As Kushchevka lives eight years after the massacre. Life and life of the Cossacks of the village of Mikhailovskaya lived in the village Old Festasty Grandfather 15.3

As Kushchevka lives eight years after the massacre. Life and life of the Cossacks of the village of Mikhailovskaya lived in the village Old Festasty Grandfather 15.3

"Fear that they will return"

How Kushchevka lives eight years after the massacre

Irina Khaletskaya

Eight years ago, the leader of the Kushchev OGG Sergey Tsack and his gang members were condemned for the mass murder in the house of the Local Farmer of the Ametov Server. Twelve people killed from the hands of the bandits, including four children. This is one of the most cruel crimes in the history of modern Russia.

Member of the OGS Vyacheslav Tsinovyzyn is serving a punishment in a correctional colony in the Amur region. Behind the bars lives no worse than in the wild: eating red caviar, crabs, fries kebabs. In addition, the mother of the leader of Gang Sergey Tsack was released and had already returned to the village. It is not surprising that the inhabitants of Kushchevskaya fear of repeating crimes and are afraid of those whom it would seem reliably isolated.

"It's a shame for the image"

Stanitsa Kushchevskaya is no different from others in the Krasnodar Territory. It can be seen that they live here well: good built cottages, expensive cars, trendy shops. The main source of income is agriculture and animal husbandry. On the events of the eight-year old statute, the local is told willingly, over the years, history has covered his rumors and bikes. Forget such, no matter how try, it will not work.

"It turns out if I didn't cut the family, I wouldn't open anything and they would have killed," says Local resident Svetlana, standing in line in the store.

Another buyer agrees with her: "Everyone in the village knew who such an ads. This cruel gang enjoyed out permissions. Could beat in anything that is not obey right on the threshold of the police station. They knew that they would not be anything for it. And who will write an application for them when everything was bought? "

The prehistory of the nightmare is well known. In the early 1990s, when all the collective farms were transformed into a sliding, cooperative lands, each employee of the collective farm went to Pai. The law banned the buying lands, but the participants in the cooperative could have managed it in its own way. So the structure of the GPG of the Tsapkov was formed. Local farmers are still asking not to call their names, but in private conversations with RIA Novosti correspondent explain:

Ans forced people to sell land. Selected everything. And for raider capture does not cause suspicion, they found "mutual understanding" with the authorities of the district, the police and the judges.

Ilya Gusev, who won the head of Kushchevki in 2018, does not refuse to be interviewed. He regrets that in other regions of Russia, the village knows only on the terrible events of 2010. And here, he emphasizes, long ago live differently. "In eight years, a whole generation has grown. For them, this story is nothing more than the past. But with the victims we now meet, every year on November 4 we go to the cemetery. Everyone knows that your relatives no longer return, but they do not forget about them. Remember the events need, but not constantly. The village strongly tries to form a new, positive image. After all, Kushchevsky district is the northern gate of the Krasnodar Territory. Therefore, we will focus on active youth, businessmen, culture, "he emphasizes.

Gusev says that the first years, because of the loop of criminal history, everyone suffered.

There was a time when farmers came, for example, at exhibitions of agricultural products, but customers were afraid to buy goods, seeing that he was from Kushcheck. Entrepreneurs walked to the trick: the lists that they are from the neighboring villages.

"It is the opinion that the blood of the died in the house of Ametov cleared Kushchev. I told them their relatives, and I accept this point of view. Perhaps this was the point. The tragedy led impunity, fear of people. But the shocking crime put on this point, "the Gusev is convinced.

And immediately clarifies: "Now the native and victims again attacked journalists, because the hope of Hadas was released. Then the network laid out photos, as the chapper eats crabs in the colony. In Kushchevka, of course, they are discussing. " Nevertheless, in the view of Guzeva, "there is no such thing that the village explodes from indignation." "Everyone is interesting what will happen next. And nothing will be. Times no longer, "the head of the village summarizes.

On the lands of my husband still sit gang cocks

However, not everyone agrees with the statements of Guzeva, especially entrepreneurs whose business suffered from the actions of the gang. In the Kushchevsky district there are many such and they are still trying to defend their rights. In the neighboring Amet's house on the same green street, Olga Bogacheva lives. Her husband and son also died from the hands of the gang, but a little earlier. When the Head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, arrived in Kushchevskaya and personally took control of the case, the killing of her family was introduced to the rest of the materials.

