Fairy tales invented by children. Fairy tales about animals

Fairy tales invented by children. Fairy tales about animals
Fairy tales invented by children. Fairy tales about animals

I present to your attention a new one, found on my departure from Moscow a fairy tale "Lonely Lesson". I have a hurry notify that punctuation in the story of the Author's story, I do not accept reproes about this.

The fairy tale "Lonely Lesson" - My whole work, fully written on the computer, the first experience of this kind was a fantastic story. " When writing a fairy tale, once again came to the conclusion that artistic works on the computer are extremely uncomfortable on the computer: the car is frowning all the time, pointing to typos, constantly arising from the wrong keystroke, and I see them yourself, you have to return to the written, edit. The feeling of the fact that words expire from somewhere from the inside, and through the hand and the pen themselves fall on paper, as if written by blood. Writing with the help of typing on a computer - a certain surrogate of real creativity, although it is only my subjective opinion.

In my opinion, the fairy tale "Lonely Lesson" was a success, was able to withstand conceived temples until the very end of the narration. However, this is not for me to judge, and you are dear readers. It remains to hope that you will also like the fairy tale, as I liked this unexpected guest, coming on the wings of insight, knocking down from another topic that I have long been trying to extract it for a long time, but this is a completely different story ...

An artist illustration is used in recording vianer Alberta Galimova to Grotesque Vadim Ivanova Taedium Vitae

Fairy Tale "Lonely Lesson"

Little leisok lived in a small forest. The fox was so small that his native fishing loaf seemed to him with a huge dormant forest. The parents of the lesion will disappear long ago when he was very tiny, and he had to learn everything in the world himself, to comprehend all the wisdom of life: he had no other relatives.
The fox did not know that he was a predator and should eat meat: parents did not have time to tell him about it, the hunting instinct in the fox did not wake up, and he began to eat in that he grew around his hole: mushrooms and berries.
The fox was always sad and everywhere to be alone, often recalled mom and dad, but it became more sad. Going to walks, the lesion tried to find himself friends and to all the beasts found on the path of beasts with a joyful smile and a cheerful cry:
- Let's be friends! We will sing songs together, collect berries, and at night with the moon will tell each other fairy tales!
But all the animals occurring on the way on the way were much less than him in size, and scattered at one form alone, most often it was mice. Most likely, they did not understand the fox, and even understood, they did not believe in the fox, taking her to the hunting trick.
So passed one endless boring day after another in the life of the leisure. But in the early youth every day stretches for a long time, premitted, becoming like a small
eternity. And then, when such crazy lonely days accumulated in the life of the lesunk, he decided to go there, where his eyes look, as far as possible from his hole. "Maybe there, far from home, I will be able to find a friend!" - thought fox, leaving at dawn out of the hole - "And the mink ... Well, I will give myself a new mink, next to the mink of my future friend. Dad with my mother here will not return here, and I still have anyway where to live! ". The leisure looked around the entrance to Noura, who served as a reliable shelter from rainy weather, sighed heavily for farewell; turned, and ran, without looking back, forward.
And when the sun rose high enough, the fox understood that it was climbing very far from the house: the places were unfamiliar, and the lumen was visible ahead between the trees. If the fox was older or someone would tell him before, he would know that he came ran to the forest edge. But the lesion did not know that, and boldly continued his way. At the very edge of the forest, he saw a big beast, such a big that the beast was much larger than the dad fox. "That's who will be friends with me!" - I thought the fox and I rushed to a stranger from all my paws, his heart filled the joy from anticipating the joy of friendship and trembled from delight:
- Hello! How glad I gave you! Let's be friends! I will show you a berry melan, with the most delicious berries in our forest, I will tell you what mushrooms cannot eat. I bring you to the aquaulum at the stream: the wonderful beautiful flowers grow near him, and small silvery fish are splashing in transparent water, shining in the rays of the sun with thousands of magical sparks. And then I will tell you all the fairy tales that I know!
An experienced hunting dog without a shadow of surprise looked at the fox running towards him, only strained all the muscles to be prepared at the right moment to the only right movement. Moved life experiences, of course, understood Lysius, but he had no matter before shouting future mining. The dog perfectly remembered how early in spring at the same place he crushed two foxes - a married couple, as the foxes were ridiculous to defend each other from his violent attack, and remembered how he thanked his owner for that victory.
The leisure ran up nearly close to the Pisa Morde, and the dog's teeth choking the trap closed on a fine fox ...
The dog, IMPORTANT HAVE HAVE THE TEST, CONNECTED THE LOW MORSHIVE FISHING CHAIN \u200b\u200bTHE HOSTOSTUNE, waiting for praise and delicious food for this easily caught prey.

