Who said and with Bach Father Harmony. The most famous work of Johanna Sebastian Bach

Who said and with Bach Father Harmony. The most famous work of Johanna Sebastian Bach
Who said and with Bach Father Harmony. The most famous work of Johanna Sebastian Bach

Roman "Evgeny Onegin" in the Russian criticism of the nineteenth century. Criticism - determination of the relationship to the subject (sympathetic or negative), the constant relationship of the work with life, expansion, deepening our idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the talent force of the criticism

Touching critics is afraid only what rotted that, as an Egyptian mummy, disintegrates in the dust of the air movement. A live idea, like a fresh flower from the rain, is stronger and grow up, withsting sample skepticism. Only ghosts disappear before the sober analysis spell, and the existing items subjected to this test prove the effectiveness of their existence. D.S.Pisarev

The first reviews about the novel editor of the Moscow Telegraph magazine N. Poleva welcomed the genre of Pushkinsky creation and with delight noted that it was not written according to the rules of "ancient pigert, but on the free requirements of creative imagination." The fact that the poet describes modern morals is also positive: "We see our own sayings, we look at our faders."

Decembrists about the novel woofing the sacred clock Do you spend for songs of love and fun? Remove the sensual adultery of a shameful burden! Let others be fighting in the magical networks of jealous chairs, let them seek other awards with poison in their cunning eyes! Keep for heroes enthusiasm straight! A.A. Kestujuzhev - Marlinsky

Inconsistent judgments about the novel as new chapters are published in estimates, everything is clearly beginning to sound the motive of the rejection of the novel, ironic and even sarcastic attitude towards him. Onegin turns out to be the target of parodies and epigram. F. Bullharin: Pushkin "Plenyl, delighted his contemporaries, taught them to write smooth, clean poems ... But he did not focus with his century, did not establish the laws of taste, did not form his school." In the parody "Ivan Alekseevich, or New Onegin" creshes the composition, and the content of the novel: everything is there: both about the loyal, and about the cherished old, and about others, and about me! Do not name the vinegret, read further, and I warn you, friends, that fashionable poets.

Contradictory judgments about the novel "I really love the extensive plan of your" Onegin ", but a greater number does not understand him. Looking for romantic strings, looking for extraordinary and, reason, do not find. The high poetic simplicity of your creation seems to be a poverty of fiction, they do not notice that old and new Russia, life in all changes passes in front of their eyes. "E.A. Bratynsky

V.G. Belinsky about the novel "Eugene Onegin" Onegin is the most sincere work of Pushkin, the most favorite child of his fantasy, and you can specify too much creations in which the personality of the poet would have affected the fullness of light and clear how Reflected in the "Onegin" personality of the gun- on. Here is all life, the whole soul, all the love of him, here is his feelings, concepts, ideals. " According to the critic, * the novel was for the Russian society "Act of Consciousness", "the Great Step Forward" * the great merit of the poet is that he "brought out the minds of the vice and heroes of virtue from fashion, drawing them just people" and reflected "faithful Reality Picture of Russian Society in the famous era "(Encyclopedia of Russian Life") ("Composition of Alexander Pushkin" 1845) V.G. Belinsky

D. Pisarev Roman "Eugene Onegin" BB Pisarev, analyzing the novel from the point of view of direct practical benefit, claims that Pushkin "frivolous singer of beauty" and his place "not on the desk of a modern worker, and in the dusty office of Antiquary" "elevated in the eyes the reading masses are those types and those traits of the character, which themselves are low, went and insignificant, Pushkin with all the forces of talent shifts that public self-awareness that the true poet should awaken and educate their works "Article" Pushkin and Belinsky "(1865) d . And. Pisarev

F.M.Dostoevsky on the novel "Eugene Onegin" F.M. Dostoevsky calls the novel "Evgeny Onegin" "the immortal inaccessible in the poem", in which Pushkin "was the great folk writer, as no one and no one. He is the most tidy, the most inspired mannerly noted the deeces of our essence ... "The critic is convinced that in Evgenia Onegin," real Russian life is embodied with such creative strength and the completeness of it, which did not happen before Pushkin. " Speech at the opening of the monument to Pushkin (1880) F.M.D. Ostoeevsky

Critics about Onegin V.G. Belinsky: "Onegin is kind small, but at the same time a non-free person. He is not suitable in genius, does not climb into great people, but the inaccessibility and vulgarity of life stroke him "; "Suffering Egoist", "Egoist inevitable"; "The forces of this rich nature remained without an application, life without meaning ..." D.I. Pisarev: "Onegin is nothing more than Mitrofanushka, dressed and combed in the metropolitan fashion of the twenties"; "The person is extremely empty and absolutely insignificant", "pathetic colorlessness." F.M.Dostoevsky: Onegin "Abstracted Man", "Restless Dreamer in all his life"; "Unfortunate slaughterhouse in native land", "sincerely suffering," "not reconcile, its native soil and his own strength does not believes, Russia and himself in the end denying"

Critics about Tatyana V.G. Belinsky: "Tatiana is an exceptional, the nature is deep, loving, passionate"; "Eternal loyalty to such a relationship that make up profanation of the feeling and purity of femininity, because some relationships, not consecrated by love, highly immoral" D.I. Pisarev: "The head of an unfortunate girl ... clogged with all the rubbish"; "She does not love anything, does not respect anything, does not despise anything, nothing thinks about anything, but just lives from day to day, obeying the initial order"; "She set herself under the glass cap and ordered himself to sleep well under this cap throughout his life." F.M.Dostoevsky: "Tatyana - the type of woman is completely Russian, who has gone out of behavior lies"; Her happiness "In the Higher Harmony of Spirit"

Conclusions Interest in the work of Pushkin was not always the same. There were moments when many it seemed that the poet had exhausted his relevance. He had repeatedly tried to take a "modest place ... in the history of our mental life" or generally offered to "reset from the ship of modernity" the novel "Evgeny Onegin", at first enthusiastically perceived by the temporary people, in the 30s of the 19th century, was sharply criticized. Y.L. Otman: "Pushkin left so forward from his time that contemporaries began to seem that he was behind them" in the era of revolutionary shocks (for example, the 60s of the 19th century), when the socio-political struggle reached the highest point Voltage, Humanna Pushkin suddenly turned out to be unintended, unnecessary. And then interest in him flared up with a new force. F.A. Brumov: "H is not to go through the trials, through the rivers and the sea of \u200b\u200bblood, it was necessary to understand how fragile life was to understand the most amazing, spiritual, harmonic, versatile man, which was Pushkin. When the problem of moral improvement, questions of honor, conscience, justice, appeal to Pushkin are natural and inevitably

Ilina Maria Nikolaevna

Roman "Evgeny Onegin" is studied at school in grade 9. By genre, the work is very difficult - the novel in verse. Therefore, immediately after entering the light, the flow of different opinions as positive and negative was collected. As part of the school program, only article V. G. Belinsky is being studied. Immediately after reading the novel, the student became interested in the opinion and other critics. To work on the abstract, the plan was drawn up, the desired material was selected. Articles were analyzed, the opinions of the critics of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The most interesting thing is that the controversy around the novel did not subside and in our time, and never subsides, while the novel is alive, while there are people interested in our literature and culture at all. The abstract was appreciated, the student received a diploma for his work.



Department of Education

Pochinkovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Gas pipeline secondary school


Topic: "Roman" Evgeny Onegin "in Russian criticism."

Ilina Maria


Student 11 "A" class



Larisa Nikolaevna.



Introduction .................................................................................................... 3.

Chapter 1. Evgeny Onegin - General characteristics .............................. 3.

Chapter 2. Kritics of the novel "Evgeny Onegin" .......................................... ... p. 6.

2.1. The review of the contemporary A. S. Pushkin V. G. Belinsky ......................s. 7.

2.2. The decade later, in the face of D. Pisareva, on Evgenia Onegin. nine

Assessment Y. Lotman .................................................................................. 10

Conclusion .................................................................................... .. 12

Bibliography .................................................................................................... 13



Already the third century Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" attracts the minds of a large number of people both in Russia and beyond. In different ways, numerous reviewers and critics are approaching this product. Multi people perceive in different ways.

Question - Who are you "Eugene Onegin"? It remains relevant and donyn from the moment of its birth at the exit of the novel during the life of A. S. Pushkin.

Why is the novel notlost his relevance so far? The fact is that on the basis of the ideas of historicism and nationality, Pushkin raised indigenous questions in his work, who worried about the poet contemporaries and subsequent generations.

Russia was captured in the works of Pushkin in the amazing wealth of its history, reflected in the fate and characteristics of central images - types - Peter 1, B. Godunova, Pugacheva, Onegin, Tatiana, etc.

"Pushkin's poetry," Belinsky wrote, - amazingly true Russian reality, whether it depicts Russian nature or Russian characters; On this basis, the general voice is made by his Russian national, folk poet ... "

Realizing itself by the poet of reality, Pushkin screamed the content of his creativity from the depths of life. By exposing criticism, at the same time he found ideals close to the people, and condemned it from the height of these ideals.

Thus, the perfect was removed by Pushkin from the life itself. The poet connected the truth of the image and perfection of the form.

Pushkin's creativity is understandable to the greatest reading masses. The sharedness of its poetry is the result of the huge tension of creative will and tireless labor.

Pushkin felt deeply and brilliantly reflected all human states in his work "Eugene Onegin". In fact, his work is a reflection of the spiritual path of a person, with all the takeilities and falls, mistakes, deceptions, misconceptions, but also with the eternal desire to know the world and himself. Therefore, it attracts readers and critics and remains relevant and in our time.

