National Prado Museum (Museo Nacional Del Prado). Five most famous masterpieces of the Prado Museum in Madrid Prado Museum in Spain

National Prado Museum (Museo Nacional Del Prado). Five most famous masterpieces of the Prado Museum in Madrid Prado Museum in Spain
National Prado Museum (Museo Nacional Del Prado). Five most famous masterpieces of the Prado Museum in Madrid Prado Museum in Spain

Prado, the National Museum of Prad Pado Museum and Sculpture, in Madrid, one of the world's largest art museums. Founded in 1819 on the basis of royal collections. Contains the richest collection of Spanish painting XV-XVI centuries. (Works of El Greco, X. Riberies, F. Surbaran, D. Velasquez, B. E. Murillo, F. Goya, etc.), collections of paintings by the Italian masters of the XVI century. (Raphael, A. Del Sarto, Titian), Artists of the Netherlands School of XV-XVI centuries. (R. Van der Vagen, X Bosch), Flemish (P. Rubens) and French (N. Poussin) schools.

Prado Museum (Prado Museo Del Prado)this is the world famous museum and art gallery, located in Madrid. There is one of the most beautiful collections of European art, starting with the fourteenth ending the beginning of the nineteenth century. Prado was based as a museum of paintings and sculptures, now in it five thousand canvases, two thousand reproductions, a thousand diverse coins and medals And approximately two thousand samples of decorative and applied art. Sculpture is represented by more than seven hundreds of works and a little smaller collection of small sculptural forms. Excellent art gallery combines 8 600 Cloths, which helped the museum to get the status of the world treasury.

Prado is presented, undoubtedly, the world's best meeting of the work of Spanish artists Diego Velasqueza, Francisco Goya, as well as a Dutch artist Jeronimus Boscha - Pet of the Spanish King Philip II. The museum also cuts boasts an excellent collection of works greco, Peter Paul Rubens, Rafael, Titian, Bartolomeo Estebana Murillo. Excellent examples of Labor Melozzo da Forli, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt, Veronese, Hans Baldung, Fra Angelico, Van der Waiden and other artists with world glory can be seen in the halls of the museum.

The most famous work exhibited in the museum is "Menins" Velasquez. Velasquez not only supplied his work independently in Prado, but also diligently watched the museum's collection was constantly replenished with the best samples of Italian masters. He was responsible for the import of foreign work in Spain.

Famous work Pablo Picasso "Gernik" Exhibited in Prado after his return related to the restoration of democracy, but later was transported to the Queen Sofia Museum, since this place was more suitable for the presentation of this stunning canvase.

Represents one of the buildings built during the Board Karl III.As part of the Grand Construction Scheme designed by Madrid standards. This "valley" (this is exactly what is translated from the Spanish word "Prado") received a common name, Salon Del Prado, and later Paseo del Prado, and the name of the museum it became only during nationalization times. Work on the building has suspended with the end of the Board of Charles III at the time of the peninsula and was resumed only during his grandson, Ferdinand VII. This building served as a cavalry headquarters and a warehouse of ammunition, when Napoleon's troops sat down in Madrid during the war of independence. After overthrow Isabella II. In 1868, the museum was nationalized and called Museo Del Prado. Later it turned out that the building, in order to represent the royal collection of art objects - very little. The first expansion occurred in 1918.

Over time, two more buildings behind the museum have joined nearby. Cason Del Buen Retiro Since 1971, it is setting a collection of nineteenth century masterpieces. Palacio de Villachermosa. Today is a refuge for the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, i.e. Collections of those things that did not belong to the Royal Assembly and became part of Prado in 1985.

During the Civil War in Spain on the recommendation of the League of Nations, the museum transported three hundred fifty-three pictures, one hundred and sixty-eight sketches and the treasures of Doughne in Valencia, later - in Girona and, finally, to Geneva. Art objects were to return home by night trains through France at the beginning of World War II.

