The number of what of the peoples of the world is the greatest. The most numerous peoples of the world

The number of what of the peoples of the world is the greatest. The most numerous peoples of the world
The number of what of the peoples of the world is the greatest. The most numerous peoples of the world
  • 2. Factors affecting the placement of productive forces and their change in the Epoch of the HTR.
  • 3. Definition on the age-age pyramid like reproduction of the country's population.
  • 1. Environmental management. Examples of rational and irrational nature management.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of Western European countries.
  • 3. Definition and comparison of the average population density of the two countries (on the selection of the teacher) and the explanation of the causes of differences.
  • 1. Types of natural resources. Resourcelessness. Assessment of the resource of the country.
  • 2. The value of transport in the global economy of the country, the types of transport and their features. Transportation and environment.
  • 3. Definition and comparison of population growth indicators in different countries (by choosing a teacher).
  • 1. The patterns of placement of mineral resources and the country standing out in their reserves. Problems of rational use of resources.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Western Europe (on the selection of a student).
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of transport systems of the two countries (on the selection of the teacher).
  • 1. Land resources. Geographical differences in secure land resources. Problems of their rational use.
  • 2. Fuel and energy industry. Composition, value in the farm, accommodation features. The energy problem of mankind and ways to solve it. Environmental protection problems.
  • 3. Characteristics by EGP cards (economic and geographical position) of the country (by choosing a teacher).
  • 1. Water resources of sushi and their distribution on the planet. The problem of water supply and possible ways to solve it.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of Eastern Europe.
  • 3. Definition on statistical materials of trends in the country's sectoral structure (on the selection of a teacher).
  • 1. Forest resources of the world and their importance for the life and activities of mankind. Problems of rational use.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Eastern Europe (on the selection of the student).
  • 3. Definition and comparison of the relationship between urban and rural population in different regions of the world (by choosing a teacher).
  • 1. World Ocean Resources: Water, Mineral, Energy and Biological. Problems of rational use of the resources of the World Ocean.
  • 2. Common economic and geographical characteristics of the United States.
  • 3. Explanation according to the directions of the main freight traffic of iron ore.
  • 1. Recreational resources and their placement on the planet. Problems of rational use.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of Japan.
  • 3. Explanation on the map directions of the main cargo traffic.
  • 1. Environmental pollution and environmental problems of humanity. Types of contamination and their distribution. Ways to solve the environmental problems of humanity.
  • 2. Agriculture. Composition, features of development in developed and developing countries. Agriculture and environment.
  • 3. Drawing up the comparative characteristics of two industrial areas (by the selection of the teacher).
  • 1. The population of the world and its change. Natural population growth and factors affecting its change. Two types of population reproduction and their distribution in different countries.
  • 2. Crops: Borders of placement, main cultures and areas of their cultivation, exporting countries.
  • 3. Comparison of international specialization of one of the developed and one of the developing countries, explanation of differences.
  • 1. "Demographic explosion". The problem of population and its features in different countries. Demographic policy.
  • 2. Chemical industry: composition, value, accommodation features. Chemical industry and environmental problems.
  • 3. Assessment on cards and statistical materials of resource-related resource of one of the countries (by the choice of teacher).
  • 1. Age and puberty of the world's population. Geographical differences. Half-age pyramids.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of Latin America countries.
  • 3. Comparative characteristics according to the security map of individual regions and countries with arable land.
  • 1. National composition of the world's population. His changes and geographical differences. The largest peoples of the world.
  • 2. Mechanical engineering is the leading industry of the modern industry. Composition, accommodation features. Countries that are allocated in terms of mechanical engineering.
  • 3. Identify the main articles of export and imports of one of the countries of the world (on the selection of the teacher).
  • 1. Placing the population through the land. Factors affecting the placement of the population. The most densely populated areas of the world.
  • 2. Electric power industry: value, countries that are allocated in absolute and shower irradiations of electricity production.
  • 3. Definition on statistical materials of the main grain exporters.
  • 1. Migration of the population and their causes. The impact of migrations on the change in population, examples of internal and external migrations.
  • 2. Total economic and geographical characteristics of the PRC.
  • 3. Explanation according to the directions of the main carbon cargo traffic.
  • 1. Urban and rural population of the world. Urbanization. The largest cities and city agglomerations. Problems and consequences of urbanization in the modern world.
  • 2. Livestock: distribution, main industries, accommodation features, exporting countries.
  • 3. Explanation according to the directions of the main gas consumption of gas.
  • 1. World economy: the essence and the main stages of the formation. International geographical division of labor and its examples.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Latin America (on the selection of the student).
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of individual regions and countries with water resources.
  • 1. International economic integration. Economic groups of the countries of the modern world.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of African countries.
  • 3. Definition on statistical materials of the main exporters of cotton.
  • 1. Fuel industry: composition, placement of the main areas of fuel mining. The most important producers and exporters. Main international fuel traffic flows.
  • 2. International economic relations: forms and geographical features.
  • 3. Definition on statistical materials of the main exporters of sugar.
  • 1. Metallurgical industry: composition, accommodation features. Main producers and exporters. Metallurgy and environmental protection problem.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Africa (by choosing a student).
  • 3. Drawing up the comparative characteristics of two agricultural areas (by the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Forest and woodworking industry: composition, accommodation. Geographical differences.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of Asian countries.
  • 3. Definition on statistical materials of basic coffee exporters.
  • 1. Light industry: composition, accommodation features. Problems and development prospects.
  • 2. The overall economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Asia (by choosing a student).
  • 3. The designation on the contour map of geographic objects, the knowledge of which is provided for by the program (by the selection of the teacher).
  • 1. National composition of the world's population. His changes and geographical differences. The largest peoples of the world.

