April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks "Hardcore" pranks

April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes.  April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes Pranks in style
April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks "Hardcore" pranks

Very few people like jokes on April 1. Firstly, they are mostly stupid, secondly, expected and predictable, thirdly, monotonous. Only cynicism can save this situation. And, fortunately, among Russian youth, cynicism is much better than wit. Even textbook pranks for classmates at school, colleagues at work, friends, children and parents on April Fool's Day can be transformed beyond recognition, showing a little imagination, composure and securing the result with dry calculation. The same applies to typical "bearded" SMS jokes: after a slight edit, they will again become unexpected and rather funny.

Funny jokes for classmates at school for the holiday on April 1

April 1 is the brightest and happiest holiday of the year. On this day, you can joke about parents and children, friends and colleagues, close and distant relatives. Even for mom and dad, you can prepare a funny prank, which they are unlikely to be offended. On April Fool's Day, in principle, it is forbidden to hide a grudge against comedians and pranksters. Moreover, if these sophisticated pranksters are not native people, but friends on the desk. Funny jokes for classmates at school on April 1 are an integral part of team communication. It should not be neglected. When else will there be an opportunity to pin up a botanist with impunity or take revenge on a bully?

The best April Fool's Day jokes for classmates and classmates

We offer to play some funny jokes on April 1 for classmates or classmates. They will cause laughter and smiles among friends, and sincere surprise among teachers:

  1. Wash the bottle of PVA glue, fill it with fresh milk. Sip your drink greedily during class. Be sure, this action will cause a lot of suspicious glances and funny remarks from your classmates.
  2. During recess between lessons, wrap the chair to the teacher's table with stretch wrap. Wrap the piece of furniture completely on all sides, along with everything inside and outside. To rip off all the tape, the teacher will have to spend 10-15 minutes of the lesson.
  3. Encourage a classmate to take a bag with several sets of men's clothing to the lecture. After the start of the pair, one of the classmates should wrap himself up in a blanket and enter the audience with the phrase: “Masha, I forgot your clothes yesterday, did you bring them?”. In response, the girl should stand up and give the guy a set of socks, panties, trousers and a T-shirt. After 5-7 minutes, the second classmate enters the audience in the same way, followed by the third. There will be no limit to the surprise of the students and the teacher!

April 1 jokes for friends - the best ideas for pranks

On April 1, the Lord himself orders to make fun of and make fun of friends. Some pranks on April Fool's Day are quite harmless and cause only a smile, others force you to wash your face or change your jacket, and still others make you think about a return joke. Just think about it! After all, it is not so easy for friends to choose a “fresh” successful joke for April 1: the best ideas for pranks have already become boring for everyone, and they are too lazy to invent new ones!

Here are some fun ways to take revenge on your insidious pranksters without wasting extra time and extra money.

Fresh jokes and pranks or April Fools' Day for friends

To cheerfully and coolly congratulate your friends on April Fool's Day, invite them over. Light up the atmosphere with a light festive dinner and cocktails, and then get down to dirty tricks. Do not forget to prepare jokes for April 1 in advance, look for the best ideas for pranks in our selection.

  1. Place a balloon in a cardboard box with low sides. Better yet, stick it with tape. Top with spray cream on top. Sprinkle the resulting cake with pastry powder. Invite a guest to cut the dessert with a sharp knife. When the balloon bursts, the cream will scatter on all guests.
  2. Select an object for fun. Take a drill and run it a couple of times in front of the victim. Then go behind the guest's back, poke him between the shoulder blades with one hand (more precisely, with your finger), and start the drill with the other at the same minute. The effect will exceed all expectations.
  3. If you have a small child (under 1 year old), this joke will definitely come in handy. Sit down the guests at the table and go out into another room. Pour the squash caviar into a clean diaper and pick up a spoon. Return to the guests' table and with the words "Mmmm, yummy" start eating caviar from the diaper.
  4. At the end of the evening, gently place crumpled napkins in all guests' shoes. Drunk friends will silently try to pull on their shoes. Checked!