If your baby loves short fairy talesThis category is a real gift for you. Here we tried to collect all short fairy talesThe reading of which does not take much time and does not tire your baby. If your child quickly falls asleep, then short fairy tales - For sure for him!

Wild and manual donkey

Wild donkey saw a manual donkey, came up to him and began to praise his life: as the body he was heddling and what kind of food is sweet. Then, as the manual donkey appeared, yes, how to rear it was the drivers to customize his club, wild donkey and says:

No, brother, now I do not envy, - I see that your life gets to you with juice.

It was a long time ago when all birds lived in warm lands. On Altai twitter only rivers. This song of water was heard the southern birds and wanted to find out who rings so loudly, sings so fun, what joy happened in Altai.

However, to fly to an unknown edge was very scary. In vain persuaded the Berkut of his falcons and hawks, owls and cuckoo. Of all the birds, only the pan dared to go north.

Held a humpback bear. He was a real lazy. I saw a ripe bump once, and immediately he had a shoulder, under the arm, it became.

How am I, Patient, on Cedar Vleisu?

Goes around. Through small decks steps. He will see a deck of bigger - and right on it goes: he is too lazy to step higher. Suddenly: knock! - The bump itself fell a bear on the theme. With the pests to the legs.

That's cleverly! - Cook a bear and looked up, will not fall anything else?

Oh, the great bear, - squeaked ripple cedings, - I threw the best bump to you.

There was a pop. Hired an employee who led him home.

Well, the worker, serve good, I will not leave you.

Moved the worker with a week, the senokos has come.

Well, light, "says Pop," God will give, we move safely, wait for the morning and let's go to the hay tomorrow.

Good, father.

They waited for the morning, got up early. Pop and speaks Popel:

Let us, the uterus, breakfast, we will go to the field to mow the hay.

Pophots gathered on the table. They sat down together and breeded in order. Pop says the employee:

There was a stupid village in the forest. People in the wilderness lived, there was never a wide place, so ... there was one inevitable, there was a dogue called and that stupid. These men gathered in the forest to hunt and see: in the snow hole, and from the hole pairs goes ... What is? Began to think, two hours thought.

It is necessary to ask Dogad.

Well, Doga, he knows, he understands.

Frog under Tinoy
Sick scarletin.
Ruch flew to him,
He speaks:
"I am a doctor!
Forest to me in my mouth
Everything will pass now! "
AM! And ate.

There were two brothers, two brothers - a kulik and crane. They were hosted by the Senzka Senzock, put among Palce. Will the fairy tale say again from the end?

He lived, there was an old man, the old man had a well, and in the well, the ears, here and a fairy tale.

He lived, there was a king, the king had a courtyard, in the yard there was a stake, the coke was rocked; Will it start from the beginning?

Do you tell you a fairy tale about white bull?

Three passers-by bought at the inn of the courtyard and went on the road.

And what guys, because we seem to pay expensive for lunch?

Well, at least I paid expensive, "said one, but it was not without reason!

And didn't you notice? Only the owner will take a closer, I am now fighting from the salt mild of salt, yes in the mouth, yes in my mouth!

Old oak dropped with himself acorn under a noodle bush. Oshness said oak:

Is little space under your bunches? You would drop your acorns into a clean place. Here I am closely closely for my processes, and I myself throw the ground of my nuts, but I give them to people.

I live two hundred years old, "said Oak, - and the dub blinds from this stomach will live as much.

With the Costgetty Oak once he entered.

