Presentation. Memories of S.

Presentation. Memories of S.
Presentation. Memories of S.
Few people truly knew Rakhmaninov - he climbed hard with difficulty, he opened a little. At first, he scared a little, - too much dignity in it, too much, even tragic was his emaciated face with eyes, semi-shot heavy centuries. But it took some time, and it became clear that harsh appearance at all corresponds to his inner, mental experiences that he was attentive to people - not only close, but also someone else's, ready to help them. And it was always unnoticed - no one ever knew about the many good deeds of Rakhmaninov.
Yes, I am allowed to break the word, this is once Sergey Vasilyevich, and tell one episode that I promised to keep him secret.
Once in the "latest news", I printed a short appeal - a request to help a young woman, the mother of two children who fell into a difficult position. The next day came from Rakhmaninov a check on 3000 francs - it was a lot of money on the then Paris concepts, they provided the life of this family for several months. Sergey Vasilyevich did not know the name of a woman who helps, and the only condition he put me so that I did not tell about it in the newspaper, and that no one, in particular the woman who needed, did not know about his help.
He gave large donations to the persons with disabilities, on starving in Russia, sent old friends to Moscow and a lot of parcels to St. Petersburg, arranged an annual concert in Paris in favor of Russian students, "they knew about it, could not not know. And at the same time, Rakhmanins, who always made record fees, all overwhelmed overwhelmed audiences, worriedly worried about every charitable concert:
- You need to write something in the newspaper ... What if the hall will be incomplete?
- What are you, Sergey Vasilyevich?!
- No, everything can be, everything can be ... Big Competition!
And this person, painfully hated ads and any hype around his name, hidden from photographers and journalists, suddenly, with some guys, a puzzle once asked me:
- Maybe you need to print an interview? What do you think?
Somehow, at the beginning of 42 years, at the midst of the Second World War, the "New Russian Word" arranged a campaign to collect donations in favor of Russian prisoners of war, thousands of in Germany with hunger.
It was necessary to promote the collection, to attract large names to it, and I turned to Rakhmaninov with a request to write a few words about what the Russian prisoners of war. So that Sergey Vasilyevich was not afraid that his appeal could be too short, I offered to print it in the first place, in the frame.
Rachmaninov had a great sense of humor, and the letter he sent me in response, wears a pressing of complacent irony:
"Multivated Mr. Gray!
I have to abandon your offer: I do not like to appear in the press, even if my speech is "in the frame, as appropriate." Yes, and that you can answer the question: "Why should I give in Russian prisoners? "This is the same if you ask why
need to eat. By the way, I inform me that I have just sent 200 parcels through the American Red Cross.
With respect for you S. Rachmaninov. " (453 words) (and gray. Far, close)

Castle text and retell it in detail. Answer the question: "What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis text?"
Casting the text and retell it compressed. Answer the question: "What are the conclusions about the identity of S. Rakhmaninov can be made on the basis of this text?"


1. Fastening the ability to transmit text content while maintaining its lexical and syntactic features.

2. Formation of the ability to create your text as an answer to a problem or creative question.

3 spelling and punctuation repeat.

Stroke lesson

I. Organizational moment.

II. Presentation.

A secret man was Sergey Rakhmaninov, a great Russian pianist. At the first moment, he scared a little, too much dignity was in him, too much, even tragic was his exhausted face with eyes, semi-terrible heavy eyelids. But it took place for a while, and it became clear that he was attentive to people not only close, but also someone else's, ready to help them, and did it always unnoticeable, no one knew about the many good deeds of Rakhmaninov.

I will tell you one such story. Once in the newspaper, I printed a short appeal with a request to help a young woman, a mother of two children in a hard position. The next day came the check for three thousand francs from Rakhmaninov. "This money provided the life of this family for several months. The only condition of Rakhmaninov - no one should know about his help.

The composer gave major donations to the disabled, sent old friends to Moscow and St. Petersburg many parcels, arranged an annual concert in Paris in favor of Russian students. But in front of these charitable concerts Rachmaninov, always collected overflowing audiences on his performances, was very worried about the fact that the hall would be incomplete.

