Characteristics of Marya Ivanovna from the captain. The image of Masha Mironova in the story by A.S.

Characteristics of Marya Ivanovna from the captain.  The image of Masha Mironova in the story by A.S.
Characteristics of Marya Ivanovna from the captain. The image of Masha Mironova in the story by A.S.

The image of Masha (novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".)

Masha Mironova- the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress. She is an ordinary Russian girl: "chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair, combed smoothly behind the ears." Timid and sensitive, she was afraid even of a rifle shot. In many ways, her shyness and embarrassment are caused by the fact that she lives rather closed. From the words of Vasilisa Yegorovna, we learn about the unenviable fate of the girl: "A maid of marriageable age, and what is her dowry?" Shvabrin is wooing her. But Masha responds with a refusal to Shvabrin's offer to become his wife. She cannot accept marriage to an unloved person. A marriage of convenience is unthinkable for her, even if she were in the most difficult situation.
Masha sincerely fell in love with Pyotr Grinev, but she would never agree to marry without the blessing of the groom's parents.
A bitter fate awaits the girl ahead: her parents were executed, and the priest hid her in her house. But Shvabrin took Masha by force and locked her up, forcing her to marry him. When the long-awaited salvation finally comes in the person of Pugachev, the girl is seized with conflicting feelings: she sees before her the killer of her parents and at the same time her deliverer. Instead of words of gratitude, she covered her face with both hands and fell unconscious.
Pugachev released Peter and Masha, and Grinev sent her to her parents, who received the girl well.
The character of Masha Mironova is vividly revealed after the arrest of Grinev. She was very worried, as she knew the real reason for the arrest and considered herself guilty of Grinev's misfortunes. Masha leaves for Petersburg. She is determined to achieve the release of her beloved, whatever the cost.
Having met by chance with the empress, but not yet knowing who this woman is, Masha openly tells her her story. It is in this meeting that the character of a modest and timid Russian girl without any education is truly revealed, who, however, has found in herself enough strength, fortitude and uncompromising determination to defend the truth and to justify her innocent groom.
Soon she was summoned to the courtyard, where they announced the release of Pyotr Andreevich.

The image of Masha Mironova was dear and close to the author. She personifies the ideal of a woman - with a pure, albeit a little naive soul, kind, sympathetic heart, faithful and capable of sincere love, for which she is ready to make any sacrifices, to commit the most daring deeds.

