Is it possible for the devil to give his soul to God. people who sold their souls

Is it possible for the devil to give his soul to God.  people who sold their souls
Is it possible for the devil to give his soul to God. people who sold their souls

Why a comfortable life is dangerous and why our children get sick

Is it possible to sell something that is intangible? In the literal sense of the word, it is really impossible to sell a soul in the material world, but in the spiritual world, how! people who sold their souls live among us, talk to us. How to recognize them? “Each of us sells his soul when he commits this or that sin,” says Archimandrite Damian, guardian of the Far Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. “Willingly or involuntarily, secretly or openly. What is a sale, after all? -something in return - money or some other things.When a person sins in order to receive momentary benefits or pleasures (relaxation from alcohol, joy and happiness from drugs, pleasure from adultery or fornication), he opens access to the devil to his soul, allows him to influence on our thoughts and actions. The more we sin, the greater the influence of the devil on our soul becomes. Moreover, all this does not happen as beautifully and pretentiously as in the movies: no one signs in old parchments, does not leave a drop of his blood - these are all superstitions and excessive mystification. You live as you feel comfortable, convenient and fun: there you just drank too much, there you just stole, there you just deceived ... And you sold your soul. It's simple."

They are promoting new laws that put fashion, sex, money and revenge first. Most of these artists who sold both the talents and the souls of the devil have been influenced by the forces of evil and are leading generations of generations to complete corruption. All of these first-hand accounts at some point stated that they sold their souls to the devil or that they were possessed. It is important to understand that all these artists were and were initiated into the occult sciences. They know and use subtle energies and specific evil symbols to control masses of people, or at least get their attention and influence them in a demonic way.

JUSTIFICATION OF SIN. The devil is terribly cunning. Initially, he was created by God as an angel, but by his own will, Satan wanted to live in evil and seduced other angels to this, who became demons. He knows how to tempt more than we humans. “The more we sin, the more often, drowning out the voice of our conscience, it will send us thoughts of self-justification: they say, this is how the circumstances developed, it was necessary, there was no way out, I couldn’t do otherwise, another would have done even worse, I I didn’t kill anyone and didn’t sell my soul to anyone!-says Father Damian.-The so-called petty everyday sins “fall” like a stone into our soul in the same way as grave sins.After all, a grave or everyday sin is still a sin, just in its different manifestations "This is a crime against the will of God and a violation of His will, His desire for creation, peace and goodness. God does not want us to offend, condemn, betray or change anyone. Everything has a causal relationship: our little sins leave a trace and an imprint in our soul, which sooner or later will manifest itself - through different situations or through children. This is the main danger of "flirting" with sin: the devil demands compensation for the previously provided comfort and pleasure.

He admitted that the secret to his success was that he followed Aleister Crowley's instructions, declaring him "an all-time phenomenon". All world-class vocalists, sooner or later, gave up their blackberries and admitted, more jokingly, more seriously, that they had sold their soul to the devil. Stars pay for fame.

Jimi Hendrix admitted to his friend Fine Prijon that he was possessed by demons, that he didn't know why he was interpreting a certain way or why he was saying what he was saying. He was possessed by something demonic,” his girlfriend said. Jimi Hendrix said, "If some people don't have musical talent or have inspiration to write lyrics, of course, if they become obsessed, they can do it easily." Efforts have steadily increased. Our music is the most famous. People love to dance to our music.

Is sickness a punishment? Another extreme often happens when a person perceives any illness or trouble as God's Punishment. “The Lord does not want to punish anyone,” Father Damian answers. “It is a person who punishes himself: when he sins, he receives Negative consequences sin. Yes, sometimes the Lord allows illness so that we reconsider our lives, or so that through concern for our health, loved ones remember God and repent, or to protect us from some actions. Often, when children fall ill with serious illnesses, parents in desperation ask: "Where is God? If He were, He would not allow my baby to get sick!" But few parents think about how righteous they led before Or maybe it’s not about the parents, but about the child’s future: maybe the Lord wants to save the baby’s soul through illness from possible bad deeds that he would have committed when he was healthy (for example , protects him from becoming a traitor, a murderer). We will never fully understand the providence of God. But one thing is certain: what we sow now, we will reap later.”

