The story of Tape Benoy. Recent Attempt on Kadyrov

The story of Tape Benoy. Recent Attempt on Kadyrov
The story of Tape Benoy. Recent Attempt on Kadyrov

Chapter Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov belongs to Tempu Benoy, one of the most numerous and famous Chechen teypov. His representatives are bold warriors, talented leaders and true admirers of ancient customs. So what is known about Tepe Kadyrov?

Historical facts

TEYP (Rhodes, tribe) is the unit of the organization of Wenakhnsky peoples (Chechens, Ingush, Batzbi residents), which is distinguished by the general origin of people in her. Chechen TEYP It is not native in ethnographic understanding. There are cases when he united people according to principles, and not through blood relations. Each TEYP is divided into Gary and Nechy (branches and surnames).

Legends say that the ancient Chechens had a bronze boiler with the names of the first twenty teypers on it. Among them was also blessing.

The village of Benoy is mentioned in ancient Arabic-speaking sources of other peoples. Information about Benoi is available in the book of the first half of the XV century Alan Traveler and the Muslim Missionary Azdin Vazar. This suggests that he is rightfully considered ancient.

One of the leaders in numbers

Benoy is one of the most numerous Tapes of Chechnya. Representatives of this kind claim that a third of the Chechens belongs to their teap. They are resettled throughout the republic and are divided into nine clans: Zhobi-Neje, Asti-Nekje, Wanbi-Neje, Ati-Neje, Nisi-Nekje, Chupal-Neje, Maja-Neje, Edidi and Gourge-Machie.

Large communities were assieved in Benoye, Shelkovsky, Gudermes, villages New Atagi, Urus-Martan, Goyta, Alkhan-Yurt, Shawli and others. Most of all Benoevtsev is in the city of Urus-Martan. Tape people live in the Chechen Republic, the Republic of Dagestan, other regions of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia. A large number of Benoevtsev lives in the Diasporas of Front Asia.

Characteristic features of Benoevtsev

In the presentation of Chechens, a true Benoevot is a man of athletic physique, tall, large, with large strong legs. Distinctive trait People of this kind are a calm temper, irregularity, decency and credulity. But at the same time, if they pour them out, they will show all their warliness. People often say: "If the Benoevts take out of himself, then he will not stop him."

In their homeland, they are considered tricky and clumsy. But at the same time, Benoevtsi are always fearless, faithful to their debt and the word. They know the price perfectly with such concepts as "honor" and "decency". It was how many centuries ago made a backbone of the peasant people who was able to get rid of the Move of the Dagestan and Kabardian authorities. Representatives of this Tape are considered the founders of democracy in the mountains on which ethnic mentality is based.

A. Berge in his book "Chechnya and Chechens" calls Teip Benoy among the indigenous self-names of noble Chechen surnames. Benoevtsy as the largest tribe for a long time played a leading role in public and political life Chechnya.

Beliefs and values

Representatives of Teip Benoy are considered true Chechens. They are proud of their affiliation to this nation. National name "Nochchchchi" is pronounced with dignity, unlike some Chechens, who reluctantly call themselves "Nochchy", try to bring this name from use and replace on Vinakh.

People of this Tape consider each other brothers and sisters. Help is close - the first rule of the genus. No matter how many kilometers are separated by, learning that they are one teip, Benoevtsy strive to help each other in case of danger or needs. Protection of his honor, honor of the brother or all Tape is a paramount task for which they are ready to risk their lives.

Military Slava

Benoevtsy always took the most active part in the wars. In battles, they have gained unfavorable glory. They played a particularly significant role in the Russian-Chechen war of the XVIII - mid-XIX centuries.

It is known that, only having enlisted by the support of Benoevtsev, began their movements in Ichkeria and in all Chechnya Imams and commander. When the enemies came to Chechens, the saying was born "Va Prosan of the Cause, Benoyne Orza Lolan!" (Oh, Great God, give to help Benoevsky army).

Representatives of Teipa showed their heroism in the Caucasian War, in Ichkerian (1842) and Darginsky (1845) defeat the royal armies, hike on Georgia (1854) and others.