The image of Katerina (play by A. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm")
For the main heroine of the Ostrovsky play "The Thunderstorm" Katerina in life above all is truth and a deep sense of duty.
As a child, Katerina was surrounded by beauty and harmony, she lived among mother's love and fragrant nature. She lived with her mother in the village, went to wash with a spring, listened to the stories of the wanderers, then sat down to do some work, and so passed the whole day. The girl did not receive a good education .. Katerina had magical dreams in which she flew under the clouds. The act of a six-year-old girl contrasts strongly with such a quiet, happy life when Katya, offended by something, ran away from her house to the Volga in the evening, got into a boat and pushed off the shore! ...
We see that Katerina grew up a happy, romantic, but limited girl. She was very devout and passionately loving. She loved everything and everyone around her: nature, the sun, the church, her home with wanderers, the beggars whom she helped. But the most important thing about Katya is that she lived in her dreams, apart from the rest of the world. From all that exists, she chose only that which did not contradict her nature, the rest she did not want to notice and did not notice. Therefore, the girl saw angels in the sky, and for her the church was not an oppressive and oppressive force, but a place where everything is light, where you can dream. We can say that Katerina was naive and kind, brought up in a completely religious spirit. But if she met on her way what. contradicted her ideals, then she turned into a rebellious and stubborn nature and defended herself from that stranger, stranger, who boldly disturb her soul. This was the case with the boat. After marriage, Katya's life changed a lot. From a free, joyful, sublime world in which she felt her merger with nature, the girl found herself in a life full of deception, cruelty and omission.
Katerina did not marry Tikhon of her own free will: she didn’t love anyone at all and she didn’t care who to marry. The fact is that the girl was robbed of her old life, which she had created for herself. Katerina no longer feels such delight from attending church, she cannot do her usual things. Sad, disturbing thoughts do not allow her to calmly admire nature. Katya is left to endure, as long as she is, and to dream, but she can no longer live by her own thoughts, because the cruel reality brings her back to earth, where humiliation and suffering are. Katerina tries to find her happiness in her love for Tikhon, but sincere manifestations of this love are suppressed by Kabanikha: “What are you hanging around your neck, shameless woman? You don't say goodbye to your lover. " In Katerina, there is a strong sense of external obedience and duty, which is why she forces herself to love her unloved husband. Tikhon himself, due to the tyranny of his mother, cannot really love his wife, although he probably wants to. And when he, leaving for a while, leaves Katya to walk freely, the girl becomes completely lonely.
Why did Katerina fall in love with Boris? Perhaps the reason is that she lacked something clean in the stuffy atmosphere of Kabanikha's house. And love for Boris was this pure, did not allow Katerina to wither away completely, somehow supported her.
She went on a date with Boris because she felt like a person with pride and elementary rights. It was a rebellion against resignation to fate, against lawlessness. Katerina knew that she was committing a sin, but she also knew that it was still impossible to live further. She sacrificed the purity of her conscience to freedom and Boris.
And at this step, Katya already felt the approaching end and wanted to be satiated with love, knowing that there would be no other chance. On the very first date, Katerina said to Boris: "You ruined me." Sin hangs like a heavy stone on her heart. Katerina is terribly afraid of the impending thunderstorm, considering her a punishment for what she had done. Katerina was afraid of a thunderstorm ever since she began to think about Boris. For her pure soul, even the thought of love for a stranger is a sin. Katya cannot live on with her sin, and she considers repentance to be the only way to at least partially get rid of it. She confesses everything to her husband and Kabanikha. Katya is afraid of God, and her God lives in her, God is her conscience. The girl is tormented by two questions: how she will return home and look into the eyes of her husband, whom she cheated on, and how she will live with a stain on her conscience. The only way out of this situation, Katerina sees death.
Pursued by her sin, Katerina dies in order to save her soul.
Poor, innocent "bird imprisoned in a cage" could not withstand bondage - Katerina committed suicide. The girl still managed to "take off", she stepped from the high bank into the Volga, "spread her wings" and boldly went to the bottom.
By her act, Katerina resists the "dark kingdom".

The very sound of the phrase "captain's daughter" depicts the image of Masha Mironova completely different, not the same as described on the pages of the story. It seems that this should be a girl with a mischievous, impudent character, bold and flirtatious.

However, the main character of the book is a completely different girl. She is completely devoid of coquetry, she is not characterized by the enthusiasm of youth and the desire of young girls to please everyone without exception. Mary is a different image. Masha Mironova - the essay of every schoolchild quotes this passage - "chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair, combed smoothly behind her ears", a modest eighteen-year-old girl. It is unlikely that any of the young readers will consider her an attractive person, worthy of imitation.

Life and upbringing

The image of Masha Mironova is inextricably linked with the characteristics of her parents - Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Yegorovna. Their life was spent in the Belogorsk fortress, not far from Orenburg. They lived in a small village with narrow streets and low huts, where the self-commandant occupied a simple wooden house.

The parents of Maria Mironova were sincere and cordial people. The captain was known as a poorly educated person, but he was distinguished by his honesty and kindness to people. Vasilisa Yegorovna is a hospitable woman, accustomed to the military way of life. Over the years, she has learned to skillfully manage the fortress.

In a word, the girl lived in isolation, communicating mainly with her parents.

Her mother said that Masha is a girl of marriageable age, but she has absolutely no dowry, so it’s good if there is someone who will marry her. It is possible that Vasilisa Yegorovna shared her thoughts with her daughter, which could hardly add confidence to her.

The true character of the captain's daughter

The image of Masha Mironova, at first glance, will certainly seem rather boring to many. At first, Pyotr Grinev did not like her either. Despite the fact that Masha lived in solitude, one might say closed, surrounded by her parents and soldiers, the girl grew up very sensitive. Maria, despite her seeming timidity, was a brave, strong nature, capable of sincere, deep feelings. Masha Mironova refused Shvabrin's offer to become his wife, although he, by the standards of society, was an enviable groom. Maria had no feelings for him, and the captain's daughter did not agree. Having fallen in love with Peter Grinev, Masha openly speaks about her feelings in response to his explanation. However, the girl does not agree to a marriage that was not blessed by the groom's parents, therefore she is moving away from Grinev. This suggests that Masha Mironova is an example of morality. Only later, when Peter's parents fell in love with her, Mary became his wife.

