The girl from the doghouse: the cadet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was expelled for her past! (5 photos). A girl from a doghouse: a cadet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expelled for her past - she was told that Luda needs a vocational school, where she belongs

The girl from the doghouse: the cadet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was expelled for her past! (5 photos). A girl from a doghouse: a cadet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expelled for her past - she was told that Luda needs a vocational school, where she belongs

"The head of the institute instructed me to bring to you the information that the expulsion order is being canceled and Lyudmila is being reinstated for further education. Please come, we will prepare a hotel for you," - this call in the apartment of the adoptive parents of 21-year-old Lyuda Fursova in the village of Dobrinka Lipetsk region rang out late last night.

The caller introduced himself as Police Colonel Andrei Dmitrakov, deputy head of the I.D.Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for work with personnel.

The conversation was recorded by the TV crew present here - the story of the "doghouse girl" Luda Fursova, expelled from the third year of a prestigious militia university for "not such" biography, published the day before in MK, shook the whole of Russia. From the very morning in a small village house who just did not call: deputies, senators, lawyers, journalists, human rights activists ...

We sincerely hoped that justice would prevail.

The girl was promised to be restored to the educational institution. Moreover, with her guardians, whom the institute bosses did not want to let in before and on the doorstep, they not only wanted to talk, they were even ready to settle them for the night in a departmental hotel, just to come.

Have an annoying deduction error? Have you come to your senses and realized? Or did the unfortunate fate of the abandoned orphan, which was read about by over half a million readers, still melted the hearts of the militia officials?

We were waiting for a miracle, early in the morning Tatyana Demikhova, who actually replaced Lyudmila's mother, together with Lyuda set off on a long journey - to a meeting with the general, to Belgorod, 400 kilometers away.

Recall that at the age of three, the guardianship authorities took Lyuda Fursova from her own dissolute mother, who did not pay attention to the baby, the girl was fed a dog in a doghouse.

The guardian, Tatyana Demikhova, saw Luda when she asked for bread at the fence of the shelter. The girl was taken home, she learned, she became a real Russian beauty with a long braid, she finished school well. The adoptive parents have a whole bunch of letters of commendation and letters of thanks. Lyudmila was enrolled in the Putilin Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - by local standards, an elite university, where very difficult children study.

Now it is already difficult to say what happened, whether people’s sad past played a role, whether an independent character or what else became known to the curators of the university - the biological parent of a girl who was deprived of parental rights long ago, was convicted of murder due to drunkenness of her roommate, but at the institute Luda studied only until the middle of the third year. The formal reason for the expulsion: the cadet allegedly defamed the honor of the police officer.

"In February, I felt bad, my blood pressure rose, my nose started bleeding, in the medical unit I wanted to take time off from training at the shooting ranges, you never know what could happen, I still have a military weapon in my hands! But the nurse said that I was just shirking, and wrote a report that she allegedly threatened to shoot everyone, although that was not the case! " - swears Lyudmila.

Nobody began to find out the truth. Lyudmila was accused of inappropriate behavior. The foster parents of the girl, according to them, were advised to register her at a vocational school - there, they say, she belongs. And if they do not agree to leave the institute voluntarily and raise a scandal, then they will be charged 300 thousand rubles for violation of the contract, 8.5 thousand rubles a month, imposed on all sides, there was no way out.

For a girl who still has no education, work, no close relatives ready to stand up for her, after 18 years, the rights and obligations of guardians are canceled, this is a monstrous amount. No connections to defend themselves, the leadership of the institute washed their hands and offered to sue themselves. But we all know how such trials end for ordinary girls from the village.

Neither the deputies nor the senators remained indifferent to the orphan's misfortune. The very next day, the Investigative Authorities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Belgorod Region organized a pre-investigation check on the publication of "MK".

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is conducting a check on the fact of the expulsion of the cadet of the Belgorod Law Institute. During the check, all the circumstances of the decision will be carefully and objectively examined. The results of the check will be announced additionally," said the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Irina Volk.

We hoped for a happy ending, that all together, the whole society, would be able to change at least something in this system.

Tonight Luda and her adoptive parents were to meet with the leadership of the institute, where they were so persistently invited.

But they talked ... with a closed door. For some unknown reason, General Igor Amelchakov did not even deign to go out to the people whom he himself had invited. We stood in the waiting room and went home. The secretary told them that they should come tomorrow morning, maybe the general will receive them.

In general, it is incomprehensible: why then they called, tore off from the place, for what? And all this was done in front of witnesses. “We didn’t go to the institute hotel, we don’t need anything from them, we’ll spend the night, as God willing, and tomorrow will decide what to do next,” sighs Tatyana Demikhova, adoptive mother.

In fact, what happened today in the BelLUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, beckoned and abandoned, in general, it seems to us, goes beyond all reasonable limits. And it seems to us that the organizations supervising this university should definitely pay attention to this.

MK will continue to monitor this situation.

