All you need to know about Competition Score, Ranking & Extra - Infographic

All you need to know about Competition Score, Ranking & Extra - Infographic
All you need to know about Competition Score, Ranking & Extra - Infographic

The introductory campaign has a number of significant differences compared to previous years.

The main ones are three - new approach to the calculation of the competitive score, in each of the components of which weighting factors will be applied; introduction of the priority (rating) of the submitted applications; an automated system for providing recommendations for admission to the places of the state order, which should take place in one stage.

Unlike previous years, when the total competitive score of an applicant is equal to the sum of the results of the UPE, creative competitions and physical abilities (if held), the average score of the certificate, as well as points for winning the IAS, the Olympiad, the completion of pre-university training courses - this year in a weighting factor is applied to each of these components. The maximum possible competitive score is 210.

The conditions of admission established that the weight:

points for competition of creative or physical abilities(if held) must be no more than 25 percent of the competitive score, except for the creative competition for admission to training - branch of knowledge 0202 "Art"and direction 6.060102" Architecture", the weight of the point of which can be no more than 50 percent of the competitive point - the weight coefficient is no more than 0.25 and no more than 0.5, respectively.

We would like to draw your attention to one more difference. As in previous years, the results of the creative competition are evaluated on a 200-point scale separately for each session of the creative competition, of which there can be no more than three. However, the score for creative competition is calculated as the arithmetic average of the points received for each session of the competition. That is, for a creative competition, an applicant can receive a maximum of 200 points, to which the corresponding coefficient will be applied.

The weight of each component of the competitive score is determined by the higher educational institution individually, but the sum of the coefficients must be equal to one. How it works? For example, in accordance with the Rules of admission to the Lviv National medical university named after Daniil Halytsky, entry into the specialty "Pediatrics" requires the results of the UPE in the Ukrainian language and literature, biology and chemistry. To calculate the competitive score of an applicant, the following coefficients are used:

for chemistry - 0.5;

for biology - 0.3;

for the Ukrainian language and literature (basic level) - 0.2;

for a certificate - 0.0.

That is, the most high coefficient has the subject "chemistry", the lowest - "Ukrainian language and literature". The average grade of the certificate does not matter at all, because its coefficient is 0. What does this mean for two different applicants? One of them who has received high results of VNO in chemistry has a great chance of admission.

VNO in chemistry

UPE in biology

VNO in Ukrainian language and literature

Competitive score without weights

Competitive score with weights

Applicant 1


Applicant 2


In addition, to the competitive score additional points are added for special achievements (prize-winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student olympiads in basic subjects; prize-winners Stage III All-Ukrainian competition for the defense of scientific research works of students - members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) and / or for successful completion preparatory courses higher educational institution for admission to this university for natural-mathematical and engineering-technical specialties. The size of the additional point can range from 0% to 5% of the competitive point, that is, no more than 10.

For example, the admission rules at the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University determine that:

persons awarded with I degree diplomas have 6 points

persons awarded with II degree diplomas are awarded 4 points

persons awarded with III degree diplomas are awarded 2 points

As in previous years, applicants can submit an application (s) in paper or electronic form for participation in the competitive selection to no more than five higher educational institutions of Ukraine and no more than three statements in each of them... Specification is important - it comes exactly about three applications in one university, because in the past years in the admission conditions there was a norm about applications for three areas of training (for three specialties). In large educational institutions that train specialists in one direction at different faculties (for example, in NTU "Kiev Polytechnic Institute", entry into the "computer science" direction took place simultaneously at four faculties) actually made it possible for an applicant to submit more than three applications. In 2015, an applicant can submit a maximum of 15 applications of three to five higher education institutions.

However, the main current innovation is that any of the submitted applications - both personally and remotely - the applicant has to assign priority, that is, the indicator expressed numbers from 1 to 15, where 1 is the highest priority of the application, 15 is the lowest. So rated their applications, the applicant is determined personally, and also demonstrates his intention to the selection committee, about exactly where he wants to study and in what specialty. By prioritizing each application, the applicant actually chooses a strategy that will allow him to become a student the most acceptable higher educational institution for him, as well as specialty... What should be understood by the concept of acceptability? This is not necessarily the best university in the country, or the most popular specialty... Most Acceptable Result introductory campaign for an individual applicant, it is an opportunity to become a student in accordance with a number of criteria, both those that the universities expose in front of the applicant, and vice versa.