    2. Mechanical engineering is the leading industry of the modern industry. Composition, accommodation features. Countries that are allocated in terms of mechanical engineering.

    3. Identify the main articles of export and imports of one of the countries of the world (on the selection of the teacher).

    1. National composition of the world's population. His changes and geographical differences. The largest peoples of the world.

    There are about 3-4 thousand peoples or ethnic groups in the world, some of which have developed in the nation, while others are peoples and tribes.

    To note: Ethnos - historically established, steady community of people who have a set of such signs, as a common language, territory, features of life and culture, ethnic self-consciousness.

    Peoples of the world are classified:

    I. In terms of:

    In total, there are more than 300 nations in the world in excess of 1 million people, which account for 96% of the entire population of the Earth. Including the number of over 5 million people have about 130 peoples, over 10 million - 76 peoples, over 25 million - 35 peoples, over 100 million - 7 nations.

    Note: 7 largest peoples:

    1) Chinese (Han) - 1048 million people (in PRC - 97% of the total number of people in the country);

    2) Hinduscans - 223 million people (in India - 99.7%);

    3) US Americans - 187 million people. (in the USA - 99.4%);

    4) Bengalz - 176 million people. (in Bangladesh - 59%, in India - 40%);

    5) Russians - 146 million people. (in Russia - 79.5%);

    6) Brazilians - 137 million people. (in Brazil - 99.7%);

    7) Japanese - 123 million people. (in Japan - 99%).

    But there are peoples of less than 1 thousand people.

    II. In language proximity:

    Related languages \u200b\u200bare combined into groups that, in turn, form linguistic families.

    1) Indo-European language family is the most numerous, 150 nations of Europe, Asia, America and Australia speak in its languages; The total number is more than 2.5 billion people.

    This language family includes a number of groups:

    · Romanesque (French, Italians, Spaniards, Latin Americans);

    · Germanic (Germans, British, Americans);

    · Slavic (Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats);

    · Celtic (Irish);

    · Baltic (Lithuanians);

    · Greek (Greeks);

    · Albanian;

    · Armenian;

    · Iranian (Persians, Kurds).

    2) Chinese-Tibetan language group: in its languages, there are more than 1 billion people.

    Some less numerous linguistic families:

    3) Afrazian.

    4) Altai.

    5) Nigero-Cordofan.

    6) Dravidian.

    7) Austronesian.

    8) Ural.

    9) Caucasian.

    National criteria are at the heart of the division of humanity to the state.

    If their main nationality is over 90%, these are one-nation (Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Japan, etc.).

    If two nations prevail - binary (Belgium, Canada, etc.).

    If countries live and make up a significant proportion of dozens and even hundreds of peoples - multinational states (India, Russia, USA, Spain, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Indonesia, etc.).

    2. Mechanical engineering is the leading industry of the modern industry. Composition, accommodation features. Countries that are allocated in terms of mechanical engineering.

    Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest industries. As a branch, it arose 200 years ago during the industrial revolution in England.