Unusual jokes for colleagues on April Fool's Day

In most cases, unusual April Fools' jokes for colleagues are associated with the workplace, personal computer or mobile phone. There are many options for such jokes, and the bulk has already become outdated. Today you will not surprise anyone with an office chair covered in toilet paper or an employee's "canned" head. The same goes for computer accessories. It is unlikely that you will be able to discourage your colleagues with a funny screensaver on your desktop or replacing settings in mouse control. It takes a little work to find some really unusual jokes for your colleagues on April Fool's Day.

The best office pranks for employees on April Fool's Day

And for those who are reluctant to work on finding fresh humor, we have selected a collection of ready-made jokes, jokes and practical jokes for employees for April Fool's Day.

  1. Hide the spool of thread in the hem of your skirt, and draw the end of the thread out with the needle. Ask a colleague to remove the thread from your skirt and enjoy the sight of a discouraged assistant.
  2. Before the employee shows up, cover his workplace with Justin Bibier's photo posters with cute lipstick kisses. Such a joke is especially relevant if your office neighbor is too serious or brutal.
  3. Inform the late employee that a personnel officer came to “his soul”. As if in a village (at a distance of at least 300 km) a new office is being opened, it is translated as the most unpunctual. At the same time, keep a serious look or keep a grimace of sympathy.
  4. Send all the men in the office an SMS with the text "Honey, I'm Pregnant" at different times.

Popular jokes for April 1 for mom and dad

On April Fool's Day, the one who is the first to fall under the arm suffers most from jokes and practical jokes. That is, mom and dad. It is on the parents that teenagers begin to hone the art of sarcasm and the skill of "fun". And sometimes, overstepping the line of what is permissible, they offend the closest people with unexpected unpleasant surprises in the form of stitched trousers, dyed toothpaste or salted tea. As a result, popular jokes for mom and dad end in mum's spoiled mood and father's lateness to work.

This year, we propose to put jokes aside and cheer up parents by reading funny poems over a joint breakfast. Mom and Dad will surely like such comic congratulations from April 1 much more than spilled expensive nail polish or a mixer soiled with food dyes.

The most harmless jokes for parents on April Fool's Day

Indeed, funny poems about April Fools' jokes amuse no less than the jokes themselves. See for yourself!

The rumor went live:
They will give everyone around the apartment,
The salary will grow strongly,
And the rent will go down.
And retire from now on
Everyone will buy a car!
April 1, brothers -
A reason to laugh together!

Happy April, 1! Today is April Fool's Day
They can push into a puddle for fun,
Friends can play spitefully
The main thing is to perceive everything with humor!

It can be expensive to joke with a boss -
You will be fired for a joke, smiling.

If a civil servant asks about something,
Jokes are fraught with questions.
You can conceive a child today
To celebrate the New Year at the hospital.

You can freak out in a public place -
By the first of May, they must release.
In general, you shouldn't be bored today:
Better to laugh than grumble!

Mom listened to the forecast:
"There will be a day without clouds and thunderstorms" ...
Despite all the threats
The daughter broke the predictions:
Not enough for the pot
She's only two steps -
As if rain wetted my pants.
What to do, daughter is a baby ...
The grandfather laughed to tears:
- Apparently, the forecast was false!

