Taurus and Virgo: compatibility with an unexpected effect in tandem. Virgo and Taurus Compatibility in Love

Taurus and Virgo: compatibility with an unexpected effect in tandem.  Virgo and Taurus Compatibility in Love
Taurus and Virgo: compatibility with an unexpected effect in tandem. Virgo and Taurus Compatibility in Love

Virgo woman and Taurus man

love compatibility

The pragmatic and earthly Virgo woman and the stubborn hardworking Taurus man deserved - compatibility in love. If they do not see each other as an opponent encroaching on the partner's personal space, then everything will work out in the best way. It is pleasant to look at such a couple and you can even admire. A man does an excellent job with the role of a breadwinner and breadwinner, who, upon coming home, will definitely notice a new hairstyle for his wife or a special sauce for a daily dinner. True, ordinary stinginess with beautiful words can infuriate your beloved, but a wise woman will not show it. She clearly understands a tired loved one and will offer a relaxing family vacation.

Perhaps from the outside this idyll looks like a toy doll house, but in fact, these great and self-sufficient signs know how to appreciate exactly the real world, which spoiled representatives of other elements would not even pay attention to. Taurus and Virgo can boast of excellent (although this is not their style). The guy will help you gain confidence and discover dormant talents in your half, to which she will respond with affection and give stability. What to add here? One field of berries, albeit astrological ...

Sexual Compatibility

If you correctly decompose all compatibility cards in sex, then both the Taurus man and the Virgo woman will turn out to be “sharpers”. Each of them has a few "aces" hidden, which the partner lacks. Interestingly, compatibility in sex between these signs will affect the intimate sphere. Taurus is so lacking in new ideas! He was accustomed to one scenario and brought his skill in it to perfection.

But such a different Virgo may want "something like that." Then the partner will have to strain and ... discover a romantic lover in himself, who has enough strength for a harem. But they don't need him in the bedroom. A partner every night can be either “Fatima”, or “Gyulchatai”. And perhaps she will become Scheherazade, with whom to spend her whole life - and even that is not enough ... Such compatibility is an excellent illustration of what kind of entertainers earth signs can be.

At work and at home

To be honest, these signs are used to the fact that you need to work both at home and at work. It is not surprising that by putting such colleagues in one pair, the authorities can skim the “cream” for a long time as an excellent result.

The compatibility of Virgo and Taurus is most evident when a woman leads the process, but is careful about the subordinate and his criticisms. Excessive emotionality is alien to them, but pride can somehow remind of itself. This "duet" should not forget about respect, then at any stage of the career ladder they can be on an equal footing.


Psychological compatibility Taurus men and Virgo women in a relationship

The high OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING of this combination is due to the fact that both Taurus and Virgo are earth signs. Although there is some truth in the statement that it is easier for signs belonging to the same element to understand each other, however, mutual understanding does not always imply a good relationship. However, in this case, this is exactly what happens.

To maintain a sense of self-confidence, Taurus men need certain psychological stimulants. In this capacity, things that belong to them act for them: a recently bought beautiful car, a comfortable chair, or even an old, faithful leather bag. Such is the nature of their nature. Virgo women, being people who are also not indifferent to material wealth, favorably treat such preferences of Taurus men. They seem to believe that there is a use for anything, and they are able to perceive any rubbish as a treasure. By their very nature, these two fit together. Taurus believe that they own priceless property, Virgo-women treat their goodness in approximately the same spirit. Virgo-women are not able to secretly get rid of any property, which in the eyes of male Taurus, who are anxious about their things, is a serious advantage.

Undoubtedly, Taurus is completely self-absorbed, and Virgo is the loner of the zodiac. Such features of natures give their union a character, as they say, concluded in heaven. Neither partner likes to be disturbed ... at least for nothing. But one day a terrible thing will happen: male Taurus will finish the last provisions in the refrigerator and, without any remorse, will throw an unwashed plate in a conspicuous place. Their behavior will provoke the grumbling of the Virgin-women, capable of infuriating the saint, but, in fact, this is the only way they can hear each other. Virgo women know that Taurus men are surrounded by a thick wall, which requires an emotional explosion to collapse.

Sexual Compatibility Taurus Man and Virgo Woman

So, let's analyze the bed action, which reduces attention to detail and fastidious Virgos with sensual and materialistic Taurus. It is characteristic that in sexual battles both partners readily unleash their wild passions, which are usually under wraps. Taurus men are receptive, and Virgo women like it. These two are extremely picky about the surroundings: Virgo women tirelessly monitor the cleanliness of the sheets, and Taurus cares about their quality.

