Complex pencil drawings. Drawing lessons with a simple pencil

Complex pencil drawings. Drawing lessons with a simple pencil
Complex pencil drawings. Drawing lessons with a simple pencil

Most likely, everyone has a periodically desire to draw something, but not just a kalyak-blossom, and so that everyone liked. In particular, often such desire appears when looking at a beautiful and talented picture. It would seem that difficult? I want to learn how to paint the pencil cool, take the paper and draw the masterpiece. But if it comes to incarnation, difficulties appear: the center is shifted, the scale and the ratio of the parties are incorrect, then the details did not work. How to quickly learn to draw a simple pencilIf immediately, because of your own inefficiency, the desire to create masterpieces disappears?

Remember that even the most talented masters learned not immediately: everyone went through a long way, in order to improve the skills and delight other beauty. This is preceded by no one year and not one month of hard work - it will take quite a bit of time, and here we already draw simple pictures and people.

Pencil is considered the simplest tool for drawing, because to start learning worth it from it.

You need to get used to wearing a pencil and notepadin order to make sketches. Only work and perseverance will help achieve the goal. But what to do if in addition to the desire and some abilities, there is nothing?

Drawing: As for beginners, draw something beautiful and easy

So, for drawing pictures, you need to know where to start. remember, that for beginners, the pencil acts as the most convenient means. This is due to the fact that it is easy to erase, but with the wrong line, it can be changed. Moreover, there are different types of pencils, with the help of them you can easily create a beautiful picture.

Chief Council for future artists - never do not start drawing from complex and large paintings until you study the details. You hardly do something, and the desire to draw again will simply disappear.

First learn to portray individual items. To do this, highlight one element from others. Then visually appreciate the form and magnitude. Next, select where it is better to place it, given the amount and shape. Do not forget that high elements are located along the length of paper, and wide - width.

Also, note that the real object is usually more than a piece of leaf, therefore draw it is required, given aspect ratio and scale. This is a difficult task for a beginner. Therefore, to generate skills, below will be offers simple exercises that will help highlight the place for the picture.

Exercises for drawing

In these drawing exercises, we draw objects as schemes, without creating small parts - this is what a newcomer can be drawn simply and beautiful. It is important to see here how the use of unpaired figures are created objects, their dimensions are taken into account. Getting similar skills, in the future you can find the location and size of the drawing on the machine.

Exercise number 1: So, the first task is that it is required to draw the subject not from the natural value, but from the picture. It greatly simplifies the task, because the element is not selected and the search for its placement is not required - everything has already been done. You need to reproduce the same thing, but in another size, in order not to copy it.

Repeat similar exercises with other images, developing an understanding of proportions and space.

Draw a mountain. First, look closely at the picture. Visualize it on your sheet. Now spend a straight line. It will be the foundation. Examine the shape of a hill, its slopes. If the mountain has the same sides, depict it as the correct cone, whose height in size is less than the base width. To understand how many times the part differ in size, you can take a ruler, but the main thing is to be able to do it on the eye. In this situation, the proportions of height and width are 1: 3.

To properly determine the ratios of the parties, create a top first. Find a place on the horizontal where you place it. Create on line 3 equal segments. Next, find the middle and draw a perpendicular. Then mark the top of the mountain at a distance of 1 division from the base. If the image matches - everything is done correctly. Now try to create the same mountain, but in another size.

Do not forget that for the correct definition of the ratios of the subject parties, it is necessary to start from separation to the same parts of the base, and already go further. Such a task will teach you to accurately determine the ratio of various elements of objects. And this is the basis of drawing.

Exercise number 2.: Another task is that it is required to portray the mountain with other proportions of width and height. Here they will be 1: 4, and the peak is rejected on the right side. The task is more complicated, but not impossible.

First, repeat the actions of the first exercise: Draw a straight, sharing it on the same parts (here 4). Then there is a feature - the peak will not be in the center of the segment. It seems to be over the third segment, because it is carried out by a perpendicular line. Then the top is postponed. Usually, when creating a pattern, the base is divided by 2 or 3, by 5 rare.

