matter how anyone else has taken his place with us, but I suspect that he does not see anything. We need another conductor. He does not listen to us, and we are much. He is and three nuns - that's all the vile in our shelter, and all of them older than us! .. I'm sure he got lost and now looking for the road. Where did he go? .. He does not dare to throw us ...

The oldest blind. He left away. It seems to be women warned.

The first is elbowed. He is only with women and says! .. And what about what? .. In the end, it will be necessary to complain.

The oldest blind. Who will you complain?

The first is elbowed. I don't know yet. Let's see, let's see ... But where did he go? .. I appeal to this question for women.

The oldest blind. He is tired of long walk. It seems that he sat down for a minute with us. He is in itself for several days. After the death of the doctor, he began to be afraid. He will keep away everyone. Almost all the time silent. I do not know what happened to him. He certainly wanted to go out today. Said he wants to look at the island with sunlight in last time Before winter. Winter will seem to be long and cold; Ice flores already sailed from the north. He was very worried - he said that as a result of heavy rains, the river had spread and broke through all dams. He also said that he was frightened by the sea, it was really worried about, and the coastal cliffs are low. He wanted to see himself, but did not tell us anything ... Now he must have followed bread and water for an obsessed. He said that it goes far ... Let's wait.

Young blind. Before leaving, he held my hands long. His hands trembled as if from fear. Then he kissed me ...

The first is elbowed. ABOUT! ABOUT!

Young blind. I interviewed him what happened. He said that he knew nothing. Said that the kingdom of old people, apparently, comes an end ...

The first is elbowed. What did he want to say?

Young blind. I do not understand. He said that he was going to a big lighthouse.

The first is elbowed. Is there a lighthouse here?

Young blind. Yes, in the northern part of the island. I think it is not far. He said that the fire of the beacon was visible from here- breaks through between the branches. Today he was somehow especially sad. I think all these the last days He often cries. I do not know why, but I cried, myself without noticing. I did not hear how he left. I did not ask him anymore. I felt that he smiled in a sad smile; I felt that he closed his eyes and that it was difficult for him to speak ...

Old northern forest under a high starry sky. Looking at the trunk of an old duplicate oak, a decrepid priest froze in a dead immobility. The blue lips of his half collapse, the stopped eyes do not look at this, visible side of eternity. Eashadowed hands are folded on the knees. To the right of him on the stones, stumps and dry leaves are sitting six blind old people, and the left, face to them - six blind women. Three of them are always praying and treated. The fourth is the old woman. The fifth, in a quiet area, holds a sleeping child on his knees. The sixth is strikingly young, her loose hair flows over shoulders. And women and old men are dressed in broad, dark, monotonous clothes. All of them, putting hands on her knees and closing her face with their hands, waiting for something. High cemetery trees - tees, dyeing willow, cypresses - stretch their reliable canopy over them. Darkness.

Blind talks to each other. They are concerned about the long lack of a priest. The oldest blind person says that the priest is not for himself a few days that he began to be afraid after the doctor died. The priest was worried that winter could be long and cold. His scarecrow sea, he wanted to look at the coastal cliffs. Young blindly tells that before leaving the priest held her hands for a long time. He was beating a shiver, as if from fear. Then he kissed the girl and left.

"Leaving, he said the" late night! " - remembers someone from the blind. They listened to the rocks of the sea. The noise of waves is unpleasant. Blind recall that the priest wanted to show them the island on which their shelter is. That is why he brought them closer to the seashore. "It is impossible to wait forever to wait for the villages of Doodourt," he said blindly trying to determine the time of day. Some of them seem that they feel the moonlight, feel the presence of the stars is the least delicate of those who are elusive ("I hear only our breathing [...] I never felt them," one of them notes). I want to return to the shelter. The far battle of the clock is heard - twelve shocks, but midnight is either noon, blind can not understand. Night birds gloatingly clap the wings over their heads. One of the blind suggests, if the priest does not come, return to the shelter, focusing on the noise of the river flowing uncounted. Others are going to wait without touching. Blinds tell each other, where he came to the island, young blindly remembers his distant homeland, sun, mountains, extraordinary flowers. ("I have no memoirs," says the blind.) Wakes wind. Leaves roll with steams. Blind seems to be someone concerns them. They are covered by fear. Young blind feels the smell of flowers. This asphoderel is a symbol. the kingdoms are dead. One of the blind managed to disrupt a few, and the young blindpinet woves them into his hair. The wind is heard and crashing waves about coastal rocks. Through this noise blindly catches the sound of someone's approaching steps is a shelter dog. She drags one of the blind to the stationary priest and stops. Blinds understand that among them the dead, but they do not immediately find out who it is. Women, crying, are kneeling and pray for the priest. The oldest blinding reproaches those who complained and did not want to go ahead, in the fact that they were tortured by the priest. The dog does not depart from the corpse. Blinds are taken by arms. The whirlwind spines dry leaves. The young blindness distinguishes someone from distant steps. Large flakes falling snow. Steps are approaching. The child is fastened to cry. Young blinding takes him on his hands and raises him to see who goes to them. Steps are approaching, you can hear how the leaves are rustled under whose legs, the rustle of the dress is heard. Steps stop near the blind group "Who are you?" - Says a young blind question. No answer. "Oh, settle over us!" - exclaims the oldest. Silence again. Then the desperate cry of the child is heard.

