Dead village. Rustic bikes

Dead village. Rustic bikes

Maybe it may not, I will not lie. This story heard in childhood from one mother's friend. The time then there was socialist, communism was built by all the mystics meaning, no favor, did not betray. And she had the property.
My mother, being a young girl, got married, and left his village to a rich district center. Far from home, but my mother did not scare it: there was a husband, a favorite job, an apartment nearby. And waiting for the first child, that is me. Communication with your village Mom did not interrupt and, when I grew up, and then my sister, we often visited in a distant, Taiga village, which I just adored! In those days, the village did not look like a wretched and abandoned as now! Oh, in those days the village was a kind of romance, even poetry, and in such quantities, as the people did not run from her now. So actually about history.
My mother lived in the village of the village, my grandfather and my grandmother, we went to them every summer when we were grown up with my sister.
And here in one of these arrings, to my mother, the guests "grew up" her once best friend. The girlfriend was called Alena, at one time she successfully married, broke the whole connection with former familiar and girlfriends, and rushed together with her husband to the city. And then suddenly declares to the village, and to my mom direct move. And where did you know that we are here?

I see her now, beautiful, weakly rich and roars, straight tears in three streams.
- Anna, - So my name is my name, - so it's time for our nonsense to pay! - And everything sobs.
I look at my mother picked up. And then I was 12 years old, and my little sister was very small, she was only three. Mom looks at me and says:
"Nadia, get out of the room, I need to talk to aunt Alena."
I went out, and myself with back side Doors stand and listen as Alena Mama tells.
- Do you remember our fortune telling when they were not married? Remember how we threesome on the saucer, you, I and Irka Solovyov!
My mother is silent, but aunt Alena is already in his voice.
- Do you remember that the saucer rushed then? You are a crown of celibacy, I have a childless, and Ira, on the contrary, three men, three children, we still laughed then, that's happy! Right for us two happiness should have been taken!
I hear mom muffled so much: "I remember everything!"
And aunt Alena, answers, and remember how to two with you the fate of our solved on the saucer, without Ichka? Black rite to commit ... Irckina fate then we cried for two, so we wanted our happiness! Do you remember? Remember how Irca suddenly neither with this, after we redeemed the second time, began to spawn. And Matvey threw her. And how no bridegroom was, yes, what ... The first guy in the village ... And after that, Irkina fate went to the slope ... three children she gave birth, yes from different men, and her children now all The shelters now live.
Mom, I hear, silent. And Aunt Alena continues: "And I and I and I got married, you have children, I have, and my husbands have that sin to complain about! And I recently go around the city, but I am going to meet Gypsy, and says:" Not your own You live with happiness, you will take him soon. "And I have one happiness - daughter!
Gypsy as if my thoughts heard: "Do not let the daughter for horses," says.
And what will you do, my Verka is only by them and dreams, even the section was recorded, the prizes take. Anna, I'm afraid for her very much, what to do something?
"You can't do anything already, Alena," I hear the mother's voice, "True, a sin took with you, I wanted someone else's happiness, it was impossible. And where is Ira now?
- Irka somewhere in the hospital for crazy lives - answers Aunt Alena, - Yes, what's the difference that with her, I somehow went to her, it wanted to repent, and she likes it ... Eyes black, mad, loudly , I barely from me, the Sanitars drag off. How to live on how to live on, I call myself a hundred times a day call, I hired a bodyguard ... but I still fear for her, my husband swears, he says exactly that ... what a horse can do ... I'm afraid I'm afraid Anna...
The aunt Alena was silent, and my mother, too, looks through the click, I slept on my face, and it seems that he thinks about something, and then it says quietly, but with such difficulty, as if she was dry in her throat.
- I, Alena, I also live with my happiness ... I feel it ... and it's good everything seemed to marry Matvey, and my girls love, and me, and money wears, and I don't drink, yes I feel - Not mine, he is also hard ...
And then the grandfather breaks into the room, he seen on the other side of the room I heard everything, the room is a passing ... Yes, I began to scream on my mother, I could not even disassemble words in this stream ...
I shouted that it is necessary to fix everything ... ourselves have done and for forgiveness You have no, that I was stuck, someone's happiness to steal ...
Then the night was alone, I remember my mother with a herdded Alena and my grandfather in our swamp, at the most full moon ... What was there, I don't know ... my grandmother did not sleep all night and whispered, looking at the moon ... Help , help ... Mom and grandfather just returned in the morning ... Mom pale was and somehow not like himself ...
But aunt Alena returned much earlier, as I remember now, I broke into the house, the evil looked at us and how to yell on my grandmother that, they say, your old grandfather I didn't survive with my mind, it demands that the daughter says it will not give my own one ... In general, the door slammed ... and know what was called ...
Two years after this night, mom with dad divorced ... And so we were alone and brought up, although it was beautiful, so much that the Spirit was captured when looking at her, the men were, of course, but did not call any All my life ... Mom so sometimes said and spoke, my duty with more than returned.
I grew up married, my little sister is also fine, although we didn't want to know us after the divorce and still does not know, but my sister and I grew up good daughters and wives, and Mother, I hope ...
Our father lives with Ira, with the very mother's girlfriend, took her away from the crazy house, she somehow quickly went to the amendment, they took the children of all and their two people norodi, live a soul into the soul, despite age, seeing fate ...
Mom is no longer crying, but sometimes at night, looking at the moon, asks someone invisible forgiveness ... and thanks for being alive. I do not know to whom it appeals.
I only know that Aunt Alena after that very night came to his home, took her daughter and went on a journey abroad, approaching the horses, she categorically banned her daughter ... I listened to her, but six months later, after they left Abroad, faith has a novel with an Italian. Italian was young, very good and very rich. Alena these meetings, of course, approved, but it was one "but", the Italian turned out to be a breeder of thoroughbred horses. The Italian assured Alena for her doubt that he would not drink faith and close to horses. They played a wedding, and in one day, when the Italian left for affairs, faith persuaded his mother to ride. Horses walked Mirno, but suddenly the horse on which Vera sat was wrapped in a barn, where he was hay ... A few seconds, Alena heard some kind of wheezing from this barn, and on her horse rushed there. Her daughter faith hung on a hook, which was located above the floor. The horse stood a little yodale. Apparently, when the horse passed under the hook, he clinched behind Belin shirt. The shirt in which there was faith, handed the girl her throat, and she strangled ... Alyona shouted for a long time, then she was sent to a crazy house.
When my mother learned about it ... She did not cry, she said: "So we paid for our stolen happiness" ...
And only when moms did not, I realized that she meant. Having taken her hospital card, I saw that my mother, at the moment, when they went to the swamp and was pregnant. I do not know what happened there, but I know that mom after the swamps became another ... She did not give birth to anyone ... She put on himself a crown of celibacy and submissively wore it all his life!

