Egor Creed with a sign. Egor Cre - Biography, Personal Life, Family

Egor Creed with a sign. Egor Cre - Biography, Personal Life, Family
Egor Creed with a sign. Egor Cre - Biography, Personal Life, Family

Egor Cred (the real name of the singer - Bulakin Egor Nikolaevich) (Born in 1994) - russian artist and popular singer.

Let's start the biography of the singer from his children's and youthful years. He was born on 25.06.94 in the Russian city of Penza. His real name is Bulakin. As a child, he wanted to become a famous musician. Egor Crond learned to the Lyceum of Stu (modern management technologies) No. 2 of Penza. In his youth, Egor became a fan of hip - hop. A young man was noticed due to the fact that he led his video - a blog. Despite the so-old age, the singer is very popular and continues his rapid rise in the career ladder.

Also in the biography of Egor Crea, it should be noted his love for creativity and music since school bench. Being a teenager, he began to write songs, which referred to love experiences and relations between two people. In addition, Egor Crd recorded the performance of the songs, which he himself wrote.

The family of Egor Nikolayevich consists of four people: he himself, parents and sister. Father Egor - businessman, owner of the company "Unitron". The mother of Egor Cre (Bulakina) is the Deputy Director in the same company. Sister - producer, actress and screenwriter in one person. She currently lives in America.


Music performed by Egor Crery is very popular. In 2015, his "Bachelor" came out - the initial album of the songs of Egor Cre. The following songs in its performance:

1. "Love online."

2. "Distances" - the second officially recorded song of Egor.

3. "More than love."

4. "Starlet".

5. "Ceremony My Pulse".

6. "I cling to you."

7. "Only you, only I".

8. "Lee".

9. "Modest to be not in fashion."

10.Hit, released in 2014 - "The Maja Maja". For a long time she took the leading places in a wide variety of chait - parades.

11. "Bride".

12. "Papine daughter".

The following video clips were removed on the music of Egor Cre

1. "Love on the network" (director himself Bulakin) - the first clip of Egor, filmed by the singer himself in 2011

2. "Ceremony My Pulse" (directed by S. Graya).

3. "Starleta" (directed by A. Figurov).

4. "More than love" (directed by A. Figurov).

5. "Distances" (directed by A. Solomakhina).

6. "Modest to be not in fashion" (directed by A. Kuryovanova).

7. "The most - the most" (directed by A. Kuryovanova). Today, it has already been watched on YouTube more than 30 million people, which indicates the incredible popularity of this single.

8. "I need" (directed by A. Kuryovanov).

9. "Bride" (directed by A. Kuryovanova).

10. "I will stay" (directed by M. Adelshina).

11. "Papine daughter"

Personal life

The personal life of Egor Cre is not a rare topic for discussion. It is rumored that he had novels with famous actresses of Russia, as well as models and singers. So who is Egor Crr? Who chose him, and who is his girlfriend?

According to Bulakin himself, his heart today is absolutely free. Now he has too much time goes to creativity, tour and concerts, writing new songs and shooting clips. However, he clarifies the fact that the family later he intends to create. For this, he only needs to meet the very sole that he wants to take into his wife.

Egor Crend and Ksenia Delhi

It is said that Ksenia Delhi and Egor Crem meet. It became known thanks to the photos they lay out in instagram. There are some photos where Yegor and Ksenia together. Egor Crond hides his girlfriend, all photos with her do not show her faces. However, they managed to declassify them at the expense of Delhi's costume, in the photo of Egor with a girl the same suit as in the instagram model, from which it is possible to conclude about the relationship of Egor Crea and Ksenia Delhi. We hope that soon they will announce themselves as a couple officially. In the meantime, it is known that their relationship lasts not one month.


Two lovers of Visradov, addressed to each other by Nyusha and Yegor's crum, were noticed by many even in the late spring, starting from the day when Nyusha came to the Grand Presentation of the Jerian Cleep "Lee" in one club of Moscow.

Looking at Egor and Nyusha, Participants of the party suddenly noticed the fact that the Nyusha car stood near the site, on which the shooting of the video of Egor Cre. Some noted that in one of the episodes of the program "asked", Egor Creed showed his apartment Bachelor, specifying that at the moment he lives with his girlfriend in her apartment.

