How to find a common topic with a girl. Interesting topics for conversation with a girl, a guy, buddy: what can you talk about

How to find a common topic with a girl. Interesting topics for conversation with a girl, a guy, buddy: what can you talk about
How to find a common topic with a girl. Interesting topics for conversation with a girl, a guy, buddy: what can you talk about

On the first date with the girl it is extremely important not to affect themes that may seem uninteresting. Often the guys commit the same mistakes when they start talking about work or study, some purely male topics or boast their own achievements. Such a date is kindly doomed to failure. But there are topics for conversation that will support with pleasure.

Hobbies, Walking and Traveling

About food, holidays and domestic animals

The young lady can tell a long time that it prepares best or how best to celebrate some holiday. It is worth trying to awaken a pleasant memories of the past event in the girl. This will help you make the situation more relaxed. Also, the fair sex is emotionally belong to the theme of pets. Funny stories from the life of pets will raise your mood to both.

Clothes, friends and children

Naturally, girls are very interested in stylish clothing. Every day they think about shopping. So let the opportunity to tell you that she wants to buy today. You can also ask what she thinks about men's clothing. At the same time you will know what to wear on the next date. Be sure to ask who she is friendly and communicates. The girl should see that her circle of communication interests you. It should also be touched upon the topic of children. Surely your chosen has younger brothers or sisters, nephews. Let something tell about them.

About relationships and favorite places

Learn from the girl what kind of relationship it considers ideal for themselves and make the appropriate conclusions. Well, of course an interesting topic for communication will be her favorite places. Let the girl tell you about where she likes to be in their city. You can also talk about some attractions that they are especially remembered in other cities and countries.

All the above-described topics will help young people to liberate and lead a relaxed conversation on the first date.

Do not know what themes to communicate during a conversation with a girl or a guy? Data 25 The topics will help you to become a little closer.

A bit of theory.

Good topics for communication can help you better understand each other. Have you ever felt that in the process of communication you do not know what to communicate further, whether it is communication on the phone, or communication while walking in the park? You are not alone, with this there is almost every third person. Everything is aware of the practice of communication, the more you communicate with people, the more you develop the ability to find topics for conversation.

Find topics to communicate with your boyfriend or a girl is much easier. You know each other for a certain time. You can use what you know in your daily communication.

If we are talking about the relationship that began quite recently, there may be a barrier in communication, only because you know not so much about your boyfriend or a girl. At this point, the best option is to reveal as much as possible in order to find something in common between you. At this stage of relationship, you can remember interesting topics from the past and tell about your goals in the future. There is a chance that your second half has also similar stories or goals. Thus, you will find not only the thread for communication, but also something in common. For the first time it will be a good start.

If the relationship lasts for a long time and you are already accustomed to each other, then silence may arise between you. Silence in relationships that last long time can be quite normal.

Regardless of how long you are in a relationship, communication is a way to learn how to better understand each other, learn more about your second half and just get closer.

25 to communicate

You can use all these topics every day.

1. Weekend plans. Plan your leisure and rest, even if today Monday. First, it is fun and exciting, and secondly, you will look forward to the long-awaited weekend. Sites are similar on the subject of (for Ukraine) and (for Russia) will help follow the events that occur in your city.

2. Compliments. Talk about the qualities that loved you are an integral part of any relationship. This topic will not only be pleasant, but also will show how much you value and appreciate the lover or beloved. Try to praise your soul mate, give pleasant compliments and do it with feelings, with love.

3. Daily care. Interested in what happened throughout the day, as she slept this night, how was the working day or a day on school, was tired (a) whether he or she for the whole day, whether he worries something - all this makes it possible to feel care from A close man that is not very important in relationships.

4. Work. One of the places where we spend a large number of your time - work (study). Events occur daily at work. In the workplace often conflicts and all sorts of situations arise. Also, communicating about work, both will be easier for you to understand each other from a professional point of view.

5. Little secrets. It is always interesting to talk about secrets. You can make it a game, in turns opening one mystery. It is fascinating and very fun.

6. Films, entertainment programs, shows. Every year films become more and more. If we are not at TV screens, as it was before, we look at everything on the computer. Discuss some new film or show is an excellent reason for conversation.