"Truly, you have the right to go to nature -

He said, - Sparrow, and that you are hard.

A little light breeze will carry water with ripples,

You will be fired, you will start weaker

And so get hurt lonely

What a pity to watch you.

Meanwhile, both, along with the Caucasus, Goredely,

Not only the sun I hinder the rays,

But, daring and whims and thunderstorms,

Standing and hard and straight.

As if it was fenced by an undisturbed world:

All the storms - everything seems to me by Marsht.

Oak once said the cane:

"You have the right to blame nature;

And the king for you is heavy burrow.

The slightest wind that accidentally

Ripples water surface

Makes you to lower your head:

Then how my Chela, like the Caucasus,

Not satisfied to stop the sun's rays,

not afraid of storm efforts.

For you, all - Aquilon, I am everything - marshmallow.

Was a fool's knife very good. Became a fool with this knife nail cutting. The knife nail did not cut. Then the fool said:

Fucking my knife.

And he became a liquid kissel to cut this knife: where the knife goes along the kisos, there he will come back again. Fool said:

The great post came: you need to try to confess to the ass. He wrapped in the crook birch, plugged him with a rope and went to the ass.

Well, speak, light, what sinned? And this is what?

This, father, white fishing, you brought you on the bow!

Well, this is good! Frozen tea?

Frozen, all lying on the cellar.

Well, someday melts!

I came, Batyushka, repent: Once stood at the meal ...

What kind of sin is! I myself once in the altar ... it's nothing, light! Go with God.

I had one old man's only son, very, they say, not loved to boring himself: that the father does not make to do - he only scraps in the back of the head. Once the father told him:

Son, the cattle fed the feed, the congress on the meadow.

There on the road - a pit, how to eat - Arba is digested. I will not go, "the son refused.

Kohl belching, the need will help you. Need you call.

The calf saw hedgehog and says:

I will eat you!

Yozh did not know that the echo calf does not eat, scared, the ball curled and snorted:


Turning the tail, dreamed of stupid talonog, driving a string, then the front legs spread and licked hedgehog.

Hashe Hare hedgehog and says:

Everyone would be good, Yozh, only your feet are curves, braid.

Yozh became angry and says:

You laugh; My leg curves are rather your straight lines run. Here I give only home, and then let's run a charm!

At the grocery

Two goats

Sell \u200b\u200bthe pins of the pins.

And hedgehogo laugh!

Would have a Christmas tree

She would run

On the track.

She would dope

Together with us,

She would stand


Looked this morning the guys on the calendar, and there the last leaf remained.

Tomorrow is a new year! Tomorrow tree! Toys will be ready, but there are no Christmas trees. Decided the guys to write a letter to Santa Claus, so that he sent a Christmas tree from the dense forest - the most fluffy, the most beautiful.

They wrote the guys here such a letter and soon ran into the yard - a snowman to sculpt.

Late in the fall flew birds on the edge of the forest.

It's time for warm edges. Seven days were going, each other was crushed:

Is everything here? Is everything there? Is everything here?

It turns out, there is not enough muchahar. He knocked Berkut with his honey nose on a dry branch, he knocked once again and ordered young tetherk to call the muffuhar. Whitish wings, a tetraka flew into the thicket of forest. She sees - the wooder on the cedar is sitting, the nuts from the cones are lying.

He lived was a barin with a lady. Here is the Barin Olemp, and the lady thicked up with one attic. Barin began to think ..., and the step will not let her do without himself. What to do? Once she went with her husband to the garden, and the attic came back there ... Here the husband is blind at the apple tree, and the wife ... with the attaincam. And the neighbor's neighbor looks out of his house, from the window to the garden, he saw what was built there ... and his wife affects:

Look, donating that the apple is done. Well, how now will God open a blind eye, he will see - what will happen then? After all, he will kill her to death.

And, dying! After all, and our sister god gives dirty!

And what's the crash?

Then you know.

