Fairy tale wisden sand. Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich

Fairy tale wisden sand. Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich

wheel Piskary, Will Piskary summary
Tale / Basnya

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

Original language: Speech Date:

december 1882 - the first half of January 1883

The date of the first publication: Publisher:

newspaper "General Business" (Geneva)

Text of the work in Wikitek This term has other values, see Wheat Pescar.

(in some modern children's editions - "Will Pescar") - satirical fairy tale From the cycle "Tales for children easy age"M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, published in 1883.

  • 1 History of creation and publication
  • 2 critics
  • 3 plot
  • 4 Use of expression
  • 5 E-screen
  • 6 illustration
  • 7 Notes

History of creation and publication

Written in December 1882 - the first half of January 1883. For the first time published in September 1883 in No. 55 of the Emigrant Newspaper "General Business" (Geneva), p. 2-4, together with fairy tales " Selfless hare"And" Poor Wolf ", under the editorial heading" Fairy Tales for Christ-Children ", without signature. Russia for the first time - in the journal "Public Notes" №1, 1884, p. 275-280 (January 16). As a book edition - in the publication of free hectographic "Public benefits", under the general title of "Fairy Tales" and under the signature of N. Shchedrin. Geneva publication during 1883 (before the publication of fairy tales in "domestic notes") in different formats produced eight times (six times indicating the date of release and twice without specifying). The publication was distributed by participants " Folk Will."What is evidenced by the seal on a number of preserved copies (" Book Agent People's Will "). One of the issues of the collection with the designation date of the issue in contrast to all others contains only one fairy tale - "Will Piskar".


According to commentators and critics, the fairy tale is devoted to the satirical criticism of facilitates and cowardice, which captured the public sentiments of the part of the intelligentsia after the defeat of the people.

Writer and critic Konstantin Arsenyev noticed that the fairy tale "Wombar Piskary" echoes the "fourth evening" from "Poshekhonsky stories", which appeared in No. 10 " Domestic notes"In 1883, where the publicist of Kramolnikov denies liberals, hiding from harsh reality in the" hole ", stating that this way they will not succeed.

Subsequently, on the basis of this similarity and calculating the first publication of the fairy tale, the appearance of it in Russia in January 1884, the writer Ivanov-umened concluded that the idea of \u200b\u200bPiskary was originally expressed in the third party "evening". The fact of Kramolnikov's speech in "Poshekhonsky Stories" does not foreshadow, but repeats the idea already before what written and published in the overseas "general case" fairy tales "Wombar Piskar".


Pescar lives in the river. His parents lived the Aredian eyelids and die with their death. Pescar's father before his death tells him that he was always careful (after all, everywhere danger), and he himself was not afraid of his ear. Pescar decides to blame himself a little Nora so that no one, besides him, could fit there, and never go out of the hole, and at night briefly gets out of her to perform a night moution.

So takes place for many years. Pescar is afraid and does not get out of the hole. Once he sees in a dream, as wins two hundred thousand rubles into the lottery. Pescar lives a hundred years old, sick and old, but pleased that he dies like a father and mother. Fasting, he sees the former ambitious dreams, as if he won two hundred thousand and church himself swallows. Falling asleep, Pescar is forgotten, it cuts out of the hole, and then sand disappears in incomprehensible way. The tale ends with the assumption:

Most likely - he himself died, because what is the satelli pike to swallow the ailor, dying sand, and besides, and also wisely?

Using expression

The expression "Wombar Pescar" was used as a nominal, in particular, V. I. Lenin in the fight against Russian liberals, former "left octomy", which passed to the support of the right-liberal model of constitutional democracy after the dissolution of the Duma of the first convocation by Nikolai II:

Oh, the wisdom of Pescari notorious progressive "intelligentsia"! Protection of Intelligent radicals of peace renents, turn of the central bodies of the Party K.-D. The peace update immediately after the instructions on the blanks, it's all - typical specimens of liberal tactics. The government is the right, - and we are two steps to the right! You look - we are again legally and peaceful, tactful and loyal, fit and without forms, will always adapt to adequateness! It seems to be a liberal bourgeoisie to real politics.