In the summer, the situation has become even clearer. At the beginning of the summer, Nyusha and Cred gave a joint concert in Zhelechnogorsk, they stopped at the same time in one of the hotels. In the instagram of Egor Cre, a photo of the girl's eyes and a signature appeared that only with this girl he understood why you can drown in your favorite eyes. Fans easily learned on this photo of the singer Nyushi. Also, one of the delivery workers said that she brought an order to Nyushi's apartment, but she opened the door. He met his half-lit reper named Egor, Nyusha at that time sang on the sofa his song "Above." Nyusha Vika's neighbor noted that Egor Crond will not sleep near Nyushi, but sometimes comes to visit her, and in his instagram there is a photo on which Egor with flowers stands in the elevator of their home.

Different rumors go, but most still believe that Diana Melisson and Egor Creed in the club met, because both love to rest there. About the relationship of Crea and Melisson became known after the couple began to throw together joint photos in instagram.

Diana Egor Cred dedicated two of his songs "Does not stop", and also "flew away," which speaks about parting a young couple. Young people were separated, as it is believed, because of numerous trips and tours of Egor Cre. He was so fascinated by the work that Diana for her beloved fashion model was practically no left.

Egor Cre is a young artist from Russia. Real Name - Egor Bulakin, was born on 06/25/1994 in the city of Penza. Gained popularity in 2011. At the moment, it cooperates with a Black Star Inc company, which is heading Timati. Before, like a mentor, he is certainly not Doros yet, but Egoru has everything ahead.

The formation of artist

In childhood and youth, the popular singer lived in Penza (Russia), where he graduated from the lyceum of modern management technology number 2. But after the young talent gained mad popularity, he moved to live in the capital.
In Moscow, Egor acted first in a bachelor's apartment, where his sister lived before, which belongs to the apartment. Since the sister moved to live in America for about five years ago, in Los Angeles, then the young artist could temporarily settle in her apartment.

The current place of residence

Now Egor Cre is not married yet, but for some time he lives with his girlfriend - the popular Russian singer and actress Nyusha in her country house near Moscow. Sometimes they with the singer live in her three-bedroom apartment in Moscow. The apartment looks very luxurious, the designs are selected interior. A decorated color range in warm natural shades.

Egor comes in his bachelor's nest arrogant. On an interview, he often suggests that he took his old computer to the capital, since he is very expensive to him, he once played at Counter-Strike. But especially the roads the aggregate singer because he recorded his first tracks.

Also there is an old piano, Yegor plays on it when sad or there is inspiration. The singer began to be actively interested in the music from early childhood. In the kitchen there are very few furniture. First, because the singer is rare there, and secondly, because it is always in a hurry and he never has time to cook for a long time. In general, the apartment looks so to speak by bachelor.

Parents of Egor: Dad - Bulatkin Nikolai Borisovich, Mom - Bulakina Marina Petrovna. At the moment they live in Penza. They have their own business, namely they are engaged in a fairly large firm for the processing of walnut. They live in their own house, quite gorgeous and tastefully furnished.

As a result, it can be said that Egor in his life dwells in the following places:

  • with parents in Penza,
  • in the apartment sisters in Moscow,
  • in the girl's apartment
  • nyusha girl in the country house.

At the moment, the singer and the author of his songs Egor Cre does not have its own housing and other real estate, both in his native Russia and beyond. But, he is still very young. Its popularity is growing rapidly, which will give him the opportunity to soon acquire his own real estate.

Egor Cre, Song "Puzzle", video

The young Russian singer and musician Egor Creed (Kreed) was born twenty-fifth June 1994 (06/25/2014). This year, the singer celebrates his twentieth. Crend is a creative pseudonym Egor, his real name - Bulakin.

Egor Crond works in the genre Pop-R`N`b. He is an artist of Black Star, which belongs to the known Raper. It is curious that when Egor Cred shot a parody clip on the song Timati, then the parody of Youtube gathered much more views than the original. Yegor Creed himself told about it in an interview with reporters of the LifeNews news channel, which took place on June 7, 2014. Yegor also spoke about how I met Victoria Boni, who starred in his musical clip. And, despite the greater difference in age, everything turned out to be organically and "sexy", as Egor Creed himself put.