Tests in the life of Maria Mironova

The share of this girl cannot be called easy. However, the image of Masha Mironova is revealed more fully under the influence of difficulties.

For example, after the execution of her parents, when Maria was sheltered by a priest, and Shvabrin put her under lock and key and tried to force her to marry him, she managed to write to Peter Grinev about her situation. Deliverance came to the girl in a completely unexpected guise. Her savior was Pugachev, the killer of her father and mother, who released them with Grinev. After his release, Peter sent the girl to live with his parents, who sincerely fell in love with Mary. Masha Mironova is an image of a real Russian, but at the same time vulnerable and sensitive. Despite the fact that she faints from a cannon shot, in matters relating to her honor, the girl shows an unprecedented firmness of character.

The best spiritual qualities of the heroine

The image of Masha Mironova is even more fully revealed after the arrest of Pyotr Grinev, when she showed the true nobility of her nature. The culprit of the misfortune that happened in the life of her beloved, Maria considers herself and constantly thinks how to rescue the groom. Behind the seeming timidity of the girl hides a heroic nature, capable of anything for the sake of a loved one. Masha goes to St. Petersburg, where she meets a noble lady in the garden of Tsarskoe Selo and decides to tell her about her misfortunes. Her interlocutor, who turned out to be the empress herself, promises to help. The determination and firmness shown by the girl saves Peter Grinev from imprisonment.

The image of Masha Mironova in the story undergoes strong dynamics. The misfortune that happened to Grinev allows her to reveal herself as a solid, mature, one might say, heroic personality.

Maria Mironova and Mashenka Troekurova

Alexander Pushkin began writing the story "The Captain's Daughter" in 1833. The idea for this book, most likely, arose when the writer was working on the story "Dubrovsky". This work of Pushkin also contains a female image. Masha Mironova, whose essay is usually written by schoolchildren, is a completely different personality than her namesake.

Maria Troekurova also lives in solitude, albeit in pampered conditions, in her parent's estate. The girl loves novels and, of course, is waiting for a "Prince Charming". Unlike Masha Mironova, she could not defend her love, she did not have enough determination for this.

It seems that the author is trying to smooth out the bloodshed that took place in Dubrovsky with a happy ending that ends with The Captain's Daughter.

The image of Masha Mironova and Tatiana Larina

The image of our heroine is to a certain extent consonant with another female character created by Alexander Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" - Tatiana Larina. The Captain's Daughter was written about five years later than Eugene Onegin. The image of Masha Mironova is revealed more fully and deeply than the characterization of Tatyana. Perhaps this is partly due to the fact that the author himself has become a little more mature. Masha is also, but even more than Tatiana, related to the folk environment.

The main theme and idea of ​​the work

The main problem that Pushkin identifies in his novel is a question of honor and duty. This can already be guessed by the epigraph, presented in the form of a popular proverb: "Take care of honor from your youth." The main characters of the story show these qualities in their own way. Petr Grinev, despite the difficult circumstances, is faithful to this oath. Shvabrin, without hesitation and without delving into the problems of the country and the people, goes over to the side of Yemelyan Pugachev. Grinev's servant, Savelich, is devoted to Peter, fulfills the order of the old master, watches over his son, looks after him. Ivan Kuzmich, the commandant, dies doing his duty.

The image of the main character of the story is also inherently associated with the concepts of duty, courage and loyalty. Maria Mironova, like the old captain, is more likely to die than to do something contrary to her conscience.

Another leading theme of "The Captain's Daughter" is the theme of family, home, personal relationships. In the story, the author represents two families - the Grinevs and the Mironovs, who passed on to their children, Peter and Mary, the best human virtues.
It is in the conditions of the family that moral qualities such as spirituality, philanthropy, mercy are formed. This theme in the story is as important as the theme of duty.

The image of Masha Mironova is briefly characterized by literally a couple of words, and in the mind, most often, the image of a modest, ruddy, chubby girl emerges. The depth of her character makes you understand how much she hides under her unpretentious appearance.

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Masha Mironova is the main character of Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter". This character generated controversy among critics and readers alike. Against the general background of the novel, the girl looks "colorless" and uninteresting. Marina Tsvetaeva, analyzing this work of Pushkin, argued that the whole trouble of Masha Mironova was that Grinev loved her, but Pushkin did not love her at all. Because of this, the image of the girl in the novel turned out to be effective and somewhat useless.