Husband lived, his wife was Him - careless, sleeping, careless. Once on a summer day she went wrong to harm; Hard did not stoke, lay down in the field and fell asleep. File comes, I took her headside my head, cheered up the dough, sprinkled down and left home. Here Him woke up, grabbed his head and says:

What did it mean? According to my mind, I am Him, but on my head, it seems no. Wait, I will go to the village; Do you know your yard?

She goes around the village, the yards believes, comes to her yard and says:

Here is our yard!

Asks the owner:

Phil, and filial! Is your him's house?

There was a husband my husband, but only such a perky, that everything he said on him. It happened, he will say: "Sharp", - and she certainly shouts: "Streaming!" Every day was scorn! I'm sick with my husband, so he began to think, how to get rid of it.

They go to the river, and instead of the bridge on the dam lies a crossbar.

"Wait," he thinks, "now I'm looking for her."

How she began to go through the crossbird, he says:

Look, my wife, not shaking, not just touch!

So here will be on purpose! I was shaking, I was shaking, yes and the boulders in the water! Sorry for him was his wife; So he got into the water, began to search for her and walks along the water to the mountain, up, against the current.

The man placed on the caraway network for hitting her sowing. In the network we got caravly, and with the cranes one stork.

Stork and tells the peasant:

You let me go: I'm not a crane, but a stork; We are the most honorable birds; I live your father on the house. And according to Peru, it is clear that I am not a crane.

Guy says:

With cranes caught, with them and scout.

I flew owl - a cheerful head. Here she flew, flew and sat down, and the tail was turned the tail, and he looked around and again flew - flew, flew and sat down, the tail of the turnover yes on the sides looked and flew again - flew, flew ...

This is a surcharge, but what a tale is what. Lived, were on the swamp caravel yes Heron. They built themselves at the ends of the hut.

Natopila Baba oven and smoke in the hip, I did not like it - not to do it.

"We must ask for the neighbors with a solido - smoke from the hut", "thought Baba and went to the neighbors, and did not cover the door behind from °. Came to neighbors. And those say:

No sieve. Dogadiah borrowed.

Baba went to Dogadiah, to the edge of the village, took her sieve and went home.

He entered the hut, and the smoke in it did not happen.

Fox walked on the track and found a lapto, came to the man and asks:

Host, let me spend the night. He says:

Nowhere, Lynonya! Closely!

Yes, if you need a lot of space! I myself am on the bench, and the tail under the shop.

Let her sleep overnight; She says:

Put my lapto to your chickens. Put, and Lonyka got up and abandoned her lap. In the morning get up, she asks her lap, and the owners say:

Lynonya, because he disappeared!

Well, give me a chicken for him.

He lived was a man. He dies with his father and says:

You, my son, live like this: so that you do not bow to anyone, but you would be all bowed, and Kalachi would eat with honey!

Father died. And this man lives a year - I lived a hundred rubles: I did not bow anyone and eat all Kalachi with honey. Lives another - he lived another hundred. For the third year I lived the third hundred. And thinks: "What is it? Hundreds are not added from me, but everyone is reduced! "

Forest hares at night feed the bark of trees, hare fields - winter and grass, gemniers - grain grains on the gum. During the night, the hares are paving deeply in the snow, a prominent trail. Hunters are both people, dogs, and wolves, and foxes, and crows, and eagles. If the hare went simply and straight, then in the morning it would be found in the next and caught; But the hare is cowardly, and the cowardice saves it.

Hare walks at night in the fields and forests without fear and paves direct traces; But as soon as the morning comes, the enemies wake up him: the hare begins to hear the bark of dogs, then the squeal sanguage, then the voices of the men, then the crash of the wolf in the forest and starts to ride from the side. Skipping forward, scares something - and run back on my trail. Still hear anything - and from all over the scope jumping to the side and rake away from the former trace. Again knocks something - again the hare will turn back and again stroll to the side. When light will become, he will fall.

Nutro hunters are beginning to disassemble a hare trail, confused by double tracks and distant jumps and surprise the tricks of the hare. And the hare did not think sick. He is only afraid.

Dali Murochka Notebook,

Mura has become draw.

"This is a shaggy tree.