Diego Velasquez. Menins (fragment). 1656 Prado Museum, Madrid

My acquaintance with the prado museum I started with a book gift edition. In those older times, the wired Internet was only a dream and see the works of artists were more real than in printed form.

Then I learned that Prado Museum is considered one of the most outstanding museums of the world and is among the twenty of the most visited.

There was a burning desire to visit him, although at that time a trip to Spain seemed something unattainable (I moved exclusively on trains, even if two days were required to travel from one city to another! The aircraft was too luxurious means of movement).

However, 4 years after the acquisition of a book about the museum, I saw His sortiem.

Yes, I was not disappointed. Especially struck by the collections of Velasquez, Rubens, and. In general, there is a museum in this museum, from what to be impressed with a fan of painting.

1.Francisco Goya. Bordeaux thrush. 1825-1827

Francisco Goya. Bordeaux thrush. 1825-1827 Prado Museum, Madrid.

Goyya wrote a picture of the "Bordeaux thrush" in the last years of his life, when he already lived in France. Picture is sad, minor and at the same time harmonious, concise. For me, this picture is the same that listening to a pleasant and light, but sad melody.

The picture is written in the style of impressionism, although it will take another half a century. Creativity Goya seriously affected the formation of artistic style y and.

2. Diego Velasquez. Menins. 1656

Diego Velasquez. Menins. 1656 Prado Museum, Madrid

"Menins" Velasquez is one of the few registered family portraits, when creating the artist, no one limited. Therefore, it is so unusual and interesting. So it could be guessed unless: after 150 years he painted, also allowing himself a liberty, albeit another sense.

And what's actually interesting in the plot of the picture? The alleged main characters are behind the scenes (royal couple) and displayed in the mirror. We see what they see: drawing them to Velasquez, his workshop and her daughter with the girls servants, whom they called Menins.

Interesting detail: There is no chandel in the room (only hooks for the suspension). It turns out that the artist worked only in daylight. And in the evening it was busy courtious things that were strongly distracted by painting.

3. Claude Lorren. The sail of Saint Paula from the oct. 1639-1640. Hall 2.

Claude Lorren. The sail of Saint Paula from the oct. 1639-1640. Prado Museum, Madrid.

First met Laurent in ... a removable apartment. There was a reproduction of this landscape player. Even she passed, as far as the artist knew how to portray light. Lorren, by the way, the first artist who thoroughly studied the light and its refraction.

Therefore, it is not surprising that, despite the emergency unpopularity of landscape painting in the Baroque era, Lauren nevertheless was a famous and recognized master while life.

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4. Peter Paul Rubens. Court of Paris. 1638 Hall 29.

Peter Paul Rubens. Court of Paris. 1638 Prado Museum, Madrid.

One of the most significant collections of the works of Rubens (78 works!) Is stored in the Prado Museum. His pastoral works are very pleasant to the eye and are designed primarily for the pleasure of contemplation.

From an aesthetic point of view, among the works of Rubens, it is difficult to allocate some one. However, I especially like the picture "Court of Paris" rather because of the myth itself, the plot of which depicted the artist - the choice of the "most beautiful woman" led to a long-term Trojan war.

5. El Greco. Fable. 1580. Hall 8b.

El Greco. Fable. 1580. Prado Museum, Madrid.

Despite the fact that El Greek has much more famous canvas, I most impresses this picture. It is not entirely typical for the artist, who often wrote on biblical topics with characteristic elongated bodies and persons of the characters depicted (painter, by the way, looks like the heroes of his paintings - the same thin with a long face).

Judging by the name, it is a painting-allegory. The site of the Prado Museum put forward a hypothesis that the corner flared from a small blowing means easily flashing sexual attraction.

6. Jerome Bosch. Garden of earthly pleasure. 1500-1505 Hall 56a.

Jerome Bosch. Garden of earthly pleasure. 1505-1510 Prado Museum, Madrid.

If you like Bosch, at the Prado Museum you will find the largest collection of its works (12 works).