From the middle of the nineteenth century, the church has lost its influence on society. It was connected with desperate attempts to preserve control over science and culture. Most scientists and artists were believers, but because of the active attempts to the Church, the anticleric mood grew rough among them among them.

While studying in Jesuit College began negatively to many ideas of the church Maurice Meterlink. "Blind" (play) was written under the influence of the observation of its author for the loss of influence of the church in society. Meterlink believed that the church was already too "old" to lead, but if it was not replaced by another institution, society was doomed.

In 1890, this play was published, and after a year it was put in the "Art Theater" of the Forah Theater. It was transferred to Russian only after four codes after the publication. And in 1904 in one of the Moscow theaters, it was put along with several other short plays meterlinka.

One of the main characters of the play made a silent dead priest mellink. Blind, surrounding his body, throughout the platform characterize it, giving to understand how important role He played in their lives.

Another important hero is the baby - the child is obsessed with the blind. He is the only one able to see, however, because of so young age is not yet able to become a conductor for the rest.

The young blind is a beautiful young girl who has grown in the area with a picturesque nature, but later suffering from vision. Despite your injury, she continues to love beauty. The girl is charming and, despite the fact that all those surrounding men are blind, they all sympathize with it. Although she does not see anything, but her eyes are still alive and, with proper treatment, she will soon be able to overlook.

SAMI old woman Among the blind is both the rational. It is also involved and the oldest blind man.

Three elbow men are one of the most unfortunate heroes. They have no memories of the beauty of the world, as they never saw him. They are constantly indignant and criticize others. The devils are complaining that the priest did not speak with them, but later it turns out that they themselves do not painfully strive to listen to him.

Three old blind women, in contrast to the young blind, are not at all active. They resigned with their destiny. So that it does not happen, she continues to pray.

Also in the play there are two more blind men, but they are not particularly active.

In total, the "blind" eight heroes: six blind men (3 delicate, old and 2 ordinary blind), six blind women (3 praying, old, young and oxidized), dead priest and a sore child.

At the time of writing the play became interested in the philosophy of symbolism Maurice Meterlink. "Blind" ( summary Above) full of characters.

First of all, it is death surrounding the blind. It symbolizes the ocean by non-committy.

The lighthouse is also symbolic, the inhabitants of which are perfectly seen, but do not look in the direction of the blind (symbol of science).

Another symbol is the old worshipers of the nuns of the shelter, which are known that they, knowing about the disappearance of their wards, will not go to look for them. Here Meterlink describes the modern attitude of the church to the flock. Despite the vocation cares and protect the "blind" wards, many priests simply ignore their problems.

Blind heroes are humanity, which in the past century found their way thanks to the faith (church).

But now faith died and people lost in the dark. They are looking for the road, but not able to find it on their own. Someone comes to the blind at the end of the play, but due to the open end, it is not known - whether it is a new conductor who wants to help unhappy people, or a cruel killer.

Despite the fact that some interpret the end of the play as the death of humanity, for many, the arrival of the unknown symbolizes hope. The cry of a greasy child may not refer to fear, but joy or calling to a stranger (stranger) for help.

Many readers liked the image of humanity, lost faith, in the form of the blind without a guide, which metrylink presented them. "Blind" (analysis and symbols of the play above) influenced the contemporaries of the writer and descendants. Famous philosopher Nikolai Roerich after placing the play in Moscow painted in a black and white illustration of a play.

Meterlinka's idea to portray society as a group of blind people acneed Jose Saramago to writing the novel "blindness", in the plot of which in 2008 the same film was shot.

It took more than a hundred years after writing the play "Blind". During these years, many cataclysms and events occurred in society. However, today, as a hundred years ago, humanity continues to behave like blind in the hope of finding the conductor. So the work of Meterlink continues to be relevant.

1890 - "Blind" play (Les Aveugles). One-act drama reproduces the expectation of the blind guide and their reflections on what they perceive, horror from the feeling of their helplessness and the inability to recognize what is happening in the world. Humanity here appears blind, helpless, inconspicuous, selfish, unable to understand the world and doomed to suffering.