Chapter 1. Evgeny Onegin - general characteristics.

Roman "Yevgeny Onegin", despite the very peculiar, non-traditional end for an epic work (end "without end") is a holistic, closed and finished artistic organism. Artistic peculiarity of the novel, his innovative character identified the poet himself. In dedication to P. A. Pletnev, who opens a novel, Pushkin called him "collected the pillar of chapters."

In another place we read:

And distance free novel

I am a magic crystal

It has not yet clearly distinguished.

Finishing the first chapter, the poet admits:

I thought about the form of a plan

And as a hero name;

Filming my novel

I finished the first chapter; -

Revised all this strictly:

There are a lot of contradictions,

But I do not want to fix them.

What does "free romance" mean? What is the "free"? How to understand the author's definition: "Collected the Motion Chapters"? What contradictions mean poet, why does not want to fix them?

The novel "Evgeny Onegin" "is free" from those rules on which artworks were created during Pushkin, he "in contradiction" with them. The plot of the novel includes two phaance lines: the history of relations of Onegin and Tatiana, Lensky and Olga. In terms of composite, they can be considered as two parallel event lines: the novels of the heroes of the other line did not take place.

From the point of view of the development of the main conflict, which holds the plot of the novel, the Fabuli Lengsky line - Olga does not forms its storyline, at least side, since their relationship does not develop (where there is no development, movement, there is no plot).

The tragic junction, the death of Lensky, is due to their relationship. Lyubovsky's love and Olga is an episode that helps Tatiana to understand Onegin. But why then Lensky is perceived by us as one of the main characters of the novel? Because he is not only a romantic young man, in love with Olga. The image of Lensky is an integral part of two more parallels: Lensky - Onegin, Lensky - narrator.

The second composite feature of the novel: the main acting person is the narrator. He is given, firstly, as a satellite of Onegin, then converging with him, then consigned; Secondly, as the Antipode of the Lensky - Poet, that is, as the poet Pushkin himself, with his views on Russian literature, on his own poetic creativity.

Composite narrator is represented as a valid face of lyrical retreats. Therefore, lyric retreats should be considered as an integral part of the plot, and this already indicates the universal character of the entire work. Lyrical retreats perform the plot function also because they accurately denote the boundaries of the romance time.

The most important composite, the plot feature of the novel is that the image of the narrator spreads the borders of the personal conflict and the Russian life of that time in all its manifestations is included in the novel. And if the Fabul Roman is placed in the framework of relations between sobody only four persons, the development of the plot goes beyond these scope, due to the fact that the storyr acts in the novel.

Evgeny Onegin wrote over within seven years and even more - if we take into account the amendments that Pushkin brought into the text after 1830. During this time, much changed in Russia, and in Pushkin itself. All these changes could not be reflected in the text of the novel. The novel was written as if "in the course of life." With each new chapter, he became increasingly similar to the encyclopedic chronicle of Russian life, on her peculiar story.

The versassal speech is the form of an unusual and meaningful conditional. In everyday life, verses are not talking. But the poems are more than prose, allow us to deviate from the usual, traditional, because they themselves are some deviation. In the world of poems, Pushkin feels freely freer than in prose. In the novel in verses, some connections and motivation can be omitted, transitions from one topic to the other are easier. For Pushkin, it was the most important thing. Roman in verses was primarily a free novel - free by the nature of the narrative, according to the composition.

Friends Lyudmila and Ruslana!

With the hero of my novel

Without prefaces, this hour

Let me introduce you.

Tatiana, cute Tatiana!

With you now I am tears Lew;

You're in the hands of fashionable tyrant

I gave your fate.

Returning from the story about the main events of the novel, the author shares his memories. The poetic narration itself is not calm, but worrying, rejoicing or grieving, sometimes embarrassed:

And now I am for the first time

I bring to the secular round:

On the charms of her steppe

With jealous timidity I look.

The author in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is perceived by us as a living person. It seems that we do not just feel and hear, but also see it. And he seems to us smart, charming, with a sense of humor, with a moral look at things. The author of the novel rises in front of us in all the beauty and nobility of his personality. We will admire them, rejoice in meeting him, learn from him.

Not only the main characters, but also episodic characters play a major role in the Pushkin Roman. They are also typical and help the author to imagine as much as possible a lively and diverse historical picture. Episodic characters do not take part (or are taken little) in the main action, in some cases they are little associated with the main heroes of the novel, but they push the framework, expand the story. Thus, the novel not only better reflects all the completeness of life, but himself becomes like life: the same raging, many-sided, many-voiced.

... it is between business and leisure

Opened the mystery like a spouse

Automatic control.

And then everything went to become.

She drove on the work.

Solished the mushrooms for winter.

Led expenses, Brill His.

Went to the bath on Saturdays,

Servants beat, harassing

All this is a husband not asking.

The poet draws his poetic and historical paintings, then smiling, then sympathizing, it is ironizing. He reproduces life and history, as always loved to do it, "home-friendly", close, unforgettable.

All elements of the form of the novel, as it happens in a true artistic work, are subordinated to ideological content and ideological copyright. In solving the main task, which Pushkin put in front of him, when he wrote the "Eugene Onegin", - to portray modern life widely, in the scale of history - the lyrical deviations help him. In the Pushkin novel in verse, they are of a special character.

Here, surrounded by his oak,

Petrovsky castle. Gloomy ON.

Recently proud of glory.

Napoleon waited in vain,

The last happiness is ecced,

Moscow crankshake

With the keys of the old Kremlin:

No, I did not go Moscow

To him with a guy.

Not a holiday, not a reception gift,

She prepared fire

An impatient hero.

Pushkin depicts in the novel in the main representatives of the noble class, their life is shown in the novel in the first place. But it does not prevent the novel to be folk. It is not important who she depicts a writer, but as it depicts. All the phenomena of life and all the heroes of Pushkin assesses from a nationwide point of view. This is exactly what Roman Pushkin has deserved the name of the folk.

Finally, the form of free narration, artistically tested by the author "Yevgeny Onegin, was of great importance in the development of Russian literature. It can even be said that this free form determined the "Russian face" as a Russian novel and works close to the genre novel.

Chapter 2. Carticity of the novel "Evgeny Onegin".

Roman "Evgeny Onegin" because of its features, numerous mysteries and semi-ducts becomes an object for various kinds of reviews, critics, articles after their release in the 19th century.

"Touch critics is afraid only what rotted that, as an Egyptian mummy, disintegrates in the dust of the air movement. A live idea, like a fresh flower from the rain, is stronger and grow up, withsting sample skepticism. Only ghosts disappear before the sober analysis spell, and the existing items subjected to this test prove the effectiveness of their existence, "wrote D. S. Pisarev. [8]

A lot of "contradictions" and "dark" places in the novel is written. Some researchers believe that time after creating the work passed so much that its meaning is unlikely to be ever solved (in particular, Yu. M. Lotman); Others are trying to give "incompleteness" a philosophical meaning. However, the "incomprehensibility" of the novel has a simple explanation: it is simply inattentively read.

2.1. The review of the contemporary A. S. Pushkin V. G. Belinsky.

V. G. Belinsky - an unsurpassed researcher and the interpreter of creativity A. S. Pushkin. He belongs to 11 articles about the great Russian poet, of which 8th and 9th are devoted to the analysis of the novel in verses. Critical articles were consistently published in 1844 - 1845 in the journal "Domestic Notes".

Belinsky set himself a goal: "Disclose the attitude of the poem to society, which she depicts," and quite succeeded in this.

Belinsky believes that "Eugene Onegin" is "the most important, significant work of the poet."

"Onegin" is the most sincere work of Pushkin, the most favorite child of his fantasy, and it is possible to indicate too few creations, in which the personality of the poet would have affected with such a completeness, light and clearly, as affected by Evgenia Onegin Pushkin's personality. Here is the whole life, the whole soul, all love, here is his feelings, concepts. Ideals. Assessing such a work - it means to appreciate the poet itself throughout its creative activity. " [2]

Belinsky stresses that "Onegin" has a large historical and social importance for Russians: "In" Onegin "- we see a poetically reproduced picture of Russian society, taken from the most interesting moments of its development. From this point of view, Evgeny Onegin is a historical norm, although there is not a single historical person among its heroes. " [3]

"Onegin" can be called the encyclopedia of Russian life and highly by the people's work, "says Belinsky. He points to the "nationality" as a characteristic feature of this novel, believing that the "Eugene Onegin" nation more than in any other people's Russian essay. - If it is not all recognized as a national, then this is because we have long had a prepressed opinion, as if Russian in Thrake or Russian in the corset - no longer Russian and that the Russian spirit gives herself only where there is Zipun, Napty, Syvuha and sour cabbage. The mystery of the nationality of each people is not in his clothes and the kitchen, but in it, so to speak, manner to understand things. "

Belinsky believes that "the poet made very well by choosing heroes from the highest society." He could not fully explain this thought on censorship reasons: to show the life of a noble society, from which the Decembrists came out, show how dissatisfaction was brewed in the foremost nobility, protest was very important. The critic gave the characteristic of the images of the novel, and especially much attention paid to the chief hero - Onegin, his inner world, releasing his actions.

Describing Onegin, he notices: "Most of the part of the public completely denied the soul and heart in Onegin and saw in it a man of cold, dry and egoist by nature. It is impossible to innocent and curve to understand a person! .. The secular life did not kill feelings in Onegin, but only felt for fruitless passions and petty entertainment ... Onegin did not like to break in dreams, he felt more than spoke, and did not open anyone. The angry mind is also a sign of the highest nature ... ". Onegin does not claim to be a genius, does not climb into great people, but inaccessibility and vulgarity of life stroke him.