7. Food, cooking. Well, who does not like to eat delicious? It is especially interesting when it comes to co-preparation. Even if the favorite or beloved is not a master in cooking, you can learn how to cook together. You can create together your favorite and unloved dishes, share experiences cooking experience.

8. Dreams. Do you have a dream? Share it, even if it is fearful, or in your opinion is impracticable, your beloved or beloved will learn a little more about you.

9. Rest. Plan rest together for a couple of days, week or month. Rest together will be a highlight of the entire calendar year.

10. Hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have a daily passion? Share your hobbies, most likely your second half can have a few hobbies that you like.

11. Friends. Always know well about each other's friends. This is another step to learn more about your surroundings and what you do when you spend time with your friends.

12. Personal achievements. Ask your favorite or your favorite moments in the life they can be proud of. It may be personal achievements (at work, study, in any sport, etc.), which will be pleased to remember and tell.

13. Assistance proposal. If you can help in any matter, offer your help. The more often you will try to help and the more often you will do something together, the closer you will be each other.

14. Plans for the future. Plans for the future talking about how you see yourself in a few years? Common goals always make relations stronger and make it possible to achieve them together.

15. Self-improvement. Love is a good motive for self-improvement. This topic is very relevant for a loving couple. When you strive together to seem better for each other, the relationship becomes stronger. Perhaps you would like to improve your personal character qualities or get rid of bad habits, talk on the topic of the previous quarrel, revise your shortcomings and strive to eliminate them. Each of your step to improve will be appreciated by your second half.

16. Parents. Another interesting topic, especially if you have not acquainted your favorite or beloved with your parents to her or will surely be interested in knowing your parents and your relationship with them.

17. Problems in bed. If there are problems in bed, do not debug them. At some point they will return all the same, therefore it is better to solve them immediately. If your favorite or beloved does not get enough pleasure, you should sit down and talk as you can solve it together.

18. Talk about sex. In relations, sexual proximity is as important as romance. Speak about your sexually sensitive places, erogenous zones, poses that you would like to try, your secret desires and fantasies and all that makes you in bed.

19. Health. Take care and ask about the health of your beloved or beloved is no less important than to take care of everyday problems.

20. Tips. If you are well versed in solving any question, problems, situations, you can give advice. Tips can be useful for improving personal qualities, any affairs at work, everyday personal life, etc.

21. Your past. Themes about your childhood, what happened to you before you met. Talk about former better not to affect.

22. Future. What would you like to do in this life? The topic may affect intelligent conversations that can help you find out the opinion of your second half about life and classes that are important for them.

23. Preferences. Sometimes it may be conversations about the trifles of life that can delay for several hours. Speak about your sympathies and antipathy. From time to time, preferences are changing, and the more you know about the present preferences, the more you know about your loved one or your beloved.

25. Memories. It is always a pleasant topic to remember the first arms, the first kiss, the first words "I love you", the places where you visited, funny stories that happened to you.

Do not know what themes to communicate during a conversation with a girl or a guy? Data 25 The topics will help you to become a little closer.

A bit of theory.

Good topics for communication can help you better understand each other. Have you ever felt that in the process of communication you do not know what to communicate further, whether it is communication on the phone, or communication while walking in the park? You are not alone, with this there is almost every third person. Everything is aware of the practice of communication, the more you communicate with people, the more you develop the ability to find topics for conversation.

Find topics to communicate with your boyfriend or a girl is much easier. You know each other for a certain time. You can use what you know in your daily communication.

If we are talking about the relationship that began quite recently, there may be a barrier in communication, only because you know not so much about your boyfriend or a girl. At this point, the best option is to reveal as much as possible in order to find something in common between you. At this stage of relationship, you can remember interesting topics from the past and tell about your goals in the future. There is a chance that your second half has also similar stories or goals. Thus, you will find not only the thread for communication, but also something in common. For the first time it will be a good start.

If the relationship lasts for a long time and you are already accustomed to each other, then silence may arise between you. Silence in relationships that last long time can be quite normal.

Regardless of how long you are in a relationship, communication is a way to learn how to better understand each other, learn more about your second half and just get closer.

25 to communicate

You can use all these topics every day.