Olga Bogacheva for five years as retired. In a huge house, she lives alone. When we talked to her, I kept the last answer from the district court in your hands - it did not provide compensation for the death of a husband and son, because Sergey Hadazok died in the SIZO. Lawyers are trying to postpone the compensation of moral damage to their relatives on the right of inheritance. But the courts refuse.

"Our family is the only one who has lost not only the whole business, but also loved ones. On the lands of my husband still sit gang cocks. On the lands that we earned, and not stolen. I don't want me to pay money (compensation for material damage - Bogacheva on the court was awarded 1.2 million rubles. - Ed.): I don't need this blood, these tears, including mine, do not need. I want to be returned my, honestly earned, "she explains.

Olga reluctantly talks to what hell has become life for her after the death of loved ones.

He says that no one wanted her to work in Kushchevka, I had to go to Sochi - I got it in a restaurant.

"Burifies the Son and Husband, he tried to do business twice. And twice we were broken by a monument on the grave of my boys. Has anyone punishment for it? Not. And how many more cases and not disclosed for years? Dozens, "she spread his hands.

In the house of the North Ametov, where the mass murder occurred, light lights up. It turns out that his daughter Lily Ametov now lives there, in that fatal night, who was in another house. She does not communicate with the journalists or with lawyers, prefers to hide from obsessive eyes. No compensation also did not receive.

It hurts from injustice, says Bogacheva: "For example, Jalil, who survived the son of Ametov, gave compensation for moral harm. But his sister did not help anything, the victim did not recognize, although she first discovered the dead family members. " Olga lists those who have received compensation, although "some have no relation to the dead." "There are families from Rostov-on-Don - they also did not get anything and, apparently, no longer receive," she emphasizes. - And while we are whisolized these papers, criminals will be released. "

Snake Gorynych was three-chapted

By 2010, Sergey Tsapok, Vyacheslav Zadovkin and their third companion Fyodor Streltsov have formed the Holding North Kuban, which entered large collective farms. Plus, everyone had his personal enterprise, actually underwent all the lands of the Kushchevsky district. The remaining businessmen are convinced of: what happened in Kushchevka in 2010, - no more than a painful dust, which broke through. Everyone grabbed the murder, but what conditions could be promoted, no one did not understand.

One of the businessmen, Valery Doroshenko, was afraid of almost eight years old, as his business was pressed. He still tries not to appear in Kushchevka and is ready to meet with correspondents only somewhere away from the village.

Eight years ago, on the same day, on November 4, he was almost killed - a few hours before the mass massacre in the house of Ametov: "They were just rushing, they said that I was in line."

He was engaged in the supply of fuel and grains in the neighboring Kushchevsky Pavlovsky district. In the middle of zero, I got acquainted with the challenge, who also offered his services. "Basically worked myself, but we were friends with glory. Later he introduced me to Sergey Angele, however, I tried not to communicate with him. By that time, some criminal cases began in Kushchevka - the Privacy of Kolkhoz Earth. I did not like it, I tried to distance. My things went uphill, I created the company "Kuban-Contract", took a loan. After some time, Chainly found me and suggested working together - to supply fuel, "the entrepreneur recalls.

At the same time, he met the third leader of Gang - Streltsov: "Fedor comes from Armavir. I know that there he worked in law enforcement agencies in the tax sphere. Dirty shoes, an old shirt, a clogged look - there was the first impression about him. And six years later, he changed beyond recognition: turned into a pompous businessman. "

Sagittarov served the functions of the manager, but Doroshenko almost did not intersect him, preferred to work directly with the chain: "We repeatedly took place delays - about a hundred million rubles I had to. When I made a complaint, the Herokov called and we decided issues with him. The methods of the TsAKA did not suit me: threats, frank crime. I knew that prominent businessmen were already shot. And everyone understood that the breaths were looking for someone who could be involved in the death of his brother. "

According to Doroshenko, in the spring of 2009, Tsinovkin offered him to enter the new agroholding, which was created under the construction of a sugar plant in Kushchevskaya. The means for this were allocated through the Krasnodar branch of Rosselkhozbank, so it was necessary to combine several farms already serviced there.

Firm Valeria "Kuban-Contract" was ideal. Chainly clarified that there will also be several other companies in the holding, but in reality it was one-day firms that Doroshenko learned later.