In early 1942, a campaign was arranged to collect donations in favor of Russian prisoners of war, thousands of in Germany with hunger.

It was necessary to promote the collection. I turned to Sergey Vasilyevich with a request to write a few words about what you need to help the prisoner of war, proposing to put his appeal on the first sheet, in the frame.

Rakhmaninov had a great sense of humor. The letter sent in response was stirred by complacent irony: "Multivated Mr. Gray! I have to abandon your offer, I do not like to appear in the press. Yes, and that you can answer the question "Why do you need to give money to prisoners of war?" This is the same if you ask why you need to eat. By the way, I inform: I sent 200 parcels through the Red Cross. With respect for you S. Rakhmaninov. "

(By A. gray) (284 words)

III. Task: Writing the text, retell, answer one of the questions:

1) What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text?

2) What is Rachmanins in this text?

The text is taken from the "Collection of texts for holding a written exam in Russian for the course of the main school."

If there are not enough two paired lessons to perform a creative task, it can be given as a homework.


Rachmaninov - a wonderful composer, a pianist and conductor - entered the bright page in the history of world musical culture in five piano concerts, three symphony, operations and cantata, writings for piano and romance are captured by the unique features of his creativity: the acuteness of life conflicts, the patience, heartfelt lyricism.

Sergey Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov was born on March 20 (April 1) of 1873 in Novgorod province. From four years ago, he studied the game on the piano. Serious

Music classes began at the Moscow Conservatory, where His teachers in composition were S. I. Taneyev and A. S. Rosansky on Piano - A. Ziloti. In 1891, Rachmaninov graduated from a conservatory as a pianist, and next year - as a composer

The bright artistic personality of Rachmaninov revealed back in conservative years - in the first piano concert (1891) and Opera "Aleko" (1892) written Symphonic imagination "Rock" (1893), the first symphony (1895) and others. Indicated the diversity of his creative interests .

Genuine flourishing occurred at the beginning of the 20th century with the creation of such wonderful works,

As the second (1901) and the third (1909) piano concerts, the second symphony (1907), the piano foreplay and the etudes paintings, the Opera "Surround Knight" (in Pushkin, 1904) and "Francesca da Rimini" (Dante, 1904).

In 1917, Rachmaninov went to a foreign concert trip and remained in America. In the distance from the motherland, he survived the painful creative crisis. After a decade pause, a fourth concert appeared (1926), Rhapsodia on Paganini for Piano with Orchestra (1934), Third Symphony (1936) and "Symphony Dances" (1940). One of the main in these works was the topic of a distant homeland. During the Great Patriotic War, a composer with deep interest and sympathy followed the heroic struggle of the Soviet people.

Syozі Description:

  1. Sergey Rakhmaninov began to engage in music and enjoyed the sonata of the famous German composer Ludwig Van Beethoven. At 18, he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in the class of piano, and ...
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  10. Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin 1833-1887 Borodin is an outstanding composer, a prominent chemist scientist, a tireless scientific and public figure. His musical heritage is quantitatively small, but diverse in content. The composer's interest in the warriors of the Russian heroic epic ...
  11. Ludwig Wang Beethoven 1770-1827 Creativity of the ingenious German composer Beethoven is the greatest treasure of world culture, a whole epoch in the history of music. It had a huge impact on the development of the art of the XIX century. In the formation ...
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  13. Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich Rod. In 1906, Shostakovich is one of the largest composers of modernity, an outstanding musical and public figure, a teacher. In the works of Shostakovich, all genres of musical art are presented - Opera and ballet, ...
  14. Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein 1829-1894 Rubinstein - a prominent figure of Russian music, a brilliant pianist, a talented and fruitful composer. It is written 15 operas, 5 orals, 6 symphony, 5 piano concerts, about 20 chamber-instrumental ...
  15. The story of the present person opera in three acts (ten pictures) Libretto S. S. Prokofiev and M. A. Messelson-Prokofyev's acting persons: Alexey, Pilot Olga, Bride Alexei Bariton Soprano Fedya Sereyka) ...
  16. Julius Sergeevich Meytus Rod. In 1903, the creative activity of Meyetus, one of the prominent composers of Soviet Ukraine, began in the 1930s. Deep interest in folk Ukrainian music from the first steps ...
  17. Charles Guno 1818-1893 Guno is an outstanding French composer who has made a significant contribution to the development of national traditions of democratic art. In their best operas, he sought to the truthful transfer of privacy of ordinary people, ...
  18. Jules Masssel 1842-1912 Masssel played a significant role in the history of the French Music Theater. Starting from the last third of the XIX century, after the death of Bizet, he took a paraborn position among French opera composers. Lyricist...
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Summary Sergey Vasilyevich Rachmaninov

