Checking the circulation of the stoloto. Russian lotto

Checking the circulation of the stoloto.  Russian lotto
Checking the circulation of the stoloto. Russian lotto

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Russian lotto

Lottery Russian Lotto is one of the first Russian lotteries. Its first drawing was held on October 16, 1994. Then the lottery was broadcast live to the entire central part of Russia, in other regions it was broadcast in recording a week later. Now the program "Russian Lotto Plus" is filmed after 19-00 on Saturday, and is aired at 14:00 in the morning on the NTV channel, starting from the Far East.

Many players already know the rules of this lottery, so it is worth telling about them only in brief. The main task of the player is to cross out a certain number of numbers before the rest of the players.

  1. In the first round - five numbers from any of the horizontal lines of the ticket.
  2. In the second round - all 15 numbers of one of the ticket cards.
  3. In the third round - all 30 numbers of the playing field of the ticket.

In some editions an additional round is introduced - "Kubyshka". In order to become a winner in an additional round, it is necessary that you find all the missing numbers in the upper or in the lower field of the ticket.

In festive draws, there are frequent cases of forced drawing of the Super-prize. This, in turn, means that the number of large prizes increases, and the game can go until the 88th move. As a rule, all the details of the holiday jokes are announced in advance by the permanent host Mikhail Borisov or his charming assistants.

January, 2020

December, 2019

    The circulation table of the 1316 draw of the Russian Lotto for 01/01/2020 The missing kegs: 41/67. Round The order of the numbers of Winning tickets Winnings 1 11, 50, 70, 90, 37 23 434 783 2 53, 62, 10, 14, 33, 88, 80, 35, 52, ...

    Circulation table of 1315 draws of the Russian Lotto for 12/22/2019 Kegs that have not fallen: 01/40 / 61. If the ticket does not contain numbers of unchanged kegs, then the ticket is guaranteed to be won !!! Round The order of the numbers of Winning tickets Winning 1 29, 39, 30, 23, 71, 62, 69, 02 5 84 000 2 54, 67, 25, 11, ...

    Circulation table of the 1314 draw of the Russian Lotto for 12/15/2019 Unfilled kegs: 02/06/10/26 Round The order of the numbers of Winning tickets Winning 1 75, 49, 88, 52, 17 1 Trip to the sea 2 29, 55, 09, 38,…

Recently, all kinds of lotteries from the Stoloto lottery supermarket have become more and more popular, and one of the reasons for this popularity is the way in which you can check the ticket in Stoloto.

The circulation of each new issue is getting bigger.

The fact is that this lottery supermarket has an official website where you can buy a ticket online and, accordingly, check your winnings by number.

This is very convenient for any modern person.

After all, earlier all these operations were carried out in kiosks or booths at train stations, in post offices and just on the street, where many simply did not want to go. Now everything has changed.

Therefore, it would be useful to consider how the winnings are checked by the ticket number on the official Stoloto website and what else can be done using this useful resource.

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Ticket verification

So, the Stoloto lottery supermarket has an official website, the link to it looks like this:

To check your winnings by number, you just need to find your lottery, click on it, then go to the check page, and then enter the number and draw.

Let's analyze this process in more detail using the example of the Housing Lottery.

The winnings check process takes place using the following steps:

  • On the main page of the official site, all state lotteries provided by this supermarket are presented. There you need to find the Housing Lottery page.

Prompt: If the site cannot find the lottery you need, it is better to use a search using Google or any other search engine. There you need to enter a request in the following format: "Stoloto [name of the lottery]", that is, for example, "Stoloto Russian Lotto" or "Stoloto Golden Horseshoe". As a result, from the first link of the search results, you can get to the desired page.

  • We click on the inscription "Housing lottery" and go to the page of this service.
  • On the page in the top menu we find the inscription "Check ticket" and click on it.

  • Enter the circulation number and the ticket number in the corresponding fields, highlighted in Figure 4 with a green frame. After that, press the "Check" button (highlighted in red).
    It is important to remember that the check button will become available only after entering the correct drawing and ticket numbers. If there is any error in these fields, the button will not become available.