Of course, the most famous of them - . Before this picture you can simultaneously have a very long, considering a large number of parts on three parts of triptych.

Bosch, like many of his contemporaries in the Middle Ages, was a very pious person. It is even more surprising that the religious painter does not expect such an imagination game!

7. Robert Campen. Holy Varvara. 1438 Hall 58.

Robert Campen. Holy Varvara. 1438 Prado Museum, Madrid.

Of course, I was shocked by this (this is the right sash of triptych; Left sash is also stored in Prado; the central part of the wound). It was difficult for me to believe that in the 15th century, a literally photographic image was created. This is how much skill, time and patience!

Now I, of course, fully agree with the version of the English artist David Hokney that such paintings were painted with concave mirrors. They were projected to canvas displayed objects and simply buried the master - hence such realistic and detailed.

After all, no wonder Campen is so similar to the works of another more famous Flemish artist Jan Wang Eyck, who also owned this technique.

However, this picture does not lose its value. After all, we are essentially a photographic image of life of the 15th century people!

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The beginning of the royal collection was put in the Queen of Isabella back in the XVI century, then until the XIX century, her successors complemented the assembly. In Prado, about 1,500 works of art can be exposed at the same time, mainly painting. Try to inspect the collections of the works of Goya and Velasquez. In recent years, the museum was a restoration, including an underground transition to the main building, was rebuilt with Kason Del Buen Retiro with a collection of the Spanish Art of the XIX century. Nearby museums are located nearby - the Queen Sofia Museum, the Museum of Tissan-Borneysis and the Archaeological Museum, where the collection of Egyptian, Mesopotamsky, Greek and Roman art, previously exhibited in Prado.

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The most famous Spain Museum attracts many tourists in Madrid. This huge meeting is more convenient to inspect in small parts, for example, the work of certain artists or a specific historical period; Therefore, we recommend to visit its minimum twice. If you have only one day, then find at least three hours of time. At the end of the week, the museum is usually crowded.

Spanish painting

The Spanish art of the early Middle Ages is presented in Prado mainly sketches, but there are also several full-color samples, such as the frescoes of an anonymous author from the monastery of Santa Cruz de Maderuelo, for whom the romance severity of the lines and the recreation of original characters is characterized.

Spanish Gothic is represented in Prado works by Bartoloma Bermecho and Fernando Galla. The realism of their paintings is explained by borrowings from the Flemish painters of that time.

Signs of the upcoming Renaissance appear in the works of such artists as Pedro de Berrourt, whose picture "Autodafa" causes a strong emotional reaction. In the painting "Holy Katerina" Fernando Yaneses de la Almedina, Leonardo da Vinci style is visible, on which Yaneses may have worked during study in Italy. Spanish style, the main features of which are severity, gloomy and deep emotionality, began to develop during the period of mannerism of the XVI century. An example can serve as a picture "Removing from the Cross" Pedro Machuki and Madonna Luis de Morales, the nicknamed divine. Detail the elongated human figures on the Morales canvas were borrowed by El Greco (Domenico Teotokopuli). Despite the fact that many of the masterpieces El Greco are in Toledo, the solid meeting of his works is kept in Prado, including the "Portrait of the Aristocrat".

The "golden age" was the time of the unprecedented heyday of Spanish art. Jose De Ribera, who lived in Spanish Naples was a follower of Caravaggio, using the realistic character of writing and lighting technique. Another master who used the same method was Francisco Ribalt, whose picture "Christ and St. Bernard" is also in Prado. The Museum also has a number of works of Surbaran - still lifes, images of saints and monks.

This period is perfectly represented by the canvas of Diego de Velasquez, who became a court painter, when he was not yet thirty years old, and remained in this position before his death. He wrote the front portraits of members of the royal surname, paintings on religious and mythological plots. Many of his paintings are in Prado. Perhaps the most significant of his work is "Menin" ("Freillins").