For those applicants who have decided on their specialty, it will be easier to rate the application, because they only need to decide on the universities. For example, if an applicant wants to become a teacher primary grades, you can apply for participation in the competitive selection of 5 universities. First, he must choose exactly five educational institutions, where to apply, and then give priority to each application.

« Elementary education»


Priority No.

  • Availability/ lack of hostel
  • b lisability to the place of residence
  • reviews of employers, friends, students who study there, about the university

Priority No.

Priority No.

National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanova

Priority No.

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Pans

Priority No.

Obviously, this is not an exhaustive list of criteria and factors on the basis of which the choice of a place of study should be made, but we tried to emphasize that the rating of applications should be carried out consciously and rationally.

Higher education institution / Specialty

« Elementary education»

"Correctional education"

« Preschool education»


Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavel Tychina

Priority No.

Priority No.

Priority No.

  • powerful teaching staff
  • interesting and informative curriculum
  • place in the rating the best universities country
  • n allegiance / lack of hostel
  • b lisability to the place of residence
  • f financial viability of parents to provide accommodation in another city
  • O Feedback from employers, acquaintances, students who study there, about the university
  • n low / high results of EIT in competitive subjects
  • To number of places of state order

Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University

Priority No.

Priority No.

Priority No.

Eastern European National University them. Lesi Ukrainky

Priority No.

Priority No.

Priority No.

National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanova

Priority No.

Priority No.

Priority No.

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Pans

Priority No.

Priority No.

Priority No.

Obviously, for each applicant, these criteria may be different, but what concerns the value of the competitive score is common to all. If an applicant applies for the place of a state order and has low results in VNO, then it is strategically correct to choose a university and a specialty as priority number 1, where the passing score for the last year's budget is approximately correlated with its present. Most likely, it will not be a higher educational institution from the top ten of the top-ranking universities in Ukraine, but the most acceptable in such conditions.

The admission conditions provide for only one case, when high priority is determined a priori. If the applicant participates in the competitive selection in the target area, the application is set to the highest priority. In addition, it has been established that an applicant in the year of entry has the right to use the target direction once.

Please note that priority, determined by the applicant in the application for participation in the competition, cannot be changed within introductory campaign... That is, going to the admissions office to submit documents, the applicant must already decide on all the priorities.

Automated system for providing recommendations for admission

In past years huge problem the entrance campaign was that one applicant could be simultaneously recommended for admission to the places of the state order in several educational institutions, in several directions. Since the applicant could choose only one university for study, the rest of the places where he was recommended remained vacant. The presence of three stages of enrollment did not solve the problem of not filling the quotas of the state order according to a certain procedure, and the selection of students took place according to the principle "who submitted the original documents faster, is enrolled." An analysis of the described situation and the number of applicants who were enrolled in training at the expense of the state budget outside a specific procedure can be found in the study.

This year, the rating lists will be formed by the selection committee from the Unified database given priority... We will try to demonstrate clearly how the EDEBPO system will work, determining the best offer for training an applicant, taking into account the priority of applications that the applicant indicated when submitting documents.

In these lists, applicants are placed in accordance with the value of the competitive score from high to low. According to last year's Terms of Admission, the first nine applicants had to get to each list of persons recommended for admission to the places of the state order. As can be seen from the table, recommendations for enrollment in three different educational institutions could simultaneously receive one and the same applicant. So, incoming Sakun (surname highlighted in green) simultaneously entered the lists of three universities, applicants Petrenko, Ivanov, Ryaboy, Lysenko, Erema, Gubenko, Skripnik, Marigina - up to two. It is clear that they cannot simultaneously study at the places of the state order in several institutions, therefore they will choose only one. However, despite the fact that last year there was no system of prioritization of applications, admissions committees, not knowing which of them the applicant gives the most weight, recommended him simultaneously for all applications. This is what the list of recommended for admission in 2014 would look like.