On May 13, 1859, all Chechnya was conquered, and the elders of all Chechen villages expressed their humility to the Tsarist military command. Only Benoevsky Aules were submitted. Brave, smeared people ran into the forest, formed new communities and again opposed the enemies, calling everyone to defend their homeland until the last breath.

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, belongs to Tempu Benoy, one of the most numerous and well-known Chechen teypov. His representatives are bold warriors, talented leaders and true admirers of ancient customs. So what is known about Tepe Kadyrov?

Historical facts

TEYP (Rhodes, tribe) is the unit of the organization of Wenakhnsky peoples (Chechens, Ingush, Batzbi residents), which is distinguished by the general origin of people in her. Chechen teyp is not a birth in ethnographic understanding. There are cases when he united people according to principles, and not through blood relations. Each TEYP is divided into Gary and Nechy (branches and surnames).

Legends say that the ancient Chechens had a bronze boiler with the names of the first twenty teypers on it. Among them was also blessing.

The village of Benoy is mentioned in ancient Arabic-speaking sources of other peoples. Information about Benoi is available in the book of the first half of the XV century Alan Traveler and the Muslim Missionary Azdin Vazar. This suggests that he is rightfully considered ancient.

One of the leaders in numbers

Benoy is one of the most numerous Tapes of Chechnya. Representatives of this kind claim that a third of the Chechens belongs to their teap. They are resettled throughout the republic and are divided into nine clans: Zhobi-Neje, Asti-Nekje, Wanbi-Neje, Ati-Neje, Nisi-Nekje, Chupal-Neje, Maja-Neje, Edidi and Gourge-Machie.

Large communities were assieved in Benoye, Shelkovsky, Gudermes, villages New Atagi, Urus-Martan, Goyta, Alkhan-Yurt, Shawli and others. Most of all Benoevtsev - in the city of Urus-Martan. Tramp's immigrants live in the Chechen Republic, the Republic of Dagestan, other regions of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia. A large number of Benoevtsev lives in the Diasporas of Front Asia.

Characteristic features of Benoevtsev

In the presentation of Chechens, a true Benoevts is a man of athletic physique, tall, large, with large strong legs. A distinctive feature of the people of this kind is a calm temper, frequency, decency and credulity. But at the same time, if they pour them out, they will show all their warliness. People often say: "If the Benoevts take out of himself, then he will not stop him."

In their homeland, they are considered tricky and clumsy. But at the same time, Benoevtsi are always fearless, faithful to their debt and the word. They know the price perfectly with such concepts as "honor" and "decency". It was how many centuries ago made a backbone of the peasant people who was able to get rid of the Move of the Dagestan and Kabardian authorities. Representatives of this Tape are considered the founders of democracy in the mountains on which ethnic mentality is based.

A. Berge in his book "Chechnya and Chechens" calls Teip Benoy among the indigenous self-names of noble Chechen surnames. Benoevtsy as the largest tribe for a long time played a leading role in the public and political life of Chechnya.

Beliefs and values

Representatives of Teip Benoy are considered true Chechens. They are proud of their affiliation to this nation. The National Name "Nochchchi" is pronounced with dignity, unlike some Chechens, who reluctantly call themselves "Nochchy", try to derive this name and replace this name to "Wainka".

People of this Tape consider each other brothers and sisters. Help is close - the first rule of the genus. No matter how many kilometers are separated by, learning that they are one teip, Benoevtsy strive to help each other in case of danger or needs. Protection of his honor, honor of the brother or all Tape is a paramount task for which they are ready to risk their lives.

Military Slava

Benoevtsy always took the most active part in the wars. In battles, they have gained unfavorable glory. They played a particularly significant role in the Russian-Chechen war of the XVIII - mid-XIX centuries.

It is known that, only having enlisted by the support of Benoevtsev, began their movements in Ichkeria and in all Chechnya Imams and commander. When the enemies came to Chechens, the saying was born "Va Prosan of the Cause, Benoyne Orza Lolan!" (Oh, Great God, give to help Benoevsky army).

Representatives of Teipa showed their heroism in the Caucasian War, in Ichkerian (1842) and Darginsky (1845) defeat the royal armies, hike on Georgia (1854) and others.