He lived, there was a hare in the forest: in the summer he was good, and in the winter bad - I had to go to the peasants to go, stealing.

He comes to one peasant on Khumno, and here is a flock of hares. So he began to brag:

I do not have a mustache, and the crash, not the paws of Lapiki, not the teeth, and the ugly - I'm not afraid of anyone.

Hares and told the aunt of the ravene about this needle. The aunt of the crow went to the grip looking for and found it under cocorina. The hare was frightened:

Aunt Voron, I will no longer boast!

And how did you boast?

Z Ayats said a dog's racing:

Why are you labored when you chase us? You would rather catch us if silently fled. And with the laware you only catch us up on the hunter: he can hear where we run, and he runs with a gun to meet us, kills us and does not give you anything "

The dog said:

I'm not laid for this, but Laa just because when I hear your smell, I am angry, and I am glad that I now catch you; And I don't know why, but I can not resist from Laya.

Big gathered Gurba,

Bear beasts caught;

In the pure field set -

And divide among themselves

Who will get to yourself.

And the hare for the ear of the bear immediately pulls.

"Ba, you, oblique, -

Shout to him, - complained to turn off?

Nobody saw you on fishing. "

"Here, brothers! - the hare answered, -

Yes, from the forest, who is, - all I scared him

And I put it right in the field

There was a little girl. Father and her mother died with her, and she was so poor that she didn't even have a camork, where to live, and cribs, where to sleep. Finally, she left her one dress that it was on her, and a piece of bread in her hand, which she filed some kind of fracturing soul. But she was kind and modest. And because she was resting to the whole world, she came out, relying on the will of the Lord, in the field. Meet her on the road poorly and says:

Oh, give me something to eat, I was so hungry.

She gave him the last piece of bread and said:

The child went on the road, he cried plaintively and said:

The neighbor had a peasant with a butcher behind the stove.

Helped a neighbor somehow, little by little. Poor live on foreign breads.

Took the man of longing, went into the crate; Sits, crying. Suddenly sees - fruit stood out of the hole in the corner and led the piglery nose.

"Anchutka Notchy", "thought a peasant and measured.

Anchutka got out, headed and says:

Hello, Kum!

Lived grandma with grandfather. And they had a rooster with chicken. Once a grandmother and grandfather quarreled. And grandma says grandfather: "Take, grandfather, herself a rooster, and I give me a chicken." Here the grandfather with a rooster live, and they have nothing to eat. And the grandmother with the church is good, the chicken eggs carries. Says the grandfather Petukhu: "Petushok, Cockerel! Though I don't want to part with you, but still you will have. Go, Cockerel, I will let you go. You have nothing to feed you, and you yourself can somehow feed."

Went a rooster where the eyes look. Walking through the woods, and to meet him Fox: "Where are you going?" - "I go to the king to see and show yourself." - "Can I go with you?" - "Okay". They walked, walked, tired Lisa. I planted her rooster under one wing, and they went further.

To meet the wolf: "Where do you keep the way?" "We go to the king to see and show yourself." - "Well, I'm with you" they walked for a long time, tired and wolf. I planted the rooster and it was under the other wing.

Ivan Tsarevich became boring, he took a blessing from Mother and went hunting. And go to his old forest.

It has come winter night.

In the forest, it is light, then dark; On ripe snow frost crackles.

Where neither hurt the bunker; Leated Ivan-Tsarevich Arrow, and the hare turned the ball and rolled. Ivan-Tsarevich defeated him followed.

A tangle flies, Snowball crushes, and pines opened, Polyana opened, there is a white tower on the clearing, twelve towers - twelve heads of bearish ... on top of the month lit, shocking windows overflow.

The tangle rushed, the Lun-bird turned around: sat on the gate. Ivan-Tsarevich was afraid, - I wanted a thing to shoot a thing - I took off the hat.

One king built a palace and made a garden in front of the palace. But at the very entrance to the garden there was a hut, and a poor man lived. The king wanted to demolish this hut so that she does not spoil the garden, and sent her minister to a poor man to bought a hut.