How many of you were in the villages that could be called dead for a long time?

Old concocent buildings, gray collapsed houses, overgrown and drying areas, crossed grass and barns of roads and trails. People from day to day left their homes, threw land and economy. Someone died of old age, someone came into the city. There is no light, not gas, not water. Everything seems mysterious and mysterious. Someone visits such places from curiosity, someone in search of something interesting, and someone wants to solve the mystery of the death of such places.

So we decided to visit one of the extinct villages.

Found on the Internet an article about one mysterious village, in which there is a little more than twelve houses. The exact amount is not specified, because some houses are completely collapsed, and they can not be noticed in high grass. There was absolutely little information about this village, but something, still attracted our attention. Also, in the comments to the article about this place, we read that there are no explanatory things there. Being a skeptic, I decided to persuade friends to visit those places and check the truth of the words of this "schoolboy", so he called himself in comments. Of course, everyone agreed. We generally love to walk on old places and study various ruins. In the basements of some objects, there were interesting things that were, it was only necessary to flow into something.

I needed for the fees only half an hour.

It seems like everyone took, though, you need to check. So:

Sleeping bag.
A blanket.
A first-aid kit
Wait ...

Dachshund It seems that I checked everything, I took everything, I did not forget anything. Excellent. Well, everything, now it remains to wait early in the morning And the call with the alert for the exit from the guys. You can go to bed to be in the morning to be a flaw.