The choice of musical style in which Yegor has now, has influenced the composition of the 50cent group, which is called Candy Shop. Her Egor heard when he was eleven years old. And a year later, he began to compose the texts of his songs, which the boy recorded on an ordinary voice recorder.

Egor Crond Interesting Facts

  • Real Name - Egor Nikolaevich Bulakin
  • Egor wrote his first song for 12 years and was called "Amnesia"
  • posted the song the most in 10 minutes
  • March 6, 2016 gathered a full Crocus City Hall. 7.200 spectators. SOLD OUT!
  • Born in the city of Penza.
  • Have a sister. Her name is Polina
  • in childhood, Mom called his "yogurt", Egor-yogurt.
  • Posted by the song "Not we" for 10 minutes, and "the most" he wrote for a long time on the line every time. So it turned out our favorite "most-most"
  • Yegor has a chess discharge
  • I wanted to become a musician after heard the track 50 sentent - Candy Shop
  • Favorite dish - cheese pasta
  • At the age of 14 made a tattoo with the inscription "CUM DEO"
  • madly loves his cridorans
  • Dreams to become a young father !!!
  • Negatively refer to smoking
  • Wants to find his "most and most" and kids
  • Favorite dish for breakfast omelette
  • favorite color-black
  • Always joking at concerts
  • Number of stories (fan fiction) about it exceeds a huge number of history written about stars
  • Previously afraid of heights, but as often flies, then this fear "disappeared".
  • Believes that the best gift girl is he himself)
  • Egor is considered one of the very first video blocks on YouTube. He laid out his first video in 2011. But he threw his channel, and only in 2016 began to lay out the sovereign.
  • Clip Alarm clock scored more than 80 million views on YouTube
  • March 07, 2017 collected full Crocus City Hall

Egor Creid or, as he is important in the passport, Egor Nikolayevich Bulatkin - a young and promising singer who performs songs in pop music style.

His star lit on the song sky relatively recently, but he managed to gain popularity and love of millions. Creative pseudonym "Creid" The guy came up with another fourteen years, he does not mean anything anything.

The career of Egor began with songs on the Internet who gave him the first likes and the target audience that appreciated him.

Growth, weight, age. How old is the crude?

Currently, Egor's popularity is simply shrinking, his songs occupy the first places in the tops. Fans are trying to find out what the crid is eating for dinner and who he does. Well, at least accurately determine its growth, weight, age. How many years Hirura crouz is the most frequent question that is written by the young ages in the Internet search string.

Egor Cre appeared in 1994, so he was only 22 years old. This age is associated with the endeavors and the first steps aimed at the future career. The guy was born in June, and hence, he is the insightful and wise cancer. On the eastern horoscope, Egor was born a year loyal and thoughtful, but slightly impulsive dog.

Creed rose to a pretty good for a meter of eighty-five centimeters. And his weight these days is eighty centimeters.

Biography Egor Crea

Egor Bulakin was born on June 25, 1994 in a very unstable Penza. From early childhood, the boy just adored music and tried to learn the game on the guitar on his own.

The boy studied at school with an in-depth study of the English language, which was excellent. With eight years, the guy was engaged in chess and basketball, tennis and football, aerobics and billiards.

In school years, the biography of Egor Crea closely contacted rap culture, he tried to imitate 50 cent. At the eleven age age, a talented teenager wrote the song "Amnesia" and even recorded it on the recorder.

In 2011, another song "Love on the Web" Song was posted on the VKontakte page, which was immediately appreciated and loved. Two days later, the guy removed the amateur clip on her.

At 17, Yegor shot a few more clips that posted on the network. In the same year, a clip was laid on the song of Timati, after watching which the guy remarked the producer and invited to cooperate.

In 2012, Creed won in the nomination of the best hiphoper in the famous "Star VKontakte Star" contest. After that, the guy began to perform with Penza celebrities, participated in the festivals of the regional level.

Timati did not leave a talented boy, dragged him to the capital and signed a contract. Egor Cred enrolled in Gnesinka for the Production Faculty. However, it did not have time to graduate, taking an academic leave due to a dense touring schedule.