Sometimes it happens that someone does not know someone. Well, nothing terrible. And in this case, friends can help. With a friend more fun, with a different one, with a friend or rather.

Listen to the fairy tale (4min21sek)

Tale for the night "Hello!"

Once, in one unknown forest, an incomprehensible creature appeared. It was not exactly crawled, did not jump and did not turn out from the side on the side. It flew. From the branch of the branch.

The first stranger saw the grocery bunny. He watched him for a long time. The creature did not eat, did not ask for help, and, most importantly, did not greet.

It was some kind of incomprehensible color, or rather incomprehensible to the groom, which was pretended pretty bad in colors. The creature had round sides and a long tail.

- It is necessary, what an unspanitious creation! - grouped peas gap. - It appeared now, did not introduce it, but also does not greet. But maybe someone knows him?

But neither Komar axes, nor dragonfly Aza knew him.

"Too unusual creature for our forest," they convincingly said.

At the ribbon, the peas did not have reason not to believe the neighbors. But he firmly decided to find out what the name is the flying creation, that it eats for breakfast and why not greet.

To get answers to your questions, the grooves chose chose a moment when the creature was close to Earth, and shouted:

- Dear! I do not know what your name is, tell me how to contact you?

The creature was slightly shared, but nothing answered.

- Probably it does not hear me, - thought the bunny.

He scored more air and shouted that there was power:

- Hello, what's your name?

But no one again answered.

- That's why there was no wordless! - angry the grooves of polka dot. - Sits on the branch and for me zero. Now I will bring a bear's bear here, he will brighten with you. The wheel is big, strong and strong. And, most importantly, he knows how to climb trees and quickly get to you.

Runs of polka dot from all legs ran to wanted a bear with a brook. He sat under her birch and went honey.

- A new flying creature with a long tail appeared in our forest. We must urgently find out how his name is and offer him honey. Otherwise, he will lose his strength, "said the bunny.

Bear took a new jar of honey and, along with a rigged peas ran to a pine, where an unfamiliar creature was rest.

- Where is it? - asked the bear.

"Won, between the branches hid," the grooves replied.

Bear looked up and began to laugh. From laughing, his shoulders went to the walker.

"It's just an air ball," said the stuffing bear. And then he joyfully said:

- My new jar of honey remains with me!

"Now it is clear why he did not say hello to me," the bunny whispered.

Polka dot was not upset due to the fact that he did not recognize the fly. And it happens in life!

…Night has come. Silver stars smiled. A polite month greeted all acquaintances and strangers.

Tale of four deaf

Indian fairy tale

Not far from the village of Shepherd Pashe Sheep. It was already at noon, and the poor shepherd was very hidden. True, he, leaving the house, ordered his wife to bring himself in the field to have breakfast, but his wife, as if on purpose, did not come.

Purchased a poor shepherd: it's impossible to go home - how to leave a flock? Togo and look that they will paint; Stay in place - Even worse: Hunger is tortured. So he looked there, here he sees - Tagalari mows her grass for his cow. The shepherd went to him and said:

Leggles, kind friend: see how my herd does not disperse. I just go home to breakfast, and as for the breakfast, I will immediately return and generously reward you for your service.

It seems that the shepherd came very prudently; And indeed, he was small smart and cautious. One thing was bad: he was deaf, and so deaf that the gun shot over the ear would not make him look back; And what is all worse: he said something with a deaf.

Tagliaari heard no better shepherd, and therefore it's not wonderful that he did not understand the word from the shepherd speech. It seemed to him, on the contrary, that the shepherd wants to take his grass from him, and he shouted with his heart:

What do you care about my grass? Not you mowed her, and I. Do not catch my cow with the famine for your herd so that your herd is satisfied? What do not say, and I will not give this grass. Go away!

With these words, Tagalari shook his hand in the anger, and the shepherd thought he promises to defend his herd, and, calmed down, hurried home, intending to ask his wife his good cobby, so that she would continue to forget to bring her breakfast to him.

Suitable shepherd to his house - looking: his wife lies on the threshold, crying and complains. You need to tell you that yesterday she carelessly attempted on the night, but they say more - raw peas, and you know that the raw peas in the mouth is sweeter than honey, and in the stomach of hard lead.