    Mechanical engineering provides equipment and machines other industries, produces many household and cultural items.

    In terms of the number of employed (more than 80 million people) and at the cost of production, it occupies I place among all sectors of the world industry.

    In terms of the development of mechanical engineering, they are judged by the level of development of the economy of any country.

    Allocate the following main industries (in total more than 70) engineering:

    1) machine-tooling;

    2) instrument making;

    3) electrical and electronic industry;

    4) computing equipment;

    5) railway engineering;

    6) automotive industry;

    7) shipbuilding;

    8) aviation and rocket industry;

    9) Tractor and agricultural engineering, etc.

    Many factors affect the placement of engineering enterprises.

    As the main of them should be noted: transport; availability of qualified labor resources; consumer; And for some (metal) industries - and raw materials.

    Recently, there is a decrease in the dependence of mechanical engineering from metal sources, it increases its orientation to labor resources, scientific centers, etc.

    Four engineering regions can be distinguished in the world:

    1) North America: where almost all types of machine-building products are produced, from the highest to medium and low complexity.

    The largest corporations:

    · Automotive (USA): "General Motors", "Ford Motor", "Chrysler";

    · Computer equipment (USA): "Internet business Mishins";

    · Electronics (USA): "General Electric", "American Phone & Telegraph", etc.

    2) Foreign Europe (with respect to the CIS): produces mainly mass engineering products, but retains its position in some of the newest industries.

    The largest corporations:

    · Automotive (Germany): "Daimler - Benz"; "Volksvagenverk";

    · Electronics: FRG - Siemens, Netherlands - Philips, etc.

    3) Eastern and Southeast Asia: Japan leads here.

    The region combines products of mass engineering with products of the highest technology - science centers.

    Large corporations:

    · Cars (Japan): "Toto Motor", "Nisan Motor";

    · Electronics (Japan): "Hitachi", "Matsushita Electric Industrial", "Samsung", etc.

    4) Commonwealth of Independent States: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus lead in it.

    Recently, the pace of development of mechanical engineering has decreased in the region, although it produces a wide range of engineering products.

    Developing countries produce less than 1/10 global engineering products. In most of these states, there is no mechanical engineering, but it is more correct to name - metalworking, in addition, a lot of assembly plants receiving parts of cars from the USA, Western Europe and Japan.

    But recently in some of them - Brazil, India, Argentina, Mexico - mechanical engineering has already reached a rather high level.

    3. Identify the main articles of export and imports of one of the countries of the world (on the selection of the teacher).

    By the response plan below, any state of the world can be characterized.

    Take for example, Japan is one of the 7 economically developed countries of the world.

    For response, used: statistical materials; Maps of the economy of the world; Atlas cards in Japan (economy).

    Import in Japan (importation):

    1) Raw materials: fuel - 49%, ore, for textile industry (textile fiber), etc.;

    2) products of the chemical industry (acid, risks, fertilizers, petroleum products);

    3) Food products (grain, etc.).

    Exports in Japan: products, products of the following industries:

    1) Mechanical Engineering (Cars, ships, Electronics, Machines, Clocks);

    2) black metallurgy (steel, hire);

    3) non-ferrous metallurgy;

    4) chemical industry (synthetic fibers, rubber);

    5) Easy industry (fabric, clothing).

    From the above, we can conclude: in Japan, as in one of the developed countries, the following tendency is observed: imports of mainly raw materials and food (preferably from developing states) due to lack of natural resources; and the removal of finished costly products, both in the developing countries of Asia and in developed - Europe and America.

    Ticket number 17.

    Chinese actor and director Jackie Chan

    In second place among the biggest peoples of the Earth are located arabswhich are currently about 350 million people.

    In fifth place among the largest peoples of the planet are bengaltsey - The main population of the state of Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal in India. The total number of bengalants in the world is more than 250 million (about 150 million in Bangladesh and about 100 million in India).

    Indian writer and poet Rabindranat Tagore, Bengalca by nationality

    Bengal girl

    In the sixth place among the biggest peoples of the land are Brazilians (193 million people) - a nation that was formed as well as the American nation - by mixing different ethnic groups.

    Brazilian footballer Ronaldinho

    The seventh people are the people of the planet - mexicanswhich in the world there are 156 million people, of which 121 million people. Live in Mexico and 34.6 million in the USA. On the example of Mexicans, the conventionality of the separation of people into peoples can be noted. Those Mexicans who live in the United States can simultaneously be considered Mexicans and Americans.