On May 13, 1859, all Chechnya was conquered, and the elders of all Chechen villages expressed their humility to the Tsarist military command. Only Benoevsky Aules were submitted. Brave, smeared people ran into the forest, formed new communities and again opposed the enemies, calling everyone to defend their homeland until the last breath.

Chechen scientist, Professor Luchey Magomedovich Garsayev, author of more than 150 scientific and educational workDr. historical sciences, tells:
In the south-east of Chechnya, in her core - Nochchmokhk (modern knife-yurt district), in the upper reaches of the Akh-Sai rivers (with Turk.-Belaya water) and Yaman-Su (bad water), in a hood, surrounded by wooded mountains Andiy Range, hundreds of years have more than a dozen monotape settlements. This picturesque corner is the ethnic society "Ben". Neighbors - Dagestanis call this place accordion or Bayni. Bakenissea is the largest of 164 teypers in the Chechen ethnic. For a long time they played a prominent role in public Life People. Bentezi due to various tragic causes widely settled almost in all settlements On the plain and partially in the mountains. Setters of these places are called Benoevtsy (Benoy). His representatives support close relationships and wherever they are, try to help each other in case of danger or needs.
Benoevtsy is the most influential and large-scale TEYP in Chechnya. They played for a long time, and now they play a leading role in the public life of the people. The largest communities of Benoevtsy live in the birthday of Benoye, the Solkovo and Gudermes, villages of New Atagi, Goyta, Alkhan Yurt, in the city of Shawli and other settlements. Most of all Benoevtsev lives in Urus-Martan. Representatives of Teipa Benoy compactly live not only in the Chechen Republic, but also in the republics of Dagestan (some of them are arranged here by Kumykov), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, in Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and in other countries.
In the Chechen presentation, a true Benoevot looks like a man of large physique, high height With big legs. A distinctive feature of Benoevtsev is a physicality, gullibility to people and a calm temper, self-criticality. "But if Benoevtsa give out of himself, he will not stop him," they speak people. There are quite a few examples in the life of Chechens.
Ben is a very ancient Chechen selection. What does his name mean, for now, no one knows, but it is known that ancient state Uranta in the territory of the Transcaucasia in the language of urants, whose language was similar to modern Chechen, was called "Biain". Some scientists believe that Benoevtsy descendants of urants (prof. K. Chokaev, L. Babakhyan). According to Benoevsky Arabic-language choparam and genealogical legends of the old people, Benoevtsy, like other related Chechen teyps (Zongar, Gendergenic, Energan, Zandaka, Bilt, Allara, Gunova, Belgata, Kurchala, Harache, Ersanoy and others), are descendants of Syrian Shahinshha (king ) Side-Ali-Ash-Shami and, hitting the Caucasus, settled in the 10th century of our era in the area of \u200b\u200bour country (Galancheogo district), from where they moved to Makhket, then on the River Argun and from there, the legendary Benoevtsev Benoevtsev's legendary in Tuszana moved to a place where He founded his aul Ben over 1000 years ago.
This legend is confirmed by the Nasha (Salamat Gaev, etc.), pointing to the place where the ancestors of Benoevtsev lived. It is located in the Galancheogo district at the former Nashkhoevsky Aula Motscar and is called "Bena-Kha". After the resettlement of Benoevtsev on the plain and in the mountains of Chechnya, there are many of the same names and aules: Beni-Yurt (Nadttene region), Benoyn Ataga (Holy District, Shalinsky District), Ben (Chateauevsky District), Benowan Kotar (Urus-Martan district), Benowan ARTS (Shansky district), etc.
Tempu Belaoy includes: the first President of the Chechen Republic, the hero of Russia Akhmat-Khaji Kadyrov, his son head of the Chechen Republic, the hero of Russia Ramzan Kadyrov, Chairman of the Council of the Urals of the Chechen Republic Sheikh-Ahmed-Haji Kadyrov. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, President of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic Shakhrudin Gapurov from Benoya, writer Saidame Arsanov, Candidate of Law, Philosopher Adam Dudaev from new attacks, writer Said Baduev, Artists of Isaev, Haron Isaev, Formator art sculpture - Dock Jabrailov and director of the Ethnographic Museum "Dondi-Yurt", Honored Worker of Culture of the Chechen Republic Adam Satuyev from Urus-Martan, opera singer Movsar Minzayev from Beni-Yurt of the Nadutera region, main director Russian dramatic Theater. them. M.Yu. Lermontov Ali Mairrsultanov from Urus-Martan, Military pilot Hairudin Vangaria from Benoya, famous social and political figures Lechi Umkhaev and Shamil Beno, former Minister of Light Industry and Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Musa Doshukayev, former Minister of Social Security of the Czech Republic Waha Magomads from Urus-Martan , former Minister of Culture Chiassre Waha Tatam from Tolstoy-Yurt, Boxer-Professional, Master of Sports of International Class Albert Guchigov, Honored Teacher Chiassre Janaraliev Ali, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR Yasaev Adlan from Urus-Martan, Mulaev Imran - a former deputy. Chairman of the Summin Chiassr and others. With the very good party, Benoevtsy-Muhadzhira, who were in Jordan, showed themselves. From Benoevtsev, Said Beno's Minister of Communication, Deputy Chief of the Customs Service, Amin Beno, Generally Abdul Latif Said Baltal, Musa Beno themselves, Abdel-Hadi themselves, Abdal Mezhda. Benoevtsy in the Chechen community of Jordan make up the most influential part.