2015 brought a young performer a lot of victories and accomplishments. He became the nominee of the "Breakthrough of the Year" award, released a soloble called "Bachelor", which included the most popular songs.

In May, the song "The most" won the first place in the nomination "The Best Song Song of the Year" on the 5th Prize RU TV.

He became a nominee of various premiums, from 2015 regularly performs on New Year's blue lights.

And from 2016 gives solo concerts at the Moscow level, which invariably attracts the attention of fans. This year, Egor Cred participated in the TV show "Improvisation" on the TNT channel and was invited to the creative evening Meladze.

Personal life. Egor Cre and His Girl 2017

The personal life of Egor Cre is invariably attracts the attention of fans. They are just vital to know if the guy has a lady of the heart or not.

The young artist often claimed in an interview that he prefers to engage in creativity. Personal life is less than the thought of Crea, since the profits do not bring and take time.

The first novel, which was spoken in connection with the identity of Egor Crea, was the relationship with Miroslav Karpovich. In 2011, they caught the paparazzi in one of the metropolitan cafes, but the guy did not respond to these rumors.

In 2012, Egor had a relationship with a young and incredibly talented model of Diana Melisson. The guys posed together for a photo shoot for a company that released a collection of fashionable clothes. Egor and Diana quite often laid out romantic photos on their social networking pages.

Olga Seriabkin and Egor Creed meet? Women? Wedding newlyweds

Olga Seryabkin's girl claims that the guy sought her love for a whole month, but the couple was parted after 8 months. The problem was in the irrepressible jealousness of Egor, as the girl was often shot half-naked. The rapper himself changed not shy. The stories of this love was dedicated to the song "Do not stop".

From 2013 the guy was seen with very beautiful and talented women. He was seen in the company with Anna Zavorotnyuk, Wika Odintova and Victoria Daineko, but the conversations remained conversations. They also attributed to him, also, an intrigue with the heroine of the series "Ranetki" with nyutoy and bright beautiful Ksenia Delhi, who recently jumped married another.

Family of Egor Crea

The family of Egor Cre was very musical, friendly and, that sin is rich. The boy never needed anything and got everything he could dream about.

His father - Nikolai Borisovich Bulakin - the owner of the largest factory in the Russian Federation, which was engaged in the processing of nuts. He is now a very famous businessman in certain circles, and his business flourishes the year from year. Now the operations for the production of materials for light industry have been added to the processing of nuts. By the way, Nikolai Borisovich sings, plays the guitar and is the frontman of his own musical group.

The mother of Egor - Marina Petrovna Bulakina - helps her husband in conducting a family case and is his deputy in the company "Unitron". The woman only successfully behaves business, but always finds the time for his children and sings great.

Yegor Crea has a sister - Polina Nikolaevna Bulakina, who was born in 1991. She is a very talented girl who goes to creative vertices under the pseudonyms of Polina Faith or Paulina Michelle.

Polina lives in the USA, films films in the style of comedy and drama. At its account about ten short protrusions and full-length films. The girl works as screenwriter and producer.

Children of Egor Crea

Many fans are trying to learn whether the children of Egor Creum exist on Earth. We rush to clarify that there are no kids from the famous singer, although he often admitted that he really wants to see a child next to him.

The guy claims that he would like his children to be born no later than he will be twenty-five years old. This is due to the ideas of the crude of the age of responsibility, self-sufficiency. He claims that the children who appeared at this time float on one wave of interest with their fathers. Egor in his interview stated that he really wants a son, but the appearance of a small princess would not even upset him.

The former girl of Egor Crea - Nyusha?

A woman of his whole life, the guy calls the singer Nyush Shurochkin. The girl helped the ascending star to break into the Olympus show business, supported and directed it. Nyusha starred in the video of Crea on the song "The Samemaya", which was dedicated to her.

The former girl of Egor Crea - Nyusha? Photo

The guy touchingly spoke of Nyusha at his concerts, repeating that parting was not his initiative. The thing is that the ambitious girl was not ready for life with Egor, who did not earn a lot of money. I did not approve of such a novel and her father and producer who wanted daughter of happiness.

