Monitor the VK page. Find out who puts likes and when there was online your friend from VK

Monitor the VK page. Find out who puts likes and when there was online your friend from VK
Monitor the VK page. Find out who puts likes and when there was online your friend from VK

    What is Spy VK?

  1. You wondered questions:
  2. How to find out with whom a girl is rewritten?
  3. How to find out who looked like a guy?
  4. How to find out when and how long did you spend your vkontakte?
  5. How to see hidden friends?
  6. How to see hidden groups?
  7. How to see the hidden photos of VKontakte?
  8. How do you know yet the user's pages?
  9. I think not only these questions are interested in users of the social network VKontakte. The spy service can answer you not only for these questions but many others. Get acquainted below with Spy Vkontakte, service online.
  10. Spy VKontakte is different namely two types, it is in the form of a program that you install on the computer and online that you open in the browser that you do not need to install on a computer. There is no difference between them, but I will express your opinion. Take the first option to be installed on the computer, too many minuses turn out. Well, firstly, the computer is not always enabled, it's good if the data receives your spy client on a computer from a server that follows a user-defined user and then when you turn on the computer sends you statistics. In general, normal spies work. A big minus is that the spy program must be installed on the computer and then not always the program of this species honestly will spy for someone and not for you. Install the program that is written by an ordinary user who does not designate himself and does not know what under the hood. It is not known where your data will go that you led to this program to authorize with your account VKontakte. Perhaps such that the next day or even before you simply do not enter your account in your account.
  11. Spy Vkontakte which he line here more advantages. The biggest thing is any domain on which the site or service spy Vkontakte is registered. The administration of the site or service of the spy will not be engaged in unlawful actions, but the hosting administration always checks how the disposable site they do not disturb the law. In general, one control is obtained and I don't think that under such control, the site administrator or service will want to block firewood and use your data for hacking your account VKontakte. This simply cannot be, because before registering a domain name, the user in the future the site administrator or service provides about itself information and it is not just a passport, which is further checked by the hosting provider if the data is correct that the registered domain is allowed. See how many advantages in the second version immediately, yes, this is not all the pros and cons, I described, just the most important.
  12. VKontakte spy allows you to follow a particular user who has been predetermined. Including a surveillance for the user Vkontakte you can find out such information namely:
  13. 1.) time statistics.
  14. 2.) To find out who puts like.
  15. 3.) See hidden friends. In the "Friends" menu, look.
  16. 4.) View hidden groups.
  17. 5.) Which of his friends was not long online and completing the time for whom the spies suggest as an option, setting him too surveillance. You can see in the "Friends" menu.
  18. 6.) User comments in groups and on the walls of his friends.
  19. 7.) The IP of the user, his browser, open dialogs with whom is communicating at the moment, this can be done in the "Trap" menu.
  20. 8.) Hidden date of birth, user registration date in VK, all this in the "Hidden Infa" menu.
  21. 9.) Who has added you to the blacklist or who you are in hidden friends. You can also learn from the "Hidden Infa" menu.
  22. Having learned such information and putting logic to it, you can learn a lot about any user or even a group of users, a group of friends in several people. With such information, you can safely say "warned, then armed" You will not look like a sucker with my girlfriend, maybe even get rid of such a dependence as jealousy. You can predict in a not big business steps for successful prosperity. You can also use your colleagues or subordinate to work or at work. Actually, possessing such information can be twisted as you want and get a really accurate result.
  23. How to work in the spy?

  24. It is not difficult to work in the spy and first need to register, although it is possible to do without registration. But then the potential of the surveillance will be significantly trimmed and say the very deep information so you just do not recognize, it simply will not be available to you, the menu items will be limited. But for the first time is enough to understand that this is really worth the service. Registration is simple and you will not need to be as if you installed a spyware program to a computer, then you had to enter a login and password, which is already worth thinking, your data will be passed to the third side. And on the online service, you click on the Sign Up button through VKontakte, which turns out the password remains on the VKontakte server and is not as not transmitted to a third party. So you can sleep well, your account VKontakte will remain yours.
  25. More specifically about the menu and add a user.

  26. You can add a user to the VKontakte page for whom you want to follow. Copy the link from the browser address line in place with ID.
  27. Insert the spy to the input line on the service line and click on the Statistics button.
  28. Next, you will go to the page with a photo (avatar) of the user, where you will ask for confirmation that this user wants to add and drive from 4 digits, after clicking on the "Start following username" button.
  29. After how to add a user you want to follow, menu will be available, but in a limited form. As above, it is necessary to view complete information (statistics), just to register on the spy service. Now all the actions of the user you need will be collected and you can view them as soon as the user will do any manipulation. Let's say so vkontakte. Below you can read the menu items.
  30. Online - time / schedule on online.
  31. Avatars - Check like on avatars, photos of friends and licying users.
  32. Entries - find huskies on the walls of friends and licked users.
  33. Groups - Check like in public vkontakte, find the hidden user groups.

