Wait for me this week was not. Who drives "Wait for me": old and updated version of the project

Wait for me this week was not. Who leads the transfer
Wait for me this week was not. Who drives "Wait for me": old and updated version of the project

One of the most long-term projects on the first channel is the transfer "Wait for me." For many years of its existence, several leading has changed. Despite this, the program did not lose its popularity.

What is the transfer

With the help of the project, people who have long disappeared, and even law enforcement agencies cannot find them. Children meet many years with their parents, are close relatives and good acquaintances.

Strike stories when people do not see for whole decades and are found here. It is difficult to find another program in which so many positive emotions would be focused.

The popularity of the project is also due to the quality work of employees. Who leads the transfer "Wait for me"? Over the years, "persons" has changed several times. But every time they were chosen under the concept of the project.

The first leading programs "Wait for me"

In 1998, the program was started on the RTR channel. The leaders were Oksana Niche and Igor Kvasha. The broadcast continued on the first channel, and Maria Shukshina joined the famous actor.

For many years, they lived together with the history of each guest. Spectators could not imagine that the program would lead someone else. And Igor Kvasha became the standard of the project.

In 2005, the actress goes on maternity leave and give birth to the twins fomas and face. She understands that she needs time for the kids to have grown, and can not get out to work immediately. Who behaves "wait for me" at this time?

Until March 2006 replaced Maria Chulpan Hamatov. In the same period, Igor Kvasha could not work for several months, and Alexander Domogarov came to his place. The actor admitted that the program of such a format is very difficult morally, he removes a hat before unmanned leading.

in "wait for me"

This legendary actor has lived a difficult life, so he so closely took each story of the Hero of the program to Heart. Igor Vladimirovich was born in 1933 in the family of intellectuals. Father was a researcher, and the mother is a sorcepan.

The childhood of the actor had to be in the war years. He remembered well how many grief in the family brought the Second World War. Father died in war herself. Therefore, he treated with particular tremies in the transmission to stories associated with the terrible period.

From 1956 to 2005 he played in the theater "Contemporary". Igor Vladimirovich managed to still work on the radio and starred in films. The actor also actively participated in their voicing. A total of more than 70 film directions were released on the screens, in which you can see this actor.

He left the project "Wait for me" Quasha just a few months before his death. The legendary actor died on August 30, 2012 in the 80th year of life. He suffered a long time from the disease of the lungs.

Maria Shukshina

For many years, moral and physical forces this work on the project. She worried about each participant in the transfer, often on the air one could see tears on her face.

The actress was born in the family of the famous director Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. Already at the age of a year and a half, the girl first participated in the filming of the film. Therefore, except as an acting, another career did not imagine, although he learned to the translator.

She starred in more than 40 films and played a large number of roles in the theater. The program "Wait for me" Maria Shukshin dedicated for about 15 years and left the project in 2014. She admitted that he was morally exhausted and decided to redirect their strength on filming movies, to devote themselves to the family and the newly born grandson.

Who else led the program?

Throughout the transmission time, there are several leading transmission on the first channel for various reasons. Often Igor Vladimirovich Kvasha could not participate in filming for health. Maria went on maternity leave.

In one of these periods, Mikhail Efremov came to change. He then worked alternately with Igor Vladimirovich alternately. After the death of the main leading Efremov, he stayed in the project for another 2 years and left. In his place was the actor

Who behaves "wait for me" after the departure of Mary Shukshina? She was replaced by the project Ksenia Alferov. In a pair with Galiban, they worked until August 2017. Then, unfortunately, the first channel did not extend the contract with the project, and the broadcast of the program was stopped.

Transfer "Wait for me" on NTV

From late October, the project comes out on another channel. Leading programs "Wait for me" again changed. Now the audience will see Yulia Vysotsky and Sergey Shakurov on the screens. The concept of the transfer will not change.

Spectators will see a spacious updated studio and all the same real stories from the life of people who are sometimes difficult to believe. It was decided to disclose the secrets of the search process of missing and show how the center "Wait for Me" works.

Another leading project will appear in the updated project, which is headed by a search team "Liza Alert". Gregory Sergeev will tell how hard it is to find a person who has no information for many years.

New leading Julia Vysotskaya and ("wait for me") After filming the first issues with their participation, they admitted that it was emotionally very hard to reside the history of the guests of the program. But they are confident that hope for a meeting with expensive people should help live on and go ahead.

