Museum-pedagogical educational program for preschoolers "Magic World of Arts. Programs of the Museum "Magic Transformation of a penny"

Museum-pedagogical educational program for preschoolers "Magic World of Arts. Programs of the Museum "Magic Transformation of a penny"

"Culture.RF" talks about unusual museum programs for children in different cities of Russia - exercises in the mooring vessel, master classes to create volumetric images, botanical pattern, theatrical excursions and many other things.

Moscow: Subscription "Meetings in Osterman's House"

Rostov: Program "Bells and Slans of the Rostov Kremlin"

Smolensk: Interactive program "Smolensk letter"

Moscow: The program "Botanical conversations"

St. Petersburg: game-excursion "in places stand!"

Astrakhan: Museum program "Seasons"

Participants of the Museum Program "Seasons" in the Astrakhan State Picture Gallery named after P.M. Dogadin will get acquainted with the work of artists-landscape players. The actors-guides will tell about the peculiarities of the Russian autumn landscape and will hold a master class, where children will create creative work based on one of the works and will discuss the paintings presented in the gallery.

Krasnoyarsk: Cycle of meetings "piece stories. ExLibris »

Oktyabrskaya meeting "piece stories" in the Museum-Manor G.V. Yudina will be devoted to Exlibers - a sign on the inside of the book cover, which you can find out who owns one or another book. Guests learn the history of the exjibris and will see rare books from the Funds of the Museum of Local History, decorated with these signs. At the end of the meeting, the invited artist will help children create their own bookmark for the home library.

Tula: Classes "Pot, Var!"

Events in your city are looking for an "Culture.rf" portal poster.

The review is compiled by materials provided.

Budget educational institution Additionally children's education

cities of Omsk "House of Children's Creativity"


Director DDT.


"Children and Museum"

Children's age: 5 - 6 years

Exercise term - 1 year

Pedagogue optional


Accepted on the method

"___" ____________ 2012

Chairman of the method


Omsk - 2012.


The processes occurring now in our society are complex and ambiguous. The destruction of spiritual values, a change in moral benchmarks, the collapse of family traditions adversely affects the inner world of the child. The emerging need for additional sources of harmony restoration with the world, the formation of a person, aesthetically developed, prepared for the conditions of a rapid pace of life capable of creative self-realization can largely satisfy the museum.

It was the Museum of Educational Institution as no other museum solve these tasks. As a part of the museum-pedagogical process, he is addressed to the children's audience, has a pronounced educational orientation, where the value of the museum subject is determined by his educational appointment, builds its work on the basis of active involvement in the activities and creation of children, teachers, parents. The Museum of Educational Institution provides the rarest opportunity - to learn children to extract knowledge, relying on the original source, communicating with which has a huge impact on the emotional sphere of man. In the process of communicating with the museum subject, overall erudition increases, the horizons are expanding, knowledge is replenished, the ability of the child to creativity.

Explanatory note

The main motive of the activity of the preschooler is the knowledge of the surrounding world, finding its place in it, the definition of his role. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe child about the subject and social world should be united and holistic. It is important that knowledge gained by the child was not abstract, and he understood and realized himself as part of the world around the world. He learned to independently navigate and act in the world.

The relevance of the program It is that the Museum of Educational Institution acts as one of the means of comparing the surrounding world through visual material, as well as a means of adapting the child to the world. Direct acquaintance with a genuine museum subject allows not only to get new knowledge, but also cause an emotional-value, aesthetic reaction that is significant for the emerging personality.

From an early age, children always attract the secrets of the distant past. The task of the teacher is to develop this interest in the right direction, which is possible only with a direct acquaintance with a genuine museum subject.

The ideal environment for such communication is the Museum of Educational Institution, created by children and employee for children. Here the child is always perceived as an equal member of the dialogue. Special features for this are given interactive techniques designed to help the child to manifest initiative and independence. The latter implies the most direct interaction with the subject, the creation of a fund of materials available for tactile perception. This is the main stimulus of interest in the museum and satisfies the need for children in the effective development of knowledge.

Also satisfy the need for activities, stimulate mental activity, child curiousness, independence, enrich the experience of the child - observations, experiments, experiments.

When organizing experiments and observations, it is important that the child acquires the humane experience of the knowledge of reality so that these activities are safe not only for the child itself, but also for live objects.

Classes are built on the principle of "entertaining communication", accompanied by multimedia presentations, audio and video materials, which plays a big role in the prompting of children in the development of cultural heritage.

Children's impressions accompany a person all their lives, imprinted in bright images that affect the formation of maidoslets, life position, worldview, so in preschool age it is important to form a sense of love for others, nature, the native edge. To successfully cope with the task, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the interests of children, be able to present the material enforceively, intelligibly, beautifully.

The program "Children and Museum" using genuine museum objects, as well as objects of the funds of visual benefits (museum, copies, ullation, illustrative materials, etc.), allows you to solve a number of important educational, educational, developing tasks.

One of the main tasks of the "Children and Museum" program is to awaken interest in the museum, as a special source of cultural and historical experience of mankind, form an inner spiritual need for visiting museums.

The purpose of the program - Create conditions for the formation of interest in the history of Omsk Priirta through the organization of museum - pedagogical activities using interactive techniques and modern information technologies.


Form a museum culture, an inner spiritual need for visiting museums;

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe museum as a special source of cultural and historical experience of mankind;

Form a careful attitude to the museum object as part of a material and spiritual culture;

Form visual literacy (observation, the ability in elementary form to analyze and summarize visual impressions, emotionally experience the visual image, as well as creatively perceive and comprehend seen);

Awaken the interest of children to the history of the native land through the historical and cultural heritage;

Give elementary knowledge on the history of the edge.