Another great Spanish painter, Goya, who worked in the XVIII century, at the beginning of his career painted sketches for tapestries, and later became a court artist. The most interesting paintings of Goya stored in Prado include "shooting rebels on the night of May 3, 1808," a condemning war and violence, and a well-known series "Gloomy paintings".

Flemish and Dutch painting

Many magnificent canvases of Flemish and Dutch painters are in Prado. Examples can serve as paintings "St. Barbara "Brush Robert Campen, permeated by the feeling of intimacy, and" Removing from the Cross "Rogira Van der Waiden, beyond any doubt being a masterpiece. The most famous are impressive, mystical cloth Jerome Bosch, among the "Temptation of St. Anthony stored in Prado" and Triptych "WHO SENA". Among the most interesting works of the XVI century. "Death Triumph" of the Senior Bruegel. The museum belongs to almost a hundred canvas of the Flemish painter XVII century. Peter Paul Rubens, including the painting "worship of the Magi". One of the most famous paintings exhibited in Prada is Artemisia Rembrandt, written from the artist's wife. From other Flemish and Dutch artists, whose works in Prado, you need to mention Antonis Mora, Antonis Van Dequee and Jacob Yordans, who are considered one of the best portrait artists of the XVII century.

Italian painting

Predo Museum is superior to many museums and can rightly be proud of an extensive collection of Italian painting. The magnificent decorative wooden profiles of Botticelli, united by the name "History of Nastajio Deli Deli", the story about the knight, forever convicted to pursue and kill his beloved, the painter was ordered by two rich Florentine families.

Here it is fashionable to see the Raphael's canvases "Christ on the way to Calvary" and "Holy Family with a lamb" and the early picture of Tintoretto "Christ-washing feet to students." Spanish painters were under the strong influence of Caravaggio and used his characteristic handling of the light and shadow, as in the picture "David from the head of Goliath". In Prado, the works of Venezian painters Veronese and Titian are also widely represented. Titian was a courtieted painter artist at the court of Carlos V, his canvas express the most dramatic moments of the Habsburg era, an example of this can serve as a gloomy and solemn picture "Emperor Karl V in Mülberg". The Museum also demonstrates the works of Jordano and Thipolo, a recognized master of Italian Rococo, who wrote a painting "Immaculate conception", which is included in the series intended for the Church in Aranhuese.

French Painting

The Prado Museum has eight paintings attributed to Poussin, among whom his serene "Holy Cecilia" and "Landscape with Holy Jerome".

The best of the works of Lorrain's works presented in Prado is the "Church of Saint Paula in the Assistance". Among the artists of the XVIII century, whose creativity here is presented, are Antoine Watto and Jean Rank. An interesting portrait of the "Philip V" Brush of the Royal Artist-Portraitist Louis Michel Wang Loo.

German painting

The Prado Museum is kept several canvases of Albrecht Dürer, including the picture "Adam and Eve", which has become a classic. His expressive "self-portrait" of 1498, written by him at the age of 26, is a small pearl, but a very valuable meeting of German painting in Prado. Also here you can see several paintings of Lucas Cranach and the artist's browns of the end of the XVIII century. Anton Rafael Mengs, among them the portrait of Carlos III.

The Museum of Fine Art Prado is considered one of the largest and most significant not only in Spain, but also throughout Europe. Annually, Prado is visited by about 2 million tourists. Its collection is kept in the world in the world the number of works of Spanish painting and sculptures collected over the course of several centuries.

The museum was officially opened on November 19, 1819, and although the founder is Isabella Briang, the wife of King Ferdinand VII, the history of the collection began much earlier. The first monarch that wished to preserve artistic values \u200b\u200band transfer to the inheritance was Karl V (1500-1558). In those days, the collection was only available to know, and only a small part on religious themes - for the general public. Already later, in 1785, a place for a public museum was launched in a large prado Pado, named by the Museum.

Today the collection has more than 8,000 paintings, but only about 2,000 works are exposed due to lack of space. In addition to paintings, the collection includes more than 400 sculptures and numerous jewels.