The day began in the morning
Kind of the same as yesterday
I got up, ate, washed,
Shaved quickly
Just started to go out -
Someone started ringing the doorbell.
It turned out to be a postman
He brought me a summons.
They summon me to court -
This is just the beginning of the day.
But he did not panic:
I ran to work.
I missed the bus
Okay, at least I caught a taxi.
But the newcomer turned out to be
That taxi driver was confused,
I had to wander with him for a long time,
But we managed to get there.
I run to work -
I meet strange looks:
Everyone repeats when they meet at once,
It’s like I’m smeared with something.
Even though I washed my face in the morning,
But I got to the mirror:
It's okay, sort of
I'll get to work.
Only in a telephone receiver
A strange, unfamiliar voice
Long carried some kind of nonsense
So I skipped lunch.
Day Remaining Worker
I was examining someone's handwriting,
Someone sent me a letter
I asked for a date.
The address even indicated
But he didn't sign himself.
With a head already hazy
Thought about a strange note
And I rushed that evening,
To have time to come to the meeting.
Walked around and along
Even uttered the password
But no one met
Me in the indicated coat.
I was returning home
He was hungry and angry.
Back in the telephone receiver
The voice is familiar.
“Well, great, how's the joke?
Did he breeze you well? "
I grabbed my head
And rolled with laughter,
Indeed, today, in fact,
It was April 1st ...

Funny jokes and SMS pranks on April 1 for children from parents

Parenting is hard daily work. But if you approach a difficult mission with humor, many everyday situations are easier to overcome. Parents who know how to make fun of their children in time can easily turn the educational process into entertainment. And International Day of Humor is a great occasion to practice wit, using funny jokes and SMS pranks on April 1 for children from a parent.

Funny jokes in SMS for April Fool's Day for children from parents

Not only children are able to show off originality, and have fun poking fun at their parents on the International Day of Laughter and Humor. Sometimes mom and dad, who have a share of cynicism and creativity, are much more successful at joking with children through funny SMS pranks on April 1. For example:

Son, don't cut your toenails, otherwise they promised ice!

(NAME), urgently buy toilet paper and run home ... Otherwise something terrible will happen !!!

I am in the cemetery of Shura's grandmother, today is the 5th anniversary of my death. I'll be there soon. I'll bring a lot of tasty things. Kisses, mom.

Vasya, when will the batch of heroin finally arrive?

Oh, I'm sorry, son. It's not for you.

You are convincingly asked to go to the nearest police station and finally pick up your dog !!!

1st calls 2nd! Tomorrow at 13:00 at the same place! Password cockroach! I'll call the secret house tonight! Let's call the operation Beaver! End of communication !!!

As you prepare for the international spring marathon of humor and laughter, find the best jokes for April 1 for friends, classmates at school, colleagues at work. Do not forget about pranks for parents and children. Use our selection of April Fool's Day SMS to cheer up even those who are far away from you!

Literally a few hours remain before the holiday, which some consider senseless and merciless, while others see it as an excellent reason to joke. April 1, aka April Fool's Day, forces us to be careful in communicating with friends, or to include our creativity and sense of humor to the fullest. If you do not want or do not have time to come up with your own joke, we offer you a dozen of time-tested April Fools' jokes.

Classics of the genre

1. If we discard the vulgar "your whole back is white", then the most unkillable classic is the transfer of all clocks in the house one hour ahead. The "victim" wakes up by the alarm clock an hour earlier, and goes about his business through the morning darkness. And he does not even suspect that the meeting / start of the working day / opening of the museum will have to wait another hour.

2. Fill the bottom of the glass with the toothbrushes with Moment glue. Primitive? Yes, but in the morning the rage and bewilderment of your relatives are guaranteed to you.

3. Hide all your slippers before bed tonight. The effect is similar to the previous point.

4. If there are gourmets in your family with a heightened sense of beauty, skip this point. In other cases, the good old salt in the sugar bowl works like a clock, no matter how old this "joke" may be.

5. In recent years, a joke with soap and nail polish has become popular thanks to VKontakte publics. Actually, soap and transparent nail polish are taken. The first is covered with the last, and after drying it cannot be distinguished from ordinary soap by sight. But an attempt to "lather" such a piece turns around for an ignorant "victim" of the fiasco.

6. Food coloring to help you! There are many ways to use it as a joke (luckily common dyes are safe), but the most popular way is to dye your toothbrush at night. I wonder why people so often joke with hygiene products? ..

If you have a working day

Maybe it so happened that you have to spend this Saturday at work? Well, maybe office pranks will come in handy.