Interior Minister Vladimir Kolkoltsev today, by his personal instruction, revised the decision to expel Lyudmila Fursova, "a girl from a doghouse" from the legal institute of the city of Belgorod. A message about this appeared on the department's website at 10 o'clock in the morning.
Let's remind that we are talking about a third-year student of the Belgorod Law Institute Luda Fursova, a social orphan. Her mother has long been deprived of parental rights and is now serving a sentence in places of imprisonment, but the girl who did not come to court, under a clearly far-fetched pretext, was decided to be expelled from an elite educational institution, allegedly for defaming the honor of an officer. But no evidence of this was presented.
They also tried to rip off 300 thousand rubles from the cadet, that is how much her training cost the state, and if she is dissatisfied, she can go to court and prove her truth there as much as she wants.
We wrote in detail about this egregious situation on May 21 in the article "The girl from the doghouse": the cadet of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was expelled for her past "
More than half a million readers of the article in "MK" sympathized with Lyudmila's misfortune and offered their help. After the widest publicity from the leadership of the institute, late at night on May 22, they called the village of Dobrinka, Lipetsk region, where Lyudmila lives with her guardians, and invited him to come to the university the next day, where the girl would be reinstated in her rights.

However, in Belgorod, the guardians and Luda, who traveled more than 400 kilometers in a day, were met by a weighty castle. The educational institution said that Mr. General is on vacation, and the one who called them, the deputy chief for personnel, allegedly urgently left for Moscow. Other cadets, former friends of the girl, ran past her without greeting or raising their eyes ... Read about this situation in the article "New humiliation".
As far as it became known to "MK", ​​a commission of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is working at the institute now, it is checking the facts stated in the publication. Who is to blame for the discrimination of orphans and someone must answer for it ... Perhaps that is why the situation here is so nervous now. But it was not easier for Luda's adoptive parents, who were once again deceived.
"They offered us a hotel room for free and feed us. We are not beggars to accept such handouts. It's so embarrassing that I, an old fool, was tricked. And I also believed in a fairy tale," Tatiana Mikhailovna Demikhova lamented, who actually replaced Luda's mother ...
But already this morning everything turned upside down again.
The "MK" received a call from the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and said that a personal order of the minister on the restoration of Lyudmila Fursova had already been published on the agency's website.
"At the direction of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the decision on the expulsion of the third-year cadet of the Belgorod Law Institute has been revised."
It is noted that the leadership of the institute also made a decision to cancel the order related to the dismissal of the student from service in the internal organs. “Thanks to everyone who helped us, who didn’t leave us in trouble, this is all thanks to your indifference, Russian people,” the adoptive parents do not hold back their tears.
As far as we know, Vladimir Kolokoltsev continues to keep this situation under his personal control. People will have a session and summer holidays, which she probably did not expect ...
But if the girl wants to, then our newspaper is ready to make a petition to the police department to be transferred to another university.

The life of Lyuda Fursova from the district village of Dobrinka, Lipetsk region, changed abruptly at the age of three, when the guardianship authorities took the baby from her unlucky mother. The girl was found in a doghouse, where she nailed to feed and warm up ...

Luda went through fire and water, graduated well from high school and, having withstood a huge competition, entered the budget at the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belgorod to become a police officer. This was her cherished dream.

But in her third year, after learning that the girl's biological mother, deprived of parental rights, is now in prison, Lyudmila was thrown out the door ... Formally, for a different reason. And they demanded to reimburse 300,000 rubles - that is how much the state spent in three years on the orphans' education.

“I was told that our Lyuda needs a vocational school, that is where she belongs,” worries Tatyana Demikhova, the girl’s guardian, her real mother, they have been together for more than ten years.


“As I learned that Luda was expelled, I abandoned everything, the house, the cattle, rushed five hundred kilometers to Belgorod, to look for the truth,” Tatyana Mikhailovna does not hold back her tears. - We are simple people, I didn’t come at the parade, it was snowing. I had galoshes on my feet, excuse me, the chiefs looked at me - they probably saw a village grandmother sitting there ”.

Is a social lift possible in today's Russia? Or a prestigious education only for "special children", the offspring of generals and prosecutors, and a village orphan, a white crow, who miraculously broke into this circle, will leave it just as quickly? And if she herself does not guess, then they will help her with this.

Lyuda Fursova entered the Belgorod Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on her own. Not because of the status of an orphan, but in spite of it. “Now you can't tell whether it happened by accident or on purpose,” says her guardian. - We were sure that it would pass, because the beneficiary, but at the last moment it turned out that she did not have any concessions, that it was not known how our documents on benefits were lost, I managed to bring the documents, but my daughter passed the competition on a general basis. .. "

The do-gooders from this educational institution, talking with their adoptive mother, sympathetically shook their heads. “They told me that maybe we’ll also change our minds, there are other universities, simpler, and I, a fool, did not understand that this was not about studying, but about the fact that we were from the street,” sighs Tatyana Demikhova ...

The Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belgorod is one of the leading educational institutions in the region. As they say, people come here to study even from Moscow. Say, the teachers know their business, and the cadets have to keep pace - you can fly out of any course and for any offense, there were such precedents. However, rumors are spreading that those who entered without support and therefore cannot stand up for themselves fly out more often.

“You can do it yourself. The only downside is that you will have to give the fat generals all your life, ”one of the graduates writes on the website. Perhaps he is right. But how do you know the intricacies of the future service to a naive village girl? “I want to become an investigator to fight for justice,” Luda tells me.

Fighting for justice is strong, especially in our Palestinians.

Judging by the voice from the telephone receiver, Lyuda Fursova is still a child, she even speaks like a schoolgirl, she reports the incident in detail, honestly, in detail, like during interrogation, it is clear that it was not just that she unlearned almost three years as an investigator. And yet, one can feel that she was crying recently ... The whole future life was broken in an instant.

