Trances in Pattaya: prices, services where to remove. Thailand, Pattaya

Trances in Pattaya: prices, services where to remove. Thailand, Pattaya
Trances in Pattaya: prices, services where to remove. Thailand, Pattaya

During the time I worked in a travel agency, a very large number of customers set me a question: Why in Thailand so many transsexuals? what is in it many transvestites? Honestly, such a question entered me in a stupor. And not because I did not know the answer, but because of some kind of ignorance of a person who asks. I didn't have a desire to talk in detail about this term, I needed a clear and concise answer, and my Thai friend named Vanessa was helped to find it, which at that time worked as our guide in Bangkok at that time.

Tourists who were on her excursions went to relax in Phuket and told her answer: all this because in childhood the boys eat a considerable amount of chicken. Vanessa, an excellent guide that perfectly spoke in Russian, knew the culture and history of his native country well, clearly decided to confuse. And it was taken seriously. Recently, I am increasingly surprised at the abundance of such stupid Russian-speaking articles about Thai transvestites. People who have decided that they can write to such a distant topic for them, write that it is "idiotic fashion to stand out" or "for easy earnings" and still invent many reasons in this way. Well, why write this ahine?! From the other side, they can also be understood, because each of us has the right to express their own opinions. But I still want to figure out the question.

Why in Thailand so many transsexuals? For various Asian civilizations, the term " third floor"So the interria between a woman and a man. Even in Indian legends, Ramayana and Mahabharata was written about the so-called "third floor". These people have always been attributed to mysticism - they lived between two worlds: people and spirits.
Video: Ladyboy - Lady Boy. LadyboyLady the battle - Representatives of male, which is not quite another woman, but not a man. As a rule, they have a very attractive appearance. Usually Ladyboy Slender, with beautiful breasts, but with primary sex signs below the belt.
Watch video Ladyboy:

Scientists of anthropology, sociology and biology have already found about five floors, which cannot be understood and attributed to what or the category of the norms of the West Society. In countries such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, there are already representatives of the "third floor", namely, Hijra is homosexuals, transgender, intersexes who tend to dress in female and behave similarly. But even they are full and full-fledged residents of society. Why in Thailand so many transsexuals? The term "third floor" (TCHET TCHE himself) is quite popular in Thailand. So called transvestites and transsexuals, and to your surprise, there is a huge difference between them. The first only dressed in clothes, in which it is not customary to dress to people of their gender, but in ordinary life they feel craving for their biologically installed floor. The second, those floors given them at birth do not correspond to their psychological floors. I will not be especially going to transgender terminology, just say that transsexuals that were men called "Dog" or "libido", and transsexuals - "Tom" or "Tomba". Video show transvestites,

video lady fight. Behind the scene - video shows of transveps

Also, one should divide the definitions of gender identity and sexual orientation. It is not worth thinking that homosexuality will certainly be characteristic ladyboyam"And" tomboyam". "Tom" is a woman whose behavior looks more on a man. They are dressed in men's clothing, and their hair, usually short, and this is a weighty deviation from their fashion. And in statements they use men's slang. "Di" is a woman, in principle, and behaves as inherent in nature, but it is a homosexual or a bisexual, and its partner is "Tom."

Manifestation of any relationship, no matter hetero- or homosexual unacceptable, according to their Puritan laws, but to show interest (even sexual) to the people of the same sex is the norm. Previously, the term "rod" was quite negligible, but at the moment it is widely used, but even the thais is still confrontated by calling Kata's claw. Also, they have the word "here." It describes transvestite. This word happened from the film called Tutsi, which was removed in the eighties. Why in Thailand so many transsexuals? Three years so 30-40 years ago, they were not very good to transgenders, moreover, negatively, but time is changing and it also left over the years. I can explain this to the fact that plastic surgery has become easily available. The first transaction on the gender change was made back in the fifties. Since then, technology, opportunities and knowledge have improved significantly for such operations. Nowadays you can see Katoes and Tombayeee in the hairdresser, at the stylist, in the bank, in the cafe, restaurant, in the club, and this is not the entire list. They are among us. But sometimes they are really difficult to distinguish. Everyone understands that transgender people exist, but not everyone can take them in society as full-fledged people. For no first year, the government has been talking about the adoption of various laws that concern the legal rights of such people. I can provide for you a visual example of adopting transgender. First arrived in Thailand for the first time, it was 10 years ago, naturally first than you tasted the show of transvestites.