Educational challenges:

Awaken sense of involvement to the past;

Form emotional culture and artistic taste;

Bring up a careful attitude to the historical and cultural heritage of the city and the country;

Educating the moral qualities of the personality: kindness, responsiveness, ability to empathize;

To form a positive attitude of the child to the world around.


Relying on the individual abilities of each child, stimulate the development of intellectual and creative abilities, the emotional sphere of personality;

Independence in work, practical use of knowledge gained and skills;

Develop the communicative abilities of each child;

The development of psychophysical qualities: observation, the ability to focus, the formation of arbitrary attention, the ability to navigate in space and time, the development of imagination, emotional responsiveness.

Conceptual bases of the program

The practical direction of learning. The optimal ratio of theoretical and practical classes is a prerequisite for the implementation of the program.

Principle of interactivity. The person remembers only what does.

The principle of the variety of activities. Creating a space of diverse activities that ensure each child the acquisition of new qualities and improving its abilities.

Accessibility of learning. The selection of the content of the program is optimal to achieve its goal and tasks.

Communication learning with life. Since one of the tasks of the program is the formation of a creative personality, its implementation is impossible without the formation of a system of moral and ethical attitudes of the child. These views get an embodiment in the daily life of the child. Therefore, the basis for the formation of such a system is the indicated principle.

Culturality. The program shows an inextricable link between the region and the country, between the small and large homeland. The man born in this region should know his story and the present not only through abstract historical facts, but also through personal inclusion. This is necessary in order for a person to feel part of the past and real edge.

Presentations of mini-projects;

Exhibitions of children's work;


Creative work;

Participation in contests

To diagnose the effectiveness of the educational program uses:

Primary interview questionnaire;

Activity sheets;

Notebook of my achievements.

Educational and thematic plan

Theme lesson

Number of hours



Introductory conversation.

What is a museum?

What is a thing?

Thing as a man portrait.

Museum professions.

What are museums.

Today we go to the museum.

Regional science

Dinosaurs - who are they?

Glacial period.

Guys about animals.

Travel seeds.

How cities are born.

Exhibit in focus

(acquaintance with museum objects)

How stones appeared.

From the word drawing to the letter.

How the eraser and the ball appeared.

Summing up for the year. Presentation of the mini-project "My Museum".

Total for the year

Theme lesson


Introductory conversation

Theory. Acquaintance with the team, discussion of the work plan for the year. Detection of the sphere of interests of children. Rules of behavior in classes.


The game "Invisible hat". Acquaintance teacher with children and children with each other.

View the cartoon "Invisible hat".

What is a museum?

Theory . Museum as a "time machine". Rules of behavior in the museum.


The game "Laying the exhibit." Fabulous characters lost their belongings in our museum, help them find them and return the heroes into their fairy tales.

The task. Look at the cartoon "Well, wait!" Issue number 12 and answer the question: did the wolf behave correctly in the museum?

What is a thing?

Theory. Properties of museum objects. Language of things. Thing as a portrait.


Game exercise. Look at the cartoon "Ivashka from the house of the pioneers" and draw things a portrait of fairy characters.

Multimedia presentation

Thing as a man portrait.

Theory. The thing is the portrait of its owner. The similarity of the professions of the museum worker and the detective.


Workout game. The teacher shows the children a white robe and asks to call the professions of people to whom he can belong.

Training game. Look at the cartoon "We and Sherlock Holmes" and make up orally worm portrait of Sherlock Holmes.

Experience. Descendants of Sherlock Holmes, or in the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes. Grind a pencil trash knife. Let the child run on her finger's finished powder. Now you need to press a finger to a piece of scotch, and scotch glue to a white sheet of paper. The sheet will remain a clear fingerprint.

Workout game. Look at the cartoon "Three on the island" and make an orally worm portrait of a pirate.

Workout game. Draw your own portrait, portrait of my parents.

Multimedia presentation

genuine museum objects, copies of museum items.

Museum professions.

Theory. Museum professions. Profession researcher, restorer.


The game. "Museum restorer." Look at the cartoon "Covenant". From paper "Claces", a broken pot collect a whole vessel and stir into the notebook.

Multimedia presentation, copies of museum objects, genuine museum objects.

What are museums.

Theory. How museums appeared. What are museums. City Museum. House Museum.


The game. Place museum objects in the relevant museum. Tight paper sheet is divided into two parts. Colorful pictures with an image of the exposures of museums of various profiles, stick on one side, onto the second, leaf of velvet paper. Images of museum items cover on velvet paper (velvet out).
Children should decompose pictures with the image of exhibits in accordance with the Museum's profile.

Today we go to the museum.

Theory. Preparation of children to a meeting with the museum. Remember what museums are. Rules of behavior in the museum.


The task.Think the fairy tale "Once at the Museum": "Every evening, after the closure of the museum, things come to life and tell each other their unusual history: how they lived before the moment when people brought them to the museum, as they turned out to be here ... Once he told her fairy tale ...".

Multimedia presentation, genuine museum objects, copies of museum items.

Final lesson on the section "Museum".


Regional science

Dinosaurs - who are they?

Theory. Paleontology as science of mineral animals. How fossils were formed.

What are the dinosaurs. Dinosaur museums. How many years lived dinosaurs. Why dinosaurs extinct (hypotheses: a drop of meteorite, a volcanic eruption). Modern relatives of dinosaurs (birds and crocodiles).