In fact, spirits take control of us - or, in other words, possess us - and we, in turn, transfer this influence to people. Tori Amos is recognized as a good pianist, composer and singer. She is a sweet and important being. Morrison's biographer told the singer that he was open to being used by some entity. This gave him some musical inspiration, but he also had tragic consequences for his life. Morrison knew that the purpose of these formations was to influence masses of people. Morrison admitted that the reason he drank alcohol was "to silence the demons in him".

HOW MUCH IS THE SOUL.“The soul is priceless, just like the life that we receive from God as a gift,” says Father Damian. “We cannot buy the life and soul of our child. Parents give life to a child through God’s assistance. This is God’s providence and the essence of human nature. Therefore every day you need to take as a gift from God and fill it good deeds. Evil itself does not exist, evil is a manifestation of the will of beings. We are free in our will and the devil tries to influence our will. Therefore, he first buys our will, dressing evil in good, and then he buys and destroys the human soul in order to prove to God that he, too, is capable of much."

After drinking because they were demons and spirits that voiced his head and he found that the only way to calm them down was to drink alcohol. Considered the father of rock music, Robert Johnson has admitted that he only started to achieve success after he sold his soul to the devil. It is important to know that the artist makes this sign right hand, even then he keeps it close to the body, not just in the air. Michael Jackson once confessed to public statement A: Not the music industry, but the system takes advantage of celebrities.

Eminem has said that she has always wanted to be a "model" for the kids who listen to her music because she knows kids look up to him like God: "My music is purpose-built to push the listener's buttons." When Eminem was arrested for attempted murder, thousands of teenagers took to the streets threatening to shoot at the police station if the star was not released. If he falls into this stupidity, he is an innocent victim and becomes a puppet. Chris Brown sings about his love story with fallen angel banished by God.

ATO: defending the country is the duty of a Christian

One of the readers asked us a question: is participation in the ATO a sin and selling one's soul? “Believing people, of course, are primarily guided by the Divine law, according to which it is necessary to respect the authorities and obey the laws of the state,” says Father Damian. “It is also the duty of every Christian to protect the state in which he lives. Canon 13 of Basil the Great says that murder committed in war is not imputed as a sin.“ Our fathers did not impute murder in battle for murder, excusing, as it seems to me, the champions of chastity and piety. But maybe it would be good to advise that they, as having unclean hands, refrain for three years from communion only with the holy mysteries. "It is not permissible to kill, but to kill enemies in battle is both legal and worthy of praise," adds Athanasius the Great in a message to Ammun . Saint Basil believed that it would not be necessary, after all, to allow soldiers who shed human blood to Holy Communion for three years. In a word, if you received a summons from the state, it means that you must fulfill your civic duty. This is not a sin, but is your duty. You go to serve with a clear conscience: you are not called to kill, but called to defend the borders and territorial integrity of the state. It is another matter if representatives of another state offer you to take up arms and fight against your own people, then this will be a sale of the soul. Because the machine in your hands will no longer be the defense of your state, but a sin - a betrayal.

He explained that Satan manifested himself through certain people and that he accepted the game offered by the representatives of the devil in order to become a famous rapper. The change of artists from one album to another is becoming more and more obvious. They can no longer hide the fact that they are worshipers of Satan. We were bombarded by demonic occult symbols all around us. Thus, we are influenced every moment. That is why it is very important to create the habit of constantly raising the level of vibration so that it does not resonate in the slightest with the satanic and demonic energies that we are being attacked.

Another such moment: according to the canons, a murder committed in a war is not imputed as a sin. However, this does not mean that you can forget about humanity. In a war, you can defend yourself, follow the orders of the commander, or you can engage in looting, violence, arms trafficking - this is considered a sin. When you take a person prisoner, you can talk to him, feed him, or you can beat him and torture him. The first is not a sin, the second is a sin. Everything needs discretion.

Carefully follow the claims of these poor beings who tell without embarrassment how they control the masses of people. Devil's pact common topic both in literature and in religion. The most famous such covenant is the one made between Faust and Mephistopheles, the protagonists of the ancient Germanic legend. According to her, Faust sells his soul for worldly pleasures and unlimited knowledge.