"Glory convinced: all debts will give away - plus 25 percent of the share in the holding will get to me. I did not like the idea: I didn't want to work with an Assault nor Streltsov. But I was openly "rubbed", threatened. At that time, the gang had a full map of Blanche. When they had in the office, I saw that people sit there in chains and drink vodka. In general, all the fact that four militants came to me and demanded to transfer documents in my enterprise. I signed everything under pressure, "he restores the chronology of events.

In early 2010, Doroshenko discovered that neither he nor his enterprise in the holding was found. Realizing that he was deceived, he stated the claim for 120 million rubles and the intention to sue.

"My last meeting with the tackes took place on November 4, 2010. They called me to the office of "Glory Kuban" under the pretext of the negotiations on finance. In the office there were basic gang members, Sagittarov clearly on a platoon. He constantly called him, he planned some large-scale event for the evening. I could not think that he gave the last guidance on the preparations for the murder of Ametov, "says Doroshenko.

And continues: "Then Streltsov said that I forget about my stake in the holding and any money. Handles threatened to kill, waving a pistol. And then stated that they once had no time to kill me, they are busy, but "put me in the queue." I went out of the office, realizing that my days were considered, went home. The next day, familiar me told me that 12 people killed in the house of Ametov. Suspected detained - it was an ads. It turns out that these innocent victims actually saved me. "

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statement of the famous Linguist Mikhail Viktorovich Panova: "The language is similar to a multi-storey building. His floors are units. Sound, ..., word, phrase, suggestions ... And each of them occupies its place in the system, each performs its work. "

I think the language is a very complex and clear system, but it is alive and everything in it is interrelated. Linguist M.V. Panov not in vain compared the language with the building. For example, the author of the text of Yu.Sergeev writes that the Greenichka sang "Rascato, Mighty" about the string of Razin. In these words, everything serves so that we can imagine the Maneru of the Santa singing. Many vowels and sonorous consonants give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sonority, the words are selected very expressive in terms of lexical importance, homogeneous members create a solid description.

Another example is a sentence 22, very long, with a variety of syntactic buildings. It is his slow, as it were, emphasizes the diversity of grandfather's songs Gnicens and the slowness of his "performances."

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text of the text: "When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul and left the Duman of a Jewish day and everyone became kinder and cleaner."

I think the author here wants to say about the effect of art per person. People when they listened to grandfather Grynichka, felt the beauty and mentality of the performance, and from this they became good in the soul and wanted to become better than they are. The text describes how the colors of the Santa listened to a long time and wipe away the tears, because art touches everyone. And when a person is crying not from his resentment, and from sympathy to someone else's grief, he is always doing better.

The text says that I went to my grandfather for advice, wanting to understand your life. And grandfather Greenichka, unlike his peers, retained cheerfulness and wisdom. Probably, this is the result of singing, music, which is always especially deeply affecting the soul of man and makes us cleaner and merciful.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word beauty?

I think that the word beauty can be understood in different ways. This is the beauty of a person, and the beauty of nature, and the beauty of art. In this text, for example, the music speaks, which its beauty elevates man, makes it cleaner and kinder. This happens, I think, because the music, singing affect the soul, make a person sympathize with another - for example, the hero of the song. The text states how children wip away tears, listening to his grandfather. So they became kinder, learned to empathize.

I have repeatedly convinced that the music is more than anything else, makes a person to experience some feelings. This beautiful art admires us with clean and expressive beauty of sounds that acts right on the soul. I read such a statement: "A man who took the violin, can not be a bad man." I think it's true. The beauty of music ennobles and makes it cleaner and more than anyone.