At the end of April 2017, Lyudmila Fursova, a cadet of the 232nd platoon of the Faculty of Law Enforcement, was expelled from the institute as a result of an offense allegedly incompatible with the honor of a police officer. So it is written in the order for her expulsion.

It turned out that back in mid-February there had been an unpleasant incident, the result of the investigation of which was this wordy document.

“Having the status of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, on a far-fetched reason, under the pretext of feeling unwell, not confirmed by a medical diagnosis, deliberately in order to obtain an excuse for her absence from class, during a conversation with a therapist of the medical unit, she made incorrect behavior and said that she“ can shoot someone ", which disorganized the work of the medical unit" - so vague and vague, with many commas, it is said about the expulsion of the cadet Lyudmila Fursova.

Not by the official phrases of the report, but by human language: the student allegedly threatened the doctor that if she was not released from class, she would shoot someone. The doctor's words versus the girl's. The doctor says that it was so, the student - that she did not say anything like that.


“It was different. I felt bad that day, - says Lyudmila herself. - The next pair were shooting at the firing range. I went to the first-aid post in order to be given release, because I was very dizzy, the pressure rose, you never know what ... Still, I have military weapons in my hands. What if I faint? So honestly and said that I am afraid of this. And in response to me the nurse shouted that I was inventing everything to get away with, she did not give me release. "

That seemed to be the end of it. There was no "disorganization of the work of the medical unit," according to cadet Fursova, no one raised a fuss, did not call the leadership, the police, help, did not shout "guard", Luda was simply fed two tablets of glycine and sent to classes - however, she was shooting I was only present, but did not shoot. It is strange, of course, that a cadet with "inappropriate behavior" is allowed to go to all four sides ... And for another two months she calmly attends the institute and the same shooting with everyone else.

In the meantime, a report on the inappropriate behavior of a private policeman Fursova went to the authorities.

And the head of the course, Lieutenant Colonel Sorokin, phoned her foster mother in her village, who kindly asked about life, about the girl's family, and promised to figure everything out. Tatyana Mikhailovna opened his heart to him that it was impossible to expel Lyuda, her life was not sweet anyway, and the biological parent of the girl is now generally in prison - for the accidental, drunken murder of her roommate. “Well, I didn’t think about anything bad when I spoke about Lyuda’s mother, and she was no one for a long time in court, because she was deprived of her parental rights,” Tatiana Mikhailovna worries. "Luda ​​has not lived with her since she was three, and there is nothing in common between them."

For the sake of justice, adds Tatyana Mikhailovna, Marina - that is the name of a careless mother - a woman is not bad, just life was not successful. As it usually happens with us. There was no one on her path in life who would help her, he extended a helping hand in time. So I walked along the knurled one to the very end.

But what does Luda have to do with it? Or is the same fate prepared for her in advance by someone?

“I myself did not know Marina, their village is far away,” recalls Tatyana Demikhova. - And with our Lyuda we met by chance. My husband and I have four adult children, and we didn't even think about any foster children. But somehow I was visiting, returning home and bought a loaf on the way. So soft, fresh ... The road went through the shelter. I look, there is a crumb about five years old, holding on to the iron bars with its little hands: "Aunt, give me some bread!" - "Whose are you going to be?" - "I'm a shelter."

I bought her juice and some bananas. "Will you come to me tomorrow?" - "I'll come." The next day, there are already three of them at the grate, asking for food, everyone's eyes - even a wolf howl.

“For a long time we did not dare to issue guardianship for ourselves, after all, we have our age, and this is a great responsibility,” adds Tatyana Mikhailovna. - Then another family took Luda under guardianship, but it turned out that because of money, this often happens in the village, they returned her thin, dirty to the orphanage, she coughed badly, was sick ... Needless to say, the girl went through a lot. When I saw her again, I thought that I would not give it to anyone else ... "

Luda's biological mother once filed a lawsuit to restore her rights, by that time the girl had accumulated decent money in her bank account, which the guardians did not spend, so the mother decided ... to earn extra money. But nothing came of it. The judge did not believe her. And Luda stayed with the adoptive mother and father.

“We bought beautiful outfits for my daughter, she walked with us like a princess. She was engaged in swimming, and athletics, and played for the school in basketball, - Tatyana Demikhova lists. - But her main dream was to enter a law school, she repeated from childhood: “I’ll grow up and transplant all criminals!”


Meanwhile, the Internet society, which always needs everything, has split into two parts. Most feel sorry for Luda, are outraged by the behavior of the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and offer help. But there are also those who believe that it is better to “overlook”. “In this story, I am embarrassed by the fact that a person with severe childhood psychotrauma is trying to enter the service of the law enforcement agencies,” said a certain Dmitry. - Having received power over us and weapons, what will he do? Protect the law? Or take revenge for your difficult childhood? She needs to look for another, civilian university and another specialty. Have pity on the girl ... "

“Let's imagine a situation. The girl is in charge. There is a criminal, for example, a robber - Mary's spelling is preserved. “And then my mother asks to help this man and the girl agrees.”

It is difficult to imagine what would have happened if everything had been completely different ... There are no subjunctives in our Criminal Code. And here the girl does not even remember what her mother looks like. Legally, and humanly, she is no one. And we all have so many traumas in anamnesis that if you pay attention to it, there will be no one to work in the police.