There is also a shorter way.

If you immediately go to the ticket check page (for example, and select any other lottery there in the selection menu highlighted in Figure 5, then you don't have to go to the main page and look for nothing there ...

The only problem is that this method does not always work and the site sometimes misunderstands this method. But you can try.

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated in checking the ticket number. The exact same algorithm will work for other lotteries from Stoloto.

In addition to Housing, "Russian Lotto" and "Golden Horseshoe" are very popular here.

Each lottery page has the same menu, similar to the one shown in Figure 3, so the transition to the ticket verification page will not be difficult.

Now let's talk about what else the Stoloto website is so good at and why this lottery supermarket is so popular with users from all over Russia.

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Other features and capabilities of the Stoloto website

Among the most important advantages, one should highlight the possibility of buying a ticket.

This operation takes place using the following actions:

  • On the main page of the official site of Stoloto, you again need to go to the page of some kind of lottery. For example, let's select the Housing Lottery again.
  • On the page that opens, you need to select not the "Check ticket" item, but "Bet".

  • After that, the user will be taken to the page where he can place a bet. Its appearance differs depending on the chosen lottery. For the Housing Lottery, it looks as shown in Figure 7.
    Here, to purchase a ticket, you need to select one of the options for its appearance, then select a payment method in the menu on the right and pay for the ticket, having received its number.

For Gosloto 6 out of 45, the purchase page is somewhat different. Here you just need to choose the numbers. After this, the steps are the same - choose a payment method, pay and get a ticket number.

Thus, another important advantage of the Stoloto website is the ease of buying a ticket.

The main benefits are:

  1. The presence of a personal account, where the user can view the archive of previously made bets and purchased tickets, deposit a cash reserve on his account for future purchases and perform other actions.
  2. The presence of a convenient mobile application where you can work both with registration and, accordingly, the presence of a personal account, or without it.
  3. The ability to place bets by SMS.
  4. A huge number of all kinds of lotteries - everyone will find what he likes the most.

Of course, there are also disadvantages here. The main one has already been mentioned above - incorrect work of the site in some options. This happens very rarely, but it does happen.

Many users on the forums wrote that they sometimes did not even manage to purchase a ticket.

So be careful when using the Stoloto website.

Just in case, adhere to the following safety rules:

  1. Do not restart your computer while working with the site;
  2. Do not close the page when buying a ticket;
  3. Do not open other browsers while the Stoloto site is open.
  4. Sometimes disabling the firewall also helps.

The presentation video of the Stoloto website can be seen below.

Features of the site

There are many features on the Stoloto website that are convenient to use. Start winning now!

If you don't feel like going to TV at 8 am on Sunday, it doesn't matter. After a pleasant breakfast and morning coffee, you can check your ticket rusloto and at the same time going to the Internet. The results of the Russian Lotto lottery appear in online format immediately after the television release and are stored in the archive for more than one year. That's why online check of rusloto lottery ticket Experienced players who collect statistics of the game like to use it. They use this data in further draws to increase the likelihood of winning. Only online is checking several tickets at once, or a ticket that has won many draws. Thus, having bought a Rusloto ticket a few weeks ago, do not think about it until the high point of the check. At a convenient time, playfully, go to the site and check the ticket simply and quickly. This option is loved by those who are used to playing for high stakes.

The two main ways to validate a Russian Lotto ticket are as follows:

  1. Online check by rusloto ticket number
  2. Checking Russian lotto draw online

Checking by the Russian Lotto ticket number

This check is carried out instantly. The archive stores all the lottery results in gigabytes of memory, and when the ticket number is entered into a certain field, the result appears on the screen instantly. To implement checking the Russian Lotto ticket by ticket number you need to go to the site and find a special field for entering the number of Russian lotto tickets, manually enter the number of the ticket or tickets that were playing and get the result. To collect statistics and analyze data, it is better to use another method to. It will be discussed below.

Checking the lottery draw Russian Lotto online

Unlike the previous one, this verification method gives the general results of the circulation, without focusing on the ticket number. The results of the drawn draw are shown in the form of special tables. Looking at the table, you can immediately determine whether your ticket won or lost. The results of the draw are saved on the site and are available to all players.

