Michelangelo all sculptures. Brilliant Michelangelo

Michelangelo all sculptures. Brilliant Michelangelo
Michelangelo all sculptures. Brilliant Michelangelo

A feature of the "creator of the Vatican" was that he participated in the creation of his sculptural masterpieces at all stages, starting with the choice of marble boulders and transporting it to the workshop. Master did not trust anyone even the simplest transport and loading work. He seemed to have seen his work in a huge body and has already treated it as a repository of the future masterpiece.

Among the early works of the sculptor reliably, its authorship was established only in several. Among them are the figure "Bahusa". The god of wine and fun is depicted by a poorly drunk. The accompanying Hero of Satir quietly giggles behind his back of a barbed deity. There is some kind of feliefness of the author, not too good knowledge of the anatomy, the conventionality of proportions. Despite the obvious formal errors, the young manual could create a harmonious image, very plastic and impressive.

The next work of the Great Master also belongs to its early masterpieces, however, it is considered the work of art that ending the period of early rebirth and opening the magnificent era of high revival. We are talking about the composition "Pieta" located in. The dead body of the son of Jesus holds on the hands of Virgo Mary. Young, fragile woman bitterly grieved. Her face exudes endless sadness and grief. Sculpture amazes the accuracy of details. Mary's clothing folds cannot but cause admiration for the fine and scrupulous operation of the author. It is known that the impression produced by the composition is so strong that people with an unstable psyche were attended several times. The last incident occurred at the beginning of the 70s, when the crazy laslo, he rushed into a statue with a hammer, imagining himself with Christ himself who rebel from the dead. Since then, the sculpture protects a special transparent dome.

The symbol of all Renaissance has become. In this work, the master melted the beauty of the human spirit and body. Harmony is striking inherent in this sculpture. The author hardly turned 26 years old when he received an order for David. The result at that time made a vivid impression not only on Florentines, but also on the master's colleagues.

The statue of the Prophet Moses, intended for one of the papal tombstones of the Vatican Cathedral, one of the most favorite works of the sculptor himself. It is known that the author was constantly returned to her and finished over 30 years. The figure of the Prophet has a secret to fully understand the author's idea, you need to see the figure from all sides. In this case, the viewer feels some voltage and energy energized from the inside of the sculpture.

Great Buonotti created several works wearing explicit signs of incompleteness. Moreover, the author left these works unfinished intentionally to strengthen the impression. Such is the sculpture of Madonna Medici, which is considered the most beautiful image of the mother of God. The work incompleness creates the feeling that you are present during the wonderful appearance of sculptures from marble blocks.

Michelangelo did not like to create sculptures with portrait resemblance to anyone. Even the tombstones ordered to him, he created, embraced by inspiration. The most famous of all its sculptural tombstones is a monument to Lorenzo Medici. Idealizing the image of the healing duke, the master creates a contemplative image of a person's wise experience, aesthet and a patron.

Michelangelo works decorate the best cathedrals ,. Art historians constantly "find" all new works of the sculptor, who never considered it necessary to sign their work (signed only one). To date, it is known about 57 sculptures Michelangelo, of which about 10 are irretrievably lost.

You probably know who Michelangelo Buonaroti. Works of the Great Master are known to the whole world. We will tell about the best that I created Michelangelo. Pictures with names will surprise you, but his strongest sculptures are that for which it is worth plunging into the study of his work.

Another Michelangelo fresco, placed in the Siccstinian chapel in the Vatican. 25 years have passed since the completion of the ceiling painting. Michelangelo returns for new work.

In the "terrible court" there is little from the most Michelangelo. Initially, his characters were naked and, making his way through endless criticism, it did not remain anything like to give up to the iconography of papal artists. They "dressed" characters and engaged in it even after the death of genius.

This statue first appeared before the public in 1504 in Signoria Square in Florence. Michelangelo only finished the marble statue. She came out at 5 meters and forever remained a symbol of rebirth.

David will fight with Goliath. This is unusual, because until Michelangelo portrayed David at the time of his celebration after the victory over the unbearable giant. And here the battle is only to be still unknown than it will end.

"The creation of Adam" is the fresco and the fourth central composition on the ceiling of the Sistine Capella. In total, they are nine and all of them are devoted to biblical plots. This fresco is a kind of illustration of the creation by the God of a man in his image and likeness.

