X show in pattaya reviews. X Show in Pattaya - Hidden Camera Reviews from Parents

X show in pattaya reviews.  X Show in Pattaya - Hidden Camera Reviews from Parents
X show in pattaya reviews. X Show in Pattaya - Hidden Camera Reviews from Parents

We decided to go to Tai with a young man. I would like our relations to develop in a youthful, fun and unusual way. We were not averse to running away from everyday life, so we chose such an outlandish vacation. Nevertheless, the country is known for the lack of norms of behavior, and the city that I will talk about is completely famous as a place of debauchery. We made such a choice for a reason, we wanted a mixture of club rest and exotic. We were already quite a few years old, so there is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of.

Prohibited X Show (Thailand, Pattaya)

In the evenings, walking along the tourist streets, we were almost torn to pieces by local barkers. Everyone wanted more people drive to your show, however, there was no end of tourists.

One bright dude worked diligently like this, inviting visitors to his place, and we drew attention to his advertising speech. He loudly shouted the name of the show and I was immediately curious ...

What's the point?

This was the question I asked the guide-guide who lived in our hotel. He hesitated for a long time with the answer, hesitated, and then nevertheless found the right words:

it cannot be expressed in words, you have to observe it with your own eyes, and maybe even feel it on your body.

Of course, we fantasized this ... but, I must admit, we were already so intrigued that we simply could not go.


Late in the evening, it can be seen from the fact that the scope of the program is strictly 18+, although if desired, teenagers could probably leak out.


At the entrance stood bright, painted young men. I thought for a long time that these were actors, it turned out - guards. You will involuntarily be surprised by the Thai security campaign.


Small and inconspicuous in appearance (I'll tell you why later), it was of no interest to the audience, either from the inside or from the outside.

There are no signs and posters, no identification marks.


A small stage and a lot of chairs, which are arranged in a circle going up a little.

People were already seated, and there were empty seats.

My beloved and I found two free chairs and sat down. It's good that they were not in the first row - only then I was able to draw such a conclusion. Don't worry, I'll be sure to tell you why.


We thought we were a little late for the show, but as it turned out, it continues without beginning or end, something like a non-stop mode. When the action starts over again, you need to leave. No one is forcibly kicked out, but it seems like the program ended.

In time, one round of what was happening lasted about an hour.

It's scary to even imagine ...

If I could imagine such a thing ... honestly, I did not know before this show that intimate contact in Thailand is a free action that does not need to be hidden.

So, they did not hide it: the couples were engaged love joys first on the stage, and then crawled onto the knees of the spectators of the first rows (remember my warning?), they also moved around the hall, jumping on the spectators sitting a little further.

Men showed various tricks: they played drums and a synthesizer with their genitals, bent into bizarre poses and showed the wonders of balancing act. The general emphasis, of course, came down to a specific part of the body.

Who are these beauties

When two girls came out under the spotlights, I was already beginning to calm down. Maybe they'll just dance and that's it?

As it turned out later, female body they have only on top, and below they are .. how to put it mildly, of the opposite sex. Such a show attracts many, but I ended up there quite by accident, rather out of ignorance and just out of banal curiosity.


As the organizers themselves say, the program is indeed banned, and if the police see them, they will be arrested. However, I noticed a lot of such shows in this city, and did not notice any interest from the authorities in them.

I consider such entertainment to taste and color, so to speak. Someone will seem too cheeky and frank, but many, perhaps, will enjoy it.

Video review

All (5)

Hot from the first minutes of performance on the X show Pattaya

Show 69 Pattaya is a real extreme. What the artists of the non-standard genre do is literally breathtaking, breathing quickens, and the pulse begins to beat at a breakneck speed. You will not see such tricks that the body of the performers is capable of anywhere else. X show 69 in Pattaya is one of a kind.

X Show 69 Pattaya: Let Your Fantasy Take A Vacation

Demonstration of the body of ladyboys in a carnival theme.

Dancing ladyboys with striptease elements.

Imitation of sexual intercourse with any tourist from the audience.

Drum show.

Fire show.

Demonstration of intimate parts of the body with a tactile bonus to the first rows.

Peak of the X show Pattaya

Incredible spectacles await you, as men play drums not with drumsticks.

Good reason to visit X show 69 in Pattaya

Everyone should attend such a shocking performance. Don't expect to see pictures or videos from friends who have been there. Simply all this is FORBIDDEN. At the entrance, they conduct a strict inspection, even smartphones are taken away for a while.

Want to visit the X Show Pattaya?

And in order to be guaranteed to get to this enchanting show, make an application right now. By the way, in addition to this adventure, there is still a lot of interesting things in Pattaya. On the site, you can select all the best excursions while still in Russia, so that you do not waste time looking later!

Attention: Video and photography at the show is prohibited, and therefore it is prohibited to carry photo and video equipment with you, including mobile phones... The program of the show may be partially changed due to the increased frequency of checks by the authorities. There may not be all of the explicit scenes on the show.