Mikhailovskaya Stanita was already a big, crowded and was the administrative center of the Cossack regiment. Atamans, Chericarians, Treasure and Judge, lived here. In the center of the village in the market area in 5,000 square churches stood the church. A dirt road from the Fortress of Stavropolskaya in the fortress of the Donskoy and was called the tract, in the nurses of the Bazaar Square.
Large streets went towards the east. The huts are built from Samana and Tree, root straw, reed, iron - rarely, and since 1870 - tiled. They were built from two rooms: a flavored and a residential, heated room, between them. The rooms of the rooms were decorated with photographs, was a holy angle for icons and lamps that served in the festive religious days with lighting. The holy corner stood a table with benches for seating. In the residential room at the entrance stood a Russian oven. In the courtyard stood sheds for livestock, barn for grain storage. The rich in the yard had hut-kitchens. In the warm time of the year they slept employees for hire, and in winter - calves and piglets were warmed. The courtyards were struck by a stone wall or acres, and the gardens are a ditch. The food was cooked in Russian furnaces, in the summer in the courtyard on taganka or a plate folded from stones.
* * * * *
Family and family. Cossack families were large: old men, parents, sons with wives, unmarried daughters, grandchildren. For example, Nestor Lagodin had 20 shower, Stepan Mishoustin - 13 shower, Grigory Komarevtsev - 12 shower, Denis Nazov - 12 shower, Andrei Konev - 16 souls, Isai Moskvitin - 10 shower, etc.
In the village there was a nate 20 families, Lashawn - 14 families, in tranships - 10 families, with weary - 11 families.
The head of the family was a grandfather father. All listened to him. The old one knows the Cossack customs and orders, teaches, instructs children with a hybembulator. Young on the fields work, and the old man is home. Trucks, Sani, Clamps and all harness puts in order, as well as stables, sheds, barns - everywhere will bring order.
The old man ordered the bread as follows: the part of the sowing left, part of the food and sale. Selling bread and buys for a family who needs, as well as for the farm. And in the hut holds the old woman mother, smart, a lot of experienced working. A lot of tears from grief shed in their century, and there was little joy. She keeps good Cossack traditions, always in work: it knits, then Sybanka shakes, he looks behind his grandchildren, follows the daughters, as they work, in the case it will help them, teach without abuse. For this, her daughter-in-law respected and listened. In the morning in the family, the routine will give someone to boil food to whom the cows are milking, to whom in the field go to work, and to whom the lingerie is washed.
For all women in the house there was a stupid routine.
In the summer, the Cossacks worked from sunrise before sunset, and in winter they rose to dawn in winter. In the winter long evening, women hung fiber from flax and cannabis, as well as wool. Knitted stockings, gloves, shawls; On the homemade weaving machine, the fabric fabric 33 ARSHIN LED. Quietly at work, there were everyday conversations, sang sincere songs:
Grew the Cossack through the valley,
Through the Caucasian edges.
He gave a garde green
Ring glitter on hand.
Cossack from the far edge,
Cossack is rising
Gay, sidewalk my heart,
Steppes Last Golden.
Gay, gay, gay, gay
Steppes Last Golden.
The men begin to tell interesting fairy tales, different bikes, and everyone stacked to sleep on the oven, on the beds, on the shops and on the floor, laying straw. Sheltered sheepskin coats, blankets and calmly fell asleep.
* * * * *
Cossacks were accustomed to the work of Svolism. Drive horses on the water, to walk behind the cattle, for firewood in the Russian forest ride, on the smelting to be, as well as on the harvest; In the gardens, in the gardens to help adult harvest to collect. There were games rare fun - Kazani, Chizh and others. Girls more nursing younger children. Children loved their face, garden and garden, forest, fields and animals.
Study of children at that time was not long-term. I learned to read, write - and good. In the summer, the school is empty. In the autumn, the teacher reminds the Cossacks about the school that the children came to school came to school.
- Yes, we are not averse to send boys. To serve them, and girls why grams? - Men answered.
The day of rest began with a bunny day - Saturday. A steam bath in the village was a kind of hospital for people. Expanded in a steam bath, people clapped themselves with oak brooms for the benefits of the body and the destruction of the hot ferry of the lice in the clothes, which the negligent started a lot. After the bath, people felt an extraordinary ease, then went to church for worship.
Evening, the moon shines. Do you have young people to sleep? Girls, guys are having fun. In girls braids to the belt, anyone see. Guys in shirts under a buckle, on the heads of Cossack caps are shifted on a bar, so that the Girls looked at the Cossack Chub. Dancing, sang songs, joked, laughed. Then every Cossack wishes his girlfriend to home. Youth is good time.
On weekdays worked, they did not have fun and did not bored, but also worked. Myathers - time weddings.