Attention!Using the councils below, the user agrees with the fact that he himself perceives responsibility for the likely consequences of their implementation. Information is taken from available Internet sources, and the website administration is not responsible for the performance of outlined scripts and methods.

Secrets VKontakte:

1) View closed pages

Methods work with those pages where there is no prohibition on privacy settings. This is so referred to as "hacking" VKontakte, based on the address code of the page. Substituting the sign of the "0" ID (identifier) \u200b\u200bof a suitable user, it is possible to view the closed contents of its pages:

  •\u003duser&id\u003d0000 - Photos on which a person is marked (where 0000 - Yuzer ID);
  •\u003dTagView&id\u003d0000 - Video on which a person is marked (0000 - Yuzer ID);
  •\u003d0000 - photo albums (0000 - Yuzer ID);
  •\u003d0000 - video recording (0000 - Yuzer ID);
  •\u003d0000 - Notes (0000 - Yuzer ID);
  •\u003d0000 - Groups (0000 - Yuzer ID);
  •\u003d0000 - audio recordings (0000 - Yuzer ID);
  •\u003dVote&id\u003d0000 - Rating of the page (0000 - Yuzer ID);
  •\u003d0000 - Applications (0000 - Yuzer ID);
  •\u003d0000 - Questions (0000 - Yuzer ID).
  • 2) View video through comments

  • private video of the user:\u003dcomments&id\u003d0000 (where 0000 - user ID);
  • video private group:\u003dcomments&gid\u003d0000 (0000 - group ID);
  • view user-name user:\u003dcomments&aid\u003d0000 (0000 - album ID; usually works with albums that were made before the New Year 2009).
  • 3) View closed photos which marked user

  • To do this, you need to open any unbroken photo on which the user is marked, press on "enable an accelerated photo viewing mode" and then go to a sacred photo.
  • 4) Change the date of birth on VKontakte website for at least what day, month or year

  • download and install browser Opera.;
  • in contact Press the red. " next to the "My Page" button;
  • press Ctrl + F3;
  • scroll down the opening code down to the list with line 1;
  • in the finding piece, change in line 1 both numbers 1 per and the same desired number;
  • scroll even slightly down to the list of years and in 1996 to change both numbers 1996 on monotonous desired numbers;
  • look up and press the "Save Changes" button;
  • click on the tab with the contact page editing page and select the numbers only in the list;
  • press "Save";
  • go to your page and make sure everything works.
  • Attention: Similar actions can not work from the first time!

    5) download music from contact (

  • Open page with audio recordings
  • Copy the following in the address of the address: JavaScript: Functionoperate (Konfuze, Loves, You, All-, Xp) (You \u003d You.Tostring (10); While (You.Length

    Download "+ Document.getelementByid (" Performer "+ Konfuze) .innerhtml +" - "+ document.getelementByid (" Title "+ Konfuze) .innerhtml +"

  • Remove spaces and press ENTER. Now, when you click on the play button, it will be a link to jump.
  • Press the right mouse button on the link and choose "Save Link As ... (save the link as ...)." In some browsers, it is possible to simply press the link. From time to time, it is possible to press on the link and after downloading the melody to choose "File -\u003e Save".
  • Method 2 (more difficult):

  • Select button Play. Record recording, press the right button, select "View the initial code of the dedicated fragment."
  • Find the text: nClick \u003d "Return Operate (6035468,1094,28944," 18570A58A1 ", 97);", understand "18570A58A1";
  • Press Play.
  • Press the right button anywhere page, select DownloadHelper-\u003e 18570A58A1.mp3.
  • On a page where there are audio recordings you need to download, copy this line into the line of the browser address:
    javaSc Ript: Function Operate (ID, Host, User, File, Dur, Wall) (Var Str \u003d "with swing
    "; mydoc \u003d (); mydoc.document.write (STR);) Alert (" Protectly! ");
    // Do not marry remove gaps
    Press ENTER.

    Now pressing the audio recording button in the contact will be revealed by a new (!) Window with the link "Download". To download, you need to press the right mouse button on the link and select "Save As". To listen, there is an opportunity to just follow the link. Also, after the link on the link and the end of the download in some browsers is activated to "Save As" in the File menu.