This year, each applicant will rate all their applications, so if their competitive score allows admission to several specialties or to several universities, a recommendation will be provided only by the highest priority. In the case of our example, the incoming Sakun will be recommended only to universities number 1, since this is where his application with the highest priority is located. According to the incoming Petrenko, he will be recommended for admission to the university №2, because in the first university there is an application with a lower priority. According to the identical procedure, Ivanov will be recommended for admission to universities №3, applicant Marigina - in universities №2.

After several stages of calculations, the list of persons recommended for admission to the places of the state order will look like this:

Applicants' surnames are highlighted yellow- these are those that were not previously recommended for admission, but thanks to the priority system, they got this opportunity. The place of an applicant who will be recommended for admission to another university or to another specialty of the highest priority will be taken by an applicant who until now was "below the line" of the state order. In the case of universities # 1, this should be the student number 10 - Kulida. However, since in this university his application has the second priority, and in universities №3 - the first (highest) priority, then in this case Kulida will no longer be recommended for admission to university №1, and his place will be taken by the incoming Glukhovsky, which is located next on the list.

Please note that the recommendation is of the highest priority, however, provided that the competitive score allows it. For example, the incoming Cherkesh is recommended for admission to universities No. 3 for the third priority, despite the fact that his applications are of the highest priority at universities No. 1 and No. 2. Despite the fact that in the first two universities his competitive score is lower, he does not allow him to be enrolled in these educational establishments... In higher education institutions No. 3, obviously, because of a different competitive subject of VNO, or more weight coefficient of one of the components of the competitive score, the applicant was recommended for admission on the third priority.

The use of the priority system in all higher educational institutions will make it possible to recommend much more applicants for admission to the places of the state order according to the competitive score than in previous years. According to the amendments to the Terms of Admission, enrollment of applicants to take place in one stage, and not in three, as in previous years. At the same time, we assume that some of the applicants will not fulfill the conditions for admission, that is, they will not submit original documents to Admissions committee until August 8. The conditions for admission provide that in this case, recommendations for admission to vacant places of the state order will be provided by applicants from among those recommended for admission to training at the expense of individuals and legal entities who have fulfilled the conditions for admission and have a high competitive score.

Since the Admission Conditions provide for different grounds for participation in the competitive selection, form lists separately applicants recommended for admission, entering on a general basis, in the target direction and are entitled to out-of-competition admission.

2015 Introductory Campaign Schedule

Start of accepting applications and documents for full-time education

Deadline for accepting applications and documents.

(no later than 12:00)

Fulfillment of the requirements for admission to the places of the state order.

(no later than 12:00)

Enrollment is introductory by state order.

(no later than 18:00)

enrollment for training at the expense of individuals and legal entities,

fulfill the conditions for enrollment.

Meeting the requirements for admission to places for the funds of individuals and

legal entities.

Enrollment of applicants at the expense of individuals and legal entities.

based on materials

The bill "On higher education»Introduced the concept of" vvovі performance ". What is it and how to count it? Author's opinion

Hello dear readers!

A couple of years ago, I first encountered this concept. And already tried figure out in this matter. Then the question quickly lost its relevance and we "postponed it until better times."

The best times have come 😉 and today we will try to figure it out - how can the competitive score for the bill be considered “ About higher education«.

Let's start simple:
Weight coefficient - a numerical coefficient, a parameter reflecting the significance, relative importance, "weight" of a given factor, an indicator in comparison with other factors that influence the process under study (Raizberg BA, Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. - 2nd ed., Rev. M .: INFRA-M. 479 p. 1999).