Personality characteristic

Masha Mironova was not a girl with an unusual appearance. On the contrary, her appearance was quite typical, although not devoid of pleasant, pretty qualities. At the same time, Masha had an exceptional inner world - she was an extremely kind and sweet girl.

Not much is known about the girl's appearance: the girl was chubby and ruddy. She had light blond hair and an angelic voice. Masha always dressed simply, but at the same time very cute.

Masha is a sensitive person. She is ready for a feat for love. Mironova sincerely worries about Grinev after the duel and personally cares for the wounded, however, as Grinev recovers, the girl moves away from Pyotr Andreevich, as she realizes the possible consequences of her future behavior and the possible consequences - Masha understands that her behavior is on the border of what is permissible and can easily cross on the plane of indecent.

In general, Masha is a modest and decent girl. Her love for Grinev, although it is a passionate feeling, still does not become fatal - Masha behaves decently and does not go beyond what is permissible.

Dear Readers! We bring to your attention in the novel by A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

Masha is smart and well-mannered. It is easy to find a topic for conversation with her and develop it. The girl does not know how to coquettish and flirt, like most girls of noble origin. This quality was especially attractive to Grinev.

A family

Masha was born in the family of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress Ivan Kuzmich Mironov and his wife Vasilisa Yegorovna. Parents raised their daughter, relying on traditional requirements and principles of upbringing. Masha was the only child in the family. The girl belonged to the nobility, but her family was not rich. This financial situation significantly complicated Masha's life and reduced her chances of getting married to the level of a miracle. Masha did not have any dowry, according to her mother, "a wide comb, and a broom, and an altyn of money (God forgive me!), With what to go to the bathhouse."

We bring to your attention which were written by A. Pushkin.

Mironova's father and mother were good people. Until the last days, the spouses have maintained a tender, quivering relationship. This could not but affect the girl's perception of family life - to some extent we can say that for Masha her parents became an example of an ideal family. The girl, although she was brought up in reverence for the older generation and parents, was not deprived of friendly communication with her parents, a warm, trusting relationship was established between them.

After the capture of the fortress by Pugachev, Ivan Kuzmich was hanged due to his refusal to go over to the side of the rebels. Vasilisa Yegorovna, seeing the hanging body of her husband, began to reproach the robbers for their actions, for which, on the orders of Pugachev, she was killed - the woman's body lay for some time in the middle of the yard, then, however, it was pulled aside and covered with matting.

Relationship between Masha and Shvabrin

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin was a military officer with five years of experience. He was not handsome either externally or internally. The anger and greed that overwhelmed him did not allow him to find harmony with the world around him and become a happy person. However, Shvabrin was no stranger to other manifestations of human feelings and emotions. In parallel with sarcasm, love for Masha arises in Shvabrin's soul. Unfortunately, Alexey Ivanovich did not have to wait for a reciprocal feeling. Masha was disgusted with Shvabrin. The young man did not manage to hide his real essence from Mironova.

Realizing all the impossibility of "getting" Masha in an honest way, besides being spurred on by jealousy, Alexey Ivanovich decides to take the opportunity to find his happiness with Masha. After the seizure of the fortress by Pugachev, he secretly keeps Masha in custody, in the hope that the girl's will will be broken and she will agree to the marriage: “On the floor, in a peasant torn dress, sat Marya Ivanovna, pale, thin, with disheveled hair.

Before her stood a jug of water, covered with a slice of bread. " Shvabrin tells Pugachev that Masha is his wife, and when the deception was revealed, she asks the "sovereign" for pardon for her act.

Relationship between Masha and Grinev

The relationship between Masha and Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is developing in a completely different way. Pyotr Andreevich prefers to draw conclusions about people on his own, so the lie of Shvabrin, who tried to portray Masha as a dishonest, stupid girl, was soon discovered. The subtle mental organization of Grinev and the sympathy that arose allowed the relationship between young people to go to a new level and quickly developed into true mutual love.

After the duel, young people confess their feelings to each other, Grinev proposes to Masha. However, flushed by the denunciation of Shvabrin, the father of Pyotr Andreevich, rejects the possibility of such a marriage.