    Method 4: Use the website

    See also: Universal methods allowing you to keep music, video is also from other websites(website).

    6) How to download video from contact (

  • Open a video clip;
  • To stick to the address line: java script: (function () (var s \u003d document.createelement ("script"); s.src \u003d ""; s .type \u003d "text / javascript"; Document.getelementsBytagname ("Head"). AppendChild (S);)) ();
  • Remove spaces;
  • ENTER.
  • 7) How to find out who deleted you from the list of friends

  • Open the Friends tab:;
  • Press CTRL + A (i.e., choose everything);
  • Make an Excel file on the desktop;
  • Copy the contents of the buffer to this file and save - everything, the powerful database is created!
  • When there are suspicions that someone deleted you, make items 1 and 2 of this method and open the file. Later:

  • To plug the contents next to the already stored data, but solely in the tighter the line where the beginning of last, i h begins with A1 or B1, then stick in D1, F1)
  • Match the lines, scrolling to the end. Where the columns "flowed", the one who deleted you from friends.
  • 8) How to find out who left the worldview of

  • Send link in response to the worldview:\u003da-sent&to-id\u003d0000&dec\u003d1
  • (0000 - Your ID).
  • Man, moving by reference, automatically responds to this offer.
  • Attention:applications must be included!

    9) How to upload a picture Watching graffiti

  •\u003d555777, where after id \u003d comes the number of this person.
  • Go on the link
  • In the column "Human ID" enter the identity ID
  • Count "File" - ...
  • Possessing, which almost all causes difficulties:

    Go to your VKontakte page and enter the browser line: JavasRipt: Document.Write (Document.SOOKI); (browser line: where it is written bla bla)

  • Everything that has highlighted, later copy and proceed to the subsequent PT;
  • All that is copied, stick in the window on the graffiti replacement page (where it is written "Copy here, which got");
  • Press the "Next" button.
  • 10) How to sit in contact and be offline

    To stay on the Offline website, the most important thing is to ignore the "My Page" tab and do not enter the main page of other users. In other words, accessible: messages, announcements, bookmarks, video files, etc., not counting individual user pages. To do this, you must put in the browser in the "Bookmarks" ("Favorites") page with news (not counting the original) and enter this link, in the event there is no mood to talk.

    11) How to remove the last name

    This may be, in the event that it is only a certain register on When registering, everything, as usual, not counting the filling of the "name" and "surname" fields, then stick to the address line: JavaScript: this.disabled \u003d true; document.regme.submit (); and press "input".

    12) how to make status in the column

    For the Opera browser. Go to your page, click right-click and select "Initial Code" in the context menu (Ctrl + U). Then press "Ctrl + F" and in the search menu that opens check the code:

    and change it on: textarea id \u003d "edit-activity-text" name \u003d "edit-activity-text" Onblur \u003d "Return Activity-editor.blur ();"\u003e and press "Save".

    13) How to trace the person

    There is so-called for this. "Antisocial project" This is a tool for tracking the activity of users of social networks. It indicates what time the users appeared on websites. Also tracked:, dating Mamba, dating -, [email protected], Rambler dating, dating, for surveillance for users of VKontakte, with maintaining the statistics of stay online.

    A source:

  • - Secrets of VKontakte.
  • zhelezyak-a - Download video / music from services that support online-view / listening (Vkontakte, YouTube) without using special programs.
  • Additionally to the site:

  • How does work?
  • Other secrets and hidden software skills websites
  • How to delete "Activation page" VKontakte?
  • How to remove microblogging VKontakte?
  • Here you can watch statistics on time spent on the social network VKontakte, for any user VK (, or find out who he (a) puts huskies, see the hidden friends of the user, find his hidden groups, learn from whom from friends Online (perhaps it is with him and communicates). Hidden contact and hidden friends VK are in the menu "Friends"which is available after adding the user to the tracking list. Find out the user's IP, his browser, open dialogs with whom communicates now (menu "Trap"). View the hidden date of birth, date of user registration (menu "Hidden Infa"). Find out who added you to the hidden list (menu "BlackList").

    Instructions for use:

    1. Go to the page To the person you want to watch. (For example, Dmitry Medvedev:
    2. Copy the link From the browser address line (highlight and press Ctrl + C).
    3. Insert a copied link to the form below. And click "Statistics".