Our good shepherd tried, as I knew how to help my wife, put it in bed and gave a bitter medicine, from which she became better. Meanwhile, he did not forget and breakfast. For all these troubles, there was a lot of time, and in the soul of poor shepherd became restless. "Something is done with the flock? Like long before trouble! " - thought shepherd. He hurried to grind and, to his great joy, soon saw his herd quietly grazing in the same place where he left him. However, as a prudent man, he recalculated all his sheep. They were exactly the same as much as before his departure, and he told himself with relief: "Honest man This Tagliaar! We must reward it. "

In the herd, the shepherd had a young sheep; True, chrome, but perfectly fattened. The shepherd took her on his shoulders, went to Tagliaar and told him:

Thank you, Mr. Tagalari, what to beat my herd! Here is a whole sheep for your work.

Tagliaar, of course, did not understand anything from what the shepherd told him, but seeing the lame sheep, cried with a heart:

And what is your work, that she is lame! How should I know who I was exploring her? I did not come to your flock. What do I care about?

True, she is lame, "the shepherd continued, not hearing Tagalari," but still it is a glorious sheep - and young and fat. Take it, grilled and be boring for my health with your buddies.

Will you get away from me finally! - shouted taglari outside of herself from anger. "I say to you again that I didn't break the legs of your sheep and not just didn't fit your herder, but didn't even look at him."

But since the shepherd, without understanding him, still kept a lame sheep in front of him, praising her on all the frets, then Tagalari did not suffer and swung on his fist.

The shepherd, in turn, getting angry, prepared for hot defense, and they would, right, would have risen if they did not stop them, who passed by riding a horse.

We must tell you that the Indians have a custom when they speak of anything, asking for the first counter to judge them.

Here is a shepherd and Tagliaar and grabbed, each for his part, in the unde of the horse, to stop the upper.

Make mercy, "said the rider shepherd, - Stop for a minute and judge: which of us is right and who is to blame? I give this man a sheep from my herd in gratitude for his services, and he in gratitude for my gift almost nailed me.

Make mercy, "Tagalari said," Stop for a minute and judge: Which of us is right and who is to blame? This evil shepherd blames me that I was drew his sheep when I did not fit his herder.

Unfortunately chosen by them, the judge was also deaf, and even they say, more than they are both together. He made a sign of his hand, so that they silenced, and said:

I have to admit that this horse is definitely not mine: I found it on the road, and since I really hurry into the city according to an important thing, then to quickly sleep, I decided to sit on her. If she is yours, take it; If not, then let me go as soon as possible: I have no time to stay longer.

Shepherd and Tagalari did not hear anything, but for some reason he imagined that the ride decides not in his favor.

Both of them even louder shout and screaming, reproaching in injustice of the elected intermediary.

At this time, the old Brahmin appeared on the road. All three disputes rushed to him and became in vain to tell their business. But Brahmin was as deaf as they.

Understand! Understand! - he answered them. - She sent you to simplify me, so I turned home (Brahmin spoke about his wife). But you will not succeed. Do you know that all over the world there is no one grossier than this woman? Since I married her, she forced me to make enough sins that I did not wash them off even in the sacred waters of the Ganga River. Better I will eat alms and spend the rest of my days in someone else's edge. I decided firmly; And all your persuasions will not make me change my intention and again agree to live in one house with a evil wife.

The noise rose more than the former; Everyone was shouted with all my might, without understanding one of the other. Meanwhile, the one that the horse stole was jealous of the running people, accepted them for the owners of a stolen horse, jumped with her and ran away.

Shepherd, noticing that it becomes late and that his flock completely dispersed, hurried to collect his sheep and drove them into the village, bitterly complaining that there was no justice, and attributing all the grief of the current snake day, which was overwhelming the road at a time when He came out of the house, - Indians have such a sign.

Tagliaari returned to his huggy grass and, having found a fat sheep, the innocent reason for the dispute, wrapped her shoulders and carried her to himself, thinking to punish the shepherd for all the insults.