The former girl of Egor Crea - Nyusha Shurochka did not confirm the data of the words and said that the cause of parting was the progressive star disease, to which she was not ready.

The photo of Egor Crea before and after plastics often appears on the websites of the clinics on the Internet, who claim that it is their doctors who gave the singer to a beautiful appearance. The guy himself in his interview says that its features are obliged to genes, nature and parents.

He does not get tired of repeating, which has never done plastic operations, even cosmetic. The guy is pleased with his appearance and does not want to change anything in it.

This singer conquers all his bright appearance, cheerfulness and eternal youth, so fans believe him for the word. They with 100% confidence argue that plastic surgery and their favorite singer are incompatible things.

Instagram and Wikipedia Egor Cre

On social networks, you can find a great multitude of groups operating either on behalf of Crea or claiming that are official fan clubs. It is worth noting that Instagram and Wikipedia Egor Crery exists in fact and find them on the Internet is not at all difficult.

Wikipedia you can read official and reliable information about the family, personal life and creative plans for young dating. Fans can be confident that the slightest changes in the life of the singer will instantly find their reflection in Wikipedia.

Instagram singer is filled with personal photographs and video from concerts. Also, it often appears requests for help, since the guy is engaged in charity, helping children suffering from serious ailments. More than 4.5 million people signed on the singer's profile, and their number is growing rapidly.

Egor Creid - Pets of the Women's Audience, a talented performer and songwriter, a former participant in the Black Star label. By 20 years, Egor became one of the most sought-after executors of the Russian pop.

In his youth, love for music and personal experiences led Hydra on the Internet, with the expanses of which his career began. Crend is a scenic pseudonym that Yegor came up with 14 years. This surname of the artist - Bulakin.

Childhood of Egor Crea

Egor Nikolayevich Bulakin on June 25, 1994 in Penza. Father Egor, Nikolai Bulatkin, who is now known as the owner of a major factory for the processing of nuts, began his business when Egor was still a baby. He devoted his free time to creating songs in the genre "Chanson". Mother, Marina Bulakina, helped her husband in business and on leisure was singing.

Senior for 3 years sister Egor Polina is now known as Polina Michaels and Polina Faith - she is a beginner actress. In 2012, she sang a duet with a brother in the song "Distances".

The guy's family was considered rather secured and very musical, which contributed to the early immersion of Egor into the world of music. But the young men had many other hobbies: he studied in a lyceum with an in-depth study of English, was fond of chess, she was engaged in football, basketball, tennis and billiards.

Despite the prosperous financial position of the family, the parents of the Son did not pour and forced him to just seek their work. His mobile phone appeared the last in the classroom, there were never household gadgets at home, but now the performer knows the price of each penny and is scattered with money.

To get 10 rubles from Pope for your favorite ice cream, I needed to work hard: wipe the dust, wash the dishes.

In high school, the guy was fascinated by rap culture. Egor has heard the compositions of Rapper 50 CENT, who managed to awaken in the guy's challenge the talented author "Songs that go from the heart." At 11, Bulakin first wrote the text and recorded his song on the recorder - it was called "Amnesia".

In 2008, when Egoru was 14 years old, he invented his pseudonym Kreed. According to the author himself, his stage name is simply a consonant combination of letters, he has no deep attack.

Carier start

The first glory of Egor Cred received thanks to the Internet. In 2011, he posted in "Vkontakte" the song of his own essay - "Love on the network" (originally it was called "the word" love "lost its meaning"). With the help of friends for 2 days, Egor removed the video, which in a few weeks scored a million views. At the time, these were huge indicators.

Egor Creed - Love on the Web (2011)

In the same year, the 17-year-old Rapper recorded a Cavern version of Timati's song "Do not go crazy" and took the clip on it. It drew attention to this one of the producers of label Timati Black Star Inc. And contacted Egor.

At about the same time, Friends persuaded Egori to take part in the "Star VKontakte Star" contest. The guy became the winner in the nomination "Best Hip-Hop Project", leaving behind thousands of talented performers. After a loud victory in the competition, the guy began to invite to speak on the best concert venues Penza, and in April 2012, Egor Cred signed a contract with the Timati Production Center and moved to Moscow.