"Onegin is a terrible egoist ... It can be called an egoist unwillingly," Belinsky considers him, "the ancient called" Fatum "says it. This explains the understanding of Onegin as the nature of the "unfinished", the fate of which is tragic due to this incompleteness. Belinsky does not agree with those critics who considered Onegin's "parody", finding a typical phenomenon of Russian life in it.

Belinsky deeply understands the tragedy of Onegin, who was able to rise before the denial of his society, before a critical attitude towards him, but could not find his place in life, applying his abilities, could not be a way to fight the same society that hated. "What life! Here it is a true suffering ... in 26 years to survive so much, a sickness of life, so exhaust, to get tired, nothing to do, walk to such an unconditional denial, without going through any beliefs: this is death! "

Simply simple and clearly represented by Belinsky character of Lensky - typical for the era of the "ideal" existence, "torn away from reality." It was, in his opinion, a completely new phenomenon. Lensky was a romantic and in kind, and in the spirit of time. But at the same time, "he was a cute heart of ignorance," always interpreting about life, never knew her.

"The reality did not have any influence on him: his sorrows were creating his fantasy," writes Belinsky. Lensky loved Olga and decorated it with merits and perfections, attributed her feelings and thoughts that she had no and about which she did not care. "Olga was charming, like all the" young lady, "until they have become balar; And Lensky saw in her Fairy, Selphid, a romantic dream, Nimalo is not suspecting the future Baryni, "the critic writes.

"People, similar to Lensky, with all their indisputable advantages, are bad because they are or reborn in the perfect Filiques, or if they retain their original type forever, are made by these obsolete mystics and dreeders who are also unpleasant as old ideal Virgin, And which are more than the enemies of all progress, rather than people are simply no complaints about, vulgar ... in short, it is now the most irreparable empty and vulgar people, "concludes Belinsky's reflections on Lensky's character. [3]

"The feat of Pushkin is great that he was the first in his novel poetically reproduced the Russian society of that time and in the face of Onegin and Lensky showed him the main thing, that is, the male side; But hardly above the feat of our poet that he is the first poetic reproduced, in the face of Tatiana, a Russian woman. "

Tatiana, according to Belinsky, "the creature is exceptional, the nature is deep, loving, passionate. Love for her could be either the greatest bliss, or the greatest disaster of life, without any conciliatory middle. With the happiness of the reciprocity, the love of such a woman is flat, light flame; Otherwise, a stubborn flame, which will be the power of will, may not allow to break out, but which is the more destructive and burning, the more it is composed inside. Happy wife, Tatiana calmly, but nevertheless he would have been passionately and deeply loved her husband, would quite sacrifice his children, but not to mind, but again in passion, and in this victim, in strict fulfillment of their duties would find their greatest pleasure, His supreme bliss. " "This is the wondrous connection of rough, vulgar prejudices with passion to French books and, respectfully, to the deep creation of Martyn's saves is possible only in a Russian woman. The entire inner world of Tatiana was in the thirst for love, nothing else told her soul, his mind slept ... "," wrote a critic. According to Belinsky, there was a real Onegin for Tatiana. She could neither understand or know him, because she also understood himself as well as little and knew. "There are creatures that fantasy has much more influence on the heart ... Tatiana was from such creatures," says critic.

Belinsky gives a magnificent social and psychological etude about the situation of the Russian woman. He sends an imparting replica to Tatiana, which was not surrender, and is given, but he places the blame for this not to Tatyana, but to society. It was this society that re-create it, subjugated its whole and pure nature "calculations of prudent morality". "Nothing is so subordinate to the rigor of external conditions, like a heart, and nothing requires unconditional will, like a heart." In this contradiction, the tragedy of the fate of Tatiana, ultimately submitted to this "external conditions". And yet Tatyana Road Pushkin, the fact that he remained, retained loyalty to his ideals, their moral ideas, their folk sympathies.

Summing up the analysis of the novel, Belinsky wrote: "Let the time goes and brings with you new needs, new ideas, let Russian society grow and overtakes" Onegin ": no matter how far it is left, it will always love this poem, will always stop on She filled with love and gratitude to the eye. "

In the elected critical articles Belinsky, the Belinsky student and at the same time decisively rejected all those small and flat interpretations of the Pushkin Roman, who sinned criticism from the moment of the first chapter appeared and up to the publications of Belinsky articles. Analysis of these articles makes it possible to understand the true meaning and the price of the immortal, "true national" work.

2.2. Visigal on the "Eugene Onegin" decades later in the face of D. Pisarev.

Twenty years later, D. I. Pisarev joined the dispute with Belinsky. In 1865, Pisarev published two articles combined under the general title: "Pushkin and Belinsky". These two articles criticism give a sharply polemical, biased assessment of the work of the poet. Pisarev articles about Pushkin caused a noisy response at their appearance. They were fascinated by their rectilinear conclusions, others were repelled as mockery over the work of the Great Poet. It would, of course, it would be completely incorrect to treat them as ordinary literary and critical articles.

Almost all the art of the past Pisarev proposed to surrender to the archive - it is "useless" in the economic and spiritual transformation of Russia of Russia of the 1860s. Pushkin for him did not make exceptions. "I am not at all accusing Pushkin that he was more imbued with the ideas that did not exist in his time or could not be available to him. I ask myself and solve only one question: should we read Pushkin for a moment or we can put it on the shelf, just as we have already done with Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Karamzin and Zhukovsky? ".

Pisarev was ready to twist everything. All that was not, in his opinion, useful "in the present minute". And what follows this minute, he did not think.

In Tatiana, he saw a creature whose consciousness was spoiled by reading romantic books, with a painful imagination, without any advantages. Belinsky's enthusiasm he considers unreasonable: "Belinsky completely forgets to cope whether there was enough brain in her beautiful head, and if it was, in which position was this brain. If Belinsky asked himself these questions, he would immediately realize that the amount of the brain was very insignificant that this small amount was in the very poor condition and that only this is the deplorable state of the brain, but not the presence of the heart explains the sudden explosion of tenderness that manifested In writing a crazy letter. "

Pisarev in his article about "Eugene Onegin" brings to the extreme discrepancy between the sublime content of the work and is emphasized by its transformation. It is known that everything can be ridiculous, even the most holy. Pisarev climbed the heroes of Pushkin to take away the sympathy of readers to "free the place" to focus on new heroes, to the all-fourths of the sixties. Critic wrote: "You will not see the historical picture; You will only see a collection of vintage costumes and hairstyles, ancient price lists and posters, antique furniture and ancient clamps ... But this is not enough; To draw a historic picture, you need to be not only an attentive observer, but also, moreover, a wonderful thinker. "

In general, the assessment of Pushkin in Pisarev is a serious step back compared to Belinsky, Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov. In this sense, it is interesting how Pisarev, for example, "translates into his own language" the famous thought of Belinsky that Pushkin first showed the dignity of poetry as an art that he gave her the opportunity to be an expression of all directions, every contemplation "was an artist for the advantage. [ nine ]

For Belinsky, this statement meant that Pushkin, having achieved complete freedom of art form, created the necessary conditions for the further development of realism in Russian literature. For Pisarev, it turns out to be equivalent only to the statement that Pushkin was a "great stylist", improving the forms of the Russian verse.

2.3.Roman in verses "Eugene Onegin" after almost two centuries.

Assessment Y. Lotman.

"Evgeny Onegin" is a difficult work. The easiest of verse, the usability of the content, familiar with childhood reader and is emphasized by simple, paradoxically create additional difficulties in understanding the Pushkin novel in verses. The illusory idea of \u200b\u200bthe "clearer" of the work hides from the consciousness of the modern reader a huge number of words incomprehensible to him. expressions, phraseologism, hints, quotes. To think over the verse that you know from childhood, it seems unnewned pedantry. However, it is necessary to overcome this naive optimism of an inexperienced reader to become obviously as far from us even from a simple textual understanding of the novel. The specific structure of the Pushkin novel in verses, in which any positive statement of the author immediately can be turned into an ironic, and the verbal fabric as it should slide, transmitting from one speech carrier to another, makes the method of violent extraction of quotation especially dangerous. In order to avoid this threat, the novel should be considered not as a mechanical amount of the author's statements on various issues, a peculiarity of the quotation, but as an organic artistic world, whose parts live and get meaning only in correlation with the whole. A simple list of problems that "puts" Pushkin in his work will not introduce us to the world of Onegin. An artistic idea implies a special type of life transformation in art. It is known that Pushkin was the "Devil's Difference" between poetic and prosaic modeling of the same reality, even while maintaining the same subjects and problematics. " [6]

The absence of traditional genre signs in Evgenia Onegin: the beginning (exposure is given at the end of the seventh chapter), the end, traditional signs of the romance plot and the usual heroes - was the reason that the modern critic author did not see the innovative content. The basis of the construction of the text "Onegin" was the principle of contradictions. Pushkin declared: "I revised it all strictly; There are a lot of contradictions, but I don't want to fix them. "

At the level of characters, this gave the inclusion of the main characters in contrasting couples, and the antithesis of Onegin - Lensky, Onegin - Tatiana, Onegin - Zaretsky, Onegin is the author, etc. They give different and sometimes difficult compatible looks of the capital hero. Moreover, Onegin of different chapters (and sometimes one chapter, for example, first - before and after 14 stanza) appears before us in different lighting and accompanied by opposing author's assessments.

