Yves Saint Laurent Morocco. Genius Places: The Museum of Iva Saint-Lauren opens in Marrakesh

Yves Saint Laurent Morocco. Genius Places: The Museum of Iva Saint-Lauren opens in Marrakesh
Yves Saint Laurent Morocco. Genius Places: The Museum of Iva Saint-Lauren opens in Marrakesh

The facade of the new museum harmoniously fits into the landscape of Marrakesh

Yves Saint-Laurent first arrived in Marrakech in 1966. For Couturier, it was a good time: he only released the first perfume Y, presented a very successful collection based on the artist's artist's artist's artist and invented the female tuxedo. In Morocco Saint-Laurent searched to privacy, and found inspiration. "This city has taught me color. In Marrakesh, I realized that the range of colors that I had previously intuitively used, came out of Arabic clothes and interior - Dzellab, Kaftanov and Tiles Zullyidge. This culture became mine, but it was not enough to absorb her. I transformed it and adapted for Europe. "

Yves Saint Laurent on Jamaa El Fna Square in Marrakesh

In his memoirs, partner of Saint-Lauren Pierre Berge, who died on September 8 of this year, without surviving the month of the Museum, recalls that in the 1960s and 1980s they came to Marrakesh with enviable constancy: twice a year for two weeks - 1 December and June 1. It was here that Saint Laurent sat down to work on couture collections. The designer did not just seek inspiration in Marrakesh: he specifically used the craft traditions of Berber for his collections. For example, for the show of 1976, he asked local masters to sew the fabric as it was done for sewing Jellaba - traditional Berber clothes, which is a free wool bathrobe.

Embroidered Red Cloak Yves Saint Laurent, HAUTE COUTURE Collection, Spring-Summer - 1989

Already later, in the 1980s, Saint-Laurent and Berezh bought the villa in Marrakesh, and then bought the "blue" garden of the artist Jacques Majorel, saving it from destruction. Today, the Majorl Garden is the Museum of Berber Culture, and next door to the museum, on the street called in honor of Kuturier, on October 19, the IV Saint-Laurean Museum will open - tribute to the special relationship of the designer with this city.

Museum of Berber Culture in Garden Mazhorel

According to the director of the Bjorn Dalstrom Museum, the project work on the project was two years old. For the new Museum, the Pierre Berez Foundation, who is responsible for the designer's legacy, did not regret the archives: in the permanent exposition, there were 5,000 designer's personal belongings, 15,000 accessories from couture collections and tens of thousands of sketches. Bjorn Dalstrom calls the Museum "full-fledged cultural center" on, by the way, not only the Saint Lauren himself, but also by Berber culture, which he loved very much. There is a library with 5,000 books (some, focus on the Museum Director, dated the XVII century), a lecture, a theater hall, a bookstore, photo gallery. The schedule of the hall for temporary exhibitions is scheduled for a year ahead: first the retrospective of Jacques Majorel will be held here, and after - the exhibition of young local artists who will hold a museum in partnership with Moroccan Biennale.

Pierre Berez and Yves Saint-Laurent in Marrakesh, mid-1970s

Externally, the museum looks concise: it is a few terracotta cubes covered with a thin pattern. The authors of the project - Karl Fournier and Olivier Marty, architects of the Paris Studio Ko. Morocco has special importance for them: they went here for the first holidays after the opening of our studio; Here I got acquainted with Patrick Gerran-Erm, an entrepreneur and billionaire, which is engaged in the reconstruction of historical buildings in Morocco. It was Studio Ko Herran-Ermis that entrusted the reconstruction of these buildings, as well as work on several hotels and restaurants in Morocco, and Pierre Berge - work on the museum. "Saint-Lauren Museum united two passions and Morocco," say architects.

Marrakesh is not the only city in which the designer Museum will appear this fall. On October 3, the Saint-Lauren Museum opens in Paris - in the house number 5 on Avenue Marso, where the designer worked for 30 years and where the building of the Pierre Berez Foundation - Iva Saint-Laurena is now located. The Paris Museum will focus on the Koutyuric heritage of the designer.

"There is a garden in Marrakesh, to whom I am experiencing a real passion."
Yves Saint Laurent

What should be visited in Morocco?
Garden "Majorel" Yves Saint Lauren, which is located in Marrakesh.

