Lady stories tying with a dog. Analysis of the story of Chekhov Lady with a dog Essay

Lady stories tying with a dog. Analysis of the story of Chekhov Lady with a dog Essay

The great Russian writer is well versed in the psychology of people, the state of their soul and the inner world. They created many talented works. The writings of Chekhov always reflect the internal feelings and experiences of a person, relationship with others. Many of them are affected by the influence of society per person. One of these works is considered a "lady with a dog", a brief analysis of the works of which and is offered for reference.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1898

History of creation - It is believed that the story was based on real events, after the writer's trip to Yalta, on the memories of his last love.

Composition - Composite story building has a chronological sequence. Gurova's acquaintance occurs with Anna Sergeyevna, their novel begins, parting, the climax is aware of the fact that life passed by.

Genre - Story, who complies with all the characteristics of this genre.

Direction - Realism, actions correspond to real events, real heroes.

History of creation

In the life of the writer there was a woman in which he was, when he was in love, Olga Knipper.

The writer rested in Yalta, watching the life of holidaymakers, their relationship between themselves. I saw between some of them flower resort novels flas out. Also, his meeting with Olga Knipper occurred. Anton Pavlovich had an idea about writing a story. For a long time he collected various materials, notes. At that time, the writer had a period of creative clutch. After the trip to Yalta, the writer began the history of the creation of a story about people who met at the resort, between which relations are tied.

After some literary silence, Anton Pavlovich created a story that was favorably adopted by the public.


In the "lady with a dog", the analysis of the work is impossible without determining the main theme. The topic of the story is love, visiting two completely different people. He and she is not free, Gurova has a wife, children, Anna Sergeyevna married. The only thing that binds them is that they are alone. Despite their family bonds, they do not feel happiness, and from this hopeless loneliness, Gurov and Anna rushes into each other's arms, taking the desired for reality.

The writer shows the acute problem of moral relations. Heroes are not experiencing real feelings, they are hypocritical not only in front of each other, but in front of them. Gurov, who did not like his wife, nor Anna, plays the role of a passionate lover simply because it should be. Anna Sergeyevna is also hypocritical and livy, considering herself a deeply religious person, nevertheless, she descends before the sin, falsely justifies his immoral acts that she truly loved Gurov.

Chekhov's story about love relationships clearly proves the moral decomposition and moral license of society. The problem of the chandeliness considered by the writer concerns not only society, but also the heroes, they behave in the same way as the whole society, hypocritically deceiving themselves, and not only the people around them.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work in the man itself, in his morality. Cheating his loved ones, deceiving herself, the heroes are just incremented, reaching in the bunch of moral foolishness.

And Gurov, and Anna Sergeevna were unhappy in their family life. Having met each other, they knew real love. Lovers learned what the real happiness mean, when a beloved person next to you. But these people are impossible to go against society, they can not be connected, as they will be condemned by society. Love true love, they cannot find a way out of the situation.

Gurov, the seeker of adventure, the favorite of women, found the only one who really is the road. He is hard to experience a deadlock situation, there is no way out for its permission. Together with Anna Sergeyevna, a woman who loved for the first time, they became more unhappy than they were dating


The story of Chekhov consists of four parts in which the development of action is undergoing.

In the first part of the Gurov, this man furthaged with female attention, came to a rest in Yalta. His wife had a wife with children to whom he never experienced love. Gurov is looking for entertainment, and meets Anna Sergeyevna. They begin to meet.

In the second part there happens the sin of Anna Sergeyevna, she is very worried. Gurov, as usual, belongs to it, as one of the many mumbling acquaintances, with whom he happened to meet. Anna Sergeyevna leaves for her husband, and Gurov goes to Moscow.

In the third part of Gurov, often remembered Anna Sergeyevna, decides to go to the city where the lady lives with a dog. Gurov understands how close this woman has become, he loved truly. Gurov is looking for meetings with Anna, and she promises to come to him to Moscow.

In the fourth part of the story, Anna Sergeyevna arrives several times to Moscow, where they meet with Gurov. In one of their such meetings, there is a climax. Suddenly seeing himself in the mirror, Gurov suddenly understands how he has come. The awareness reaches him that when true love came to him, he is already too old to try to change anything. The action comes to the junction. Gurov understands that he fell into a dead end, from which there is no exit, there is no point in life.

This is the meaning of the story - fear and fear of making a real act when it was necessary, led to this end, to disappointment and devastation.


Characteristics of the work of Chekhov "Ladies with a dog" define it as a genre of the story, although some of the critics came to the belief that the work can be called the story. The story describes valid, ordinary situations, which gives the story a realistic direction.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is an outstanding writer and playwright, whose works are permeated with love, freedomsiness and life. His work is studied in schools and institutions, regularly interpreted on theatrical frames, find readers around the world. But the most important thing is that his works find a response in the hearts of ordinary people.

The story "Lady with a dog" was written in 1898, after a long creative crisis of the writer. Many critics believe that Chekhov began writing a story after a trip to Yalta, where he met Olga Knipper. Perhaps it is she who we must create this work.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story appeared in 1896, when the author was outlined in the notebook the basis of the plot. At that time, he was already deadly sick with tuberculosis, so she sought to put his collected works. In parallel, he was engaged in theatrical productions of his own plays. Employment did not allow him to immediately begin work on the text, so she stretched out for two years. And yet during this time he was able to make a completely new, truly unique story, whose creative history became a legend. Many famous literary critics and critics recognized the work of innovative and unparalleled.

Genre and direction

If we talk about the genre, it is believed that this is a story, although some literary critics include a "lady with a dog" to the discharge of a story. Indeed, the work has division into parts, and its border volume: a bigger for the story, but is not enough for a story. However, the number of heroes still indicates the smallest prosaic genre.

Direction - realism. The author describes completely ordinary things, offering the reader to hear a story based on real events. Ajulter was not rare in those times as an unequal marriage of a young girl with an adult man.


The work consists of four parts, each of which tells about the relations of Dmitry Dmitrievich and Anna Sergeyevna, gradually increasing the tempo of events. However, the composition of the story "Lady with a dog" has its own characteristics. Many critics, including the famous writer, Vladimir Nabokov, pointed out that the text does not have a traditional linear structure, where there is a place of tire, climax and junction. It is not clear that it is the highest voltage point, it is unclear what he wanted to say the open finale. In this story, there is no usual logical completion.