I fell asleep quickly, myself did not notice how. It seemed that already in a dream I walked along the very village. Surveyed the houses, considered the former tenants abandoned and left. And I was not alone there. No, these are not my friends. I did not know these people at all. Women in long closed dresses, men with lowered beards, in shirts and tied bags. Old men, old women, bastard. So it seems that no one has already lives here for years, if not more. And as everything is plausible. And chickens and cattle. That's just at home all the same, peashed and black. GARDENS AND PLOTS OF THE SLOWERS OF WORKS IN HUMAN GROW. Sun at all and the sky is gray and gloomy. I ask people about the fact that it is, and why they do not fit the houses. And in response, only silence. On all my questions, they only showed a finger at home and swung heads. Somehow I didn't care about everything, and this feeling was only increasing. In the window of one of the houses, I saw a black silhouette. Looking at him, a feeling of fear and a desire to escape appeared. I stood as if paralyzed and looked in a broken dark window ...

My dream interrupted the called phone. I was glad to call, because I am not known than I could end my dream for me, not on Java. But in a dream I did not want to feel the feeling again ...

Zarik called, he said that in an hour she would be at the entrance. I accepted the souls, had breakfast, once again checked my arsenal for a campaign and climbed to the site where we found a place for our research. It was said that all residents of the village had disappeared without a trace. Nobody could not explain this fact. But, the fact remained a fact. This mystery remained not solid.

"Why didn't we immediately see it?" I asked myself out loud. "I myself personally read the whole article, but I did not see it in it. Hmm ... maybe missed? And okay. From this only becomes more interesting.

For a long time I was not soared, having heard the beep under the windows, I closed the laptop, grabbed my "luggage" and departed from the apartment. Throwing his fag in the trunk, I jumped to the rear seat, where my girl was waiting for me.

- Well, everyone is assembled? - turned to us Yarik? - We are going?!

"We are going!" We shouted the chorus and fun.

I decided not to talk about my dream friends, because it's just a dream, I decided. The road was long. We stayed several times to eat and relax. Six hours later, we finally reached the pointer, which served as a certain tip. Further by car do not drive, you need to walk. And this is still about two hours and three or more than ten kilometers. We unloaded from the car, littered with backpacks and moved to the adventure meeting ...

We were four: I, ICQ, Yarik and the Liteza (Girl Yarika and the best girlfriend of my ICQ).

We walked not quickly, yes on such a road, when the grass is above you, quickly and will not work out. Reaching birch forest, we decided to relax. It was warm, fresh, the sun shone brightly. In the sky there was not a single muddy or cloud.

- Guys! See here, rather!

Screamed the man. We were frightened, after all, her cry was like it seemed to see the corpse of Mammoth. The man was standing and looked at us with amazed eyes.

- What happened? What are you yelling, how on the battlefield? "Asked her Yarik.

- See. Where is I standing? - Without paying to the knife, continued the man.

- On the grass, where else. You see quite overwhelmed, people. Do you have a sunflower? - This time I grabbed.

- Well, it is clear that on the grass, she was not thrown away, and where exactly? What do you see anything? Well?

- Footpath. She .. it stands on the path. On the protopant trail. - ICQ spoke with surprise.

- I did not understand- I was started by Yarik, where did the trail here? From the forest and ...

- And before the village itself, I finished the offer. - Watch there, there at home. And the trail leads it there.

"Maybe there was homeless?" - suggested a man. - Well, you know, it happens. They go to the forest, feed on mushrooms and berries, now the season. Outside the houseikak. What no roof over your head ...

- Yeah, in five hundred kilometers from the city? You're just a brain, a man. "Nor who did not calm Yarik.

"Instead of standing and arguing, you need to walk and see what, or who." I said.

We pounced backpacks and went along the trail into the village. No more than ten minutes left the road. Although, according to the calculations, she had to be much further. The weather began to deteriorate. The sky became gray, gloomy, was not heard not the rustle of Nasomkomi, not chitting birds. This is not alert. Little ... The weather is often changing, especially now, in our "poisoned" time.

We found a loaf of pouch, with whole window frames and glasses. He seemed more well-keeped than others. Yes, and he was closer to the exit from the village. Unpacked things, we warm up, straightened raincoats and decided not to waste time. We divided into pairs and went to study the construction.