V.I. Lenin, fake by the Government of the Duma and the tasks of Social Democracy, 1906, PSS V. I. Lenin, t. 14, p. 199. Archived from the primary source November 21, 2012.

According to the "Encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions ", generin, under the guise of Pescar, depicted a Russian liberal intelligentsia, concerned about only survival; In the ironically, an allegorical sense, the expression is used in the meaning: a conformist person, a socially or politically passive cowardly person who builds his conformism in the rank of philosophy.


In 1979, the director of V. Karavaev released the same cartoon (Soymmultfilm Studio ", duration 9 minutes 23 seconds).


The fairy tale was repeatedly illustrated, incl. Such artists like Kukryniksi (1939), Y. Severin (1978), M. Skobelev and A. Eliseev (1973)


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  1. 1 2 According to the statutes of spelling of the XIX century, the word "Pescar" in this fairy tale traditionally writes through "and" - "p andscar ", including in modern academic (with comments) of the editions of Saltykov-Shchedrin. Some children's illustrated non-academic publications call the main character in accordance with modern standards - " e.scar ".
  2. 1 2 3 V. N. Baskakova comments, A. S. Bushmina for publication: M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales. Motion letters // Collected Works in twenty volumes. - Volume 16. - Book 1. - P. 425-435.
  3. K. K. Arsenyev. Saltykov-Shchedrin. St. Petersburg., 1906, p. 218-219.
  4. M. E. Saltykov (Shchedrin). Op., T. V. M. - L., Giz, 1927, p. 496-497.
  5. Cyt. For the comment by T. Sumarokova in: Saltykov-Shchedrin, M. E. The story of one city; Fairy tales / preface. Yu. Kozlovsky; Comment. T. Sumarokova; Il A. Samokhvalov. - M.: True, 1984. - 400 p., Il. - P. 395.
  6. The instruction of the royal government prohibiting the issuance of electoral blanks to illegalized parties was introduced after the dissolution of the Duma of the first convocation by Nikolai II.
  7. Wheel Pescar // encyclopedic Dictionary Winged words and expressions / comp. Vadim Serov. - M.: "Lock-Press", 2003 ..
  8. Kukryniks, illustration of a fairy tale. Wheel Piscar. Archived from primary source November 21, 2012.
  9. Wheel Pescar, 1978
  10. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. "Will Pescar". Pictures of M. Skobeliev and A. Eliseeva. Ed. "Children's literature", M. - 1973

woven Piskary, Woven Piskar Summary, Woven Piskary Read

Will Piskary Information about

The fairy tale of the wisdom of Pescar (in the original - "Piskary") reveals the vital philosophy of the ordinary woman and a coward, which was considered to be wished, but his whole life was worthless. The fairy tale for adult readers is intended. Senior schoolchildren, she will be interested in a witty name and an unusual plot.

Fairy tale wisp sand

Smart and cautious parents were sandwich, all the dangers were able to avoid and were proud to live to a deep old age. And Son, remembering all the cautions of the father and well reflected, decided to arrange his life so that all the dangers are avoided. He lived so that no one would notice him, no one was visited with anyone, did not invite anyone to visit. Shaved Pescar all day. And he had to starve him, because he was afraid of hearing from the hole during the day. Only I was floating at night to make the mione. He walked himself such a hole so that only he could fit in her. He did not marry and children did not have, fearing unnecessary problems. Skarbar thought smartly, because he managed to live for more than a hundred years and died his death. Just lived - trembled and died - trembled. Nobody called the old, nobody and unused and all forgotten pescar. Many, on the contrary, considered him a fool. When he came to dying, he realized all the timelessness and the uselessness of his life. And Pescar died by his death. What kind of predator will come into mind to swallow the old patient of Pescar? You can read a fairy tale on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale wisd sand

In an ironic fairy tale, the author reveals a very topical one for any society the topic - the theme of the human life position. The main character - Cowardly, forever trembling, lived a pitiful and insignificant life. He did not know any joys, because the fear of death prevented him to live fully. The wisdom of the coward concluded in a cowardly escape from life. What does the fairy tale have been led by Pescar? Occupy active life position, live a full life, without fearing to be mistaken or stupid. And remember that they live once: no later, and now.