Such chaotic parts are not an author's error, but its innovation. Only so it was possible to convey a fragment from real life, where the laws of dramaturgy do not apply. He wanted to portray the natural relations of two real people, and not a story about them. In his text, everything happens as in life: exactly, without pathos and intrigue, as if by itself. The open finale passes the confusion of heroes who do not know what is waiting for them further.

Meaning of the name

Why did the author call the story of "Lady with a dog"? The meaning of the title lies in the fact that a random woman without a name has become everything for Gurova. At the very beginning, he liked the idea to tie short-term relationships with an unnamed stranger, which no one knew in Yalta. Then he premeditated the ease of this victory and impunity, because no one knows her, then it is free from public control.

"She walked alone, all in the same take, with white spitz; No one knew who she called it just like this: a lady with a dog. "

However, in the final, he realized that he could not live without this lady with a dog. The name sounds ironic in relation to the main hero: he did not want to know Anna Sergeyevna, he was enough for a novel with a stranger, but fate reached him, and he could not refuse love.


The main hero of Gurov is married, but is wrong with the spouse, and the "lady with a dog" itself is married, but not happy. Throughout the story, the reader is experiencing history along with heroes, observes how their worldview is changing, attitude to life and desire. At first, the hero is experiencing a carnal pleasure from the meeting with Anna and its repentance. The purity of a young girl who first changed her husband, becomes a heavy burden for him, because tears and regret poison the delights of love. When Anna received a news from her husband, she immediately left home, saying that Meetings with Gurov should not have happened. A man who has changed his wife more than once, also decided that everything was over. However, in Moscow, he was expected spiritual rebirth. A short-term connection has become the only important thing for Gurova. He is tired of children, service, wife and endless lunches with dinners who left the golden years of life.

Without withstanding, he went to look for her. In the city of S. He found her address and began to wait for the meeting. Timed expectation, he locked it in the theater. They went to a secluded platform and explained to each other in love. Since then, she began to go to Moscow to him. And now they were once again sitting and thought what would happen next, how to be? On this, the story "Lady with a dog" ends.

Characteristic of heroes

Images of heroes in the story "Lady with a dog" are not disclosed completely. And yet they are represented by the reader only in those aspects that he needed to understand the meaning of the work. Multi-lighted lithragon prepared for you a table with the image system:

  1. Dmitry Gurov - The protagonist of the story "Lady with a dog". The hero lives in Moscow with his family - wife and children. He is tired of everyday life and is looking for something new. Dmitry married early, so quickly tired of the routine, which appeared in his life. He long ago and often changed his wife, because not only did not love, but did not respect her. He generally referred to women down and believed that they were "lower races". For him, the resort novel is the usual thing, and a woman is a gun of fleeting happiness. With the ladies, he was cheerful and young, always knew how to please them what to say. However, a random meeting with Anna turned the life of the hero: he loved her and abandoned the usual hobbies. Life in Moscow seemed to him a dreary and meaningless. He realized that all these vulgar talk about sturgeon, hiking for lunches, the visibility of normal life is a pathetic and worthless time.
  2. Anna Sergeyevna - The main heroine of the story "Lady with a dog". This is a young woman, timid and honest in the soul, but forced circumstances by sin to join love. She married inexperienced and very young, and her husband turned out to be a "lacker", that is, a man, ready to reptiles to higher personality and live in a slave dependence on their opinions. A joint life was not set with him, and Anna, finding the slightest reason, left for rest in Yalta. Communication with Gurov became a great feeling for her. She repent in his act, believed that now he could not respect her. And yet could not resist the temptation of love. For goodbye, she firmly decided to forget him, but in his city only thought that about the connection. As a result, she agreed to be a mistress of Gurov and ride him to Moscow, because her kind and proclaimy nature was dissolved in love.
  3. The image of a dog Fasted behind Anna Sergeyevna. This image indicates that this lady from the highest society. Also Spitz is a symbol of loneliness of Anna. Only the society of the dog was not burdensome for her and pleasant. When a lover appeared in her life, the mention of the dog ceased.


The subject of the story "Lady with a dog" returns us to the traditional issues for Chekhov:

  1. Love. The leading theme of love in the story is rightfully ranked first. Gurov depicts naive and sincere love, which "pecks" Anna. But the lady itself was truly fond of Dmitry. Love in this story is considered from two planes: fake and sincere. The frank and strong attachment of Anna was transferred to Gurov, and he, too, for the first time in his life, felt something different from the usual prehension. The feeling transformed it: now he renounced the former delusions, began to see life clearer. His fake life was suddenly meaningful and truthful. So, love acts as a means and an incentive of spiritual rebirth.
  2. Landscape and his rolein the story "Lady with a dog" is very significant. Nature emphasizes the state of the soul of heroes: the southern abundance of the Sun symbolizes the flourishing of feelings, the stew and the cold of Moscow transmit to the gyrov. The author tries to make a few poetry into the story, hinting with the reader that the resort passion is not really an intrigue, but a deep feeling that will not leave the heroes for a long time.
  3. Dream. Dreamy Anna, who thinks that everything will change soon, and Gurov is a gift of fate that can help her to find himself, its place in the world, like the author. He sees in her convergence from the real world, in its throwing and aspirations, a beautiful soul, which is tyranny environment. The dream of the same Gurova is reduced to fleeting desires. He does not think to perspective, he enjoys the present.
  4. Fate. The topic of fate also takes an important place in the story. Anna literally fled to the south, she was unable to put up with a unwanted marriage. And here the result of this escape was true love. Case or fate? The author does not give his answer, but from the outside it seems as if the Providence itself was picked up two unfortunate people who need deep feelings.