The most popular lottery in the post-Soviet space, Russian Lotto, has won the hearts of millions of players. The stories of real winnings never cease to delight and amaze. And now the check of Rusloto tickets has acquired a new simplified scheme.

Instead of Sunday 8 am and TV - any day and individual time at the computer. Check Russian Lotto draws through Internet resources - the fastest, most affordable and comfortable option. It is not surprising that this method is chosen by a large number of players.

Who does not hope for a miracle that one day he will be lucky and he will become incredibly rich by winning several million in the lottery? That is why every day thousands of people buy tickets for "Stoloto", sometimes spending even half of their salary, or even all of it.

Hope for luck and a lucky ticket is a good thing. However, where there is fraud, it is impossible to win a priori. At least a large amount. And with small winnings, “Stoloto” has also been cheating too often lately, deceiving its participants even for such money as 120-180 rubles.

As the saying goes, every thread of the world, and your own caviar. Don't believe me? But in vain ...

The whole truth about Stoloto

"Stoloto" is the official state organizer of lotteries in the Russian Federation. Conducts 16 different lotteries, among which the most popular are Gosloto, Sportloto and Russian Lotto. Tickets can be purchased both online on the website and at various points of sale. It is a monopolist of lotteries in Russia.

The most favorite game of most players is “Gosloto”, when you have to guess several numbers from a number of possible ones, for example, 4 out of 20, 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 6 out of 49. On the ticket, the participant indicates his “lucky numbers”, and later - a drawing is held, during which the reel randomly throws out balls with numbers.

The more matches, the greater the payoff. Jackpots are completely crazy - 8-80 million rubles!

But if you look for reviews about the Stoloto lottery, you will see that most of them are negative: not because people were simply unlucky to win and their hopes of becoming millionaires were dashed, but because of the organizers who are now and then convicted of fraud. Even with small amounts, they cheat here, what can we say about large ones!

Evidence of Stoloto's Deception

The first thing you should pay attention to is a rally on television, where it is shown not in real time, but on a finished recording: this makes it possible for fraud, when you can edit the video and show the desired result.

The program, in which the data of all tickets is entered, calculates the result the organizers need in a few seconds, when no one wins large sums. And then ... editing - and the jackpot is transferred to the next drawing!

Proof? Compare video screenshots of two different moments of two draws - 2259 and 2260. The picture is completely identical - all the balls are in the same position! What is the probability that this can happen four times in 2 draws? No. Oh yes ... the most important thing is that the balls are the same, their position is the same, but the numbers are different.

The second thing that catches your eye is that the winnings become known even before the drawing itself is made. And yes, the data after the draw itself remains the same. How is this possible if random balls are being dropped? Only if the results are predetermined, and the audience is presented with a video edited according to the plan.

The third proof is that in reality the ticket wins, since several numbers match, but the website states that the ticket is no-win. Explanations of the organizers? Read for yourself:

Won millions? And the fig to you!

Occasionally “Stoloto” pleases with the message that some one has won a jackpot or just a big prize of a couple of million rubles. The news spreads instantly. In the hearts of the lottery participants, the hope flares up that since someone has won such a huge amount, it means that they will certainly be lucky.

You just have to keep buying tickets and hope for a miracle. And here again the crowds are running for tickets.

Yeah ... maybe sometimes someone managed to accidentally become one of these lucky ones, however, apart from the sum with a few zeros on the screen, they never saw anything else. Scandals have flared up more than once with those who won millions in Stoloto, but were left with nothing.

The history of a resident of Transbaikalia

In November 2016, a resident of Transbaikalia won 6 million rubles in Stoloto. But when he tried to pick them up, he was told that there was a technical failure, an error occurred, so his ticket was declared a losing one. What are 6 million ?!

The story of a pensioner from Dzerzhinsk

Pensioner Nina Koryagina from Dzerzhinsk Stoloto "broke off" even more. A woman won 54 million rubles on New Year's Eve 2017 at the Russian Lotto. The organizers of the lottery confirmed the winnings and promised that they would later contact her regarding the issue of money.