Initially, the museum was conceived as an exhibition of works by Spanish artists, but gradually the exposition expanded. Now Prado has a meeting of Italian, Flemish, German, Dutch, and French masters. The Spanish school in Prado is represented by the most complete congregions of Bosch, Velasquez, Goya, Murillo, Surbaran and El Greco. For example, only the Goya collection number about 30 canvases located in chronological order and covering all periods of his work. You can also see the development of Spanish painting, starting from the XII century: medieval frescoes, gothic, the art of renaissance and realistic pictures of the XIX century.

Among German artists should not be the work of Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Kranech. The Italian school is represented by such famous masters as Sandro Botticelli, Rafael, Titian and many others. And one of the main masterpieces of the Flemish school is the picture of Bosch "WHO SENA".

In addition, exhibitions from various collections from all over the world are periodically held at the museum. Prado paintings are also exhibited at exhibitions in other countries.

Prado Museum is open to visit from Tuesday to Sunday from 9 to 20 hours, including holidays. The ticket price is 8 euros, however, there is a discount system, as well as hours and free entry days. It is possible to purchase a group subscription or order an excursion. Also, the guests of the Prado and the store of souvenirs and books are also available. Tickets can be purchased directly at the museum box office or pre-order via the Internet on the official website.

  • Official site of the museum:
  • Including information in Russian:
  • Address Museum Prado: Ruiz De Alarcon Street, 23, Madrid.
  • Travel: Metro Banco de España, Atocha, Buses No. 9, 10, 14, 19, 27, 34, 37, 45.

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Prado Museum in Madrid is included in the "Golden Triangle" together with the Museums of Tissen-Bornemis and Queen Sofia. This is one of the best museums in the world. It is written a lot about him, but it's better to see everything with your own eyes.

Translated from the Spanish "Prado" means "meadow". In Madrid so called the park, known since the XVI century. It was here in 1774 that Korol Karl III ordered to lay a botanical garden, and then a building intended for the Academy of Sciences was built nearby.

Building a building in the style of neoclassicism was under the leadership of Spanish architect Juan de Villonauva (1739 - 1811). The project was approved by the king, the construction continued for about 20 years. But in 1808, Spain occupied the French, who plundered the building. In 1814, after the defeat of Napoleon, the King of Ferdinand VII returned to the Spanish throne , And in 1816, the structure began to restore and transferred part of the paintings from the King collection.

In 1919, the museum was opened to the public. True, it was stipulated that in rainy weather, when a lot of dirt, visitors to the museum will not be allowed.

Prado Museum:

The initial collection of the Prado Museum (Museo del Prado) consisted of 311 paintings, they belonged to the brushes of only Spanish authors, including there were 44 canvas of the work of Velasquez. Gradually, the royal collection, which consisted of about 5,000 paintings, moved to Prado. From 1821, the works of Italian painters appeared here, and in 1843 - Flemish.

During the revolution of 1868, the rank of Isabella II ranked from the country. And although after a couple of years, the monarchy in the country recovered, the status of the Prado Museum has changed forever: he became the property of the People of Spain.

The collection of the museum over the past years has been replenished with works by European artists, but the basis is still the meeting that the Kings of Spain XVI and XVII centuries, reflecting their tastes. Therefore, the works of Favorites Favorites IV and his grandfather, Philip II, are widely represented in Prado. Favorites were Velasquez and Goya. Spanish monarchs have a good taste!

Flemish Painting School is the most famous in Europe. And in the Prado Museum, it is presented very widely, at about the level of the Italian collection. The fact is that in the history there was a period when Flanders (current countries Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium) belonged to Spain and artists worked, creating their masterpieces in Spain.

In the halls of the museum, photo alex-segre

Opening hours of the Prado Museum

How to get to the Prado Museum

Ride the metro station to Atocha (Lines 1) or Banco de España (Lines 2).

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