7. The optical computer mouse can be sealed from the bottom with a piece of tape. Before your coworker guesses what the matter is, he will be sure for a while that an essential part of the computer has fallen into disrepair.

8. Give or lend to a colleague a banknote. Just make a reservation that it is better not to insert it into the ATM. For a long time and painfully your "victim" will look for signs of a fake on the banknote.

9. If you have a particularly curious person at work, take a cardboard box with a cut out or just poorly secured bottom. Put a variety of things in it, and on the outside write something like "do not touch" or "personal items". Then leave the room and wait for the player to enter. Then go to the rumble of falling out things and watch the reaction.

Creative approach

There are many unusual ways to play tricks on others. We offer one of them.

10. Make an agreement with your friend, and go to buy some food "to go" in the nearest fast food shop. Then you go down to the subway, and your friend leaves for the nearest station. On the next train, you enter the same carriage, during the trip you approach the "passenger-driver" communication button and pretend to speak into the microphone. Say the following loudly and clearly: "Hamburger, country-style potatoes and a little cola!" At the next station, a friend, to the surprise of others, solemnly hands you a package with an order.

Whatever prank you do, do not forget to congratulate your friend on April 1 after and say that it was a joke. Friendship is dearer!

In 1998, the American giant Burger King chain ran a promotional message announcing a new type of "Left-Handed Whopper" hamburger intended for 32 million left-handed Americans. In fact, the new product was no different from the Whopper hamburger that existed at that time, the only thing was that all the ingredients were specially rotated 180 degrees for this category of customers. As you might have guessed, the joke was timed to coincide with the April 1st celebration. Literally, the very next day, the company issued a refutation, admitting that it wanted to make a joke in honor of the holiday. The irony of life is that, firstly, the joke turned out to be long-lasting, and, secondly, it caused a funny inconvenience to the staff of fast food restaurants. The fact is that thousands of customers began to demand a sandwich for left-handed people, but even more people asked for a sandwich for right-handed people when ordering.

Agree, an interesting and revealing story that once again reminds us how carefully you need to joke. At least it is recommended. On April 1, for sure, everyone around will try to "pin up" and play you, however, you must reciprocate. True, there are some precautionary rules. You should not organize jokes that make people believe in the loss of parents, children, friends. You also need to be clearly aware of who it is permissible to joke over, and for whom a harmless prank will become a trauma. And don't bother yourself with jokes for someone who has no sense of humor at all. Good, high-quality, but kind jokes, in the center of which will not be stress and fear, but real subtle humor, will become aerobatics!

Prank a colleague

Due to the fact that many of us will have the first day of April at work, it is imperative to come up with ways to "congratulate" your colleagues! And given the fact that the vast majority of office employees are in front of personal computer monitors, it is worth starting from here.

Where will the Internet go?

In almost every team, there is a person who always has problems with a computer. We can say that these are the "favorites" of system administrators who ask the latter for help literally every day. What do you need to do? Come to work in advance, turn on her computer and set a new home page in the browser http://www.holmogorov.ru/last.html. When your "victim" decides to take advantage of the Internet, she will face the problem of what is already on the last page of the Internet. In a word, there is nowhere to look further.

Want more computer jokes?

An equally harmless and no less effective joke is played out on the desktop of a personal computer. You also come to the workplace in advance and turn on the colleague's car. Your next action is the print screen of the screen. In other words, you are taking a photo of the desktop with all the folders and settings present. You may have already guessed what you need to do next. You set this picture as the desktop background, and in the settings turn off the visibility of the folders and hide the taskbar. A very funny thing happens, your colleague observes a familiar situation in front of him, but, in fact, he cannot perform a single action, because all folders are not clickable. They are just pictures.

Mouse not working?

Swapping the mice of neighboring computers in places seems to have become a classic. If your team hasn't joked like that yet, it will be funny. Although in any case, a couple of minutes of your partner's sincere concern, and then 10 minutes of laughter and discussion about this, is what you need on April 1.