The game "Mini - excavations." Suggest to find the remains of the ancient lizards (toy skeletons of dinosaurs).

The task. Draw a dinosaur. Cut the palm of the hand with a pencil. The thumb is the tail of the dinosaur, the other four fingers - legs. Dorisite your head and spikes. Color. It turned out dinosaur. Come to him a name.

Experience. Eruption.

Recipe lava. Mix one teaspoon of soda, a little red dry paint, 5 drops of washing fluid. Gently break the mixture into the bottle in the volcano. Put the finished volcano in an open place where it splashes anything. Fill 5 drops

white vinegar in a bottle and go to the sideline to watch how your volcano starts to erupt.

Multimedia presentation, cartoon about dinosaurs, dinosaur figures, volcanic layout.

Glacial period.

Theory. How paleontologists work.

Ancient inhabitant Omsk Priirtesheye: Mammoth, woolly rhino, savory cat.

Paleontological museums.


The task.Look at the cartoon "Mammont Hotel" and draw Mammothwinkle. Cut the palm of the hand with a pencil. The thumb is the trunk of Mammoth, the remaining four fingers - legs. Dorisuite ears, tissue. Color. So it turned out Mammontoyon. Come up with him a name.

The game. Trackers. Playing must define "who among animals, birds could leave their traces."

The task.According to the "remains" of ancient animals, reconstruct their appearance (gather a puzzle).

Exhibition of drawings.

Multimedia Presentation, Cartoon, Genuine Paleontological Items (Fragment of Mammoth Test).

Guys about animals.

Theory. Animal world of Omsk Viirtsheye. Wild, pets, insects.


The game. Guess who am I?

According to the description, children should guess what animal is speech.

The game. "Understand me".

With the help of gestures, movements, facial expressions and sounds, images of animals.

The game. "Whose kids?" Name mom baby animal depicted in the picture.

Experience. Archings and tunnels. Slide the tube from fine paper, slightly large in diameter than pencil. Insert a pencil into it. Then carefully float the tube with the pencil sand so that the ends of the tube are outward. Pull out the pencil - and you will see that the tube remained unmarked. Peschins form safety vaults. Insects that have fallen in the sand are selected from under the thick layer as integrideways.

The task. Invent a riddle about the animal.

Multimedia presentation, cartoon, animal figurines.

Excursion to the Museum of Local Lore (Division of Nature).

Practice. The task.

Carefully consider exhibits and answer questions. What animals are you known? What do you know about them? After visiting the museum, draw what is remembered most. Prepare a mini story in your drawing.

Travel seeds.

Theory. The floral world of the Omsk priirtesium from ancient times to the present day. Transformation of seed into the plant. Winged seeds (Birch, Clane, Lipa). Fluffy seeds (dandelion, poplar). Plants that can shoot (peas, acacia). Omsk trees long-livers.

Practice. The game. Who quickly?

Find a picture with the image of a certain plant.
Children must find cards with a plant that calls the teacher. The one who will quickly find the named plant will be defeated.

Experience. Lotus flowers.

Cut out color paper flowers with long petals. With a pencil, tighten the petals to the center. And now lower the multicolored lotuses on the water, poured into the pelvis. Literally on your eyes, flower petals will be blown away. This is because the paper wets, it becomes gradually harder and the petals are revealed.

Experience. Wonderful matches. You will need 5 matches. Dump them in the middle, bend at right angles and put on the saucer. Drip a few drops of water on the folds of matches. Watch. Gradually, the matches will start straightening and form a star. The reason for this phenomenon, which is called the capillary, is that the fibers of the tree absorb moisture. She crawls more on capillars. The tree swells, and its surviving fibers "get fat", and they can no longer bend greatly and begin to straighten.

The task. Determine the age of the tree along the annual rings on the spell.

The task. We manufacture from pumpkin seeds, watermelon, zucchini colors bouquet.

Multimedia presentation, cartoon, seeds, plants flowers.

How cities are born.

Theory. Legends on the basis of the city of Omsk, the origin of the names of the Irtysh rivers and om. .

The game. "Journey to the old Omsk". Children get a secret letter written by milk. Heating a sheet of paper see how an invisible message appears. From the secret letters, learn about the existence of an ancient map of Omsk.

We go on a trip through the old Magician of Omsk (the place of landing of the expedition I. Buchhogolts, the River Omsk, the building of the house of creativity, circus, puppet theater, Museums Omsk, the oldest tree of Omsk and others).

Photo exhibition "I and my city."

Multimedia presentation.

The final lesson in the section "Localia".

Practice. Performing creative tasks.

Exhibit in focus (acquaintance with museum objects)

How stones appeared.


Varieties of stones. Geology is a science that studies stones. How to become a geologist. What the mountains consist of. Volcanoes. Magmatic breeds.


Experience with a candle (as the breed is formed from magma). Representing how the breed is formed from magma will help monitor the burning candle.

Multimedia presentation, genuine museum objects, copies of museum items. Cartoon.

From the word - drawing to the letter.

Theory. The history of writing: novel, picturesque (pictographic) letter, the birth of Slavic writing; The first written materials: clay plate, papyrus, bearers, paper.

Ink Lake.


The game. Children send each other writing written in different ways (nodule, picturesque, on clay, Bereste). We write goose feathers and ink.

Experience. Where to share ink? Transformations. In a bubble with water, ink or carcasses, so that the solution was pale blue. Put the tablet of extended activated carbon. Close the neck with a finger and shake the mixture.
She brightens in front of her eyes. The fact is that coal absorbs his surface of the dye molecule and is no longer visible.