A bloody life to find out, Faust tries to quit his life but calls on the Devil. Mephistopheles, his representative, offers a man strong forces over a number of years, usually 24, at the end of which Faust will renounce the devil's soul. Dr. Faust Thomas Mann, the Master and Margarita of Mikhail Bulgakov and, of course, the Faust de Goethe Theater are the most famous literary works, built on an ancient German myth. It is true that there are doctrines in the history of Germany by Johann Hepg Faust, an alchemist and astronomer from the Renaissance, but because of the myth, the real facts and stories with wizards are hard to despise in his case.

VACCINATION FROM SIN. Of course, it's all about reading. Holy Scripture and regular prayers. More good remedy- the memory of death. The holy fathers say that if a person remembers death every day, that in an hour or even a minute everything can stop, then his life will become more intense and pious. Remembering the suddenness of death, a person will think a hundred times before sinning. Why are there no atheists in the war? Because, sitting in the trenches, people are in mortal danger and can only trust in God. The same effect from receiving the agenda. We remember the Creator when we feel bad or afraid. And we should also remember it in the days of prosperity and joy - this will be the best inoculation against selling the soul to the devil.

Today it is considered that a large number of important historical figures have completed the Faustian Pact, from church people to political leaders. It is also said that the artists did not resist the temptation and accepted the opportunity to sell their souls to the devil despite their success. Therefore, today we will dwell on the legends that tell about the transactions they make.

The Italian artist, composer and master of violin, violin and guitar was born on October 27th. He learned to play the mandolin at the age of 5 and before the age of 7 he began to write. His talents were revealed to the public at the age of 12, but in his teenage years Paganini immersed himself in alcohol and parted ways with music. However, before the age of 22, by the way, the Italian became the equivalent of a classical music superstar.

Sometimes we have to put such articles so that you understand the danger of this World. I want you not to relax and remember the dangers that lie in wait for every person, especially Christians.

Today, a lot of people live among us, among whom there are big businessmen, bankers, deputies, politicians and many others. successful people who, for the sake of their success and financial well-being SOLD YOUR SOULS TO THE DEVIL. Of course, this is not talked about, and to this day very little is known about the sale of souls to the devil.

He had intonations and methods so close to perfection that they were almost impossible to execute. One of its features is 24 whims, free musical compositions with unexpected, impromptu passages. During their lifetime, few of the other artists could fulfill some of the whims, but none had the talent or technique to fulfill them all.

It is for this reason that the spectators, completely carried away by their skill, came to the conclusion that Paganini made a pact with the devil, in which he sold his soul in exchange for his talent. Moreover, some of those who attended her talents and demonstrations of music stated that they saw the devil behind the violinist.

But I will give as an example a few stories that reveal this secret and accurately confirm that even today, people, due to their foolishness and greed, and most importantly because of their lack of faith in God, SELL their souls to the devil and how it ends ...

HISTORY 1. How a man sold his soul to the devil.

This is also perfect real story from the life that the Lord let me know. About three years ago, I accidentally started dating a man on the Internet and we started a correspondence. Apparently, everything was very painful for him, besides, he really got, as it seemed to him, into a hopeless situation, therefore, of course, not immediately, but he told me everything. He told about how, more than 10 years ago, he SOLD his soul to the devil.

Yes, he said so directly and honestly: “I sold - my soul, I SOLD it - for money and good life but how cruelly I was mistaken!

That's how it was. Victor, that was the name of this man, before selling his soul, he was an unsuccessful businessman, his business was falling apart, so he got into big debts that had to be repaid, his wife was tired of such a life and she left him, friends also turned away, at one time Victor I even drank heavily, but then slowly came to my senses and began to think what to do, how and on what to live on? And then he remembered some tale that, like, if you sell your soul to the devil, you can get good money, and Victor decided to try. Losing him, as he himself thought it was all the same - nothing, and he took a chance.

How he did this, Victor did not say, but said that a thin man in black had come at the appointed place and time. Victor wrote him the usual receipt that he was SELLING his soul - for help in business and several million dollars, and he took this receipt. Everything was somehow ordinary, nothing of the kind happened at this meeting, but then miracles began ...

The business began to develop rapidly - to develop, income - flowed like a river, Victor through a short time completely forgot about the time when he had no money. I bought one good car, six months later I bought a Mercedes, then more. I bought an expensive luxury apartment with a penthouse, then built a large Vacation home, constantly began to go on vacation abroad, bought a villa in Spain. Now he already owned a large construction company, expensive restaurants, women, life, as they say - was in full swing!

