Heroes of the work of the eldest son. A brief analysis: Vampilov, "Senior Son

Heroes of the work of the eldest son. A brief analysis: Vampilov,
Heroes of the work of the eldest son. A brief analysis: Vampilov, "Senior Son

Vladimir Busygin studied at the Irkutsk Medical Institute and lived a hostel. A little plowing on his day off, Busygin met the seed and two girls. The guys spent the girls to the house (they lived in Novo-Soulnikovo) and were late for the train. They opened a gloomy perspective overnight stay on the street (it was cold). And here the desperate worships saw an elderly person (Sarafanov), heading to a visit to a young woman living nearby.

Busigina's mother threw her husband and Vladimir grew up without his father. Seeing Sarafonov Andrei Grigorievich, the idea came to him in his head to go to his apartment and to give himself for his son born on the side "(he wanted to take revenge on all the wrong fathers). Busygin and Semen went and met with the son of Sarafanov Vassenka, and then with the head of the family.

The deception was a success, but Busygin, having acquainted with Sarafanov closer, found out that he was the "holy" man (he walked for her neighbor for the sake of his son). In addition, he really liked the daughter of Sarafanov. The conscientious bushigina was hard to continue his deception and he wanted to escape from his " new family"In the morning. But, he" caught "Sarafanov. Busygin, seeing that it is very hard to part with him, I decided to stay at Sarafanov for a day.

The Sarafanov family at that time experienced the crisis and the arrival of the "Senior Son" supported Andrei Grigorievich. In just a day, he loved Busigin all the souls and no longer understood how he lived without him before.

At this time, Busina tormented internal doubts. He did not know what to do. On the one hand, he understood that it was impossible to deceive the old man, but on the other - he was afraid, then the truth would just kill him. In addition, he fell in love with his "sister" Nina and did not want to be her "brother".

When the groom came to Nina, the house began family scandal. Busygin poured oil into the fire from jealousy, making a full fool from the bride and he was).

As a result, everything ended well. When it turned out that Busygin is an impostor, Sarafanov forgave him and asked him to come to visit them and feel him a real son. Nina, disappointed in his groom was not against.

Quotes Busygin

God forbid God to deceive whoever believes to every word.

Why should I linger?
- That's right, why should he linger?

A subtle organization always comes out sideways.

Dad, what are you sad? People need music when they are having fun and whip. Where else to be a musician, if not on dancing and funeral? In my opinion, you are on the right track.

People have thick skin, and it is not so easy to break through it. It is necessary to lie as it should, only then will turn you and sympathize. They need to scare or split.

"Senior Son", which has yet to the screens in 1975, which participated a lot popular actors. It turns out that this film was removed based on famous work. The author of the comedy "Senior Son" and Vampilov. Summary It will help the reader not only to get acquainted with the narrative of the writer, but also remember the fragments of the beloved movie.

Start of work, or acquaintance with characters

What does the "Senior Son" of Vampilov start starting his comedy? A brief content introduces the reader with two one named Semyon. He was and nicknamed Silva. The second young man, Busygin, studied for a physician. This evening they met with two cute girls And they volunteered to conduct them to the house. Of course, in secret hoping that the evening will be continued.

But girls did not let them, and the guys stayed on the street. Moreover, they discovered that they were late for the train. So you need to come up with where to spend the night. On the street is cold, dark and uncomfortable. Young guys, who up to this point were barely familiar, get married noticeably. Both have a wonderful sense of humor, no one has the habit of falling in spirit. So, the play of Vampilova "Senior Son" describes two fun guys. They are really truth and untrue, with humor and the game are looking for any ways to find a night shelter.

Pupil in love, or searches for overnight

Next, in the work of the "Senior Son" Vampilov continues to talk about the adventures of two perky guys and their draw. Without losing hope to find a place to sleep, they saw the house of the thirty-year-old Makarskaya. Observing the scene as she groaned the boy in love with Vasya, the student of the tenth class, they also decided in turn to try their happiness. But the woman drove them.

The guys are completely outstanding and do not know where to go. And then they noticed how Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanov went to Makarskaya, who lived in a nearby house. Guys thought this is a date. Finally, a convenient case to use the housing Andrei Grigorievich to at least relax and warm up.

But having come to him home, they see that Vassenka himself. The boy was pretty awesome to such a visit. And here in his comedy "Senior Son" Vampilov - a short content of the actions will try as soon as possible to convey these events - invented enough unusual turn plot.