So, for example, the categorical conviction of the hero in the 7th chapter, given on behalf of the narrator, whose voice is merged with the voice of Tatiana, the "beginning to understand" a riddle of Onegin ("Podazhnia, an insignificant ghost", "strangers confusion ..."), almost literally repeated In the 8th, but on behalf of the "proud insignificance", "prudent people", and refuted by all the tone of the author's narration. But, giving a new evaluation of the hero, Pushkin does not remove (and does not cancel) and old. He prefers to save and challenge both 9x, for example, in the characteristic of Tatiana: "Russian soul", "she really knew himself in Russian ... and explicitly with difficulty in his own native").

For such a construction of the text lay an idea of \u200b\u200bthe principal incompatibility of life into literature, the inexhaustibility of opportunities and infinite variability of reality. Therefore, the author, withdrawing in his novel, the decisive types of Russian life: "Russian Europeans", a man of mind and culture and at the same time dandy, tommy void life, and a Russian woman who has connected the nationality of feelings and ethical principles with European education, and prosperity of secular existence - with spirituality In total, life, did not give the plot of unequivocal development. Such a common look at the novel Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" Y. Lotman.


A. S. Pushkin was a genius. A genius that cannot destroy time. The actions of Pushkin are subordinate to its unique nature. Not exception, but rather the rule, is his novel "Evgeny Onegin". V. G. Belinsky called him "Encyclopedia of Russian Life ...".

The works of Pushkin are discussed so far. One of the most discussed works is "Eugene Onegin". Moreover, this pattern is not exhausted by the criticism of the 19th century. The heir of infinite research and issues on the novel became the 21st century.

The main findings on the study are as follows:

1. The novel is talking about complex torments as the author himself and the characters described in it;

2. The game of endless meaning in the novel is only an attempt to resolve numerous contradictions of real life from Pushkin;

3. How Belinsky and Pisards are right in the estimates of the novel;

4. The content of the diametrically opposite criticism of the novel in the face of Belinsky and Pisarev was predetermined by the desires of Pushkin himself;

5. The criticism of the Roman A. S. Pushkin "Yevgeny Onegin" was outlined by the framework of future statements in relation to the novel as a whole.

Each of the critics of rights in the estimates of the novel and his heroes was predetermined by the desires of Pushkin himself. Each of the Roman's estimates deepened the understanding of the "Eugene Onegin", but sighing his meaning and content.

For example, Tatyana correlated exclusively with the Russian world, and Onegin - with European. From the reasoning critics ate that the spirituality of Russia is entirely depends on Tatiana, the moral type of which there is salvation from the Russian spirit of Onegin. It is not difficult, however, it is noted that for Pushkin and Tatiana, and Onegin equally Russian people who can inherit national traditions and combine them with the brilliance of Russian noble, enlightened Western and universal culture.

Evgeny Onegin captured the spiritual beauty of Pushkin and the living beauty of Russian people's life, which was opened by the author of the genius novel.

When the problem of moral improvements, the questions of honor, conscience, justice, the appeal to Pushkin stands are natural and inevitably.

F. Abramov wrote: "It was necessary to go through the tests, through the rivers and the sea of \u200b\u200bblood, it was necessary to understand how fragile life was to understand the most amazing, spiritual, harmonic, versatile person, which was Pushkin."


1. Belinsky V. G. Full Collection of Works, t. 7, M. 1955

2. Belinsky V. G. Overactions of Alexander Pushkin, M. 1984, p. 4-49

3. Belinsky V. G. Essays by Alexander Pushkin. (Articles 5, 8, 9), Lenzdat, 1973.

4. Viktorovich V. A. Two interpretations of Evgenia Onegin in the Russian criticism of the 19th century.

Boldin readings. - Gorky: Includes, - 1982. - with. 81-90.

5.Mikonenko G. P. Roman Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin". M., 1963.

6. Malehch B. S. "Evgeny Onegin". Pushkin. Results and learning problems. M., L.: Science, 1966. - with. 417 - 436.

7. Pisarev D. I. Collected Works in 4 tons. M., 1955 - 1956.

8. Pisarev D. I. Literary criticism: at 3 t. L., 1981.

9.Pisarev D. I. Historical sketches: Selected articles. M., 1989.

10. Pushkin A. S. Lyric. Poems. Tale. Dramatic works. Eugene Onegin. 2003.

11.Russian criticism from Karamzin to Belinsky: Sat. Articles. Drawing up, accession and comments A. A. Chernyshova. - M., Children's literature, 1981. - with. 400.

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"Evgeny Onegin" A.S. Pushkin - Mystery of the Roman (Criticism) - Gennady Volova

"The new truth inevitably looks crazy, and the degree of this madness is proportional to its grandeur. It would be idiotism to constantly remember the biographies of Copernicus, Galilea and Pasteur and at the same time forget that the next scientist Novator would look as hopelessly wrong and crazy, as they looked at one time. "

(Hanssel Selre - Nobel Prize laureate)

My website on the Internet: www.aphorisms.ru - Gennady Volosie literary site (Best prose in RuNet, Aphorisms of bitch, Loch, Aphorisms of love)

In Russia, Pushkin remains the most popular poet. Its value is solvero that all of his creations are declared the most outstanding works in Russian literature. Each new generation of writers and critics considers it to be a debt to declare Pushkin with the casual morality and a sample of an unattainable literary form. Poet as a guide star accompanies them in the thorny
In the ways of creativity, his prayers live and young men who make the first "Pa" and the ridiculous seedy and tired by the honorary titles of the old man. The rest of the people Pushkin is imprinted in three things, which are studying at school - "Fishing about fisherman and fish", "I have been erected by the monument to myself unpretentious" and "Evgeny Onegin".

The fact that the first is the talented interpretation of the folk fairy tale prefer not to remember, completely eliminating the authorship of the poet. The second is that the idea of \u200b\u200ba non-manual monument belongs at all is not Pushkin and the Horace, who said literally: "I have erected a monument, durable bronze." Pushkin modestly gave the development of this idea towards his own personality and the significance of himself in Russia of the present and future. And the third ... "What did he borrowed from anyone too?", - exclaiming an angry Pushkin. Yes No, the authorship of Pushkin we do not dispute here. Just note that Pushkin was very difficult without a guide idea to create his own work. I had to change the plot and composition.

Roman "Eugene Onegin" stands on the top of the creation of the poet. And, of course, is an innovative work, unsurpassed by the courage of creative design. No one has yet managed to create a novel in the form of poems. Nobody managed to repeat the Pushkin ease of writing and the breadth of the material covered.

However, despite the fact that Pushkin made a brilliant poet, in this work in composite and dramatic development there are weaknesses. And in this an annoying emboss, which Pushkin allowed. What is the mystery of the novel "Eugene Onegin"? Is there a secret idea of \u200b\u200bthe poet, similar to the one we considered from Lermontov and Turgenev? No, the poet did not put such a task, and the plot was hidden in the subtext, as there are no secret actions of heroes who escaped from the reader. So what is the mystery? What is the purpose of this study? Before answering this question, remember, from how many chapters is a novel. Of course, it consists of nine chapters and tenth unfinished. The last chapter in one God for the famous reasons of Pushkin was burned. There are assumptions about political reasons forcing it to make a poet. We will return to this and try to answer this question, the main thing is that the end of the novel was assumed by Pushkin in the next tenth, and not the ninth chapter.

The tenth chapter is considered as a kind of application to the main action of the novel, which is completed by Tatiana's submission of Tatiana in the nine chapter: "But I am completely given and I will be the century to him," the anthem of abandoned women who reproach their former beloved. New Roman "Eugene Onegin" in our opinion concludes It is in this in this incomplete ending. Why did Pushkin thus completed his work? Why the plot cut off at the dramatic action itself, is it really possible to finish artwork?
Traditionally it is believed that such an end of the novel is the top of the perfection of the genius of Pushkin.

It is assumed that Onegin defended the marble-ice lump of the debt and the honor of Tatiana, which gave the final answer to the impossibility of their relationship. All this novel has been exhausted, the action is completed, the dramatic junction occurred. However, we will not be afraid to say that Pushkin has given a public with such an end to the public, in other words, fool. He hid the true final of the novel, because his continuation was not profitable for him and could sang him Renome.

He did not finish the novel, although the final was possible and was, just completed in a burned tenth chapter, in any case the poet did not want to present him to the public. Until today, no one understands, which trick did Pushkin undertake and why he did it. We will try to solve the mystery of the novel "Eugene Onegin".
What arguments can we lead in favor of the Roman's hidden Pushkin finals?
First, Pushkin stopped the action on the most exciting moment. He understands very well that a question may arise, why? - And therefore - replies Pushkin:

"Blessed, who is early to celebrate life
Left without adding to the bottom,
Full wine glasses
Who did not dape her novel
And suddenly he knew how to part with him,
Like me with Onegin mine. "

Maybe someone and "Blessed" without learning how the relations of Onegin and Tatiana will be collapsed, but the real playwright will never stop the action on a dramatic junction, he will give her full logical conclusion. If the hand of the villain is listed above the victim, she must also fall and the last cry of the unfortunate should be conveyed to the viewer, a listener or reader. That Homer would finish the journey of his Odyssey at the moment when he arrived at the Ithaca and found out that the groom's coping deposits his wife. And what would readers ask further? And he would answer like Pushkin - the Blessed husband, having learned that his wife seeks numerous applicants and therefore it came to stop the story and leave Odyssey ...

