Evanescence Biography of soloist. Rock Music in Female Cup: Amy Lee, "Evanescence" (photo, video)

Evanescence Biography of soloist. Rock Music in Female Cup: Amy Lee,
Evanescence Biography of soloist. Rock Music in Female Cup: Amy Lee, "Evanescence" (photo, video)

This year to gastro activities Legends of modern rock music returned - american group Evanescence led by the permanent frontwueman Amy Lee. Last on this moment The collective album came out in 2011, and immediately after the world tour, the musicians went for a long break and everyone did solo projects. And after 6 years, the owners of the Grammy figurines and performers of the Bring Me to Life hits, "My Immortal" and many others, again in the ranks! IN updated composition Evanescence went to a large-scale tour in Europe, speaking in Moscow and St. Petersburg in June for the first time in June. In the spring of this year, Amy Lee announced that he had already started writing new Material For the long-awaited fourth album Evanescence, but the impatient fans will still have to wait: now the musicians record the experimental project for Evanescence - the "Synthesis" album, which will consist of two new songs and selected tracks from all three plates that will be overwritten with live orchestra and elements electronic music. In the autumn, Evanescence will go on tour with the orchestra. In the meantime, we suggest you to familiarize yourself with the fresh interview with the Magazine "Nylon", in which the singer, composer and the author of the songs talk about big return Evanescence, about the new album and the debut of Fallen.

What are you most proud of your career?

- I am proud of what group we became. When we just started, I just learned to write music and play with her on stage, learned how our sound would be. For all these 22 years since the foundation of Evanescence, I grew up like a musician and performer. As a group, we grew up and became a powerful and strong team. I like how we sound live when we spell. I am proud of music that we are writing now. And I am proud of the musicians who surround me now.

What of your personal qualities are you proud of most?

- the fact that I am not afraid to try to do something in a new way, violate my own rules. Inventing, changing internally and remaining inspired.

- We are currently working on a special album called "Synthesis". We carefully chose songs from each of our album and overwriting them with the full orchestra and in electronic sound, we also added two absolutely new songs, various inserts and accessions. Synthesis and organizing, pain and beauty, past and present. It will be very cool! David Campbell (author of string arrangements for all three plates Evanescence) plunged into the process with his head, creating the most beautiful versions These songs that you ever heard. He was really able to connect bits and arrangements with ours with Will Khanth (producer) ideas. It was so inspiring and joint! We will release the album and in the fall we will go with the orchestra in the tour.

It seems that the world needs rock music again. Do you feel pressure on the status quo Evanescence or feel freedom, promoting a group to new directions?

- I always want to feel the freedom, follow my heart and the stream of inspiration. When we write, you throw out all expectations and pressure from our heads. It only interferes. It does not matter that people expect or even demand, I have to do what I consider creatively right. This is what I did when no one knew about us. We wrote the music that we love. I do not see anything good in treason to these principles. I need to write music that I love and for which I exist, and everything else will come.

How has your attitude towards your debut album "Fallen" after the exit?

- Over the years, my worldview has changed somewhat. I survived a lot, learned a lot. I began to fear less, it became kinder to myself. Now I see and understand much more than before: the similarity between us, in the shower. Now I see less malice in people and more pain. This changes my attitude to some old texts. But this is still a live part of me, and even more than ever, because such a story is associated: "Fallen", fans, group and me.

What would you advise novice musicians in writing music?

- Just do our best to create your favorite music. We are not so different, someone will like it. And if not, remember that you tried not in vain - you are the one who lives with her the rest of your life.

Amy Lynn Hartzler

Singer date of birth December 13 (Sagittarius) 1981 (37) Birthplace Riverside Instagram @amylee

Creativity talented american singer Amy Lynn Lee is known worldwide. This bright performer loves chocolate candies with coconut filling and old movies. She hates Fast Food, politics and commercial pop music. For his group "Evannessence", Amy Lee creates songs and is a non-vocalist team. Their music critics refer to Gothic rock and call the harmonious combination of hard rock with sentimental texts.

Biography Amy Li.

Talented performer It was published in December 1981 in the California city of Riverside in the family of famous DJ. Music has always played important role in the life of Lee. The baby was even called in honor of the popular song of the 70s. She has adored art since childhood: studied in artistic and music school, sang in the choir, mastered the piano and guitar. Girl early began to write songs. She created the first composition for 6 years, in memory of the early sister early sister.

FROM early years future star Dreamed of theatrical layouts, she shone in the children's studio of theatrical skill. The girl liked the tragedy, she did not love stories with happy ending. Maybe therefore her musical creativity filled with gothic motifs.

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Personal life Amy Lee

Having finished in the 2000th Academy of Pulaks, the singer went to conquer Los Angeles. The Evanescence group has already gained popularity at that time, her, together with his guy Ben, Moody, a young musician created in the early 90s. Their romance quickly turned into fruitful creative Soyuz. The first compositions that were composed for Evanescence were Solitude and Give Unto Me. The group became famous, the first album Fallen was separated by a circulation of about 15 million. The work of young people was noted by two Grammy, after which in 2003 Ben left the musical team.