Multimedia presentation, genuine museum objects, copies of museum items.

How the eraser and the ball appeared.

Theory. Ball from "Tears of Tree". Bread and gum for erasing a pencil.


The task.Continue a fairy tale. The evil wizard did so that one second did not become in the city of rubber. And at that time, people in cars in their affairs were hurried, the girls played the ball, the electric light was burning in the houses, and the diver was looking for a drowned boat at the bottom. Continue a fairy tale. Tell me, what happened to the city, people, what things disappeared from home and the street when all the rubber suddenly disappeared.

Multimedia Presentation, genuine museum objects, copies of museum objects, cartoon.

Visiting a fairy tale (the history of household items).

Theory. The objects of the peasant life, which is told in fairy tales: a clay pot, lapti, a spread.


Lepim the clay pot in an old way.

Quiz"Guess". Children must guess the riddle and find the exhibit that we are talking about, and also demonstrate how it was applied in practice.

The task. Package for the house (fill the cast iron by vegetables) patterns.

The task. Sochini riddle. Learning to make riddles.

Multimedia presentation, cartoon, genuine museum objects.

How to prepare a mini-project "My Museum".

Theory. Create your mini museum. What you need to know to create your museum. In the exposure to reflect:

1) The place where the heroes of the exposition live.

2) the heroes of the exposure.

3) Your attitude to them, their attitude towards you.

Practice . Using items, drawings to build an exposition on the themes "My Family", "My Cat", etc.

Exposure to draw in notebooks.

Multimedia presentation, genuine museum objects, copies of museum items.

Summing up for the year.

Theory. Results for the year.

Practice . Presentation of the mini-project "My Museum".

Program methodical support

The program "Children and Museum" is focused on the age of the specifics of preschool children. Preschoolers are characterized by sharpness and freshness of perception, contemplative curiosity. They with live curiosity and pronounced emotion react to the surrounding. At the same time, their thinking, in many respects continuing to maintain a clear-shaped character, is already starting to acquire verbal-logical features.

In the process of occupying, the use of non-verbal and game learning methods is important. We are talking about independent drawings and creative tasks, various kinds of didactic games, developing exercises. It is also important to observe the principles of visibility and dialogue, strive to identify individual activity and independence of each child, as well as the formation of skills to communicate and joint discussion of impressions (teamwork skills).

The educational process uses three main forms of working with students: class-audit, practical classes and classes on the museum exposition.

The main conditions for the successful implementation of the program is the use of genuine museum objects, visual benefits, multimedia presentations, audio and video materials for holding museum classes. The creation of a special interactive fund of museum objects allows direct tactile perception of the subject, which is the main stimulus of interest in such museum classes and satisfies the need for children in the effective development of knowledge.

Multimedia presentation due to emotional attractiveness is a very effective means of filing information. The ability to use animated rollers, audio effects, graphs and text enhances the susceptibility of the children's audience, creates a positive attitude to information.

As practice shows the most effectively joint use of multimedia presentations and the traditional learning process based on personal communication of the student with a teacher. The application of the latest technologies in the museum-pedagogical process emphasizes the value of communication with the originals, and does not replace this dialogue.

The program is designed for the creative interaction of the teacher of additional education, children and parents. Provides joint campaigns to the museum, and as a result of the work on the program, the development of the mini-project "My Museum".

The main activity of the preschooler is, the game in the process of which the child of this age will know the world. Therefore, the educational process is organized according to the principle of "entertaining communication" using the heuristic teaching methods.

There are such moments as:

The readiness of children is included in the dialogue with the teacher and peers about the problems under consideration;

The ability to keep a search job, independently or together with parents collecting, collecting your own drawings and crafts, visit museums, share your impressions;

The willingness to be active in the classroom, do not be shyful to ask the teacher about what is not clear, etc.

One forms of working with children is a museum lesson. The main condition of the museum lesson is visualization (the use of museum objects) and a dialogue (the perception of the child as an active participant in the dialogue). Museum lessons are designed taking into account the peculiarities of children's psychology - with a support for the sensual perception and activity of the child, who strives to know the surrounding through the game. The peculiarity of museum lessons is that the guys can not only see, but also hold authentic museum exhibits in their hands (Special Interactive Fund). Museum lesson is usually built in the form of a conversation. Modern information resources allow you to make a lesson richer and more diverse.

Visualization of education, education by immersing children to the objective world of culture, the use of modern interactive techniques and modern information technologies All this makes it possible to attract the attention of children to museum classes. Museum pedagogy makes it possible to imagine the child, feel a holistic picture of the world, will allow reveal and develop their abilities will help become a person.

Forms of work:

Museum lesson



View cartoon

Travel into the past

Traveling around fairy tales

Scientific expedition

Methods for solving learning problems, upbringing, developing children:

Question - response (encourages reasoning and analyzing in a certain logical sequence);

Comparison method (comparison of the same type of phenomena, events, facts, subjects);

Conversation (with the help of targeted and skillful questions to encourage children to remember the knowledge already known to them and stimulates the assimilation of new knowledge by independent reflection, conclusions and generalizations);

Problematic presentation (organization of training by independently producing knowledge in the process of solving vital or educational issues);

Research method (provides for the execution of children under the guidance of adult research tasks and works);

The design method (a method based on the development of educational skills of students, critical and creative thinking, the ability to independently design their knowledge, orient the information space, to see and formulate the problem).