The fresco is so amazing that the specles and attempts to prove one or another theory, to reveal the meaning of being around it. Michelangelo showed how God inspires Adam, that is, he inspires the soul. The fact that the fingers of God and Adam can not get in touch, indicates the impossibility of material fully connected with spiritual.

Michelangelo Buonarrot never signed his sculptures, but this signed this. It is believed that this happened after a pair of Zewak argued about the authorship of work. Master then was 24 years old.

The statue was damaged in 1972, when a geologist Laslo hit her. With a rock hammer in his hand, he shouted that he was Christ. After this case, "Pieta" was placed behind the bulletproof glass.

A statue of marble "Moses", 235 cm high, is located in the Roman Basilica of the Tomb of Pope Julia II. Michelangelo worked on her 2 years. Figures, located on the sides, Rachel and Lii - the works of Michelangelo's disciples.

Many have a question - why Moses with horns? This happened due to the wrong interpretation of the Vulgate "Exodus" - biblical book. The word "horns" translated from Hebrew could mean both "rays", which more correctly reflects the essence of the legend - the Israelis was hard to look in his face, because it was radiated.

"Crucifixion of St. Peter" is a fresco in Paolin Chapel (Vatican). One of the last works of the master, whom he fulfilled by the order of Pavel III by order. After the work on the fresco was completed, Michelangelo has never returned to the painting and focused on architecture.

TDUDO "Madonna Donon" is the only ended machine-made work, survived to the present moment.

This work, made even before the master engaged in the Sicastine Chapel. Michelangelo believed that painting could be considered the most worthy only in the case of perfect similarity with sculpture.

This steel work only since 2008 is considered to be the work of Michelangelo. Prior to that it was only another masterpiece from Domenico Girlandian workshop. In this workshop, Michelangelo studied, but it could hardly believe that this was the work of a great master, because at that time he was no more than 13 years old.

After a thorough study of evidence, vazari information, handwriting and style assessments, "Mucing of St. Anthony" are recognized by the work of Michelangelo. If this is true, then the work is currently considered the most expensive work of art ever created by the child. Its approximate cost is more than $ 6 million.

Sculpture Lorenzo Medici (1526 - 1534)

Statue of marble, sculpture Lorenzo Medici, Duke Urbinsky, was created for several years - from 1526 to 1534. It is located in Capellie Medici, decorating the composition of the gravestone of Medici.

Sculpture Lorenzo II Medici is not a portrait of a real historical personality. Michelangelo idealized the image of greatness, depicting Lorenzo in thoughtfulness.

Brut (1537 - 1538)

The marble bust "Brut" is the unfinished job of Michelangelo on request Donato Dzhanotti, who was a convinced Republican, considering Bruta True Tiranobor. It was relevant against the background of the restoration of the Florentine tyranny Medici.

Michelangelo forced to stop working on a bust because of new sentiment in society. Sculpture remained saved only by virtue of its artistic value.

On this we have everything about Michelangelo Buonaroti. The works of the master here are far from being completely completely, which is only worth the Sicastine Chapel, but the pictures with names will not tell you about the great sculptor as it will make his marble sculptures. However, any working Michelangelo deserves attention. Share what you like most.

Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475 in the Tuscan town of Caprese north of Arezzo, in the family of the decendental Florentine Nobleman Lodovico Buonarrot, the city adviser. Father was not rich, and income from his little ownership in the village was barely enough to contain many children. In this regard, he was forced to give Michelangelo Kormilice, the wife of "Scarpelino" from the same village called Netinyano. There, brought by a married couple, the boy learned to knead the clay and own the cutter before reading and writing. In 1488, the father of Michelangelo accepts the inclinations of his son and placed his student in the workshop. So began the flourishing of genius.

Today we present you a selection of the most interesting facts about the Italian sculptor, one of the largest masters of the Renaissance - Michelangelo Buonarot.

1) As the American edition of The New York Times writes, at least Michelangelo often complained of losses, and he often talked about him as a poor man, in 1564, when he died, his condition was equal to dozens of millions of dollars in the modern equivalent.

2) A distinctive feature of the work of Michelangelo is the naked figure of a person, made in the smallest detail and amazing with its naturalistic. However, at the beginning of his career, the sculptor did not know the peculiarities of the human body as well. And he had to learn them. He did it in the monastery morgue, where he looked at the dead people and their insides.