Intimacy gives Virgos the opportunity to manifest their inner dual nature (“nun” and “harlot”). How “respectable” they look in ordinary life, they sometimes appear just as “dissolute” in bed. In every Virgo lies the desire for swagger and, at the same time, for cleanliness and order. Taurus men love sensuality and touch, and if Virgo women are disposed towards them, they will get everything they want. At the end of love games, a shower and fresh expensive sheets are required. Taurus appreciates cleanliness, if it does not involve going to the laundry (which is not a problem for Virgos), but they need a shower before and after.

Business Compatibility Taurus Man and Virgo Woman

Two signs of the Earth, they have good compatibility and are natural like-minded people in the implementation of practical tasks. These are partnerships that can work to the benefit of each of them. They both share the same moral and ethical views on business. The sign of Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and businesses will always be provided with an analytical approach, which will give them an advantage.

What a Taurus man needs to know about a Virgo woman

The world of Virgo is based on order. They are characterized by an active mind that does not miss the little things. Taurus, you must understand that Virgo grumbling is usually caused by their overwork. It means that it's time to express your gratitude to them and invite them to spend the evening somewhere. No one knows how to thank you better than you, so pay tribute to the Virgo women. Just do it delicately and try to be sincere.

What a Virgo woman needs to know about a Taurus man

Taurus will allow you to do anything if you, for your part, will be as indulgent towards them. Living with a Taurus, you'll soon find yourself doing all the household chores - from dinner to laundry - for their dry "thank you", an appreciative nod of the head... or for no reason at all.

The Taurus man likes to feel safe, and the best way for him to gain confidence is to go out into the outside world. It's not easy to pull off such an undertaking, but by convincing him to go to his first job interview, you will take a decisive step in the required direction.

Compatibility Taurus men and Virgo women: chances for the future

This combination is very promising, since the partners' views on life practically coincide. Virgo women are service oriented and will not leave until they have completed their mission; Taurus men hate change with every fiber of their soul. Thus, this pair is most likely a long-term formation. In any case, enough to have time to make a decent fortune, or, at least, to acquire numerous “belongings”. The very process of collecting household items, as well as the efforts spent on caring for them, will allow partners to experience many wonderful hours together.

How is a Taurus man compatible in a love relationship with other signs of the horoscope

A very pleasant couple. A woman loves her man, and he enjoys communicating with her.

Here, a man acts as an adviser and mentor, takes responsibility - in a word, contributes to the material and personal growth of his chosen one.

Virgo-Taurus compatibility: how to seduce a Taurus man?

Taurus men pay attention to luxurious and relaxed girls, but fall in love and marry intelligent, calm and economic ones - after all, it is with this type of women that Taurus feels most comfortable. Taurus is drawn to Virgo's poise and classic sense of style, while the Virgo woman draws attention to Taurus' humor and ... a certain mess in his image. And, of course, as an Earth woman, Virgo appreciates the sense of self-confidence radiated by Taurus. Virgo and Taurus have good compatibility in sex, however, Taurus's too everyday attitude to the physical act and his jokes on this topic can somewhat jar the Virgo woman, for whom love is something serious and sacred.

What does an ideal couple look like: a Virgo woman - a Taurus man?

An ideal couple is a strong union based on mutual calculation. Many people are jarred by this definition, but the rest of the couples meet violently, marry and divorce just as violently, while Virgo and Taurus live happily together for many years, basking in the rays of not fiery, but warm and strong feelings. Perhaps this union can also be described as ordinary human happiness. Both love the land, so most often this couple acquires their own country house in old age - the good thrift of Taurus allows. They love to talk about money, plans for the future, what to buy for their house and how to raise their children - they are happy with these simple things, they are good with each other and do not have to pretend to be who they are not.

What are the difficulties in the union of a Virgo woman and a Taurus man?

Taurus, oddly enough, is much more patient than Virgo and condescending to her grumblings and complaints about the mess ... for the time being. If Virgo angers Taurus, the release will be enormous, and it will take a long time to reconcile. Also, Taurus does not tolerate criticism in his address. Paradoxically: Taurus loves critical sensible people, but if someone criticizes him, it will not seem enough to you. This couple has few problems: the main difficulty, perhaps, is the so-called "midlife crisis", when a person begins to desire enchanting passions and adventures. Alas, this share does not pass even such reasonable and "home" people as Virgo and Taurus.