Moral Fairy Tale Wheel Pescar

Each person must live his life worthy, leaving after herself good deeds or good memories. In my youth, it is very important to choose the right life Path and put the right priorities to live meaningful and beautiful life - Such. the main idea fairy tales.

Proverbs, sayings and fairy tales

  • Life life distributes.
  • He has a chamber's mind.
  • Life is given to good deeds.

He lived, "enlightened, moderately liberal" Pescar. Smart parents, dying, visited him to live, looking at both. Pescar realized that his misfortune would face: from big fish, from his neighbors-sand, from man (his own father once almost was not welded in the ear). Pescar built himself a hole where no one except him was placed, at night I was floating me for a meal, and the day "trembled" in Nore, it was not enough, it was not devastated, but Berg's life was bare. Pescrew dreams of a winning ticket in 200 thousand. He will lie crayfish, pike, but he avoids death.

Pescar has no family: "live". " "And he lived the wisdom of sand with such a family. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling. Nor friends, nor relatives; Neither he who, nor to him who. The card does not play, no wine does not drink, tobacco does not smoke, it does not chase behind the red girls - only trembles and one Duma thinks: "Thank God! It seems alive! " Even pussy praise Pescar for calm behavior, hoping that he will relax and they will eat it. Pescar is not amenable to any provocations.

Pescar lived a hundred years. Reflecting on topful words, he understands that if everyone had lived as he, Pescari would be translated (it is impossible to live in Nore, and not in the native element; you need to eat normally, have a family, communicate with neighbors). The life, which he leads, contributes to degeneration. It belongs to "useless sanding". "No one from them is either warm, nor cold, none of honor, nor dishonor, nor glory, nor unwind ... live, there is a place for me, eat yes feed." Pescar decides to get out of the hole once in the life and go to the river normally, but frightens. Even dying, Pescar trembles. No one is before him, no one asks his advice, how to live a hundred years, no one calls him to be wisely, but rather "Ostolat" and "Caught." In the end, Peskar disappears unknown to: After all, he is not needed even to pike, a pussy, dying, and even wise.

He lived - was sand. And his father and his mother had smart; Garring, yes Malegona Aridowa Ekives ( long years. - Ed.) In the river, they lived in the ear, did not get to the pike in Hailo. And the Son was ordered. "Look, son," said old sand, dying, "if you want to scream, so look at both!"

And the young sand mad had the chamber. He began to spread this mind with this mind and sees: wherever it turns away - the mat is everywhere. Around, in water, all big fish float, and he is all smaller; Every fish can swallow it, and he cannot swallow anyone. Yes, and does not understand: why to swallow? Cancer can cut it in half in half, water flea - to the ridge to write and to death to death. Even his brother, Pescar - and the one, he will see that he caught a mosquito, the whole herd would be rushed to take away. End and start a friend with a friend to fight, only a mosquito task is rapidly.

And man? - What is this evident creature such! What Caverz is neither inhabited, so as he, sand, in vain death to destroy! And the non-name, and the network, and the tops, and the Nord, and, finally ... Udu! It seems that it may be more stupid Uda? - Thread, on a thread hook, on a hook - a worm or fly that is kidnapped ... and what are you like?. . In the very, one can say, an unnatural position! Meanwhile, it is precisely on the ridge of everything more sand and caught!