Since this "simple" is not very simple, let's take a simple formula from the past. How the applicant's competitive score is now considered:

T1 + T2 + T3 + SBA + DB = KB

SBA - the average score of the certificate
KB - competitive score

Now let's take a closer look at the bill and try to put together a formula that meets the new conditions:

Т1хВК (min = 20%) + T2xBK (min = 20%) + T3xBK (min = 20%) + СВАхВК (max = 10%) + DB = KB

T1, T2, T3 - grades for tests of ZNO in competitive subjects
SBA - the average score of the certificate
DB - additional points (for preparatory courses, victories in Olympiads ...)

Т1хВК (min = 20%) + T2xBK (min = 20%) + TКxBK (max = 50%) + СВАхВК (max = 10%) + DB = KB

T1, T2 - grades for tests of ZNO in competitive subjects
TC - creative competition (sing, draw, run ...)
VK - weight coefficient (in brackets are the minimum or maximum values ​​of the coefficient for each component
SBA - the average score of the certificate
DB - additional points (for preparatory courses, victories in Olympiads ...)

For me, it has always been difficult to perceive such formulas 🙂 Therefore - let me try to explain by an example - what it is and why we need it.

I passed the following ZNO tests and received the following grades:

Ukrainian language and literature - 150

- mathematics - 175

- history of Ukraine - 140

English — 125

Average mark of the certificate - 150

I choose - where should I go, in what directions? Let me dwell on enterprise economics, law and computer science.

At the university N, where I am going to apply, the following is written in the admission rules:

Enterprise economy:

- Ukrainian language and literature (30%)

- mathematics (30%)

- history of Ukraine or geography (30%)

- SBA (10%)


- Ukrainian language and literature (25%)

- history of Ukraine (45%)

- mathematics or foreign (25%)

Computer science

- Ukrainian language and literature (20%)

- mathematics (38%)

- physics or foreign (40%)

Competition score is the sum of the applicant's points for each certificate of the external independent assessment, the average score of the document on complete general secondary education, the score for the competition of creative or physical abilities (if held), multiplied by weight coefficients, the sum of which is equal to one.

The competitive score is additionally accompanied by points for special achievements and / or for successful completion of the preparatory courses of the university for admission to this university for natural-mathematical and engineering specialties.

KB- competitive score;

P1, P2, P3, P4- the results of passing the test on subject 1, subject 2, subject 3, subject 4 (or points for the competition of creative or physical abilities);

A- the average score of the document on complete general secondary education;

BOU- a point for special achievements to the winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student olympiads in basic subjects or a point for special achievements to the winners of the III stage of the All-Ukrainian competition for the defense of scientific research works of students - members of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the list of sections of which in accordance with the directions of preparation for admission to higher educational institutions for obtaining a bachelor's degree (a specialist in medical, veterinary medicine are given in Appendix 5 to “ Conditions for admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 2015“Approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 15, 2014 No. 1172“ On approval of the Conditions for admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 2015 ”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 4, 2014 under No. 1390/26167).

BOD- point for successful completion of the preparatory courses of the university.

Wherein K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 + K5 = 1.

Additional points: BOU and BOD are in the range from 0 to 10 points.

In practice, educational institutions can set specific fixed values ​​for additional points - up to 10, which will amount to 5% of the main competitive score.

The list of subjects of external independent assessment required for admission and the specific weight coefficients assigned to each of the components of the competitive score must be contained in the Rules for admission to a particular higher educational institution.

EXAMPLE. Specialty "Philology"

Competitive subjects and their coefficients, as well as the coefficient of the average score of the certificate:

  • Ukrainian language and literature (basic level) - 40% of the competitive score (odds 0.4);
  • history of Ukraine - 25 percent of the competitive score (odds 0.25);
  • foreign language - 25 percent of the competitive score (odds 0.25);
  • the average score of the certificate is -10 percent of the competitive score (coefficient 0.1).

Suppose an applicant has the following results:

  • Ukrainian language and literature (basic level) - 186 points;
  • history of Ukraine - 170 points;
  • foreign language - 140.5 points;
  • the average score of the certificate is 174.3 points.

186x0.4 + 170x0.25 + 140.5x0.25 + 174.3x0.1 = 74.4 + 42.5 + 35.125 + 17.43 = 169.46