The problems of the work of the "lady with a dog" are saturated with topical issues that many people are asked:

  1. Egoism. The egoist in this story is the Gurov. Usually, people are in love with the same goals, have the same desires, but not in our case. Gurov is a simple womanizer who wanted something new. He does not try to figure out the problems of Anna, in that it is extremely risky and painful. Dmitry is absolutely anyway, and he is painting the mistress. But gradually real love helps him get rid of this moral illness.
  2. Indifference. Gurov suffered because he was indifferent to women and even considered their "lower racial". He willingly used their caress, but in the depths of the soul despised them for who they were. That is why he strained his wife loosely and did not even think about how it would affect his family. He was indifferent to Anna at first, but then I realized that I was wrong: she is not another intrigue, but a beloved woman without which he cannot live.
  3. Foreignness. For each of the heroes was his case, who helped them to protect themselves from reality and environment. Gurov was hidden from unsatisfactory family life in the treasures, Anna - on trips and even in the "female disease." Each compensated for his loneliness: Anna brought a dog, and Gurov Corotal the days with anything meaning for themselves, just not to go home.
  4. freedom. The symbol of the capture in the work of the "lady with a dog" is a gray fence, followed by Anna. Gurov dressed daily from him when he came to her, so as for challenging her on the street. Then he thought he had to feel unhappy behind this fence. And indeed, each person is surrounded by such a fence, everyday life, behind which he hides his secret personal life. It would seem that Gurov was free to meeting with Anna, but as if not like this: only love allowed him to discard the framework and fear, take and hug her in front of people.
  5. Treason. The problem of treason in this story is almost in the first place, because the entire plot is built around the wrongness. Traditionally, people condemn treachery, but the author is trying to prove that they are not always entitled to do it. Sometimes the marriage of love is no longer there, but society, the church and the law impede the termination of marriage. However, the heart can not be labeled without love, it stretches to another heart. And then there arises a heavy moral choice: either change and go overniron the whole, or to hypocrite and maintain the conventionality of marriage. What is more moral? There is no answer, there is only a life forcing the rules and traditions.
  6. Moral questions. The author also raises moral questions, such as morality and debt. He revises the usual concepts, showing the hypocrisy and falsehood of family life, not lit by love.

Main idea

The meaning of the story of the "lady with a dog" is to reconsider the usual moral taboos on which society holds. People should not blindly live the rest of the days, trying to disguise the dislike for each other. The hypocrisy can not be a reliable foundation, it gives a crack. That was how the relationship between the spouses of the Gurovye broke. They could not speak frankly and only hid the brewing problems. As a result, none of them was happy. Only sincere love can be the basis of marriage, and if not, it is not worth keeping the visibility of the family to please society. It only aggravates public vices.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "Lady with a dog" is expressed in the fact that love frees a person, liberates and improves his personality. Only after the meeting with Anna Gurov is aware of the blessing vulgarity of his environment, understands the importance of love and makes a bold act - rides her. The same insignificant Kutil and the womanik of Gurov reincarnates in a passionate and loving man, ready to dudge from the fence to catch her.

What does it take?

Moral story "Lady with a dog" is that you need to embody your dreams to life. Do what you want, and not someone else. Gurov initially went not to the profession that he wanted, in the end, he suffered all his life. Anna was not happy next to her husband, which also delivered her a lot of chagrins. If each of them made a choice in favor of what they were loved, their life would have formed anyway.

The moral conclusion from this book can be done this: you should not create the visibility of life and repair yourself in the comfort case. You need to live, love and even suffer to feel the completeness of life.


Contemporaries Chekhov noted the features of the story of "Lady with a dog" and its innovation. So, M. Gorky somehow wrote Chekhov:

I read the "lady" yours. Do you know what you are doing? Kill realism.

He believed that his colleague put me in the development of realism, since after him no one could write as simple and clear about everyday life.

The work praised many famous figures, including Isaac Levitan:

"Damn, as well, Anthony wrote a" lady with a dog, "- just as well as I write pictures."

But there were also critical comments, because many people insulted vulgarity of the resort novel, which the author elevated to a fateful meeting:

Famous literary critic Alexander Skabichevsky even called the heroes "tiny", and the drama experienced by them - "shameful and painful"

The artistic peculiarity of the story of the "lady with a dog" many had to do not like. In particular, the open finale put some readers in the deadlock. Solovyov wrote:

"Of course, this story is an excerpt; He doesn't even ends with anything, and his last lines only suggest about some kind of upcoming cruel drama of life ", which confirmed many statements about the open ending story.

Later, Chekhov's poetic in the story "Lady with a dog" was assessed by:

Vladimir Nabokov wrote that in the "lady with a dog" "all traditional rules of narration were broken," but "this story is one of the greatest in world literature."

Alexander Chudakov, one of the largest researchers in Chekhov's poetics, draws attention to the syntax in the story. From the mid-1890s of Chekhov, who previously provided his characters to tell his stories himself, reduces the volume of direct and incomprehensive-direct speech and begins to use more subtle stylistic techniques. "She talked a lot, and her questions were detachy, and she herself immediately forgot, as she asked; Then he lost in the crowd Lornnetka, "- all this seems to be the author's speech, but in it through the intermittentness and" chopping "rhythm is accurately transferred to the emotional state of the heroine. As a result, Chekhov managed to achieve a sense of complete likelihood.

The meaning of the story "Lady with a dog" is difficult to overestimate: it was translated into many foreign languages \u200b\u200bduring the life of the author, in the 20th century, it was often shielded and put theatrical productions. There is even a legendary ballet with Maya Plisetska in the lead role.

The writing

The story "Lady with a dog" was conceived at a turning point, both for Russia and for the whole world. Year of writing - 1889, that is, the penultimate year of the 19th century. What was Russia time represented? The country of pre-revolutionary sentiments, tired of the "Domostroi", tired of the ideas of the "Domostroja" ideas, which is incorrectly incorrectly, and as far as a person does not mean by itself, and how little he knows his feelings and thoughts. In total, after some 19 years, Russia will blow up and inexorably will begin to change, but now, in 1889, she, thanks to Chekhov, appears before us in one of its most threatening and terrifying accumulations: Russia - the State-tyrant, the devourer of human lives .

However, at that time (by the way, we note that the time spent time and the time depicted by the author coincide) still few people could see the impending, even more or rather, the threat attached to the threat. Life continued as before, because everyday troubles have the best remedy for insight, because they do not see anything, except for them. Still, sufficiently secured people ride to relax (you can in Paris, but if the funds do not allow, then in Yalta), the husbands change their wives, the owners of hotels and the innovations earn money. So much more and more becomes the so-called "enlightened" women or, as the wife of Gurov, women of "thinking", to which men relate, at best, condescending, seeing in this, first, threat to Patriarchate , and secondly, the obvious female nonsense. Subsequently, it turned out that those and others are mistaken.