The father-old man more than once about the Uda warned. "The forest is all the wise! "He said," because even though it's a stupid projectile, but with us, sanding, which is more stupid, or rather. " Throw us to fly, as if we also want to robberies; You are cling to her - An in the fly, death! "

An old man was told, as one day he did not please in ear in his ear. They caught them at that time the whole artel, the entire width of the River River was stretched, and so the tops with two on the bottom of the wolf and fiber. Passion how much fish then caught! And pikes, and perch, and heads, and roach, and goltsy, even breamheads of Tina from the bottom raised! And sandbreaks have lost their score. And what fears, he, old sand, suffered, as long as his fiber river, is neither in a fairy tale, or a pen describe. It feels that he is lucky, and where - does not know. He sees that he has a pike from one side, from the other - perch; Thinks: That's, now, or that, or the other will eat it, and they do not touch ... "At that time, not before the food, brother, was!" All one on the mind: death came! And how and why she came - no one understands. . Finally, there were wings from the Node to reduce, dragged him ashore and started fish from Moch in the grass. He then learned what had ear. Trembles on the sand something red; Gray clouds from it up running; And it is hot that he immediately smallest. Already without water sissing, and then there is still amenable ... hears - "Bonfire", they say. And on the "fire" on this black something is supposed, and in it water, precisely in the lake, during the storm, walks. This is the "boiler", they say. And at the end began to say: the rolling in the "boiler" - will be "ear"! And they began to throw our brother there. The fisherman fisherman fisherman is fisherman - the one will turn first, then, as a polulmy, popping up, then again the break - and sends it. "Flows", which means, hung. Talilli-valves first without parsing, and then one old man looked at him and says: "Which from him, from the kid, the GOB for the ear! Fruit in the river will be pretty! " He took it under the gills, and let him go to free water. And he, do not be stupid, in all the blades - home! I came running away, and his sanding of him from the hole either alive it looks like a dead ...

And what! How much the old man was interpreted at that time what the ear is and what she lies, however, and bring the river rarely who has sound concepts about the ear.

But he, Pescar-Son, perfectly remembered the teachings of Pescar-Father, and shoved himself. He was a sand enlightened, moderately liberal, and very firmly understood that life would live - not what a mutoy was licking. "We need to live so much so that no one noticed," he said to himself, "and not the way you will disappear!" - And began to get settled. The first thing for the hole for himself was invented, so that he could climb into it, and not to get to anyone else! Dobil him to her nose whole yearAnd how much fear at that time took, spending the night in Ile, then under water burdock, then in Oskay. Finally, however, hollowed on fame. Pure, carefully - it is just one to fit the fit. The second case, about living in his, I decided so: at night, when people, animals, birds and fish are sleeping - it will be a pattern of doing, and in the afternoon - it will be in Nore to sit and tremble. But since it is still necessary to drink, it is still necessary, and he does not get a salary and does not hold servants, it will be it will run out of the hole about half a day, when all the fish is full, and God will give, maybe a goat-other and fishery. And if it is not fishery, so hungry in the hole will face and tremble again. For it is better not to eat, not to drink, rather than with the full stomach life to lose.

So he arrived. At night, the motion did, in moonlight Bought, and in the afternoon climbed into Nora and trembled. Only half a day will run out something to praise - yes that it is half a day! At this time, the mosquito is hiding under the heat sheet, and the bug under the bark is buried. Using the water - and Shabash!

He lies the day-day in Nore, night does not sleep, the piece does not donate, and still thinks: "It seems that I am alive? Oh, something will be tomorrow? "

Raise, sinful, and in a dream he dreams that he has winney ticket And he won two hundred thousand on him. I do not remember myself from delight, turn over on the other side - if it has a whole floor of a snorkeleton, he has trapped himself ... that, if it was a purse nearby nearby! After all, he would have pulled him out of the hole!

Once he woke up and sees: right against his hole stands cancer. It costs motionless, as if the truncated, staring at him bone eyes. Only the mustache for the flow of water moves. That's when he got the fear! And as half a day, as long as it was not dark at all, this cancer was waiting for him, and in the meantime he trembled, everything was trembling.