Son 18 knocked. It's time to marry. The choice of the bride is a problem for non-governmental kinship. "What a mother is like a daughter," the parents said to her son. - Written your bride, beautiful. Yes, here is a mother on the street Lyasycks, children are neglected. In the rooms dirty. Do you know her daughter? Never mind. Father work makes Tip-Lump, Lododr, Fields are not well maintained. How will you live? We like another girl. She worked, friendly, statutory and healthy. And what does she have? Father, mother to work grabs. Father Cellets, hard worker, clever. Mother - gold. It's nice to go to the house. Daughter - what is needed, everything is trained. "
The guy agrees with the arguments of his parents. Sends the woven of the intelligent, who know the order of the matchmaker, the honor of the groom will not suffer, the masters say the word. Suspended. Young announced that they are now the bride and groom. Before the wedding month. Svati reached the consent, the so-called "reprimand", in favor of the bride ...
Wedding! On the equestrian line with subduch bells in a beautiful vaccine to the church, bride is taken under the crown. And at the gate of the church decorated with multicolored ribbons there is a groom's tachacan with friendship, waiting for the bride. Here is a wedding train with relatives and invited. Everyone comes to church. The priest makes a ritual rite wedding.
From the church of the bride with the bridegroom go together on Tachanta in the house of the groom, and behind them with harmony, with songs and chastushkami rushing train.
It also happens that the bride and groom do not agree with the arguments of parents, because they love each other. The bride say that the father of the groom Lododr, a drunkard and dracans; The hut falls, the farm is bad, and and the groom is bad. In this case, the young solution is one: the wedding run, i.e. Secrely the groom leads the bride to his home. The father of the bride is raging, curses the bride and her daughter, who threatens the murder. But it takes time, and the calm comes in the family: the grandson-Cossack was born.
And further. According to the legend of the old in the village of Mikhailovskaya, there was a girl named Dunyasha. With girlfriends walked, the flowers collected, the wreaths of the flare. Flying childhood. Divina flies, and love came to her.
On the holiday, in a quiet summer evening, girlfriend is the name of Dunyasha in the Kurgan to dream, laugh and sing songs, swear in loyalty to your own.
The time came and the rich, but not those she waited for the matchmaker. Suspended Dunyosha in spite of her will. She was cheerful under the crown, and at home at the table with the word "bitterly" burned. Dunya came out into the yard for a moment in the evening, the star and never returned to the table.
I was looking for, all the nearest wells and ponds were checked on the river, and they found her body in the mound. Since then, Vednikniki called this mound "Dunin".
Now there is no Dunin Kurgan - disappeared with a bulldozer. In memory of the Dunin Kurgan, the authorities were called the street of Kurgan.
* * * * *
Trading in Mikhailovskaya Stanitsa passed, one can say, almost from its foundation. In archival documents, it is written: "... In 1790, a merchant estate of 18 men came out ..." And the "merchant" in the law of Russia is a businessman-trader. Merchants were benevolent. In Russia, they were awarded medals and orders. They were assigned the title "Honorary Citizen", and they were credited to the nobility. Nekrasovsky poems were singing about the bed bars:
At Uncle Yakov
About you the product of everyone,
Sitza good
Elegantly and cheap!
Sitters printed, cashmere Halfs with patterns, rings, cross and seelings, beads and ribbons red, white and blue. Pots and bowls for the seed. Bringing equestrian and coming to lubricate the breakdown and wheels. Sickle, whose sharpness was tested on their beard, as a razor, and braids were exposed to affordability when they hit silicon in spit: if the spark is long, then the braid is kind, good. Skin shoes were sold that water does not pass.
And on the carnival traded the fish, brought mostly from the Caspian Sea.
* * * * *
During the Caucasian War, the Border Military Line moved to the south. New fortifications arose in the headwaters of Kuban - Cossack Stitsa. Stavropol lost its military significance, and 12 villages remaining in the rear, including Mikhailovskaya, were drawn to civil status and are included in the Stavropol province. The officers and the Cossacks of these villages who wish to stay in the Cossack shelves were obliged to move to the newly arranged villages of the Zabraban region. But they did not go. In the documents of December 30, 1869, it was said that "the officers of the current villages with their families, as well as the widow and orphans of them, are counted for the nobility of the Stavropol province, the hereditary nobles - to the offacarious, and personal - to personal; Primers and Cossacks with their families, as well as widows and orphans them, - to the state of rural man in the streets. " From January 1, 1870, Stanitsa Mikhailovskaya was renamed to the village of Mikhailovskoye. But for many years in the village of Mikhailovsky preserved Cossack traditions.


