What is a "Hamburg Account"? What does the expression "on the Hamburg Account" mean.

What is a "Hamburg Account"? What does the expression "on the Hamburg Account" mean.

"Hamburg Account" is the name of the collection of literary-critical articles Victor Shklovsky published in 1928. In a brief program article, which opens a collection, the author himself explains the meaning of the name of the book: " Hamburg Account - Extremely important concept. All fighters, when fighting, cheese and fall on the blades for the ordinarian order. Once a year, wrestlers gather in the Hamburg restaurant. They struggle with closed doors and wrapped windows. Long, ugly and hard. Here are the true classes of fighters - so as not to escape". According to A. P. Chudakov, commentator modern publication books real basis This plot was for Shklovsky oral story Circus wrestler Ivan Padubnoe. However, it is much more likely that the authorship of the expression "Hamburg account" belongs to the Shklovsky himself. Immediately become a winged phrase, especially fashionable in the literary environment, expression " hamburg account " serves as equivalent to an impartial assessment of anything without discounts and concessions, with maximum demands. It is possible that no less popular phraseology " by and large", having the same value, there is nothing more than a transformation of the thoughts of Shklovsky. For the first time in the literature, the phrase" by and large "is found in the novel" Equipment of desires "(1935), created by the Veniamin Kaverin - a writer close to the Shklovsky circle. A Today, more and more often in our speech sounds expression " on a Hamburg account"- Contamination of two phraseologism invented by writers.

Critic Irina Rodnanskaya in the article "Hamburg Hedgehog in the Fog" ( New World.- 2001.- № 3) devoted to the problems of literary strategies today's day, notes: "Shklovsky could be pleased - almost like Dostoevsky, who was proud of the enrichment of the Russian language, the verb" knocking ". The expression" Hamburg account "separated from the parables told by him in the 20s and went to walk through the light in a certain and common and conventional meaning. Not So long ago, even the colorful Duma deputy publicly threatened to judge someone "on the Bolshoi Hamburg Account." Over the deputy, they dare together. And in vain. To folk understanding it is useful to listen to. Our character is innocently contaminated by the "Hamburg Account" and "Big Account" It lies somewhere near. Yes, so long ago it is not one.

"Hamburg account"(It became customary to understand) is a big aesthetic account in literature, art. Identification of the first-second-last places on the scale of genuine, present." Big "- because with the" small "accounts leading to official, groups, parties in the interests of their situational situational Needs. "Big" - because it appeals to "big time", in whose epochal contours the fog will be filled, burst bubble And everything will be in place. The connoisseur attracting the "Hamburg Account" acts as a guideline, Oracle, listening to a big time noise, which coarse signals from there with its aesthetic instrument. "

What would this mean?

By Hamburg account, Hamburg account is to evaluate something on the basis of fundamental considerations, consider the results of the case on the criteria of its importance and utility, when discussing something not to pay attention to the little things and details, a professional approach without tricks and ambiguities, the real state of affairs, a genuine system values

"The expression" Hamburg Account "appeared with me.
Union of writers in an old part of its composition, as one of the writer organizations, was in the house of Herzen Tver Boulevard.. It was summer. A large awning left to the first floor directly to the garden: there was a restaurant, and the entire first floor was also a restaurant. The restaurant's cook was a person whose name I forgot; I know that in the oldest profession, he was a circus fighter. It came to him large, already elderly people, they sat down hard on the chairs and, as I remember, sometimes they were obscured. The chef for his friends was prepared by Vinaigrette; Portions were fed in large, specially purchased washbasins. After such a snack, people ate lunch. Once a man came, less than others, refined, but everyone is larger. A retinue was immediately formed around him, located in ranks: it was Ivan Poddubny. He came with the struggle: fought in the circus chapito. It was then up to 70 years. He was asked to compete. He told about it calmly:
"Fight at seventy years," said the poddubny, "you can not, but show how you fight, you can." Yes, and everyone knew everything in my rank could not be put. There is a bad person at seventy years suddenly take and put on the blade.
(I spend all this in 40 years, so you do not treat quotes as you cite documents located on the table. I continue to tell.)
- I show I will roll and suddenly feel that my young partner wants me to press me, instead of letting me show a classic bridge.
Then I tell exactly: "It's impossible to fight at seventy years, but two minutes or one minute I can be stronger than another wrestler as you like. But I never pushed. If we were pushed, there would be no living. Here I pushed him; He was taken on the board. Here the chef said calmly:
- Let me remember the Hamburg account! "
I asked what a Hamburg account was, and they explained to me that this is a bill without conventions, without a naigry. His in the old days was installed in Hamburg in closed competitions - without public.
I publish a book, wrote about the Hamburg account. I was advised to make this name on the cover. It was in 1924 "