In the above passage there is a very important recognition of Pushkin itself in incompleteness. Life is compared with the novel that did not read. This direct projection on the unfinished novel Pushkin is justified, trying to find an argument to such a junction. He interrupts the dear reader's adept question and imposes his eyes.

Secondly, the existence of the tenth chapter. Pushkin wrote that he managed to part with Onegin. What made him change the plans and return to his hero? This is nonsense for a literary work, when the author says that the end and soon returns to his work. Probably Pushkin understood that his novel had no finals, no completion. As a brilliant poet, he understood his mistake and decided to fix, but still ultimately refused. Our assumptions why it happened, we will put out a little later.

Thirdly, did Pushkin wanted to imagine Tatiana in a different light, tear it off from the prevailing stereotype? If you show the final junction, it would have to do. Tatiana, no matter how she led, remained loyal duty and honor or would take the love of Onegin would lose their former attractiveness in the eyes of society. Onegin in the first case would appear as an annoying loser lover, and Tatiana like a ruthless keeper of secular obscures. And in the second case, he made a traitor to the family hearth, a betrayal of her husband and a stupid woman who was abandoned by his lover from a rich husband and position in society.

Now will be briefly the events preceding the last conversation of heroes to understand the logic of further behavior of the hero after the author left them.
With letters of Tatiana to Onegin begin the active relationship of heroes. The letter turns the line adopted in society and testifies to the desire of the girl to meet his beloved. She gives Onegin feathers of an ideal man.

"My life was pledged
Svidanya faithful with you;
I know you are sent to me by God,
Before the coffin, you are my keeper ... "

Sincere impulse feelings, frank recognition made Tatiana completely new heroines, which was not yet. She is devoid of natural female tricks, she speaks about his feelings directly and wants to find an understanding in this. Pushkin puts in front of Onegin complex circumstances. He must understand this young girl, he must appreciate her impulse, and if he grew up to a true understanding of love, he will take it. However, this does not happen. Onegin rejects the love of the girl. You can justify the hero, whom, by the way, only make that we condemn for it. In fact, he was not in love with Tatiana, for him she was one of the numerous county rods, and he was spoiled by secular beauties did not expect to meet his chosen one. And the reproach of Tatiana in this later also unfair. He is not in love and therefore right. It is impossible to blame the hero in what he does not respond to the cramped feeling, it is necessary to answer the same, and he does not have it.

The point is in the other. He did not have maturity, which came significantly later. He did not attach great importance to the feelings and the union of two people in love. For him it was an empty sound. Only later after the tragedy experienced with Lensky, after the wanderings, he understands that he needs this girl that is this recognition that is now becoming a special value for him. The mistake of Onegin is to his immaturity. If he had a new acquired experience, then he, of course, did not like Tatyana automatically, but he would not have rejected her, he would give to develop his feeling, he would wait for that cherished hour when he would have breakdown feelings. When he understood it was too late. Tatiana was married. She could not be available as it was before.

Pushkin here was brilliantly developed the situation. He showed how the hero acquires the painful experience of true love. Now Onegin is really in love. He is in love with a crazy passion. And the point is not at all how the hero is reproached, in the inaccessibility of Tatiana, but in the fact that he understood the value of love in a person's life. After conducting violent youth, disappointed in everything and everything. He gained life in love. This is the highest character comprehension made by Pushkin. And what a pity that Pushkin Genius failed to withstand and bring this character to the end.

"Lonely and superfluous in its environment, he has now experienced the need for another person. Loneliness, cultivated by romanticism, enjoying his suffering from him after the journey. So he was revived to love "(1).

Of course, it is very important to analyze what nevertheless caused the love of Onegin. Good and some researchers believe that the love of Onegin is connected with the fact that Tatiana is not available: "In order to love Tatiana, Onegin it was necessary to meet her" Not this girl in love, in love, poor and simple, but indifferent to the princess, but the impregnable goddess of a luxurious, doner Not you". If he saw her again not in a lush, brilliant frame of the Great Salons, if it was not the "mastery" and "negligent" "legislator", but again appeared "poor and downtime" the appearance of the "gentle girls" - the former Tatyana, It is safe to say that he would again be indifferent passed by her "(2).

Yes, and Pushkin himself seems to be also confirmed by this: "What is given to you, it does not entail." If this is so, then there was no spiritual revival of Onegin, he remained a secular ballet, which interests only inaccessible. Yes, the character is still ... No Pushkin only grinning says that inaccessible helped to understand the depth of his mistakes. The wrongness of the good, believing that Tatiana Newly in the form of a rural lady, Onegin would turn away. No, this was the other Evgeny, he looked at the world with "spiritual eyes."

But Tatyana, despite all his courtship, does not show any attention to him. Onegin cannot measure it. "And he is stubborn, does not want to fall behind. It also hopes, cotton. " However, all his efforts do not lead to anything. He still does not understand that Tatyana is already well knowing the light and knows that many then only and do it to set the object of their lusts in a ridiculous form. She does not believe Onegin. He did not say something that he would have revealed his soul. Onegin decides to openly and frankly talk about their feelings. She must understand, because she herself most recently been in the same position. He speaks with Tatiana in her own language. He writes her his letter. There were a lot of laudatory words of the poetry letter of Tatiana, they often forget that in the depth and power of feeling the letter of Onegin is not at all inferior.

"When you knew how terrible
Languish the thirst for love
Frame and intelligent
Mortal excitement in the blood;
Wish to hug your knees
And buried at your feet
Pour pleads, recognize, penalties,
All, all that could be expressed. "

What can I say is true poetry. This is a magnificent sample of male love confessions to a woman. Love spiritual, clean and passionate. Is it possible to compare these confessions with fake-cerebral, with a highly accurate desire to save peace of your favorite woman written by the same Pushkin

"I loved you: love can still be,
In my soul, I was not completely out;
But let her no longer be disturbed;
I do not want to peel you with anything. "

No, Onegin is persistent in his passion, he does not want to be content with the "rest" of a woman, he is ready to go across. He carries out the program of actions that really proves love for a woman. There is a truly African passion of Pushkin himself. If the message of Tatiana is gently, poetically, alarming. Then the message of Onegin is power, it is love, it is repentance ...

"His postal freedom
I did not want to lose.
I thought liberty and peace
Replacing happiness. Oh my God!
As I was mistaken, as punished! "

Yes, here it happened spiritual rebirth of the hero. So he realized the value of being, found the meaning of his own existence.
Onegin is a subtle psychologist, he cannot accept and can not believe that the feeling that once caused to them without a trace passed. He cannot believe that his letter will not find a response in the soul of a woman's beloved. Therefore, he is so unpleasant surprised by Tatiana's behavior.

"U! As now surrounded
Epiphany she
Where, where is the confusion, compassion?
Where are the stains of tears? .. They are not, they are not!
On the face of only anger mark ... "

For Onegin it collapse. This is a confirmation that only ash remained from love for him. He did not find any external signs of love. Meanwhile, in fact, he did not know this yet, his letters caused the most lively response. If this had not happened, even in the form of sympathy, a terrible evolution would have occurred, his law would have killed the wonderful soul of Tanya, fortunately it did not happen. But she makes every kind to understand that she does not want to take love. She sees the futility of their relationship for himself and makes it clear about the termination. This is well consider researchers. She - and in loyalty to his beliefs, in loyalty to their attachments. She is in the desire to ideal, in high moral principles, in moral purity. She is in the needs of true love based on a deep and strong feeling.

Tatiana should remain within the limits. Debt wins love and in this power of a Russian woman. But it's really good or bad, we reflect a little later, and now we will return to Onegin, who removed continues to suffer and reborn. Still, suffering are beneficial. Suffer - here is the evolution of the hero, that's when he becomes deeply tragic, and the writer created it is truly great. Pushkin is great, he created a living hero and forced him to live and suffer from real earthly passions.
Now He has come to repeat the path of Tatiana. He reads a lot, it becomes lightweight.

All his thoughts of Onegin are now focused on Tatiana. He cannot refuse her, although he knows that she is married, and even for a friend of youth, for the general. He seeks her because he understood what an invaluable thing he lost in his own fault. Tatyana went to his own friend, the same, probably in the past slave, but who managed to see and not abandon the rural young lady. For Onegin to conscious it is doubly insulting. But it is important to emphasize the following - he does not think about his comradist, he does not remember him, even there is no justification for him in his soul in his soul ._ At first glance, this can be regarded as a manifestation of egoism. But on the other hand, it can be assumed that he knows the true "price" to his friend and a distant relative.

Indeed, what is the husband of Tatiana? How could it happen that she did not love the combat general who was mutilated in battles? The general was old, he was with a black skin, and she loved him, because it was for what, what prevents, because General is a copy of her Onegin's youth? It means that he did not have those positive qualities that love would suggest her.

Indeed, Tatiana's husband made a good career, he took part in combat operations, but he really served the regime. In contrast, he is Onegin, he went to the royal service and reached on it considerable heights. The guns are negative about him, he believes that the general is not worthy of love Tatiana.

"And the nose and shoulders raised
Entered with her general. "

No, Tanya does not like her husband, not because she had an ever-incredit love for Onegin, but because the general did not turn out to be the person who answered her ideal. This he needed light, he needs to show all his beauty, the clever wife and to tee his vanity. It does not want to remove from the courtyard, because he is important awards, honors, and money. He torments his wife. For Tatiana, it is better to be back in rural wilderness, the general does not want to hear a mental impulse of his wife. She cannot confess the same as Onegin, which does not want to shine in the world that she has other ideals. Her husband does not want to understand, she is His hostage. He wants the light to become her also necessary, like him, and if this did not happen, he obliges Tatiana life in his world.