Places seemed to say you, who are horrified. Circle dead silence, gray houses, peashed fences. Rusted axes, hand saws, clay pots, and whole, not cracked and not broken. ICQ took a couple of pots. In the houses there was an old, rotten furniture. Chest, dressers, samovars. On the windows hanging something that was previously called curtains. But from damp and time, everything turned into a terrifying picture. Everything seemed to be such as people really did not leave anywhere, but they were extremely disappeared. Evaporated. It was crazy.

We went through the courtyards, looked in the baths, in the sheds, in Songi, at home ... We looked at and studied everything that could help understand what happened here. ICQ replenished her collection of various baubles, I looked at both eyes, hoping to see at least something that could push myself on the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat happened in this place.

In one of the courtyards, I decided to divide and meet in half an hour near the gate.
Already began to darken, the time was almost nine, but ICQ all did not. Communication did not catch. Not surprising, in these places ...

I walked around the courtyard along and across, but ICQ, how through the earth failed. Thinking that she could inwhelch me to go to the guys, because I myself was fallaced for fifteen minutes, I went out for the gate and went to the house in which we stopped. Somehow suddenly darkened sharply. It has become nothing at all. I turned on the flashlight on the phone and illuminating the road continued to go. Passing by the next house, I noticed the edge of the eye that someone is in the yard.

- Hey! Yarik! ... Asya! Who's there?!

Everything was amended, and only frequent breathing was heard for the sampling time.

I thought for a long time and solved, it's worth going there or not. It was still scary. Maybe this is a beast wandered in search of food, or the guys thus decided to play me, but I didn't want to see for a coward anyway. I lit a lantern yard, hoping to see at least something, but everything was worth it. Only grass and old boards, nothing else. Breathing disappeared, sounds disappeared. And only distant laughs heard from far away. As if the child laughed. Freshing the terrain around him, I realized that this is what place I saw in my dream. The same courtyard, the same shop, the same house opposite ... absolutely everything, to the last little things. How is this possible? Having a courage, I crossed through the fence fence, passed through the courtyard and went to entrance door at home. There I stood a couple of minutes, took a deep breath and ..

Here I am in the house. It seemed to be warm, did not smell at all the dampness and rot, it seemed as if he was a cozy of the house where we stopped. I went to a big room, there was an old couch, she looked not bad. Stood round table And one chair. In the corners and everywhere there were a lot of garbage. Behind myself, I heard the laugh again. As if the child plays with me ...

- Who's here? Guys? Enough. It's not funny.

Sticky again.

- Okay. Who are you?

- I know who I am. But who are you? And what are you doing here? - I was afraid turned, but still, I managed it.

On the chair was sitting like a little man, but not a boy at all. It seems like a child, and it seems not. I sent a flashlight light on it to see as much as possible. He climbed and covered his face, Toli's muzzle with his hands. Well, or more correctly will be tempted.

- I am the owner of this thing. I live here. But you and those people who came with you, broke my peace. I have already seen you yesterday, at night. You stared at me from the street. - The creature straightened.

I realized that from fear, my ears lays out and begins to pulsate in the temples. Hands and legs wandered, and it was not clear.

- You ... are you from my sleep? And who are those people then who stood for the fences of the houses and could not go beyond the gate?

- They once lived in these houses. They made stupidity that they allowed to enter into me in their village. Now, they prenate me. Like you and they. You made stupidity that they came here.

The eyes of this burning were flooded with blood, claws appeared on the legs, and not the natural shape of rare sharp teeth were drawn by his ugly face. He spitched and snorted. He jumped on the furniture, on the walls, headed like a top. From fear, I forgot all the prayers that Grandma taught me. I only stood paralyzed by fear and repeated- "Lord, save, sacron and hindle" ... I don't know how much time passed before this ghouls clung to my claws and began to hiss trying to cling to my face in my face. I got stuck and shared on the floor. I just felt a blow, then I turned off. Before me stood all the same people. They still showed her finger to the house and shouted their heads. A boy was approached for me for ten years, he handed me his hand and looked into his eyes. In his glance, I saw the place where I was with this ame, I saw a couch. Under the couch, between the boards I saw a cross. A small old cross and a water bottle, a cross was drawn on it. As I understood, it was a bottle with holy water. Then everything became black again and empty. Opening my eyes, I listened, the room was quiet. Nearby no one. The head was sick, the whole body was lomica, blood was bleeding from the nose. Phone with a flashlight could not be soldered, therefore, I had to wonder in complete darkness. On the knees, I spurled a couch, lay down on the stomach and half the body climbed under it. The bottle managed to find almost immediately, but the cross did not come across. But I am a fierce. After a while, I found him. Only I got out and put on myself a cross, as on the side I heard all the same hissing and evil snort.