1. Weekend plans. Plan your leisure and rest, even if today Monday. First, it is fun and exciting, and secondly, you will look forward to the long-awaited weekend. Sites are similar on the subject of (for Ukraine) and (for Russia) will help follow the events that occur in your city.

2. Compliments. Talk about the qualities that loved you are an integral part of any relationship. This topic will not only be pleasant, but also will show how much you value and appreciate the lover or beloved. Try to praise your soul mate, give pleasant compliments and do it with feelings, with love.

3. Daily care. Interested in what happened throughout the day, as she slept this night, how was the working day or a day on school, was tired (a) whether he or she for the whole day, whether he worries something - all this makes it possible to feel care from A close man that is not very important in relationships.

4. Work. One of the places where we spend a large number of your time - work (study). Events occur daily at work. In the workplace often conflicts and all sorts of situations arise. Also, communicating about work, both will be easier for you to understand each other from a professional point of view.

5. Little secrets. It is always interesting to talk about secrets. You can make it a game, in turns opening one mystery. It is fascinating and very fun.

6. Films, entertainment programs, shows. Every year films become more and more. If we are not at TV screens, as it was before, we look at everything on the computer. Discuss some new film or show is an excellent reason for conversation.

7. Food, cooking. Well, who does not like to eat delicious? It is especially interesting when it comes to co-preparation. Even if the favorite or beloved is not a master in cooking, you can learn how to cook together. You can create together your favorite and unloved dishes, share experiences cooking experience.

8. Dreams. Do you have a dream? Share it, even if it is fearful, or in your opinion is impracticable, your beloved or beloved will learn a little more about you.

9. Rest. Plan rest together for a couple of days, week or month. Rest together will be a highlight of the entire calendar year.

10. Hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have a daily passion? Share your hobbies, most likely your second half can have a few hobbies that you like.

11. Friends. Always know well about each other's friends. This is another step to learn more about your surroundings and what you do when you spend time with your friends.

12. Personal achievements. Ask your favorite or your favorite moments in the life they can be proud of. It may be personal achievements (at work, study, in any sport, etc.), which will be pleased to remember and tell.

13. Assistance proposal. If you can help in any matter, offer your help. The more often you will try to help and the more often you will do something together, the closer you will be each other.

14. Plans for the future. Plans for the future talking about how you see yourself in a few years? Common goals always make relations stronger and make it possible to achieve them together.

15. Self-improvement. Love is a good motive for self-improvement. This topic is very relevant for a loving couple. When you strive together to seem better for each other, the relationship becomes stronger. Perhaps you would like to improve your personal character qualities or get rid of bad habits, talk on the topic of the previous quarrel, revise your shortcomings and strive to eliminate them. Each of your step to improve will be appreciated by your second half.

16. Parents. Another interesting topic, especially if you have not acquainted your favorite or beloved with your parents to her or will surely be interested in knowing your parents and your relationship with them.

17. Problems in bed. If there are problems in bed, do not debug them. At some point they will return all the same, therefore it is better to solve them immediately. If your favorite or beloved does not get enough pleasure, you should sit down and talk as you can solve it together.

18. Talk about sex. In relations, sexual proximity is as important as romance. Speak about your sexually sensitive places, erogenous zones, poses that you would like to try, your secret desires and fantasies and all that makes you in bed.

19. Health. Take care and ask about the health of your beloved or beloved is no less important than to take care of everyday problems.

20. Tips. If you are well versed in solving any question, problems, situations, you can give advice. Tips can be useful for improving personal qualities, any affairs at work, everyday personal life, etc.

21. Your past. Themes about your childhood, what happened to you before you met. Better not to affect.

22. Future. What would you like to do in this life? The topic may affect intelligent conversations that can help you find out the opinion of your second half about life and classes that are important for them.

23. Preferences. Sometimes it may be conversations about the trifles of life that can delay for several hours. Speak about your sympathies and antipathy. From time to time, preferences are changing, and the more you know about the present preferences, the more you know about your loved one or your beloved.

25. Memories. It is always a pleasant topic to remember the first arms, the first kiss, the first words "I love you", the places where you visited, funny stories that happened to you.

Topics for a conversation with a girl on 5+

Topics for conversation with a girl very diverse and there are a lot of them ... everything comes with experience, with girls you can talk to any themes, but at the same time do not flutter, as her girlfriend can otherwise send it to Doda or will put a tick in front of your surname - a cute guy, and it does not enter In the plans of the Pickper! What to talk to a girl Or with a woman, no difference, the main thing is that it is most natural and spontaneously.