(Memories of V. Shklovsky in the resets of the writer V. Closech)

    "Hamburg Account" - a collection of articles, memories, essay, published by Shklovsky in 1928

The modernism of the shape of the pillow is purely external, very user-friendly for copy, he himself is not a thick writer, not saturated.
The elementality of the main reception makes the pill easily copied than, probably explains its infectiousness for young writers "
About the novel by K. Fedin "Cities and Years". "There is an interesting newspaper material in the novel, but it is ineptly connected, and all the heroes of the troupe walk from Germany to Mordve. Roman is citen, descriptions consist of enumerations, the characters are not needed, there is no plot, and the plot difficulty is replaced therefore temporary permutation. "
About Babel. "A foreigner from Paris, one of Paris without London, Babel saw Russia as he could see her a French writer, seconded to Napoleon's army. The meaning of the reception of Babel is that he speaks one voice about the stars and trippers. "
About V. Kataev. "Rasters" is a fish on the mirror. In this brilliant surface, you can not dive
About the "wax person" Tynyanova - that even the Petrovskaya era "does not consist of some amazingness" and not there is "only Kunstkamera in alcohol"

Synonyms for the phraseology "Hamburg Account"

  • without fools
  • recovery
  • seriously
  • without going into details
  • strictly
  • demanding
  • by and large

Application of expression in the literature

« The very presence of such a company where frank conversations about literature and politics, talking on the Hamburg account, the conversations that we called "Frank Marxism," could end up at that time"(David Samoilov" Total Diary ")
« In our fatherland, in those years, the criticism turned into journalism - to break down or promote, - marked by text analysis, in a Hamburg account"(Andrei Voznesensky" On the Virtual Wind ")
« Play "It's too early, but who, how to read Gogol text - this is an application for the competition" in the Hamburg Account"(Sergey Yursky" Flash ")
« So, not according to the official position, the titles and awards, and on the Hamburg account Nikolai Nikolayevich Umarovtsev was a great polar explorer and traveler "(Vladimir Sanin "Don't tell you by the Arctic - goodbye")
« Yes, if it is fairly honest, in a Hamburg account, why does he need this hundred that a poor student to gain?"(Yu. V. Trifonov" Time and Place ")

The legend who behaved with the writer did not find confirmations. Hamburg historians and modern owners of restaurants are not known about the competitions of fighters, allegedly held in ancient in the Hamburg restaurant. K. V. Osushenko believes that the "Hamburg Account" is the proper expression of Shklovsky. Doubt adds the fact that I. M. Poddubnoye, whose age was essential for the plot of his story, in 1924 turned out only 53 years, and he fought it indeed to 70.

Identify Viktor Shklovsky Seek "At the carpet" for Mikhail Bulgakov, the latter was perceived as an offensive, hinting on a clown, who had a public in the circus. This has complicated the relationship between the two writers. Hashed on a clown, however, not everyone saw. So in a letter to literary scholar Stanislav, Seedadina Victor, expressed a different understanding of the ranking of writers from Shklovsky:

Once again I came across the reproach V. B. Shklovsky to Bulgakov: "At the carpet" (that is, it is removed from the game!). This is a major psychosis, for the expression denotes a high compliment and prediction of the "Hamburg struggle" and victory in it. It is written by this "At the carpet" in 1924. In the book printed in 1928. Understand the expression, it seems to me:
1. Bulgakov has already arrived in Hamburg. And Serafimovich or Versereev can not even approach there.
2. Bulgakov is already at the carpet, for admitted to competitions supreme pilotage (This is in 1924!).
3. Khlebnikov from the carpet had already desired, because he had already won.