I understood that if I won't come up with something now, I would not see me anything else anymore. But we did not even say anyone, where they gathered and where to search for us if that.

Ghoul approached, his breathing was louder and tangible. The snort turned into a growl. I felt something slowly cuts me on the skin. I no longer felt, but the pain was still that. Through the pain that sprawled throughout the body, I threw a tube with a bottle and began to spray and water this creature. It started wriggling, squeak, hiss ... After some time, everything was aged and only exhausted breathing and fostering dismissed from the corner. Having twisted, I shouted at the whole voice, "Clean from this village! Go to hell, Herod! "- and began to pronounce prayer for prayer, which I could remember. When everything was amended, I lost consciousness again ...

- Max. Maxim. Max! - Screamed ICQ.

I opened my eyes and saw the guys above myself. They looked at me with pity and fright. As it turned out, I lay at the gate of the house where at night I met with a lot. I was almost full of gray. The guys helped me climb and brought to the house where we stopped. Having treated the wound on the head, they began to ask me questions about what happened.

I did not come up with anything better how to lie. Allegedly I was delayed walking through the courtyards, I did not catch up with ICQ, stumbled in the dark and falling hit my head. More guys did not ask me about anything, realizing that I would not tell more than anyway. And only ICQ asked his last question:

- Where is your phone? Flashlight for what?

- I dug it somewhere somewhere. I do not know where. - I grumbled.

We had to stay there for another night. Since he went heavy rain and a thunderstorm began. But on this night, nothing happened. We talked and laughed. Everyone shared the story about what they saw in this village, which was liked, and what made terrible. I was silent, laying on the fact that I could not really remember anything from my head.

- It seemed to me how people simply disappeared in this place. All things in their places. They could not leave without things. Very interesting place. - She said. And she was supported.

- Well, I would return here with the equipment, I would like to watch this place. I am not insects, not birds did not see in this place. - Noted Yarik.

In the morning we collected things and went on a familiar trail from where it came. Wrapped, I saw people, they smiled, waved with my hand, and seemed happy. The houses were quite both new, it was smoke from the pipes, a laughter of the guys were heard in distant.

- And nothing supernatural. So, that "schoolboy" is a vote and a fifteentist. And not the fact that he was generally in this place. - Distimously giggled ICQ.

- Well I do not know. Looking at the gray head of Max, I can note that he still did not just stumbled and hit his head. - Obuably gave out Yarik.

- Yes, you never know why I went to, people. I myself would like to understand what happened to me. What was, it was. I am also glad that I visited here. "I gave up.

Upon arrival home, I threw things and climbed to the site on which we found this village. But there was no definition about her, as well as comments to the site. Its as if it did not exist.

At night, I dreamed of people, they glowed with happiness, shook my hands, bowed to the belt and smiled. It was light, bright, the circle of the birds rangy, the dogs were played with the guys, the cats were sinking on the porks, the old men hug their children. I approached the boy already familiar to me, he crossed and removed the cross from my neck.

In the morning, I climbed on the Internet to the very site. Nevertheless, I found my villages familiar to me, only she was quite alive and filled with life.

It happens, I thought and looked in the mirror on my gray head. I will need not a little time to forget about what happened to me. And whether it will fail at all?

Well, here's another story from rustic life. As usual, the names are changed. Based on real events.

Lived in one village woman. Let's call her Tatiana. Not one lived, with her husband. Oh and they had love, real. Children have long grown, but they were driving around the cities, only occasionally came, and grandchildren were brought. Tatiana and in old age woman energetic was: everything was burning in his hands. She kept her beds in the garden to rinse, and to look at the cattle. She had a good husband, did not drink and helped her in everything. But one day the trouble happened: a tannin's tannin was punished. What only a woman did not drive, what kind of signs did not invite - they could not help.