Moreover, Luda underwent all psychological tests upon admission, and none of the doctors revealed any abnormalities in her. And during the official investigation, the student even agreed to a lie detector test, but this was denied to her.

The law seems to be unambiguous: a person is not responsible for the woman who gave birth to him and left him. It is impossible to expel a girl because she has some kind of "different" blood relative with whom only part of the DNA is shared, but this is the most disgusting thing - to pick up another, parallel reason, just to get rid of, apparently, unsuitable cadet. And at the same time find an excuse for such a decision.

"An apple falls not far from an apple tree" - a wonderful proverb for all times.

And this is not meanness - to do this, but the cleaning of the ranks of future employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to sift and weed out all possible weeds in advance. Outside. And that policemen with crystal clear biographies become criminals, as most often happens, you can't guess ...

Nadezhda Yushkina, a mother of many children herself, the curator of the "Women for Putin" project, spoke about Lyuda Fursova's misfortune on the social network; she was sincerely indignant at how this could be in a modern state, as if in a clannish medieval society. When the cadets were divided into those who deserve to graduate from this university and put on police shoulder straps and who got here by mistake, by accident. And must be ruled out at all costs.

“Judge for yourself, the girl was expelled only on the basis of the testimony of one doctor. There is no question of any independent expertise. In fact, anyone can be expelled this way. There is a feeling that the true reasons for what happened are hidden behind the general formulations, ”Nadezhda reflects.

“When I asked the head of the course Sorokin, who had promised to help us so much, why our Luda was expelled, he answered me on the phone that she was, they say, unreliable. "What should we do now?" - “Make out in vocational school”, - Tatiana Demikhova grieves. Nobody at all wanted to talk to her at the institute. In January, Lyudmila turned 21, by law she is an adult and must solve her problems herself.

But not only the guardian Tatyana Mikhailovna, who considers herself her mother, stood up for Luda, but the whole village. And the guardianship authorities, and former teachers, and the head of the Dobrinsky district of the Lipetsk region, Sergei Moskvoretsky.

“Honesty, adherence to principles, the ability to defend their views and beliefs are the hallmarks of a girl. Lyudmila demonstrated a high legal culture. She was distinguished by social maturity, responsibility for her actions, independence in decision-making ”- these are the words that characterize the graduate teacher and director of the secondary school N2, which she graduated from.

At the institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the situation with Lyudmila Fursova was confirmed to us, the hype has already reached Moscow, but the leadership is reluctant to talk about it, they say, everything happened according to the law, period. The girl's friends were urged not to give any comments and not to help ... As usually happens with us in the police, as soon as a disaster happens to an employee, it immediately turns out that he was fired retroactively and no one knows him.

This is probably what is taught to students in law schools. In time to betray and forget. In such circumstances, one could hardly hope that justice would prevail. The system does not give up its own ...

When the material was already being prepared for publication, Tatyana Demikhova, the girl's guardian, phoned me with hope. “Katyusha, Lyudmila was reinstated at the institute. Under the amicable agreement, they said that it was a mistake, that they would fix everything, God forbid ... "

But the joy turned out to be premature. Everything that at the moment has the honor to propose to the leadership of the emirates university: if the parents stop raising a scandal, complain to the prosecutor's office and the court, refuse to search for the truth, then they are ready to forgive 300,000 rubles, who now want to force Lyudmila to pay according to the law for the fact that she studied with them for three years for free.

The life of Lyuda Fursova from the district village of Dobrinka, Lipetsk region, changed abruptly at the age of three, when the guardianship authorities took the baby from her unlucky mother.

The girl was found in a doghouse, where she nailed to feed and warm up ...

Luda went through fire and water, graduated well from high school and, having withstood a huge competition, entered the budget at the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belgorod to become a police officer. This was her cherished dream.

But in her third year, after learning that the girl's biological mother, deprived of parental rights, is now in prison, Lyudmila was thrown out the door ... Formally, for a different reason. And they demanded to reimburse 300,000 rubles - that is how much the state spent in three years on the orphans' education.

"I was told that our Lyuda needs a vocational school, that is where she belongs,"- worries Tatyana Demikhova, the girl's guardian, her real mother, they have been together for more than ten years.


“As I learned that Luda was expelled, I abandoned everything, the house, the cattle, rushed five hundred kilometers to Belgorod, to look for the truth,” Tatyana Mikhailovna does not hold back her tears. - We are simple people, I didn’t come at the parade, it was snowing. I had galoshes on my feet, excuse me, the chiefs looked at me - they probably saw a village grandmother sitting there ”.

Is a social lift possible in today's Russia? Or a prestigious education only for "special children", the offspring of generals and prosecutors, and a village orphan, a white crow, who miraculously broke into this circle, will leave it just as quickly? And if she herself does not guess, then they will help her with this.

Lyuda Fursova entered the Belgorod Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on her own. Not because of the status of an orphan, but in spite of it. “Now you can't tell whether it happened by accident or on purpose,” says her guardian. - We were sure that it would pass, because the beneficiary, but at the last moment it turned out that she did not have any indulgences, that it is not known how our documents on benefits were lost, I managed to bring the documents, but my daughter passed the competition on a general basis ... "

The do-gooders from this educational institution, talking with their adoptive mother, sympathetically shook their heads. “They told me that maybe we’ll also change our minds, there are other universities, simpler, and I, a fool, did not understand that this was not about studying, but about the fact that we were from the street,” sighs Tatyana Demikhova ...

The Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belgorod is one of the leading educational institutions in the region. As they say, people come here to study even from Moscow. Say, the teachers know their business, and the cadets have to keep pace - you can fly out of any course and for any offense, there were such precedents. However, rumors are spreading that those who entered without support and therefore cannot stand up for themselves fly out more often.

“You can do it yourself. The only downside is that you will have to give the fat generals all your life, ”one of the graduates writes on the website. Perhaps he is right. But how do you know the intricacies of the future service to a naive village girl? “I want to become an investigator to fight for justice,” Luda tells me.

Fighting for justice is strong, especially in our Palestinians.

Judging by the voice from the telephone receiver, Lyuda Fursova is still a child, she even speaks like a schoolgirl, she reports the incident in detail, honestly, in detail, like during interrogation, it is clear that it was not just that she unlearned almost three years as an investigator. And yet it is felt that she was crying recently ... All future life was broken in an instant.

... At the end of April 2017, Lyudmila Fursova, a cadet of the 232nd platoon of the Faculty of Law Enforcement, was expelled from the institute as a result of an offense allegedly incompatible with the honor of a police officer. So it is written in the order for her expulsion.

It turned out that back in mid-February there had been an unpleasant incident, the result of the investigation of which was this wordy document.

“Having the status of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, on a far-fetched reason, under the pretext of feeling unwell, not confirmed by a medical diagnosis, deliberately in order to obtain an excuse for her absence from class, during a conversation with a therapist of the medical unit, she made incorrect behavior and said that she“ can shoot someone ", which disorganized the work of the medical unit" - so vaguely and vaguely, with many commas, it is said about the expulsion of the cadet Lyudmila Fursova.

Not by the official phrases of the report, but by human language: the student allegedly threatened the doctor that if she was not released from class, she would shoot someone. The doctor's words versus the girl's. The doctor says that it was so, the student - that she did not say anything like that.


“It was different. I felt bad that day, - says Lyudmila herself. - The next pair were shooting at the firing range. I went to the first-aid post in order to be given release, because I was very dizzy, the pressure had risen, you never know what ... All the same, I have military weapons in my hands. What if I faint? So honestly and said that I am afraid of this. And in response to me the nurse shouted that I was inventing everything to get away with, she did not give me release. "

That seemed to be the end of it. There was no "disorganization of the work of the medical unit," according to cadet Fursova, no one raised a fuss, did not call the leadership, the police, help, did not shout "guard", Luda was simply fed two tablets of glycine and sent to classes - however, she was shooting I was only present, but did not shoot. It is strange, of course, that a cadet with "inappropriate behavior" is allowed to go to all four sides ... And for another two months she calmly attends the institute and the same shooting with everyone else.

In the meantime, a report on the inappropriate behavior of a private policeman Fursova went to the authorities.

And the head of the course, Lieutenant Colonel Sorokin, phoned her foster mother in her village, who kindly asked about life, about the girl's family, and promised to figure everything out. Tatyana Mikhailovna confessed to him that it was impossible to expel Lyuda, her life was already not sweet, and the biological parent of the girl is now generally in prison - for the accidental, drunken murder of her roommate. “Well, I didn’t think about anything bad when I spoke about Lyuda’s mother, and she was no one for a long time in court, because she was deprived of her parental rights,” Tatiana Mikhailovna worries. "Luda ​​has not lived with her since she was three, and there is nothing in common between them."

For the sake of justice, adds Tatyana Mikhailovna, Marina - that is the name of a careless mother - a woman is not bad, just life was not successful. As it usually happens with us. There was no one on her path in life who would help her, he extended a helping hand in time. So I walked along the knurled one to the very end.

But what does Luda have to do with it? Or is the same fate prepared for her in advance by someone?

“I myself did not know Marina, their village is far away,” recalls Tatyana Demikhova. - And with our Lyuda we met by chance. My husband and I have four adult children, and we didn't even think about any foster children. But somehow I was visiting, returning home and bought a loaf on the way. So soft, fresh ... The road went through the shelter. I look, there is a crumb about five years old, holding on to the iron bars with its little hands: "Aunt, give me some bread!" - "Whose are you going to be?" - "I'm a shelter."

I bought her juice and some bananas. "Will you come to me tomorrow?" - "I'll come." The next day, there are already three of them at the grate, asking for food, everyone's eyes - even a wolf howl.

“For a long time we did not dare to issue guardianship for ourselves, after all, we have our age, and this is a great responsibility,” adds Tatyana Mikhailovna. “Then another family took Luda under guardianship, but it turned out that because of money, this often happens in the village, they returned her thin and dirty to the orphanage, she coughed badly, was ill ... Needless to say, the girl went through a lot. When I saw her again, I thought that I would not give it to anyone else ... "

Luda's biological mother once filed a lawsuit to restore her rights, by that time the girl had accumulated decent money in her bank account, which the guardians did not spend, so the mother decided ... to earn extra money. But nothing came of it. The judge did not believe her. And Luda stayed with the adoptive mother and father.

“We bought beautiful outfits for my daughter, she walked with us like a princess. She was engaged in swimming, and athletics, and played for the school in basketball, - Tatyana Demikhova lists. - But her main dream was to enter a law school, she repeated from childhood: “I’ll grow up and transplant all criminals!”


