Lesson on drawing eyes. How to learn to draw eyes, draw a realistic eye

Lesson on drawing eyes. How to learn to draw eyes, draw a realistic eye
Lesson on drawing eyes. How to learn to draw eyes, draw a realistic eye

And upon admission to special institutions related to the profession of painter, these skills are mandatory.

And of course, the most important element of the portrait is the eyes, because the general atmosphere of the picture depends on how you portray them.

Through the view, you can guess the mood of a person, his character. He reflects what we think and care what our intentions are. That is why, if you wish, start working with images of people you need to greatly pay attention to the eyes.

Despite the fact that the images of all the subject and object are the better, the more you, to simplify the task will help knowledge of the device and anatomy.

In this article we will look at how learning to draw eyes in stages quickly and beautifully.

Build: How to draw eyes correctly?

So, as already mentioned earlier, in order to draw a grampically beautifully, it is necessary to follow all anatomical intactObserve proportions.

The eye is a small sphere, placed in the eyeboard and covered with centuries, which, in turn, are framed by eyelashes. The gap between the centuries is called the eye cloth. Attention should be paid to the third fold above the eye in the upper eyelid.

A part that is visible to us if the eyelids are raised is a protein sheath that goes into a slightly convex and transparent horny shell. But already under the shell of the horny is rainbow. Iris It has an employed structure: it consists of muscles, and it is here that the entire pigment contained in the eye is located.

As everyone knows, the hole located in the middle of the iris is called pupil. Since muscle fibers have a characteristic property, the pupil can change its dimensions depending on how much light on it falls. Therefore, be extremely attentive, because if you depict the face of the character, filled with light or, on the contrary, it is in the pitch darkness - the size of the pupil will vary.

The deepening in the corner is called a tears lake, which is created in order to moisturize the eyes when you blink. Its internal part is always rounded, and the external has a sharper end. Your attention should be paid to how the eyelid is placed and how it fits the eyeball. So to what extent it hangs over the eye can add a considerable number of years.

How to draw a person's eyes?

Eye pencil is not so difficult to draw. In order to start drawing, the following tools are needed:

And now proceed to work. How to draw eyes? Remember that from the first time no one in life will never work well and correctly, so you are taking patience and do not give up! The more training and practice you will have, the faster and will better get better every time.

  • Very easy I. without excess push do sketch Eye apple, which is an ordinary circle.
  • Then write in his eyelidsClosing at the same time about one third of the eyeball of the apple with the upper century and as many lower eyelids. Top eyelid, or rather, its area must be a little concave.
  • Note that the outer corner of the century is slightly raised in relation to the internal (the fact that closer to the nasal part).
  • Add to Figure sleepy bag.
  • Now go to the creation of a rainbow shell and pupil. Do not place the rainbow shell exactly in the middle of the eyes, because from this look will seem aggressive. And also do not descend it too low to your neighbor. This part of the eye should be completely covered with the upper century.
  • Add glare. It is not necessary to do this, but based on how the light falls from which side. Do not glare too big, because it can reduce the expressiveness of the eye.
  • Go to the form of form. The hatching is starting with the most pigmented, and, therefore, a rather dark area of \u200b\u200bthe eye - a rainbow shell. It is important to know that its upper part of it is the darker, on the sides a little lighter, and bottom part is the brightest.
  • In the hatching it is important to draw "rays" that come from the pupil. No need to distinguish them with a pencil too much: there should be a lot of them, but they should not be very noticeable.
  • The glare can be left as not shaded if you have already been portrayed and create them with a tip of the stratum after the end of the hatching of the entire iris.
  • To give greater abilities, the eyes should be depicted again with the help of several light rays.
  • It is important not to repeat the error that many allowed, leaving the protein is absolutely white. In nature, there is no one, and therefore, the drawing will come out unrealistic. therefore add some gray shadows in the corners, as well as near the border with the upper and lower eyelids.
  • I will deal with the shape of the eyelids. Top Age fold - the dark place. Having handed it out, slightly growing to brighter areas.
  • Go to the eyelashes. They can be the most different: short, long, fluffy and not very. All this is at your discretion. However, you should not forget that every eyelashes differs from another in size and in nature they are absolutely identical. The paint row begins from the corner of the upper eyelid and ends closer to the border of it with the bottom.

How to draw eyes the same?

So, with how to draw one eye, we figured out. But many artists who perfectly worked the drawing of all small detailsThe problem arises in order to portray the second is also good. It should not mow, should not be greater than or less, corners, rainbow shells - everything should be the same. The task is undoubtedly complex, but quite perfect. We recommend drawing two eyes at the same time.

The most difficult thing in drawing a realistic eye is:

Compliance with all proportions;

Drawing a realistic pupil eye;

Drawing eyelashes.

In this article we will teach you to draw all these difficult moments.

Drawing realistic eyes - the task is not simple. In this case, the eyes have to draw quite often. We start drawing an eye with a pencil from the main lines (they must be thin, since then we will move them). Carefully look at the image, when redrawing, observe all the proportions, as it is very important. Our eye looks like a little up. When you understand the basic principles, you can draw your eyes as you need.