Tatyanian died, in a few days burned. Bored the whole of the village, then remembered the same way. Batyushka sent a man, everything is as expected. And Tatiana did not remember himself, it seems like a garden, and a cattle, neighbors could help, but her work was healed. In the cemetery she began to walk every day. People said, they say, it is impossible, but the woman did not listen to the good advice, only in himself closed even more. Everything was crying on the grave and asked the beloved to pick up his beloved.

A month after Tatiana funeral, Tatiana completely became closed, did not communicate with anyone and did not go anywhere. Even the garden and cattle forgot, the benefit of the good people looked after. And then they began to notice that she began to get started, all, the skin was yellow, the eyes are valeuned, the look is inanimate. They decided that she got sick and to help her tried the former forest.

But once she came running at night to the neighbors home and began to knock on the door, and call Natalia, his girlfriend was good. Opened doors Natalia and a woman ran into the house. All in tears, frightened, shakes in fever. She began to ask a girlfriend about help, and she could not understand what she was staring. She calmed down Tatiana and that about his misfortune was told:
- After the death of her husband, I went to the cemetery every day. It could not live without him and asked me to take me to the next world. Two weeks at night I heard a knock at the door. I'm afraid to open, the defender I didn't have now. It came to the door and ask, they say who knocks. And I hear the voice of my husband of the deceased behind the door, which I didn't say anything: "Well, what is being missed, open, I am. I was afraid, I began to say that I don't have a husband, so that, whoever it was, was removed from the threshold. But behind the door, the voice of the husband said: "I myself called me every day, and now you can not let me."

Tatyana sighed and cried bitterly, but his story continued his story:
- After these words, I could not stand it and opened the door. It costs my husband in clothes that buried, smiles and hands pulls to hug. I rushed to him, but let's hug, kiss, but happily not to believe in your own way. He led him to the kitchen, fed what it was. He smiled at me and we talked to dawn with him, and he left the first gay. I began to go to me every night, so I waited for him, fed and poured. He just always told me, so that I could not talk about it to anyone, otherwise he will no longer be able to come. I left the door open, but today I closed the windows and doors at night. Yesterday the husband came and said that he would soon take me to him. And I tell him: "Why pick up, you go to me myself and everything. I already do not want to die." In one moment the face of the husband was soaked, his eyes flooded with blood, he bass strange himself: "I did not ask you if you want or not." After that, I realized that it was not my husband, and the hell himself swears over my grief and wants to pick me up!

The woman again walked and looked frightened on his girlfriend, but Natalia listened only to silently. I had to continue my story Tatiana:
- I closed all the doors and windows today. Somewhere at midnight heard noise in the kitchen, went to see, the light turned on and the husband sits at the table. "How did you enter the house?" - I immediately asked. And the husband shows silently on the gap in the floor and says: "In the same way I will leave with you." After that, I came running to you. Assume me what to do.

Natalia thought that a neighbor with grief and loneliness was called with the mind, but he gave her a church candle and punished, so that in the kitchen he lit her. Tatyana took a candle and silently left home. He disappeared from that night a woman nor at home, they could not find it anywhere, and they went to the forest, and dived into the river ... Only three days later they found her dead on a man's grave.

When I was fifteen years old, we went to a grandfather to the village with parents and brother. As always, we were met having fun and good-natured, generous rustic table. Potatoes, cucumbers, vodka. No, no, do not think that I then got drunk and everything I will tell me below, I have experienced. Not a drip of alcohol at that time in your life I have not tried.

Grandfather subsided and began to talk about war. How they fought with friends and relatives. One of the stories was like that. Fight a squad of fighters on the enemy. Fight a grandfather and next to him a friend, flew Mina, and cut down in half her fragments of a friend who was near. The upper body fell, and the lower inertia continued to run. It was very terrible to observe such a picture.