Contrast (opposition of phenomena, events, facts, objects);

Theatrical elements (a way to interpret museum information using a complex of theater attributes. For a theatrical excursion, the presence of museum objects, the active participation of visitors, the use of game episodes and theatrical elements);

Dialogical communication (equal discussion of the issues under consideration);

Stimulating independent activities (creating a situation and conditions for the inclusion of a visitor to active independent activities in various fields (emotional, intellectual, creative, practical);

Creative competition (use of the competition in order to identify and enhancing the creative potential of the audience);

Gaming methods (designed to promote the development of museum information in the process of playing with the experience of pleasure from the activity itself. There are objects of subject, plot, movable, intellectual and didactic). To solve the learning tasks in the museum, didactic and role-playing games are most often used (it is proposed to submit themselves as a participant in the events, to portray the event in the persons, to quickly find certain exhibits). Using the game method activates the creative activities of children. In game situations, the main point for the child itself is the game, without noticing, he masters new knowledge and skills.

Video meter (use of projectors, training television, computers). The most effective when presenting new knowledge, demonstration of various activities. Slides, video recordings, children's programs, etc.

Demonstrations (clearly sensual acquaintance of children with exhibits in their natural form allows the active cognitive process)

Conditions for the successful implementation of the program

Availability of the Museum Object Foundation;

The presence of an interactive fund of museum objects;

Premises for cool - audit classes;

Availability of presentation multimedia presentations;

The opportunity to visit the museums of the city;

The ability to conduct pedestrian excursions;

Have in your own disposal or be able to work with a computer, with Internet access; scanner, printer, multimedia projector; camera, camcorder;

Providing methodological literature, literature on museum and local lore subjects;

Availability of video;

Attracting parental parents to cooperate;

Promoting museum and local history activities;

Systematically demonstrate the results of the work of students;

Create from the administration of the educational institution, the public atmosphere of interest and significance of the implementation of the program;

Stimulate children's activities.

Literature for teachers

1. Boyko-Communication technologies in museum-pedagogical activities: a training manual. - St. Petersburg, 20c.

2. Large Russian encyclopedia. - M. 2006. - 1887 p.

3. Broccaus dictionary.

4. Drills of things. - M., 1985.

5. Vaslova and school. M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

6., Pugacheva Historical and local lore dictionary. M., 1994.

7. Nadeyaves B. Keys from the past. Legends and legends of the Earth Omsk.

8. Goncharenko Edge. Nature. Peoples. Primitive story. Culture. Tutorial. - Omsk: Omgpu Publisher, 19c.

9. Cities of Peter the Great. Reference book / Auto-Cost. . M..1. St. Petersburg: Star of St. Petersburg, 2001.180 p.

30. Zelenko Museum. M., 1927.

31. 1000 years of insight. The story of things. Publisher: Word, 2002. - 220 s.

32. Irtysh Vertograd (Series "All Russia"): Collection. Essay, documents, background, memories, chronicle, stories, poems. - M: Academy of Poetry, Publishing House "Moscow Writer", 1998. - 560 p.

33. Calen and exposure. Lecture notes. Omsk. 2000.

34. Kochedami grew and developed the city of Omsk. L., 1960.

35. On the phenomenon of museum pedagogy // Art Museum in the educational process. St. Petersburg., 1998.

36. The cones of thousands of years of the Middle Airtish art. Scientific and popular publication. Omsk.1966. from. 60, with il.

37., the domestic museum business in the direction of international trends / museum for everyone. Collection of works of the creative laboratory "Museum Pedagogy". Department of Museum. Vol. 4., compiler -, apricot, 2003, 196c.

38. Kravtsov V., Sobolev V., Shapovalov A. The secrets of the past. - Novosibirsk: Infolio Press, 1999. - 64 p.: Il. ("Siberia: Unknown Worlds").

39. Cultural and educational activities Museums: Sat. Tr. Creation. Laboratory "Museum Pedagogy" Department of Museum / under scientific. ed. E. K - Dmitrieva ,. M., 1997.

40. Multimedia Lebedev: opportunities and realities // Museum and new technologies. M., 1999. P.160-177.

41. Makarov-Taman "House: Children's Open Museum" in Moscow // International Museum and Pedagogical Seminar "Hello, Museum!". Tez. Seminar. St. Petersburg, 1995.

42. Makarova-, Yukhnevich Museums in
Russia and abroad. M., 2001.

43., Averbuch of Omsk Podtyshye. - Omsk: Oguy Museum, 20c.

44. On the meaning of the term "Museum Pedagogy" in theory and
Practice of modern activities of Russian museums // Museum. Education. Culture: Integration processes. M., 1999.

45., Yukhnevich Pedagogy as a new scientific discipline // Cultural and educational activities of museums: Sat. Tr. Creation. Laboratory "Museum Pedagogy" Department of Museum. M., 1997.

46. \u200b\u200bMuseology. Education of the younger generation in the museum: theory, technique, practice. M., 1989.

47. Museums of Russia: searches, research, work experience: Sat. Scientific Tr. Vol. 5: Pedagogy and culturality of museum activities. St. Petersburg., 1999.

48. Museum Pedagogy: Interdisciplinary Dialogues: First Notebook. St. Petersburg: Special Literature, 1998.

49. Nikolaev and legends. - 4th ed., Ched. - Novosibirsk: Sib. Unison ed - in, 2007. - 203 s.; 16 s. Il.

50. Omsk. "The city on the border of the state of the Russian ...". Historic mosaic / author-comp. , / SPb.: Star of St. Petersburg, 2001.112 s., Il. (Series of the "City of Peter Great", Isk.3)

51. Palatenkov and commemorative places Omsk and Omsk region. Omsk, 1967.

52. Pedagogy of children's adaratence: development in creativity: studies. Manual / - Omsk: Publishing House of Omgpu, 2010. - 120 s.