3) It came to us quite a few of its ulcer judgments about the works of other artists. Here, for example, as he responded to someone's picture depicting a grief about Christ: " Truly sorrow to look at her" Another Creator, who wrote a picture, where the best bull was best, received such a comment from Michelangelo addressed to his work: " Any artist writes well itself».

4) One of the greatest works is the arch of the Sicastine Chapel, over which he worked for 4 years. The work is separate frescoes representing all together the composition of huge sizes on the ceiling of the building. Michelangelo kept the whole picture in general and its separate parts in the head. There were no preliminary sketches, etc. During the work, he did not let anyone in the premises, even Pope.

"Mailing Christ", Michelangelo Buonotti. Cathedral of St. Peter, Vatican.

5) When Michelangelo finished his first "drink" and put it in St. Peter's Cathedral (at that time Michelangelo was only 24 years old), it was reached by a rumor that the human molquer attributes this job to another sculptor - Cristoforo Solari. Then Michelangelo carved on the belt of the Virgin Mary: "This was made Florentian Michelangelo Buonotti." Later, he regretted this outbreak of pride and never signed his sculptures anymore - this is the only one.

6) Michelangelo did not communicate with women under 60. That is why his female sculptures resemble men's bodies. Only on the seventh dozen he met his first love and muse. She herself was then more than forty, she was a widow and found a consolation in poetry.

7) the sculptor did not consider anyone equal to himself. Sometimes sometimes the power of it, from which they depended, but also in relation to them, showed its indomitable temper. According to the show of the contemporary, he inspired fear even dads. Lev X spoke about Michelangelo: " He is terrible. You can not have things to have».

8) Michelangelo wrote poems:

And even FEB arouse unable to
His ray is a cold ball earth.
And we are not afraid of the night of the night,
As a sacrament, before which the mind is fright.
Runs from the light of the night, like from leprosy,
And protected in total darkness.
Crunch branches il smoky smoky
Not at the Nutra to her - so afraid of the evil eye.
Fools before you fall the NIC Volny.
Envious like a wise queen
She and Svetlyakov managed not to mind.
Although prejudices are strong
From sunlight shadow will be born
And at sunset goes to night.

Michelangelo Buonarot Tomb in Santa Croce

9) Before his death, he burned a lot of sketches, realizing that there are no technical means for their incarnation.

10) The famous statue of David was made by Michelangelo from a piece of white marble left from another sculptor, who was unsuccessful to work with this piece and then threw it.


11) Winter 1494 in Florence was very strong snowfall. The ruler of the Florentine Republic of Piero Di Medici ordered Michelangelo to cut a snow statue. The artist fulfilled the order, but, unfortunately, no information about how the snowman looked, a molded Michelangelo, was not preserved.

12) going to the papal throne, Julius II conceived to build a magnificent tomb. Pontiff provided Michelangelo unlimited freedom in creativity and cash. That fond of the idea, and personally went to the place of burning marble for statues - to Kararr. Returning almost a year in Rome, having spent a lot of money for the delivery of marble, Michelangelo discovered that Julius II had already cooled to the Tomb project. And it is not going to pay for expenses! The angry sculptor threw everything on the same hour, "the workshop, a block of marble, orders - and left Rome without permission of the dad.

13) In the history of art there will be the following incident. Michelangelo presented high demands to its works and judged them strictly. To the question, what is the ideal statue, he replied: "Any statue should be so conceived so that it can be scorched from the mountain and did not break away with any piece."

Creativity and idea Michelangelo Inspire and fascinate many people.

Michelangelo Creativity Briefly

Michelangeloin his art, reflected all the ideals of the era: from the heroic pathos to the crisis state of humanistic world population. In early works, the main features and ideas of its creativity were determined - plastic power, drama images, internal tensions, monumentality and adolescence in front of human beauty.

Creativity Michelangelo Buonaroti can be divided into 2 periods - Roman and Florentine:

  • Roman period

In Rome, Michelangelo created the statue of "VAKH", giving tribute to antiquity. At that time, the Gothic scheme in the sculptural region dominated. But the artist managed to make new ideas into it - persuasiveness and brightness of vital images, humanistic deep content. Pope Julius II in 1505 instructs him the project of his own tomb. He created a lot of sketches, and she was completed in 1545. Especially for her, Boonarotti created a large number of sculptures.