Meanwhile, the Internet society, which always needs everything, has split into two parts. Most feel sorry for Luda, are outraged by the behavior of the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and offer help. But there are also those who believe that it is better to “overlook”. “In this story, I am embarrassed by the fact that a person with severe childhood psychotrauma is trying to enter the service of the law enforcement agencies,” said a certain Dmitry. - Having received power over us and weapons, what will he do? Protect the law? Or take revenge for your difficult childhood? She needs to look for another, civilian university and another specialty. Have pity on the girl ... "

“Let's imagine a situation. The girl is in charge. There is a criminal, for example, a robber - Mary's spelling is preserved. “And then my mother asks to help this man and the girl agrees.”

It is difficult to imagine what would have happened if everything had been completely different ... There are no subjunctive moods in our Criminal Code. And here the girl does not even remember what her mother looks like. Legally, and humanly, she is no one. And we all have so many traumas in anamnesis that if you pay attention to it, there will be no one to work in the police.

Moreover, Luda underwent all psychological tests upon admission, and none of the doctors revealed any abnormalities in her. And during the official investigation, the student even agreed to a lie detector test, but this was denied to her.

The law seems to be unambiguous: a person is not responsible for the woman who gave birth to him and left him. It is impossible to expel a girl because she has some kind of "different" blood relative with whom only part of the DNA is shared, but this is the most disgusting thing - to pick up another, parallel reason, just to get rid of, apparently, unsuitable cadet. And at the same time find an excuse for such a decision.

"An apple falls not far from an apple tree" - a wonderful proverb for all times.

And this is not meanness - to do this, but the cleaning of the ranks of future employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to sift and weed out all possible weeds in advance. Outside. And that policemen with crystal clear biographies become criminals, as most often happens, you can't guess ...

Nadezhda Yushkina, a mother of many children herself, the curator of the "Women for Putin" project, spoke about Lyuda Fursova's misfortune on the social network; she was sincerely indignant at how this could be in a modern state, as if in a clannish medieval society. When the cadets were divided into those who deserve to graduate from this university and put on police shoulder straps and who got here by mistake, by accident. And must be ruled out at all costs.

“Judge for yourself, the girl was expelled only on the basis of the testimony of one doctor. There is no question of any independent expertise. In fact, anyone can be expelled this way. There is a feeling that the true reasons for what happened are hidden behind the general formulations, ”Nadezhda reflects.

“When I asked the head of the course Sorokin, who had promised to help us so much, why our Luda was expelled, he answered me on the phone that she was, they say, unreliable. "What should we do now?" - “Make out in vocational school”, - Tatiana Demikhova grieves. Nobody at all wanted to talk to her at the institute. In January, Lyudmila turned 21, by law she is an adult and must solve her problems herself.

But not only the guardian Tatyana Mikhailovna, who considers herself her mother, stood up for Luda, but the whole village. And the guardianship authorities, and former teachers, and the head of the Dobrinsky district of the Lipetsk region, Sergei Moskvoretsky.

“Honesty, adherence to principles, the ability to defend their views and beliefs are the hallmarks of a girl. Lyudmila demonstrated a high legal culture. She was distinguished by social maturity, responsibility for her actions, independence in decision-making ”- these are the words that characterize the graduate teacher and director of the secondary school N2, which she graduated from.

At the institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the situation with Lyudmila Fursova was confirmed to us, the hype has already reached Moscow, but the leadership is reluctant to talk about it, they say, everything happened according to the law, period. The girl's friends insistently asked not to give any comments and not to help ... As usually happens with us in the police, as soon as a disaster happens to an employee, it immediately turns out that he was dismissed retroactively and no one knows him.

This is probably what is taught to students in law schools. In time to betray and forget. In such circumstances, one could hardly hope that justice would prevail. The system does not give up its own ....

When the material was already being prepared for publication, Tatyana Demikhova, the girl's guardian, phoned me with hope. “Katyusha, Lyudmila was reinstated at the institute. Under the amicable agreement, they said that it was a mistake, that they would fix everything, God forbid ... "

But the joy turned out to be premature. Everything that at the moment has the honor to propose to the leadership of the emirates university: if the parents stop raising a scandal, complain to the prosecutor's office and the court, refuse to search for the truth, then they are ready to forgive 300,000 rubles, who now want to force Lyudmila to pay according to the law for the fact that she studied with them for three years for free.

"They said that our Lyuda needs a vocational school, that is where she belongs."

The life of Lyuda Fursova from the district village of Dobrinka, Lipetsk region, changed abruptly at the age of three, when the guardianship authorities took the baby from her unlucky mother. The girl was found in a doghouse, where she nailed to feed and warm up ...

Luda went through fire and water, graduated well from high school and, having withstood a huge competition, entered the budget at the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belgorod to become a police officer. This was her cherished dream.

But in her third year, after learning that the girl's biological mother, deprived of parental rights, is now in prison, Lyudmila was thrown out the door ... Formally, for a different reason. And they demanded to reimburse 300,000 rubles - that is how much the state spent in three years on the orphans' education.

“I was told that our Lyuda needs a vocational school, that is where she belongs,” worries Tatyana Demikhova, the girl’s guardian, her real mother, they have been together for more than ten years.