Therefore, according to Pushkin, and we agree with him - Onegin does not bear any moral obligations to him. He is not worthy of love Tatiana. If it were not so, the poet would stressed that the sake of his own feeling Onegin is ready to complete the happiness of a friend. Therefore, only Tatiana appears in the reflections of Onegin. No, this is not another intrigue, it is not a progress of the hero. This is an understanding that the place of Tatiana is not in society, where: "Everything is broken by Luker Lvovna, all the same lies love Petrovna, Ivan Petrovich is also stupid, Semyon Petrovich is also a stingy, Pelagei Nikolaevna is all the same friend Monsieur Finmush, and the same Spitz, and the same husband. " Not on the balls where her "everywhere there is surrounded by a vulgar crowd of fools, liar, empty and greedy to gossip, to dinners, to rich brides, regulars of Moscow living rooms" (3).

Love that broke out in the soul of Onegin flares up every day: "Onegin" as a child, in love "in Tatiana. "As a child" - with all the immediacy, with all the cleanliness and faith in another person. The love of Onegin to Tatiana - as it is revealed in the letter, is the thirst for another person. Such love could not separate a person from the world - she firmly connected with him, opened the way to an active and wonderful life "(4).

With the onset of spring, the feelings are stronger played in the soul of Onegin and he again rushes to the assault of Tatiana. He needs a refusal, he needs an insult, he needs to be expelled from the soul this demonic image that has made all his soul and mind. He hurries to Tatiana

"Doing Onegin? You are in advance
I guess; exactly:
Rushed to her, to his Tatiana
My defective eccentric ... "

Pay attention - Onegin does not want to measure with the loss of Tatiana. He remains a "defective eccentric"! Very important characteristic of the hero to further evaluate its possible actions. In addition, Pushkin predicts the expectations of the reader, who is sure that the main explanation has not yet happened. Tatyana was supposed to clarify himself - who she began, remained the same Tanya or became a secular lioness.

Could Pushkin allow Tatiana's evolution? If this happened if she had become his pillar, it would have been the collapse of not only Tatiana and the novel himself. Then Onegin had to run away, as Chatsky did.
Yes Pushkin held his hero on the thorny path of suffering, but Onegin still did not know that there was a more bitter lesson in front of him. Onegin is home and causing Tatiana surprise - she was not ready for an unexpected meeting.

"Princess in front of him is one,
Sits, Neubrana, Pale,
Somehow reads a letter
And quiet tears pours river,
Love on the hand of cheek. "

Yes, the former Tanya came to life, which, however, did not die, but there was only a little scattered with secular life.

"Military view, a dumb reproach,
She is intelligible. Simple maid
With dreams, the heart of the former days,
Now again resurrected in it. "

Now the test fell to Tatiana. And she proves that the light did not spoil her soul that she kept her best features. And it is terrible for Onegin, he is nothing to be disappointed. It would be easier for him to confuse that he was filled finally, but now he clearly sees what they love him and love all the soul and heart.

The action begins to unfold. The reader is captured and intrigued. What will be next? He already suggests to expect a rapid explanation in love, then quarrel and a break with her husband, then the flight of lovers from condemning their light. But Pushkin offers for an unexpected turn. Pushkin has another action plan.

"What is your dream now?
Long silence passes,
And quietly finally she:
"Pretty; Stand up. I must
You can explain frankly. "

Tatiana begins to present Onegin lesson. She kept the wound in his soul for a long time and now he splashes his reproaches not Onegin.
Here Pushkin manifests a subtle understanding of a female character. His heroine demonstrates a manifestation of a female character in his pure form. She expresses everything that has accumulated from her over the years. And although, in many respects, Tatyana's reproaches are unjugible in their "accusatory" speech, it is beautiful.

This manifests itself the most alive and the sure character of the heroine. So the woman knows the features of her behavior only Pushkin. And not only know, but also to bury, and lovingly protect, and take reproaches. That is why Pushkin does not blame Tatiana in injustice of reproaches, he gives her to speak.

"Onegin, I am then younger,
I better seem to have
And I loved you; and what?
What in your heart I found?
What reply? One severity.
Not true? You were not news
Hired girl love?
And now - God! - Blood sweat,
As soon as I remember the look Cold
And this preaching ... but you.

Where did Tatyana saw the severity in the teachings of Onegin when he had a cold look? Tatiana behaves according to women's logic. She continues to reproach, although already knows that Onegin is pursued by her because she is "rich and noble", not because:

"... that my shame,
Now everyone was noticed.
And could bring in society
Are you a seductive honor? "

She knows that all this is not so, knows that the soul of Onegin is the honor, there is a dignity, but continues to talk. And here and Pushkin indicates a very interesting detail. Tatiana says that her husband was injured during battles, and: "What caresses us for that?" Courtyard? .. But this is a clear indication of the insignificance of her husband, the general who became true court. He earned the favor of the royal court. But it is not worth questioning the attitude of Pushkin himself to such a general. He is not the person who could love Tatiana. She would rather love the general who would be removed from the courtyard, which would be unpleasant balls, masquerades. How we were noted above.

In general, in reproaches, Tatiana was a living and unreasonable woman. With all those characteristic of women weaknesses and prejudices. Tatiana and herself understands the injustice of his apartments, she needs to justify his attacks and she finishes the indictment in words.

"As with your heart and mind
Be feeling a small slave? "

Of course, she recognizes the mind and heart in Onegin, as recognized, but only in words, a small intrigue in his actions. In fact, she believes in the sincerity of Onegin and can not withstand a pathetic tone for a long time. She becomes a simple and cute tanya again.

"And I, Onegin, this pomp,
Fatty Life Mishur,
My progress in the vortex of light
My fashion house and evening
What is in them? Now give
I am glad to all this masquerade rag,
All this shine, and noise, and chad
For the shelf of books, for the wild garden,
For our poor housing,
For those places where the first time,
Onegin, I saw you,
Yes, for a humble cemetery,
Where is the cross and shadow of the branches
Over my poor nurse ... "

The memories of Nyan speaks about the kindness of Tatiana. Here in the Masquerade Vortex, she remembers her first educators and the unusual height of her soul manifests itself. Yes, Tatiana realized that everything she was surrounded alien to her. False shine and unnecessary tinsel ruins her soul. She understands that the real life remained in her past she. She would be glad to return there, but can not.

"And happiness was so possible
So close! .. But my fate

But what prevents happiness? .. What does not let it go back to the beautiful past? What obstacles and why stop Tatiana? After all, here it is happiness near Onegin, a sensitive, attentive, loving, dividing her views and beliefs. It seems to last the hand and fulfill the best dreams. She gives an explanation.

"I got married. You must,
I ask you, leave me;
I know in your heart there
And pride and direct honor.
I love you (what to smear?),
But I'm given to another;
And I will be the age of him is true. "

It turns out Tatiana married. Onegin did not know this. Now that he knows it, of course, it will throw away from all the toe. By the way, he did to the joy of Pushkin and readers concerned about the possible moral drop of his favorite heroine. Lee correctly did Onegin or not about it a little later, and first consider it closer, what it did Tatiana and what she said.

Oddly enough, it has not yet been said that there are two diametrically opposite opinions on the spelling of the heroine. What do they exist in a completely peaceful relationship, although completely excluding each other. And the point of view on the act of Tatyana Belinsky, who also justifies it, but very strange inconsistently:

"Here is the true pride of the female virtue! But I am given to another, - precisely right, and not surrender! Eternal loyalty - to whom and what? Loyalty to such a relationship that make up the profanation of feelings and purity of femininity, because some relationships, not sanctified by love, are extremely immoral ... "(5).

So, in Belinsky Tatyana, did the highest degree of immoral? It turns out that yes ... but the critic in a hurry will not agree immediately with his own judgment. He declares that: "Tatiana is a type of Russian woman ...", which is considered with public opinion. "This is a lie: a woman cannot despise public opinion ..." And sprinkling adds the oppositely opposite: "But can sacrifice them modestly, without phrases, without a self-childhood, understanding all the greatness of their victim, the entire burner, which she takes over, obeying another higher The law is the law of his nature, (and again returns to the previous point of view) and its nature - love and self-demission ... "(6).

A woman can sacrifice public opinion. Tatyana does not. But maybe Pushkin's rights are the moral ideal of a Russian woman - to go to selflessness in the name of the debt? We'll see how other Russian writers solve this moral problem. Is there any of the great except Pushkin, who would justify the act of a woman, rejected love for the sake of secular decency.

"The clear Anna's love attacks and fastest, the feeling of the love of Anna to the Vronsky and hatred of her husband, the deeper the conflict between Anna and Higher Light ... The stronger Anna feels the need to lie in this world of false and hypocrisy" (7). Danna Karenina is not afraid to challenge Society for love. She was able to leave abroad and reset the burden of forced lies and hypocrisy. Could the heroine of Tolstoy do otherwise? Could she do, what did Tatyana do? Not. It can be assumed that Anna is the same Tatiana, but in the continuation of the development of the feeling towards Onegin.

Katerina Ostrovsky in his desire to happily breaks the binding of its shackles: "Determining, one-piece character ... is the island in the women's type" (8) .- writes Dobrolyubov. He believes that such a woman should be "performed by heroic selflessness." She rushes to a new life. Nothing can keep it - even death. (And for Tatiana false obligations above all!)