First of all, Virgo should understand and accept the mess of Taurus: this is a true friend who walks with him throughout his life. It is inhumane to deprive a partner of such devoted friends. Taurus can easily put on a crumpled shirt in the light - even if it was bought for a fabulous sum - and this terrifies the Virgin, while the man himself does not understand the reason for the Virgo's discontent: the main thing is the essence. A wrinkled Savile Row shirt remains a Savile Row shirt in any form. Only female cunning and timely ironing will help here, dear Virgos.

Virgo woman - Taurus man - quite an interesting and bright couple. Relations between them often develop due to mutual understanding, warmth and sincerity. A hard-working Virgo girl and an economic Taurus guy often become an excellent couple.

Briefly about compatibility

Virgo woman - Taurus man - this is a couple consisting of people who are united by solidity, common interests and almost identical views on family and life. This union is very pleasant. The girl is madly in love with her boyfriend, and he, in turn, gets incredible pleasure from communicating with his chosen one. He acts as a mentor and adviser, taking full responsibility for himself. It is he who will contribute to the personal and material growth of his chosen one in this union. And she, in turn, will appreciate and respect her partner, which he really likes. The girl will try her best to thank her lover with care, love, affection and behavior. Well, in general, they have so much in common that they rarely have a hard time with each other. Virgo-woman - Taurus-man - this is a couple in which the guy and the girl perfectly complement each other, becoming integral parts of one whole.

Two halves

This couple is very interesting. In the union of the Virgo-woman - Taurus-man, each of them brings something of his own. And this makes it unique. Taurus brings feelings, ardor, passion and a warm heart. Virgo is a sober mind, prudence, rationality and practicality. These people are peaceful and extremely accommodating. Everyone has a keen flair and good taste for any issues - domestic, financial, economic. Interestingly, most of their discussions and conversations are about how to earn money and provide for their families. Plans for the future - that's what else is their favorite topic. Such conversations inspire them, give self-confidence, increase morale and performance. In general, it must be admitted that this is such a couple that can achieve great success. They have all the qualities necessary for this.

About the pros

It is worth noting that this marriage is incredibly successful for both the Taurus guy and the Virgo girl. It happens that feelings fade over time, but if crazy love does not remain between them, then deep affection and strong sympathy will certainly remain. This couple can safely be called perfect. They really successfully harmonize with each other - Taurus-man and Virgo-woman. The love between them is strong, and if feelings arise, then you can be sure that they will last until the end of life. And, I must say, there is a place here not only for emotions, but also for prudence. Stormy passions, if they exist (usually they arise from the impulsive Taurus, and not the wise Virgo), pass quickly, and loyalty, devotion and ... mutual calculation remain. These people are smart and psychologically mature, it is due to this that they manage to live a long life together without scandals and even with mutual benefit. In general - the most that neither is ordinary human happiness.

How to conquer a Taurus man to a Virgo woman?

This is quite an interesting question. Well, a girl born under the sign of Virgo needs to demonstrate to her potential chosen one all her best qualities. Taurus appreciates poise, housekeeping and, of course, an attractive appearance in beautiful ladies. Nobody has canceled this yet. Of course, every Taurus guy likes relaxed passionate people, but for a serious relationship, they will choose an exclusively economic, calm and charming young lady. Plus, she must be intellectually developed. It is such a woman who will become a worthy chosen one of the Taurus man, with whom he will definitely want to spend his whole life.

Friendship, partnership and sex

The horoscope "Woman-Taurus - Man-Virgo" is very interesting. But before moving on to it, you should pay attention to one more topic. And this is what other relationships can develop between a Virgo girl and a Taurus guy. So, it’s clear about love - these people are perfect for each other. In terms of intimacy, they can also become excellent lovers. Unless the Virgo will be jarred by the sense of humor of her chosen one, which he does not hesitate to show in the process. It seems to her that he treats this matter too casually, which she considers truly holy.

The friendship between these people is also strong and lasting. They will never leave each other in trouble, they will always help and support. In addition, they are interested in spending time together - they have a lot of common interests, and they will always find something to do.

And finally, the business area. Virgo and Taurus make good partners who, working in tandem, can achieve fruitful success. They have no disagreements, and each of them holds an identical point of view regarding the conduct of business and business. In their union there is no place for empty chatter. Only actions, plans, strategies and the path to success.