According to the "New Newspaper", last week the 4th department of especially important affairs Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee Chechnya opened a criminal case under Article 277 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "Encouring to the Life of State Or public figure». We are talking On the investigation of an unsuccessful attempt to attempt to the life of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, who was preparing in the spring of last year in the territory of the Knowy-Yurtsky district of Chechnya.

All detainees were coming from Teip Benoy, some belonged to the most famous chechen surnamesOthers were relatives of high-ranking Chechen officials, including the head of the Republic of Kadyrov. So, according to the "New Newspaper", was detained cousin The nephew of the chapter of Chechnya Islam Kadyrov - Valid Yakhikhanov.

According to the "New Gazette", Valid Yahikhanov, taking advantage of close relations with her brother Islam Kadyrov, received the secret number of the telephone number of Chechnya, which was known only to the limited circle of the most close to Ramzan Kadyrov people (literally several people).

This number of Valid Yakhiharans handed Badrudi Yamadaev, one of the two left Yamadayev brothers.

Badrudi Yamadaev

Yamadaev - no less famous than Kadyrov, Chechen clan. The surviving brothers consider the guilty Kadyrov in the murder of the State Duma deputy from the Czech Republic Ruslan Yamadayev and the commander of the East Battalion, Sulima Yamadayev. Over the years, Badrudi has been considered the most dangerous enemy of Kadyrov, its bloodletting.

According to the "New Newspaper" when Kadyrov on his personal secret number called his most dangerous enemy, he literally fell into shock.

As a result of the operational and very rigid internal investigation (the nephew of the Chechnya chapter, the head of his administration Islam Kadyrov appeared at the same time in the public with a plaster on both hands) managed to calculate the leakage source - Vahida Yakhikhanov. He passed the information about the preparing in the village of Benoy.

Islam Kadyrov at the Czech Republic meeting with plaster on both hands. May 2016.

In the village of Benoy, Kadyrov has a huge residence. As a result of a thorough check, a large power explosive device was discovered there. Also it became known that in addition to Benoye at the same time, attacks on the residence of the Chapter Chechnya were still in several large settlements (including Grozny). The conspirators were seized in the course of searches large quantities The newest small arms, grenade launchers, explosives.

One of the first because of this situation, the head of the ROVDA-Yurtovsky District, Nude Guchigov, was injured, which became known to the whole world due to its forced marriage in a minor resident of the village of Baytarki Head Goylabiyeva

Guchigov accused, in fact, in non-professionalism and removed the head of the district police department. At one moment, the chief of the Kadya-Yurtovsky District, an approximate and cliented Kadyrovsky district lost all his privileges.

Benoevsky plot against Kadyrov became the most large-scale attempt to physically eliminate the head of Chechnya and his closest environment. Information about him was carefully hidden. After three months, elections of the head of the republic were supposed to take place. Kadyrov wanted to look in front of Moscow with a confident winner. But information about such a large-scale conspiracy could compromise him and did not knit from the "unanimous" support of the population. What kind of support can it be about when there is even an elite in the republic?