Apparently, Czechs disliked women seeking artificially to become above men. Judging by the "lady with a dog" and "home with mezzanine" (where Lidia Volchaninova was such a heroine), such dislikes arose as a result of understanding that the general position of the "thinking" women will not save, and perhaps and will be aggravated.

"The people are enhanced with a chain of great, and you are not chopping this chain, but only add new links - here's my belief." ("House with mezzanine"). It seems that under this phrase, except for the hero, the author himself could be subscribed.

I must say that the "lady with a dog" and "house with mezzanine" is very similar. Not in content, but in sensations that these two stories are left after reading them. Yes, and the details are the thoughts about the enlightened women, about what prevents two loving to connect - they bind the similarity.

Thus, we come directly to the text, to its subjects and issues. The topic is simple, and for the inhabitants it is also a reason for a rather slippery gossip: the resort novel and its consequences. But after all, the knowing style of the story of Chekhov, it is impossible to even assume that his goal was to portray the notorious resort novel. Check need much deeper. In my opinion, the main goal of the work is to show the reader (especially, of course, the reader of that time) what he did not notice earlier: this apparent hopelessness of the situation as if really heroes would better abandon their love, it is a fear of the heroes themselves to overcome the views of society Fear of making the steps themselves to their real, not stolen happiness, their connectedness with chimeric chains of non-existent duties. And of course, it is quite clear that not only the heroes are to blame for their inaction. This inaction gave rise to something similar to the "Dark Kingdom" in the "thunderstorm" of Ostrovsky. But this new "Dark Kingdom" lies not on the self-smuggling of some of the other, but on a universal indifference to each other and blindness towards the real position of things. A vivid example of this is the following scene:

One night, leaving the Doctoral Club with his partner, an official, he (Gurov) could not resist and said:

If you knew with what charming woman I met in Yalta!

The official sat down in Sani and drove, but suddenly turned around and called:

Dmitry Dmitrich !!

And let you have been right: sturgeon something with a shirt!

As we see, this official, partner Gurova on the game of cards, is indifferent, blind and deaf. He is only interested in the state of his own stomach, and the concept of tact, if you have no you walked to a replica about a charming woman, he is at all unfamiliar.

Returning to the topic of the story - the resort novel - it is impossible not to notice that the topic is divided into two separate subtips, one way or another related and forming the main one.

The first one with which we get acquainted at the beginning is the behavior of men and women in the resorts away from the family and the usual lifestyle. We see how Gurov is seduced by "seductive thought about the ambulance, fleeting, about the novel with an unknown woman." Later we learn that he can do it. Now we can pose: What is the purpose of Chekhov, opens this topic? It seems to me that this topic is designed not only for the risk of action, but also serves to certain goals. In fact, not just so, from boredom, Gurov tying this acquaintance! Do not be such a prerequisite, like an unloved wife, hardly a gurus changed her. Yes, and Anna Sergeyevna did not love her husband. So, they agreed with loneliness, instinctively feeling the lack of love, needing her.

Nowadays, many are incomprehensible to many people who have connected their destinies who do not have any positive feelings to each other, but at the end of the 19th century it was as real as real today. Here, I think, what is the purpose of the first subtime: to show people how the Family Union is wrong without love and respect, to which consequences it can lead.

The second subtertainment is the topic of love and the change that it carries with you. Meeting with Anna Sergeyevna changed Gurova. He loved her, loved the woman for the first time in his life, experienced in adulthood all that young men feel: "And only now, when he had gray head, he loved, as he really was the first time in his life." And together with love, it was understood:

What wild morals, what faces! What kind of stupid nights, which are uninteresting, imperceptible days! Furious game of cards, gluttony, drunkenness, constant conversations are all about one. Unnecessary affairs and conversations all about one embrace on their share the best part of the time, the best strength, and, in the end, there is some kind of kutsaya, a woundless life, some kind of nonsense, and leave and it is impossible to escape, just sit in a crazy house or In the Arrestric Rotes!

Love itself changed Gurov, as if he says Chekhov, love can all. And now his hero is no longer a lifespan life, but a real person who can compare, be sincere, gentle.

Having understood with the purpose of the story, for which he was written, consider in detail the plot of the works, his composition. Among the walking on the Yalta embankment, a new face appears - a lady with a dog. This event is an action tie. By the way, the exposition in this case follows the risk, and not vice versa. A few days later, in the garden, the main hero - Gurov - meets this lady. So the development of action begins. Together they walk, spend a lot of time. Gradually, our heroes - and their two are tied to each other, but, as we remember, Gurova has their own plans towards Anna Sergeyevna. He dreamed of resort novel.

After a week of dating, the action suddenly approached the first highest point of its development - the first climax. Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna went to her room, and there, according to Anna Sergeyevna, her fall occurred.

It seems that Gurov achieved what he wanted, and something should follow something. According to the logic of things, the heroes must either part and at random meetings to remove each other's eyes, or continue to meet.

"Then every noon, they met on the embankment, had breakfast together, dinner, walked, admired the sea."

Anna from the husband, who came from her husband, Anna Sergeyevna, a letter in which he begged his wife to return home. Soon and Gour went home, thinking that they would never see anymore.

However, the action is still developing. Upon arrival home Gurov can not forget the lady with a dog, and the memories, very real, as the shadow follows him. He is internally changing and finally matures in order to see Anna Sergeyevna again. In December, on the holidays, he comes to S. and makes references about where Anna von Diders lives. Not having the opportunity to see her in the afternoon, Gur in the evening goes to the theater in the hope that she will be there.

The second culmination was their meeting. Again the heroes stand before the choice - to be or not to be together and after a short date they again part, but now in solid confidence that Anna Sergeyevna will come to Gurov to Moscow. Such is the junction.

The story makes a story about further meetings of heroes, but in the full sense it is impossible to call it: the last paragraph allows for further development and further experiences of Anna Sergeyevna and Gurova.