Exercise number 3.: This exercise will need to portray on one sheet. profiles of different mountainswhich possess different vertices by location and altitude. Do not be afraid, the task is not too complicated. Represent each hill separately, spend a mentally dotted line to the grounds. And then you will realize that the first exercise is simply repeated several times.

Other skill - skills draw straight lines without fixtures. It's not too simple, workouts will be required. First draw a vertical line using the ruler. Now exercise, trying to create a maximum parallel by hand. A similar exercise is repeated with a horizon.

Mastering hatching

When creating masterpieces, a pencil will need to master hatching skills for the volume of the subject. She will show where the shadow falls, and where is the light. Start with simple figures: cube, ball, cone, etc. In addition, if you look carefully, then it is noticeable that there are fevering on these figures.

In order to get the smoothness of the transition from light to the dark, you will need pencils with different density. After mastering this skill, you will easily learn to draw volumetric parts. For classes, you can choose interesting and stylish drawings for beginners - not very complicated, but beautiful they will delight the result and support confidence in their abilities.

How to draw a person correctly

If you have achieved success in previous tasks, we'll figure it out now, how to draw a man. This is not the easiest task. Consider phased drawing. First try creating people on paper that cost is important to distinguish between the ratios of the parties.

Spend a vertical direct, repel from it to create a grid, i.e. Main lines waist, shoulders, heads, hands and feet. But how to understand the size of these lines? When drawing from nature it is important to use a pencil as a measuring instrument. For example, you want to determine the gap from the belt to the head. Take a pencil, viewing its tip with a top of the crown, then check on it where the waist is located. Transfer the size of paper. So it turns out to measure all items.

Drawing people - a challenge complex. Start by creating the basis, then draw the items.

To check yourself remember that the body is visually divided into 8 parts. One piece is equal to the size of the head. Representatives of the strong floor the length of the body is 3 heads, and the border is located on the chest, chin, crotch and belt. Feet - 4 heads, and the center near the knees. Shoulder width reaches 2 1/3 head size. Hands in length reach 3.5 sizes of the head. Women's proportions are different - the body is more elongated, and the hips are considered the most wide part.

If you have determined the proportions of a person, draws marks, then add the body shape. For this, all elements in the form of cylinders and ovals are drawn. If you all like, then draw contour. Now it will only remain creating details - fingers, hair, face, clothes.

How to draw a portrait

The greatest difficulty creates the creation of portraits. The difficulty is that to obtain similarities, it will be necessary to correctly draw all the details and features. So, we'll figure it out how to draw a portrait of beginners.

First Council: Think that you can easily draw or draw with a photo with a pencil? Separate facial zones: nose, eyes, lips in various angles, even ears. Then go to the creation of a full image. For beginners it will be easier to work on the photo, it is gradually possible to move to personal observations, sketches and sketches from nature.

Tip Second: Start with creating oval head. Then spend the vertical centered. She will divide the face to the same parts. Then divide it into 2 parts horizontal - this is the line of eye location. Eyebrows are located on the line of the upper edges of the ears.

Third Council: The length of the nose can be determined as follows: divide the gap between the eyes and the chin on 2 is the place of the tip. Its width corresponds to the gap between the edges of the eyes. These ratios are not an axiom, but most often the face is exactly what they draw.

There is a certain concept of a person proportions that can be taken as the basis.

When there are parts of the person, it is required to create the contour of the lips, the nose, ears, hair. If the details were arranged, then start drawing. Now it remains only to add concluding strokes.

Graffiti style

If you like the inscription, then you should think about. There are different directions and stylistic exercises for drawing the word, letters, phrases. And in order to understand what specifically the direction you will create, you will need to study them all.

Train first on paper. Create a word. Letters are required to be located at a distance corresponding to the ½ height of the letter, because they will need to circulate along the contour. Now give each letter to the volume and bulkness of the hatching.

Selection of tools

A considerable role in drawing plays the choice of tools and sheets. So, what to choose fixtures:

there are different types of pencils. Simple pencil happens with different levels of softness. Often they are marked with Latin letters: B - the most soft, n is the most solid, and HB is firmly soft pencils. In addition, there are still numbers from 2 to 9. They show the tone;
beginning will need different pencils with different hardness. In addition, when drawing will need soft erase;
paper Plays not the last role. Better use white dense sheets - they are able to withstand corrections. The pencil is suitable grainy leaf, because shades are noticeable on it.