53. The objective world of culture: Museum and excursion program for elementary school / Museum and Education Group:, Minina Sat., M., 1994.

54. Work with schoolchildren in the Museum of Local Lore: Scenarios of classes: studies. - Method, allowance / Ed. . - M.: Humanit. Ed. Center Vlados, 2001, - 224 p.

55., Saplin in history. 3 cl.: KN. for teacher. - 2nd ed. - M.: Drop, 1997. - 128 p.

56., Saplin in history. Manual for students. M.: TSG, "Venta - Griff", 1995. - 160 p.

57. Old Omsk. Illustrated chronicle of events / comp. . - Omsk, 2000.

58. Pedagogy joiners. History, theory, practice: studies. benefit /. - M.: Higher. Shk., 2004 - 216 p.

59. Stolyarov in the education system: (to the problem of the specifics of museum-pedagogical activities in the modern sociocultural process) //
International Museum and Pedagogical Seminar "Hello, Museum!". Tez. Seminar. St. Petersburg, 1995.

60. Art Museum's joiners: from sources to modern times. St. Petersburg: Special Literature, 1999.

61. Stolyarov Museum and aesthetic education of young people. L., 1988.

62. Stolyarov bl., And others. Museum-pedagogical program
"Hello, Museum!" // Art Museum in the educational process. St. Petersburg., 1998.

63., Sokolova Nd., Alekseev excursion
Cases: studies. Manual for students of pedagogical universities. St. Petersburg., 2002.

64. 1000 Renal events from the history of Omsk. ./ Sost. And scientific Ed. . Omsk, 1996.

65. 1000 mysteries. Popular benefit for parents and teachers. / Compilers ,. Artists, . - Yaroslavl: Academy K, Academy Holding, 2001. - 224 p., Il. - (Series: "Game, Training, Development, Entertainment").

66. Delets about the glorious city of Omsk. - Fragments of history. Omsk: KN. Publishing house, 2005. - 272 p.

67. Fedotov, obedient clay. Basics of artistic craft. M.: AST - Press, 1997.

68. Hudson K - influential museums. Novosibirsk, 2001.

69., Fokin Museum: Tutorial for students of pedagogical and humanitarian universities. - St. Petersburg: Speclit, 20c.

70. Yurasova. Essays history. Omsk, 1983.

71. Yureva: Tutorial for Higher School. - 2nd ed. - M.: Academic Project, 2004. - 560 p.

72. Yureva in world culture. M., 2003.

73. I will lead you to the museum: studies. Manual for museum pedagogy. M., 2001.

Literature for children

1. Cheerful lessons. Cognitive magazine for mid-school children, February 2010.

2. I will know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: Toys / Auto. Cost. . - M.: "AST Publishing House"; House "Family Library", 1999. - 496 p., Il.

3. I will know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: History Crafts. - M.: AST "; Artel ", 2000. - 416 p., Il.

Internet resources:

1. Entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers http: // adalin. ***** / L_01_00 / L_01_10C. shtml.

2. Entertaining experiences http: // ***** / OPIT / OPIT. Htm.

3. How to make a volcano? http: // ***** / FullText-Thread. ASPX? CNF \u003d Early & TD \u003d 6380

4. CONONCHENKO N. Munch feedback with plants http: //*****/2003/08/9.htm

6. Why are plants grow up? http: // www. ***** / ART / 1953 /

7. Starovoit with children. "Eruption"

http: // www. ***** / zanatia247.htm.

Yu.N. Uvarova,head Department of scientific popularization of Museums of the Moscow Kremlin

Developed new museum programs for schoolchildren

Integrating into the modern education system of the younger generation, many museums create new ones who are aimed at expanding the audience of the Museum permanent visitors and the transformation of museum expositions in the sphere of fascinating family leisure and additional education. In the museums of the Moscow Kremlin, the department of scientific popularization is developed and used in practice new types of educational activitiesintended for visitors of different ages:

  • cultural and educational general education organizations (hereinafter - oo) and students;
  • programs with theatrical elements;
  • creative classes in the Children's Center on various topics addressed to students of primary classes and a family audience;
  • acquaintance with the exposition of temporary exhibitions in the form of lecture programs and interactive classes. When developing the content and methods of conducting programs, the main objectives are: an in-depth acquaintance with the museum exposition (compared with a review tour) and an interactive material of the material supply involving the active intellectual and emotional participation of visitors.

For more efficient contact with the teachers of OO of any region of the Russian Federation, colleagues from other museums and parents of students of the Moscow Kremlin museums regularly organize and conduct a whole a number of public events:

  • festival conference "Kremlin - Children";
  • scientific and practical seminar "School Museum";
  • contests Essay for students on various topics;
  • competitions of children's drawings and carnival costumes dedicated to memorable dates and calendar holidays.

In this area of \u200b\u200bactivity there are traditional projects that have been many years have existed, but do not lose their relevance, for example, a school-museum seminar. It is organized for teachers and directors of Moscow Moscow and is held once every two years in October with the aim of exchanging views between the Museum staff and teachers on the integration of museum programs in the educational process - the interaction of the museum and school. Methodists of the Museums of the Moscow Kremlin are presenting new cultural and educational projects and training auxiliary literature, the participants of the seminar are discussing the ways of interaction and prospects for the cooperation of the OO and the Museum.