Called to the boss

Agree, you can't help but go to your boss, appealing that today is April 1, and you, perhaps, are being played. Most of us first of all think about the reasons for the future meeting, about current projects and affairs, in general, about anything, but not about the source of the message and its relevance. Consider yourself lucky if your team is currently in the midst of a process or project. You can think of some of the circumstances of an official meeting with your boss yourself, the main thing is not to betray yourself ahead of time. This is how the whole team observes a nervously gathering employee who is trying to concentrate and prepare answers to future questions. Then he goes out and walks to the boss's door, where he can already be met by someone who will tell you about the rally. It's great if your leader is not without a sense of humor and is ready to play along with you. In this case, the development of the script will already depend on your unique office situation.

Intimate situation

As a rule, at work it is not customary to "turn" your personal life inside out. And we are talking not only about relationships with the opposite sex, but also about their own interests, pastime. The next prank will work great on a person who has a passion for photography, or rather who often acts as a model. Do you also have colleagues with 15 albums on social networks? So, it is logical to assume that not all photographs have become public domain, nevertheless some are too frank, and some are not very successful. You and your group of like-minded people need to come to terms and concentrate at one desktop. What to do? As soon as the alleged "victim" enters the room, everyone starts to look at the monitor and say: "Lenka, it turns out, you have such an amazing figure!" And continue in this spirit, you will notice all the shades of emotion on the face of the "poor" girl, and possibly a scarlet blush. The main thing is not to delay the game, all the salt is in the first reaction.

How to prank your pets?

Not that this is a very creative idea, but fast, kind and efficient. We all start the morning with bathroom treatments. I would like to believe that everyone carefully takes care of oral hygiene and brushes their teeth at least twice a day, but not about that now. You need toothpaste. From it you completely squeeze out the content. Using a medical syringe without a needle, put the sour cream inside. The dairy product must be fatty, otherwise the liquid sour cream will prematurely give itself out. Can you imagine what your dad will think when he brushes his teeth with sour cream? And what will your significant other decide to tell you? We hope for a good mood and discounts on April Fools' Day! By the way, a similar method is used in the already traditional joke - replacing sugar with salt. Someone will have to donate a cup of tea or morning coffee, but this is a chance to be remembered for a long time.

Are you a young couple?

You have been dating for some time, and all the talk around is only about the wedding. Grandmothers and grandfathers, moms and dads, friends and girlfriends are interested - in a word, everyone is trying to get involved in their personal lives, and you have no thoughts on this yet, or at least real plans ... Well, this is a great opportunity for a great joke! By the way, you can play a joke all day with loved ones. To do this, you need to buy a beautiful wedding invitation card. Come up with a date and some gentle words, wrap everything in an envelope, enter the image and go! And let everyone be shocked! I dare to assume that questions about marriage will cease to interest your environment for a long time.

The first day of the second month of spring can simply be spent in a good mood, joking and spreading cool jokes among your friends. Also, don't forget to be on the lookout. What if someone decides to play a joke on you? Believe me, everyone will demonstrate their sense of humor, including television and university teachers.

Do not forget yourself on this day to make a top list of everything that made you laugh!

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 11 minutes


The holiday of April 1 is a day of practical jokes, surprises, laughter and fun. On this day, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and relatives are pranked. It is not surprising, because jokes and pranks on April 1 will cheer you up and leave good memories. And although in the official calendar the day of laughter is not indicated in any way, it enjoys enviable popularity among residents of many countries.

After reading the article, you will make the first day of April unforgettable. I will consider successful April Fools' jokes, gags and practical jokes that will help you play a joke in a harmless but incredibly funny way, and this is the key to everyone's fun and positive emotions.

Remember to have a sense of proportion and don't overdo it on April Fool's Day. If you successfully choose a victim for the rally, guess right with a moment and do everything right, everyone will be funny. And do not forget about vigilance, because at any time you can become a victim of the rally.