He blew a strong wind, the traveler held the field of the hat and looked at the shore in the cheek. People managed the side of the gloomy man and whisper quietly, nodding her head in his direction. On the ship discussed the coup in Russia, terrible changes in the country and the possibility of survival in a foreign land. The travelers did not like these conversations. His eyes got drunk either from shipping smoke, or from surpassed memories ... a four-year-old boy sits behind a piano and sullenly hammering on the keyboard. Nearly smiling mother, love Petrovna. It covers his slender palm with his hand: "You will definitely play well. Look what your hands have. "

Now there were legends about these hands. Beautiful, lungs, without swollen veins and knots, like many of the concert pianists, they were as if cut out of ivory. With the right hand, he could reach the twelve white keys immediately, and left - to take a chord to Mi-Beleol - Salt - to the salt. But at home his art has not needed. "This is an end to the old Russia, art will not be here for many years," he told Natalia Alexandrovna his wife shortly before their departure. "And without him, my life is aimless, you know." After two weeks, Sergey Rakhmaninov and his wife and two daughters sailed on a steamer in Paris, where to go to Stockholm on tour. Will he have the opportunity to emigrate to the United States, Rachmaninov has not yet known. In Russia, he planned to return to ten years, not earlier. From these thoughts became sad. From the deck of the steamhouse, everyone went away, the darkness of the night cut the light of the swinging lanterns. How everything suddenly happens in life. Just gather to live quietly, I don't worry about anything, as I will surely happen. Or it seems that ahead is a front hell, and life suddenly becomes interesting and easy.

From St. Petersburg to Moscow

For a long time, the boy did not attach importance to any ideal hearing, no phenomenal musical memory. Mother forced him to sit down for the piano. He quickly played everything about what she asked him, without looking into the notes, and flew to play with children. When Father Vasily Arkadyevich, retired by the hussar officer, "prone to the scattered lifestyle", wondered his state and inheritance of his wife, the family was forced to sell the estate of Onega in the Novgorod province and almost without livelihoods move to St. Petersburg. But it was necessary to learn, and Seryozhe easily entered the conservatory. The boy was identified for aunt, Varvar Arkadyevna Satina. Mother visited him rarely, the Father did not come at all. Seryozha learned that parents divorced. He rustled his benefactor and her daughters, hooliganil and missed classes in the conservatory. Three years of study, the question arose about its deduction.
He stood in front of the pedagogical composition, smiled by hand the floors of the jacket, and cursed his ears flaming fire. I was going to end forever with music and just waited for the opportunity to slip out of the office. His house was waiting for his mother and cousin, Alexander Ilyich Ziloti. The student of Sheet and Rubinstein, in his 25 years of Zylot, was known in the musical circles as a talented pianist. "Seryozha, please play for Sasha," the mother asked. The son obediently sat down to the instrument. According to the shining eyes, Brother realized that he had good. "We will go to Moscow, to the teacher of the Moscow conservatory Zverev. I will challenge you, "said Alexander.