So several years passed. And then, all of a sudden he got bored at once, money, cars, women - ceased to please, besides, somehow stopping in front of a traffic light, he suddenly saw - a man in black, Victor immediately recognized him, although he had not seen him for a long time and there were a lot of people around, and he nodded affably to him and pointed to his watch. And Victor realized that it was his time - to PAY the bills for his chic life.

And then, it was then that he became afraid for the first time, it finally dawned on him and he truly understood what it means - "SELL - your soul", it meant - Death. And he should die on his wave successful life-- did not want…

Then strange things began, he suddenly began to catch himself thinking about suicide, while driving in a car, a crazy thought suddenly came that he had to accelerate in a car and crash - either into a pole or into the wall of a house. These thoughts were so strong and intrusive that he did not know how to get rid of them. So, at this difficult and terrible moment, we met him on the Internet.

When Victor told me about the sale of his soul and that it was time to pay the bills, I suggested that he go to church and confess his grave sin. For a long time I tried to convince him, but I could not, Victor stubbornly did not want to believe that the Lord could help him and save him from inevitable death, in his opinion. Then he sadly told me that he had come to him - a man in black and told him to get ready - his time was over. We did not communicate with him anymore - Victor did not get in touch. I think that he is no longer alive, usually all those who sold their souls to the devil - through certain time perished. All people who have sold their souls end their lives so terribly... You have to pay for everything in life.


This story happened to my friend Evgeny, about 14 years ago, he was then still strong and strong, about two meters tall, a healthy, young man of 36 years old. Capable, golden hands, but there was one problem - he drank, divorced his wife and lived in a hostel in a room left to him by inheritance from his grandmother. It so happened that he himself told me about this incident, which happened to him literally the night before. Evgeny was sober, he had to go to work in the morning, and he didn't have any money, it would take a long time to get paid.

Here's what he said. Eugene was very fond of reading books and usually spent his evenings reading books, so it was that night, it was already about one in the morning, when suddenly, there was a knock on his door. I must say that shortly before this incident, I went to visit him and gave him New Testament in yellow cover. Zhenya became interested and began to read the New Testament, just at that time, when he knocked on the door. He got up, went to the door and asked: "Who?" He was politely answered from behind the door: “Evgeny Nikolaevich, does he live here? May I come in?"

Eugene opened the door and sees a tall thin black-haired man. The most amazing thing is the way he was dressed. He was dressed - in a black tailcoat, in black trousers, he was thrown over - a black cloak, he was dressed - in black patent leather shoes, on his head he had a high - black top hat, and in his hands was a long cane.

And this whole man was, as if from the last century, - an imperious, cold look, a voice of steel. Evgeny invited him to come in, he wondered what kind of late uninvited guest, and even in such old-fashioned clothes, suddenly descended on him at such a late time. The man went to the corner of the room and sat down in an armchair, and raising his head looked Yevgeny straight in the eyes. From him carried a wave of some incomprehensible heavy fear.

He smiled, crossing his legs, taking a cane in his hands, dressed in white gloves, which was very incomprehensible and surprising - it was still quite warm outside, the month of September was in full swing. The man said, “I have an offer for you. I am ready right now to deliver to your room two cases of vodka, a good snack and give you as much money as you wish. Zhenya was taken aback and asked: “Are you serious?” -- "Yes". The man in black replied: “This is more than serious! You can't even imagine my possibilities. Do you want new expensive furniture to be brought into your room right now, good tv basically whatever you want." Eugene answered: - “Why would it suddenly be given me such an honor? I don’t even have money for a bottle, what do I owe then, all that you offer me to pay for?

And then the night guest, smiling, said the following: Evgeny Nikolaevich, you have a very expensive product for which I am ready to pay any price without haggling. If you want, you will have a chic comfortable apartment in the center, with expensive furnishings, nice car and a lot of money? And I will give it all to you - for a mere trifle for you.

Evgeny asked: - “What can I have that is so valuable - for you and at the same time - a trifle for me? I don't understand you." The man in black continued: "Yes, this is really for you - a mere trifle, of no value to you - SELL me your soul!"