We considered in detail how to learn to work with a pencil and how to draw something beautiful at home, but now we will bring a kind of outcome. Consider short tips How to fill hand for drawing - the list, of course, is not full, but summarizes the experience:

Create outline.

This is the main point. Per day you need to create not less than 5 sketches. It is worth working at the maximum. Use each chance of creating drawings: on the road, in the office, at home. It snaps down his hand, develops fantasy, the ability to understand the size ratios. It is useful to draw ruskends, comics.

Copy the work of the masters.

Imitate masters, it develops taste. Do 1 copies every 3 months. This should include the originals of good artists. Try to get closer to the source to the maximum, study not only the technique of masters, but also the features of the culture of that era.

Experiment, do not be afraid of errors and do not postpone the creativity for later. So you will rather learn the creation of masterpieces.

Draw a memory.

Even when drawing from nature, you have to create an image from memory. Moreover, it is important to draw small elements - It will improve the visual memory and fantasy.

Repeat errors.

Often, people at the first problems throw labor: they are afraid to repeat the error. But you should not do this. Does not go out - Start again. Do not avoid mistakes, you should look close to them - it is possible that it is your personality that is.

Do not draw in the photo.

Yes, at first, this is the only way to stretch, but then it is not worth doing this. The lens is not capable of transferring the depth of the forms.

Take a break.

Do not concentrate on one, it is important to be able to switch. Does not come out something - do breaks. Start other drawings, change the point of view, equipment.


Even if for you draw with pencil or paints (pastel, watercolor, butter, etc.) - a completely new direction of vital activity, do not be afraid to put goalslike modest and global. It is important to remember for what you have decided to learn drawing: whether it will be a future profession or hobby, do you want to please friends or relatives presented as a gift to the scenery or portrait, did you just master the new creative niche?

The fears of their own ineulsion do not give rest, constantly buzzing in the ear "Don't get anything anyway"? You should not postpone the ideas and plans for later, gradually buying boxes of pencils and paints or spending the weekend in search of the stores of the best paper. Imagine your desires today - Just take a notebook and pencil and start doing let it still be very skillful, but then your own sketches.

January 23, 2014.

Dream to learn to draw? And look for detailed step by step drawing lessons For novice artists? I will try to help you in this not a simple matter and tell about numerous nuances when writing beautiful drawings and portraits with a pencil and watercolor! With the help of my step-by-step lessons, not only adults will be able to master the azas of the visual art, but also children!
In this category, I publish all its step-by-step drawing lessons, and separately, in the category of drawing lessons for children, I collect simple drawing lessons for beginner artists. Therefore, if you just make the first steps in drawing with a pencil and watercolor, I recommend starting learning from this section. Be sure to look at all drawing lessons and tips to artists collected in my blog!

Before proceeding with full-fledged portrait, you need to learn how to draw part details. From today's lesson we will find out how to draw lips Pencil, thanks to the phased description. The lesson is not complicated and designed for novice artists, but you should not hurry. To achieve the result, namely beautiful draw a man's lips, you need to carefully follow the rules for building and shadow.

Almost every person wishes to have his own portrait, which is considered one of the most difficult drawings that the artist can draw. It is not surprising that there is a great demand for this type of drawings. Therefore, the duty of a beginner and experienced artist is that step by step to improve their skills in drawing the features of the person's person, because through the person it is possible to transfer not only the floor and age, but also the character and temperament of the person. According to its peculiarities, portraits are divided into three types: children's, female and male. Today we will learn to draw the last species - male portrait of a simple pencil. It has its own features and secrets about which we will tell in this step-by-step lesson.

Many dream of drawing a portrait of his relatives and loved ones. But before drawing the face as a whole, you need to learn how to draw part details. This lesson for novice artists is devoted to the issue " how to draw nose" This task is not complicated, it is worth only to take advantage of the information on the construction and imposition of shadows. The shape and size of the nose may differ, but the basic scheme remains unchanged. Let's rather learn how easy paint the nose with a pencil.