In the autumn of 1885, Sergei left St. Petersburg to Moscow, in the village of Zverev. There were no wives and children from the master, and he took a full board of talented students. In this house there were Vherreli outstanding people - director of the Conservatory Taneev, director of the Moscow branch of the Russian Music Society of Tchaikovsky, as well as well-known and well-educated gentlemen and ladies, among whom actors, lawyers, university professors met. Communication with them, visiting theaters, concerts and art galleries turned the idea of \u200b\u200bthe young men of life. He seriously became interested in music and even began to compose. At 16, at the conservative exam, Rachmaninov played his own piano works. Lucky, sutured, with long legs and sharp knees, he initially caused only a patronage smile. But hardly his hands touched the keyboard as the faces of the examiners were played. The student got "excellent", and Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky on a certification sheet next to the top five painted three "plus" - on the side, top and bottom. In the same year, Sergey had to leave the Pension Zverev - the master in the rustling of anger swam on his student, and they quarreled. She sheltered his aunt and two of her matured daughters, Natalia and Sophia. Sergey allocated the room, and he continued his studies and writing. At 19 years old graduated from a conservatory with a gold medal, submitting the one-act Opera "Aleko" as an examination at the story of Pushkin's Pushkin's Pushkin. He wrote her in 17 days. In the same year, "Aleko" was put in the Bolshoi Theater. Slava collapsed on the young composer.

First symphony

During the execution, he sat in the hall and did not know where to go from shame. The orchestra conducted glazing, and that did not understand the design of the composer, or chose to interpret the work in his own way, but the execution, in the view of the author, it turned out terrible. From the theater Rachmaninov escaped. In the morning, after reading the newspaper reviews, locked in your room and tightening the curtains tightly. Later, he himself said that he was like "a man who had enough hit and for a long time his head and hands were taken away." Never more at the life of the composer the first symphony was not performed. In fact, he put a ban on her.
For several months, the whole family of Satina went around the tenant housing. Natalia and Sophia brought coffee, thrown out of crowded ashtons cigarettes and carefully asked if he wishes to stroll. Rachmaninov scattered silently. At that time, pull it out of the room only the need. It was necessary to make a living. Six months after the crushing failure, he agreed to the offer of Savva Mamontov to take the place of Conductor in his private opera house. He worked there all the season, arguing that in addition to the monetary side of the question, nothing had attracted him there, and relationships with the orchestra and performers opened parties were only depressed. One of the few who immediately made friends with the young conductor, was Fedor Shalyapin. Under the leadership of Rachmaninov, he sang a lot of Melnik in the "Malka", heads in the "May nights" and Vladimir in Opere Serov "Rogned". Their friendship quickly became a parable in the towns. Noisy and colorful Chaliapin and gloomy, seemingly the arrogant Rachmaninov attracted attention, wherever they appear. They communicated very close. Fyodor Ivanovich knew about the creative failure of the composer and his experiences. And Sergey Rachmaninov is not immediately, but he persuaded a friend to appeal to the famous hypnotist of Galno, who helped him to be treated from depression. Two years needed a psychotherapist so that Rachmaninov began to write again. The second piano concert, executed in 1901, was devoted to Dr. Gal.

A year later, Sergey Vasilyevich married Natalia Satina and moved to a small apartment on the Vozdvizhenka. He lived then very modestly. To provide a family, took the place of the music inspector in Elizavtian and Catherine institutes. I went to the service with great displeasure, for a stupid work took a lot of time and did not leave the opportunity to compose. Despite its dislike for pedagogical activities, it was forced to give private lessons. For piano concerts still paid a little. Man gifted and talented, he burst out: writing music, conducting or improving his performing talent? Contradictions and doubts tormented him scary and released only in the family. On the weekend, the composer often walked around the house in a striped pajamas, squeezing in the hands just written to the score, dropped here and there ashes, left everywhere coffee cups. He was gentlely jurist and managed in every possible way. In the evenings, he gladly took guests and played a screw. "Sergey Vasilyevich knows how to smile?" - Surprised those who came for the first time. And only close knew that the composer hides the vulnerability and incredible shyness.