Grinev was very upset by this decision of his father. Masha, after a while, resigned herself to this state of affairs, deciding that it was not destiny for him and Grinev to become husband and wife.

However, the girl's feelings towards the young officer did not fade away. After the death of his parents, Peter Andreevich becomes the closest and dearest person in Masha's life. Grinev, risking his life, saves Masha from the captivity of Shvabrin, thereby making himself a final enemy. At the trial, Shvabrin does not neglect the opportunity to complicate the life of his enemy - he slanders Grinev and as a result, Pyotr Andreyevich ends up in the dock. However, selfless Masha saves him from the court decision, who is ready to commit even the most unthinkable acts for the sake of her beloved - she goes to the Empress, in the hope of justice.

Thus, Masha Mironova can be identified with the classic version of the ideal Russian woman - modest, kind, ready for feat and self-sacrifice, but Masha Mironova does not possess any unusual, unique qualities - her spinelessness and colorlessness do not allow her to become a strong personality, such as, for example , Tatiana Larina from the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Masha Mironova - the main character of the story "The Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Pushkin... This is a shy, modest girl with an unremarkable appearance: "A girl of about eighteen, round-faced, ruddy, with light-blond hair, smoothly combed behind her ears, entered, and she was on fire." Grinev perceived the captain's daughter with prejudice, as Shvabrin described her as "a complete fool."

However, gradually between Peter Grinev and Mutual sympathy arises for the captain's daughter transformed into love. Masha is attentive to Grinev, sincerely worried about him when he decided to fight in a duel with Shvabrin ("Marya Ivanovna tenderly reprimanded me for the disturbance caused by all my quarrel with Shvabrin"). The feelings of the heroes for each other were fully revealed after a severe injury, received by Grinev in a duel... Masha did not leave the wounded man, caring for him. The heroine is not characterized by pretense, she simply speaks of her feelings (“without any pretense, she confessed to me her heartfelt inclination ...”).

For the chapters in which Masha Mironova appears, the author selected as epigraphs excerpts from Russian folk songs, proverbs: Oh, you girl, red girl! Do not go, girl, married young; You ask, girl, father, mother, Father, mother, clan-tribe; Save up, girl, mind-mind, mind-mind, dowry.

If you find me better, you will forget. If you find me worse, you will remember. The use of such epigraphs, according to their content, corresponding to a particular situation, serves as one of the means of poeticizing the image of Masha Miro-nova, and also allows A.S. Pushkin to emphasize the high spiritual qualities of his heroine, her closeness to the people.

Masha is not a wealthy bride: according to Vasilisa Yegorovna, from her daughter's dowry - "a frequent comb, and a broom, and an altyn of money (God forgive me!), With what to go to the bathhouse"; but she does not set herself the goal of ensuring her material well-being through a marriage of convenience. She rejected Shvabrin's proposal for marriage, because she does not like him: “I don’t like Alexei Iva-nych. He is very disgusting to me ... Alexey Ivanitch, of course, is a smart man, and of a good name, and has a fortune; but when I think that it will be necessary to kiss him under the crown in front of everyone ... No way! not for any prosperity! "

The commandant's daughter was brought up in severity, obedient to parents, easy to communicate. Learning that Grinev's father is against the marriage of her son with her, Masha is upset, but resigns herself to the decision of her beloved's parents: “I can see fate ... Your relatives do not want me to join their family. Be the will of the Lord in everything! God knows better than we do what we need. There is nothing to do, Pyotr Andreevich, be happy at least ... "This episode reveals the depth of her nature, Masha, feeling responsibility for her beloved, refuses to get married without her parental blessing:" Without their blessing, you will not be happy. "

Testing, which fell to the lot of the girl, cultivate stamina and courage in her. Parents considered Masha a coward because she was scared to death by a cannon shot at Vasilisa Yegorovna's birthday. But when Shvabrin, on pain of death, forces her to marry him, Masha does everything possible to save herself. Left an orphan, having lost her home, the girl managed to withstand without losing her spiritual qualities. Considering himself to be guilty of the arrest of Grinev and realizing that for the sake of saving her honor he would never utter her name at the trial, Masha decides to go to Petersburg and independently draws up a plan of action to restore justice. An important role in this was played by Masha's ability to win over people of different character and social status.