The action is reduced to the expectation process. It was not by chance that critics called her "drama of the expectation" - so accurately it corresponded to the program requirements of the theory of the Static Theater. In both places of the "Uninvited Guest", death becomes one of the transformations of the inevitable fate in the Meterlinkue Theater.

The motive of the passive, "blind" expectation, where "blindness" is interpreted as a symbol of the self-consciousness of humanity, sounds in the "blind" play, which causes remote associations with famous picture P. Breygel. Several blind old men and women, forming a semicircle, are sitting in the forest and wait for their guide, the old half-blind priest, who brought them out of the shelter for a walk and, leaving some, left to bring bread and water. He is not returning for a long time, and they do not know what happened to him. The shelter dog is resorted to the blind, which leads them to the place, where, frozen in immobility, sits dead priest. All their attempts to return him to life do not lead to anything: the priest has long been dead. The noise of steps is heard. The child, the son of one of the blind women who slept on her knees, wakes up with crying. He is raised above the heads, so that he saw whose steps are heard nearby. The voice of the child breaks down in a scream. Blind appeal about mercy, but no one answers them.

Despite the uncertainty of the final stage, leaving an open question, whose appearance announced the cry of a frightened child, the meaning of the play is quite clear. In it, a pessimistic look at humanity, wandering in search of the highest goal, as if in the night forest, a crowd of blind men and women, and not finding anything but death that lies at all and everyone.

The philosophical basis of the artistic views of Meterlinka was idealism in his mystical version. Meillink to the place of God put the faceless and fatal unknown, managing peace and hostile man. In the face of the omnipotent unknown people - only weak creatures. Being a conspicuous unknown, they should live "without a case, without thought, without light" and - without a word, for it is impossible to express in words in the wrongness: " True life It is created in silence. "The" Blind "play is reproduced by the" tragedy of each day "- the invasion of unknown in everyday life: the priest who brought the blind to a walk, suddenly dies, now they will not be able to find the road back to the shelter. But the goal of the play is not talking about tragedies of helpless blind. Everything has everything here symbolic meaning. Blind - this is lost moral guidelines; The dead priest is a church that is no longer able to console human suffering; Ocean - image of death. Each of the blind symbolizes a certain side. human life: Young blind - art and beauty; Crazy - inspiration; A wedding child is a new, nasty mystical worldview; Lighthouse on the ocean - science.

Many remember the wonderful children's fairy tale "Blue Bird". However, what is perceived as a fairy tale for children was actually written as a parable for adults. Her author was famous writer From Belgian Maurice Meterlink. In addition to the "Blue Bird", his Peru belonged to many others interesting works. The most symbolic among them is the play "Blind".

Maurice Meterlink

A writer was born in the family of the Belgian notary in August 1862. In the family it was customary to speak French, because of what, in the future, the author wrote most of his works in this language.

When the boy was fourteen, he was sent to study in the college of Jesuit. The study contributed to the development of the desire of metierlink to engage in literature, and on the other hand, formed the author's anti-tier position of the author.

After the college, the young man took up the study of jurisprudence. IN free time He wrote poems and prose. Despite the fact that the Father insisted on the career of a lawyer, he helped the young man to publish the first compilation of the poetry "Orangeneie". A year later, publish the play "La Princessse Maleine" and in the future concentrates on writing Pieces Maurice Meterlink.

"Blind", "Inspected", "Peleas and Milisanda" - the following famous writer plays. They glorified their creator not only in Belgium and France, but also to the whole world. The works of this period are considered the most successful. This is due to the fact that in subsequent years the writer is fond of symbolism, the late plays overcrowded to mysticism overcrowded to mysticism.

In 1909, in France, the "Blue Bird" play is successfully placed. And after two years he gets Nobel Prize In literature Maurice Meterlink. "Blind", "Blue Bird", "Peleas and Milisanda" and several other well-known places of the author helped to achieve the writer of this prestigious award.

With the beginning of World War II, Millink in his work begins to concern the topic of war (Burgomaster of Stilmond).

In the twenties, the writer is increasingly interested in occultism, while the work of this period is full biblical motifs. Gradually, Millink instead of the plays writes essay more.

When the writer turned 50 King Belgium Albert I complained to him the county title.

Since the beginning of World War II, the writer emigrates to the United States, but in 1947 it returns to Europe. Two years later, Maurice Meterllink died in Nice because of a heart attack.

