The Father casts out demons. Ilor temple: myrrh-streaming icons and the expulsion of demons. The main devil-fighters of Ukraine talked about why it is impossible to watch TV shows and how they drive out unclean people from people

The Father casts out demons.  Ilor temple: myrrh-streaming icons and the expulsion of demons.  The main devil-fighters of Ukraine talked about why it is impossible to watch TV shows and how they drive out unclean people from people
The Father casts out demons. Ilor temple: myrrh-streaming icons and the expulsion of demons. The main devil-fighters of Ukraine talked about why it is impossible to watch TV shows and how they drive out unclean people from people

The Ilor temple is a very beautiful, single-hall church, the altar of which is located in a small semicircle, the room is covered with a stone arched vault, which rests on massive pilasters protruding from the walls. There are three entrances to the church, from the north, south and west. To the entrances to different time side-chapels were added. The temple is illuminated with five small windows. On the outside walls, in several places, prominent relief slabs with crosses are mounted. There is a spring with healing water near the temple.

The Church of St. George the Victorious is surrounded by a fence with a gate made of cobblestones. Near the church, according to sources, in the Middle Ages, crowded fairs were organized. The Ilor temple has long been popular far beyond the borders of the country and pilgrims from all the surrounding areas flocked here. The church was miraculous icon St. George, which was considered to be healing, and any wish uttered in the church would certainly come true.
The decoration of the church was once very rich, the fame of the gold and silver liturgical vessels and bowls stored here spread throughout the Caucasus. Currently, the Church of St. George the Victorious contains Myrrh-streaming icons and only a small part of the former treasures.

In the 17th century, during the Turkish yoke, the Ilor temple, along with many others, was badly damaged, partially destroyed and burned. However, valuable ancient inscriptions, drawings and reliefs have been preserved intact. A parish school was built in the courtyard of the church at that time.
One of the legends tells how one local prince wounded a deer while hunting in the forest. Running away, the animal disappeared into the dense thickets. The hunter pursued him, and traces of blood led him to the ruins of an ancient sanctuary. The prince saw a wounded deer, resting its head on a stone throne with a cross carved in the middle, and realized that the animal was under the patronage of St. George himself. The prince spared the deer and ordered to erect on this place a temple in honor of St. George the Victorious.

Until now, the Ilor temple is filled with the strongest energy and is one of the most popular places in the area. Services are still held here, and on the day of St. George the Victorious, many pilgrims come here.

On Fridays, there are procedures for casting out demons in the temple. Here is what one of the visitors to this temple writes about it:

“We arrived in Elir on an unlucky day. A Service with a“ lecture ”was planned at the Temple. Christianity, but for a person who happened to be in the Temple at that moment it was absolutely terrible. I will not describe it. I will only say that inside the Temple that, for the first time, I managed to stay only five minutes. Before the start of the actual ritual of "lecturing". Pilgrims from all over Russia come to these Services. I saw there both Abkhazians and Russians from Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen. And these were not just tourists, vacationers, but the Pilgrims. People who specially came to Elir and people in need of this Service. "

There are many Myrrh-streaming Icons in the Temple. Usually, Myrrh-streaming icons try not to put on public display. For example, in the Greek Athos Monastery, and in general, they are even removed from human eyes if the Icon begins to stream Myrrh. So the Icon is crying.
There is a reason for tears on the long-suffering Abkhaz land. Many Icons are crying in the Ilori Temple. And it really makes a very strong impression..