Nowadays, a multi-million Cossack people inhabit the shores of Don and Kuban, Terek, the Urals and the Lower Volga, Irtysh and Amur, as well as Transbaikalia, Ussuri and Kamchatka.
Cossacks stood and stand will be for their freedom, for their lands, for their faith. Cossacks have always defended and protect the rights of offended and oppressed, not imposing their orders and customs with other peoples. They faithfully served the motherland and their state. The royal government addressed the Men's settlements in Cossack condition and awarded their land.
With the arrival of Soviet power, for which many Cossacks folded their heads on the battlefields of the civil war battlefields, were illegally repressed, so that the word "Stanita" was erased, was destroyed, was replaced by another.
Now, after 70 years, the Union of Cossacks of Russia is reborn on the legitimate basis.
On February 16, 1991, at 10 o'clock in the morning, the first in the village of Mikhailovskaya (now Shpakovskoye village) took place a large Cossack circle for the election of the first Ataman Cossack Stanitsa Mikhailovskaya. Prayer was served by the priest of the local church Peter Nikitich Merkelov.
The first Ataman was elected the Cossack descendant of the village of Mikhailovskaya Apalkov Vasily Vasilyevich, elected, also, the Atami Council and the Council of Starikov.
Cossack family - no proximity!

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Pro-Sid-Shay Text and on-Pi-Shi-Thu squeezed. Taking into account the ones that you must continue to give the main co-de-jellium as every MIC-RO -E-we and the total tech-hundred in general. The volume of from-lo - at least 70 words. Pi-Shi-Those from the Luck Ak-ku-Rat-But, once-boron-chims in Cher-com.

The text will be pro-Chi Tang two-waiting.

Breed-Paul-Zui Plem-E-Rom to Shot more per-letter.

In which the pre-Lo-Nii of the CO-Der-Yet-Xia pre-Lo-Lie, - in the Che-Mu-Nich-ka "Dried-Sia from his age-ro Stew "?

1) Go-in-Ryat that grandfather was Likhim Ka-Com-Ru-Bao in Mo-Lo-Du, for deleting on-citizen "G-or-Him", was Pe-Va-Loa in Ka-Own hundred from a hundred-ni-tsy.

2) at-home-di, it is not-red-ko and adult: they will sit down the soul of the grandfather, and the gri-na-ka, nor in the mid-tea, as if Once-Go-Va-Ri-Wai with yourself, sang and sang ...

3) Many considers that names, but the songs of the Dai Li Spirit Bod-rhy, a thin body - straight, and the eyes are Ost-Fi-Mi and Mo-Lo-Mi.

4) Ho-di to him, as on Isa, after all, Ho-di for the non-vualin co-ve-Tom: how to live?

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *



Specify the offer in which the means of expressive speech is a metaphor.

1) (18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed the removed or sad song.

2) (7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with the fists of the unpleasant heads and the ridge, listened to how a fairy tale.

3) (21) - Shackles van! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan.

4) (22) Then he sat down, silent silent for a long time, silent sizy lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, and then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, as the steppe itself, From his lips, the song was flowing, sad, bitter, as wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her children, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying yamchik and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness A hot tear was awaited.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather.

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.


From Proposals 21-23, write out the word in which the spelling of the console depends on the deafness - the wonder of the subsequent consonant.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.

(2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...


From Proposals 3-6, write out the word in which the spelling is - is determined by the rule: "In the suffrageents of the suffering gestures of the past time, NN is written."

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.


Replace the book word "semiring" in sentence 19 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this word.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather.


In addition to the "Ka-Ossen Na-Ba-Gue" (Pred-Lo-Nie 26), a stroke - Well-of CO-GO-CO-VIA, the Si-Ni-Michnie Society-Co-Che-NI-EI with the Sv. Na-Pi-Shi-those in Lu-Chiv-She-E-Sia Society.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.

(2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...


Write out the grammatical basis of the offer 6.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.

(6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.


Proposals 7-11 find a proposal complicated by homogeneous separate circumstances. Write the number of this offer.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale.


In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write down the numbers denoting the commas in the introductory structures.

It is almost all alone alone, (1) the remaining oars and sore, (2) and he, (3) to the surprise of all, (4) got along with his old age. Many considered, (5) what exactly the songs were kept the spirit of vigorous, (6) a thin body - straight, (7) and eyes are sharp and young. Greenhouse has lived one in the dilapidated, (8) indoor straw hut. I received a pension for the sons killed in the war, (9) occasionally ran away and wash the daughter, (10) living on another edge's edge. She, (11) they say, (12) several times led to her old man, (13) But time passed, (14) He again returned to his Zawaling.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.