Another time, he had just managed before a dawn in Noury, he had just yawned sweetly, in anticipation of sleep, he looked, from where he would undertake, at the very hole of the pike standing and the teeth clap. And also the whole day of his erased, as if his appearance was one of the full. And he and pike pissed: did not come out of the hole, and the Shabash.

And more than once, and not two this happened to him, but honoring that every day. And every day he, trembling, victory and borrowings tried, exclaimed every day: "Thank you, Lord! Alive! "

But this is not enough: he did not marry and did not have children, although his father had it big family. He reasoned like this:

"Father jokingly could be live! At that time, the pike were kinder, and the perch on us, Melongu, did not divert. And although one day he got into the ear, so and then there was an old man who rescued him! And now, how the fish in the rivers rose, and Pescari was in honor of them. So here is not to the family, but as it would be only to live yourself! "

And she lived wisden sanding with such a batch of a hundred years. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling. Nor friends, nor relatives; Neither he who, nor to him who. The card does not play, no wines do not drink, tobacco does not smoke, it is not chasing the red girls - only trembles and one Duma thinks: "Thank God! It seems alive! "

Even pikes, at the end, and those began to praise him: "That's how everyone lived - that would be quietly in the river!" Yes, only they were deliberately spoken; Thought that he was not recommended on the praise - right, they say, I'm here and clap! But he did not succumb to this thing, and once again he won the wisdom of the goats.

How many years have passed after a hundred years - it is unknown, only became the wisdom of sand. Lies in Nore and thinks: "Thank God, I remember my death, just as Mother and Father died." And he was remembered here a short word: "Here, I still lived it, as this wise sand lives ..." And well-taja, in fact, what would happen then?

He began to scatter the mind, whom he had a chamber, and suddenly he was like who whispering: "After all, it would probably have been translated all the Pescarium to him!"

Because to continue the sandy race, first of all, a family needs, and he does not have it. But this is not enough: in order to have a pecaria family to strengthen and flourish, so that her members were healthy and vigilant, so that they brought up in their native elements, and not in Nore, where he is almost blind from the eternal twilight. It is necessary that Sandari has enough nutrition to receive, so as not to the public, the bread-salt would have been drove each other and drove away from each other and other excellent qualities were borrowed. For only such life can improve the breed and will not allow her to grind it and degenerate into the snack.

It is wrong to those who think that only those Pescari can be considered worthy citizens, koi, distraught from fear, sit in Norah and tremble. No, it is not citizens, but at least useless Pescari. No one from them is either warm, nor cold, nobody, nor dishonorance, nor glory, nor unwind ... live, give a place the place is occupied yes feed eating.

All this introduced himself before it clearly and clearly, that suddenly he had a passionate hunting: "I got out of the hole yes Gogol on the whole river sailing!" But hardly he thought about it, as was afraid again. And started, trembling, remove. He lived - trembled, and died - trembled.

All life instantly flashed in front of him. What were his joy? who he comforted? To whom good advice filed? KOM good word Said? Who shelted, warmed, defended? Who heard about him? Who will remember his existence?

And he had to answer all these questions: "No one, no one.

He lived and trembled - only and everything. Even now: Death is on his nose, and he will all tremble, he does not know why. In the hole he is dark, closely, turning about it; Neither the sun's beam will not look there, no heat smells. And he lies in this raw Mol, the blind, exhausted, no one needs, lies and is waiting: when's finally hungry death finally liberates him from useless existence?

Hears him, as past his holes, the other fish are shyring - maybe he, Pescari - and none will ask them. None for the thought will come: I will give, I will ask the Pescar wisely, how he managed to live a hundred years old, and he didn't swallow his pike, nor a culse cancer argue, did not catch a fisherman at Udua? Flowed by myself, and maybe they do not know that here in this hole wisp sand has completed his own process!

And that is just a shame: not to hear, so that someone wisely called him. They simply say: "You heard about the escape who does not eat, does not drink, no one sees anyone, does not drive a salt with whom, but everyone only cuts out his life chooses?" And many even just a fool and sideline called him and surprise, as such idols, water suffers.