What is the meaning of the title of the story? Why "The Captain's Daughter", after all, the main character of the work is rather Pyotr Grinev? Of course, the events taking place in the story are somehow connected with the image of Masha Mironova. But I believe that A.S. Pushkin tried to show how human qualities are manifested in difficult trials, sub-hour hidden. Honesty, morality, purity - the main qualities of Masha Mironova - allowed her to conquer her bitter fate, find a home, family, happiness, save the future of a loved one, his honor.

"The Captain's Daughter" became, perhaps, the last major work of A.S. Pushkin. At this time, the classic is seriously interested in historical realities. Of particular interest to him is the history of the peasant uprising led by Yemelyan Pugachev. Alexander Sergeyevich spends months in the archives, studying all the documents that can shed light on these terrible events for Russia.

He plans to create a novel about a renegade nobleman who joined Pugachev and served him faithfully. However, this plot does not "take root" with the author. The original idea is undergoing many changes; the novel is censored. Ultimately, "The Captain's Daughter" turns into an amazing love story that unfolds during the terrible "rebellious" years.

Despite the fact that the main character of the novel is undoubtedly Pyotr Grinev, a young nobleman serving in the Belogorsk fortress, he, who occupies a huge layer of artistic time in the text of The Captain's Daughter, is actually just another step to understanding the image, without exaggeration, the central, most important figure of the novel - the image of Masha Mironova.

Yes, yes, it is this girl, weak in body, a "coward", as her mother, Vasilisa Yegorovna, will say about her, a modest dowry woman who will become that hero, that ideal of human morality, which at one time A.S. Pushkin made his own Tatyana Larina. Many of her features will be reflected in the image of Masha Mironova.

In order to correctly interpret the image of this heroine, you first need to understand the semantic content, the concept and idea of ​​"The Captain's Daughter".

It is interesting that this is the final work of "The Suns of Russian Poetry". Pushkin spent several years creating drafts, repeatedly changing the plot, capable of reflecting as best as possible the main idea he conceived. The fact is that this novel, according to the author himself, is the testament of the Genius. It is not without reason that he puts a simple but organic epigraph: "Take care of your dress again, but honor when you are young." It is this thought that will run through the whole story.

It is known that in the last years of A.S. Pushkin became especially close to religion. He was interested in Christianity and was himself a deeply religious person. In this context, the words “protect”, “keep”, “observe”, so often encountered throughout the book, are especially revealed. They echo the biblical story that concludes in the Gospel of Matthew: Christ calls the apostles to continue his work and keep His commandments. Honor is one of the most important criteria of Christian morality. And Masha Mironova becomes the true bearer of this morality.

It is not without reason that the author calls his heroine a biblical name - and not a simple one, but the name of the Mother of God herself! He emphasizes the significance of the girl, the significance of the woman as the continuer of the human race, as well as her purity, purity, and true nobility. Prudence, meanness and cunning are alien to Masha: she is the very first to notice Shvabrin's vile habits; she refuses his offer, choosing the unenviable fate of an old maid, because for her to marry an unloved person is tantamount to selling her very being; external well-being refuses for her to be absolutely insignificant in comparison with the well-being of her own soul. That is why she refuses to marry her beloved Peter Grinev until his parents give them their blessing.

... Pushkin does not endow Masha with any outwardly attractive features: she has the most ordinary appearance (“chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair, combed smoothly behind her ears, which burned like that”). The captain's daughter is in poor health; she is wild and frightened even of a "rifle shot". She has many cruel trials: her parents are killed in front of her eyes, the traitor Shvabrin forces her to marry and threatens to betray her to the rebels otherwise ... Despite all these life vicissitudes Masha Mironova retains her moral purity and high spirituality. She is the bearer of the ideals of Christian morality. The girl does not bow her head before the traitor; it is easier for her to perish, retaining her honor and dignity, than to live among the lowlands and mud.

As a true Woman, “coward” -Masha goes to the capital to personally ask for mercy from the Empress-Empress. The girl feels guilty about the arrest of her lover, Pyotr Grinev. Internal torment does not allow Masha to give up. Despite all the hardships and difficulties, she, pure, sincere and kind, reveals her story to the unknown, who will turn out to be her savior.

In this truly Christian novel, against the background of horrific historical events, Pushkin portrayed primarily the spiritual nobility of a true Russian woman. He lovingly described the features of the new "sweet ideal": gentle naivety, openness and honesty, valor, courage and modesty.