About Yves Saint Laurent:

Yves Henri Don Mathiere Saint-Laurent, who reigned in the world of high fashion over 40 years. After the death of Christian Diora, whom Yves began to be an assistant, in 1957 he was standing at the head of his model house (he was 21 years old). Introduced into women's fashion elements of a male wardrobe - leather jackets, hip boots and even tuxedo (1966). It is considered the founder of the style of unisex.

About "Garden Mazhorel"

Friend of Yves Saint Lauren Pierre Berezh said: "When I died with Saint-Laurent, I first came to Marrakech, I could not even think that he would become the second home for us."

The designer and his companion fascinated the abandoned garden with a collection of exotic plants from around the world, who previously belonged to the French artist Jacques Mazhorel, his house-workshop was located in the garden. In 1980, they bought it and began restoration work. Mnogie buildings by that time came into disrepair, rare plants died, the colors of the sweat.
The villa and the garden were restored, the unique garden buildings are put in order and now the "Garden of Mazhorel" (he still carries the name of the French artist) is one of the most complete fauna meetings from all over the world and is open to visitors for a symbolic fee.

About the collections of Yves Saint Laurent

In the collections "from Kutur" I. Saint-Laurent allowed himself bold experiments with styles. Possessing a brilliant stylization gift, he could turn into modern clothes almost any creative source. In the same collection of autumn / Winter 1966-1967. There were "Pop Art" dresses - from knitted canvas with huge appliques in the form of lips, hearts, female profiles and abside body. Their bright colors resembled acrylic paints of artists of the most fashionable direction in the art of the 1960s. - Pop Art, and the motives of applications are the surrealistic models of E. Schiacarelli. The historic costume was a prototype of costumes with velvet jackets, decorated with lace collars, and cloilt.
In the summer collection of 1967, I. Saint-Laurent addressed an ethnic source - in short cocktail dresses under the Bambara motto, he used the motives of primitive jewelry. Dresses were woven from flax and raffi fibers and bright wooden beads, supplemented with African decorations and stylized African hairstyles. In the summer collection of 1968, he suggested a Safari style - cotton models based on a colonial costume. In the same collection there were transparent blouses, tuxedo and shorts with shorts. In 1968, Koko Chanel called I. Saint-Lauren with his spiritual successor, for the first time recognizing his merit. In 1969, Saint-Laurent struck the public with bright blouses and skirts, imitating patchwork technique, undoubtedly inspired by the images of hippies, and transparent dresses, trimmed by ostrich feathers. In the summer collection of 1969, the first male-type trouser costume appeared, which was symbolicly named "Leitmotif". These costumes will become the same symbol of Saint Laurent style, like a tuxedo.

My impressions:

Very unusual color of the villa - ayrco-blue, pond with lotus and goldfish. And the exposition of the graphic work of the maestro on the topic "Love".

Statements of Yves Saint Laurent

Love is the best cosmetics. But it is easier for cosmetics.

Over the years I realized that the most important thing in the dress is a woman who puts him on.

In this life, I regret only one thing - that jeans did not come up with me.

The clothes must be subordinate to the personality of a woman, and not the opposite.

Travel so cool!
Non Dronova

Marrakesh is a magical city, which appeals simultaneously to all feelings and drunk and dope. The famous Yves Saint-Laurent was fascinated by the exoticism of Morocco and Marrakesh, his violent paints and saturated colors. The culture of this North African country affected the collections of the fashion designer.

Inspired, creating new silhouettes, he used elements of traditional Moroccan clothing in his works: Jelly, turban, embroidery. His outfits of that period were wore the most elegant women from the world of fashion and not only.

Saint-Laurent, known for the whole world, fell in love with Morocco and Marrakech immediately, as soon as he arrived here in 1966 with his friend Pierre Berg. Subsequently, they will buy together and restore the famous Garden of Majorel (Jardin Majorelle) in 1980. This event has become a real gift not only the city, but also to the whole world, as many consider the garden to the miracle of light.

There are plants from all five continents. The atmosphere from the riot of greenery and the original colorful architecture is created magic. The combination of contrasting blue and yellow colors in combination with traditional Moroccan elements simply amazing the imagination. Sweet bird singing and soft murmur of water is a real oasis, a calm island in the center of a noisy and dusty marriak.

A light game of light and shadow at sunset makes paints of the Garden of Mazhorel in unique, incredibly soft and unforgettable. For the first time, the garden was opened for visitors since 1947, but after the death of the founder of the artist's garden and the Zhaka Majorel collector, he almost disappeared. Since there was a modern building on the site of an abandoned and overgrown site. Work on restoration was carried out very painstakingly, but the garden did not close for visitors for one day.