    Enter the ID or link to the VKontakte user page:

    Menu available after adding a user:

    Online - Time / Schedule of user visits VK.
    Avatars - Check like on avatars, photos of friends and licked users.
    Entries - Finding huskies on the walls of friends and licked users.
    Groups - Check like in groups, find hidden user groups.
    Comments - Search for comments on the open walls and groups of VKontakte.
    Friends -, fixing new / remote.
    Fakes - Search for user fakes.
    Slot - fixation of friends / subscribers who added to whom first (sent an application).


    Inactive more than 2 weeks, users are deleted From the base.
    To do not remove your user to go into his statistics, menu item "Avatar" and click "Quick search" .
    2 weeks (14 days) are counted from the date of the last check.

    Random users:

    My page29.08 14:09 25.10 24.10 10.10 14.01.15
    Welcome24.11 18:20 21.10 20.10 05.10 02.06.15
    Nika Kisa.24.10 18:32 06.09 24.10 25.10 10.03.16
    Julia Karachevskaya25.10 22:39 23.10 23.10 23.10 10.03.16
    Alice Alice.26.10 04:06 25.10 25.10 25.10 10.03.16
    Active surveillance for: 53235 Users

    Monitoring groups: (temporarily suspended)

    Access after authorization (on the left at the top "Log in VK")

    Random communities:

    News -\u003e

    16.11 VK banked Therefore, authorization on it did not work, added a new
    22.11 Banned transition to, Added To go from VK (friends invitations)
    17.12 Spare sites did not work and, corrected. If possible, use
    19.01 Online buggy - the spy missed some sessions. Corrected if there are errors - write off in a personal / comments
    30.01 The base flew a little, no data for the period from 29.01-30.01. Who boned the bonuses during this period will unsubscribe in a personal, I will add to add. Who invited friends invite once again. Likes, surveillance, etc. During this period, turn on and check again.
    10.02 + Coverage of the search for hidden groups, large groups according to the plan must be all, small may not be found.
    14.02 + Suspected, followers in searching like avatars (photo), and a little improved the search.
    03.04 - Error in a surveillance in which all friends / subscribers are re-added / removed
    05.04 + Closing profiles from search engines and unauthorized users (-1 bonus)
    08.04 ! The server ran around from about 20:00 to 1:00 (online during this period may be missing)

    09.04 - hanging when checking the comments in groups, misses the fool
    15.04 + total time online all your users, inactive remain in the list on the main
    21.05 ! some online missed, corrected the code and reduced the timeout until 6 minutes while it works well

    Questions, reviews, wishes, suggestions for improving the service:

    1. We do not deal with hacking, I do not even read SMS even for big money! Only questions on the spy! (

    In the soul settled doubts and do not give the obsessive thoughts? It is necessary to find out something vital for ourselves? Words of a person disagree with his actions? Sometimes, to understand everything and appreciate correctly, you need to look at that part of the life of someone who remains in the shade. It is wrong, it is illegal. But no one is insured from it.

    The second, and not at all small, the side of our life proceeds in the Internet. Virtual communication, social networks, so tightly settled our everyday life that it was here that those who stopped believing the live words of another person are looking for the truth. What did he write? Who communicated with? What are the topics? Terrays are tormented by doubts.

    A proposal always appears on any demand, therefore special programs for surveys for someone else's lives have appeared. For example, VKontakte Spy Program. If the second half, or a grown child, is constantly "sitting" in this social network, the Spy VK will help to figure out what they are so interested. According to developers, if you install such a spy to your computer, you can find out almost everything that the user hides behind your password.

    In fact, there is a lot of surveillance programs. They are in demand not only with jealous spouses, as at first glance it seems. They enjoy in many enterprises, to control the quality of employees. They are used by parents to manage the independence of their children in the Internet. Some programs write down literally every action on the accountable computer. Others block access to sites and portals where you should not go. Third make it possible to watch what happens on the desktop of another user in real time.

    Spy for VKontakte - Opportunities, Restrictions, Responsibility

    The possibilities of spyware are limitless, there are a lot of them, but this review is devoted to the programs for surveillance for the life of a person in social networks. Therefore, we will consider in more detail those that help see, as under a microscope, user actions in VKontakte.

    Many applications call the VKontakte Spy Program. Despite the fact that their goal is alone - the methods and opportunities are different. As a rule, VK spy is able to something from the following:

    • Get and transmit information about the number of time spent by VKontakte. How many times and when he visited the page, from which device it was done.
    • Report friends, even hidden. About sent by user applications for friendship and subscriptions. About who was the initiator of friendship with a concrete person and when it happened.
    • Open the secret, how much and where exactly the likes put a user who wrote comments under strange pictures, themes and photographs.
    • Making the monitor screen photos in the process.
    • And perhaps the most desirable - intercept someone else's correspondence. Frankly, a spy for VKontakte to read alien messages in most cases myth. Not all spies know how to do it.