4. Babel has already participated in the fight, but, according to V. B. Sh., Lights. Gorky is often not in the form, that is, it can simply encourage it - old already.

Later, Shklovsky recognized his prologue wrong.


Thanks to the same book of Viktor Shklovsky, the expression "Hamburg account", which was distributed in Russian, became a winged and popular not only in the writing environment, but also much wider. In particular, it is used by psychologists to identify the real, and not the official place of the individual in the status hierarchy.

... First of all, the "Hamburg account" is relevant with the work of a social psychologist-practice with small groups, identifying their current state and the trajectory of development, identifying the causes of low functionality of both explicit and potential conflicts ...

This is also talking about Harry Walter, Doctor philological Sciences, Professor University named after Ernst Moritz Arndt in Greifswalde.

Outside the Russian language, this expression causes difficulties with the translation due to the lack of concept in other languages \u200b\u200band the many-richests of the Russian word " score" Douglas Robinson (eng.)russian Offers three options: English. THE HAMBURG SCORE, THE HAMBURG RANKINGS, THE HAMBURG ACCOUNT To name the work of Shklovsky, noting that the English. Score, Rankings better describe allusion to the competitions of fighters, but Richard Sheldon (English Richard Sheldon) used English. Account.

There is a suggestion that according to the Association with the Hamburg Account, Viktor Shklovsky has become the expression "by and large", which appeared later in the novel of the Veniamine Cavery "Execution of Desires".


  1. Hamburg account (Neopr.) (National psychological encyclopedia). Vocabulary.ru. Checked on September 12, 2017.
  2. Shklovsky V. Hamburg account and by and large // Vopr. Culture speech / Acad. Sciences of the USSR. In-t Rus. Yaz. GL ed. S. I. Ozhegov. - M.: Science, 1965. - Vol. 6. - P. 129-131. - 241 p. - 8500 copies.
  3. Shklovsky V. Hamburg account. - L.: Publishing House of Writers in Leningrad, 1928. - P. 5. - 247 p. - 4000 copies.
  4. Mild B. S. Bulgakovskaya Moscow. - M.: Mosk. Worker, 1993. - P. 120-126. - 222 p. - ISBN 5-239-01439-6.
  5. House Griboyedova // Bulgakovskaya Encyclopedia / B. V. Sokolov. - M.: Lockid: Myth, 1996. - P. 191-198. - 592 p. - ISBN 5-320-00143-6. - ISBN 5-87214-028-3.
  6. On the Hamburg account // encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions / [Avt.-Cost. Vadim Serov]. - M.: Lockid press, 2004. - 877, p. - 2000 copies. - ISBN 5-320-00323-4.
  7. Dushenko k. Dictionary of Modern Quote: 4300 walking quotes and expressions of the XX century, their sources, auth., Dating. - M.: Agraf, 1997. - P. 406. - 628, p. - ISBN 5-7784-0031-4.
  8. Poddubny Ivan Maksimovich / V. I. Linder // Peru - semi-trailer. - M.: Big russian encyclopedia, 2014. - P. 541-542. - (Large Russian Encyclopedia: [at 35 tons] / ch. Ed. Yu. S. Osipov ; 2004-2017, vol. 26). - ISBN 978-5-85270-363-7.
  9. Belozerskaya-Bulgakov L. E. Oh, honey memories. - Ann-Arbor, Michigan: Ardis, 1979. - P. 45. - 134 p. - ISBN 0-88233-318-6.
  10. B. V. in. Echo: (around and near the letters of readers). - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - St. Petersburg. : Blitz, 2001. - P. 324-325. - 453, p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-86789-142-9.
  11. Putin Hat Da Noch Eine Hamburger Rechnung Offen (it.). DIE WELT (10.24.2014). Checked September 15, 2017.
  12. Walter Harry. About two "German" eptonams in Russian (Hamburg account; who is late, the story is punishable) (Neopr.) . Problems of history, philology, culture (2011). Checked on September 12, 2017.
The Hamburg account is the name of Viktor Shklovsky's literary and critical articles in 1928. In a brief program article, which opens a collection, the author himself explains the meaning of the name of the book: the Hamburg account is an extremely important concept. All fighters, when fighting, cheese and fall on the blades for the ordinarian order. Once a year, wrestlers gather in the Hamburg restaurant. They struggle with closed doors and wrapped windows. Long, ugly and hard. Here are the true classes of fighters - so as not to escape. According to A. P. Chudakov, the commentator of the modern edition of the book, the real basis of this plot was for the Shklovsky oral story of the circus fighter Ivan Poddubnoe. However, it is much more likely that the authorship of the expression Hamburg account belongs to the Shklovsky himself. Immediately become a winged phrase, especially fashionable in a literary environment, the expression of the Hamburg account serves as an equivalent of an impartial assessment of anything without discounts and concessions, with marginal demands. It is possible that no less popular phraseology is - by a large account, having the same value, there is nothing more than the transformation of the thoughts of Shklovsky. For the first time in the literature of the phrase, the fulfillment of desires (1935) created by the Veniamin Kaverin - a writer, close to the Schlovsky circle, is found in the novel.