The best draws for April 1st at school

April Fool's Day is loved by many, especially schoolchildren. They are ready to play pranks at any moment, because no one punishes for this on April 1. At the same time, each student does not forget about attentiveness and constantly expects a catch from his peers. In this part of the article, I will consider several ideas for pranking schoolchildren. They require little preparation and are incredibly effective.

  • "Paper draw". Before the holiday, prepare several sheets of paper with a variety of inscriptions. Notification of renovations, lack of water, or canceled classes is perfect. Post graffiti on the walls in the school and in the schoolyard. Just don't get caught by the teachers.
  • "Festive Brick". A classmate with a roomy backpack with a lot of pockets is suitable for the role of the victim. When the object of the draw leaves the property unattended, hide a brick or large stone in one of the pockets. After class, the student will automatically put on a backpack and will not pay attention to the fact that the burden has become heavier. The results of the drawing will be announced the next day.
  • "Goodbye, school" . The prank is suitable for classmates who often miss classes. On April 1st, hand your peer a letter on behalf of the homeroom teacher announcing the expulsion from school.
  • « Fantomas". Burn a dozen matches. Spread the remaining ash on both hands, then approach the victim from behind and close her eyes. As soon as the object of the draw guesses you, remove your hands and quickly hide in your pocket. A classmate will not suspect that he has gone through a facial procedure.
  • « Soap and chalkboard» ... On April Fool's Day, not only schoolchildren are pranked, but also teachers. If the teacher’s anger is not terrible, rub the board with soap before class. Attempts by the teacher to write something on the blackboard will fail.

When choosing a prank, remember that the actions should not offend a classmate. In general, on this day, it is recommended to be attentive to both schoolchildren and teachers, because school-age children are unpredictable.

Popular pranks for friends

Laughter improves mood and has a positive effect on life expectancy. And the first of April is a wonderful occasion to play a trick on friends and have a good laugh. It is possible that thanks to the rally, the life of a close friend will increase by one bright day. In this part of the article, you will find ideas to help you organize your five-minute laugh.

  1. "Head in the Bank". Invite your friends to get together and spend an April Fools' night in your home. Before guests arrive, fill the jar with water, dip your friend's photo into the liquid, and refrigerate. During an evening out, ask the victim to bring a bottle of beer from the fridge. The surprise effect will work one hundred percent.
  2. "Effervescent"... A great way to pin up. Invite your friends home, offer a cola with ice. But instead of regular ice, put pieces with frozen Mentos candies in glasses. When the ice melts, the candy will react with the drink, causing a fountain to pour out of the glass.
  3. "It's time to get up." Before April Fool's Day, ask a friend for a phone to make a call. Step aside and secretly set your alarm for 5 a.m. Call a friend back in the morning and ask him if he liked getting up early.
  4. "Screen of death". If a friend spends a lot of time at the computer, the next April Fools' prank is recommended. Take a screenshot of the blue screen and secretly set the resulting image as a screensaver for your friend's desktop. Don't forget to create a folder and remove all shortcuts in it to make it more believable.
  5. "Raffle by phone". Call your friend for any reason, and after a few minutes of the conversation, say that you will call back in 5 minutes. During the next call, make sure that your friend hears an unexpected yell instead of the usual greeting.

Video Tips

Most of the listed rallies involve preliminary preparation, but provide an impressive result. And the emotions and memories received are worth it. So get ready for a fun holiday in advance.

How to make fun of your parents

If you decide to play a prank on your parents on April 1, you will have to try pretty hard. In the case of parents, topical pranks are inappropriate, since dad and mom are the most dear people, requiring attention and reverent attitude. As for the main purpose of the April Fools' rally of relatives, we are talking about family fun. How to play a joke?