Hands body part personal and unique. Often they can tell about the life of a person with their shape and size. For many years, people study their lines and build, trying to read the future along the lines. Today we will teach draw hands with a simple pencil With the help of a phased lesson. We will pay special attention to their construction and imposition of shadows, so that the drawing came out the most realistic.

Phased lesson about how to draw a female portrait Simple pencil. Passing only a few steps you can understand the main features that are inherent female portrait And absent in the rest. The face will be located in Afas, the hair is removed back. It is important to know before starting work. Now you can proceed.

In childhood, the child does not think about it, why and what to draw. Drawing, he processes his life experience, carrying it on paper, and, thus, it comprehends it and develops.
With age, find ideas is becoming more difficult ... We are distracted by everyday affairs, cease to hear yourself, your inner world. Especially difficult at the beginning, when you only become on the path of knowledge of yourself as an artist.
To draw well, you need to draw daily.But where to take inspiration on this?

Here you have a few ideas, how and what to draw every day.

What to draw? 11 ideas for daily drawing.

1. Breakywood your drawings and sketches.

The simplest thing is to open a folder with your old drawings and consider them.

What is not completed in them? Where did the hitch arose?

Take a look at the drawing of a fresh look. Think how to modify it or rewrite.

In addition, the immersion in the past drawings will dip in you the emotions that you have experienced earlier. It may again inspire your creative muse. maybe based on the old idea, a new... And then another picture will be born.

2. Draw something from nature.

Looking at the house: walls, furniture, interior items, plants in pots, souvenirs brought from trips storing your memories. What a look caught?

Draw one object. You can draw other items to it, draw the background.
As a result, your drawing can turn out to be very atmospheric storing heat home, your thoughts and memories

I propose to see the post of my performance in Periscope on the topic of fast sketches from nature. I guess this video will be useful to you.

Sketching plants from nature

3. Draw an abstract combination of stains.

Complete your imagination, imagine yourself to the Creator and get a maximum pleasure from the game color, from how the paint flows and mixes, what new forms and shades you are watching. Doubt doubts and fears. Create! This is a great color therapy.
Picture your day, your mood, lock it in color.

4. Create a hand-drawn recipe.

The cooking process itself can be very creative. And if you also transfer it to paper ... Record your culinary ideas, make beautiful pictures for them, create your unique recipe books. In the future, it will inspire you to continue to create in cooking and drawing.

Do not know how to draw recipes? Look at this video:

Recipe drawing: Charpeck with apples!

More interesting and useful drawing information
From the artist Marina Trushnikova

You will find in the electronic magazine "Life in Art".

Get the log numbers to your e-mail!

5. Draw a nice little trifle for friends or family members.

It may be a postcard for the holiday - to the birthday, to the new year, by March 8 or the day of all lovers. Or just a cute gravist without any reason ...

Get a man-made postcard in an eyelid emails is unusual. Such gestures are always very pleasant.

Emotions of gratitude received instead, will definitely give you inspiration to continue the creative process.

6. Practice quick sketches.

Draw people and animals using schematic anatomical figures of man and animals.

Complicating task, use a timer, exposing my time on this work in seconds.

In the future, the ability to quickly draw a person's figure, will inspire you to make quick sketches.

Observing and noting the interesting stories, the types and characters, you can draw, snatching scenes from life: on the street, in the theater, in a cafe, at work.

This will allow themselves to develop yourself, their globility and the inner sense of the artist.

Second timer:

7. Coverage in creating monotype.

Learn to create monotypes. This will allow you to create, initially without thinking about the plot. Monotypia will do it for you.

Connect the imagination! Experiment! Printing Monotype will give you many opportunities for spontaneous solutions. Consider the image in the appeared spots and stigs. And a little dorisite stains to help see this image to the viewer.

Start drawing watercolor today!

Lighten the basics of watercolor letters with a popular course

"Watercolor Taming"

8. Draw a graphic pattern.

Do you like to draw a simple pencil or in black and white?

Then try yourself in the chart! It can be drawing stains with further drawing parts with a pencil, helium handle, ink or marker.