Now in one of the garden building, the blue workshop, which was built in 1932 by architect in Sinimir, is located the Museum of Islamic Art. The artistic collection of Pierre Berg and Yves Saint-Laurean, which includes objects not only from Morocco, but also from Maghreb, East, Africa and Asia, is collected here. We can admire ceramics, dishes, weapons, magnificent jewels, textiles, embroidery, carpets, wood works and other treasures of the eastern world. Here you can see the work of Jacques Majorel - the founder of the garden.

At the end of November 2010, the Pierre Berg-Iva Saint-Laurena Foundation will show an exhibition inspired by Morocco works of the famous couturier in the Garden of Mazhorel. The exposition will include iconic exhibits for the fashion world, such as, for example, the first safari jacket (1968), which will be shifted next to the old photos and original sketches.

Each of the three halls, where the exposition will be exhibited will have its name: inspiration, color and african dream, thereby showing the variety of Morocco influences on Yves Saint-Laurent. In the first "inspiration" of working with elements of traditional Moroccan clothing. In the second "color" - the exotic colors of Marrakesh, who acted into X-Laurent and his fans: pink, red, yellow and, of course, blue - the color of the villa and the garden of Mazhorel. The third hall was focused on materials that used Couturiers - wooden beads, pearls, mica and raffia.

The exhibition "Yves Saint-Laurent and Morocco" will be held at Jardin Majorelle from November 27, 2010 to March 18, 2011

Majorelle Garden (Majorelle Garden) is one of the main attractions of Marakesh. This magnificent garden created a French artist Jacques Majorel in Marrakesh. The garden is small in size, but it amazes imagination by an abundance of flowers and beautiful trees.

In 1919, the French artist Majorl arrives in Morocco to treat lungs. In 1924 buys in Marrakesh, a villa in a marroccan style and remains to live here forever. The current Villa breaks the garden of their dreams, who inspired him to work.After the death of the artist, the villa and the plot buys Yves Saint-Laurent, who also found a source of inspiration here. Now the villa and the garden are in the jurisdiction of the city municipality and open to visitors.

Majorl was a passionate collector of exotic plants, he financed Botanical expeditions around the world. His garden gathered plants from all five continents. Some boldly call this garden landscape with one of the wonders of the world.

After the death of Jacques Majorel in 1962, the garden was abandoned for some time, and the house was demolished. But the famous French couturier Yves Saint-Laurent and his friend Pierre Berge in 1980 bought the territory of the garden and took care of his restoration and maintenance.

There were a lot of strength and money and to restore the house. The old studio of the artist was redone under a small museum of Islamic art. Now you can see watercolors of Majorel, dedicated to nature and landscapes of southern Morocco. Also here are private collections of Yves Saint-Laurent.

Majorl, like Claude Monet, was passionate for collecting plants, financed Botanical expeditions, supported business relations with botany of the whole world, exchanged rare specimens with them. From his trips, he brought North American and Mexican cacti, Asian lotuses, extraordinary plants from South Africa.

The garden is quite small (the total territory is about one hectare), but it is so deftly planned with paths curling among plants and trees that it looks much more than it is in reality.

It is home to hundreds of exotic plants and trees from five continents.These include cacti, bamboo, coconut palms, olive trees, flowering pots, shrubs, and aquatic plants.

Channels are laid here, fountains, marble pools with rustic lilies are created.More than 15 species of birds live in the garden, the natural range of which is the region of North Africa.

The manor and the Garden of Mazhorel for many years were the source of inspiration of the Grand Couturier Iva Saint-Laurent. Yves Saint-Laurent is considered one of the most of the loudest personalities in French fashion in the 20th century. The peak of its popularity in the world of high fashion fell in the 1960s and 1970s.

In 1983, he became the first fashion designer in history, who was devoted to the exhibition in the New York Metropolitan Museum during his lifetime. In 2001, he was awarded the Order of the Honorary Legion from the French President Jacques Shirac.

He became the first designer who began to use the services of black models on the podiums during the demonstration of model clothing. Thanks to him in the female fashion, elements of the male wardrobe appeared - pants, leather jackets, hip boots and even tuxedo.

Restored and regenerated garden is divided with four pedestrian alleys so that patterns arise from bright tropical colors. The range of the garden they saw in the garden is impressive: a forest from bamboo, bougainvillery, yukka, laurel, geranium, hibiscus, cypresses, 400 species and subspecies of palm trees, 1800 species of cacti. In the charming, and not in such a small pond, overgrown with papyrus, blooming pita and live frogs and fish, a charming fountain function.