  1. "Dessert with a surprise". Pass the processed cheese through a grater, add crushed garlic and chopped hot peppers. Roll into balls from the resulting mixture and sprinkle them generously with coconut. The spicy taste of this delicious dessert is guaranteed to surprise parents.
  2. "Sudden letter". On April Fool's Day, put a letter in the mailbox on behalf of one of your utilities. In the letter, indicate that in the near future a new cable will be laid on the roof of the house, and during work, fragments of concrete may fall from the roof. To protect the windows, recommend sticking them with tape. If your parents believe, don't let them go too far. Tell us that this is a prank.
  3. "Toothpaste with a twist". During the daily hustle and bustle, parents usually forget about the approach of April 1st and regularly fall for this rally. Pull the plastic wrap over the tube where the paste is squeezed out. Then close the cover and remove excess material. When parents want to freshen their breath, they won't be able to squeeze out the paste.
  4. "Bad news". Ask a person you know to call the parents on behalf of the school principal and inform them about the child's expulsion due to constant absenteeism. The main thing is to promptly notify relatives of the drawing.
  5. "Merry communal apartment". Scan the old payment using a graphic editor, change important information and set an exorbitant amount. After that, print a new receipt on a printer, cut it out delicately with scissors and slip it under the door.

Remember, pranking parents on April Fools' Day is much more difficult than pranking friends or classmates. Therefore, to achieve the result, connect your imagination and demonstrate your acting skills to the maximum.

Funny pranks in the office for colleagues

The first of April is the best reason to slightly defuse the work environment, play pranks on colleagues and laugh together. Recently, more and more people arrange office pranks on their colleagues. If you want to join them, look below for original ideas that will help to play pranks on colleagues and make the holiday unforgettable.

  • "Naughty Mouse". On the eve of April 1, stay in the office, seal the optical mice with thin paper or stationery tape. The expected effect will appear the next morning, when, after turning on the computer, colleagues notice the loss of control over the system.
  • "Spot" . Mix ammonia with phenolphthalein. Both products are sold at the pharmacy. The result is a red liquid. Pour the composition into a fountain pen and, if successful, brush it onto a colleague's shirt or blouse. After a few seconds, the alcohol will evaporate and the stains will disappear.
  • "Stationery confusion". A colleague's stationery will help in organizing the drawing. Replace the pens with analogs in which the caps are glued with glue, and cover the tips of the pencils with a layer of colorless nail polish. When you come to work, observe the torment of the victim.
  • "Unexpected Guest". If the office receives many visitors every day, and each of the colleagues has a separate office, replace the sign on the victim's door. Toilet lettering will do.
  • "Top secret". The rally is ideal for an accounting department or an office with a huge paperwork turnover. Gather a stack of unnecessary papers, file it into a folder, stick a top secret note on top and place one of the employees on the desk. Believe me, you have never seen such a detective show.

Video instruction

When choosing a giveaway option, be sure to consider relationships with colleagues. Use the most "cruel" pranks in relation to colleagues with whom the relationship is warm. Also, remember that a joke shouldn't interfere with the normal course of your workday.

Harmless pranks for a girl

Girls are different. Some react adequately to innocent jokes, others are very offended. If you decide to play a prank on the girl on the first of April, do not overdo it. Stupid and cynical jokes and jokes are inappropriate in this case. Only a beautiful and original drawing will provide the desired effect.

  1. "Cosmetics with a trick". Buy the girl an expensive face mask. Pour the contents of the jar into another container, and instead pour thick mayonnaise. Surely the girl will be delighted with such a gift and will want to immediately experience it in practice. Laughing, give the real remedy.
  2. "A haircut" . Get a lock of artificial hair in advance that matches the girl's hair in color. When the moment is right, grab a large pair of scissors, walk up to the girl from behind, click the scissors loudly and throw your hair on the floor. The effect is amazing.
  3. "Request" . Hide the spool of thread under the sweater or T-shirt, and use the needle to bring the end of the thread out. Ask the girl to remove the thread from her clothes and enjoy the show. The efforts of the discouraged assistant look comical.
  4. "Miracle hair dryer". If she uses a hair dryer every day, add some flour or starch to it. When she decides to dry her hair, a surprise awaits her. Such a rally is very effective, but after the fireworks, the instigator has to clean up.
  5. "Feeling of fear". It so happened that spiders cause fear in girls. On the eve of April 1st, buy a rubber spider from the store and tie a string to it. At the right moment, imperceptibly lower the creature onto the girl's shoulder. You will hear the effect in a few seconds.