She, like in his time, Tatiana said that "every girl should marry to get out, showed Tikhon, as a future husband, she went for him, remaining completely indifferent to this step." They have a completely equal position: both married at the insistence of relatives for not a loved one. However, if Pushkin makes his heroine to renounce love, the Ostrovsky gives his heroine spiritual and moral force, which: "I will not stop before anything - the law, the relationship, the custom, the human court, the rules of prudence - everything disappears for her before the power of internal desection ; She does not spare herself and does not think about others "(8). (Allocated by me. G. V.).

Tatiana could not overcome only two points, which are far from such as complex as, for example, a violation of law or kinship. So who is the true type of Russian woman: Katerina and Tatiana? And the one, and the other - researchers say sweetly. One goes to the feat, and the other will graft before complex circumstances. And that, and the other - they nod their heads. One sacrifices his life for the sake of freedom, the other is doomed to forever carry the crimple of post-handed light. And the one, and the other - the hands of the chest say to the chest they say. The hypocrites are the true face of these researchers. They know that you need to choose something one. Do not do this because the face is important for them, decency is important, it is important to renome. And how many picked up to the great Russian literature! It was time to clear the bottom of the Great Ship from their pissed seashells and sinks, from their rotting scent.

Quite interestingly solved the problem of love triangle Chekhov. His heroes are not decided to confess his feelings for a long time.
"I tried to understand the mystery of a young, beautiful, smart woman who goes beyond the uninteresting man, almost for the old man (her husband was more than forty years old), has children from him, - to understand the secret of this uninteresting person of the goodness, a simple, ... who believes in his right Be happy "(10).

Love, which years matured in Alekhin, finally breaks through the last meeting:
"When, in the compartment, our views met, the mental strength left us both, I hugged her, she pressed her face to my chest, and tears flowed out of the eyes; I kiss her face, shoulders, hands, wet from tears, - Oh, how we were unhappy with her! "I confessed to her in his love, and with a burning in the heart of pain, I understood how it was unnecessary, finely and how deceptively was all that we had pretext to love. I realized that when you love, then in my arguments about this love should be taken from the highest, from more important than happiness or misfortune, sin or virtue in their walking sense, or not to reason at all "(11).

Here, the position is considered by the man. And this is the more interesting, because in the claims of Onegin on the married Tatiana, you can see the manifestation of egoism. Is Onegin really correctly doing, bowing a woman to treason, throwing her love messages, pursuing her? It is these questions that the Chekhov Hero suffers: unless their love rupture "the lucky course of her husband's husband, children, of all this house" (12).

Alekhina has a much more difficult situation - his woman has children, and this is already a big reproach to destroy the family. Tatiana, as you know, there were no children. And yet, the hero understands that for love you have to sacrifice everything. He himself failed to overcome it. He was just ripe to understand true love. Onegin does not experience such doubts and in this he is significantly higher than Alehina. No, Negosome is moving at all, and true love, and he knows that for the sake of such love you have to be able to sacrifice everything.

So, who is right? Pushkin or the island, Tolstoy and Czechs given by us? One and also the task is solved in the opposite way. Of course, both Tolstoy, Island, and Czechs performed as true artists, they revealed the deformity and injustice of the false status of a woman who was forced to live in marriage without love. They are protesting against such a procedure of things, against this legalized slavery. Love is the only connection that should bind a man and a woman.

And now let's reflect. Is Tatiana really is a keeper of secular morality? Is Pushkin ready to admit that love is not powerful over his heroine, that she will also be able to continue to be so worth confronting on the Natisov of Onegin? Let's assume that Onegin did not retreat long if the heroine had enough patience at the heroine to stay indifferent and virtuous? .. We think Tatiana will go in exactly the same way as Katerina and Anna Karenina arrived. She will show the highest understanding of love and how a real woman will throw everything that prevents her happiness. If this happens, the terrible thing happens ... terrible for Pushkin. His cute Tatiana, his sample of purity and morality readers will be separated in the fluff and dust ...

Pushkin was frightened by such an outcome. He decided not to give in development the nature of Tatiana, because he understood well what his heroine would lead to. He was still a genius and could not manipulate heroes, as it was with a clean tear of dumbfober made a Flaubert in his novel "Mrs. Bovari". One of the most famous French novels in Russia.

On the example of this novel, you can illustrate the author's arbitrariness in relation to the heroes. When the writer makes himself a story in favor of his own idea how the hero should act in certain circumstances, discerning the actual character itself. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is the desire to please all women who are disappointed in love, and who do not love their own husbands, public morality, which requires unconditional loyalty. At the same time, both in the sake of old and jealous husbands as editing with incorrect wives. In the word, Flaubert crushed before everyone could. Everyone in this novel will find its own. Everyone will like everyone creates the most benevolent feedback on the literary work, but ulodes and makes the artistic work vital.

The history of Madame Bovarie is typical for women for whom love is top value. She wants to love, but can not, because her husband does not answer her ideals. From the very beginning, the Romanafober is taken line to the image of the perfect husband that plowing all the whims of their wife. He has an angelic patience and an absolute lack of view on the mental life of his wife. For the time being, Flaubert on the side of his heroine, but only before it begins not to make unacceptable mistakes from the point of view of the so-called public morality. Frubor begins to condemn his heroine. She changes her husband, but does not find love. She throws her lover, her a young horse betrayed. The lesson of morality was presented - in love you will be brazed and you will be thrown. Conclusion - do not go away from her husband, the husband will remain, and the lovers will disappear.

What leads to the collapse of a poor woman, for what misconduct the author decides to send it to that light? Lovers are caused? Well no. Moto. Here is a terrible sin, which public morality is unable to forgive the woman. Madame Bovarie is squandering her husband's money. She secret takes money on bail. And when the deception hide becomes impossible and the poor husband must know that it is finally ruined. Here, anger of society has to achieve apogee. Flaubert catches him and pecks a cruel court. Madame Bovarie takes a mouse poison.

Public Moral will approve the writer's handle, because he can forgive everything - debauchery, betrayal, betrayal, but not wasting money. This is the highest value in society. Here is the reason why Flaubert forced a poor woman to poison.

But Flaubert feels that this is not enough, he has not yet been well presented to the lesson of public spanking in his wrong wife. He begins to look for plot moves that visibly showed all the evil, which brought his ramparts to Madame Bovari, so that she was horrified by his mistakes. He immediately sends her husband to her husband, who dies from grief. But this is still a little Flauber and then he recalls the children who took the old woman to the care of the old woman.

No, he decides the writer, she did not love her husband, it is necessary to punish her who she loved, and then there are female souls who justify her: well, her husband died from her, he did not suffer, but she did not love him, she was not to blame in that? And then the writer finishes such a reasoning argument, which already deprives all the excuses of poor Mrs. Bovarie.

The grandmother goes quickly to the light, and poor kids fall into the shelter, where they dwell and are forced to ask alms. That's where there is no forgiveness of a woman who made their children to stag. They lived in a prosperous secured family, and now they have lost their parents and lead a beggar existence.

The anger of public morality is inexorable - all the events led to such a final - there is no forgiveness of this woman - she is a criminal.
Pushkin was dependent on the opinion of the Company of his time. He wrote with a loaf. After each chapter, he heard this or that opinion about his heroes and, accordingly, adjusted the plot. He decided not to spoil the reputation of his heroine in the public consciousness. But as the proverb says: one fool of the stone in the well threw - forty sages do not know how to pull him from there. Also lost in guesses and researchers, without understanding where the true final of the novel: "Hence the natural question: Is the text that is already one and a half before Russian readers the text of the final creation of Pushkin? Or was it a compromise for the author? " (13).

Final Roman was intended to Pushkin thrown out of the novel. He deliberately interrupted narration. But here you can argue. Maybe Tatiana would really lead herself as the heroine of Ostrovsky and Tolstoy. But he didn't want it himself, because Pushkin and interrupted the story that the hero himself refused and went on a journey.

Who refused Onegin? He, who in a dream and in reality, delirden Tatiana, who reread the mountain literature, who was ready for all for the sake of his beloved woman? Pushkin perfectly understood which beneficial rebirth happened in his soul of his hero. He knew perfectly well that Onegin would not stop neither before, therefore, the most voluntaristic way he deprives his hero of the gift of speech. He does not give him the opportunity to personally express his love Tatiana. At first he falls to her legs. Then "Long silence passes." Then there is a long monologue of Tatiana, its reproaches and instructions. Onegin True Gentleman cannot interrupt it. Then she is removed - he is not even trying to verify it, he appeared here without any hope and suddenly learned that he also loved. Pushkin objects, but it was so unexpected for him that he could not immediately find something to say.

"She is gone. Worth Evgeny
As if the thunder is amazed.
Which storm of sensations
Now he is immersed with a heart. "

That is, from the shock, he went so much in himself, which began to lead as a young girl for the first time heard recognition in love. But Pushkin foresides that the reader will ask, but when the shock will be held at Onegin, he will be rushed for Tatiana, he will begin to dissuade her, he will begin to swear in love. If he pursued her so much without any hope, now he should explain his feelings now ... no matter how it is, Pushkin quickly makes the husband of Tatiana. When Onegin pursued her on the balas, her husband was not, he stood in the shadows and waited for his hour to appear at the right moment. Well, in time arrived ... So it was possible to pull the donkey for the ears, if only he performed the right role. Now, in the presence of an unwanted witness, Onegin cannot say anything. Pushkin carefully and unceremoniously throws him from the house of Tatiana. So I want to exclaim the words of the poet: "Ay da Pushkin, ah yes Sukin Son ...", well manipulate the heroes in the direction you need. And then the author is rejoicing the completion of the novel.