Special attention deserves the statue of Moses, expressing titanic force, a mighty will and temperament. In the cycle of painting of the Roman period, the painting of the Sicstinian Capella Michelangelo 1508-1512 deserves. This grand creation includes scenes of the biblical book of being, compositions of Figures Siville and the Prophets, the images of Christ and His ancestors. Its frescoes are full of clear and plastic lines, intense expressiveness, colorful gamut, exquisite colors. He spent the last 30 years of life in Rome.

In 1536 - 1541, Boonarotti was engaged in creating a fresco "Scary Court" depicting the tragic power of images. The ideas of the vanity of human efforts, painful hopelessness in search of truth they reflected in the frescoes of Poland Capella. The latest creations of the artist are full of plasticity, internal dynamism, mass tension. By the end of the life, he was engaged in the design of the Capitol ensemble.

  • Florentine period

In Florence, Buonotti performed a grand work - the statue of David (1501-1504). It was embodied by the ideas of a heroic gust and civil valiant. He also performed the painting of the Palazzo Vecchio (1504 - 1506), in which he expressed the desire and readiness of the citizens of Florence to protect the republic. In the period 1516 - 1534, the artist is working on the project of the facade part of the Church of San Lorenzo, the architectural and sculptural ensemble of the grazing of the Medici. All the works of Michelangelo Buonaroti Florentine period are full of deep pessimism, grave meditation, aimless movement. His statues are deprived of portrait features and depict the flow fluidity.

Michelangelo Buonarroti - One of the greatest masters. He was still recognized during his lifetime and was considered the genius of world importance.

Born on March 6, 1475, he lived a long life, he died in 1564 for his 88 years he created so many excellent work that they would have enough for a good tent of talented people. In addition to the fact that Michelangelo Buonaroti was a great artist, sculptor and architect, he is also the largest thinker and famous poet of Renaissance.

Surely everyone saw the famous sculptures of David and Moses, as well as stunning frescoes of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. By the way, the statue of David, according to the great contemporaries of the master, "took away the glory of all the statues, modern and ancient, Greek and Romans." She is still considered one of the most famous and perfect works of art.

Portrait of Michelangelo Buonaroti

It is curious that this outstanding figure possessed a very non-pieces. Such a situation was and with the appearance of another genius - which we have already written about. Maybe that's why Michelangelo did not leave any autoportist, how did many artists do?

According to the description of people who knew the masters, he had rare, a little curly hair, a fluid bearded, a round face with a square forehead and shoulder cheeks. A wide nose with a hubber and fiery cheeks did not make it attractive, but rather the opposite.

But this completely did not prevent the rulers of that time and the most significant people with a reverent trepidation to unprecedented until the genius of art.

So, Michelangelo Buonaroti is offered to your attention.

The story of one fake

In ancient Rome, noble and rich citizens complained that there were too many different fakes of even more ancient masterpieces of art on sale.

In the times of the Great Italian, about which we tell, they also sinned talented craftsmen.

Once Michelangelo made a copy of one famous Greek statue. She was very good, and a friend of friend told him: "If you burn it into the ground, then in a few years it will look like the original."

For a short time, thinking young more than the genius followed this advice. And indeed, after some time, he was very successful and for the high price sold the "ancient sculpture".

As you can see, the history of fakes and all sorts of fakes is old as the world.

Florentian Michelangelo Buonaroti

It is known that Michelangelo never signed his works. However, there is a single exception. He signed the sculpture composition "Pieta". It is said that this happened as follows.

When the masterpiece was ready and put up for everyone to review, the young 25-year-old master was lost in the crowd and tried to determine what an impression was to work on the people.

And here to his horror he heard how two residents of the Italian city of Milan actively reasoned that only their countryman could create such a wonderful thing.

And at the time, real competitions for the title of the most prestigious and prolific, in terms of geniuses, and cities took place between the cultural centers of Europe.

Being a fundamental inhabitant of Florence, our hero did not squeeze the vile accusation that he was Milan and sinking at night to the cathedral, taking the necessary cutters with him and other tools. With the light of the lamp, he is precipitated on the waist of Madonna in proud inscription: "Michelangelo Buonarroti, Florentic".

After that, no one dare to "privatize" the origin of the Great Master. However, they say that he then regretted this outbreak of pride.