Only now it dawned on Zhenya who came to visit him. Zhenya was frightened and then he, unexpectedly for himself, sharply stretched out his hands and grabbed the New Testament from the sofa on which he was sitting and pressed it tightly to his chest. - "Go away!" Yevgeny said sharply and rudely.

And then a man in black took off his gloves from his hand and Eugene saw how, from under the gloves, not ordinary human hands appeared, but bony paws, with long, curved claws and green scaly skin. Eugene was scared!

The man in black got up and went to the door, he stopped at the door and, shaking his long claw, said: “You are still good - think about my proposal. You still have a little time left to live, but at least you will live for your own pleasure! Well, why do you need your soul, what good is it for you? It’s better to sell it while I’m still buying it from you, otherwise it’s free of charge - I can pick it up. ”

Turned around and left. Eugene rushed to the door and locked himself with a key, and then he felt that he was covered with a cold sweat. These are the stories that are happening today.


Here is an incident that happened recently in Brazil. “It was like a nightmare,” says Andrea Murtado, a 48-year-old businessman from Rio de Janeiro. - I still had a headache: the day before I had a proper “reception” with some stranger in a local bar, and late at night I was awakened by the ringing of a telefax, standing on a table next to the bed.

A minute later he issued a document. It turned out to be a duplicate ... of a contract with the devil, drawn up completely modern language and signed by me. It said that for wealth and success in business, I give my immortal soul to the lord of death. At first I thought that someone was playing a joke on me.

When Andrea finished reading, fiery rays "shot" from a piece of paper. In an instant, the bedroom caught fire, and then the flames engulfed the entire house. The owner still managed to call the fire department before he left the villa. The contract remained in his hand.

Firefighters were powerless before the fire, and soon only firebrands remained from the house.

“The villa is a trifle,” Murtado says today. - She was insured for a large amount, and I also made money on it. But how to break the contract with the devil? That’s the problem… Alcohol pushed me into the abyss.”

The businessman says that he is not happy about the wealth that has fallen on him. He is tormented by nightmares, haunted by thoughts about the upcoming eternal stay in the underworld, and now he is looking for a way to terminate the contract with the devil. After some thought, he came to the conclusion that the messenger of the Underworld, of course, was the same stranger with whom they had drinks at the bar.

“His eyes burned like firebrands, he literally hypnotized me,” Andrea recalls. - This guy gave me glass after glass until I lost all reason. I remember that I confessed to him about my dreams of becoming richest man in the country. He replied that he could do it easily, but somewhat in an unusual way. And then he slipped a piece of paper on which the devilish contract was written. I, like the last idiot, allowed myself to prick my finger with a needle and signed with blood.

Andrea Murtado is now swimming in money: every deal today brings him huge profits, he constantly wins all lotteries, and casino owners are ready to pay him only so that he does not play with them.

But the businessman is ready to give all his wealth to save his soul and get rid of the contract.

To the above, it remains to be added that the devil has now mastered the Internet and offers his services himself. Not so long ago there appeared an amazing site. Its owner (or owners), without hesitation, offers everyone to buy their immortal souls.

We read in the Bible that many righteous people were rich: Abraham, Jacob, Job, David, Joseph of Arimathea.

The Bible also says that wealth does not come only from God. The devil has also managed to take into his own property a lot of what belongs to God, and on certain conditions he is ready to lease these riches to a person. Remember the temptation of Jesus? Satan offered Christ all the riches, all the glory of the world. In return, Jesus had only one requirement: to worship the devil.

We live temporarily on this earth. Your Soul is priceless from the very beginning and you have no idea about its price.
Therefore, in no case do not make deals with him.

Live this life with dignity and you will receive your reward.

And I saw a new sky and new land For the former heaven and the former earth have passed away, and the sea is no more. And I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from the God of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven, saying: behold, the tabernacle of God with men, and he shall dwell with them; they will be His people, and God Himself will be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death; there will be no more mourning, no outcry, no sickness, for the former has passed away.

For you have opened paradise, the tree of life has been planted, the time ahead has been prepared, abundance has been prepared, a city has been built, rest has been prepared, perfect goodness and perfect wisdom.

He who endures to the end will be saved.
(Matthew 24:13)

How the stars sell their souls to the devil