"And here is my hero,
Per minute, evil for him
We will now leave the reader
For a long time ... Forever. Behind him
Pretty we are by one
Wandered in light. "

Pushkin left his hero, and that the reader did not doubt that the novel finished adds that he left forever. But after all, the hero was left with boiling passions in the heart. And maybe he arranged a scandal and called Tatiana's husband to duel. Or maybe he began to care with great zeal. Pushkin deprives his hero of the word that he could not express what he thinks how to act.

Tatiana said that she had to say at this moment, but it is important to find out the reader to find out what the Onegin will say. He saw the tears of his beloved woman, he heard her recognition in love. Of course, Pushkin understands how stupid and walked the consent of Onegin to leave and not to pursue what it would be understood. These words are impossible in the litters of the fiery lover, so Pushkin chooses a dexted position - he plugs his hero.

Interestingly, why readers are so trusting allow themselves to drive themselves for her nose, it is unfulfiently to anyone, even such a genius as Pushkin. Well, it was impossible to deprive Onegin words, for all the rules of dramatic art he had to speak.

Pushkin is afraid that the hero wants to start convincing, to speak Tatiana, that there is no for the sake of "seductive honor", not in order to defame, not because of a small feeling, but for the sake of real love, for the sake of happiness he came here. And of course he suggested his hand and heart, and of course he learned about this and a new duel, and ... the word Pushkin decided not to contact his heroes anymore and threw them on the mercy of fate. But in the name of what the author manipulates his hero? Why did he need so incomprehensible and complex combination? Why does he violate the logic of the behavior of the hero, why in a decisive moment change for him?

According to all the rules of the literary genre, Onegin was obliged to be explained with Tatiana, to give his explanation in the circumstances discovered for him. Pushkin did not want this, more precisely afraid of the same way as Gagin was afraid to explain N. N. with Asei. This is what Pushkin does with his hero. He does not give words, he does not want Onegin more haunting Tanya, and suddenly he will achieve the desired result, and Tanya, the carrier of pure morality, the sample of the Russian woman falls in the eyes of the public ... That's what Pushkin was afraid. He decided that the best thing is to interrupt Roman. Pushkin stops the novel in the most interesting place, he violates one of the important elements of the artistic work - does not give a decisive junction.

And all this in the name of the same light, before the opinion of which a great genius broke. In the subsequent action, Tatiana had to change her husband and with this poet could not do anything. He is still not a Flaubert, who turns his heroes top by brands, he understands the logic of the development of characters, and understands that he will not be able to get out of this logic. Onegin will certainly continue to chase a beloved woman and will follow new explanations, and there will be treason, and there will be a duel no Pushkin scared his heroes. That is why so unexpected Pushkin decides to finish the novel.
Tatiana's fall in the eyes of the world, the eyes of the reading public ... Yes, it is impossible ... Defenders of traditional morality will rush to protect the beloved ideal. No, they will drive, Tatyana will never walked away from their words, never allowed to start an incineration, never became the mistress of Onegin. Fullness, gentlemen, if you put this behavior of Tatiana in the valor, then for Pushkin it means the failure of her heroine. "The life of a woman is mostly focused in the life of the heart; Love - it means to live for her, and sacrifice - it means to love, "Belinsky writes, but immediately stipulates:" For this role, Nature has created Tatiana; But the society re-create it ... "(14).

No no and one more time no. Society did not re-create Tatiana. She will resist the true woman who can love and capable of sacrificing for this love. Everything she had to be finally will be convinced of the power of Onegin's feelings, that he would not throw her on the floor of the way, as Boris did with Katerina, as carelessly Mr. N. N.

This Pushkin, deprives her happiness with a loved one, it does not give out and leaves to suffer until the end of his life, he breaks the happiness of Tatiana. And for what? In order not to be condemned by his heroine, so as not to condemn in society and his own, - in this, the hypocrisy and the cowardice of the singer of the "cruel century" appeared in this. But the time, as the proverb says is an honest person. Sooner or later it makes his sentence, alas are far from comforting for the great poet.

This is the mystery of the novel "Eugene Onegin". Pushkin deceived the audience, but did he deceive himself? He, who knew the women well, he, who rusked the composition of his works in the gamas. Not. Soon Pushkin understood what stupidity he made how hypocritically and unworthyly he completed his truly great work. He could not leave himself, as well as Onegin, who pushed Tatiana, and then returned to her. Pushkin returns to the novel! He makes an incredible act of an act.

The fact of writing the tenth chapter, testifies to the recognition of the Pushkin of his mistake in the hasty of the completion of the novel. He finds the courage to write a novel again. He already sees his decent completion. In the tenth chapter Pushkin, he expected to reflect the entire spectrum of social and political life since the war of 1812 to the Decembrist uprising.
"Only encrypted fragments have been preserved, the places of which in the overall composition of the chapter are not always clear. However, these excerpts indicate the acute political content of the destroyed chapter. The bright and acute characteristic of the "rulers of the weak and deurbative" - \u200b\u200bAlexander I, brilliant in its conciseness and accuracy, a picture of the development of political events in Russia and Europe (war 1812, a revolutionary movement in Spain, Italy, Greece, a European response, etc.) , - Xi this gives reason to say that in artistic advantages the tenth chapter was one of the best heads of the novel. " (fifteen).

Onegin probably had to become a member of the Senate uprising. And of course, would be further continued relations between Onegin and Tatiana. It should not be doubted that the relationship would lead to a rupture with her husband, a new duel, the participation of Onegin in the uprising and link to Siberia, where Tatyana followed, like the Decembrists' wives. Decent finals of great creation.

So completed the action of the novel Pushkin or somewhat differently we will never know, because here Pushkin does what the forever disgraced his name. He burns the tenth chapter ... Think of scary, he did not hide, did not postpone, and worried about his own destiny destroyed. Even galilers, as the legend says, in the face of the Inquisition, forced to abandon his mathematical calculating exclaimed, and still she spins. And no one pursued Pushkin, no one robbed iron needles under his nails, no one refer to Siberia ...

The fear of losing the situation in society, the fear of spoiling relations with the authorities, fear for his own future pushed Pushkin to the fatal step. Pushkinists as a flattened court of powerful Shaha, announced this step as a manifestation of higher wisdom and courage: "No matter how much suffering, the tenth chapters and the destruction of the eighth, all the same, will say a solution to his hero and novel, which sounds with such force in the last stanches and With the same force, enshrined in the memory and consciousness of generations of Russian readers, - this decision of Pushkin was firmly disgracelessly bold! " (sixteen).

Yes, our great genius entered the most insignificant, the most unworthy way, he disgraced himself. But everyone is silent about it. Nobody will say that manuscripts are not lit if the writers themselves do not burn them. Pushkin First Russian writer who burned his work. He always felt finely felt that was impossible to move in his "free-walled" verses, so as not to repeat the fate of the Decembrists.

Pushkin could not grow up, could not get rid of his own prejudice, which ultimately led him to death. He could not fully take place as a great writer. But after all, he entered Russian literature as an innovator, as the creator has not yet been a surpassed novel in verses. He stayed in his works the same as he was in life, and nothing can be done - this is our genius and we take it with all its weaknesses and disadvantages, and the novel "Eugene Onegin" remains a great job, although without decent completion.
Pushkin is a genius, but a genius is not without flaw, it is the sun of Russian poetry, but the sun is not without stains ...


1. McOnenko. Ooman Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin". Hood Lit. M., 1963. P. 7.
2. D.B. Balary. Mastery of Pushkin. Soviet writer. M. 1955 S. 194-195.
3. McOnenko. Roman Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Hood Lit. M., 1963. S. 101.
4. Makogonenko. Roman Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Hood Lit. M., 1963. P. 122.
5. V.G. Belinsky. Collected Works, t. 6. Hood. Lit. M., 1981. P. 424.
6. V.G. Belinsky. Collected Works, t. 6. Hood. Lit. M., 1981. P. 424.
7. V. T. Plachoticish. Mastery of Tolstoy Romanist., 1960., "Dnepropetrovsk book publishing". Pp. 143.
8. N. A. Dobrolyubov. Collected Works in three volumes. T. 3. "Hood. Lit. M., 1952. P. 198.
9. Ibid. P. 205.
10. A. P. Chekhov. Stories. "Dagestan Book Publishing". Makhachkala. 1973. P. 220.
11. Ibid. P. 222.
12. ibid. P. 220.
13. A.S. Pushkin. Roman "Evgeny Onegin. M. Hood. Lit. 1976. In the preface of the anticoline. P. 7.
14. V.G. Belinsky. Collected Works, t. 6. Hood. Lit. M., 1981. P. 424.
15. B. Mailah. A.S. Pushkin. Essays of life and creativity. Ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. M., 1949. P. 116.
16. A.S. Pushkin. Roman "Evgeny Onegin. M. Hood. Lit. 1976. In the preface of the anticoline. P. 7-8.

G.V. Volova
Three secrets of three Russian geniuses
ISBN 9949-10-207-3 E-book in Microsoft Reader format (* .lit).

The book is devoted to the disclosure of the encrypted works of Russian writers. The new interpretation of the novel "The Hero of Our Time" Lermontov, the story "Asya" Turgenev, the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin, allowed to approach the true copyright. For the first time analysis of the composition, the plot, the actions of the heroes are considered in art unity. This book offers a lot of unexpected and fascinating reading the classic works of Russian literature.

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