However, no one wanted to deal with the winner anymore - the phone was either constantly busy or unavailable for months. Interesting, isn't it?

Yes, you always want to believe that someday you will be able to win the lottery and solve all your financial problems. However, if the lottery is dishonest, cheats and does everything to prevent people from winning or receive minimal amounts, the probability of a big win tends to zero.

I hope that the above evidence of the facts of fraud will make you wonder - is it possible to win at Stoloto or is this all a fraud? Are you ready to give your money to scammers for the sake of a ghostly hope that is simply not destined to come true?

But some get into such excitement that they spend all their salaries and even borrow money to buy several packs of tickets.

If you have anything to add, write in the comments your opinion on this matter, and if you did not have enough arguments, I recommend reading the article about the billion dollar fraud from the distributor of state. lotteries that we discussed in this

We will tell you about the rules for participating in lotteries on the Stoloto website. Read about what you can play and how to act to win. Find out how to check whether you won a ticket or not, as well as how to get your winnings if you played over the Internet.

08.05.2018 Alexander Fattakhov

Lotteries are national gambling games. Each of us at least once in his life bought the coveted ticket in the hope of hitting a big jackpot.

All Russian state lotteries are concentrated in one place - in the Stoloto company. In this article, we will analyze in detail what it is, how to play Stoloto online correctly, and what the chance of winning depends on.

What is Stoloto

Stoloto positions itself as a lottery trading house where anyone can come and try their luck. The company sells fifteen different state lotteries, including such well-known ones as "Russian Lotto" and "Gosloto 5 out of 36".

Stoloto is not just a distributor, but a whole system that is engaged in servicing state gambling.

The services include:

  • retail ticket sales;
  • online sale;
  • holding draws;
  • payments to winners;
  • Information Support.

Potential risks

Let's add a fly in the ointment right away by talking about the risks. The organizer always wins - this is the golden rule of any gambling. Moreover, of all fair gambling, the lottery is the most profitable for the company.

Let's compare to a casino. The average player who comes to a gambling establishment with 1,000 rubles in his pocket will leave with 950-990 rubles. In the lottery, this figure is around 50%! Colossal income for organizers.

Another risk factor is the high likelihood of fraud. This fact has not been documented anywhere, but there are a large number of skeptics who do not believe in the fairness of the drawing.

The main argument of all skeptics is that the draws are broadcast on tape, and the necessary results are adjusted without showing it to the public. It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but the records of 2259 and 2260 prints show exactly the same position of the balls at different time stamps, which is unlikely from any point of view.

What it is, we do not undertake to judge, but before the game you must soberly weigh all the risks.

What can you play in a lottery supermarket

So, you still decided to try your luck and buy the coveted ticket. Let's take a look at what to play and how much money can be won.

As mentioned above, there are 15 different lotteries on the site. They are conventionally divided into 3 categories.

Fast lotteries

Draws are held every 15 minutes, with large sums of up to 15,000,000 rubles being drawn. But do not think that such amounts are handed out to the right and to the left every circulation. Usually, the maximum winning amount does not exceed 5,000 rubles.

These include:

  • KENO-Sportloto;
  • Prikup;
  • Rapido;
  • Top 3;
  • Duel;
  • 12/24.

Multi-million dollar lotteries

These are the most cash lotteries. If we take the largest cash prizes, then most of them fell in the famous "Gosloto 6 out of 45".

The record win for one ticket is over 358 million rubles.

From one to six draws are held daily for each of them. The rules are extremely simple - you need to choose a certain number of numbers and wait for the result. The name speaks for itself. For example, in "Gosloto 4 of 20" 20 balls are loaded into the lottery drum, and the player needs to select only 4.

Gosloto has 5 varieties:

  • 4 out of 20;
  • 5 out of 36;
  • 6 out of 45;
  • 7 out of 49;
  • Sportloto Matchball.

TV lotteries

The third type is a real show with invited guests and spectators in the hall. Draws take place once a week, and broadcasts are broadcast live on TV. Huge cash prizes, apartments, cars, holiday vouchers and much more are raffled off.