I am your brother, or draw frozen guys

Busygin stakes Vasya for mistrust to people, and Silva already realized that his friend came up with a cunning plan in order to deceive the boy. And, of course, begins to play it. He tries to convince Vassenka that Busygin - His step-brotherwho finally decided to find his father. Not only Vasya, but also a new relative. He was not configured to play the boy.

But Silva has already begun to develop the success of his plan and persuades Vasya that it would be necessary to celebrate such an event. And sends a boy to check the home reserves. The kitchen covers the table and the celebration begins. And then the father of the Sarafanov family, who walked to Makarskaya only to ask to be a little softer with his son.

And then Andrei Grigorievich learns that he had a senior son. Vampilov (a summary of the comedy will continue to acquaint the reader with further events) pulls all his characters in this draw.

When it was, or memories of Sarafanov

When drunk Vassenka told his father about a new brother, naturally, Sarafanov is not just surprised, at first he does not believe in it. Begins to remember when it was, and it comes to the conclusion that such a situation is quite possible. At the time when the war ended only, he met a girl named Galina. And from her, just and could be this child.

All of these reasoning Sarafanov heard Busygin. Now the guy feels absolutely confident. Andrei Grigorievich, asking the new son about the details of his life, gradually he himself convinced himself that this young man was his offspring. Moreover, loving father. And Sarafanov at that moment was very necessary for the love of this guy, who introduced himself as his eldest son. Vampilov content keeps his comedy continues to twist around this fictional story.

Family malfunctions, and draw continues

It was at that moment that everything went to the family in the family. Vasya pested feelings to adult woman And it becomes unmanageable, the daughter of Nina married and will soon leave. Yes, and at work at the father's problem. Threw to play in the orchestra. Now Muizitsy at the funeral or dance flooring. But carefully hides it from his children. But those and they knew about it, they just did not want to upset the father.

The daughter of Andrei Grigorievich wakes up and also learns about a new relative. The girl reacted very incredulously to such a statement. But Busygin is so masterfully plays this comedy that Nina is also gradually inclined on his side. All night of Sarafanov and his so unexpectedly appeared son spend in endless conversations. The man told him about his life. About how his spouse threw him, and about the musical career.

It's time to return home, or an unexpected gift

Further in the comedy "Senior Son" Vampilov continues to tell about their gullible characters and playing their guys. Sarafanov went to bed, and Busygin, with his companion, they wanted to slowly leave hospitable owners. But Andrei Grigorievich wakes up and is noticeably frustrated because of their unexpected care.

Busygin promised to return, and then Sarafanov announced that he had to make him a gift. He gives a guy tobacquacke made from silver, which, according to him, in their family always moves to the eldest son. The young man was touched and decides to stay for another day. For this there is another reason - he liked the daughter of Sarafanova.

Neonic relations begin to occur between Nina and Busygin. On the one hand, they, like, as relatives, and on the other hand, began to feel their mutual interest. How else will the events in the work of the "Senior Son"? Vampilov (a summary of the comedy continues to follow his story) finally configured all his characters in their raging emotions.

New explosion of emotions, or phenomenon of groom

Makarskaya, talking to Andrei Grigorievich, decides to go with Vasya to the movies. But he learns that after that she will have a meeting with Silva. The boy is indignant, and the woman tells that he agreed to go with him only because she asked Sarafanov. Vasya is again upset and going to leave native home. Finally, the junction of the comedy "Senior Son" should come.

Vampilov (summary follows the progress of the author's presentation) introduces the reader with the fiance of Nina. The usual guy is the pilot of Kudimov. Good-natured and straightforward. Busygin with his friend constantly fool over the future husband of Nina. The whole company gathered at the table to celebrate acquaintance. And here Kudimov recalls, from where he is so familiar with the face of Andrei Grigorievich. He met him at the funeral. Sarafanov in everything recognized to their children.

"Senior Son", Vampilov. Summary by chapters, or how it all ends

Busygin tries to reassure Sarafanov. The pilot leaves him to return to the barracks. Vassenka still runs away from the house. Nina reproaches Busigin that he incorrectly appealed with her fiance. And then the guy does not withstand, tells her not only about his feelings, but that he is not brother. Suddenly returns to Silva semi-consuming clothing, and with him Makarskaya and Vasya.