So far, we have not spoken almost anymore anything about whom, except for Anna Sergeyevna and Gurova, as if the remaining heroes do not exist. Partly the way it is. The fact is that Chekhov allocates only two heroes - those who are able to develop. Thus, he emphasizes the disunity of people, as if they are talking in different languages. All around are impersonal; Even if there are many people - the presence of a person you will not see. We are given only two portraits of secondary characters: Wives Gurova and her husband Anna Sergeyevna, and even outwardly, these people are unattractive, not to mention the rest of their features. And the role that these heroes play is always negative: they are the force separating lovers.

Portraits of the main characters have to themselves. She: low gloss blonde with angular laugh; Thin, weak neck, beautiful gray eyes. It has something "pitiful" (according to Gurov's expression), or rather, when looking at her I want to be strong and regret it. He: "In his opening, in character, in his entire nature there was something attractive, elusive, which had a woman to him."

Oddly enough, but only one character is shown in development. Only Gurov radically changes his life position, and Anna Sergeyevna remains almost unchanged, unless he understands that she is not a fallen woman, and finds the strength to fight.

The story covers the time interval of approximately six months to a year, it is impossible to accurately determine. During this time, the action was transferred from Yalta to Moscow, from Moscow to the city of S. and back. According to the author, the heroes are accurately "two migratory birds, male and female who caught and forced to live in individual cells." However, even at a distance of each other, they continue to mentally be together.

So, on the basis of the foregoing, we see that we have a typical story before us - a small volume of depicted phenomena and events, and from here in terms of the volume of the text, a prose art, in which the characters are acting as certain individuality. They are shown in the well-known completed (that is, who has the beginning and end) the moment of their life, which is most fully revealed to us by their characters. The number of characters in the story is small and they are all except the main, outlined.

Chekhov enjoys a literary language throughout the story to show that the heroes belong to the so-called "decent society", but from the entire variety of artistic means, only portraits of heroes and landscapes use, precisely reflecting the mental state of heroes that emphasize them.

We reviewed only one small work of A.P.hekhov, however, we see how the masterfully the author shows it seems to be insignificant, but those who have so much life situations, outlines the whole, solely realistic characters with all their shortcomings and can convey to the reader not only content But also the ideas of the story, and also gives us to feel confident that true love, loyalty can make a lot.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov always managed to create unusual works in which a deep meaning was laid. It all depends on the person, which opens the book of the famous writer. If the reader is interested in studying life, its laws, it means that Czech's creativity he does not dare to pass by.

A story raising the problem of love, it is undoubtedly the "lady with a dog", where Anna Semenovna and Dmitry Dmitrievich are in love with lovers, they get acquainted in the resort. It is noteworthy that both hero are married. The lady with a dog has a husband whom she calls a lacquer. The heroine came to marry him purely for curiosity, and without gaining true happiness. It can be seen how for the years she lived with her husband, joy and merry in her life was not. Gurov, Dmitry Dmitrievich not only married, but also has three children, thereby it means that he is responsible for those whom he created. Specifies the character of ordinary life, does not feed strong feelings for the family. But as soon as Anna Semenovna and Gurov are found, they are lightning, pierce love. Happiness comes to their ordinary and routine life.

The main characters are a feeling like love, heats, turns life. It turns out that Chekhov shows: love is capable of much. It can change the person for the better if the feelings are really mutual. When there is a one who takes care to you, care, warmth, I want to start not just to exist, but live! So the heroes, they found each other, but the obligations are not waiting. One family and children have their own business. Roads diverge ...

But Dmitry Dmitrievich realizes how difficult for him without a lady with a dog, for he found what he was looking for initially: support, attentiveness, reciprocity. The hero does not withstand separation and goes to Anna Semenovna. Having found it, they agree on how to see more often, because the heat of feelings cannot be repayed.

But in the end, when the characters united, they realized that there were each other, Anton Pavlovich does not show a clear future for heroes. Dmitry Dmitrievich and Anna Sergeevna believe that it will definitely "begin a new, wonderful life," but it is still very far from that moment ... and it is not known that it is waiting for characters next ...

Chekhov shows us how important it is to love here and now, do not postpone the feelings in a long box. If you love how the last time, without thinking about what will happen tomorrow, in a month, year. The main thing is to understand: it is impossible to be an indifferent being. Having found love, hold on it, for then, when nothing remains, the end will come, you will regret that I did not try the fresh feelings, did not take warmth in my heart. Such a tragedy in no way should be allowed!

Analysis of the work of lady with a dog 2

Who only from writers did not affect the theme of love. You can write about love without endlessly this eternal problem arising between a woman and a man.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in his story "Lady with a dog" wrote about love, which is doomed to suffering and that's why. Chekhov tells about the fleeting resort novel, which converts in love.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, intelligentsia preferred to rest on the waters and on the sea coast. The plot develops in Yalta. A relatively still young man Gurov came to rest. He has long been languishing with an unloved woman. She was annoyed by tried to be a feminist, that by that time it was fashionable. Also, she was little considered with the opinion of his spouse. Accordingly, no tender relationship in this case is not necessary. He came up with this, but at any opportunity, he tried to tie to anything that do not bind love relationships.

Next to the lady rested, which walked constantly with the dog. According to her appearance, it was clear that she was married, but not long ago. With its position, she remains alone, waiting for something good and interesting that he can diversify her life. A man with experience will immediately feel that a woman is not against relationships. Events as HSDA in the resort unfolded rapidly. Gurov was not mistaken, a week after acquaintance, he suggested Anna Sergeyevna, so called a lady with a dog to visit his number, she agreed. Further events of Dmitry Gurova were very surprised, he could not expect anything. There was no such thing in his love practice.

Anna Sergeyevna did not suit his family life, her husband launched her. She did not rest for a long time and happily answered Dmitry's courting. As it believes in the resort novels everything happens quickly. For Gurova, this is the usual thing he is used to changing his wife, and for the lady with a dog it turned out to be a real stress, although she was conscious to it. Anna Sergeyevna wanted change, but when they occurred, she understands that it is not just a betrayal, but a moral drop. These reflections do not touch the rudeness of the lover at all, he is simply surprised by the thinking of the next passion.

It's time to part, but Dmitry Gurov could not forget this naive woman, he pulled him to her and he began to look with her meetings. The most interesting thing is that it is with this woman he understood what love is. Both of them understood that the most difficult now begins.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in the work described not just a resort novel, but where people can be called. For that time, a fairly relevant problem. The story made an indelible impression on readers, he was long discussed in society for a long time.