Powers of the C-Les-Chelt of the Gram Maja Ti-Che LEDs in the Pre-Lo-Nii 32. The answer is the Pi-Shi-Thian.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs.


In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write down the number (s), denoting (s) comma (s) between parts of a complex proposal associated with writing bond.

Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, (1) But all the tales began and completed the removed or sad song. It seemed (2) Locking her eyes, (3) he represented himself with a young, (4) Chinno sitting at the table with the Cossack Cossack wedding, (5) or he flew on a horse at the attack. Then he threw and showed, (6) as the shirt of Austria.

Shackles! - Commanded the old man, (7) shake native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.


Among the proposals 22-28, find a non-union complex proposal. Write the number of this offer.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

Among the pre-low 27-32 NAY-Di-level pre-lo-ne-Chi-Ni-Tel-Noi and Co-Chi-Ni-Tel Cha-mi. Na-pi-sh - the number of this pre-lo-and the same.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements of the famous Linguist Mikhail Viktorovich Panova: "The language is similar to a multi-storey building. His floors are units: sound, morpheme, word, phrase, offer ... And each of them occupies its place in the system, each performs its work. "

Argumenting your answer, bring 2 examples from the read text. When applying examples, specify the numbers of the desired offers or use the citation. You can write work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start an essay with the words M. V. Panova.

The composition of the essay should be at least 70 words. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) lived in the village an old-pride grandfather. (2) Everybody has long forgotten his name and name, called just a grinding ...

(3) Grandfather Greenhouse loved to sing songs. (4) Sucks, it happened, to Zavalinka, he grows the crutch polished with his hands and starts singing. (5) He sang well, young, not at all creaky, like his fellow villagers, voice, sang ancient Cossack songs. (6) Having closed the eyes, throwing a proliferate white head a little back, he could bring out all day after helping the song with smooth hands.

(7) The children always gathered around him, lay down on the grass, put the fists with fists the unworn heads and the defeat of the mouth, listened to as a fairy tale. (8) Songs floated about removed Cossacks, about the raids of the plots, about Don-Batyushka. (9) Greenhouse songs knew a lot and rarely when he repeated the same. (10) It is said that the grandfather was a Lychim Cossack-shirt in his youth, "George," was awarded for delets, he was a spawn in Cossack hundred from the village.

(11) He sang long, with a supervision and some inhuman sadness. (12) It came to listen to it often and adults: they will sit around the grandfather, and the grinding, no one noticing anyone, as if talking to himself, sang and sang ...

(13) His fellow soldiers were almost all alone, the remaining washing and hurt, and he, to the surprise of everyone, had a walk with his old age. (14) Many believed that it was the songs that the song was kept vigorous, a thin body - straight, and eyes are sharp and young.

(15) Gullicating alone in a dilapidated, indoor straw hut. (16) he received a pension for the sons killed in the war, occasionally ran away and wipe the daughter, living on another edge's edge. (17) She, they say, several times led to her old man, but time passed, he again returned to his Zavaling.

(18) Many stories and fairy tales knew grandfather, but all the tales began and completed a remote or sad song. (19) It seemed that shocusing her eyes, he represented himself with a young, chinno-sitting at the table with the cossy Cossack wedding, or he flew on a horse in the attack. (20) Then he threw and showed how the shirt of Austria.

- (21) Shackles! - He commanded the old man, shaking native earthy fingers his oak crutch and one fear was cut down by a bold swan. (22) Then he sat down, was silent for a long time, silent, looking for the SIZY lips, looking for, as on clear, the necessary pebbles, and, as it were, first quietly, then everything is stronger and clear, leisurely and spacious, like the steppe, from the lips His song flowed, sad, bitter, like wormwood, about the Cossack, who did not wait for her husband from war, and her orphans of her kids, in vain killed Gorlice, about the dying grocery and the apparel of him or something else that the heart reduced sadness, hot a tear. (23) The guys are shrimp with noses and wipes the chumazmi with his lards big, still stupid glazers ...

(27) Zagach and pierced view from under the short and shaggy eyebrows! (28) And not bonding God, if he looked in someone hidden wormhole! (29) went to him, as the confession, went for the unlawful advice: how to live? (30) What are you going? (31) What can you leave after yourself?