It turns out that the boy settled the housing of a woman during her dating with a new boyfriend. Silva is outraged. The guy requires new clothes and soon, by gathering, leaves the house of Sarafanov. But already in the door it reports that Busigin is no relative. Andrei Grigorievich is upset and does not want to believe it.

He knows that this is his son. Moreover, Sarafanov had already managed to love the guy and offers him to move to them to the house. Nina is trying to object. And Busygin, calming all the promise to constantly visit them, discovered that he was late for the last electric train. So ends the comedy "Senior Son".

Late spring evening. The courtyard in the suburbs. Goal. One of the entrances of the stone house. Near - small wooden house, with a porch and window into the courtyard. Poplar and bench. On the street heard laughter and voices.

Busygin, Silva and two girls appear. Silva deftly, as if by the way, steps on the guitar. Busygin leads one of the girls under his arm. All four marked noticeably.

Silva (sings).

Drove on the top three - you do not catch up,

And away flashed - you will not understand ...

First girl. Well, boys, we are almost at home.

Busygin. Almost - not considered.

The first girl (Busygin). Allow your hand. (Frees the hand.) Thank you for spent. Here we will reach ourselves.

Silva (stops playing). Yourself? Is it how to understand? .. You are here (shows), and we, it means, back? ..

First girl. So.

Silva (Busygin). Listen, friend, how do you like it?

Busygin (first girl). Are you throwing us on the street?

First girl. What did you think?

SILVIA. Thought? .. Yes, I was sure that we were going to visit you.

First girl. To visit? At night?

Busygin. What special?

First girl. So you made a mistake. We do not go to us at night.

Silva (Busygin). What do you say to it?

Busygin. Good night.

Girls (together). Good night!

Silva (stops them). Take a girl! Where to rush? You are now with longing you will be! Process, invite you to visit!

Second girl. To visit! Watch what is fast! .. Dancetled, treated wine and immediately - visit! Not on those attacked!

SILVIA. Say, what a torture! (Delays the second girl.) Give at least a kiss for the Sleep coming!

The second girl breaks out, and both quickly go.

Girls, girls, stop!

Busygin and Silva followed girls. Sarafanov appears with clarinet in hand. Towards him from the entrance comes a neighbor, old man. He is warm, the kind of painful. On manners - employee middle Hand, Prober.

NEIGHBOUR. Hello, Andrei Grigorievich.

Sarafanov. Good evening.

Neighbor (ulcer). From the job?

Sarafanov. What? .. (hastily.) Yes, yes ... from work.

Neighbor (with a mockery). From work? .. (ukriznno.) Eh, Andrei Grigorievich, I do not like your new profession.

Sarafanov (hastily). What are you, neighbor, where did you get on the night looking?

NEIGHBOUR. How - where? Nowhere. Pressure is jumping on me, the air came out.

Sarafanov. Yes, yes ... Stroll, strive ... This is useful, useful ... Goodnight. (Wants to leave.)


Sarafanov stops.

(Indicates clarinet.) Who did they spend?

Sarafanov. I.e?

NEIGHBOUR. Who died, ask.

Sarafanov (frightened). TCC! .. Hush!

A neighbor covers his mouth with his hand, quickly nods.

(With reproach.) Well, what are you, because I asked you. God forbid, mine will hear ...

NEIGHBOUR. Okay, okay ... (whisper.) Whom was buried?

Sarafanov (whisper). Man.

Neighbor (whisper). Young? .. Old?

Sarafanov. Middle-aged…

A neighbor for a long time and crushes his head.

Sorry me, I will go home. Obrog I something ...

NEIGHBOUR. No, Andrei Grigorievich, I do not like your new profession.

Dissate. One disappears in the entrance, the other goes to the street.

Vassenka appears from the street, stops at the gate. In his behavior there is a lot of concern and uncertainty, he is waiting for something. The steps were heard on the street. Vassenka rushes to the entrance - Makarskaya appears at the gate. Vassenka calmly, depicting an unexpected meeting, goes to the goal.

Vassenka. Oh, who I see!

Makarskaya. And this is you.

Vassenka. Hey!

Makarskaya. Hi, Pillage, hello. What are you doing here? (Goes to a wooden house.)

Vassenka. Yes, so, I decided to take a little stroll. Walk together?

Makarskaya. What are you, what a walking is a cold dog. (Pulls out the key.)

Vassenka (stuck between her and doors, delays it on the porch). Do not go out.