Once, I asked for help from the girl in the restaurant of the shopping center. When she answered me, I honestly lost the gift of speech. I heard a rough male bass. At that time, it seemed to me that transgender was something far from me, but when such friends, colleagues, neighbors appeared in my society, and just familiar, I changed my mind. The reasons for such a softness three are religious, cultural beliefs, as well as the relationship from society and the nuances of addiction for transgender. In our world, the floor is accustomed to determining on the basis of anatomy, but in Thailand since ancient times they believed that there are three sexes - male, female and medium. It is also quite common to say that transgender people have shaman abilities, such traditions are currently at the present time. Why in Thailand so many transsexuals? Thais believe that if a person does not feel belonging to his floor - it speaks of karmic failures in past lives, and this life is given to him to correct. Buddhist monks believe that we all were in past lives and will be in future transsexuals, so such people need to show sympathy. More Buddhist teachings say that we should love themselves as we are born, you should not edit yourself for something or change, it will only spoil the karma in the future.

Also, Buddhists do not know what sin is, all their actions accumulate in the form of advantages and minuses. Why in Thailand so many transsexuals? In Thailand, very respect for women calling them "Phat Ma" that in the translation means "half of mothers". Objects that are also revered are considered women. For example, the river is called "ME-us" what means "mother-water". In the wedding traditions of the groom with her family, it is obliged to buy his future wife. And they do not exist, as adopted in Russia. In the present time, women cease to be only the "custodian of the focus", they are increasingly working more, contain a family, I can earn more husband. I think it is connected with Emancipation in the XX century. Her appearance felt even the Islamic world, not to mention us. And the cities helped to become adopted in society. They are not related to maternity so they can build a career in any sphere. There may be competitors to women in business, cosmetology, becoming employees of banks, restaurants and more. Tourists who come to the Kingdom of rest are seen only that Katoi can serve in the field of entertainment or sex industry. In connection with such a tiny view, many absurd myths about transsexuals in Thailand walk around the world. The peculiarity of Thai society is tolerance, which applies to all groups of societies - church, folk, gender and sexual. Talking about tolerance, I have to explain that Thais is meant by this word. This principle "Live as you want and do not bother others." In the Russian-speaking society, any deviations from the norm are considered unacceptable and absurd. There is a stereotype that all people should be the same, and those who differ do not accept as they are and are trying to change or exclude from society at all. In the USSR, children who wrote with his left hand tried to retire, and quite not in soft ways.

In Thailand, this does not pay attention. It is allowed every person to stand out from society in the way he will choose. Here is a clear example of manifestation of tolerance for homosexuals. In Thailand, homophobic flows at all. Buddhists make corrections in relation to this concept and explain its outcome not good karma because of the actions in the past life. Same-sex marriage, recently, in principle, recognized by the public. In 2002, sexual thrust for its sex was excluded from the list of mental illness. Often, one-sex marriages are carried out, which have no legal force. In the last century, the attitude towards cities was different. They did not take society. But the times go and princespi change. But even now part of Katoev complains that for example, when searching for work, they are discriminated. Although there are such activities where transgenders are taken even more willing. However, in the passport, the floor is not changed even after the operation, therefore such problems occur in employment. Decent attention is that in some universities and colleges began to put toilets for the third floor. In many educational institutions, even in primary schools of different countries, adecesant is that there is to respect Transgenders as a person.

Also, Internet systems, television, a variety of magazines, newspapers can also be taught how to communicate with the transsexual that it is not offended. Why in Thailand so many transsexuals? In preschool age, it is possible to determine that the anatomical floor does not correspond to psychological. Attention boys falls on female toys, clothes. In Thailand, such actions have never been desecrated. There is no definition that pink color for girls, and cars for boys. At school at least one child, but will be with gender uncertainty. It is worth noting that adolescents help their younger comrades with this to decide, explaining that there is nothing wrong with that. Nowadays, the media is sufficiently developed, with the help of them you can decide on your preferences. According to the results of polls, only 35% of Katoev consider themselves the third floor, the rest refer to women. Thai pharmacies have a large number of different hormonal drugs that are in a free sale. Often, boys take them into a teenage period when puberty passes. In Thailand, the operation on gender change, inserting chest implants is available. But first, psychiatric examination should be passed and grant a psychiatrist permission.