Spectators of the transfer after its viewing understand that the world still has a miracle and real love. The first editions on NTV have already been broadcast, a discussion of some changes in transmission actively began. Someone likes a new version, and others do not suit something. But the main thing is that the project continues to live on and people occur after long years of separation. And who leads the transfer "Wait for me" on NTV, will no longer be a secret.

« Wait for me» ( "I am looking for you" From 1998 to 2000) - International Teleproject, Talk Show and at the same time National People Search Service.

It turns out on Russian television since 1998. At different times, Igor Kvasha (1998 -2012), Mikhail Efremov, Maria Shukshina, Alexander Domogarov, Chulpan Hamatova, Sergey Nikonenko, Yegor Beroev, Alexander Galibin, Ksenia Aleförova.

"Look for each other, whatever it, and wait, no matter what!"

International Format

Since 2009, the program "Wait for Me" has been in international format. Valid through satellite communications with, China, USA, Israel, Turkey, Armenia and Argentina. In the largest cities of these countries, people who want to tell about those whom they are looking for are gather in special studios.


  • In 2010, the program established a kind of record: they managed to organize a meeting of people who have not seen 85 years old.
  • In the Azerbaijani Azad TV channel since 2010 there is an analogue of the transmission "Wait for me" - "I am looking for you" (Azerb. Seni Axtariram) with the leading Khošgadam Hidatyat Gyy.
  • Currently, there are only two countries on the planet, where the program "Wait for Me" did not help in finding and did not find missing people - Mantigua and Barbuda and the Republic of Cape Verde.
  • In 2008, on the basis of the transmission plots, a documentary mini-series "Incredible stories about life" was made, which was also broadcast on the first channel.
  • In 2003, repeated releases of the program on the "First Channel" were broadcast with a sorcepore.

Social project

To date, the TV show "Wait for me" turned into a huge social project to find the missing people. The editors cooperate more than 500 voluntary assistants from Russia, the CIS and foreign countries. The program works fruitfully for many years with the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

From October 2000 to 2004, the newspaper "Wait for Me". In Moscow, at the Kazan train station, there is a Kiosk "Wait for me", where you can also leave a request for a person's search.


Such a program first appeared on May 16, 1956 on the radio leading was Agnia Barto. On March 14, 1998, for the first time he went to the TV called "I am looking for yourself", and later it was renamed "I am looking for you." The authors of the ideas were journalists Oksana Nicook, Victoria El Malally and Sergey Kushner.

Initially, the program went out on the RTR channel once a month on Saturdays at 13:00 live. The first few issues led Oksana Nicheuk. On June 13, 1998, Igor Kvasha joined it. At the end of 1998, the contract of RTR channel and the VID television company ended. A new contract was signed soon, but the television company no longer produced this program for RTR. However, one pressed release remained, which was shown on September 26, 1999 on ORT.

The program resumed on October 12, 1999 on ORT. Andrei Smobash, the producer of the TV company "View", put forward such a condition for this: the well-known people who became famous in another area should be kept (as described in the book "Bitles of Perestroika"). Due to this, Oksana Niche was dismissed, and she came to replace the actress Maria Shukshin. Oksana Nicook more than once was sued with the leadership of the VID television company and with difficulty on January 18, 2001 achieved 2,084,460 rubles. On May 9, 2000, when she decided to submit to the Higher Court, the name of the program was changed to "wait for me." From February 7, 2005, the program also comes in Ukraine.

For 17 years of the transmission, more than 193,620 were found.

All these years, the program "Wait for me" went out in weekly regime not only in Russia. Studios "Wait for me" worked in Yerevan, Chisinau, Minsk, Astana, Kiev. Special issues for Ukraine and Kazakhstan continue to be broadcast and now. Together we managed to find more than 200 thousand people.

"Wait for me", the latest news about the transfer

But times are changing. Priorities of the first channel noticeably shifted towards entertainment programs. This is the main reason for the transition "Wait for me" to another federal channel.

They became NTV, who in two years really changed. New projects unite people and are often forced to think about something very important. This is primarily the project "You're super!", Which, in my opinion, has become an event of this year. That is why NTV in the form and with the content strategy on which it is focused today is the best of the sites for "waiting for me."