He spread out in this way his mind and dreamed. That is, not what he dreamed, and I really became forgotten. The death whispers ranked in his ears, he spread over the whole body of the East. And he gave him the former seductive sleep. He won as if he had two hundred thousand, grew up on the whole Paul-Arsshin and chuck himself swallows.

And as long as he dreamed of him, shed him, little on himself, half a hole, and out of the hole and narrowed.

And suddenly he disappeared. What happened here - Shchuk Lee swallowed him, whether the culley cancer was cast, or he himself died his death and surfaced to the surface - there were no witnesses to this case. Most likely - he himself died, because what kind of salatch pike to swallow the ailor, dying sand, and besides, also wisely?

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Summary: Main character fabulous story Wheel Pescar is trying to save his existence and his life of any, all sorts of price. In total, in the world, he fears, from everyone hiding, from large and little fish, colorful crayfish, tiny water fleas and of course from man. From his very little of its age, he often listened to stories from his father about the cruelty and detention of man. They can wear a worm, fly, fly or another bait, or can stretch a large and long neport over the entire river, thereby raking into it all living things that come across these networks.
Long thought made up and wrote for myself sand, how to avoid one or another trick and danger. Made for myself such a narrow mink so that no one, besides him, could not get there. Going out of the hole and search for myself I decided only at night or day when life to the river is slightly frozen and calms down. He often dreamed that he won big money and very much increased, that even a cunning and big toothy pike was not terrible and dangerous for him. So it passed as many hundred years. To his old age did not get a family, no friends had his friends or kids. The author with the censure refers to this chief hero, since his whole life passed useless and could not bring any benefit to anyone and could not make his genus his genus a little perfect. You can read a fairy tale Wheel Pescar online for free on our site here. You can listen to it in audio recordings. Leave your feedback and comments.

Fairy Tale Text Wheel Pescar

He lived - was sand. And his father and his mother had smart; Largebly, and Maleleg Aridova, the River lived both in the ear, did not fall into the pike in Higho. And the Son was ordered. "Look, son," said old sand, dying, "if you want to scream, so look at both!"

And the young teacher's mind was the chamber. He began to spread this mind with this mind and sees: wherever it turns away - the mat is everywhere. Circle, in water, all large fish float, and he is less than everyone; Every fish can swallow it, and he cannot swallow anyone. Yes, and does not understand: why to swallow? Cancer can cut it in half in half, water flea - to the ridge to write and to death to death. Even his brother, Pescar - and the one, he will see that he caught a mosquito, the whole herd would be rushed to take away. End and start a friend with a friend to fight, only a mosquito task is rapidly.

And man? - What is this evident creature such! What Caverz he invented him, so that his, piscory, in vain death to destroy! And the non-name, and the network, and the tops, and the Nord, and, finally ... Udu! It seems that it may be more stupid Uda? Thread, on a thread hook, on a hook - a worm or fly that is put on ... and what are you like? In the very, one can say, an unnatural position! Meanwhile, it is precisely on the ridge of everything more sand and caught!

The father-old man more than once about the Uda warned. "The forest is all the wise! He said, "because even though it's a stupid shell, but with us, piscory, which is more stupid, or rather. Throw us to fly, as if we also want to robberies; You are cling to her - An in the fly, death! "

An old man was told, as one day he did not please in ear in his ear. They caught them at that time the whole artel, the entire width of the River River was stretched, and so the tops with two on the bottom of the wolf and fiber. Passion how much fish then caught! And pikes, and perch, and heads, and roach, and goltsy, even breamheads of Tina from the bottom raised! And the piscory and the score lost. And what fears, he, old sand, suffered, as long as his fiber river, is neither in a fairy tale, or a pen describe. It feels that he is lucky, and where - does not know. He sees that he has a pike from one side, from the other - perch; Thinks: That's, now, or that, or the other will eat it, and they do not touch ... "At that time, not before the food, brother, was!" All one on the mind: death came! And how and why she came - no one understands.