Makarskaya (indifferent). Here you go. Starts.

Vassenka. You're little in the air.

Makarskaya. Vassenka, go home.

Vassenka. Wait ... Let's chat a little ... Tell me something.

Makarskaya. Good night.

Vassenka. Tell me that tomorrow you will go to the movies.

Makarskaya. I'll see tomorrow. And now go to sleep. Well, let me!

Vassenka. Do not go out.

Makarskaya. I will complain to yours, you read!

Vassenka. Why are you screaming?

Makarskaya. No, this is some kind of punishment!

Vassenka. Well, cry. I may even like it.

Makarskaya. What do you like?

Vassenka. When you shout.

Makarskaya. Vassenka, do you love me?

Vassenka. I?!

Makarskaya. Love. Something bad you love me. I stand here in the jacket, frozen, tired, and you? .. Well, let them, let me ...

Vassenka (Rent). Have you frozen? ..

Makarskaya (opening the door key). Well ... clever. Find a love - you need to obey. (On the threshold.) And in general: I want you to wait for me anymore, did not follow me, did not go through the heels. Because it will not work out of this ... And now go to sleep. (Enters the house.)

Vassenka (approaching the door, the door closes). Open! Open! (Knocks.) Open for a minute! I need to tell you. Hear? Open!

Makarskaya (in the window). Do not ori! All the city will wake up!

Vassenka. Damn with him, with the city! .. (Sits on the porch.) Let them rise and listen to what I am a fool!

Makarskaya will think how interesting ... Vassenka, let's talk seriously. Understand you, please, with you nothing can be. In addition to the scandal, of course. Think, stupid, I am older than ten years! After all, we have different ideals and all that - didn't you explain this at school? You have to be friends with girls. Now at school, it seems, love is allowed - that's wonderful. So love who relies.

Vassenka. Do not be silly.

Makarskaya. Well enough! Good words You can see, do not understand. I am tired of you. Tired, clear to you? Go away, and so I have not seen you here!

Vassenka (fits the window). Well ... You won't see me anymore. (Sorrowful.) You will never see.

Makarskaya. At all, the boy spook!

Vassenka. Will see you tomorrow! Once! For half an hour! On Fareweigh! .. Well, what you stand!

Makarskaya. Well yes! From you, then do not quit. I know you perfectly well.

Vassenka (suddenly). Drying! Drying!

Makarskaya. What?!. What?!. Well, orders! Each Swamp can insult you! .. No, without a husband, it can be seen, you will not live in this light! .. Go from here. Well!


Vassenka. Sorry ... Sorry, I did not want.

Makarskaya. Go away! Binky! Puppy echief! (Slaughters window.)

Vassenka wander into his entrance. Beousigin and Silva appear.

SILVIA. How are they us, tell me? ..

Busygin. Split.

SILVIA. And the one, whiteobry, nothing ...

Busygin. Little rising.

SILVIA. Listen! I liked it.

History of creation

The earliest recordings of Vampilov, belonging to the play "Senior Son", date back to 1964: Name - "Peace in the House of Sarafanova", future characters: Sarafanov Alexey Nikolaevich - Colonel in retired, Emma - His daughter, Vasya - His Son, Nine-grader, Brojnin - Student on vacation, Kemerovo - typist, cleaning engineer.

Earlier, in the notebooks, Vampilov mentioned the names and characteristics of future characters other than the final version: Nikolay Zabrodin is a student on vacation, physicist (22), a bammer and fatalist (chobbed). Alexey Nikolaevich Sarafanov - Adjuster (50), Dobryak, Lovely, I understood everything and I have forgiven, a soft man. Loves work. Olenka Sarafanova - a girl who makes his scene. The sober, cold, but Mila, etc. Greta Komarovskaya is a woman who is waiting for the case. Topist engine. Vassenka Sarafanov is an infant, a beginner of Zabuldig, behind the first two courses. Yuri Chistyakov is an engineer, a man with Moscow registration, the groom Olenki.

The first version of the play was created in 1965 and published by passages called the "Groom" on May 20, 1965 in the newspaper "Soviet youth". In 1967, the play was called the "suburb" and in 1968 it is printed in the Almana "Angara".