After the success of the second piano concert in 1901 and the final recovery, Sergey Rakhmaninov wrote several large works one after another, a lot of concerts, and since 1904 he was conducted in the Bolshoi Theater. In the salons of Moscow and St. Petersburg, his name is constantly sounding: "Sergey Vasilyevich yesterday gave a concert ..." His strange manner was called "author". Each time, leaving to the piano, he looked at the instrument, he moved a chair far and sat down, widely spreading long legs. I pulled his hands forward and put them on the keyboard and only then drove on the stool to the tool. And once the audience seemed that the piano himself went to the performer. All ashung. Mystic! With such a powerful energy possessed Rachmanins.
In the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, his appearance for many turned out to be an unpleasant surprise. It was too zealo that he took everything to change everything. I rearranged the Conduct so as to see the orchestra, "he was traditionally stood near the suffling booth, and the conductor saw only singers. In the theater at that time, the famous Altani was conducted. Workers were outraged by the need to rearrange the console from place to place, depending on who conducted the orchestra. Rachmaninov did not shook his fists, did not jump and did not fuss, as was customary. Each of his movement was clear and verified. Reporters did not bother to praise. The Opera "Evgeny Onegin" was named fine and poetic, "Prince Igor" with the participation of Chaliapina struck the epic scope and wealth of orchestral sound. "Life for a ward", "Peak Lady", "Boris Godunov" - every work caused a storm of delight.

On January 11, 1906, one-acting plays "Surround Knight" and "Francesca di Rimini" were performed in Big. The hall was full, despite a month ago, the depressed December uprising of 1905. After the speech, someone asked Rachmaninov, why the batch of miser and Lunchotto Malatet was not Shalyapin, but another artist. That in response squeezed his lips and hastily retreed. Not to explain to all that Shalyapin, talented from the sheet, was lazy to learn the proposed parties, because of what friends quarreled for many years. And in the fall of the same year, Rachmaninov decided to move to Dresden. She lived in Germany three winters, made a big tour of the United States and Canada, and then realized that he was tired of life in other countries. Sergey Vasilyevich bought the estate of Ivanovka in the Tambov province, the car he himself was glad, and settled away from the metropolitan fuss.
Hope, plans, dimension - overnight life has changed radically. He hit 1917. The decision was painful. Sergey Rachmaninov left with his family abroad to continue to do what he knows and loves. He did not know then that this journey would forever renounce him from his homeland.
... Paris met Rachmanin's port sustain and wait with the documents. It was assumed that it would be difficult, but did not understand until the end. He had to teach the works of Strauss, Shumanan, Baha, because the spoiled European audience did not perceive the concerts of the famous Russian musician, which consisted only from his own essays. In 1918, a moving to New York took place. Concertoed Rachmaninov very often to earn money, and quickly became famous as a pianist, which made him very rich. Quite soon Rachmaninov bought the Searar's estate on the shores of Lucerne Lake in Switzerland. I rebuilt the magnificent embankment, ride friends on the boat and by car. Every year I bought the "Cadillac" or "Continental", and the old car returned to the dealer. At concerts in Europe and the United States now he went behind the wheel.
In her garden, Rachmaninov raised an amazing black rose, and soon her photographs appeared in all Swiss newspapers. But he was carefully hiding from the reporters. Just as from the numerous fans, the house precipitated his home until the end of life. Foreign financiers were in Rachmaninov's regulars. He spent a lot of time with them, consulting where to invest. It would seem that life in exile did not turn terrible sleep. But for some reason, after speaking, the musician came to artistic, fell into the chair and asked not to disturb. His huge hands lay the palms up, he rested in his chest, and his eyes were closed. Even who found him in such a state, I wanted to call a doctor. But he only straightened his hands, showing that everything is in order.