    Mexican Himena Navarrete - Miss Universe 2010

    Mexican footballer Rafael Marquez, Captain of the Mexico

    The eighth population of the Earth - russianswhich in the world there are about 150 million people, of which 116 million live in Russia, 8.3 million in Ukraine, 3.8 million - in Kazakhstan. Russians are the largest people of Europe.

    Russian actress Irina Ivanovna Alfere

    The ninth people in the world - japanese (130 million people).

    Japanese director Animator Hayao Miyazaki

    Closure a dozen biggest nations of the earth punjabs. In total, there are 120 million Pendjabs in the world, of which 76 million people. Lives in Pakistan and 29 million - in India.

    14th in numbers of the people of the world - marathi (80 million people) - the main population of the Indian state of Maharashtra.

    Indian actress Madhuri Dixet from the people of Marathov

    15th in numbers the people of the Earth - tamilywhich in the world there are 77 million people, of which 63 million live in India.

    Indian actress Vijayantimala, by nationality Tamilk

    Indian chess player Vishvanatan Anand (by nationality Tamil), the current chess champion.

    Approximately the same as Tamilov (77 million people) in the world there are Vietnamesev (vietov).

    At least 75 million also has the people Telugu - The main population of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

    About 70 million people numbered thais - The main population of Thailand.

    Thai Piyaporn Deejin, Miss Thailand 2008

    Another major people - germans. In Germany there are 65 million Germans. If you also consider people of German origin, then a more impressive figure is 150 million people. For example, in the US, 48 million people have German roots, which makes them the biggest ethnic group among Americans.

    German actress Diana Kruger

    \u003e\u003e The largest peoples of the world

    § 5. The largest peoples of the world

    In total, there are 5-5.5 thousand peoples in the world, or ethnic groups, i.e. the established sustainable communities of people. The overwhelming majority of peoples are extremely small.

    People with more than 1 million people in the world are 330, but they cover 96% of the entire population of the Earth. Peoples with more than 100 million people each, in the world of only 11 (Table 20), but they cover almost 45% of total population Earth.

    Table 20.

    The largest peoples and the most common languages

    The largest peoples of the world Million people The most common languages Million people
    1. Chinese 1170
    1. Chinese 1200
    2. Hinduscan 265 2. English 520
    3. Bengaltsey 225 3. Spanish 400
    4. US Americans 200
    4. Hindi 360
    5. Brazilians 175 5. Arabic 250
    6. Russians 140 6. Bengalsky 225
    7. Japanese 125 7. Portuguese 210
    8. Punjabtsy 115 8. English 200
    9. Biharians 115 9. Indonesian 190
    10. Mexicans 105 10. Japanese
    11. Yavantans 105 11. French 120