But most of the katoes do not make any such operations. Operation to remove a penis for Thailateers is quite expensive, about 8-10 thousand dollars, so many simply inserted breast implants, it is much cheaper - 2-4 thousand dollars. And this is without plastic faces and other smaller interventions. I do not have statistical data on the transsexual salary, but I think it is about 300-500 dollars for the month. Those who, due to low education or for other reasons, cannot find a decent, decent and highly paid job are really arranged in entertainment centers for tourists or work in prostitution. But you should not think with ladies become for the sake of earnings. After all, this work is also not in my soul. Yes, there are those who are able to pull the phone or wallet, but such can be found in any society. I know enough transsexual people who earn to life honestly. There is still a certain fairy tale that in poor families of sons sell and make prostitutes from them. In my opinion, it is already moving all the borders. Well, this is full of nonsense! But everyone chooses what to believe. I also heard that Thai transsexuals live a maximum of 35 years, and all the hormones drink all their life. This is also a myth! All these stories due to the fact that when our society cannot understand something and accept something, it comes up with such myths, humiliating representatives of transsexuals.

Every year contests are held in Thailand MISS TIFFANY'S Universe and Miss International Queen , there are all the beauties of the world. These shows are held in Pattaya. The most famous winner at once two competitions became Nonga in 2004, at that time she was only 19 years old. Tanyarat Dzhirapatpakon - Thai Transgenderrsha became the queen of Miss International Queen in 2007. Also, in 2007, the Venus Flytrap Music Group was created, whose participants were transgender, but in the end it did not achieve great popularity. And in 2011 there was a Thailand's Got Talent competition, on which the ex-participant of the group Venus Flytrap Bell Nanctita made a great impression on everyone, she sang a song with a female voice, smoothly moving on male. Another member of the same group of Yoladda Suanyote was chosen by the government representative in the province of NAN, it became the first transgender who managed to go to the level of the government. Whatever you think that the Government of Thailand is "singing and model classes" in a hurry to inform you that she graduated from studying at the University of Thammasat, having received a diploma with a master's degree in political science. At the moment, it has a Thai batch of transgender women in which is the president. And she writes a doctoral dissertation. But, perhaps, the most enormous popularity reached the Thai Transgender named Nong Thum, he is famous by the boxer. And in 2003, a film called "Beautiful boxer" was filmed about him, which describes the complex life history with the illumination of a variety of transgender problems. But this is not the first film about Transgender who appeared in the film industry. In addition, a film was filmed about a group of volleyball players, which is called "Iron Ladies". In Thai cinema, you can see a lot of films where volumes, katoes and homosexuals are removed. When the movie is filmed by Cota Arambe, I constantly guess, he plays a woman or a man. I think that every of you happened when a woman or a man was conceived by the transsexual. It is worth understanding that even people like transgender people are also people, they also have two hands and two legs, they also have feelings and desire to live. They also seek to achieve the best in life. They also want to feel such a feeling like love, and we should not worry a man of what gender they sang to see near themselves. Therefore, I am calling each of you to think before offended or offend such a person! Perhaps something they even deserve respect. Because they had enough courage to go against nature and society. They are not afraid to live in their pleasure and do not think that other people will think about them. Transsexual is primarily a person to respect. Do you demand respect?! Maybe you have any oddities. From my story, I hope you at least started to present what attitude in Thailand to transgenders. Also, I think that you have found the answer to the question "Why in Thailand a lot of transsexuals?". I have a Thai student, about which I also want to tell you one amusing story. We looked with her with her all the famous cartoon "Cheburashka", and when the old woman appeared on the screen, she thought that it was Data! The inhabitants of Thailand do not understand much in our culture, in principle, as well as we in them. And this is not surprising, because we all live in different countries, states. And every people have their own traditions and customs, so it was, there will always be. Therefore, it is often necessary to answer awkward questions. Once I even had to explain that Mojdodyr is a sink. I really want that from this story you understand the whole difference of thinking in Thailand and Russia.