Or maybe you will first make any drawing graphically, and then complement it with the background, give the volume to the details, make the fill, fill it with bizarre patterns, lines and spread spots spots.

Practice to create a duddle!

9. Draw in the road sketchbook.

Go on a trip? Take a small album for sketches!

Notepad, filled with impressions and drawings (as well as booklets, tickets, checks, napkins ... and other "tourist garbage") will become an equally valuable memory than an album with photos.


  • learn to quickly fix your thoughts and impressions
  • remove the fear of drawing in humans
  • bridge Beautiful Travelbooks

then mine seminar on sketchbucking

will be in this invaluable assistant!

10. Strengthen the sites of your favorite artists.

Consider their pictures, find what clings, touches the soul. Compare different techniques, try to imagine how one or another picture is written, which felt the artist what I wanted to say how the world saw during work.

Look at the picture of your favorite artist and try to do something like this.. Or just copy a piece of paintings to study the technique, repeat it as you understand.

How to draw easily stages and in cells?

Using the simple technique of phased drawing, even novice artists will be able to draw beautiful animal figures. That's how you can draw a fun puppy.

And so with the help of geometric figures, you can draw a cow.

A chicken, which sits on eggs begin to draw from a circle. Gradually draw the beak, eyes, wings and tail.

And after the chicken cast eggs, you can paint and chickens.

Draw a bat at first glance seems difficult, but if you use the technique of phased drawing, this pretty bat appears in your album after 5 minutes. Also two circles, but the larger below, and the smaller above will help draw a cat.

Birds are difficult to draw, but the parrot draw even more difficult. But three circles of the same size will help to cope with this task.

And so you can draw a mouse.

A very pretty lady cat is drawn with a pencil, the auxiliary lines are neatly removed and the cat is painted with watercolor paints.

The drawing of an elephant and horses will be able to draw everything that can draw circles, ovals and rectangles.

The hard task to draw a camel only seems difficult. But in the technique of phased drawing there is nothing no possible.

Pets of sheep and pig are drawn a little differently. Pigs first draw the face, and then the torso. In sheep, on the contrary, first the torso and at the end of the face.

Not flying bird of cold seas Penguin and Forest bird owl are drawn in stages and painted with watercolor paints.

A snail drawing is easy if you draw a circle, then paint the body of the snail and draw the curl on the sink, eyes and mustaches.

To draw Duckling enough to launch an oval and draw a tail, beak and eyes and wings.

And so you can draw kids.

It happens that girls are drawn in albums, but do not know how to paint face beautifully. A simple scheme will come to the rescue, where the proportions of the person are observed.

You can not break your head for a long time, what hairstyle draw the girl in the diary, but just choose your favorite and draw the same.

Flowers in albums can also be drawn in stages. So that the flower had the right form to make a circle or oval and try the center and petals.

Beautiful and light drawings on cages for drawing in a notebook and a personal diary for girls 5 - 12 years

It is easiest to draw in cells. Of course, if you have a drawing drawing. These cute kittens may appear in the diary, if they draw them through the cells.

For pages in the diary about love, a drawing is suitable with a boy and a girl who exchange hearts.

Another drawing on the theme of love is easy to redraw, but very interesting.

A bear who keeps the heart will decorate the pages of the girl's diary, and the cells will help him draw it.

A smiling dog in colors is suitable for those who like to communicate with dogs and draw them.

Pictures of girls in the style of anime will decorate the diary pages. They are easy to redraw on the cells and paint with watercolor paints or wovers.

The drawing is more composed with a girl, butterfly and strawberry. Nevertheless, if the cells carefully read and draw on them, success is guaranteed.

The portrait of anime girl in the profile is also suitable for girls' diaries. The drawing is transferred through the cells, the color of the hairstyle and the eye of the drawn girl depends on the wishes of the mistress of the diary.

Bear-boy and a bear-girl will remind you that friendship happens both between the animals and between the guys.

Beautiful and light drawings on cages for drawing in a notebook and a personal diary for boys 5 - 12 years

Cats love to draw as boys, so girls. Such a cheerful cat will appear in the album or notebook if it is sught by cells.