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ON THE. Kozhevnikova

On the tongue of the story of A.P. Chekhov
"Lady with a dog"

1. Two parts of the story

Yalta in the story combines, on the one hand, the situation of the resort novel, on the other - the sea and the mountains, embodying beauty and eternity. Characters belong to the Yalta crowd, but they come into contact with eternal. This makes guessing the resort novence something more, which the characters themselves are not yet aware.

The story disintegrates into two parts, each of which takes two chapters. The first and second part are opposed to each other and at the same time are bound by repetitions. Different faces, realities, places are closely opposed. In addition to opposition it seemed - it turned out, the end - the beginning, who drew attention to VB Kataev, for the story of significant opposition clean - unclean, interesting - uninteresting, light - heavy, freedom - cage, ways; Sweet - bitter, young - older her, cold - warm, bad - good. This will be discussed in the future.

In the first part of the characters surrounds the "Elegant Yalta crowd" - "... Permanent flashes before the eyes of idle, elegant, filled people were definitely reborn it," in the second part in the theater - a provincial crowd. And in the first, and in the second parts, one of the places of action is a hotel. Detail of the appearance of the outside world is repeated dust: "A man lives somewhere in Bellev or in Sident - and he is not boring, but will come here:" Ah, boring! Ah, dust! ""; "On the streets of the swirl rushed dust" - in the city of S. "and was on the table inkwell, gray from dust." In the second part dust included in a series of realities of epithet grey: "The entire floor was covered with a gray soldier"; "Just a fence, gray, long, with nails,", "he sat on the bed, covered with a cheap gray, exactly a hospital, blanket. Gray is opposed by the color of the sea and the lunar light in the first part: "They walked and talked about how strangely lit the sea; The water was lilac, such a soft and warm, and the gold strip came from the moon. "

Different parts are associated with color epitheets: white cloudsin the first part, white Earth, White Roofs - in the second. Epithet grey splits. He characterizes Anna Sergeyevna and in the first and second part: gray eyes, gray dress. In the second part, it characterizes the environment of heroes.

The content of the first part is the "adventure", the content of the second part is love. The fleeting link is deployed against the background of the sea and the mountains, the love of characters is in a deliberate prose furnishings. In the first part of the characters accompanies the smell of flowers, the smell of spirits, the smell of the sea. When selling characters "smelled in autumn". In the second part, the explanation of the heroes passes "on a narrow, gloomy staircase", "blowing through the wind, hiding the smell of tobacco cakes." Opposed and sounds. In the first part of the characters hear "Creek Cycad and the noise of the sea", in the second Gurov thinks about how good Anna Sergeyevna is good, "under the sounds of a bad orchestra, trashing philistine violins."

Although the story is called the "lady with a dog", the point of view of Gurova prevails in it.

During the image of Anna Sergeyevna, at first, the external detail is shown in the embankment: "A young lady passed on the embankment, a low growth of a blonde in beret", "she walked alone, everything in the same take", "... Lady in the beret did not rush to take a neighboring table ". Acquaintance preders the characteristics of the lady with a dog, transmitting a general impression from her: "Her expression, gait, dress, hairstyle told him? That she is from a decent society, married, in Yalta for the first time and one that she is bored here. "

2. Counterpressure of characters

In the first part, the characters are rather opposed. Evaluation of Gurova: "Anna Sergeyevna was touching, from her I had a purity of decent, naive, little living woman" - confronts the awareness of the situation by Anna Sergeyevna ("unclean tart"), her self-esteem: "I am a bad, low woman, I despise myself ... and now I became a vulgar, cracked woman, which everyone can despise. " The opposition, which established in the stage of rapprochement of characters, is repeated and then when Gurov's relations and Anna Sergeyevna are depicted in repeating the same type of situations: "... worried about jealousy, then fear that he insufficiently respects it", "she often wondered and everyone asked him to stay? That he does not respect her, he does not love it at all, but only sees a dutiful woman in it. " The opposition of characters and ends the first part.

In the story, the guidance on the unusualness of Anna Sergeyevna, but they pass by the consciousness of Gurova, who continues to be aware of it as one of the common range: "And he thought that there was one more conventional in his life, and now the memories remained." At the beginning of the second part of Anna Sergeyevna, the last time compares with other women and puts them with them in one row: "Any month will pass, and Anna Sergeyevna seemed to him in his memory fog and only occasionally would dream with a touching smile. Others. " This comparison is the starting point for the further development of action.

In the second part of the story, the central representations of the first are revalued. The overall assessment of relations with Anna Sergeyevna is changing. In the first part, the point of view of Gurova transmits the word adventure, In the second part of the Gurov, herrifies over it: "Here's a lady with a dog ... Here's the adventure ...". The relationship of Gurova and Anna Sergeyevna acquire a new name: love. A new storyline begins with a question: "Did he loved then?". At the end of the story, the answer to this question is: "Time went, he got acquainted, converged, parted, but never loved; Everything was anything, but not love. And only now, when his head became gray, he fell in love as he really should, for the first time in his life. "

At the beginning of the acquaintance of the attitude of the characters characterizes epithet easy: "Easy Adventure", "Light Victory", "Easy Talk". At the end of the first part of the assessment Gurova gradually change. His condition is determined by the word repentance,but still the main epithet remains easy, which characterizes and repentance, and mockery: "He was friendly with her and cordient, but still in handling her, in his tone and caressing a shadow light mockery<…>". At the end of the story, contrasting words go to the fore: "... And both it was clear that to the end is still far away and that the most difficult and difficult it is just beginning."

In the second part of the story, the motive of non-free, which transmits images of different rows: "And in the end, some kind of kutsaya remains, a woundless life, some kind of nonsense, and leave and it is impossible to escape, just sit in a crazy house or in the arrestric rotators." Epithet wingless echoes the image of the birds enclosed in the cell at the end of the story - with the way put.

Some and the same estimates associate different situations. In the first part of the Gurov, Anna Sergeyevna spoke about how good she was, in the second part, "he thought she was good."