For students

From new forms of educational work, the most popular can be recognized cultural and educational programs for students of different ageson various topics. This form implies several components within the framework of one program: a lecture, exhibition exhibition, an interactive occupation with the participation of visitors during which they fulfill tasks and answer questions. Classes can take place using a details - the historical reconstruction of the genuine monuments of antiquity and masterpieces from the museum collection. The main goal of cultural and educational programs is integration into the educational process, for example, in the context of teaching learning items, the implementation of extracurricular activities or the development of an additional education system, as well as the expansion of the horizons of young visitors.

Therefore, thematic copyright programs are created, correlated with the program of the study subject "History of Russia" for the OO. Architectural monuments and masterpieces from the Museums of the Moscow Kremlin museums help students more deeply and seriously explore the historical material and are excellent illustrations of the historic era and important events. The most popular programs for students of 5-7 grades are: "Ivan Grozny - the first Russian king" and "troubled time." Both projects combine short lecture and classes on the museum exposition.

Cultural and educational program of the museum "Ivan Grozny - the first Russian king"

Cultural and educational program for students of the 5-7 grades "Ivan Grozny - First Russian Tsar"allows you to learn about the political events of the XVI century., Paradinary ceremonies and private life of King Ivan Vasilyevich and his family. One of the programs is devoted to the visual arts of the Grozny era, with the masterpieces of which students get acquainted with the example of the paintings and the icons of the Annunciation Cathedral - the home temple of the Moscow sovereign. The knowledge gained helps to fix the notebook of creative tasks - the teacher can use it in the class during the lesson. The notebook is awarded to each student and contains questions and tasks, the Kremlin cards and extensive image material. Such workbooks are created for several educational programs and are a good auxiliary material in the educational process.

Cultural and educational program of the Museum "Troubles"

Author cultural and educational program "Trouble time"also designed for students of 5-7 grades and is dedicated to the Russian history of the beginning of the XVII century. Events of the Time: Death of the Tsar Boris Godunova, Feltmitry Academy, Polish Intervention is considered in detail not only in the lecture part, but also on the example of the monuments of two cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin - Assumption and Arkhangelsky. Students get acquainted with the issues of continuity and legality of the Soviet authorities, recall the royal dynasties (Rurikovich and Romanov), which were ruled in Russia, discuss the reasons for election to the kingdom in 1613. Mikhail Romanova.

Due to the fact that modern high school students are distinguished by rational worldview and seek to obtain knowledge useful for the future profession, a few years ago a unusual form of educational program was developed. for students of 10-11 classeshumanitarian College Students - business game"I am a guide." The content of the program involves acquaintance with the cathedrals, the territory of the Kremlin and the Armory of the Chamber. The goal of the project "I will introduce you to the Kremlin" - the creation of every young participant in the author's excursion and the subsequent presentation as an examination work. The program was tested and implemented to the educational process of college at the GOU VPO "Russian State Humanitarian University" (included in the 3rd course curriculum). The form of a business game contributes to the active perception of the museum exposition, introduces the peculiarities of working with visitors, helps high school students to determine the choice of the future profession.

Cultural and educational program of the museum "Gone Kremlin"

Educational program for students of the 9-11 classes "Uphest Kremlin"designed for future art historians, architects, specialists in regions. The project has a research in nature and includes the elements of the quest game, so popular in our days among visitors of different ages. Students in the lecture part learn how the Kremlin was in the XVI-XIX centuries, as the appearance of the Kremlin streets and squares changed and what structures were erected by Russian states. In a practical lesson, students should, focusing on the map, find where the palaces, temples and monuments were in the Kremlin, to tell about the history of their creation and causes of loss. The program requires participants in the analytical approach to information and research skills. In conclusion, each student presents a report with a presentation dedicated to one of the lost monuments of the Moscow Kremlin. In addition to the educational task, this project aims to educate careful attitude towards historical heritage and understanding the importance of its safety.

Museum programs for schoolchildren with theatricalization elements

Cultural and educational programs with theatricalization elementsimplemented in the museums of the Kremlin for several years. The development of such a program requires the preparation of the scenario, the inclusion in the story canvas of the historical character, using the role-playing game as a method of immersion of participants into the atmosphere of a given era. Of great importance for the positive emotional perception of the project, the acting skills of the museum employee performing the role of a certain character, and the props, which is the historical reconstruction of monuments of antiquity. Currently, the museums of the Moscow Kremlin offer students of secondary and older two theatrical programs devoted to the Russian court culture of the XVII century. - "In the Kremlin in the wards" and "at the queen on the feast". They are held in the exposition of the patriarch chambers and introduce the daily life of Russian sovereigns. Reception of theatricalization requires a sense of measure of measures and delicacy from museum staff, it should not replace interest in genuine works of the museum exposition and serve exclusively entertainment purposes. The main task is to awaken the interest in national traditions and the creation of a bright image of the era.

The informative feature of the program "In the Kremlin in the ward" performs both game moments included in the program scenario: visitors not only talk about forgotten in our time the details of the female and male costume of a noble person, but also suggest to measure them and see how the elements of the costume were worn in distant time. Two participants of the program are dressed up with hawed and boyar, explain the names and the value of the components of their robes and accessories. As a result, young visitors receive an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the Russian medieval costume and etiquette, adopted under the royal yard.