    12. German 100
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    Earth - Planet of People

    The population of various territories of the globe is distinguished by its racial, ethnic (from Greek. Ethnos - the people), language, religious features that are closely related to the natural features of the territory.
    Races of man. Ethnographers scholars allocate the three largest races of a person: the European-like, mongoloid and non-erased.
    For Europeanoids are characterized by wavy or straight soft hair, bright or dark skin, narrow nose, thin or medium lips thickness. They inhabit the mainly Eurasia and North America.
    For the Mongoloids are characterized by straight rigid dark hair, yellowish skin shade, flat face, narrow eyes. They inhabit advantage of Asia and America. For blacks, curly black hair is characteristic, dark brown skin, brown eyes, wide nose, thick lips. They inhabit mainly Africa and Oceania.
    Mixed races were formed not only in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, but also in new and new seasons. Examples of mixed races may be methuses and Mulatis America.
    3-4 thousand peoples live on Earth. The largest peoples of the world: Russians, US Americans, Brazilians, Indians, Chinese, Japanese.
    Russians refer to the Europeanid race with all the external signs characteristic of it. The people inhabit Russia and the territory adjacent to it. In addition, the Russians live in the USA, Canada, Brazil and other countries.
    In the history of the Russian people, the development of free or weakly-depleted neighboring land, which affected the diversity of household peculiarities of the population, dialects (dialects), folklore, rites, dwellings.
    The basis of Russian national clothing is considered men's or women's shirt, sundress, lapti, and in the winter - felt boots. Traditional Russian dwelling is a log cabin with a Russian oven.
    World fondness has Russian folk crafts: the clinisa art of the Urals, Vologda Lace, Palca and Fedoskino lacquer, Painting on Metal Zhostov, Golden Sewing Trading.
    Americans. If such peoples, like Russians, the Chinese, the Japanese, have a centuries-old history, then the Americans have formed as a people only at the end of the XVIII century. At the junction of all three races, as well as European, Indian and African cultures.
    Indian residents are Indians. This name was given to them in the XV century. Spanish navigators who accepted open lands for India. For Indians - beautiful hunters and fishermen - a half-blooded lifestyle was characteristic. The dwellings of the Indians - Tipi and Wigwama are adapted for this. Traditional clothing: shirt, pants leather and moccasins.
    The XVI century in the history of the United States was marked by the Great "Movings of Peoples": the flow of European colonists was injected into the territory of the country, mainly from England, who began to outpire indigenous inhabitants for less comfortable lands. This period is known not only as the time of constant conflicts between the aborigines and European immigrants, but also as the beginning of the interpenetration of different cultures. For example, the Indians learned from Europeans to use horses in the farm, and Europeans learned many food cultures, such as corn.
    In the XVII-XIX centuries. The United States began to import blacks - slaves from Africa mainly to work at the agricultural plantations of the south.
    From the mixing of the Indians with European immigrants, there was a numerous mixed race - metis, and from mixing with the African population - Moutique.
    In modern culture, Americans are significantly black influence, especially in music and dance. Blues, jazz, country and other musical directions are at the heart of the Negro Folklore.
    Chinese - The largest people of the world. It belongs to the Mongoloid race. This nation has a centuries-old history, culture and tradition. Chinese civilization is one of the most ancient.
    The life of the Chinese is quite simple. Traditional food - boiled rice, pellets, noodles. However, it is worth noting that the Chinese culinary encyclopedia has 40 volumes.
    The traditional dwelling of the Chinese - Fanza. In the costume of the Chinese prevail the so-called disasters, and women's and men's clothing differs little from each other.
    Traditional crafts - weaving, pottery, weaving, wood carving, stone, bone, modeling, painted and carved varnish, embroidery. Chinese porcelain uses fame.
    Indians - The common name of the peoples inhabiting India. Mostly Indians belong to the Europeanid race. India culture is one of the oldest in the world. Temples, rocky monasteries, richly decorated with sculpture, palaces and mausoleums attract many tourists in India.
    The most common type of Indian dwellings is a rectangular house with an exhaled brick wall with a flat roof and an inland yard. Traditional clothing of Indians - Sari, sweaters and skirts in women, men - pants and shirts. Women usually cover the head of the sari or shawl. Men wear turbans.
    A varied crafts of Indians. They are skillful masters of carving over ivory, horn, wood, manufacture of statuettes, metal engraving, jewelry, chalee, cotton fabrics, brocade, carpets, lace.

    National population population - Distribution of people on the basis of ethnicity. Ethnic (or people) is a historically established sustainable community of people, united by the unity of the language, territory, economic life and culture, national self-consciousness. The forms of ethnic community change and complicate in the process of human society development - from generic and tribal associations with primitive stroitations, nations in early class societies before independent nations - in the context of the merger of local markets into a single national market. If, for example, the formation of nations has long been completed, then tribal associations are widely represented in some underdeveloped, and (, etc.).

    To date, there are 2200 - 2400 ethnic groups in the world. The number varies greatly - from several tens people to hundreds of millions. The largest peoples include (in million people):

    • chinese - 11 70,
    • hinduscan (the main people of India) - 265,
    • bengaltsy (in India and) - 225,
    • americans - 200,
    • brazilians - 175,
    • russians - 150,
    • japanese - 130,
    • punjabtsy (main people) - 115,
    • mexicans - 115,
    • biharians - 105.

    Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, 10 ethnic groups account for about 45% of all mankind.

    In many states and regions of the world, different ethnic groups are presented unequally. Therefore, the main peoples usually allocate, that is, the ethnic groups that make up the bulk of the population and national minorities.

    For its origin and public situation, national minorities are customary to divide into two types:
    Autochonny, i.e. indigenous peoples, ethnic groups, born immigration.

    So, the following proportions are characteristic of the national composition. The main ethnic group - the British - amount to 77% of the total population; Autochthonous ethnic groups, including Scots, Irish, etc. - 14% and immigrants from different countries - 9%.