Thailand, Pattaya. Show Transvestites in the city of sins Deceptber 20th, 2011

In most places in the world where I visited, I would not mind return. Pattaya, perhaps, the exception - I do not pull me there anymore. Too noisy, too dirty and, most importantly - too intrusive and base the local sex industry.
But once there will be worth it - at least in order to understand how much the atmosphere of this place is suitable for you. Today we look at the landscapes of this town, we will go on the focus of the vice - Walquin Street and we will visit the show of transvestites.

Pattaya is a small town in Chonburi province southeast of Bangkok - one of the most popular resorts in Thailand, especially among tourists from Russia. The turning of a small fishing settlement in Tourist Mecca began in 1959, when the town became a place of recreation of American soldiers quartered during the Vietnamese war on the basis of nearby. The crowds of the warrior, looking for drinking, entertainment and women asked the tone of the tourist specialization of Pattaya. Although now there is also places for a quiet beach family holiday, in the city center dominated adult entertainment.

Pattaya lies on the banks of the Bangkok Bay, which, in turn, is part of the Siamese Gulf (1)

View of Pattaya from the Cliff Hill in the southern part of the city. Behind the houses in the foreground - the famous Walcin Street - center of the local sex industry (2)

Pattaya's city beach is a long sand strip along the waterfront - from afar looks attractive. In fact, the beach is pretty dirty, although those who want to swim and sunbathe are here (3)

But for beach purposes it is better to go from the southern pier on the boat on the island of Ko Lan a few kilometers from the city (4-5)

From the south side from the hill cliff - the district of Jomtien. The beaches here much cleaner and the situation is calmer than in Pattaya itself. View of Royal Cliff Beach Resort (6)

On the top of the hill cliff leads a long staircase (7)

The way to the top is guarded by the semi-head dragon (8)

At the foot of the stairs you offer to buy a cage with a couple of birds that need to be released at the top "for happiness". Birds, naturally, immediately return to the owner with the feeder to make sure the following gullible tourists (9)

Upstairs - Buddha statues ... (10-11)

Buddhist bells (12)

In the PUP of this monk you need to get a coin - also "for happiness" (13)

Another typical entertainment for tourists - snake tamers (14)

However, the majority arrives in Pattaya not behind the types of dubious beauty and not for family attractions with snakes.

In the evening, the city is filled with crowds of thirsty of something joining and simply festive yawns, who left their wives and children somewhere in Russia, or, at a thin end, somewhere at the hotel. Main place for night entertainment - Pedestrian Walcin Street (15-17)

Here are clubs, bars, sex services, sex shows and go-go-bars. Every a few meters to you, if you are a man, it will definitely suggest a catalog and the price tag of sex services. If a woman is also suitable, but with a little less frequency.

In this go-go-gow there is a pair of first customers (18)

And these priestesses of love are missing (19)

Most prostitutes are non-zeys and terrible secret, sometimes quite indefinite age. As exotic, there are europeans (mainly from Eastern Europe), and black women (from Nigeria).

A significant part of those who seem to see a woman at first glance - transvestites. It is said that any woman of Thai appearance in growth above 160 cm is almost guaranteed former man. This street transvestite is a rather poor-quality copy of plastic surgeons. However, where a man can be seen at first glance - most among transvestites. Good work is worth a lot of money. Behind the back of the ex-man - visiting sex bars (20)

The most qualitative samples of replacing the half of Thais are assembled in the two best Pattaya Shows of Transvestites - Tiffany and Alcazar. These are costume musical-like performances with music and elements of dubious choreography. Costumes, however, very colorful and the show itself, is not boring at all. The main entertainment is to try to defeat cognitive dissonance and identify specimens, mostly resembling women.

I made a choice between Tiffany and Alcazar in favor of the latter due to the fact that in Alcazare, unlike Tiffany, allowed to photograph.

Hall Alcazar. The show collects quite a few viewers - a number of several hundred people were completely filled. (21)

The sculptural composition in front of the entrance probably symbolizes the original and end options (22)

The show itself is a series of numbers consisting in the output on the scene of the next group of transvestites in the colorful costumes and their defiling to the music on the scene, accompanied by sometimes singing under the phonogram.