    Program VK Spy Reptilicus

    Of course, if you collect all possible information, it is already possible to learn a lot about the actions of the person of interest, without correspondence. But sometimes the question is the edge. If without information about the correspondence can not do if the future depends on the answer to all questions, then there is still a yield. It is inside your smartphone, or tablet, and is called the REPTILICUS program. Before proceeding with the description of this application, we recall that any interference in the personal space of another person is a violation of the law.

    REPTILICUS is designed to keep the device on Android control. In order to take a step in the other side of life, which someone prefers to keep hidden, you can install REPTILICUS on the smartphone. It's nice that it is for free. The program works subject to registration with the creation of an account.

    After activating the application, it works in the background and intercepts, keeping in the form of a report, all messages that are sent and sent to the controlled device. The program is universal and supports all social networks. Thus, this is really a spy program for VKontakte for those who are looking for just such. Interestingly, even if the user becomes borne not from a pre-installed application, but through a browser, VKontakte spy to read other people's posts will be all the same, because browsers are also under his control.

    The person who reads this review will inevitably have a question. How was the program, contrary to all the laws on the protection of confidential information created? Something is not true here. In fact, everything is so. The described possibilities of the REPTILICUS program are the side side of its main purpose. This application is created as a bottle, to control its own devices, for the device that the child enjoys like an archiver. Such broad powers were given it precisely to fulfill its direct destination. The use of the program for other purposes is independent, and the legitimate choice of each particular person is not always on its risk.

    Before making a decision on the application of the REPTILICUS application: as a spy vkontakte, or as a catheror; Read more with all its functions:

    Download VK Spy on Android

    Obviously, this is the most functional application of all the likes. It can be successfully applied to the management of devices issued to employees to fulfill official duties and for parental control over the actions of the child in the expanses are not always good Internet. Recall, the trial version of the REPTILICUS spy in VK can be downloaded absolutely free.

    In conclusion, again, I will not know that this application is not intended to intercept the correspondence of another user in WhatsApp and the like applications. All responsibility for such actions falls on the person who will make them. Think well, you need a spy for VC, both by law and in all moral principles. Believe your halves, and everything will decide by itself!

    Sometimes everyone has a desire to look into the lives of other people. With the advent of VK, it is very easy to watch other people's pictures, video and find out what a person does, but some of us becomes not enough. In addition to open sections, you want to see other people's messages and understand who is added to a good friend to friends. In this article we will tell about special spyware, which are created for VC to read someone else's correspondence and track the human activity on the network.

    I want to say in advance that SocLike does not welcome such methods. We strongly advise you to engage your own lives, for example, develop popularity in the network and , or upload interesting photos and . In our opinion, self-development is much more interesting for surveillance after another person. However, for the most curious we prepared an overview of some programs that will help you trace someone else's life.

    Spy VKontakte Read other people's posts

    The first thing they want to know people are the correspondence of another person. Based on this request, the Super Spy program was created. See how it works in this link . When you go to the page, you will immediately notice the special "Read Correspondence" button. If you click on it, a window appears with detailed instructions. First you need to open the VK itself in another window and go to the user page, followed by watching. Then, touch the "Access" button.

    After, insert a link that will be in the browser, in a special field. You will receive code to insert into the form from above and, as promises the site, you can read messages. We can not say 100%, how effectively this method works, because the sites of this kind do not cause our trust. However, you can take a chance and try. If you get nothing, you can use another program on the link: . In contrast to the previous one, it will have to be installed on a PC.

    As written in the review, the program helps to choose a login and password to another person's profile. For this, you just need to add it ah di in a special field after installation. After, you can safely go to someone else's profile, and no one will notice you. Most likely, this method does not work for those users who put a double defense on their cent. We are talking about entering the SMS. How to protect your account itself and change the password, . The security system itself may freeze any page, if it felt that something threatens her. Then you will not get to know the correspondence and other secrets of another person.

    Spy Posts VKontakte online

    Spyware Spies to read the correspondence are not free. And it does not matter whether you are going online to use the service or you will install on your PC. All the same for them will have to pay. If you just want to watch, from which device a man came in and who most often communicated, use the site . Playground administrators suggest that the service is completely free. No need to send any messages or invent long passwords for registration.

    After 20 second authorization, you can safely learn almost all the activity of another person. Despite openness, neither one of these sites is not said that such ways are safe and will not harm your profile. In order not to write in those. Support with request We recommend that you think well before using them.