Time information

Departure: from 18:00 to 19:00.

Return: 20:30 - 21:30.

Show starts: 18:00 - 22:00.

Duration: 45 minutes.

Included in the price: transfer from the hotel in Pattaya and back, entrance ticket... The price is valid when ordering from two people. When booking for one person, the price increases by 200 baht.


The transfer is carried out by Toyota Сommuter.

Location of X Show 69 on the map


1. Is cashless payment possible?


2. How can I find out the exact time of departure?

The operator will tell you the exact time after booking.

Hello everyone. Well guys. The day has come. The day we have been delaying for so long. The day that changed us forever. From now on, we will not be the same as before. Yes ... we went to the X show in Pattaya.

How this happened, we ourselves did not understand. In general, we did not plan to go to it, but our friends from Saratov came to Pattaya, and after dinner at the market, they insisted on this show. I had (but honestly, not without desire) to go to Walking Street and satisfy the interest.

In general, when we were planning a trip to Thailand, we discussed this show and definitely wanted to go to it, but once we were here, we somehow avoided such establishments. And then it happened. Then we took my parents to this show, but we didn't go with them ourselves.

We arrived with friends on Walking Street and, without thinking twice (and it’s impossible to do otherwise, you’ll change your mind), went for the first Thai who came across, who offered us a printout of some porn photos. We followed him for a couple of minutes, he constantly looked around, checking if we had broken away. And so we came to a depraved institution, in the most the best traditions Walking Street. What's the cover charge? Everywhere is different. There are several establishments with X-shows on this street, but the program is about the same for all. We paid 500 baht per person, and after that, so to speak " entertainment program»Found a guy who offered to go to a similar show for 200 baht. They guessed.

What is X Show?

This is a kinky sex show featuring Thai girls. Well, at least the one we were on is just something! Shock, horror, interesting and even a little funny, but general impression, more negative. The place itself is nasty, and not because I'm so picky and all. They just could have decorated their show more beautifully. And so, everything is somehow not organized, some kind of amateur performance.

Moving on to the main thing, what's going on on this porn show?

Well, firstly, not everything that is drawn on the printout that the guy showed on Walking Street. I don’t know how it used to be, but now we have heard that sexual intercourse on stage is prohibited. So masculinity you don't see exactly. The girls also do not bare their breasts, but their "snail", we will call it that, is shown in all its glory. =)

From there they get out big garlands of 15 meters in length made of artificial flowers, some colored ribbons and all that. They do it under popular compositions Britney Spears and other pop artists. Sometimes the music is very beautiful and romantic, but what is happening on the stage does not match this music at all.

Atmosphere in the hall

There is muted light in the hall. There is no exact schedule of the show, it takes place one after another with short breaks for girls dancing at the pole. As it turned out, we arrived in the middle of the show, it was over, we watched the next second show, and then we left.

The girls perform in turn, each with their own, so to speak, number, their own "talents". =) One smokes with her "snail", the other plays her on some pipe (sounds rather strange), the third opens with her "treasure" Coca-Cola bottles with a metal lid, the fourth pulls out sharp blades on a string (this is really a shock) ... Moreover, the blades are so sharp that then she comes up to the audience and sharpens a pencil with these blades. Magician =)

But there were a few rooms that really amused us. First, I call it "fun shooting." The girl handed out multi-colored inflatable balls to everyone (and our friend, without thinking, took one of them), asked to raise it higher and shot at them with darts, what do you think from what? That's right, from your "snail". And moreover, she shot accurately, almost always hit the first time. And the metal-tipped darts are sharp. So the production is quite dangerous. Another asked the audience to hold a glass and shot ping-pong balls into it with her "cannon" too! A very nasty side effect is the liquid that comes out of her "snail" along with a dart or ping-pong ball. The audience cannot contain their surprise and shock.

In principle, the show is interesting and unusual, but we will not go for the second time. Painfully it is disgusting. Girls are so uninterested in what they are doing that sometimes they simply feel sorry for them. They walk like zombies, move with difficulty at the pole, and if her shift ends, she can, in her outfit and with a bag over her shoulder, go home across the hall. No intrigue or anticipation. Everything is very primitive, albeit unusual. After each number, a secret comes out with a bucket and begs the audience for more money for the girls for tea. It is almost impossible not to give.

If you want, then go to the x-show to satisfy your interest, but just be careful with the balloons =)

Attention! Filming of the show is strictly prohibited. We managed to photograph practically nothing. More precisely, we managed to shoot a little, but the tayka controller deleted most of the files after she saw that we were shooting. But there is something left. And if you are interested, then watch our video about the x-show below under the article.

We also secretly sent my parents to a similar show when they were vacationing in Thailand. We said they were going to Thai folklore. When they arrived, we recorded their impressions on hidden camera... Want to know what they said? Watch the video below.