These include:

  • Russian lotto;
  • Housing lottery;
  • 6 out of 36 (not to be confused with Gosloto);
  • Golden horseshoe.

How to play on the Stoloto website - basic rules

It was mentioned above that the Stoloto company is responsible for selling online tickets for its lotteries. But we did not consider this issue in detail.

We have compiled an instruction manual for everyone who wants to try their luck without leaving their computer.

Stage 1. Registration on the site

The first thing to do is to register on the site. There is nothing difficult about it - just fill out the form.

The following data must be specified:

  • email;
  • password;
  • phone number.

You will also be asked to confirm that you are at least 18 years old.

Don't try to cheat the system. For transactions with large amounts, identity verification is required.

Phone and email must be valid. They will require confirmation.

Stage 2. Buying a ticket

First of all, you need to replenish your wallet. This is done from your personal account or after choosing a lottery ticket.

The wallet is replenished in the following ways:

  1. A plastic card.
  2. Online banking.
  3. From a mobile phone number.
  4. Yandex money.
  5. Qiwi.
  6. One wallet.
  7. Bank transfer.
  8. Replenishment through terminals.

The maximum amount of one transaction is 300,000 rubles. At a time, the wallet cannot contain more than 600,000 rubles.

Choose the lottery you are interested in from your personal account or simply on the website. After filling in the numeric field, all that remains is to purchase a ticket.

Stage 3. Checking the ticket

Electronic tickets are verified automatically. You can also see the result in your personal account.

If you do not trust the system, see the video broadcasts in the "Circulation archive" tab. If any disputable situations arise, for example, your ticket has won, but the system does not consider it as such, please contact technical support.

The application also works for a smartphone, in which all the player's options are available.

Stage 4. Receiving the winnings

You are in luck and you became the owner of the lucky ticket that brought you money. Where can I get a prize?

The information on the site tells us the following:

  1. Up to 100,000 rubles... Such amounts are automatically transferred to your personal account. Withdraw money in a way convenient for you. To receive amounts over 40,000 rubles, go through full identification of the person.
  2. From 100,000 to 300,000 rubles. Big winnings are awarded at the Big Prize Centers. They are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.
  3. From 300,000. Such huge winnings are issued only in the Stoloto lottery center in Moscow.

To receive a prize of more than 1,000,000 rubles, an additional examination of the ticket will be required.

Note! You have the right to withdraw from your personal account only the money won. If you deposited 10,000 rubles and then decided to take them back, nothing will work.

Why I Am Not Winning - 3 Possible Reasons

Looking at the owners of multimillion-dollar prizes, one wonders, "Why am I not winning?" It is definitely impossible to answer this question. The science behind the lottery - the theory of probability - only counts the odds, but does not choose the winner.

There are a huge number of versions and reasons. Someone believes in the conspiracy theory of the organizers and tries to deceive them. Others go to fortune tellers and psychics to increase their chances of winning.

Let's view the lottery as a fair game of chance built on dry math.

In this case, the reasons for the failure will be as follows:

  1. Reason 1 - you don't play much... The odds of winning are in millionths of a percent. A simple example is worth considering here. The bag contains 100 numbered balls. You need to draw out the ball with number 17. If you have one try, then the chance of success is 1%. Two attempts - 2%. Fifty tries - 50%. This also works with tickets.
  2. Reason 2 - you stopped playing. History knows many people who hit the jackpot after ten or even twenty years of participation. Do not think that having played once you will hit a multi-million dollar jackpot. There are times when people have won by buying one ticket, but this is the exception that proves the rule. There are 1 such people in a billion. The owner of the largest prize in Russia claims to have been playing Russian Lotto since the founding of the lottery.
  3. Reason 3 - you are an unlucky person... Luck cannot be measured mathematically. But there is such a thing as "light hand". Someone has better luck, and he pulls out prize tickets. And someone out of 100 will pull the only one that will not bring anything.

Is it worth relying on intuition - what the winners say

Intuition for many is the determining factor when buying a ticket. But what do the winners say about this? If you look at the biggest wins in Russian history, you get a pretty interesting picture.