The last time the Great Kuturier visited Marakesh in November 2006, and in 2008 it was not. The body of Yves Saint-Laurent was cremated and his remains were dispelled in the Botanical Garden of the Mazhorel, in which he often found privacy and peace. Here's how a great fashion designer described his impressions of this divine place: "For many years now, as I find a major source of inspiration in the CAD, and I often dream of his unique colors and paints."

Since the time of major, there are wide vases from the burned clay yellow, green or "living" blue. They sharply contrast each other - various shades of green, lemon yellowness and a special blue color, which in the winter acquires the same shade as the sky.

Amazes the abundance of water in the garden. Many ponds, fountains, irrigation and decorative channels support high humidity and create a practically tropical climate for plants. Potted paths are so hidden from the hot sun with the crowns of trees and Lian, that there is a feeling that you wandered into the jungle.

The main element of the garden design was the use of local drought-resistant trees and other plants Morocco, especially palm trees, cacti and other succulents, flower plants here are presented little.

Majorel includes the characteristic features of the water garden in the image of the garden of the famous French impressionist Claude Monet in the lively, as well as traditional Islamic irrigation canals and fountains.

The pond was attached to the right, as if wild, the smooth surface of his surface was generously soaked by water lily and water lilies; The edges are hidden in the thickets of swamp herbs. Then there, then you can see the philosophically contemplating the world of frogs. From the pond in all directions, the pattern of paths, mounted by its solitude and bright spots of the clay pots with plants arranged in them.

Garden visitors can sit or even stick to such comfortable beams at the paths, everything contributes to peace and relaxation, sensual feeling of complete harmony. All elements of this extraordinary garden: both alive, and non-resident - are in absolute harmony, calculated and built by the artist's talent.

Another innovation was the cultivation of exotic plants, which was not easy to withstand a dry local climate, such as bamboo with Indochina and South African lilies. In the end, the collection of rare and very beautiful cacti, succulents, drought-resistant bulbous plants and palm trees from all over the world and grown here, often reaching huge sizes.

In the garden there is a pavilion, the former house of the artist, who is distinguished by its architecture. Jacques Majorel intently studied the art of Moroccan artisans, which was amazing and inspired him with her refinement and originality, which was further reflected in the design of the house.The idea of \u200b\u200bJacques Majorel was to paint the house in bright blue, which would sharply contrast with the lush garden vegetation. Subsequently, this color was called the "blue major".

After the death of Jacques Majorel in 1962, the garden was abandoned for some time, and the house was demolished. But the famous French couturier Yves Saint-Laurent and his friend Pierre Berge in 1980 bought the territory of the garden and took care of his restoration and maintenance. There were a lot of strength and money and to restore the house.

The old studio of the artist was redone under a small museum of Islamic art. Now you can see watercolors of Majorel, dedicated to nature and landscapes of southern Morocco. Also here are private collections of Yves Saint-Laurent.

The left side was given a collection of representatives of various cacti and succulents - this is the territory of the desert, the right is the territory of the tropics. At a relatively small area, the creators of the garden managed to combine very different in style and the needs of plants. Landscapes. Looking instantly attracts desert vegetation

Nature itself suggested a decision - pillars, up to 15 meters high, ceres in combination with slender segregatives, hameroles, dotnical palm trees fill the space graceful verticals.

"Garden of Mazhorel", which still carries the name of the French artist, is one of the most complete fauna assemblies from all over the world. Many consider him the only one of their kind.

There and there are groups of ferocactus, echinopsis, tricocerer, blooming or already with fruits. There are rounded compact specimens, as well as curved, similar to those who prepared to the snake throw. There are solvents, but not much. Well, of course, the famous echinocacts of Carrodi, nicknamed in the "chair for mother-in-law". There are such a quantity here that no mother-in-law will leave not "rested."

A variety of succulents can be observed between cactuses and palm trees - stunning aloe, agaves, who attracted attention to themselves who are their inflorescences, and who are spotted, tuberculosis, hipged leaves. Plants never achieved this size, age and blossoms in apartments, such a splendor can be contemplated only in nature and sometimes in greenhouses.

On the main alley leading to the villa, there is a long reservoir, at the end of which there is a small gazebo in Moroccan style. It is drowning in the greenery of exotic plants presented here in the whole manifold.