At times, he was tormented by back pain, and then he fell into a terrible melancholy. Patient wife and friends from Russia, which brought gifts that the composer loved very much, was saved. Any unusual trifle can be lifted to the exile: a handle that opened an amazing way, a paper fastening machine, and the vacuum cleaner caused a storm of delight! This composer often demonstrated this toy at work.
Sergei Vasilyevich spent huge amounts for charity, sent money to Russia in support of science, artists, writers. But in 1931, he became one of the 110 famous emigrants, who appealing to the US State Department, refrain from the purchase of Soviet goods. In protest against obsobesia and terror, which was going on on his long-suffering homeland. In response, Music Rachmaninova, which is "the reflection of the driving fine-bourgeois spirit, especially harmful in the conditions of acute struggle on the music front," ceased to sound in the USSR.
Ten years after departure from Russia, Sergey Rakhmaninov did not compose anything. Only concerted. And the more applauded it, the more he hated himself. Once, having finished the speech to the turbulent enthusiastic applause of the public, Rachmaninov locked in a grimyr. When the door was unlocked, the composer was in a fever: "Do not say, say nothing ... I myself know that I am not a musician, but a shoemaker!"
But the performer did not stop the musician in Rachmaninov. The notes were his voice, then sobbing, then enthusiastic, then calling somewhere, where good and deceased. He walked on the lost homeland, a large flame of war, and still hoped that someday his music would sound there, where there is no more place.
The disease became a complete surprise for Rakhmaninov himself and all his relatives. In mid-February 1943, the composer began to feel very bad, weakness appeared, the hands began to hurt. He was taken to the hospital, but after a few days they discharge, not finding anything serious. The patient's position deteriorated, and the wife decided to invite home the famous American surgeon. He put a disappointing diagnosis: fast-driving cancer. On March 20, Sergei Vasilyevich could not read congratulatory telegrams and letters that came from around the world in honor of his 70th anniversary. After 8 days, he died in his estate in Beverly Hills.

Text: Natalia Olentsova

I remember Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov for a long time, from the first brilliant performances first as a pianist, and then as a conductor. It was the time of his creative youth, a talent man, when Rachmaninov opened in every new essay of Rachmaninov, music lovers, more and diverse. Despite the silence, and sometimes weave on the part of the reaction part of criticism, Rachmaninov always remained a realist, his music was always close and understandable to simple listeners, and they, in turn, responded to the composer appreciation and love. We all understood that after the death of Tchaikovsky and Roman Corsakov, Rakhmaninov was the first musical value of Russia, its hope, glory and pride.

Rakhmaninova's life period I personally did not meet. For the first time we met in 1925 in New York, when F. Shalyapin arranged a reception for the artists of the Moscow Art Theater, toured at the time in America. When I entered the hall, the first one I saw in a noisy brilliant crowd was the master of the evening, Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin. His cheerful voice was heard everywhere. He livelly talked with guests, among whom were K. Stanislavsky, O. Knipper-Chekhov, N. Litovtseva, V. Kachalov, I. Moskvin, V. Luzhsky and other outstanding artists; Shalyapin approached, then, then to the other, joked, called, loudly and infected laughed.

Guests I did not immediately notice Rakhmaninov. He stood, leaning against the column, imperceptibly, a mansion from everyone and, apparently, felt alone. I approached him, and we talked. Sergey Vasilyevich was modest to shyness. Whatever we say (but I naturally, I wanted to learn a lot from Rakhmaninov), he all the time he took the conversation from himself.

The same evening I shared my first impression of Sergei Vasilyevich with one of the Russian artists present there. "Sergey Vasilyevich is so shy only in the crowd," the artist told me. - Would you see his houses, among relatives or with friends! He is talkative, witty, but ... about his art, about music and there is little there. "

With Sergey Vasilyevich, I drew attention to how Chaliapin chasing, when he is "in the spirit." Sergey Vasilyevich smiled, why immediately became somehow simpler, "home". "Yes, Feda has no rivals in this, he knows how to be charming," he said. Smiling, Sergey Vasilyevich watched his eyes behind Chaliapin, internally admiring them.

Time I looked Shalyapin and joking Sergey Vasilyevich that Fedor Ivanovich poses not importantly and work on his portrait hard - he sits restlessly, he was taking off his phone calls all the time, and he often, without waiting for the end of the session, leaving. Sergey Vasilyevich was surprised and said that he, on the contrary, is posing abypical and (he smiled at his wonderful smile again) It's even "like": that's where you can finally sit quietly, dream and even compose a melody! ..

I took the opportunity and suggested Sergey Vasilyevich to pose for a portrait. He looked at me, as if she understood the course of my thoughts, and, thinking, agreed.