    Constantly evolving as a result of the territorial heterogeneity of the natural movement of the population, migration, as well as consolidation processes and the assimilation of ethnic groups.
    The consolidation of ethnic groups is the merging of several related ethnic groups into one, larger ethnic community.

    Assimilation of ethnic groups - It is loss of native language and national self-consciousness as a result of long-term communication with other ethnic groups, i.e., a kind of dissolution of ethnic groups in a multinational medium. This process is particularly widespread in immigration countries, which include the United States, Australia, as well as many European countries. As a result of the processes of consolidation and assimilation of ethnic groups, the total number of peoples is gradually decreasing.

    One of the main signs of ethnic unity is a conversational language. On this basis, all nations of the world are distributed to 15 language families and more than 45 language groups, which, in turn, are divided into language branches. In addition, there are separate languages \u200b\u200bthat do not enter any linguistic family. To their number, for example, are Japanese, Korean, Basque language and some others.

    More than 40% of the world's population speaks in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European family, which includes 11 language groups: Romanesque (French, Italians, Spaniards, Moldovans, Romanians, Latin Americans); Germanic (Germans, British, Swedes, Danes, Americans); Slavic (Russian, Poles, Czechs, Bulgarians, Slovenians); Baltic (,); Iranian (, Kurds, Afghans, Tatars, etc.).

    About 20% of the world's population communicates in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Sino-Tibetan or Chinese-Tibetan family. Its weights is determined by the Chinese language group. The distribution of these languages \u200b\u200bis almost fully localized by the Asian continent.

    About 8% of humanity uses the languages \u200b\u200bof the Nigero-Cordoin family, which are presented solely only in Africa. As part of this family, the main language group is the Niger-Congo group.

    Another 5 - 7% of the world's population is talking in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Afrazian (or seven-khamitic) families who have received distribution mainly in Africa and Asia countries. The main of the languages \u200b\u200bof this family is Arabic.

    Thus, in the languages \u200b\u200bof these four families, almost 4/5 of all mankind speaks.

    The exact number of languages \u200b\u200bin the world is not defined. Some experts believe that they are about 3 thousand, others - more than 5 thousand. Such a discrepancy is due to the fact that part of the linguists considers the same diallas as different languages, and the other part of scientists recognizes them for the dialects of the same language. The problem of the classification of ethnic groups and languages \u200b\u200bis largely complicated by the fact that many nations speak the same languages. So, for example, in English, not only the British, but also many Australians, New Zealanders, Americans, Canadians, many people of the Caribbean countries, etc. Spanish is native not only for Spaniards, but for most of the peoples of Latin America . The Germans, Austrians, part of the Switzerland population speak in the same language. Such, the most common languages \u200b\u200bserve as a means of interethnic communication.
    Some languages \u200b\u200bare developing, becoming more and more common, others die, lose their former value. For example, in Africa, the languages \u200b\u200bof Swahili, House, Yoruba, who are used as a means of communicating many tribes and peoples, are becoming more and more widespread distribution, which are gradually outed by the languages \u200b\u200bof colonizers. The highest concentration of languages \u200b\u200b(up to 1 thousand) - on the island of the new, where a large number of original tribes live.

    A significant part of all languages \u200b\u200bof the world has no writing. In order to facilitate communication, representatives of different ethnic groups are growing the number of attempts to create an artificial international language. The most famous of them is Esperanto.

    The most common languages \u200b\u200bof the world belong the following:

    • chinese - more than 1 billion people,
    • english - 400 - 500 million people.
    • hindi - more than 350,
    • spanish - about 300,
    • russian - about 200,
    • bengali - about 170,
    • indonesian - about 170,
    • arabic - 160,
    • portuguese - 140,
    • japanese - 125,
    • german - about 100,
    • french - more than 100 million people.

    Thus, only 12 languages \u200b\u200bspeak almost 2/3 of all mankind. Of these most common languages, six are official and working languages \u200b\u200bof the UN (English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese).

    In accordance with the nature of the national (ethnic) composition of the population, five types of states can be distinguished.

    1 type. These are one-demonstrable states. Such states are most in Europe, in the Middle East and in Latin America.

    And Russia, although it is possible to attribute some countries in Western and South Africa.

    In recent years, inter-ethnic contradictions have aggravated in countries with a complex national composition.