  • There is practically nothing to pay extra for. Possibly only alcohol
  • A copy of the passport
  • Money for personal expenses (if needed)

One of the most famous sex shows Pattaya city! As soon as he is not called by tour operators and Russian-speaking workers of Thai agencies! XXX Show, Shock Show, Shocking Asia Show, Club 69 ... Most often it comes about the same place, it's just that everyone who has at least some relation to tourism has a desire to create at least somewhere his own brand. But whatever name seduces you as a result and wherever the tour is purchased, most likely you will find yourself right here.

The show itself runs non-stop (however, for many others similar shows this is also typical). Approximately every 50 minutes, a repetition of the show begins and this is a kind of completion of the presentation. That is, even if your transport is delayed on the way in a traffic jam, you cannot be late for this show. Strictly speaking, this is not even a show, but a sex attraction. Such performances have long glorified Pattaya and most of those who come to rest allow themselves to see with their own eyes what is happening here.

The Thais participating in the show, with their outstanding masculinity, beat out rhythmic melodies on percussion instruments... They, instead of a cue, hammer billiard balls into the pockets, perform a number of incredible tricks. It’s hard to believe, but persistent dignity is really defended non-stop. A bright dance performance of very beautiful Thai women ends after these creatures also show the presence of great masculinity. And you will be able to contemplate several other undisguised sexual orgies in this program.

The auditorium at this show does not have numbered seating. The tour price includes delivery in both directions - from your hotel to the show and back, as well as a ticket without specifying a seat. The driver will take you to the show, after which he will take you to auditorium and waiting to be driven back to the hotel. Entering the auditorium, you can take absolutely any place except the first row. Why besides the first one? Only then, so as not to become an unwitting participant in the show))) Models on stage sometimes go into the hall, in addition, they have a number associated with the sprinkling of "Coca-Cola" and can reach the first row))) However, in 99 out of 100 participants become Chinese or Hindus. As soon as you see the show starting to repeat itself, it's kind of a close. Leave the hall - the driver will meet and take you back to the hotel. In principle, you can stay, but firstly, you need to warn our driver about this, and secondly, you will have to get back on your own. It does not affect the cost in any way.

Due to the specificity of the presentation, there are some limitations:

  • Never take pictures on this and similar shows! It is forbidden.
  • Persons under 18 years old are not allowed to enter the show.

Difference in prices

The management of the X-69 show has a rather peculiar pricing policy. For guests from different countries, the rates are different. At the same time, they are the most profitable for Russians and tourists from ex-USSR countries. You can find out the prices from the table below and, in accordance with this, choose the required package. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that it is not possible to pay online for package C! Payment is made only to the staff at the entrance to the show, from hand to hand. These are the rules not only for this, but for all such shows.

Plastic bag Country Price per person
Package A Russia and other states of the ex-USSR 350
Package B India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh 600
Package C China, Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan 1550

What shows in Thailand you should definitely visit

If Thailand will only be remembered for its beaches, then the trip will be in vain.

Must see in Thailand

Thailand is known to tourists as a place where everyone can find entertainment to their liking. Someone will appreciate the beautiful sandy beaches with clear water, and someone with interest during their trip will attend various shows, of which there are many in Thailand. What is worth visiting in the first place for a limited period of time will be discussed.

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Drag Queen Show Is Not What You Think

And, of course, it is worth starting with the transvestite show for which this country is so famous. You can look at them by visiting the show "Alcazar" and "Tiffany" in Pattaya. There are no fundamental differences between these two shows - and the cost of entry to them is about the same. Having paid about 700 baht, you can see ... no, not at all debauchery, as some tourists incorrectly believe, but a beautiful performance. "Tiffany" and "Alcazar" are not bars, let alone massage parlors like a "brothel", but cabaret, where spectators can contemplate dances, real theatrical performances that demonstrate the considerable acting skills of the participants. There is also a similar cabaret in Bangkok - "Calypso". It is actually very beautiful, and you can do it just for the sake of it!


If you still want to watch the "adult show" - then there are no obstacles for this. In Pattaya, Phuket and in the tourist areas of Bangkok, you will surely be approached by barkers inviting you to attend the "X-Show". However, in this case, in order to avoid possible deceptions, it is better to use the services of any street travel agency, each of which is ready to offer you a ticket to the "shock show", where Thais are sophisticated in all sorts of ways in demonstrating the act of intercourse of various combinations.

Siam Niramit or Thailand History Show

Returning to the topic of a truly cultural pastime, we can recommend the Siam Niramit show. Here you will not only enjoy a performance showcasing the history of Thailand, but you will also be able to see the customs and peculiarities of the life of ethnic Thais live. Siam Niramit can be viewed in Bangkok and more recently in Phuket. By the way, in Phuket you can also visit the Simon cabaret, where the program includes humorous scenes, a concert component and an Egyptian-style performance.

Show with animals

Shows with the participation of animals deserve a separate word. For example, you can visit an elephant village, where trained animals will show you their abilities to follow human commands, play ball with each other, and even draw! No less interesting for tourists performances with the participation of snakes or crocodiles will also appear, into the jaws of which fearless trainers stick their heads - and all under the admiring glances of the public.