In these copies, men's features are guessed easily (23-25)

These look like a woman a little more (26-27)

And this cute face can be taken for real feminine (28)

Rooms in suits of different nations and times replace each other. Chinese motifs (29-31)

Stylization for a pop TRIO in the style of disco (32)

Arab stories (33-34)

Group "Viagra" in Thaiya (35-36)

Korean sketches (37-39)


Right sculpture (41-43)

Burlesque Show (44)

Well, finally, parade-alle (45-46)

I do not know how you, but I am shot in a spectacle. From the aesthetic point of view, these lovely creatures clearly win from the street priestess of the love of the original floor.

Check how the floor is your neighbor ... © V. Vysotsky

Dick of Thailand - People "Third Paul", or "Ladybow", or Katoes, as Thai Transvestites are called local. Having caught in a high thin-eyed smiling Thai girl male features, do not be surprised - these are the usual residents of the "smiles countries", to which not only Thais themselves, but also numerous tourists. And some are specially going to a distant country to feel all the delights of "unusual communication."

A large number of transvestites in Thailand is found at the most popular resorts: in Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok. The country is famous for adult entertainment and, if desired, you can find here as a partner, not only a person of the opposite or its sex, but also Thai transvestite.

Where do transvestites come from?

There is a version that Thais as a people who live mostly unbelievable, they are carried out by "Ledibeyev" from their own sons with the sole purpose of earning. In these places, the birth of a son in the family is a sorting event, since he will not be able to earn as well as a girl. Since childhood, parents begin to vaccinate women's skills, grow long hair, paint your nails, dress in women's clothing and inspire him in every way that he is a girl. And during puberty, they begin to actively slip up with hormonal preparations and in the final put under the scalpel of the surgeon, so that finally will threaten the handle and start making money on your own child.

This version of the appearance of Thai transvestites does not withstand critics, since a serious surgery, which is the change of gender, requires relevant financial investments. Currently, such a procedure is permanently costs 7-10 thousand dollars, not counting the reception of hormonal drugs throughout the life and other costs needed to maintain an appropriate lifestyle (healthy food, body care and face).

The question arises - where does the poor parents come from? Or do they dig a lifetime to mockery on their own child in order not to stay hungry in old age? The controversial version, especially taking into account the well-known kindness and guilty Thai (this applies to non-unistricted places, everything is different in the resorts, and the visitors of the "guest workers" here are fully.

A much more common phenomenon is an independent decision of young people to change their external appearance in more corresponding to their internal attitudes. Depending on this, several different groups of third-party people can be distinguished.

Types of transvestites

1. Feminized homosexuals.

Men experiencing sexual attraction to their own sex and copying female habits - in clothes, cosmetics, hairstyle, facial expressions. They do not seek to change the floor, they give pleasure only to be like a woman.

2. Travese.

Men receiving satisfaction from wearing women's clothing, often only linen. They do not experience sexual attraction to men, usually heterosexual. The main pleasure for them is to change clothes. Usually changing for them is a job.

3. Transvestites.

Men fully copying female image, but not seeking to change their body with plastic surgery. Disguised, they take the female name, try to feel like a woman, but always remember their male principle. Thai trasvestites usually do not constantly live in a feminine role, but only adopt soft female qualities into their men's life.

4. Transsexuals.

Men, psychologically feeling a woman. Their biological genus does not coincide with psychological. And they do not calm down until they fully lead their body in full compliance with ideas about a woman.

Thai transvestites, only making plastic surgery and purchasing a female appearance in all the senses of this word, feel good people.

The main reason why is so much in Thailand transvestites - is associated with a fairly calm attitude of society, to people with such deviations from the generally accepted norm (and first of all thanks to). They are considered ordinary, the same as everyone, do not look at the streets on the streets, and more recently provide the same social opportunities as in people of the usual (male or female) sex, such as jobs.

Where do they work?

Of course, a huge number of Thai transvestites that do not have livelihood are engaged in prostitution, looking for customers in countless bars, restaurants and discos. But more and more often, transsexuals find themselves use in ordinary women's spheres - work as waiters, sellers, administrators, dancers.