  • Busygin - a student - Medic, introduced by Sarafanov's son;
  • Semyon (Silva) is a sales agent, a beloved Makarskaya;
  • Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanov - Playing a funeral, but hides it from children;
  • Vassenka - a tenth-grader, son of Sarafanova;
  • Kudimov - the pilot, the groom Nina;
  • Nina - Daughter Sarafanova;
  • Makarskaya - thirty-year woman, beloved Vassenki and Silva;
  • Two friends
  • Neighbour


The cold spring evening Busygin and Silva, who just became acquainted in the cafe, escort the girlfriends at home, counting on continued relations. However, the girl at home is given to them from the gate - and young people, realizing that they were late for the train, looking for the night, but "no one opens. Afraid". By chance, they see the coming out of the house of Sarafanov, hear his name and decide to take advantage of this: go to his apartment, introducing himself to familiar, and at least get to warm up. However, in a conversation with Vassenka, Son Sarafanova, Silva unexpectedly reports that Busygin is his brother and son Sarafanov. Returned Sarafanov takes this story for a clean coin: in the 45th he had a novel with a girl from Chernigov, and now he wants to believe that Volodya is really his son. In the morning, friends are trying to escape from the hospitable house, but Busygin feels like a deceiver: "I don't give God to deceive whoever believes to every word" - and when Sarafanov presents him a family relic - a silver tobacco, which has always been transmitted to the eldest son, he decides stay

So Bowigina appears "Father", "Brother" and "Sister", (Sarafanov brings them up one) and he has to connect to the decision family problems. Younger brother, 10-grader Vassenka, in love with a neighbor - 30-year-old Makarskaya, secretary in court, but she laughs at his feelings, and Vassenka wants to flee from home; Busygin managed to persuade him to stay. Silva, to whom Makarskaya liked, flirting with her, and wounded Vassenka sets on the house of the train. Makarskaya is amazed: she did not expect such a act from the boy and now it is seriously taken to him seriously.

In parallel and the second love story: Busygin falls in love with his newfound "sister", but she is going to marry a pilot cadet and leave him to Sakhalin. Nina and Busygin feel mutual sympathy, and both regret that they turned out to be "relatives." Without withstanding, Busygin exposes himself, admitting Sarafanov: "Frankly, I myself do not believe that I am not a Son." "Whatever it is, and I consider you my son," Sarafanov answers him, and Busygin remains in their home.

Criticism about the play

Mark Lipovetsky: Busygin's passing is literally becoming the hope and support of the collapsed house. For the idea of \u200b\u200bthe eldest son, as Solominkas, Sarafans and his children are enough ... And Busygin suddenly feels responsible, this is expressed in the fact that it is not only a long-time deception, but also becomes a member of intra-fear. Mask, role, obviously untruth, suddenly responds to the internal needs of Busgin to be someone needed, belonging to the house, to be loved, be a family member.

Vladimir Klimenko: Vampilov gradually and unobtrusively leads us to the idea that the relationship of people in spirit is more important than relatives, and the responsiveness of the heart is the main human dignity... The soul of Busina is transformed under the influence of a meeting with Sarafanov. Elderly musician, loser and "blissful", according to his wife who threw his wife, in fact, is a compatibility of the best feelings.

Theatrical performances

First statement

Famous settings


  • - "Senior Son" - director Vitaly Melnikov, in the roles of Evgeny Leonov - Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanov, Natalia Egorova - Nina Sarafanova,

The writing

"The case, trifle, the coincidence is sometimes becoming the most dramatic moments in the life of a person," the thought of Vampilov developed in his plays. A. Vampilova deeply worried about moral problems. His works are written in life material. Awakening conscience, upbringing the feelings of justice, good and mercy - these are the main motives of his plays. Fabul Pieces "Senior Son" is easy. Two young men - a student of the Medinstitut Volodya Busgin and an Agent of Trade on Nick Silva (Sevastyanov Seeds) - made a case on dancing. After holding a home of two girls living in the outskirts of the city, they are late for the last train and they have to look for the night. Boys call in the apartment of Sarafanov. Faithful Silve comes to mind the thought to come up with a story that Busygin - the eldest son Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanova, that he was allegedly born with a woman with whom fate accidentally brought Sarafanov at the end of the war. To somehow pass the night, Busygin does not refute this fiction.

The life of Sarafanov did not work out: the wife was gone, at work it was not sidewrd - I had to leave the position of actor-musician and to work in the orchestra playing at the funeral. With children, too, not all well. Son Sarafanova - a tenth-grader Vassenka - in love with Natasha Makarskaya, who is ten years older than him and belongs to him as a child. Nina's daughter is going to marry a military pilot, who does not love, but considers a worthy pair, and wants to leave him to Sakhalin.