It seems to us that on NTV "Wait for me" will heal with a new bright life.

Program "Wait for me" when it will be on the ether

In the NTV program grid, the transfer "Wait for me" is not yet indicated. When it was the rest of the show, Alexander Lyubimov did not specify.

Wait for me: the latest release of the program in 2017 is watch online on the first channel. Release of September 1, 2017 (video YouTube).

According to the source of RBC on the "First Channel", the contract for the production of another popular program of production "WID" - "Field of Miracles" - Perepodpisan. "With the" field of miracles "everything is in order. The contract on it was extended, as is done automatically over the past 20 years, "he explained.

As RBC explained the source on the "First Channel", the main reason for the non-contract of the contract with the "WID" for the production of "Wait for me" is the "personnel policy of the new program team".

Why are there no program waiting for me on the first channel? The reasons.

"They [New Team" Wait for Me "] dismissed without coordination with the" first channel "of the leading program of Alexander Galibina. And at the moment, the manufacturer did not prevent the candidacy of the lead, which would suit the "Channel One," - he said, adding that as a result, it was decided not to extend the contract with the "VID" on the production of the program.

The source told RBC that the TV company put forward to the role of the lead "Wait for me" the candidacy of the actor and producer Sergey Zhigunov, but the "first channel" is rejected.

"The show will no longer leave the" First Channel "ether, the other source of RBC clarified. - On September 15, there will be a repeat of one of the old issues. "

He confirms that "the conflict of the manufacturer and the TV channel was provoked by creative disagreements about the candidacy of the leading program."

The manufacturer of the program - Tele Company VID - refused to comment on RBC. "Channel One" did not respond to the RBC request.

The program "Wait for me" was closed due to the conflict of the TV channel "VID" with the first channel

According to the official site of Life RU, the program "Wait for me" stops its existence. As SUPER managed to find out, the VID television company refused to extend the contract with the leading Alexander Galibin, offering to replace him with Sergey Zhigunov or Andrei Sokolov. Representatives of the first were against the dismissal of the lead, so during the conflict it was decided to close the program completely.

The program "Wait for me" closed

The official website of the ribbon RU informs that the first channel decided not to extend the contract with the VID television company for the production of the program "Wait for Me". It is reported by RBC with reference to the source on the channel.

According to the source of the publication, the time of the previous contract has expired, and the parties could not agree on the candidacy of the new lead. Alexander Galibina, who led "Wait for me," dismissed without coordination with the first, and the new candidates did not suit the channel.

The program "Wait for me" on the first channel.

The program "Wait for Me" has been published since 1998. The first editions showed the RTR television channel (now "Russia-1"), since 1999 it goes to ORT (now "Channel"). Leading "Wait for me" were artists Igor Kvasha, Maria Shukshin, Mikhail Efremov, Alexander Domogarov, Egor Beroev, Chulpan Hamatov. The program is devoted to finding people missing and lost each other. The program's website provides data on more than 200 thousand found by "waiting for me" missing people.

Channel One, will go to the NTV channel, reported on October 10, the program of transfer, President of the TV company "Vidgital" Alexander Lotsimov on his network page Facebook..

"The program" Wait for me "will no longer go out on the first channel. It will be NTV with a new home," wrote loved. During the years of the program's release, he said, it was possible to find more than 200 thousand people. Studios "Wait for me" worked in Yerevan, Chisinau, Minsk, Astana, Kiev. Special issues for Ukraine and Kazakhstan continue to be broadcast and now, noted Lyubimov.

In his opinion, the reason for the failure of the first channel from the transmission is that its priorities "were noticeably shifted towards entertainment programs."

As reported on September 14, the first channel once again extended the contract with the TV company "VID" on the production of the program "Field of Miracles", but refused to continue cooperation with the transfer "Wait for Me". According to the source of RBC, the cause of the contract has become the "personnel policy of the new program team". "They (the new team" Wait for me ") dismissed without coordination with the first channel of the leading program of Alexander Galina. And at the moment the manufacturer did not provide the candidacy of the lead that would arrange the first channel," the interlocutor explained.

"Wait for me" coming out on Russian television since 1998, its production was engaged in the "appearance" television company, who changed the name in October to "Vidgital". At different times, Igor Kvasha (1998-2012), Mikhail Efremov, Maria Shukshina, Alexander Domogarov, Chulpan Khamatova, Sergey Nikonenko, Yegor Beroev and Ksenia Alferov, Alexander Galibin. The last edition of the program was broader on September 1, 2017.