When playing a girl, remember that she is a gentle and fragile creature. Therefore, forget about pranks that bring physical or mental pain. You will do everything right if she laughs after the rally.

How cool is it to play a trick on a guy

In the case of guys, the range of April Fools' jokes is no worse than with girls. And if a young person also has a great sense of humor, there are no restrictions for the implementation of even the most daring ideas. Most importantly, avoid sensitive situations.

  • "The flood"... While the guy is asleep, carefully sew the duvet cover to the sheet. In the morning, run into the bedroom and tell them that the neighbors have flooded the apartment. Shocked by the news, the guy will try to get out of bed quickly, but it was not of course.
  • "Good news" ... If the guy is not ready for family life, please him on April 1st with the next joke. Use a colored marker to draw the number of strips required for a positive result on the pregnancy test.
  • "Hero-Savior" ... On the eve of April 1st, let your boyfriend know that you are not feeling well. In the morning, ask him to run to the pharmacy for herbal tincture. Think of the name for the herb yourself. Get dressed quickly, follow the guy from behind, and watch the young man try to buy a non-existent product. Very funny.
  • "Hijacking"... If the guy has a car while he is sleeping, take the keys and move the vehicle to another location. After that, wake up the betrothed and say that the car was stolen. Just remember to report the draw before calling law enforcement.

I have listed a few ideas for the original April Fools' prank by the guy. And these are not all options. By connecting your imagination, you will come up with something of your own that will suit the guy's temperament and will not harm the relationship.

April 1 jokes for children

Many people like practical jokes, especially children. They have a lot of fun when their parents play them. Below are some ideas for an April Fools' prank for kids. They will help fill the house with laughter on the first day of April.

  1. "Teleportation". If the little ones are sound asleep at night, carefully move them to another room. When they wake up, they will find themselves in an unfamiliar environment, which cannot but surprise.
  2. Milk juice. Offer the little ones a glass of orange juice for breakfast. Only serve orange milk instead of a drink. To do this, add food coloring to it.
  3. "Products with eyes". Ask your baby to remove milk from the refrigerator. He will be very surprised when he sees a tray of eggs with funny faces on the middle shelf. I also advise you to give a look to fruits and vegetables.
  4. "Snow-white smile". To make your morning wash more fun, sprinkle some salt on your baby's toothbrush. Just don't overdo it.
  5. "A pleasant surprise". While the kids are sleeping, take things out of the closet, and instead of them put a large number of balloons filled with helium. When the child opens the doors, the balls will fly out like butterflies.

Children are the most capricious and vulnerable audience. Therefore, make every effort so that they get vivid impressions, and not another portion of stress and disappointment. Let them have a lot of fun.

How not to joke on April 1

With April approaching, many are thinking about how to play comrades, colleagues and loved ones in a fun and cool way. On this day, you can joke on different topics, but there are exceptions. In order not to lose face or get into an unpleasant situation, do not use jokes that mention:

  • Death;
  • Kidnapping;
  • Crash;
  • Building mining.

Each of the listed options for the drawing is fraught with problems. Upon hearing the shocking news, a person immediately applies to the appropriate authorities. And for such a rally, instead of fun and laughter, you can get a fine or a more serious punishment.

Try to keep the jokes and practical jokes within the bounds and end up laughing both you and the victim. Be sure to keep in mind that not all people respond adequately to jokes and gags.

You now have tons of ideas for your April Fools' prank at your disposal. Use the options you like in practice and do not forget about decency. Your actions should be beautiful even in such situations. Good luck!