Piece Meterlinka "Blind": the history of creation

From the middle of the nineteenth century, the church has lost its influence on society. It was connected with desperate attempts to preserve control over science and culture. Most scientists and artists were believers, but because of the active attempts to the Church, the anticleric mood grew rough among them among them.

While studying in Jesuit College began negatively to many ideas of the church Maurice Meterlink. "Blind" (play) was written under the influence of the observation of its author for the loss of influence of the church in society. Meterlink believed that the church was already too "old" to lead, but if it was not replaced by another institution, society was doomed.

In 1890, this play was published, and after a year it was put in the "Art Theater" of the Forah Theater. It was transferred to Russian only after four codes after the publication. And in 1904 in one of the Moscow theaters, it was put along with several other short plays meterlinka.

main characters

One of the main characters of the play made a silent dead priest mellink. Blind, surrounding his body, throughout the play characterize him, giving an understanding how important role he played in their lives.

Another important hero is the baby - the child is obsessed with the blind. He is the only one able to see, however, because of so young age is not yet able to become a conductor for the rest.

The young blind is a beautiful young girl who has grown in the area with a picturesque nature, but later suffering from vision. Despite your injury, she continues to love beauty. The girl is charming and, despite the fact that all those surrounding men are blind, they all sympathize with it. Although she does not see anything, but her eyes are still alive and, with proper treatment, she will soon be able to overlook.

The oldest woman among the blind is both the rational. It is also involved and the oldest blind man.

Three elbow men are one of the most unfortunate heroes. They have no memories of the beauty of the world, as they never saw him. They are constantly indignant and criticize others. The devils are complaining that the priest did not speak with them, but later it turns out that they themselves do not painfully strive to listen to him.

Three old blind women, in contrast to the young blind, are not at all active. They resigned with their destiny. So that it does not happen, she continues to pray.

Also in the play there are two more blind men, but they are not particularly active.

In total, the "blind" eight heroes: six blind men (3 delicate, old and 2 ordinary blind), six blind women (3 praying, old, young and oxidized), dead priest and a sore child.

Mellink "Blind": summary

The play is told about the shelter for the blind, in which the vigilant is only an elderly priest (died at the very beginning of the play) and stray nuns. Recently there was a doctor, but he died earlier, because of which the priest was worried, because he was sick and anticipated own death. Shortly before it he collects all the blind and leads for a walk on the island. However, he becomes bad and, saying goodbye to the beautiful young blind, he dies.

However, blinds do not notice the death of their guide, and believing that he will soon return for them, waiting for his return. Over time, they begin to worry and communicate with each other. Reflecting and complaining about the behavior of the priest (envious-born), as well as remembering the past, the blind gradually lose hope for his return.

Soon the shelter dog comes and thanks to her the blind learned that the priest died. Reflecting on how they get out, blind begin to feel that someone concerns them. Soon they hear someone's steps and young blinding takes the hands of a moaning child, hoping that he will see who goes. However, as we approach unknown child Everything is more crying.

Symbolism "Blind"

At the time of writing the play became interested in the philosophy of symbolism Maurice Meterlink. "Blind" (brief content above) are full of set characters.

First of all, it is death surrounding the blind. It symbolizes the ocean by non-committy.

The lighthouse is also symbolic, the inhabitants of which are perfectly seen, but do not look in the direction of the blind (symbol of science).

Another symbol is the old worshipers of the nuns of the shelter, which are known that they, knowing about the disappearance of their wards, will not go to look for them. Here Meterlink describes the modern attitude of the church to the flock. Despite the vocation cares and protect the "blind" wards, many priests simply ignore their problems.

Blind heroes are humanity, which in the past century found their way thanks to the faith (church).

But now faith died and people lost in the dark. They are looking for the road, but not able to find it on their own. Someone comes to the blind at the end of the play, but due to the open end, it is not known - whether it is a new conductor who wants to help unhappy people, or a cruel killer.

Despite the fact that some interpret the end of the play as the death of humanity, for many, the arrival of the unknown symbolizes hope. The cry of a greasy child may not refer to fear, but joy or calling to a stranger (stranger) for help.

Value for culture

Many readers liked the image of humanity, lost faith, in the form of the blind without a guide, which metrylink presented them. "Blind" (analysis and symbols of the play above) influenced the contemporaries of the writer and descendants. The famous philosopher Nikolai Roerich after the plays of the play in Moscow painted in mascara black and white illustration To the play.

Meterlinka's idea to portray society as a group of blind people across the writing of the "blindness" novel, according to the plot of which the film of the same name was shot.

It took more than a hundred years after writing the play "Blind". During these years, many cataclysms and events occurred in society. However, today, as a hundred years ago, humanity continues to behave like blind in the hope of finding the conductor. So the work of Meterlink continues to be relevant.