By the way, you may be interested in one, also the great artist of the Renaissance.

"Scary Court" Michelangelo

When the artist worked on the fresco "Scary Court", the Roman dad Paul III often visited him and watched the promotion of the case. Often he came to watch the fresco with his ceremonyaster Biagio da Cesena.

Once, Paul III asked Cesena about how he likes the created fresco.

- Your lordship, - answered the ceremonium system, - these images are more likely suitable for some restaurant, and not for your holy chapel.

Hearing this insult, Michelangelo Buonaroti on the fresco portrayed his criticism in the form of Tsar Minos, judges of the souls of the dead. He had donkey ears and a spinning neck snake.

The next time the Cesena immediately noticed that this image was written from it. Come to the rage, he persistently asked Pope Paul, so that he ordered Michelangelo to erase his image.

But the Roman dad, having fun to the powerless malice of his court said:

- My impact applies only to heavenly forces, and I, unfortunately, I have no power over the representatives of hell.

Thus, he hinted that Cesar had to find a common language with the artist and agree on everything.

On the corpses to art

At the beginning of his creative path, Michelangelo Buonaroti was very weakly understood in the peculiarities. But this topic was strongly attracted, because to become a good sculptor and the artist needed to be perfectly known anatomy.

Interestingly, to replenish the missing knowledge, the young master spent a lot of time in the morgue, which was under the monastery, where he studied the corpses of dead people. By the way, it was embroidered in his scientific research in this way.

Broken Nose Michelangelo

Ingenious abilities of the future masters manifested themselves very early. Studying at the School of Sculptors, who patronized Lorenzo de Medici, Head of the Florentine Republic, he has acquired a lot of enemies not only with unusual giving, but also a stubborn character.

It is known that one day one of the teachers named Pietro Torrigano's blow to the fist broke the nose of Michelangelo Buonarot. It is said that he did not comply with himself because of the wild envy to a talented student.

Different Facts about Michelangelo

Interesting the fact that the Great Genius under 60 did not have close relationship with women. Apparently, art fully swallowed him, and he sent all her energy only to serve the vocation.

However, at the age of 60, he met the 47-year-old widow, which was called Victoria Column, the Marquis of Pescara. But even when he wrote her a lot of sonnets performed by sweet melancholy, according to many biographers they had no closer relationships than Platonic love.

When Michelangelo Buonarrot worked on the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, he seriously undermined his health. The fact is that he without assistants, as many as 4 years, did not work on the hands of the world masterpiece.

Witnesses report that he could not take off shoes and, forgetting about sleep and food, painted thousands of square meters of the ceiling personally. With all this, he breathed harmful pairs of paints, which, moreover, constantly fell into the eyes.

Finally, it is worth only to add that Michelangelo was distinguished by a sharp and extremely strong character. His will was harder granite, and this fact recognized many contemporaries that had the case with him.

They say that the Lion X spoke about Michelangelo: "He is terrible. With it can not have things! ".

What could the great sculptor and the artist so intimidate the almighty Roman dad is unknown.

Works Michelangelo

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most famous works by Michelangelo. Many work Master did without any sketches and sketches, but just like that, holding a ready-made model in the head.

Scary court

Michelangelo fresco on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.

Ceiling of the Sicstinsky Capella

The most famous cycle of Michelangelo frescoes.


Marble statue of Michelangelo in the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.


Marble sculpture in the Bargello Museum.

Madonna Brugge.

Marble statue of Madonna with a baby Christ in the Church of Our Lady Notre Dame.

Multi Anthony

Italian picture of 12 or 13-year-old Michelangelo: the earliest work of the maestro.

Madonna Donon.

Round in the form of a picture (TDDO) 120 cm in diameter with the image of a holy family.


"Pieta" or "mourning of Christ" is the only work that Maestro signed.


The marble statue of 235 cm high, which occupies a central place in the sculptural tomb of Pope Julia II in Rome.

Crucifixion of St. Peter.

Fresco in the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican, in Chapel of Polan.

Staircase in the library of Laurentzian

One of the greatest architectural accomplishments of Michelangelo - Laurencyan staircase, which resembles the stream of lava (thought stream).

Project of the Dome of the Cathedral of St. Peter

Due to the death of Michelangelo, the construction of the dome ended up Jacomo della the port, retaining the plan of the maestro without retreats.

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