Finally, there were wings from the Node to reduce, dragged him ashore and started fish from Moch in the grass. He then learned what had ear. Trembles on the sand something red; Gray clouds from it up running; And it is hot that he immediately smallest. Already without water sissing, and then there is still amenable ... hears - "Bonfire", they say. And on the "fire" on this black something is supposed, and in it water, precisely in the lake, during the storm, walks. This is the "boiler", they say. And at the end began to say: the rolling in the "boiler" - will be "ear"! And they began to throw our brother there. The fisherman fisherman fisherman is fisherman - the one will turn first, then, as a polulmy, popping up, then again the break - and sends it. "Flows", which means, hung. Talilli-valves first without parsing, and then one old man looked at him and says: "Which from him, from the kid, the GOB for the ear! Fruit in the river will be pretty! " He took it under the gills, and let him go to free water. And he, do not be stupid, in all the blades - home! I came running, and his piscarica from the hole either alive neither is dead ...

And what! How much the old man was interpreted at that time what the ear is and what she lies, however, and bring the river rarely who has sound concepts about the ear.

But he, Pescar-Son, perfectly remembered the teachings of Pisachar-Father, and wound on his arm. He was a sand enlightened, moderately liberal, and very firmly understood that life would live - not what a mutoy was licking. "We need to live so much so that no one noticed," he said to himself, "and not the way you will disappear!" - And began to get settled. The first thing for the hole for himself was invented, so that he could climb into it, and not to get to anyone else! He fell his nose to his north for a whole year, and how much fear at that time took, spending the night in Ile, then under water burdock, then in Oskay. Finally, however, hollowed on fame. Pure, carefully - it is just one to fit the fit. The second case, about living in his, I decided so: at night, when people, animals, birds and fish are sleeping - it will be a pattern of doing, and in the afternoon - it will be in Nore to sit and tremble. But since it is still necessary to drink, it is still necessary, but he doesn't get a salary and does not hold servants, then he will run out of the hole about halfdden, when the whole fish is full, and God will give, maybe a goat-other and fishery. And if it is not fishery, so hungry in the hole freezes, and will tremble again. For it is better not to eat, not to drink, rather than with the full stomach life to lose.

So he arrived. At night, the motion did, in the lunar light was bought, and in the afternoon I was climbed in Nora and trembled. Only half a day will run out something to praise - yes that it is half a day! At this time, the mosquito is hiding under the heat sheet, and the bug under the bark is buried. Using the water - and Shabash!

He lies the day-day in Nore, night does not sleep, the piece does not donate, and still thinks: "It seems that I am alive? Oh, something will be tomorrow? "

Rewindle, sinful things, and in a dream he dreams that he has a winged ticket and he won two hundred and two hundred. I do not remember myself from delight, turn over on the other side - the look, and he has been polished from the hole, it was leaning out ... that, if it was near the purse at this time! After all, he would have pulled him out of the hole!

Once he woke up and sees: right against his hole stands cancer. It costs motionless, as if the truncated, staring at him bone eyes. Only the mustache for the flow of water moves. That's when he got the fear! And as half a day, as long as it was not dark at all, this cancer was waiting for him, and in the meantime he trembled, everything was trembling.

Another time, he had just managed before a dawn in Noury, he had just yawned sweetly, in anticipation of sleep, he looked, from where he would undertake, at the very hole of the pike standing and the teeth clap. And also the whole day of his erased, as if his appearance was one of the full. And he and pike pissed: did not come out of the bark, and the Shabash.