Tourists have great popularity with the "show transvestites" - the most brightly recognized as theaters-cabaret in Pattaya and. This colorful presentation includes dance numbers of the themes of various countries of the world performed by the most "ladies". By the way, the Thais themselves never call them the show "TRANS", since enough polite and politically correct.

Below is the list of all shows of transvestites in Thailand:

  • , Mimosa in Pattaya;
  • , Simon Star on Phuket;
  • Calypso, Golden Dome, Mambo in Bangkok;
  • Paris Follies, on Samui;
  • Blue Dragon in Krabi;
  • on to Tao;
  • Ching Mai, Miracle in Chiang May.

Only tourists consider transvestites as monkeys, a finger in them and frankly giggling behind them. This name ("show transvestites") is invented exclusively to attract tourists and give a show of special piquancy, although in essence it represents a common dance performance. Despite this, to get into the famous theater-cabaret to work is quite difficult, the applicants are rigorous selection and receive a decent salary.

Most recently, the Thai airline PC Air announced that along with ordinary girls is ready to work as a flight attendant of transvestites, as they are no less elegant embodiment of female beauty. On the first day after such a statement, the airline received more than 100 resumes from transvestites and transsexuals, and already launched flights with the most successful candidates (from October 2012, he suspended its activities due to financial difficulties).

How to become a transvestite?

To lie under the scalpel of the surgeon and become a transvestite, only cash and desire will be enough. Here is what else you need:

1. Perfect (18 years and older).

2. Resolution of parents for the arrival of the 20th anniversary.

3. Psychiatric examination.

4. Enhanced hormonal course before surgery for 1 year.

Completed in Thailand and underground, cheaper, but not legal operations. Plastic surgery is a profitable case in a country where so many wishes to change the floor, but not having enough funds for this.

Here is the average cost of the components of the operation to fully change the floor:

1. Plastic facial correction (using silicone) is about $ 3500.

2. Increase breast - $ 1500.

4. The operation on the genitals - will break the client for $ 3000-4000.

Transfigured men are usually very well and attractively looking, and in comparison with low and dense Thai girls, long-legged artificial beauties often have more seductive appearance. They sometimes skillfully use all the women's things and apply a huge amount of effort to look even more attractive, because of nature could not initially afford it.

Why is it easy to such people in Thailand?

  1. Their legal status is not resolved. Thai transvestites do not change the floor in passports (ID Card), but only glue a new photo so that they can undergo customs control. For the same reason, they cannot officially enter into marriage.
  2. The life expectancy of transvestites after the operation is significantly reduced. It usually lasts about 10-20 years. The reception of hormonal drugs does not stop until the end of life.
  3. They are deprived of the opportunity to have children.
  4. It can only be decided on this truly volitional and strong people, because the share of difficulties falling down on the path of transvestites to their dream is difficult to overestimate.

In modern society, the attitude towards people of unusual sex is gradually softened. In Thailand, transvestites are not liberated from military duty, and serve on a par with men and women. They meet among wealthy citizens, and even work by TV, emphasizing their "normalness".

Most of them are very philosophically relate to their entity - it is associated not only with female sexuality and attractiveness, although this side is in every way promoted on the expanses in Pattaya. They manage the desire to be one whole outside and inside - but doesn't everyone want this?

And do not forget about simple rules.

Hello everyone! As you understand, in this article we will talk about Thai trance. Or rather, how to distinguish them from secret. In Thailand, they also have other names - these are Katoes (or Ladybow). According to the official version in the kingdom there are more than 10,000 transseks, and according to unofficial - more than 200,000. In general, sex entertainment in Thailand, you can read in the material "".

And so, how to identify the trance in Thailand?

In essential cases thailand trances In appearance look much more prettier than Taek. Yes Yes! It is simply not to complain about what they make dear plastic operations, take hormonal drugs and adopt the model of the behavior of girls.