“As I learned that Luda was expelled, I abandoned everything, the house, the cattle, rushed five hundred kilometers to Belgorod, to look for the truth,” Tatyana Mikhailovna does not hold back her tears. - We are simple people, I didn’t come at the parade, it was snowing. I had galoshes on my feet, excuse me, the chiefs looked at me - they probably saw a village grandmother sitting there ”.

Is a social lift possible in today's Russia? Or a prestigious education only for "special children", the offspring of generals and prosecutors, and a village orphan, a white crow, who miraculously broke into this circle, will leave it just as quickly? And if she herself does not guess, then they will help her with this.

Lyuda Fursova entered the Belgorod Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on her own. Not because of the status of an orphan, but in spite of it. “Now you can't tell whether it happened by accident or on purpose,” says her guardian. - We were sure that it would pass, because the beneficiary, but at the last moment it turned out that she did not have any indulgences, that it is not known how our documents on benefits were lost, I managed to bring the documents, but my daughter passed the competition on a general basis ... "

The do-gooders from this educational institution, talking with their adoptive mother, sympathetically shook their heads. “They told me that maybe we’ll also change our minds, there are other universities, simpler, and I, a fool, did not understand that this was not about studying, but about the fact that we were from the street,” sighs Tatyana Demikhova ...

The Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belgorod is one of the leading educational institutions in the region. As they say, people come here to study even from Moscow. Say, the teachers know their business, and the cadets have to keep pace - you can fly out of any course and for any offense, there were such precedents. However, rumors are spreading that those who entered without support and therefore cannot stand up for themselves fly out more often.

“You can do it yourself. The only downside is that you will have to give the fat generals all your life, ”one of the graduates writes on the website. Perhaps he is right. But how do you know the intricacies of the future service to a naive village girl? “I want to become an investigator to fight for justice,” Luda tells me.

Fighting for justice is strong, especially in our Palestinians.

Judging by the voice from the telephone receiver, Lyuda Fursova is still a child, she even speaks like a schoolgirl, she reports the incident in detail, honestly, in detail, like during interrogation, it is clear that it was not just that she unlearned almost three years as an investigator. And yet it is felt that she was crying recently ... All future life was broken in an instant.

... At the end of April 2017, Lyudmila Fursova, a cadet of the 232nd platoon of the Faculty of Law Enforcement, was expelled from the institute as a result of an offense allegedly incompatible with the honor of a police officer. So it is written in the order for her expulsion.

It turned out that back in mid-February there had been an unpleasant incident, the result of the investigation of which was this wordy document.

“Having the status of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, on a far-fetched reason, under the pretext of feeling unwell, not confirmed by a medical diagnosis, deliberately in order to obtain an excuse for her absence from class, during a conversation with a therapist of the medical unit, she made incorrect behavior and said that she“ can shoot someone ", which disorganized the work of the medical unit" - so vaguely and vaguely, with many commas, it is said about the expulsion of the cadet Lyudmila Fursova.

Not by the official phrases of the report, but by human language: the student allegedly threatened the doctor that if she was not released from class, she would shoot someone. The doctor's words versus the girl's. The doctor says that it was so, the student - that she did not say anything like that.


“It was different. I felt bad that day, - says Lyudmila herself. - The next pair were shooting at the firing range. I went to the first-aid post in order to be given release, because I was very dizzy, the pressure had risen, you never know what ... All the same, I have military weapons in my hands. What if I faint? So honestly and said that I am afraid of this. And in response to me the nurse shouted that I was inventing everything to get away with, she did not give me release. "

That seemed to be the end of it. There was no "disorganization of the work of the medical unit," according to cadet Fursova, no one raised a fuss, did not call the leadership, the police, help, did not shout "guard", Luda was simply fed two tablets of glycine and sent to classes - however, she was shooting I was only present, but did not shoot. It is strange, of course, that a cadet with "inappropriate behavior" is allowed to go to all four sides ... And for another two months she calmly attends the institute and the same shooting with everyone else.

In the meantime, a report on the inappropriate behavior of a private policeman Fursova went to the authorities.

And the head of the course, Lieutenant Colonel Sorokin, phoned her foster mother in her village, who kindly asked about life, about the girl's family, and promised to figure everything out. Tatyana Mikhailovna confessed to him that it was impossible to expel Lyuda, her life was already not sweet, and the biological parent of the girl is now generally in prison - for the accidental, drunken murder of her roommate. “Well, I didn’t think about anything bad when I spoke about Lyuda’s mother, and she was no one for a long time in court, because she was deprived of her parental rights,” Tatiana Mikhailovna worries. "Luda ​​has not lived with her since she was three, and there is nothing in common between them."

For the sake of justice, adds Tatyana Mikhailovna, Marina - that is the name of a careless mother - a woman is not bad, just life was not successful. As it usually happens with us. There was no one on her path in life who would help her, he extended a helping hand in time. So I walked along the knurled one to the very end.

But what does Luda have to do with it? Or is the same fate prepared for her in advance by someone?

“I myself did not know Marina, their village is far away,” recalls Tatyana Demikhova. - And with our Lyuda we met by chance. My husband and I have four adult children, and we didn't even think about any foster children. But somehow I was visiting, returning home and bought a loaf on the way. So soft, fresh ... The road went through the shelter. I look, there is a crumb about five years old, holding on to the iron bars with its little hands: "Aunt, give me some bread!" - "Whose are you going to be?" - "I'm a shelter."

I bought her juice and some bananas. "Will you come to me tomorrow?" - "I'll come." The next day, there are already three of them at the grate, asking for food, everyone's eyes - even a wolf howl.