"There is a garden in Marrakesh,
To which I am experiencing a real passion. "
Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint-Laurent was born in Oren (Algeria) in 1936, but the wealth of paints and the exotica of North Africa struck him 30 years later, when he came to Marrakesh.

His friend Pierre Berge says: "When I, and I, Saint Lauren, came to Marrakesh for the first time, could not even think that he would become the second home for us."

The designer and his companion fascinated the abandoned garden with a collection of exotic plants from around the world, who previously belonged to the French artist Jacques Mazhorel, his house-workshop was located in the garden. In 1980, they bought it and began restoration work. Mnogie buildings by that time came into disrepair, rare plants died, the colors of the sweat.

The villa and the garden were restored, the unique garden buildings were put in order and now the "Garden of Mazhorel" (he still carries the name of the French artist) is one of the most complete flora assemblies from all over the world. It should be noted that for no one day, even during restoration work, the garden was not closed for visitors. Even that day, when I walked around the garden, painted works were held, there were tablets "carefully, painted", but the flow of visitors did not stop. Anyone can admire the wonderful monument of architectural and garden art.

It was in this villa-museum from November 27 to March 18, an exclusive exhibition of works by IV Saint-Laurent, associated with Morocco.

The color of the villa is very highlighted against the terracotta-red marrakesh.

Entrance to the museum.

The exhibition presents 44 dummy, which are dressed in classic samples of Yves Saint-Laurent. They demonstrate a deep connection between the artist's design and Moroccan culture. The attention of visitors are offered and unique photos, documents, sketches, showing how Couturier interpreted national clothing of Morocco residents, ornaments and embroidery.

First, in the first room, we see the scanned diaries of Saint Laurent on the walls, passages that concern Morocco. All of them are accompanied by photographs from his life of a particular period.

Unfortunately, it is forbidden to take pictures in the museum, and there are almost no photos on the Internet from this exhibition, I hardly found a few pieces.

The first room with clothing is called "Moroccan inspiration". Inspired by the elegant lines of Kaftanov and Jellyab, Yves Saint-Laurent decorated traditional Moroccan clothing items and gave them new silhouettes. He reoriented the ideas of eastern outfits for a free European woman end of the sixties and seventies. This hall shows the 1969-91 models.

Once in 1976, speaking of one of my collections Yves Saint-Laurent said: "This collection will be colorful, alive, bright. Fabrics will wear out how it is done in Morocco for sewing Jellyab - woolen striped. [...] I do not know whether it is my best collection. But this is my most beautiful collection. "

Princess Morocco Laalla Salma and the organizer of the exhibition Pierre Berge at the opening.

"I wanted," says Pierre Berge, "so that the exhibits of this exhibition told visitors about Love Saint-Laurent to Morocco. It is very well known all over the world, but in the hearts of the Moroccans he occupies a special place. The world-famous designer often received inspiration in this country. "

I liked the second hall most, it is called "African Dreams". The illusion of night sugar is created - darkness, low starry sky (a round mirror room, due to this it seems that around millions of stars), under the legs of the sand patterns. Dresses in this room from the 1967 collection.

The third hall is called "Morocco's paints". There are quite bright work Couturiers 1985-2000. The floor under the legs of the models was covered with rose petals. And the screen is translated on the screen, which was filmed in this garden, comments on the models of Yves Saint Laurent himself. Also here are amazing beauty precious decorations.

In this room, I most remembered this poncho-jacket with the embroidery of Bougainvillia.

I am sure that he inspired the couture on this model his own garden, because he is drowning in Bougainvilia. Yves Saint-Laurent loved to relax in the garden in the shade of trees, enjoying the Tsido-Sweet Moroccan tea.

With Pierre Berge on Villa

Let's still walk through the magnificent Garden of Mazhorel.

At the entrance, we meet a fountain.

Bamboo Grove

The whole garden is penetrated by the tracks along which there are many shops, people (tourists mostly) come there just sit down to read the book in the shade of trees under the singing of birds. In the garden is cool even in the world. This is a real oasis, the island of calm in the center of the noisy and dusty marriak.

Ponds with fish and bugs

Cute fountain in front of the villa


In the garden is the Memorial Yves Saint-Laurent. Great Kuturier died in 2008 in Paris, and his ashee then was dispelled above this garden.

The garden also has a store where you can purchase books and disks about the life and creativity of the designer. Gallery of his abstractions, many works on the topic of love and his bulldog.

And cozy cafe in Andalusian style

Residents of the city honored the memory of Kuturier, calling him the name of the street, along which the garden is located.

That's all. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for attention!