What do you think the value of the phraseology is a Hamburg account? This can not be guessed, even understanding every word separately. Try to "translate the phrase into Russian", relying on intuition, also does not work. "On the Hamburg Account" is about the same as "by and large." But this pair of phraseological units can not be called equivalent.

In order to freely use the "Hamburg Account" in speech and not mistaken with the place, while using this lexical unit, it is worth knowing the history of the origin of the phrase.

Who came up with phraseologism?

The origin of the phraseologist is associated with the name of the literary critic Viktor Shklovsky. His Peru belongs to the book, in the title of which the winged phrase was first and sounded. On the first pages of the edition, the critic tells the intriguing parable about wrestler athletes. The legend says that at the beginning of the 20th century, battles arranged for the public were staged. In advance, some of the participants will win and what techniques should be used to use every fighter in order to fight the most entertaining.

However, once a year in Hamburg, all the most famous athletes came to the real competitions behind closed doors. The meeting was a tavern where no one's alien was missing. The curtain windows were not allowed to see what was happening inside. The battles that took place in the tavern showed this state of affairs and identified the strongest.

How much truthful this story is unknown. Therefore, it is assumed that Shklovsky illustrated his understanding of the state of affairs not through a historically reliable fact, but using a beautiful legend.

Meaning in literature

Shklovsky uses the phrase to describe what is happening in the literature. He writes that many authors are published and get titles "by Blatu", and not because they have talent. The critic suggests to cut off similar passing. The use of impartial estimates without concessions is the "Hamburg Account" in the literature. In his book, Shklovsky argues about what place in the art arena is occupied by his contemporaries.

The meaning of the concept in the economy

The economic sphere allows you to use phraseologism somewhat in a different value. Here, the phrase matters honest open relationship. Contracts signed by "Hamburg Account" are documents proclaiming equal conditions. At the same time, the parties are equal only on paper, but this is the real state of affairs.

Using a winged phrase in art and science

The concept is quite extensive. For example, a magnificent scientist may not have a title and not write a single meaningful work, do not participate in official solemn events. But if the followers, worrying his ideas, achieve significant results - "in the Hamburg Account", the scientist lived life is not in vain and must be among the recognized science figures.

The expression applies not only for people. If the book has become very popular, it was divided by millions of publications, the film was shot on it ... but in reality work of fiction does not bear semantic loadNo way can affect the minds or history - then his "Hamburg account" is zero. It is also possible to assess the work visual arts, musical masterpiece, architecture.

Context of use: where appropriate, and where - no

The phraseology "in the Hamburg Account" is approximately equal to the meaning of the phrases "in reality", "in reality." But there is one nuance - to use this phrase appropriate only in a conversation about something global and significant. So, let's say in a conversation about the weather or about domestic problems it is better to use the above synonyms. The offer "on the Hamburg Account, the weather this year is excellent" sounds ridiculous. But if we are talking about the fate of man ("on the Hamburg account, he is good specialist") - This phraseology is quite appropriate.