Turning Thai in a beautiful "secret"

To accidentally do not bring to her secretly and do not worry about seen after her undressing, now you have 15 simple tips that checked on your own experience:

  1. Certificate. If you doubt who is before you, ask her / him certificate. As a rule, in Thailand, TRANAM is attributed to the third floor, if it is written in it - นาง สาว, then in front of you, if นาย, then this is a tapet, and if กะเทย, then you are the same quat!
  2. Chest. Ask a girl to feel her chest under some pretext. Most often, the transsexuals are agreed. As soon as you touch the tits, you will immediately understand, naturally them or not (Silicone breasts harder). Although on the other hand, you can just be a girl with silicone breast.
  3. Genitals. If you have an impudence at least, you can get to the genitals :) But if you do not feel anything like a member, it does not mean that in front of you! It is possible that it was simply deleted. On the Internet you can see the video transformation transformation into a vagina, looks frozo, but it is quite interesting.
  4. Thong. Thai is modest, so they most often wear ordinary panties, and Thai trances are thong.
  5. Reaction to the question: "Are you trance?" Most are immediately recognized, the rest will approve the opposite. Thai from this question may just be offended.
  6. Attractiveness. Part of the katoes after the operation are so terrible that you want to run away from them! But the other is so beautiful that with their form you can feel the heat between your feet. Remember, if you see a very beautiful secret, most likely in front of you trans, as the secretory in most cases are not very attractive!
  7. Height. Thai most often on the head below Thai, I do not think that the doctors learned to trim legs.
  8. Hands. Pay attention to the hands of the hands, men usually are more than women, transressets are no exception.
  9. Vote. The surgery on the voice ligaments is very complex and is ineffective, therefore not everyone is solved on it, therefore, almost all trans is a vote in women's unnatural.
  10. Hairiness. Not only are hormonal drugs reduce the hair density on the body, so they are also periodically bill, then it is not easy to guess who is who who is.
  11. Shoulders. At Thais shoulders wider pelvis, Taek, the other way around.
  12. Kadyk. The floor change operation occurs in stages for several months or even years. Therefore, if you notice Kadyk's Girl, it means that trance, and he simply did not have time to remove it.
  13. Force. In trances in Thailand after changing the floor, male force almost does not disappear. So, for example, one of the cat in my eyes easily wrapped on a 70 kilogram guy's shoulder and carried it into bed, but it was not afraid of it, so the cunning idea failed!
  14. Impudence. If a taper begins to stick to you, suck for everything in a row, take a quiet place and offer a "boom boom" (so there is called sex), then in all likelihood you are distributed in front of you, since Thai is usually modest than Thai.
  15. Form face. Thais has an elongated, Taek is more rounded. Although recently the surgeons have learned and transform it.

Typical Thai transsexual

Thailand will hear the world capital of sex tourism. This prejudice is so strong that in someone departing in a lovely or family pairs, someone looks almost like perverts. In fact, the satisfaction of exotic carnal needs is only part, and very insignificant, the entire tourist industry of this country. There you can spend the honeymoon, and relax among the tropical nature, forgetting that there is a civilization. But if you are a fan of entertainment rage, you should go first in the streets or. Transsexuals (trances), transvestites, Katoes or Ladybow in Talandena are most often found there. But first let's consider these terms.

Treechada "Poyd" Petcharat - It is considered the most beautiful lamble in Thailand, it works as an actress, was listed in the list of "most beautiful faces" in the world of American vintage TC Candler

"What are you?"

  • Transgender - People who feel like they were born in someone else's body. For example, having the appearance of a man, they possess the mentality of a woman and behave in accordance with this.
  • Transvestites - This is, as well as around the world, ordinary men wearing women's clothing and their copying behavior. This may be due to their professional duties. For example, they are actors in spicy shows. At the same time, only five percent of them are adherents of same-sex love - gays.
  • Transsexuals (trances) - These are transgender who attempted to physically eliminate the psychological inconsistency. Transexuals in Thailand are more common than in Europe for the reason that there are fewer bureaucratic formalities for conducting operations for sex.
  • Katoi or Ladyboy - so called transvestites and transkuals (trance) in Thailand.