Whole list


Do you often go to the movies?
- What films do you like most?
- And what genre? Here, for example, I like ...... (comedy) (then talk about that genre that her
like. Find out which movies)
- Do you more often walk one or friends?
- Have you ever walked on a night session? And on the night "non-stop"? (this is when you pay once, and
Watch the movie 3-4 All night)
- You ever noticed that when you leave after a session outside, the first time surrounding
The world is perceived differently depending on the film. Have you ever had it? (If it was
then ask what movie and how?)
- Did you ever have a strong feeling after watching the movie? What?

If the topics are over for communication with a girl - This is something more serious, or it is nerves and you need to understand that the girls are the same creatures and even more cunning, or you just don't contact - she just chopped on the root of any opportunity to hook it. And in the latter case, it can also be its cant, it is just inconvenient or inadequate for you, but it can be quite adequate for another guy, in this case it is better to just stay with friends or ecoly blame.

Many topics are not suitable here for many girls, so choose yourself to your taste and just having fun)

Attention: when talking with a girl, do not talk about too primitive things, some particularly smart crackers want to see the intellectual abilities of a young guy. Yes, and some wets also read the data of posts and palyat).

Cafes, bars, discos

Do you often visit disco? Where was the last time and why?
- You do not know why some girls do so often go on a cafe with girlfriends?
- Do you like sweet? ... in pleasure or to the detriment of the diet? :)
- Have you tried to cook something from what tried in a cafe?
- You know, very often girls are sitting in a cafe and bored. Sometimes it lasts not one hour. What are they waiting for?
- Have you ever dynamum guy? Well, just honestly;) (regardless of the answer "What are you well done!
:) ") Tell ..

There are many questions, but if they constantly ask them - she will feel like in question, of course, you can also blind a kind of frame, but unfortunately it is not a frame of the leader. Questions need to ask so you can send conversation with a girl In the right you need, but you should not replay:

Parks, Street, Recreation Places

Do you like to walk?
- What is your favorite weather? And why?
"Where do you like to walk most?"
- Have you ever walked in the rain?
- Are you often with friends just walk?
- Have you ever walked around the city all night?
- Have you been to the zoo for a long time?
- What is the place of you most remembered? Why?
- Do you like to swim? Often bathe? Where?

By the way, a girl with a guy can also talk to these topics and they are interested in this no less than men.


Do you fall in love often?
- You are romantic? What is the most?
- How do you feel about the fact that some say that relationships can be bought for money?
- Have you ever had a completely night date?
- What do you think, what competition is sharper. Men's or female? Why?
- Did you have a rival? Did they stay alive? :)
- What do you like more, make compliments or get them?
- What do you think a decent compliment? Well, besides a beautiful, intriguing look,

Someone can notice that there are many serious topics for talking with women, maybe so, that is, you need to apply the intuition. If you are vibrated a serious girl, she willingly talk to you not only on these topics, but if you have too a frivolous woman - then a man will apply already tricks and games that rarely conjugate seriousness.

Common topics

Are you afraid of thunderstorms? What are the most afraid of?
- You have some kind of collection. Well fish, for example, or someone else? :)
- Do you have pets? The name of? Feed? :)
- Have you been to the sea somewhere? What are the feeling that most liked?
- What kind of music do you like most? Often listen?
- What was your brightest moment in life?
- Can you cook? And what is best getting?
- Do you know how to play something? (For a long time? What is most like?) Do you like to listen?
- Do you like to pick up? Topless? ;)
- Do you remember your first love? In kindergarten there or in primary classes? / Think if it is possible to ask this? The answer, of course not!
- Do you have Brother or sister? Would you like? (To be alone)
- What's your favourite season? And what does it like most of all?

Movie - Universal theme. We start with the question: "Have you been to the cinema *?" We find out what loves to watch, whether the night sessions go on the night sessions, we are talking about updates and invite you to the film - it's a hat!

Hobbies. For example, you ride on the rollers or collect the brand. In the first case, after a small conversation you can invite a ride. If you can not - promise to teach. In the second - tell the romantic history associated with your favorite brand and invite a collection. In conversation, do not forget to ask what the girl is interested in, and let's talk about it.