Changes on the first

At the end of July, the media began to circulate a rumor about dismissal from the first channel of the leading transfer "Let Andrei Malakhov, and the various reasons for his intended care were called. On August 21, the presenter still announced his transition from the first channel to the TV channel "Russia 1", where the program "Andrei Malakhov. Live Ether".

In addition, on August 15, the first channel broke the contact with the company "House", which is engaged in the production of TV broadcasting "While all at home", which is broadcast since 1992. The reason was the information about financial transfer streams.

This event and assumptions regarding Malakhov, in turn, perhaps caused false information about the soon closure and other gears. Therefore, on August 18, the first channel had to refute the rumors about the closure of four projects - "Control Procurement", "First Studio", "Let's get married" and "fashionable sentence."

"For the future: we do not close and" the field of miracles ", KVN," What? Where? When? "And" Evening Urgant ". With" Who wants to become a millionaire "everything is in order too." Good morning "perfectly feels like. The program" Time "still comes out at 21:00. In" Smak "the products did not end. Dmitry Krylov buys tickets on the following journey. "Let them say" with Dmitry Borisov collects excellent ratings. Soon you will see the updated "tonight." Posner, by the way, also with us, "- quoted RBC with a virtual comment of the first channel press service.

At the same time, we note that the transfer "Wait for me" was then not mentioned.

Our lifestyle is a long and unpredictable. We are born, learn, work, find our halves, leaving the spaces have found to go in the distance, for the conquest of new life vertices. Those people, without which we have not previously imagined your life, are lost somewhere behind, at the hint of life roads, the memory of them is erased, the segments spent together are forgotten, and only photos of the photographs remind those who previously formed the basis of our lives. And only years later, at the moments of nostalgia, we remember them, and strive to find your own traits among millions of alien to us. An invaluable help in such searches is provided by the social project "Wait for me", a well-known viewer in the television broadcast on the NTV channel. Below will look at how to find out who is looking for me in waiting for me on the official website, and how to work with this resource.

The Soviet broadcast "I am looking for a man", who went to the Radio "Lighthouse" from 1964 to 1973, became the first-axis-known reader of the TV shows "Wait for me". Only in 1988, with access to RTR television channel "I am looking for you", the project received a television format and began to develop rapidly. Since then, the program has not once changed the channel and the name, and now it turns out on the NTV television name under the name "Wait for me."

Now the television project "Wait for me" goes on the NTV television channel

During the years of its existence, the project helped to find more than 200 thousand people. The program covered volunteers, connections from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, acquired an international character, and even its own newspaper. Users and the Web Web Web Website of the program "Wait for Me", able to help people in search of the people you need. Features of working with him We will look further.

How to find out who is looking for me in waiting for me on the official website

The TV shows "Wait for me" will come every day letters from thousands of people leading to the families lost in the lifestyles of their lives and loved ones. The project base now includes more than 2.5 million applications for people search, constantly causing all new requests. Here you can not only see if anyone is looking for you, but also to leave the application for the search for people you need (you need to register on the resource).

How to find out who is looking for you on "wait for me"? Go to the Poisk.vid.ru website, enter your name and surname, and then click on "Search".

The system will give you all available applications for your search.

If the number of applications found is large (this may be associated with the prevalence of the entered name and surname), then you can use the enhanced search feature that sends not related requests. The function of the extended search allows you to select age frames, gender, as well as search by the number of previously submitted application for a person's search.

Advanced search on the site "Wait for me"

How to look for a person on "Wait for me"

If you yourself want to find a person on "waiting for me", then you will need to register on the specified resource Poisk.vid.ru.

In addition to creating an application for a search, you can communicate with the editors of the TV show "Wait for Me" through your personal account. During learn about what you are looking for, as well as to become a volunteer of the project.

  1. After registration, go to your personal account, and click on the inscription "Search".
  2. Fill in the data about the desired person, and in a couple of minutes your application will appear on the site.

After 2 days, volunteers will begin work on finding a search, and with a successful result will notify you through the site or by phone.

Search group VK

In addition to the "Wait for Me" site, the digital search capabilities also include a group "Wait for me" in the social network "VKontakte"