Brahmin got to the near village, where he stopped spending the night. Hunger and fatigue seized his anger somewhat. And the relatives came on the other day and persuaded the poor Brahmin to grind home, promising to put it up with a grumpy wife and make it obedient and more comfortable.

Do you know, friends, what can come to mind when you read this fairy tale? It seems that this is: there are people, big and small people, who, although not deaf, and not better than deaf: what they say - do not listen; What you assure - do not understand; Make them together - they speak, not knowing what. They quarrel without reasons, they are offended without resentment, and they themselves complain about people, on fate or attribute their misfortune to ridiculous signs - wanted salt, broken the mirror ... So, for example, one friend never listened to the fact that the teacher spoke him in class and Sat on a bench as if deaf. What happened? He grew up a fool with a fool: for that he will take it, nothing he managed. Smart people regret it, the cunningly deceive him, and he, see if, complains of fate, as if unityful was born.

Make mercy, friends, do not be deaf! Ears are given to us to listen. One smart person noticed that we have two ear and one language and that, it became necessary to listen to us more than speak.


rustic watchman. - Ed.

the minister in the Indian temple. - Ed.

A neighboring little five-year-old girl loves to heart with me very much. As soon as I go into the courtyard to smoke, and it can happen very often, as you know, she immediately resorts and says "Salaam", with a special emphasis on the letter "L", remembering that I paid special attention to this letter and literally forced to use This letter, whom she could pronounce, but for some reason preferred not to pronounce, explaining that she was still small and would have time to talk this letter when he was expressed. So that every time leaving the courtyard (and she is always in the yard, and about our doors) I have to say hello to her. But, she also wants to talk about something. People do not just greet so much, they are still asked.

And the topic can be only one and questions on the same topic.
-What does your daughter do what does she do?

To which I constantly invent something. Or sleep, or plays, or prepares lessons. Snecessted proposals to not talk further. Despite the fact that I love children, sometimes they are not very interesting. So much she won these small and so much with them talked that a little lost the joy of communicating with them. By the way, I'm still waiting for the smallest, which was almost only born and transferred me to something else, whether more ancient status. I became my grandfather. I think I will preserve everything that I have grated for my granddaughter. This is me, half a half.

So, another exit to the courtyard. The girl resorts. He greets. Trying to play with me. Type, close eye. He herself hides behind the wall, trying to get out of there and scare me. Does not work. Feverly searches for the option than to interest me. Nothing better finds anything, in addition to ask again about my daughter:
- What makes Marysh, sleeps?
What am I answering some alien (for her) language :?
-No, waiting for the film to prepare Omelet.
She digesors the answer, finds that nothing understands. I repeat once again. She hears two unfamiliar words - virgins and omelet (Div, Qayqanaq). asked., Rather repeats these words.
I answer:
-What, you do not know the fairy tale about Jyrdan?
She is:
-Aaa, from the book?
-Yes. There, children get to the giant, and he wants to eat children, waiting for them to fall asleep, then loudly asks who sleeps, and there is no, what Jyrtdan answers that everyone sleeps, and only Jyryrtan is not sleeping, and why Dzhirtan is not sleeping Because, at this time, Gyrtdan grandmother always prepared Gayganag (omelet).
I told it and waited, some kind of reaction will follow or not. All the same, the most famous Azerbaijani fairy tale, although about the lazy, which instantly begins to blackmail sandwiches (yamma-bread with butter) grandmothers, which she treated a group of children who, together with him, gather firewood.

On this, our conversation is interrupted. I do not know if somebody told her tale. But the fact that they are constantly (if you don't carry everything with your sister) watch all the Turkish cartoons in a row so that I'm not already talking about this language, I guess for individual phrases.

And so, without realizing what I said, she instantly lost interest to me and even turned the head completely in the other direction, maybe even trying not to see me. She simply did not understand what it was about. And my answer sounded as strange for her. Overschore (for her mind) is difficult or something. And I'm tormented now. And I king myself. What is I cruel?! I was not so?!
I love them, these little children.
But for some reason selectively ...