Literature. Girl likes to read? If yes - forward. What did you read lately? What kind of writer is a favorite? Tell us what you read. Maybe you know what the book will be shielded soon? Already read a new book from the series you like? Promise to give to read.

Museums, memorable places. In any city, their mass. You need to take a guide to the guide and remember the information at least about those where it is most often. Then you can combat about such a spirit at any time: "Do you know that Pushkin lived in this house (James Bond, Carlson)?" We are interested in your favorite places of ladies, tell a romantic history about your favorite park and invite you to walk.

Bad habits. It is better to talk about "cute" disadvantages: the habit is constantly late to lose the handles or vice versa - imperceptibly collect them from all acquaintances. The main thing is to have fun.

Money. To talk about how much daily passage and food, discs, books are a good opportunity to start a conversation. True, it is not worth tightening it, it will still think that you are a squeak. After a couple of the three opinions, go to another topic. For example, to food.

Food. From family dinners with grandmother cakes to favorite dishes, exotic seafood, good cafes, tricks on kebabs, etc. Invitation to your favorite cafe or the city on the weekend will be completely logical in this case.

Travel, walks. You can tell about your recent journey. Ask where the girl loves to walk, ride, about his beloved weather for walking, where I would like to go. What do you like - forest, mountains or diving in the uncharted sea depths of treasures.

Cars, transport. Ask, whether the girl drives the car. If not, is there any desire? What cars do you like? What else would like to manage - a spacecraft or armored personnel carrier? Share your thoughts about your dream car.

Work and study. Tell a couple of funny situations from your working or learning practice. Ask about relations in the team: whether common holidays are arranged, ask about the authorities and teachers. Be sure to find something in these stories, there will be something to laugh.

Relaxation. What do we do on the weekend? With any answer to the question, do not criticize anything, even if the girl does not get up with a sofa all day, walking kilograms cakes. Maybe she is terribly hard work, and this is the compensation of stress. Your task is to support the conversation.

Sport. Start carefully with your favorite sports. If you hear that the girl is engaged in ballet or dancing, do not rush to laugh down "in all the rororone's throat." Try at home in front of the mirror, standing on tiptoe, raise your legs, sit down, jump and at the same time beautifully wave hands for a couple of hours in a row. With ballet, your torments will not have anything to have anything, but you will feel the degree of load. Famous athletes, gyms, swimming types, sports tourism - many.

From sports - to health. Here is the time to say that it is better to ride bicycles in the fresh air than to smell glue in basements. It is possible to spourn a little on this topic together. Unless, of course, the girl does not yaw during your moral lecture.

Religion. You believe in God, in fate, are interested in Buddhism, the story of religions, do not believe even in the case, etc.? Feel free to ask: whether it believes in predestination over or believes that the person independently creates fate. Feel your meetings are not accidental? Hint at it. A interesting conversation may turn out.

Relations. Here you can ask for what kind of guy she would like to meet. What will not bearing: treason, bore, greed, etc. In response, express your opinions. Ask about friends, tell us about your own. Just do not start scrupulously sort out former girlfriends.

Children. Kids, younger brothers and sisters, tribes and just familiar. Be sure to discuss: funny statements, leprosy, whims. If the mother-chosen is already your mother, the conversation may be infinite. You can find out how serious a person in front of you.

Gifts, holidays. What is the most and most? What gifts loves? Draw or receive? About me - be sure. For example: You love the winter, New Year, Santa Claus and swimming in the hole under the tangerine rain in some las.

Clothing. Be sure to compliment on its beautiful appearance. Join your favorite jeans. Ask: how does she belong to the guys working on the podium? Hint that a woman in any clothes is beautiful - any real man knows about it.

Pets. The topic is win-win, if you just did not run into a frank psychopath. She has a cat, a dog, a rat, fish, a parrot? Praise! About your pets to talk in obligatory. Imagine what your favorite iguana and her guinea pigs would do together.

Sex. You can slip the girl, with the go, telling about your sexual preferences. True, the result will be extremely dubious. Therefore, wait until your relationship is really close. In the meantime, you can talk about famous pairs: they really come to each other.

In contact with