Boys love to draw motorcycles. Let the motorcycle still do not have in real life, but it can always be drawn through the cells.

A cosmic topic is also relevant for the drawings of boys and cat-cosmonauts may be likely to do.

Cell drawings Beautiful and light for girls and boys: ideas, photos

The lion with a red mane, drawn through the cells of his fiery mane, will decorate any diary.

Through the cells, you can draw a whole picture. Lion, zebra, giraffe, elephant and hippopotam are sitting on it in dense thickets.

These animals can be drawn separately. Blue Elephant for drawing by cells

And so you can draw and paint the butterfly. She can decorate the glasses albums.

If you draw a pond and reassembly, it turns out a picture with merry frogs in the center.

The foxes drawn through the cells can be drawn on fabulous pictures or you can add flowers and grass and decorate the diary picture. Tree for drawing by cells

Cheerful dragonfly will surprise with bright wings.

Video: How to draw a bee phased?

Guys, we put the soul in the site. So
what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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All children love to draw. But sometimes the child does not turn out as I want. Or maybe he is not enough familiar ways for self-expression? Then you can inspire it to experiment with different technicians, among which you will definitely find a favorite. After that, your child probably wants to invent something new.

website Assemble for you the most interesting techniques.

Patterns from the point

First, I draw the simplest rogulin. Then, with the help of cotton sticks and paints (gouache or acrylic), we make intricate patterns as the soul will fall. The paints are better pre-mixed and slightly breed with water on the palette.


Since childhood, familiar and loved by many techniques. We put a piece of paper under a sheet of paper with a slightly protruding relief and paint it pastel, shallow or unclear pencil.


Saving a sponge into a thick gouache, a child can draw landscapes, flowers bouquets, lilac or animal branches.


One option: drop paint onto a sheet and tilt it in different directions to make any image. Second: the child is dipping a brush into the paint, then puts a bliss on a sheet of paper and folds the leaf twice so that the blots are imprinted on the second half of the sheet. Then turns the sheet and trying to understand who or what is similar to the drawing.

Hand and foot prints

Everything is simple: you need to dip a feet or palm in the paint and make a print on paper. And then put into the course of fantasy and draw a couple of details.

Patterns in paint

For such an applique, you need to put paint on paper with a thick layer. Then the opposite end of the brush on another damp paint sprout patterns - a variety of lines and curls. When driving, cut the desired shapes and paste on a tight sheet.


The name speaks for itself. You need to paint your finger with a thin layer and make a print. A pair of strokes felt-tip pen - and ready!


On a flat smooth surface (for example, glass) paint drawing is applied. Then the paper sheet is applied, and the imprint is ready. So that it turns out more blurry, the sheet of paper must be pre-wet. When everything dries, you can add details and outlines if you wish.


The highlight of the work is that the drawing must be scratched. The cardboard sheet is tightly shaped by spots of multi-colored oil pastels. Then the black gouache must be mixed on the palette with soap and paint the whole sketch. When the paint is completely dry, flush the pattern toothpick.

Air paints

To prepare the paint, you need to mix the tablespoon of "self-submission" flour, a few drops of the food dye and a tablespoon of salt. Add some water to consistency thick sour cream and mix well. Paint can be placed in a confectionery syringe or in a small package. Tightly tie and cutting the corner. We draw on paper or ordinary cardboard. The finished pattern is placed on 10-30 seconds in the microwave to the maximum mode.

"Marble" paper

Sheet of paper paint yellow acrylic paint. When it is completely dry, paint the dilute pink paint again and immediately cover the food film. Film must be minimized and assembled into folds, since they will create us the desired pattern. We wait for a complete drying and remove the film.

Drawing water

Watercolor draw a simple shape and pour it with water. So far, I do not dry, put colored blots on it, so that smooth transitions are mixed and formed.

Prints with vegetables and fruits

Vegetable or fruit need to be cut in half. Then you can cut on it some kind of pattern or leave as it is. Macaus in paint and make prints on paper. For prints, you can use an apple, potatoes, carrots or celery.

Fingerprints from leaves

The principle is the same. Leaves with smear paint and make prints on paper.