The change in the relationships of the characters is shown through the change of the designations of Anna Sergeyevna. First she - lady with a dog, what they call it in the Yalta crowd and in what quality will know her gurov, then she lady in beret, lady. From the first conversation with her Gurov learns that her name is Anna Sergeyevna. Of all the many women with whom Guri dealt, only one receives a name. In the second chapter, it is called. After rapprochement with her in the consciousness of Gurov, the name and nickname are faced: "Anna Sergeyevna, this lady with a dog." Already after rapprochement with Anna Sergeyevna Gurov, he learns her name: "I now know your last name at the front: the board is written on the Diders von, - Gurov said. - Your husband is German? ". In the second part, this surname acquires a comic sound: Drydiritz.

In addition, the different stages in the relationship between Gurova and Anna Sergeyevna are transmitted by changing location forms. Anna Sergeevna throughout the story says Gurov you.Gurov addresses it in different ways. Before the scene in the Yalta hotel, he tells her you: "Come to you." After rapprochement, he tells her you, She told him - you:

"- Not good," she said. - You do not respect me now.

- Why could I stop respecting you? - asked Gurov. "You yourself don't know what you say."

In the stage in the theater, he calls her on you, But by name: "But understand, Anna, understand ...", she - by name and patronymic: "hear, Dmitry Dmitrich". In the "Slavic Bazaar" both say you. At the end of the story, they talk about themselves and the author about them in a plural: "Then they were consulted for a long time, they said how to get rid of themselves from the need to hide, deceive, live in different cities, not to see for a long time." Twice says not just about love, but about them love: "It was obvious for him that this them Love will end not soon, it is unknown when ... "; "Felt that this them Love changed them both. " Contrasting characters, important for the first part of the story, is removed at the end.

3. Rapping characteristics

The story has directions and the ability to change the characters. The system of their values \u200b\u200bincludes estimates beautiful, interesting, clean: "I love honest, clean Life, and sin I gadd, "says Anna Sergeevna. A contrast word appreciates the situation of Gurov: "These words, such ordinary, for some reason suddenly outraged Gurov, seemed humiliating to him, unclean”.

In Oreand, Gurov thinks about whether "as in essence, if you think about, everything is fine in this world, everything, except that we yourself think and do when we forget about the highest goals of being, about our human dignity," these reflections are thrown The light on the behavior of Gurova himself in the previous scene - they finish and the revaluation of the values \u200b\u200bthat occurred in the Hero's mind later, in the second part of the story, when the thinking of Gurova concern that "that we yourself think and do." The words of the official who caused the perturbation of Gurova: "And lethae you were right: a sturgeon is something with a shock!", "Belong to Gurov himself and only repeated by the official.

While the characters are opposed to each other, they have many points of contact. At the beginning of the story, Gurova and Anna Sergeyevna has rapprochet their characteristics. Gurov is aware of themselves as a representative of a certain circle ("decent people"), Anna Sergeyevna belongs to this circle: "She is from a decent society."

Characters pushes a similar desire to each other. Gurov, despite his experience, "I wanted to live", inexperienced Anne Sergeyevna "I wanted to live! Live and live! " At the end, a similar motive sounds: "And it seemed that a little more - and the decision would be found, and then the new, wonderful life will begin ...".

Characters brings together the community of condition: "In the society of men, he was bored" - "Her expression, gait, dress, hairstyle told him that she<…> In Yalta for the first time and one that she is bored here ... ".

Their first conversation is about boredom:

"- Time passes quickly? Meanwhile, there is such a boredom here! She said, without looking at him.

"It's just customary to say what is bored here."

Word boring The state of Gurova is determined when he listens to the repentance of Anna Sergeyevna: "Gurov was already boring to listen ..."

Characteristics of characters in the scene for forgiveness include the coinciding word: "She did not cry, but was sad accurately sick, and her face trembled "-" he was a togan, gusts And experienced a light remorse ... ".

Anna Sergeyevna's self-characteristic - "And here I walked everything as in a quarrel, like a crazy ..." - Then in the scene of farewell characterizes both characters: "Stop it as much as a sweet forgotten, it is madness." "We are distraught with you," says Anna Sergeevna Gurov in the second part of the story.

Gurov "Laskovo ancho to her spitz," "in his tone and caress", "said quietly and gentlely", "... I took it by the shoulders to attach, joke." He hears the "tender rustling of her clothes."

Love changes the characters, bringing thembricking them. In the second part to Gurov, some characteristics of Anna Sergeyevna from the first part are transmitted. The state of Anna Sergeyevna after rapprochement with Gurov: "She complained that he slept badly and that her heart was alarmingly," he relates with the state of Gurova after the spiritual fracture: "Gurov did not sleep all night and was outraged, and then in the next night he slept. Everything was sitting in bed and thought or walked from the corner to the corner. "

Some other characteristics coincide: "It was sad, accurately sick" - "Gurov did not sleep all night and outraged, and then spent the whole day with a headache"; "She trembled her face" - "said a trembling voice, smiling for violence."

In the first part of the word soul, heart Used in relation to Anna Sergeyevna: "... It was clear that she was not good in the soul", "she complained that she slept badly and that her heart was alarming ...". In the second part of the word a heart characterizes Gurry: "... He suddenly beat his heart, and he could not remember the name of Spitz," she sat down in the third row, and when Gurov looked at her, he squeezed him from him, and he understood it clear that For him, now there is no closer on the whole world, more expensive and more important than man ... "; "And Gurov, whose heart beat, thought:" Oh Lord! And what are these people, this orchestra ... ".

The words and thoughts of one character are moving to another. Gurov when goodbye thinks: "... After all, this young woman, with whom he will never see him again, was happy with him" (ch. II). In the second part, this characteristic repeats Anna Sergeyevna: "I was never happy, I am now unhappy and never, I will never be happy, never!". Then she repeats in the speech of the narrator, transmitting the point of view of Gurov: "... in his eyes it was clear that she was really unhappy."