On me, for a teenager, with another unstable psyche, then this story impressed very much. Since childhood, and before this afraid I am afraid of darkness. And then, after all these stories, I asked mom to go to bed next to me. Yes, ridiculous, but nothing could do anything. Mom laughed and agreed. At night, I woke up sharply, as if someone pushed me. Moms were not there. Well, I thought, I probably went to the toilet. As everyone knows, rustic toilets are on the street. Lying, tried to fall asleep that was unsuccessful. It was dark, even even an eye, and I peered into this darkness. Suddenly, I heard the rustles. Opposite my bed stood a chest of drawers with a mirror. Noise came from there. I looked at the dresser and, oh horror, there was an upper half of the body of that fighter, killed by a fragment of Mines, which Grandfather told. The ghost looked at me. I grilled my eyes and covered with a blanket. Again heard the sound. Slowly began to look out from under the blanket. What I saw was terrible. Bottom part The bodies ran straight on me and dissolved in space near the bed, on which I was.

I jumped off the bed and ran to the next room, where my older brother rested. I began to convulse him. "Igor, Igor, I woke up, but my moms are there, I'm scared, went to look for her," I whispered to him. Brother woke up, began to calm down, said that we will wait for some time and go to look. I got sick and began to wait. It's about ten minutes. Brother was silent and me too. I looked at the white wall. I saw a dark bike, under-stop to the wall. "Strange, because I did not see this bike during the day, but it would be great, you could ride the next morning," I thought. I wanted to touch. I extended my hand to a two-wheeled horse, and was dumbfounded, he evaporated, only some kind of white cloud remained. I turned to my brother, I began to look at him in my face. Brother looked at me and silent. Suddenly he rose sharply to me, I tried to push him out, but he also evaporated. I grabbed Igor by my shoulders, it turned out, he fell asleep. I frightened him frightened and sentenced it "Wake up, wake up."

Igor snapped. He did not understand the motives of my behavior and fear. It is tired and offended that he was awakened, the brother agreed to go look for mom on the street near the toilet. We quietly, so that no one will wake anyone, made their way along the corridor to the exit to the street. I kept Igorka by the hand and was afraid that he would run away somewhere from me. Neither with this, sharply, how to short out of another room: "Where are you going among the night?" We both jumped. The elder brother and I were frightened to death from an unexpected replica. It was a mother. Then we laughed at this situation for a long time, like a healthy man (my brother) and I got around the house among the night. As it turned out, at night, when my mother slept next to me, could not sleep because I had a lot of snoring. Therefore, I went to another room to sleep quietly.

It was in the late 80s, Mom Ani worked in some kind of architectural bureau (I will not lie as it was correctly called, but it does not matter), in general they were restored by architectural monuments. Ani's older sister Masha was a professional restorer artist, worked for the most part In the temples and monasteries. Mother and daughters ride across the country, along the most different corners of our immense homeland. Then the church in Vladimir region Restore, then the cathedral in Suzdal. Annie, very small, with mom and older sister always under the supervision, always safe.

I will say that this family though noblest business, but especially believer was not, at that time. .

And once he brought them into the place forgotten by God, somewhere on Smolensk region, already on the border with Belarus. Old barely live village, one central street, and a dozen houses, forest, river and huge moat (like there before Dnipro proceeded, yes drying).

There was there and a small church of the beginning of the 17th century, ancient darkened icons from time, wax candles exhibiting indescribable aroma .. Masha was spent all days in the church at work, Little Anya, a rather independent girl, walked out of the village surrounded by grazing goats and Yard dogs.

Settled visitors on the outskirts, in the chair of the chairman and somehow strange, it seems to be a joke, they warned: "After sunset, do not hang on the village and one do not let one!".

The family is urban, in prejudice does not believe, but after the first working day, returning home, women noticed that with the advent of Twilight, the village seemed to extinct. Shutters are tightly closed, at the gates of the Casov, not a single living soul, only the yard dogs are bored in their booths.

Locals were not spelling and did not spread much about the causes of the curfew. Life, they say, rustic, early lay down - get up early. But the chair of the chairman was very nice and the dignity of the woman so kicked up to Anute, that without unnecessary conversations with the sunset herself a restless child at home. Mom with Masha often met the girl bored and complaining that they did not give a walk, the house was locked at home.

"All for her good, there is nothing to go to the village in the dark in the dark!" - Chairman justified. But I repeat, restless Anka Oral and demanded freedom, as a result of which the mother surrendered and forbidden to lock it at home - "Let it walk around to our return."