The pupil on the contour is described by a pencil (darke the contour) - we do this by the transition. The pupil is the darkest place, and closer to the outside - everything is lighter and lighter. It is best for these purposes a very soft pencil.

Now draw the inner part of the big circle. It is very important that strips and stains are located in a circle. Look at the picture below and try to repeat all the dashes and stains just like in the picture.

Next, you darken and hatch the entire surface of the big circle - try to achieve maximum realistic effect. Please note that some areas of the eyeball are darker, and others are lighter. This effect needs to be reflected in your drawing.

Fully paint the pupil with a pencil and remove the auxiliary circular lines.

Shed some parts of the eye to give volume.

We draw the bottom eyelashes. Do this exactly as we have in the picture. The growth line of eyelashes should not be perfectly smooth. Eyelashes are starting to grow under the bottom auxiliary line, and not on it. If you draw an eye for the first time, it is best to repeat each cilia. In the future, you can draw eyelashes without visual tips.

Draw the upper eyelashes. Do this exactly as we have in the picture. The growth line of eyelashes should not be perfectly smooth. The eyelashes begin to grow over the upper auxiliary line, and not on it. Eyelashes draw quite difficult. Each cilia is drawn separately - they will take a lot of time on them, but it is good and plausible to painted eyelashes make a picture of the eye with a pencil as spectacular as possible. For a better effect, squeeze the pencil and preference in this case you need to give a gentle pencil.

We remove all the remaining lines of tips so that the eyes look realistic. Something should you get:

Related drawing lessons:

Did you wonder how to draw eyes realistic? It is not so difficult, it is enough to follow some rules and advice. Of course, the result will be far from excellence (so painting the eyes, as shown in the picture, only the artist will be able to), but at least the eyes will not resemble the fixed frozen balls. Some people think the eye, like a tennis ball, is round, and that's it. They are mistaken: this body is very complex in design, moved, and to display the mentioned characteristics, it is not enough to draw a circle in the shape of the eyelashes. Many lovers begin to draw eyes from the pupil. But the drawing technique described below will teach you correctly depict this complex organ.

Tutorial on drawing: step-by-step instruction

1. Forest patience pure sheet, graphite pencil Softness 2H, and a good soft eraser. First draw the contour, resembling a sheet of wood. Do not be afraid to spoil the drawing, because you just learn. The lines should be lightweight, barely noticeable, the remaining details draw it later.

2. Draw a circle for the iris and the tear duct, the fold of the upper eyelid and the edge of the lower eyelid. The lower eyelid, as a rule, on portraits weakly outlined, but its presence is important. The middle of the upper century is brightly outlawing.

3. Most eyes catch glare, and the corners under which they appeared are brightly visible on the iris. The size and form of reflection may change. How to draw eyes to look like alive? Draw a slightly glare, look at what location you like more. If you have turned out quite a lot - not trouble, extrany you can erase later.

4. Each person has an individual picture of the iris, but any of them looks like a bicycle needles. We continue to draw the pupil and the iris with a unique pattern in a circle, because straight lines are boring. Create a picture of the iris rather, because its structure will look natural.

5. Then dial the edges in the center of the iris and outside, thereby making the pupil volumetric. The pupil itself needs to paint well.

6. The eyeball is leaving white, and the pupil and the top of the iris are dimmingly dimming. The glare also do not paint, only slightly draw contours so that they look natural. Learning to draw eyes realistic and beautiful.

7. Now we work out the eye protein, overlapping shadows with strokes around the contour above the lower eyelid and under the upper century, and slightly out the tear canal. The eye comes to life in a matter of minutes, it remains to add some important elements.

8. In-depth eyes with pencil shading: impose fine short strokes on the outer edges of the eye, highlighting the external and internal corners of the century.

9. In order for the eye to look natural, add some wrinkles at the inner edge of the lower eyelid. Lines smooth, very lungs.

10. Now so important moment - Image of eyelashes. They should be natural, and not twisted, like dolls. Take care and forward to achieve your goal! You practically mastered the main techniques and now you know how to draw eyes similar to living. It remains very little. Cilia draw as if they stick out of paper. When you outlined the right amount Hair, walk on them with a pencil again, only already with pressure. It is necessary to draw with tight movements that the ends of the cilia are thin, natural, and not cut.

11. Then you need to add thin eyelashes with tearing light strokes. The last two steps will create a natural look effect. And do not worry if the hairless hair looks. Add a few thin lower elays below, they should not be thick and dark as the top. Draw a bolder: let them not perfectly smooth, but it looks natural.

12. Give the doodle the light volume around the eye (if desired), with the help of shading, we highlight the inner corners of the eye and the external angle of the century. The eye is now quite like a real, isn't it?

We hope that the above step-by-step instruction, which tells in detail how to draw eyes into several techniques, you were useful.

And also, it is desirable, first to study another lesson -.