The program "At Queen on Peir" also combines the narrative (excursion part) and game, theatrical. Due to the colorful reconstruction of the solemn feast and a variety of details, the atmosphere of the royal feast is recreated in the palace. Students take part in the role-playing game - depict various characters - participants in the feast. Interactive action helps them learn about the rules of etiquette, the parade ceremonies of the XVII century, the law of locality. An important goal of the program is to familiarize with the traditions of Russian national culture and the transformation of old customs in a modern context. Both programs include work with a notebook of creative tasks.

Museum programs for schoolchildren with creative tasks

Work with the students of 1-4 gradespossodes widespread use creative tasks, game moments, requisites, the application of the form of an active conversation and the promotion of the most active participants. The relatively new method of knowledge of the museum exposition and consolidation of the material is the creative occupation included in the structure of the educational program. Such an event combines acquaintance with the authentic monuments of the museum, the repetition of the material in the form of a lecture-conversation and the creation of an object of artistic creativity in the technique proposed by the teacher's artist. This type of work helps creatively comprehend information about the historical past and display it in artistic images. He enjoys a special success not only in working with students, but also at the family audience and has recently become a popular form of family leisure.

In the museums of the Moscow Kremlin, several thematic copyright programs were developed by the methodologies of the scientific popularization department on the history of the architectural ensemble of the royal residence and the famous collections of the Armory Chamber. Programs are implemented within the framework of the children's studio "Svetlitsa". Programs combine visiting exposure and artistic creativity in the Children's Center. Students perform uncomplicated tasks using the artist prepared in advance. At the same time, they rely on the knowledge and impressions obtained during the visit to the museum. Thus, young visitors, mastering the basics of artistic creativity, enshrine the knowledge gained and remember the most significant historical events, facts, phenomena of cultural and consumer life. Creative tasksperformed in different techniques: Figure, Application, modeling, Maketling, and the reconstructions of genuine vintage costumes are used as samples. Students learn about the peculiarities of working with various materials and, creating their own "masterpiece", feel like real "artisans" - potters, builders, drawers. During collective classes, elements of mutual assistance are present, and the active participation of parents and their emotional support contribute to the atmosphere of family and friendliness.

Cultural and educational program of the museum "We are building the Kremlin"

Extremely requested steel new cultural and educational program "We are building the Kremlin", dedicated to the history of the construction of a new grand-road residence in the Epoch of Ivan III. It is aimed at forming students a conscious perception of the beauty of the architectural ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin and an understanding of its unique historical and state importance. During the class student with the Kremlin map pass along the fortress walls and towers, remember their names, design, purpose. Under the guidance of an experimental methodologist, they represent the picture of the enemy invasion and the Defense of the Kremlin in the old days. In the Children's Center, young visitors "build" one of the most beautiful and high Kremlin towers - waterfront.

Museum programs for schoolchildren and family audience

Cognitive goal has a series of programs with creative studies for students and a family audience - "meet holidays". In the list of festive dates there are vintage, and inherited from the Soviet period: New Year and Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, March 8, February 23. The main goal of the project is to tell about the history of all your favorite holidays and help students create their own gift for parents. True, often not without the help of the parents themselves, since visitors are both classes of students and family groups. Despite the abundance of information and undoubted interest in national traditions, today far from all visitors know the history of the appearance of a dressed Christmas tree for Christmas, the symbolism of the Easter egg and the value of the passenger week. The program "Towards the Holidays" introduces students with these important concepts and reveals the deep meaning of church and calendar holidays, using a conversation lecture form with the show of colorful slides. The narration of the traditions of the celebration of Easter includes occupation in the exposition of a weapon chamber, where visitors can see the famous masterpieces of the company K. Faberge - Easter gifts. In the children's center, students, relying on the knowledge gained and inspired by the works of art, create their own masterpiece.

More complex goals puts projectTitled "Club of antiquities". It is offered a family audience, designed for several years of study and involves a consistent study of the entire complex of the Kremlin museums, as well as the history of art and various museum professions. The club sections are copyright programs of methodologists, consisting of 16 classes on the exposition and in the classroom: Kremlin consistentness, "My Discovery of the Kremlin", "I am a hemologist", "Young Signs of Art". In the process of classes, theoretical knowledge is supported by acquaintance with works of art, architecture and the story of a methodologist on important milestones of Russian history on the exposition of the museum. Training in the club is completed at the end of the school year with the competition essay and oral reports with presentations on the most memorable masterpieces and architectural facilities. Students engaged in the studio "Svetlitsa" and visiting the club of antiquities ", with pleasure take part in various competitions both intellectual and artistic orientation. For example, a Christmas tree contest - to be dedicated to Christmas and the New Year, declares the best thematic art object: Christmas tree from unusual materials or a Christmas tree toy on the Kremlin theme. The whole family is usually involved in the creation of competitive work, and the Museums of the Kremlin are acting as a jury, which vote for the most original "souvenir".

Creature scientific and popular and auxiliary literature for studentsit is associated with the preparation and release of family reading books on various topics about the history of the Russian state and the Moscow Kremlin, and a number of auxiliary learning literature at the course of history for students of 5-9 grade. Since such editions are designed for a family audience, illustrative material includes drawings on a given theme that the artist creates on the basis of consultation with the author of the book - an employee of the museum.

Another form of interaction of educational institutions and the museum can be considered the research and popular editions of the Museum - School series, which were published for the first time in 2013. Currently, the methodologies of the scientific popularization department issued auxiliary materials to the course of the history of the 5-8 grades of The following theme: "Moscow Kremlin in 1812", "Great Moscow Prince Ivan III", "Step Romanov". The publications are of a methodological nature and are designed for use in the process of teaching teachers and students, since it contains not only the necessary information, but numerous questions and tasks on the topic.