And more than once, and not two this happened to him, but honoring that every day. And every day he, trembling, victory and borrowings tried, exclaimed every day: "Thank you, Lord! Alive! "

But this is not enough: he did not marry and did not have children, although his father had a big family. He reasoned like this: "Field jokingly could not live! At that time, the pike were kinder, and the perch on us, Melongu, did not divert. And although one day he got into the ear, so and then there was an old man who rescued him! And now, how the fish was rising in the rivers, and Piskary in honor fell. So here is not to the family, but as it would be only to live yourself! "

And she lived wisden sanding with such a batch of a hundred years. Everything was trembling, everything was trembling. Nor friends, nor relatives; Neither he who, nor to him who. The card does not play, no wines do not drink, tobacco does not smoke, it is not chasing the red girls - only trembles and one Duma thinks: "Thank God! It seems alive! "

Even pikes, at the end, and those began to praise him: "That's how everyone lived - that would be quietly in the river!" Yes, only they were deliberately spoken; Thought that he is at the praise, it is recommended - here, they say, I! Here it and clas! But he did not succumb to this thing, and once again he won the wisdom of the goats.

How many years have passed after a hundred years - it is unknown, only became the wisdom of sand. Lies in Nore and thinks: "Thank God, I remember my death, just as Mother and Father died." And he was remembered here to whipped words: "Here, who, everyone lived, how this wise sand lives ..." And well, in fact, what would happen then?

He began to scatter the mind, whom he had a chamber, and suddenly he was like who whispering: "After all, it would probably have been transferred to the whole piscal of the genus!"

Because, to continue the sandy kind, first of all, a family needs, and he does not have it. But this is not enough: in order to have a pecaria family to strengthen and flourish, so that her members were healthy and vigilant, so that they brought up in their native elements, and not in Nore, where he is almost blind from the eternal twilight. It is necessary that the piscaries have a sufficient nutrition to receive, so as not to the public, the bread-salt would have drove each other and borrowed from each other and other excellent qualities borrowed. For only such life can improve the breed and will not allow her to grind it and degenerate into the snack.

Incorrectly believe those who think that only those piscaries can be considered worthy citizens, koi, distracted from fear, sit in Norah and tremble. No, these are not citizens, but at least useless piscaries. No one from them is either warm, nor cold, nobody, nor dishonorance, nor glory, nor unwind ... live, give a place the place is occupied yes feed eating.

All this introduced himself before it clearly and clearly, that suddenly he had a passionate hunting: "I got out of the hole yes Gogol on the whole river sailing!" But hardly he thought about it, as was afraid again. And started, trembling, remove. He lived - trembled, and died - trembled.

All life instantly flashed in front of him. What were his joy? Who he comforted? To whom good advice filed? Who did the good word told? Who shelted, warmed, defended? Who heard about him? Who will remember his existence?

And he had to answer all these questions: "No one, no one.

He lived and trembled - only and everything. Even now: Death is on his nose, and he will all tremble, he does not know why. In the hole, he is dark, closely, turning to turn around, neither the sun beam will not look there, no heat smells. And he lies in this raw Mol, the blind, exhausted, no one needs, lies and is waiting: when's finally hungry death finally liberates him from useless existence?

Hears him, as past his holes, other fish - maybe, like he, Piskary - and none will not ask them. None of the thought will come: "Dai, I ask promotrated PiskaryWhat he managed to live in a manner with a terrorism, and neither a pike did not swallow him, nor a cancer of a culley, he did not catch a fisherman? " Flowed by myself, and maybe they do not know that here in this hole wisp sand has completed his own process!

And that is just a shame: not to hear, so that someone wisely called him. They simply say: "You heard about the escape who does not eat, does not drink, no one sees anyone, does not drive a salt with whom, but everyone only cuts out his life chooses?" And many even just a fool and sideline called him and surprise, as such idols, water suffers.

He spread out in this way his mind and dreamed. That is, not what he dreamed, and I really became forgotten. The death whispers ranked in his ears, he spread over the whole body of the East. And he gave him the former seductive sleep. He won as if he had two hundred thousand, grew up on the whole Paul-Arsshin and chuck himself swallows.

And as long as he dreamed of him, shed him, little on himself, half a hole, and out of the hole and narrowed.

And suddenly he disappeared. What happened here - whether it was swallowed by him, whether his cullene was crushed, or he himself died his death and came to the surface, - there was no witnesses to this case. Most likely - he himself died, because what kind of salai pike to swallow the ailor, dying piscory, and besides, also "wisdom"?

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