But the composer and vocalist managed to keep the group afloat. In 2006, the second studio plate of the team was published - The Open Door, in 2011 - an album with a name similar to the group. In 2014, I saw the light solo album Whether called aftermath, and in 2016 - as two: recover, vol. 1 and Dream Too Much.

(Amy Lynn Lee)


The famous soloist of the "Evanescence" group, Amy Lee, was born on December 13, 1981 in the city of Riverside (California). Parents gave the name of their daughter in honor of the song "AMIE". Amy's family moved quite a lot - first in Florida, then to Illinois, in the end, they stopped in Arkansas, in the city of Little Rock. In a new place, Father Amy, John Lee, settled on the local Radio DJ and everything went like it would be good, only here Amy was not like that. She loved to play in front of their tragic episodes, she did not like fairy tales with a happy ending. Parents were surprised by such behavior, as the brother Amy Lee, Robbie, and her sisters, Kerry and Laurie, behaved like ordinary children.

Although the behavior of Amy Li in childhood was strange, in school, she showed themselves to a diligent student (especially in high school). Thanks to the father of Amy Lee, except school lessons, I started to take the lessons on the piano. Also, his father began to personally began to learn Amy to play the guitar. In addition to learning musical instruments, Amy Lee began to study singing and went to school chorus.

In 2000 Amy Lee graduated from school (Pulaski Academy) and went to Los Angeles. Until the end of the Academy, Amy had already managed to pierce their eyebrows and ears, and every ear punctured three times.

In 2003 Sean Morgan (from the Seether group) Sog to conquer Sezce Amy. They twisted the novel, they even sang a few songs together. At the beginning of yours roman Amy Li bought himself a T-shirt with the inscription "Seether", Sean rated it and bought himself a T-shirt with the inscription "Evanescence". In 2005 Their romance ended, and they broke up.

Amy survived the gap rather easily, because, since childhood he played such episodes of life in front of their loved ones. Amy Lee continued to live and amaze everyone around, especially good to surprise her in terms of clothing: black and white tone, chopped and scratched jackets, corsets. As Amy Li confessed, she buys all these things in second-handers. Amy's dream is life in the 17th century, because then they wore "stunning" outfits. In addition to the clothes, Amy Lee also surprises with her face, or rather, she did with him: a beautiful red hair color she repainted into black, wearing lenses blue color Eye (its natural color is gray-green). Despite the fact that the growth of Amy is only 163cs it categorically against wearing heels, but at concerts she has to wear shoes with a heel.

Despite the love of mourning colors and everything is not very cheerful, Amy Lee, oddly enough, adores animals, and loves so much that he donated 100 thousand dollars in the shelter for homeless animals. Many such adorations explain the fact that in childhood Amy Lee had a tragedy: her favorite hamster, Graci, died in front of Amy, stuck in the air conditioner hole.

Amy Lynn Lee: She Couldn "T Burn The Paradise," Cause She "s a goddes

While Evanescence is shipped with their former Wind Up Records label (due to the fact that those not enough to unwind their album, and owed mani for copyright - ~ * EV-COM * ~ approx.), Vocalist Amy Lee is busy with a sign of the soundtrack to the independent film "War Story", which will soon go on the screens.

She told MTV News that most of the music to the film is atmospheric compositions, since she and composer Dave Eggar were aimed at creating "sound walls ... roaring violins, pipes and keys ... a lot of sinister melodies." But one new song - an electronic track called "Push The Button" will also go to the film, and this is not the only thing that Amy worked in recent months.

Any Evanescence fan is definitely aware that at the end of last year at the Charity show Wellspring House, Amy Lee first performed the song "Find A Way", and recording performances since then walks on YouTube.

This song has become the first new material that Amy fans were able to hear from the moment of release in 2011 of the group of the group album. Is it confident that interest in new songs from the fans reached his peak. Therefore, she, famous perfectionist, during our interview considered it necessary to emphasize that the song is not called "I" LL Find A Way "(" I only have a deal to me, "- Amy laughs). Amy does not bother that while the song exists only Low quality. She wants you to know that the present version of the song is much better.

"Initially, I wrote it for another film, and I really like it. This is really a cool song, she is epic, "says Amy. "The acoustic version we recorded does not demonstrate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe song entirely, but I think she is beautiful, and I was excited about the opportunity to sing her friends at the Wellspring concert, where there was a real home atmosphere. I was amazed by the Youtube user reaction.

So when, if it ever happened, we will hear the "epic" version of this song? it good questionAnd he is one of those who have no answer to Amy. At the moment, it focuses on the continuation of the work on the soundtracks with the Egharir and to give several chamber concerts, such as Wellspring, where it will divide the scene along with close friends.

What does it mean if you are waiting for news about Evanescence, here they are:
"We are now engaged in every business," says Amy. "I really inspired work on a concert for Wellspring House with Cole hollow. We prepared a whole show that made me leave my comfortable zone, six trowes, and they were all unusual for me. But in the shower it reminded me as in childhood we played with dad in the living room, fulfilling bEATLES songs, Carole King and Nile Yang. It was freed, and it was fun. "