Restoration work was in full swing and once the women were returned home completely late. In the village of silence, darkness, even if the eyes of the adhesion, and on Zavalinka Ani is not visible. There was no one and at home, rushed to seek, stuck the whole village along and across, to no avail. Chairmen were plundered, they dragged the lanterns and went home.

They discovered reluctantly, shrugged her shoulders and somehow dismissed her eyes. "They themselves were to blame, it was said not to let the child on the dark shusting" "Yes, what's the thing?! - Mother prayed - what happens, what are you afraid of?! " "Look for in the ravine" - everything that managed to learn from local frightened women.

Run to the ravine, a man was gathered 10, men with forks, as it should be, and lanterns. But the edge of the ravine stopped everything. "Next, your diet is yours." No need to explain the shock status of the Mother Anyuti, adults rustic men refused to descend in the ravine, which is there on the bottom, and that with a child if he is there.

Mother Anuti with senior daughter Rushed down through Burnor, almost to the touch, on the slope in complete darkness. They shouted, shone with thin rays of lanterns, whose light hopelessly swallowed the absolute darkness. Already halfway from the bottom there was a muted hissing, as if a dozen cats were raised and produced this terrible caitorium.

Masha The first reached the bottom, she got up like the inserted and shouted in horror. The painting that she opened paralyzed her, the voice was broken and she lost consciousness. The mother of girls rushed forward and finally saw her missing daughter. The lunar light was slightly reflected from the small stream at the bottom of the ravine, but this light was enough to illuminate two figures of about one height.

Anya quietly and slowly walked by the hand with a low-born creature with long hands and curves. The creature was dangerous and sieprely. The eyes glow like a cat, and long fingers Hands ended with sharp claws. IN moonlight The skin of the creature cast a bluish color with small dark streaks and stains all over the body. The girl moved, without having visible resistance, her eyes were closed.

With scream, the mother rushed to the child and grabbing the aneu by his hand pulled on himself. The creature raised, exposing the sharp short teeth, sought with a new force, but the girl did not let go. The struggle began, the mother pulled the child to herself, and the creature whose force clearly inferior to the furious pressure of a furious mother, fifth, slid on the clayey DNU and tightly held an unfortunate child.

The beat of the eyes and clatter of the jaws of the creature passed on the roar and grabbed the anyuta already two paws. Finally, the mother saw where exactly the creature drags her prey. On the opposite side of the dried river in the thickets, the old brickwork, it dawned the Nora. Of last forces The mother jerked the daughter on himself and the creature was finally hooked. As soon as the girl was in the hands of the mother, she published stretching moan and assured to the ground.

Here, the Masha came to his senses, they grabbed the child and her mother and rushed up away from the ravine. The creature below continued to hiss and whine, it was somewhat closer, it fearfully retired. Mother called loudly to the rescue and apparently these screams and the proximity of people scared the creature, in the end it was still a little twisted at the bottom, it disappeared in the thickets from brickwork.

At the top of women and an exhausted child took local, in full silence They held a mother with daughters to the chair of the Chairman and no matter how it did not work out at home. In the illuminated room, Annie finally came to himself, she quietly sobbed and complained about a bad dream, the girl's hand, the very one, for which the creature was holding, was all in the blood, deep cuts were inflated and terribly sick. All night Anya spent in delusion, the wounds were washed and tied up, only at the dawn she fell asleep.

The chair of the chairman slowly said that it was often often animals disappeared at night from the village, their ablosable corpses were found at the bottom of the ravine. And when the juvenile son of the local drunken was disappeared, everyone agreed and with the sunset began to lock the doors and windows of houses until dawn. The boy did not find it, for the most part I was not looking for, the village flatter refused to descend into the ravine, and the father killed by Horam was sitting all night on the edge, and without deciding to go alone.

It is said that hearing at night a hiss in the courtyard of the house, you can see a small clumsy creature to see the village in an infertility attempts to find food. It walks all night through the courtyards, looks in doggy booth And the persecution of frightened animals is driven in the morning in the ravine.

Scars on the hand of Ani saw with his own eyes.
I don't remember the name of the terrain, I heard this story when I myself studied at school.
The names of the girls changed.