This was the second reason for Nepiyak for Kadyrov restraint. The conspirators were from one Tape with him, came out of famous familiesWith which Kadyrov gave the opportunity to rule the republic as his behavior. Radical measures would only aggravate the conflict inside Chechen ruling class. Therefore, many conspirators were cruelly punished, but they retained their lives.

However, the point in this history of Kadyrov was still not going to put. Evaluating all the risks and abandoning the practice of collective responsibility, the Chechen authorities decided to use retaliation as weapons russian law. Moreover, no matter how funny it sounds, to reach the organizers of the attempt allowed only the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in this situation.

The first step in this "Operation of Retribution" was the official recognition of the fact that the attempt was attempting. On September 16, on the eve of the election, when technically victory did not cause any doubts, Kadyrov gave an interview with Chechen media. In the course of the interview, a clearly sanctioned question was called, which was asked Chechen journalist: "They were talking about it for a long time, it was long discussed, I don't know, it's a rumor or not, I ask you to refute it or confirm, attempted you or not? Here recently there were such rumors, we just did not find the official confirmation of this information. "

Video press conference Ramzan Kadyrov. See from 1:05:00

Indeed, - answered the question of Kadyrov, - there were moments, but in time the security officers worked on time. Well, it happened that it did not work out the criminals to realize their plans. But these are such frivolous moments, if every moment there is to attach importance, we will stop working, stop living, we will sit there, you know, and watch what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, they should not pay attention to them.

At the same time, according to the "New Newspaper" (now it is confirmed by the fact of initiating a criminal case under Art. 277 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic continued to hold a set of operational and search measures in order to establish the role of the Yamadayev brothers in this attempt.

Chechen TEYP is the community of people interconnected by blood relations in the father's line. Each of them had their communal lands and teypers (from the name of which the name of Tape often took place). Teyps inside themselves are divided by t. N. "Garas" (branches) and "Nejy", - the term having a name of the name. Chechen teyps are united in nine Tukhumov, a kind of territorial union. Blood bonds from Chechens served the objectives of economic and military unity.

Tape organization, is a cell where the person is formed. TEYP establishes and maintains ethical standards, concentrating around the term "oisdanagal", meaning modesty, educational, collens, comprehensive, courtesy. The norms of "Ozdantagala" provide for example, the conviction of a person for the branch cut off for them; Make a Chechen to sit, without folding, not exposing the legs, not turning his head, not to consider the wizard intently, etc. The person who is the following norms "Oyzdanagal", in emergency circumstances should show courage and heroism. The etiquette norms of behavior prescribe the youngest to get up when the older appears, go to the left of the older, take a certain place in the room, first feed the guest, etc.

Since B. traditional society The proximity of the territory and blood often coincide, TEYP is more correctly called trivial-territorial community. In fact, TEYP is a group of several clans living in common territory and among themselves in relations between social equality. Taipov Group is a community of nearby surnames. In the villages and aulah Chechnya there are whole neighborhoods and streets where the people have long lived from one Tape and they are called him name.

A teypers, like a family, acts as a holistic education, each member seeks to support her authority, the conviction of a person for the departure from generic and religious prescriptions is experiencing and condemned by all its members.

IN mid XIX. A century Chechen society consisted of 135 teypers. Currently, they are divided into mountainous (about 100 teypers) and plain (about 70 teypers).

In the Chechen Tape nomenclature, names based on territorial accessories are found. For example, Harache ("Cave"), Hjachara ("plum valley"), a chalk ("Glacier")

There are tapes whose names are composed of a production ground, by the names of the crafts. For example, walking ("Pechkekets"), a cheap ("Masters' Golden Affairs"), Hoi ("Guarders").

There is also a conditional division of teypers for "clean" and "mixed". The title of "clean" is claimed by the original Chechen teypa, called "Nochchmakha", who inhabited the area near the mountain of Our Mountain, and then settled throughout Chechnya (Benoy, Pretet, Kurchala, and others). In assimilated or "mixed" teypai included interemphetics (GUNUE - with relationship with the terns of the Cossacks, Dnesss - with Georgians, Voranda - with Hebusura, Harachia - with Circassians, G1ezzy - Tatars, Suley - Avars, G1umbi - Kumykov, Zhuychki, Tatami ).