I started making a portrait of Sergei Vasilyevich. He kept his word: came exactly at the appointed time and patiently posing until the end of the session. As I remember Rakhmaninov, sitting on a chair in my workshop in my favorite pose - with his hands folded on your chest. He always had a little tired look, he seemed thoughtful, in-depth into himself. Perhaps, therefore, it was created from the side that in front of you is strict, pedantic person. But it was far from that. Sergey Vasilyevich was a person alive, sociable.

Rachmaninova was "finding" for the sculptor. In it, everything was simple, but at the same time deeply individually, uniquely. There is in the life of a person who is enough to see at least for a moment to remember for many years.

It was very high in growth, and, entering the room, he is always like a habit that has developed, leaning in the doorway. He had a slightly muted, low voice, big, but very soft and gentle hands. His movements were calm, leopard: he never moved and did not say sharply. He had the right features of the face: a wide convex forehead, elongated, slightly with a porridge, nose, deep radiant eyes. It was always briefly sked. Sergey Vasilyevich's face sometimes reminded me of Condor's face with a sharp definition of large, as if cut down. But at the same time, it always struck with his deep, elevated expression and especially good and transformed, when Sergey Vasilyevich laughed, - and he knew how to laugh so sincerely and expressively!

Time I noticed that Sergey Vasilyevich very soon tires. I offered him to rest, he wouldingly agreed, got up from the chair, looked around the workshop or went to the sofa. But soon rose, saying: "Nothing, I have already rested. After all, your time is expensive. "

Between sessions we drank tea and talked, and Sergei Vasilyevich's thoughts were invariably returned to their homeland. We started talking about the estate of Rakhmaninov in Switzerland on the shore of the lake, and almost immediately switched to ... Ilmen Lake - at the Rakhmaninov Motherland, in Novgorod Earth. Sergey Vasilyevich was not tired and enthusiastically spoke of his own heart, as the finest artist who knows all her small and big secrets. Whether the poetic passion and the sensitivity of the great composer gave us beautiful images of musical landscapes dear to his heart of Russia! .. The conversation continued. From Ilmeny Lake, Rakhmaninov moved to Opera Sadko, and then to her author of the Roman Corsakov, which he always admired. "What a pity that I communicated little with him," Rachmaninov said. - I, of course, learned a lot from him. Here is a great musician, whose music is inexpressible from the soil thoroughly. At Rimsky-Korsakov each story is Russian ... "

He recalled with the passion about Tchaikovsky, about his work in the Bolshoi Theater, about the conservatory. And his eyes glowed with some extraordinary clean light.

For an obvious difficulty, Rachmaninov gave me the opportunity to bring work on a bust to the end. At about the same time, I made a small sketch of the composer's figures to the whole height. He has survived with me.

I was occasionally met with Sergey Vasilyevich, and I was hit by his sick, a tired view. But as soon as Rachmaninov sat down for the piano, he was transformed. It seemed that the forces were returned to him. His hands, like an eagle wings, torn over the keyboard. The whole world of images and paintings was opened by listeners in Rachmaninov's music.

It was painfully for himself in his homeland, and the consciousness of the mistakes performed by him over the years was increasing him. The feeling of the Motherland always lived in it, never fading. He was greedily interested in all that came from the Soviet Union, and his interest in his renewed homeland was sincerely deep. I am convinced - it affected the gradual revival of Sergey Vasilyevich's creativity, who created such writings in the thirties as "Russian Songs", Rhapsody on the topic of Paganini and especially the third symphony, named B. Asafiev "Deep Russian." He read books, newspapers and magazines coming from the USSR, collected Soviet records. He especially loved to listen to Russian songs performed by a wonderful red-known ensemble.

Motherland never cooled in Rachmaninov, and does not talk about this beautiful, human musher the great Russian composer? I would only like to say that Rakhmaninov "Every Note is Russian," as he spoke about Roman Korsakov.

The time of Rakhmaninov's war was sulking for the fate of his homeland. He gave a lot of concerts, income from which was transferred to them by the Soviet Consul. Already being seriously ill, feeling the approach of death, Sergey Vasilyevich expressed a desire to be transported to his homeland.