In the capital, he entered the Production Faculty of the Russian Academy of Music the name of Gnesins, but in 2015 he took an academic leave, referring to a dense touring schedule.

Career flourishing

In 2013, Egor sang a duet with a popular singer Alexey Vorobyev. The composition was called "more than love."

In April 2014, Creed presented the Single to the Single to the Listeners - he conquered all Russian charts and became the most recognizable hit of the singer.

Egor Cre - "The Most Most" (2014)

In February 2015, Egor Crond won the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" in the Sound Track Music Prize.

At the beginning of April 2015, the Contractor released his debut solo album "Bachelor" in which the songs "the most", "Bride", "Jealousy" and others entered. In total, the plate includes 19 compositions. After a month, the song "The most" won a victorious place in the nomination "Best Song Song" on the 5th RU TV Prize.

June 2015 replenished the awards of Egor to the prestigious Award "MUZ-TV" in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year."

The project "Egor Cre" is successful in every sense - in 2015 he won 4 prizes and became one of the most sought-after artists of Timati's musical label.

On the New Year's blue light of 2016, Egor fulfilled the song "Hope" along with Joseph Kobzon. In the same year, the joint song of Cre and Timati was released "Where are you, where I", later a clip was released, who scored millions of views on YouTube. This composition entered the album of Timati "Olympus".

Timati ft. Egor Cre - "Where I, where you"

In May 2017, the light saw the second album of Egor Creus "What they know", which included 12 songs, including a duet with a rapper Motor "Fuckup".

Soon, the singer presented a joint composition with Olga Seryabkina "If you do not like me," later he recorded the song "Team 2018" with the participation of DJ SMASH and Polina Gagarina.

Personal life of Egor Cre

The Hero of the Devichy Dream, Egor Cre does not lack women, but it still failed to build a strong family, although the singer himself already dreams of trying himself as a father.

In 2012, on the set of the clip "Starletka", the crude has a relationship with actress Miroslav Karpovich, who was older than the singer, at that time still a schoolchildren, for 8 years. Lovers met for half a year and broke up because of great amusement and inconsistent graphs.

In the spring of 2013, Egor Crend began to meet with VKontakte star, model Diana Melisson. As the girl recalled, Egor was an incredibly romantic lover, asked her flowers and thoroughly thought out every date, trying to surprise her. Alas, the relationship did not hurt a long time - the singer was against the fact that his beloved is removed in candid photo shoots and terribly jealous. Melisson stated that Egor had not yet matured for adult relationships.

Then several months Creed met with a colleague on the scene - the singer Victoria Daineko, but they had too different characters so that the feelings would pour into something serious.

Then the singer was not long together with the daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Anna Straikova. She has not yet been twenty, and gentle age has become the main cause of their parting. The girl chose to devote free time to study, not a relationship.

The bright and discussed event was the novel of Friend Crea and Nyusha, who began in 2014, the guy later responded: "This, from which I wanted children." Although none of the pair confirmed the relationship officially, their novel could not be a secret. Victoria Obodyna. After working on the video, they flew together to rest in Greece. But from these relationships nothing happened.

In March 2018, Egor Creed became the hero of the Show "Bachelor", which was supposed to choose the bride from a variety of contenders on his heart. Among them were a lot of bright girls, including the participant of the previous "bachelor" with Ilya Mlinnikov Daria Kurkin. It was she who became the winner of the sixth season show. "She was able to wake my frosting heart," Egor admitted. However, upon completion of the project, the novel came to no. Now they no longer communicate.

Egor Cre now

In early 2018, rumors about leaving Black Star crawled. The reason was the belling of the artist with Timati, which occurred because of the causing behavior of Crea during the tour in the UAE. Egor had to perform at the Festival of Russian Pop Music one of the last, but when it came up, he did not interrupt a coffee break on the terrace of the hotel, stating that he was not singing in the mood. The guests had to be entertained by Alexander Revva and Cutting Oleg Gazmanov. But many viewers came specifically for the speech of Cre. Damage to the festival organizers rated several million rubles. After that, if you believe the rumors, Creed quietly with Timati. For information about the care from the label, the singer was denied, but on April 3, the CEO Star confirmed the care of Egor, noting that his contract had expired in March. The right to the brand "Egor Creed" was left by him.