“For a long time we did not dare to issue guardianship for ourselves, after all, we have our age, and this is a great responsibility,” adds Tatyana Mikhailovna. “Then another family took Luda under guardianship, but it turned out that because of money, this often happens in the village, they returned her thin and dirty to the orphanage, she coughed badly, was ill ... Needless to say, the girl went through a lot. When I saw her again, I thought that I would not give it to anyone else ... "

Luda's biological mother once filed a lawsuit to restore her rights, by that time the girl had accumulated decent money in her bank account, which the guardians did not spend, so the mother decided ... to earn extra money. But nothing came of it. The judge did not believe her. And Luda stayed with the adoptive mother and father.

“We bought beautiful outfits for my daughter, she walked with us like a princess. She was engaged in swimming, and athletics, and played for the school in basketball, - Tatyana Demikhova lists. - But her main dream was to enter a law school, she repeated from childhood: “I’ll grow up and transplant all criminals!”


Meanwhile, the Internet society, which always needs everything, has split into two parts. Most feel sorry for Luda, are outraged by the behavior of the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and offer help. But there are also those who believe that it is better to “overlook”. “In this story, I am embarrassed by the fact that a person with severe childhood psychotrauma is trying to enter the service of the law enforcement agencies,” said a certain Dmitry. - Having received power over us and weapons, what will he do? Protect the law? Or take revenge for your difficult childhood? She needs to look for another, civilian university and another specialty. Have pity on the girl ... "

“Let's imagine a situation. The girl is in charge. There is a criminal, for example, a robber - Mary's spelling is preserved. “And then my mother asks to help this man and the girl agrees.”

It is difficult to imagine what would have happened if everything had been completely different ... There are no subjunctive moods in our Criminal Code. And here the girl does not even remember what her mother looks like. Legally, and humanly, she is no one. And we all have so many traumas in anamnesis that if you pay attention to it, there will be no one to work in the police.

Moreover, Luda underwent all psychological tests upon admission, and none of the doctors revealed any abnormalities in her. And during the official investigation, the student even agreed to a lie detector test, but this was denied to her.

The law seems to be unambiguous: a person is not responsible for the woman who gave birth to him and left him. It is impossible to expel a girl because she has some kind of "different" blood relative with whom only part of the DNA is shared, but this is the most disgusting thing - to pick up another, parallel reason, just to get rid of, apparently, unsuitable cadet. And at the same time find an excuse for such a decision.

"An apple falls not far from an apple tree" - a wonderful proverb for all times.

And this is not meanness - to do this, but the cleaning of the ranks of future employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to sift and weed out all possible weeds in advance. Outside. And that policemen with crystal clear biographies become criminals, as most often happens, you can't guess ...

Nadezhda Yushkina, a mother of many children herself, the curator of the "Women for Putin" project, spoke about Lyuda Fursova's misfortune on the social network; she was sincerely indignant at how this could be in a modern state, as if in a clannish medieval society. When the cadets were divided into those who deserve to graduate from this university and put on police shoulder straps and who got here by mistake, by accident. And must be ruled out at all costs.

“Judge for yourself, the girl was expelled only on the basis of the testimony of one doctor. There is no question of any independent expertise. In fact, anyone can be expelled this way. There is a feeling that the true reasons for what happened are hidden behind the general formulations, ”Nadezhda reflects.

“When I asked the head of the course Sorokin, who had promised to help us so much, why our Luda was expelled, he answered me on the phone that she was, they say, unreliable. "What should we do now?" - “Make out in vocational school”, - Tatiana Demikhova grieves. Nobody at all wanted to talk to her at the institute. In January, Lyudmila turned 21, by law she is an adult and must solve her problems herself.

But not only the guardian Tatyana Mikhailovna, who considers herself her mother, stood up for Luda, but the whole village. And the guardianship authorities, and former teachers, and the head of the Dobrinsky district of the Lipetsk region, Sergei Moskvoretsky.

“Honesty, adherence to principles, the ability to defend their views and beliefs are the hallmarks of a girl. Lyudmila demonstrated a high legal culture. She was distinguished by social maturity, responsibility for her actions, independence in decision-making ”- these are the words that characterize the graduate teacher and director of the secondary school N2, which she graduated from.

At the institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the situation with Lyudmila Fursova was confirmed to us, the hype has already reached Moscow, but the leadership is reluctant to talk about it, they say, everything happened according to the law, period. The girl's friends insistently asked not to give any comments and not to help ... As usually happens with us in the police, as soon as a disaster happens to an employee, it immediately turns out that he was dismissed retroactively and no one knows him.

This is probably what is taught to students in law schools. In time to betray and forget. In such circumstances, one could hardly hope that justice would prevail. The system does not give up its own ....

When the material was already being prepared for publication, Tatyana Demikhova, the girl's guardian, phoned me with hope. “Katyusha, Lyudmila was reinstated at the institute. Under the amicable agreement, they said that it was a mistake, that they would fix everything, God forbid ... "

But the joy turned out to be premature. Everything that at the moment has the honor to propose to the leadership of the emirates university: if the parents stop raising a scandal, complain to the prosecutor's office and the court, refuse to search for the truth, then they are ready to forgive 300,000 rubles, who now want to force Lyudmila to pay according to the law for the fact that she studied with them for three years for free.