Anna Sergeyevna's husband is mentioned in the first chapter: "She could not explain in any way, where her husband serves, in the provincial board or in the provincial government, and it was funny to her", in the second chapter it contains its characteristics belonging to Anna Sergeyevna. The fact that Anna Sergeyevna speaks in the first part of his husband: "My husband, perhaps, honest, good man, but he is a moat. I don't know what he is doing there, as serves, but I only know that he is Laki, "then, in the stage in the theater, recalls Gurov:" Probably, it was a husband, which she was then in Yalta, in a gusting of a bitter feeling called Lacey . And in fact, in his long figure, in Baynah, in a small bald, there was something lakbey-modest, he smiled sweetly, and in a loaf he was glistened to some scholar icon, for sure the Lacéic number. " This image acquires a generalized character: "... They flashed some people in the judicial, teacher and specific uniforms, and all with icons ...".

The ride of Gurova to the city of S. is framed by the question "Why?". At the beginning, he belongs to the narrator and Gurov: "... left in S. Why? He himself did not know well, "at the end - Anna Sergeyevna:" Why did you come? What for?<…> I'm so suffering! - she continued, not listening to him. "I always thought only about you, I lived thoughts about you." And I wanted to forget, forget, but why, why did you come? ".

Characters fall into similar situations that are illuminated in the opposite way. In the first part, the recurring situation accompany the same type of gestures and evaluations: "Suddenly hugged her and kissed her lips ... And immediately he looked at it: did he see who?"; "These kisses among the White Day, with a loaf and fear, no matter how anyone else<…>". Similar estimates accompany the scene in the theater, although the general situation changes: "He stood, frightened by her embarrassment, not deciding to sit down next. Put the configurable violins and flutes, it was suddenly scary, it seemed that they were looking out of all the lies. "

This series of similar estimates is the assessment of the assessment. does not matter In the scene on the stairs: "Higher, on the site, two gymnasists smoked and looked down, but Gurov was still, he attracted Anna Sergeyevna to him and began to kiss her face, cheeks, hands." It returns to one of the early characteristics of the behavior of the characters. The first conversation Gurova and Anna Sergeyevna - "The conversation of people of free, satisfied, which would still go where to go about anything."

The scene in the Yalta hotel, when Gurov eats a watermelon, and Anna Sergeyevna is kicked and crying ("her eyes were filled with tears"; "... if it were not for tears in the eyes ..."), in contrast, he echoes the scene in the Slavic Bazaar when Gurov Drink tea, and Anna Sergeyevna cries. Communication between these scenes establishes a clear verbel. The end of the first scene: "She hid his face on his chest and pressed against him," it agrees with the beginning of the second: "... he barely entered how she had already soldered to his chest."

At the same time, in the first stage, the characters are alienated from each other, in their second relations are completely different. Gurova in the first scene, repentance Anna Sergeyevna causes irritation. In the second chapter, the attitude of Gurova to Anna Sergeyevna characterizes the word compassion: "He felt compassion for this life ...", "he felt deep compassion ...".

Anna Sergeyevna, in the first stage he spent about herself, - in the second he thinks about them, about their common fate: "She cried from excitement, from the mournful consciousness that their life was so sad; They only see secretly, hide from people like thieves! ".

Characters bring together general assessments of different situations. From the character to the character goes the motive of deception, which has different refractions. After rapprochement with Gurov, Anna Sergeyevna says: "I didn't deceive my husband, but myself, and not now, and I have long been cheating." The first part of the story ends with reflections of Gurova. They include its estimates belonging to Anna Sergeyevna, and controversy with them. The motive of deception sounds: "He was a togan, sad and experienced a light remorse: after all, this young woman, with whom he will never see it anymore, was not happy with him<….> All the time she called him good, extraordinary, sublime; Obviously, he seemed to her not the fact that he really was, it means that he was unwittingly deceived her ... ".

A similar motive sounds in the second part, although there are no words of deception. Some of the above characteristics are included in a generalization regarding Gurova and its relationship to women: "He always seemed to women who he was, and they didn't like himself in him, and the person who created their imagination and whom they were looking for greedy in their lives. ; And then, when they noticed their mistake, they still loved. And none of them was happy with him. " Following this generalization there is opposition to the past and present, Anna Sergeyevna and other women.

The foil chapter begins the theme of deception: "... the husband believed and did not believe." A significant part of this chapter contains the reflection of Gurov about two lives - a secret and explicit: "He had two lives: one is obvious, which was seen and knew everything to whom it had to have had a complete conditional truth and conditional deception, similar to the life of his acquaintances and Friends, and the other - who occurred secret. "

The topic of deception and self-deception comes to the end of the story: "... they were advised for a long time, they said how to get rid of themselves from the need to hide, deceive ...", new characteristics of Gurova appear, contrasting the previous one: "I wanted to be sincere, gentle", compare "rough arrogance Happy man "At the end of the first part.

Some and the same assessments are attached to opposing situations. - In the first part: "Anna Sergeyevna hurried.

- It's good? that I'm leaving, "she said Gurov - it fate itself”.

In the second part:

"... it seemed to them that fate itself I intended them for each other. "

Farewell scene in the first part: "When she sat down into the car of the courier train and when he broke through the second call, she said:" Give it, I will see you still ... I will see again. So "" - echoes the stage in the theater in the second: "She looked at him with fear, with plenty, with love, looked intently in order to strengthen it in memory of his features."

The replica of Anna Sergeyevna and the inner speech of Gurova connects the motive of the end: "Do not remember lich. We are forgiven forever, it is so necessary, because we should not have to meet "-" and he thought that there was one more letter or adventure in his life, and it was also over and left now the memory ... ". In the stage in the theater, the scene returns and rethinks the scene of a farewell: "And at that moment he suddenly remembered how even in the evening at the station, after testing Anna Sergeyevna, he spoke himself that everything was over and they would never see. But as far away was until the end! ".

The motive of the end, first emerged as a memory, acquires development and, repeating, comes to the end of the story, where the heroes of the heroes are combined and forms and forms a reality awareness: "And it seemed that some more - and the decision would be found, and then the new , wonderful Life; And both it was clear that to the end is still far and far and that the most difficult and difficult thing just begins. "

Week passes between acquaintance and rapprochement of characters, and all Yalta pasta takes about a month. As a picture of the love of heroes, the time changes. Gurov comes to S. Winter, Anna Sergeyevna comes to him every two or three months. The meeting in the "Slavic Bazaar" is also happening in winter, that is, in a year.

The end of the fleeting becomes the beginning of love, the end of the story - the beginning of new tests for loving.

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