(32) When the Greenichka sang, the warmth of the soul, and the darke of a vanity day left, and everyone became kind and cleaner.

(According to Y. Sergeyev) *

* Sergeev Yuri Vasilyevich (born in 1948) is a modern Russian writer. The main theme of creativity is the topic of the Motherland.

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did you take parents to the nursing home? Grandfather's grandfather poke everywhere ... And forgets everything ... the old Bolshevik ... and got the best answer

Answer from lapping [guru]
young man remember one thing: do the way you want to do with you

Answer from Galina Boyarian[guru]
You can enact a decent house with a commercial separation, where and the care is appropriate, but the payment is not small. If the grandfather fell into the insanity, it is hard to take it, and it is not yet known that he is better to live in a place where it is the corresponding qualified care, or in the house where all his relatives begin to hate quietly. In the end, visit him is not anyone does not forbid, but once again he is done, we are talking about a decent, commercial branch.

Answer from Calibr.[guru]
Put yourself to the grandfather's place and think, and you would like to die one, without relatives and loved ones, in someone else's place. So you answer.

Answer from Natalia Kuzmina[guru]
Yes, it happens - the one who gazed to you in youth, continues to poison old age, and shifted already in a literal sense. But with spouses it is easier to spread in an early stage, with parents harder ... It is always easier to argue about humanity, when it was not scraped from the walls smeared G ..., did not throw out his things chopped into the shreds, and a lot of things like that - scarmed sclerosis. I know several families with such old men. In general, everyone suffer, waiting for the end and quietly hate the one and grandparents, mom or grandfather perceive with difficulty. They have a feeling that they are deliberately mock their children, forcing "to give the debt" to relatives. And it is not known what is better - to put in the nursing home and visit from time to time, or look "decent", and in the soul "sigh and think about yourself:" When will the hell take herself?! "(A. S. Pushkin, and he knew what he said)

Answer from Aliance[guru]
Each category has its own whisers ... Philosophers are SSPIS, here - are you? Cool provoke people? Yeah? ... Now essentially a question .. In Japan, old people were discharged from the rocks (or what did they do with them?) ... It's a pity that you did not live in those days in the country of the rising sun ... Especially in old age ...

Answer from Yatyana[guru]
You think he pokes ... Because the old Bolshevik? ! About the nursing home I do not know .... I do not undertake to judge, there are different situations ...

Answer from Ў Litvinova[active]
Well, you did not give your parents to the house of Baby, because you are kicked everywhere !!!

Answer from Yatyana light[guru]
and you know what to live in the nursing home, in the same place for the Light of the old people send apartments. I also had a very difficult grandmother, but we cared for her to the last and no one thought about it. I just sympathize with you, live with such a person hard, but this is your cross.

Answer from account[guru]
such old men are full of full .. Only we do not have such fashion and such nursing homes that would give and not worry. But if used abroad, there is a sanatorium for old .. so well ... I saw an old woman in Egypt .. she lives all winter .. Apparently children send that it would not be frozen in Europe .. so for her Employees are careful .. Everything is paid ... The grandmother as a non-ebony tanned .. all the tightened ... in general, the bad one old age

Answer from Naily Nurzhanova[expert]
And when you reach it age, your children will ask someone a similar question.

Answer from Nada Konnova.[guru]
and if you are surrender to the nursing home, when you can't think about this, I'm even sure that you are alive in his quarters

Answer from Octobrine[guru]
I would need to suffer in the case, well, how old he left him, but when he dies unknown where and how - do you sorry yourself? Conscience to torment will not be? Think well, then you do not turn back

Answer from Dev1L[newcomer]
Native is holy ...

Answer from Ekaterina Veselova[guru]
For sure! "String, when will you be banned with your insane questions? You are reading and you are given)))) You can write a whole encyclopedia for mental disorders!" God forbid this in real life!

Answer from Annette)[guru]
I am glad that my grandfather quenched you))))))))))) I would still have something else to do))))) Excellent grandfather.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
String, when will you be banned with your insane questions? You read and give a diva)))) In you, you can write a whole encyclopedia of mental disorders!

Answer from Ўla[guru]
Are you like in childhood not kical?

Answer from Larisa[guru]
a difficult question .. but if you drop moral aspects, then most likely, yes .... By the way, there are very decent institutions