Patta "Nadia" Wiruntanaki - found fame after the victory in the trans-contest "Miss Mimosa" Thailand in 2015

History and Causes of flooring

The reason that there are many transsexuals in Thailand, is not so much the widespread spread of the semi-propelled clinic and the tolerance of society, how much the business tradition that appeared in the middle of the 20th century, which the basing in Pattaya American Air Force has gone. When brave pilots, after combat departures, a large number of young prostitutes and entertainment were required on the edge of the foul. It was aggravated by the fact that the monetary content was given to them not by dollars, but by checks that had circulation only in Thailand and Vietnam. In a poor country with a predominantly rural population, similar body transformation became a profitable enterprise, and families who managed to remake boys in girls, began to live pretty decently. How many trance in Thailand today no one knows exactly, their accounting is carried out only approximately, since they remain men to law. According to official statistics, there are about 10 thousand. Tour operators interested in this topic are adjusted to 200 thousand, although for a country with a population of 67 million people - this is a clear bust.

Chalisa "Rose" Yuemchai - played a role in the Chinese Comedy "Adventures in Thailand", which has gained thousands of fans from China.

The sphere, including the show of various degrees of degree of artists, is completely in private hands and in a large sphere is criminalized. There really, there are cases when parents decide the fate of the child by his birth, conclude an agreement with criminals and sell it to achieve 14 years. Sweep the popularity of the transformation of the body and the problems of male employment, which, especially in poor provinces, one road - on rice fields. Few lucky people fall into the army. However, the operation at a complete gender change costs up to 30 thousand dollars, therefore, the changes are limited to external signs - a change in the shape of the cheekbone, buttocks, breast design (both the operational way and the reception of hormonal drugs).

Most of the men-Katoev, only externally similar to women, work in the Gou Gow bars. Few lucky ways can be settled in the type cabaret. A lot of them takes off in porn. If the career in the sex industry, which is called, did not go, then Katoi Thailand go to work on traditionally feminine positions. This is usually the service personnel in restaurants, cafes, beauty salons. Those who have a minor body transformation degree may be allowed to admiss the annual lottery at the time of calling to the army.

WORANUN "FRAME" NALATWORASAKUL - participated in a military project and was released from the army, then created a series of short films "Crazy Love"

Currently, third-party people have become in Thailand quite familiar. Among the transsexuals there are popular models, singers, movie stars. One of them is the champion in Thai boxing Nong Tum (Pagin Charogenphol), which was inclined to change gender behavior since childhood and changed half the floor in 2006, at the age of 25. And the reason for the start of clagging classes was the desire to make money on the sex change operation. Oh, not lucky who met on the path of Fighza-Transsecual.

Rinrada "Yoshi" Thurapan - Known by his "puppet" on social networks, she also appeared in the clip for Baitoey Rsiam, the popular Thai singer and received several roles in the cinema

Thais ratio to transsexlam

Buddhism, state religion of Thailand, does not refer similar attacks of human psyche and behavior to sin. The reason for the occurrence of such tolerance is reincarnation - rebirth after death. Thais believe that the desire of a man becomes a woman - this is the punishment of the Buddha for the sins that transsexuals committed in the past life. Therefore, earlier there were cases of expulsion of "wrong" boys from families. All Katoi in Thailand officially remain people of the same sex that they received at birth, but the passport is a note "กะเทย", meaning the third floor and the second photo is pasted.

Chananchida "Blossom" Rungpetcharat - found fans and won the heart, taking second place in the trans-contest "Miss Tiffany 2013"

Now, on the growth wave of tolerance, transseks even cause to participate in annual lotteries by calling. And if they fall a red card, they go to serve on the general reasons. Although before 1954, Katoi was considered mentally defective and exempted from the service, regardless of the degree of body modification.

Jiratchaya "Mo" Sirimongkolnawin - Won Miss Tiffany in 2016, and then "Miss International Queen" - an international beauty contest for trance, where she represented Thailand.

The main thing is the ability to distinguish from secret

Those who do not know, at the sight of a very pretty girl, it is necessary to be on guard. Especially if the volume of drunk exceeds the amount of eaten. Katoi sometimes behave more feminine and look more attractive than natural flows. For that of them in Thailand, ironically referred to women of the highest. If a confusion came out, try to get out of it with a smaller noise. Moreover, the ladies may have an explosive temperament, which is due to the reception of hormonal drugs, and truly male power.

PEMIKA "PYNK" DitsayameThanont - I got fame after I became a model for the surgical clinic in South Korea, it looks as if it came out of Japanese anime.