We look at the text structure in the picture below.

Eyelashes must be thick at the root and thin on the tips.

How not to draw eyelashes See below.

Draw the eye contour with light lines. Then pencil 2N paint eyelashes. Each eyelash looks like a comma, only inverted. Draw from the contour of the eye at the same time diminish the pressure on the pencil of the flexing line, the line will become thinner. Light movement brushes tear the pencil from paper when you finish drawing the eyelashes.

Pencil 2B Draw more eyelashes so that they were thick. Draw the circuit of the iris, pupil and glare.

Pencil 6B Draw the pupil. Pencil 2B Draw a rainbow shell of the eye. To do this, we use. Please note that the eye area is darker from above, than below, the sides are also darkened. The eraser will pass to create a light area from below, then apply multiple lines to create textures.

Using cross-hatching, create gradient transitions on the eye protein, while the edges and up the protein should be darkened. Make a hatching of the edges of the upper and lower eyelid, closer to the outer corner of the eye, the transition of the tone becomes the dark. Draw a little thin lines to create blood vessels.

Very beautiful eyes in the style of anime. Eye drawing in such style is a bit distorted, but very spectacular. The eyes are unnaturally large with long eyelashes, it is about such eyes and dream girls. Unfortunately, such eyes are only painted in the pictures, in reality, the person's eyes look differently. However, it is not necessary to have huge eyes and long eyelashes, anyone has very beautiful eyes, especially when he smiles. Any portrait of a person is primarily correctly drawn eyes. However, draw your eyes properly quite difficult, since it is very difficult to pass a person in the figure. Let's try to learn draw eyes man with a pencil, stepdown.

1. First draw flat contours

To make it easier for you draw eyes Man, I decided to draw only one eye. But you can immediately draw two eyes, placing them near in the mirror reflection. To do this, draw both contours on your drawing at once. Please note that your eyes should be the same, but in a mirror position in relation to each other, otherwise they will look crooked and oblique, which is naturally undesirable for the drawing of a beautiful girl's eye.

2. Add another contour in the picture

While the lesson, how to draw eyes, more like a geometry lesson. But it is precisely such figures that you will be easier to learn how to draw. Please note that the second outline is not a square, but a rectangle, horizontal sides are longer than perpendicular.

3. Draw a common eye shape

Now you will need to draw the shape of the eye, "stretch" the former contour and draw an oval inside the rectangle for the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. All this is easy, it is important only to accurately place where the corners of the eye will be located. Note that if the angular lines connect too far, the eyes will be narrow.

4. Eye acquires real form

Drawing eyes It is important to correctly draw the shape of the eye, "to withstand" all the proportions and therefore we used geometrically figures. But at this step, they will no longer need us, and they will need to be removed. But before you need to change the shape of the eye, just like on my drawing. Left corner of the eye (in relation to you) you need to withdraw for general contour And omit almost to the level of the lower part of the cornea oval. And the right corner of the eye, on the contrary, move the contour at the level of the horizontal milling line. After that, smooth lines connect the corners into one. Now you can delete unnecessary contour lines and in the picture is now a real beautiful eye. This is a difficult step, pay him the most attention.

5. Figure Eye Almost finished

Inside the cornea eye you need to draw pupil. Pupils do not need to draw too large. Human eyes with normal lighting have small pupils. In the left corner, draw a bag for tears, and on top of a parallel line of the upper eyelid. Now we can say that you were able to paint the eye almost completely. It remains only to draw eyelashes and sharpening a little drawing with a pencil.

6. How to shake the eyes with a pencil

To finally draw eyes to add eyelashes, but small. After all, we draw the usual eyes of a person, and not the eyes of the fashion model from the magazine. Note that eyelashes can give unexpected effect In the picture of the eyes, and they need to use carefully. Then you need to darken some parts of the age, as shown in the figure. You also need to add a stroke around the eye on the scene of the eyelashes, to circle a rainbow shell. And of course, paint a rainbow shell with colored pencils.

7. Add the color on the rainbow shell

Now, drawing a person of a person, you can already confidently and correctly do drawing eyes.

Pictures of the face, the eyes of a person, portraits - this is the most sophisticated view visual arts. Learning to draw a portrait of a man, the eyes of a man, even simple pencil, requires not only time for training, but also talent. The complexity of a portrait of a person's portrait is in the ability to transfer the emotional state of a person, his facial expression, the depth of view, etc. The most important thing in the portrait is to correctly draw a person's eyes.

Eyes in the image of anime - this is the basis this style. All pictures of girls drawn in the style of anime are characterized by huge eyes - black, blue, green. But necessarily huge and expressive. To draw eyes correctly, be sure to do it in stages, because the eyes are the most important and complex element Any drawing of a person.

Drawing a person You must see all future image From the alleged lines and you will only remain to draw them. IN fine art The most important thing is not the accuracy of proportions and drawing lines, but the image of the main, the most important. Very often for this, it is quite accurate to draw eyes, which will give the mood and character of a person.

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