Andrei Grigorievich is alone, and therefore is tied to the "Senior Son." And he who grew up without his father, in an orphanage, also stretches to the kind, glorious, but unhappy Sarafanov, and he also liked Nina. The end of the play is prosperous. Volodya honestly admits that he is not the son of Sarafanov. Nina does not marry the unloved. Vassenka managed to persuade not run from home. "The Senior Son" becomes a frequent guest of this family.

The name of the play "Senior Son" is the most successful because of her the main character - Volodya Busygin - fully justified the assumed role. He helped Nina and Vassenka to understand how much means a father for them, raising both without a mother who threw the family. In all, the soft character of the head of the Sarafan family is manifested. He all takes close to the heart: it is as happy before the children of his position, hides that he left the theater, recognizes the "Senior Son", tries to calm the Vassenka, to understand Nina. It is impossible to call him a loser, since the sundresses have surrendered into the most peak of the soul crisis, while others have broken. Unlike a neighbor, who who had abandoned Besygin and Silve, would give the guys, even if they did not invenate this story with the "eldest son." But the most important thing - Sarafanov values \u200b\u200bwith their children and loves them. Children in relation to the father of the worm. Vassenka is so ugly in his first love that he does not notice anyone except Makarskaya. But his feeling is selfish, because it is not by chance, having filled Natasha to Silva, he suits the fire and not repent of the made. In the nature of this young man, there is little truly lyrical. Then - smart, beautiful girl And at the same time practical and distributed. These qualities are manifested, for example, in choosing the groom. However, these qualities were predominant in it until she fell in love. Love completely changes her life position. Busygin and Silva, having met by chance during the dances, behave trite, causing themselves for the first oncoming girls, and they look like each other. But, being in a non-standard situation, the characters show themselves in different ways. Volodya Busygin loves people, he is conscientious, responsive, sympathizing with someone else's misfortune, is obvious, therefore he comes decently. "The positivity" of aspirations makes it strong and noble.

Silva, like Volodya, in essence, too, the orphan: with living parents he was brought up in the boarding school. Apparently, the dislike of the father affected his character. Silva told Volodya about how his father "rushed" him: "On, he says, you have the last twenty rubles, go to the Kabak, drove, drive a row, but such a makeup so that I don't see you a year or two." Vampilov did not accidentally make the origins of the fate of heroes like. By this he wanted to emphasize how his own choice of man, independent of the circumstances, is important. Unlike the Syarota of Volodya, Sirota Silva - cheerful, resourceful, but cynical. Genuine his face opens when he "exposes" by Volodya, saying that he is not a son and not brother, but a recidivist. Nina's bridegroom - Mikhail Kudimov - impenetrable man. Such people are found in life, but they will not immediately understand. "Smiling. He further smiles a lot. Good-natured, "says Vampil about him. In fact, it is more expensive to him the whole word that he gave himself for all occasions. It is indifferent to people. This character takes a slight place in the play, however, it is a pronounced type of "right" people who create a suffocating atmosphere around themselves.

Natasha Makarskaya involved in family intrigue is shown by decent, but unfortunate and lonely person. Vampilov deeply reveals the theme of loneliness, which can bring a person to despair. In the image of Sarafanov's neighbor, the type of cautious man, the average man, which is only afraid ("looks at them with caution, suspected," "is removed silently and fearful") and nothing interferes. Problems I. main idea Pieces are declared in the title dramatic work. The author did not accidentally replace the title name "suburb" on the "Senior Son". The main thing is not what events occur, and the one who participates in them. Be able to think, understand each other, support in difficult Minutes, Show mercy is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe play of Alexander Vampilov. Being relatives in spirit is more than birth. The author does not define the genre of the play. Along with comic in the play, a lot of dramatic moments, especially in the subtext, Sarafanov's statements, Silva, Makarskaya.

What does the author claim in man and what does it deny in it? "It seems main questionwhich constantly asks Vampilov: Will you stay, man, man? Whether you will be able to overcome all the false and unknown, which is prepared for you in many everyday trials, where it was difficult to become different and opposite love and treason, passion and indifference, sincerity and falsehood, benefit and enslavement ... "(V. Rasputin).