Taurus woman - Virgo man: marriage and family happiness

It is worth noting with special attention also such a combination of these signs of the Zodiac. This union, just like the previous one, has absolutely every chance to turn out to be successful, lasting and long. These individuals, in fact, have a lot in common. They are stubborn, hardworking, they achieve everything exclusively by their own work, they value family happiness and home comfort, and also strive for well-being and well-being. This pair can be safely called one of the most durable and successful. Even ill-wishers understand that their compatibility is very promising. They literally found each other.

Intimate component

Speaking about any relationship, it is important to pay attention to the intimate side of the issue. Like it or not, this component is far from the last place in pairs. And in some - even the first. What can be said in this case about the union “female Taurus and male Virgo”? Sex for them is a way to satisfy their desires, as well as the fantasies of their partner. At the same time, they do not need to ask each other about what the chosen one or the chosen one would like. They know the answers to all questions of this kind without further ado. By the way, we can say that these are partners for life. If they start a relationship with each other, and they develop into something more, you can be sure that they will not need anyone else in this regard. Virgo and Taurus will become good lovers for each other - attentive and sensitive. And marital debt will not be something banal and boring. They like to be together - both spiritually and physically. Although to many outsiders this union seems strange and even insipid. But all passions boil inside. These two are not used to putting their experiences on display.

About the nuances of relationships

It is worth noting one more topic regarding such couples as Virgo-men - Taurus woman. Relationships are always fraught with certain difficulties, and this case is no exception. These individuals are practical and rational, they like a quiet life, they perfectly understand each other, and all this gives them confidence in the future and in the strength of their relationship. However, if some unforeseen circumstances suddenly arise, then this can become an aspect that can cause conflict and quarrel. The fact is that the Taurus girl and the Virgo guy are indecisive people. They do not like to take risks, and they will not take decisions for some responsible issues. This union is fundamentally different from a couple in which the Taurus is a guy, and the girl is Virgo. Since in that case a man will easily take on the solution of the problem - due to his masculinity, stamina and confidence. But the Taurus girl in such a situation can show weakness inherent in any representative of the beautiful half of the population. So there is a definite problem with this. Only not relations - and communications with the outside world. To make life easier for themselves, both need to work on themselves, become more confident and decisive.

He will pay attention to the beautiful, balanced. He will be pleased to communicate with her, her presence brings peace to his inner world, she will become his own. And this is the highest sign that such a woman was created for him. Getting her attention is not difficult, but proving the veracity of your feelings is not an easy task. The Virgo woman is quite a skeptical person. The Taurus man will have to prove his words with deeds, until he completely wins the heart of his beloved person. But the trust of a Virgo woman is worth a lot. Such a girl is full of sincere devotion, loyalty to you, she will zealously protect the heart of the Taurus man, keeping the fire of the hearth. The Virgo woman will gently help her man open up, she will feel the need for Taurus men in freedom and personal space. And calmly react to his delays at work, the postponement of a joint vacation, his gatherings with friends.
But the Taurus man should not abuse trust, if you lose it, it will not be possible to return it. For a Virgo woman, it is important to respect her feelings, her deeds. A Taurus man should show more often that you appreciate all her efforts. Don't forget to compliment her, wasn't it pleasant for you to wake up from words of love?


Sensuality at a high level with elements of improvisation.


Such a union will not be rare, these two signs attract and fascinate each other. He is able to please the hearts of everyone, to bring confidence in the strength of relationships. Taurus and Virgo have similar moral principles and values, the same reverent attitude towards family and marriage. They won’t have to think for a long time on the topic of conversation; it won’t be difficult to find a common language. Both signs are ready to give their love and care to each other for free. Thanks to this, they will appreciate their partner, which will only strengthen their bonds of love. Virgo can easily open her heart to Taurus, teach him to share his experiences, talk about problems and find a solution together. In turn, Taurus will show Virgo that you should not rely on yourself all the time. There are people who are always ready to simply help, not wanting to benefit, not pursuing selfish goals.
Taurus and Virgo will fill their relationship with comfort, care, affection, mutual understanding. This will manifest itself in everything, the intimate side is no exception. The desire to please and surprise a loved one, to please him, will open all the facets of the fantasy of each sign - this will plunge them into a world of completely new wonderful emotions and sensations.